SHARE PLEDGE AGREEMENT

This Share Pledge Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into on January 26,
2006 in Beijing by and among the following parties:

Address:              Room C709, south road No. 18, west ring of Beijing Economy
                      & Technology Development Area

Legal Representative:

Xinrui Network:       WANG GUIJUN
Address:              A17, An De Li North Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Party C:              LI YANG
Address:              No. 210 Building 397, Guang An Men Wai Avenue, Xuanwu
                      District Beijing


1.   Party A is a wholly foreign owned company registered in the PRC.

2.   Beijing Xinrui Network Technology Company Limited ("Xinrui Network")is a
     limited company registered in China and licensed by relevant government
     authorities to hold a Telecommunications Value-added Service Operation
     Permit, which qualifies it to engage in telecommunications value-added

3.   Party A and Party B signed Exclusive Technical Consultation and Service
     Agreement on January 28, 2006; Party A, Party B, Party C and Xinrui Network
     have signed Share Disposal Agreement and Business Operation Agreement on
     January 28, 2006.

4.   Party B and Party C (the "Pledgor") are the shareholders of Xinrui Network
     and own 51% and 49% equity interest in Xinrui Network respectively.

5.   In order to guarantee that Party A collects normally technical service fees
     from Xinrui Network,


     which is owned by Party B and Party C, under the Exclusive Technical
     Consulting and Services Agreement, and to ensure the performance of the
     Share Disposal Agreement and Business Operation Agreement, the Pledgors are
     willing to severally and jointly pledge all their equity interest in Xinrui
     Network to the Pledgee as a security for the performance of the obligations
     under the aforesaid agreements, with Party A as the Pledgee.

Therefore, through friendly negotiations and in the principles of equality and
mutual benefit, the parties hereby enter agreement as follows.


Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:

1.1  Pledge means the full content of Article 2 hereunder.

1.2  Equity Interest means 100% equity interests in Xinrui Network legally and
     jointly held by the Pledgors and all the present and future rights and
     benefits based on such equity interest.

1.3  Reorganization Agreements mean Exclusive Technical Consultation and Service
     Agreement, Share Disposition Agreement and Business Operation Agreement as
     mentioned in point 3 under whereas of this Agreement.

1.4  Event of Default means any event in accordance with Article 7 hereunder.

1.5  Notice of Default means the notice of default issued by the Pledgee in
     accordance with this Agreement.


2.1  The Pledgors agree to pledge all the equity interest in Xinrui Network to
     Party A as the security for Party A's rights and interest under the
     reorganization agreements.

2.2  The Pledge under this Agreement refers to the rights owned by the Pledgee
     to collect the fees (including legal fees), expenses and losses that Xinrui
     Network shall pay under the Technical


     Consulting and Service Agreement, and civil liabilities that Xinrui Network
     or Pledgors shall bear in case the Reorganization Agreement wholly or
     partially becomes nullify due to any reason.

2.3  The Pledge under this Agreement refers to the prior right owned by the
     Pledgee to the money gained from the conversion, auction, or sell of the
     equity interests pledged by the Pledgor to the Pledgee.

2.4  Unless consented to in writing by Xinrui Network after the execution of
     this Agreement, the pledge under this Agreement will be discharged only
     when Xinrui Network and Pledgors have performed all the obligations and
     liabilities under the Reorganization Agreements and Party A confirms in
     writing. If Xinrui Network or Pledgors have not fully performed all or part
     of its obligations or liabilities under the Reorganization Agreements at
     the expiration of such agreements, Party A will maintain the pledge
     hereunder up to the date when all such obligations and liabilities are
     fully performed.


3.1  This Agreement shall take effect as of the date when the Agreement is
     executed by Party A, Party B and Party C.

3.2  Party A is entitled to dispose the pledge hereunder if Xinrui Network fails
     to pay the fees in accordance with the Technical Consulting and Service
     Agreement or fail to perform the Business Operation Agreement and the Share
     Disposal Agreement.


4.1  During the term of Pledge under this Agreement, the Pledgor shall deliver
     the physical possession of the Certificate of Distribution (original) of
     Xinrui Network, provide the testification of the proper record of such
     pledge on the shareholders' register of Xinrui Network to Party A within 7
     working days as of the date of conclusion of this Agreement and pass
     through all procedures required by Chinese laws.

