[Translated from Chinese Original]

                           CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT


                              DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.

                                   MARCH 2008

This Agreement is entered into in Beijing as of March 3, 2008 by and among the
following parties:

Registered Address: Room 938-941, Power C, Corporate Square, No. 35 Financial
Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, the People's Republic of China (the "PRC")
Postal Code: 100032

Address: Floor 9, Tower C, Corporate Square, No. 35 Financial Street, Xicheng
District, Beijing, the PRC
ID No. :370102197012163311

Address: Floor 9, Tower C, Corporate Square, No. 35 Financial Street, Xicheng
District, Beijing, the PRC
ID No. :110102196307100139


A. Party A is a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing
under the laws of the PRC, with a registered capital of RMB 3,000,000.

B. Party B and Party C are current shareholders of Party A; Party B holds RMB
1.65 million contribution (55%) in the registered capital of Party A, and Party
C holds RMB 1.35 million contribution (45%) in the registered capital of Party

C Party A intends to increase its registered capital, and Party B and Party C
agree to subscribe and contribute to the newly increased registered capital in
accordance with this Agreement.

THEREFORE, in accordance with the principle of fairness and mutual benefit,
through friendly negotiation, the Parties hereby enter into the following

1.   Definitions and Interpretations

     1.1  Definitions

Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms used in this Agreement shall have
the meanings set forth below:

"Articles of Association" means the amended Articles of Association, which shall
reflect the terms of this Agreement executed by the Parties.

"Company" means Beijing Fuhua Innovation Technology Development Co., Ltd.

"Effective Date" means the date when this Agreement takes effect pursuant to
Article 5.1 herein.

"Newly Increased Registered Capital" means the registered capital Party A
intends to increase, i.e. RMB 7 million.

"Increased Registered Capital" means the registered capital of the Company after
the capital increase pursuant to this Agreement, i.e. RMB 10 million.

     1.2  Interpretation

The headings of articles herein are provided for the purpose of reference. Such
headings shall in no event be used or affected interpretations of the terms

2.   Capital Increase

     2.1 Party A has the registered capital of RMB 3 million and has decided to
     increase the registered capital to RMB 10 million ("Increased Registered
     Capital"), in which the amount of the newly increased registered capital is
     RMB 7 million ("Newly Increased Registered Capital").

     2.2 Party B agrees to contribute RMB 3.85 million to Party B for the
     subscription of the Newly Increased Registered Capital; Party C agrees to
     contribute RMB 3.15 million to Party B for the subscription of the Newly
     Increased Registered Capital. After completing the above capital increase,
     Party B will account for RMB 5.50 million (55%) in the registered capital
     of Party A, and Party C will account for RMB 4.50 million (45%) in the
     registered capital of Party A.

     2.3 Party A agrees Party B and Party C to subscribe for the Newly Increased
     Registered Capital of Party A pursuant to this Agreement.

     2.4 The Parties shall amend the Articles of Association of Party A and
     other relevant legal documents pursuant to this Agreement, and assist Party
     A in completing the registration procedures at the industry and commerce

3.   Closing

     3.1 Party B and Party C shall contribute all the subscriptions of the Newly
     Increased Registered Capital to Party A in one payment prior to March 10,

     3.2 After receiving the payment for the Newly Increased Registered Capital
     from Party B and Party C, Party A shall immediately arrange a PRC certified
     accountant to make the capital verification of the capital contributed by
     Party B and Party C within the time period specified by the Articles of
     Association, and issue a capital verification report and capital
     contribution certification to Party B and Party C.

4.   Representation and Warranties

     Each party hereby represents to the other parties that:

     4.1 It has all the necessary rights, powers and authorizations to enter
     into this Agreement and perform its duties and obligations hereunder.

     4.2 The execution or performance of this Agreement shall not violate any
     significant contract or agreement to which it is a party or by which it is
     or its assets are bounded.

     4.3 This Agreement will constitute legal, valid and binding obligations to
     such Party, and such obligations can be enforced upon the execution of this

5.   Effectiveness

     5.1 The agreement shall be effective upon execution ("Effective Date").

6.   Breach of this Agreement

     6.1 Any non performance of any provision hereof, incomplete performance of
     any obligation provided hereunder by any Party shall constitute an event of
     default. The defaulting Party shall assume all the losses of other Parties
     suffered. If any violation of the obligations hereunder or the
     misrepresentation made in the representation, undertakings and warranties
     hereunder fail to be remedied effectively within 15 days after the
     non-breaching party sent a written notice ( or such other longer time as
     agreed by the non-breach party in writing), the non-breaching party is
     entitled to terminate this Agreement immediately unilaterally. The
     defaulting Party shall assume all the losses of other Parties suffered.

7.   Dispute Resolution

     7.1 Any dispute arises from the interpretation or performance of terms
     hereof by the parties, shall be settled through friendly consultation. If
     the parties fail to make an written agreement after consultation, the
     dispute shall be submitted for arbitration in accordance with the
     agreement. The arbitration shall be final and exclusive. Unless otherwise
     expressly stipulated herein, any party waives expressly its right to submit
     a dispute to court for a legal action, and the waiver is irrevocable.

     7.2 The arbitration shall be submitted to China International Economic and
     Trade Arbitration Committee ("Arbitration Committee") to be arbitrated in
     accordance with then-in-force arbitration rules. The place of arbitration
     shall be Beijing. Unless otherwise stipulated in the arbitration award, the
     arbitration fee (including reasonable attorney fees and expenses) shall be
     borne by the losing party.

8.   Miscellaneous

     8.1 The failure or delay of any party hereof to exercise any right
     hereunder shall not be deemed as a waiver thereof, nor any single or
     partial exercise of any right preclude further exercise thereof in future
     by the party.

     8.2 Each party hereunder concludes the agreement with legal purpose. Each
     term hereof is severable and independent from the others. If at any time
     one or more of such terms is