4.2  Party B and Party C shall make corresponding change to the record of
     pledge, provided the change is required to be recorded according to law;
     and such change shall be made within 15


     days from occurrence of the change.

4.3  During the share pledge term, the Pledgor shall instruct Xinrui Network not
     to distribute any dividends and profits or make any profit distribution
     plan; in case Pledgor shall receive any monetary interests other than from
     dividends, profits and profit distribution plan, Pledgor shall, on Party
     A's request, instruct Xinrui Network to remit such kind of payment to the
     bank account appointed by Party A; Pledgor shall not use the aforesaid
     interest without Party A's prior written consent.

4.4  During the share pledge term, in case Pledgor receive new shares according
     to Xinrui Network's plan of free delivering shares to shareholder, the new
     increased shares shall be automatically turned into pledged shares under
     this Agreement; the Pledgor shall complete all pledge procedures of the new
     increased shares within 10 working days from receipt of the new shares.
     Party A is entitled to exercise the right of the pledge pursuant Article 8
     hereto in case the Pledgor fails to complete the aforesaid procedures.

4.5  If Pledgor is Party A's employee, during the pledge term, the Pledgor
     hereby agrees and promises that whenever either of the Pledgor ceases
     employment with Party A, it shall transfer all its shares in Xinrui Network
     to Party A's designated third party. The third party, which receives the
     transferred shares, shall take all the obligations and enjoy all the rights
     under relevant reorganization agreements. The aforesaid guaranty is
     irrevocable in the term of this Agreement.


     The  Pledgors hereby make the following representation and warranties to
     the Pledgee and confirm that Party A executes this Agreement in reliance of
     such representation and warranties:

5.1  The Pledgors lawfully own the equity interests hereunder and are entitled
     to create pledge on such the equity interests;

5.2  Party A shall not be interfered by any other parties once the board of
     directors of Party A exercises the rights of the Pledge in accordance with
     this Agreement.

5.3  Party A is entitled to dispose the pledge in accordance with relevant laws
     and this Agreement.


5.4  The execution and performance of this Agreement of the Pledgor has gained
     all necessary authorization and shall not violate any applicable laws and
     regulations. The representative who signs this Agreement shall be lawfully
     and effectively authorized.

5.5  Except for the pledge under this Agreement, there is no other burden of
     rights on the equity interests pledged by the Pledgors (including but not
     limited to pledge).

5.6  There is no pending or incoming civil, administrative or criminal
     litigation or administrative punishment or arbitration relating to the
     equity interests hereunder at the date of execution of this Agreement.

5.7  There are no outstanding taxes, fees or undecided legal procedures related
     with the equity interests hereunder at the date of execution of this

5.8  Each provision hereunder is the expression of each Party's true meaning and
     shall be binding upon all the Parties.


6.1  During the term of this Agreement, the Pledgor covenants to Party A that
     the Pledgor will:

     6.1.1 not transfer or assign the equity interests, create or permit to
          create any pledges which may have an adverse effect on the rights or
          benefits of the Pledgee without prior written consent from the Pledgee
          except transfer to the Pledgee or the person designated by the Pledgee
          as required by the Pledgee;

     6.1.2 comply with and implement laws and regulations with respect to the
          pledge of rights, present to Party A the notices, orders or
          suggestions with respect to the Pledge issued or made by the competent
          authority within five days upon receiving such notices, orders or
          suggestions and take actions in accordance with the reasonable
          instruction of Party A;

     6.1.3 timely notify Party A of any events or any received notices which may
          affect the


          Pledgor's equity interest or any part of its right, and any events or
          any received notices which may change the Pledgor's any covenant and
          obligation under this Agreement or which may affect the Pledgor's
          performance of its obligations under this Agreement, take actions in
          accordance with the instructions of Party A;

6.2  The Pledgors agree that Party A's right of exercising the Pledge pursuant
     to this Agreement shall not be suspended or hampered by the Pledgors or any
     successors or transferees of the Pledgors or any other persons.

6.3  The Pledgors warrant to Party A that in order to protect or perfect the
     security over the payment of the technical consulting and service fees
     under the Technical Consulting and Service Agreement, the Pledgors shall
     execute in good faith and cause other parties who have interests in the
     pledge to execute all the title certificates, contracts, and /or perform
     and cause other parties who have interests to take action as required by
     the Pledgee and make access to exercise the rights and authorization vested
     in the Pledgee under this Agreement, and execute all the documents with
     respect to the changes of certificate of equity interests with the Pledgee
     or another party designated by the Pledgee, and provides the Pledgee with
     all the documents regarded as necessary to the Pledgee within the
     reasonable time.

6.4  The Pledgors warrants to Party A that the Pledgors will comply with and
     perform all the guarantees, covenants, agreements, representations and
     conditions for the benefits of the Pledgee. The Pledgor shall compensate
     for all the losses suffered by Party A for the reasons that the Pledgor
     does not perform or fully perform their guarantees, covenants, agreements,
     representations and conditions.


7.1  The following events shall be regarded as an event of default:

     7.1.1 Xinrui Network or its successors or transferees fail to make full
          payment of service fees under the Service Agreement on time, or the
          Pledgors or its successors or transferees fail to perform the Business
          Operation Agreement, Assets Transfer Agreement and the Share Disposal

     7.1.2 The Pledgors make any material misleading or fraudulent
          representations or


          warranties under Article 5 and 6 herein, and/or the Pledgor is in
          violation of any representations or warranties under Article 5 and 6

     7.1.3 The Pledgors gravely violate any provisions of this Agreement;

     7.1.4 The Pledgors waive the pledged equity interests or transfers the
          pledged equity interests without prior written consent from the
          Pledgee except otherwise agreed under Article 6.1.1 herein;

     7.1.5 The Pledgor's any external loan, security, compensation, covenants or
          any other compensation liabilities (1) are required to be repaid or
          performed prior to the scheduled date; or (2) are due but can not be
          repaid or performed as scheduled and thereby cause the Pledgee to deem
          that the Pledgor's capacity to perform the obligations herein is

     7.1.6 The Pledgors are incapable of repaying the general debt or other
          debt, which subsequently affects the interests of Party A;

     7.1.7 This Agreement is illegal for the reason of the promulgation of any
          related laws or the Pledgor's incapability of continuing to perform
          the obligations herein;

     7.1.8 Any approval, permits, licenses or authorization from the competent
          authority of the government needed to perform this Agreement or
          validate this Agreement are withdrawn, suspended, invalidated or
          materially amended;

     7.1.9 The property of the Pledgor is adversely changed and causes Party A
          to deem that the capability of the Pledgor to perform the obligations
          herein is affected;

     7.1.10 Other circumstances whereby the Pledgee is incapable of exercising
          the right to dispose the Pledge in accordance with relevant laws.

7.2  The Pledgor shall immediately give a written notice to Party A if the
     Pledgor is aware of or find that any event under Article 7.1 herein or any
     events that may result in the foregoing events have happened or are going


7.3  Unless the event of default under Article 7.1 herein has been solved to
     Party A's satisfaction, Party A, at any time when the event of default
     happens or thereafter, may give a written notice of default to the Pledgor
     and require the Pledgor to immediately make full payment of the outstanding
     fees under the Service Agreement, and other payables or timely perform the
     Share Disposal Agreement, Business Operation Agreement and Assets Transfer
     Agreement, or dispose the Pledge in accordance with Article 8 herein.


8.1  The Pledgor shall not transfer the pledge without prior written approval
     from Party A prior to the full repayment of the fees under the Service
     Agreement and the full performance of the Share Disposal Agreement,
     Business Operation Agreement and the Assets Transfer Agreement.

8.2  Party A shall give a notice of default to the Pledgors when it exercises
     the right of pledge.

8.3  Subject to Article 7.3, the Pledgee may exercise the right to dispose the
     Pledge at any time when Party A gives a notice of default in accordance
     with Article 7.3 or thereafter.

8.4  Party A is entitled to have priority in receiving payment by the evaluation
     or proceeds from the auction or sale of whole or part of the share pledged
     herein in accordance with legal procedure until the outstanding fees under
     the Servicing Agreement and all other payables there under are repaid, and
     the full performance of the Share Disposal Agreement, Business Operation
     Agreement and the Assets Transfer Agreement.

8.5  The Pledgors shall not hinder the Pledgee from disposing the Pledge in
     accordance with this Agreement and shall give necessary assistance so that
     the Pledgee could realize his Pledge.


9.1  The Pledgors shall not transfer the rights and obligations to any third
     party herein without prior consent from the Pledgee.

9.2  This Agreement shall be binding upon the Pledgors and their successors and
     be effective to Party A and his successors and assignees.


9.3  Party A may transfer his all or any rights and obligations under the
     Reorganization Agreement to any third party at any time. In this case, the
     assignee shall enjoy and undertake the same rights and obligations herein
     of Party A as if the assignee is a party hereto. When Party A transfers the
     rights and obligations under the Reorganization Agreement, at the request
     of Party A, the Pledgors shall execute relevant agreements and/or documents
     with respect to such transfer.

9.4  After the Pledgee's change resulting from the transfer, the new parties to
     the pledge shall reexecute a pledge agreement.


10.1 Party A and Party B shall be responsible for half of all the fees and
     actual expenditures in relation to this Agreement including but not limited
     to legal fees, cost of production, stamp tax and any other taxes and


11.1 If this Agreement is delayed in or prevented from performing in the Event
     of Force Majeure ("Event of Force Majeure"), only within the limitation of
     such delay or prevention, the affected party is absolved from any liability
     under this Agreement. Force Majeure, which includes acts of governments,
     acts of nature, fire, explosion, geographic change, flood, earthquake,
     tide, lightning, war, means any unforeseen events beyond the prevented
     party's reasonable control and cannot be prevented with reasonable care.
     However, any shortage of credit, capital or finance shall not be regarded
     as an event beyond a Party's reasonable control. The Party affected by
     Force Majeure who claims for exemption from performing any obligations
     under this Agreement or under any Article herein shall notify the other
     party of such exemption promptly and advice him of the steps to be taken
     for completion of the performance.

11.2 The Pledge affected by Force Majeure shall not assume any liability under
     this Agreement. However, subject to the Party affected by Force Majeure
     having taken its reasonable and practicable efforts to perform this
     Agreement, the Party claiming for exemption of the liabilities may only be
     exempted from performing such liability as within limitation of the part
     performance delayed or prevented by Force Majeure. Once causes for such
     exemption of liabilities are rectified and remedied, both parties agree to
     resume performance of this Agreement with their


     best efforts.


12.1 The execution, validity, performance and interpretation of this Agreement
     shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the PRC law.

12.2 The parties shall strive to settle any dispute arising from the
     interpretation or performance through friendly consultation. In case no
     settlement can be reached through consultation, each party can submit such
     matter to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
     ("CIETAC") for arbitration. The arbitration shall follow the current rules
     of CIETAC, and the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in Chinese
     and shall take place in Beijing. The arbitration award shall be final and
     binding upon the parties.

12.3 Each Party shall continue performance of this Agreement in good faith
     according to the stipulations herein except the matters in dispute.


     Any notice or correspondence, which is given by the Party as stipulated
     hereunder, shall be in Chinese and English writing and shall be delivered
     in person or by registered or prepaid mail or recognized express service,
     or be transmitted by telex or facsimile to the following addresses:


     Address: Room C709, south road No. 18, west ring of Beijing Economy &
              Technology Development Area

     Fax: ___________________
     Tele: __________________
     Addressee: __________________________________________


     Address: A17, An De Li North Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
     Fax: ___________________
     Tele: __________________


     Addressee: ___________________________________________

     Address: No. 210 Building 397, Guang An Men Wai Avenue, Xuanwu
     District Beijing

     Fax: ____________________
     Tele: ____________________
     Addressee: ____________________________________________


     The appendices to this Agreement are entire and integral part of this


     The Pledgee's non-exercise or delay in exercise of any rights, remedies,
     power or privileges hereunder shall not be deemed as the waiver of such
     rights, remedies, power or privileges. Any single or partial exercise of
     the rights, remedies, power and privileges shall not exclude the Pledgee
     from exercising any other rights, remedies, power and privileges. The
     rights, remedies, power and privileges hereunder are accumulative and shall
     not exclude the application of any other rights, remedies, power and
     privileges stipulated by laws.


16.1 Any amendments, modifications or supplements to this Agreement shall be in
     writing and come into effect upon being executed and sealed by the parties

16.2 In case any terms and stipulations in this Agreement is regarded as illegal
     or can not be performed in accordance with the applicable law, such terms
     and stipulations shall be deemed to lose effect and enforcement within the
     scope governed by the applicable law, and the rest stipulations will remain

16.3 This Agreement is made in Chinese original and shall be kept in 3 copies.


(No text on this page, signatory page)


Authorized Representative: _________________







1.   Shareholders Name List of Xinrui Network Technology Co. Ltd.

2.   Investment Certificate of Establishing Xinrui Network Technology Co. Ltd.
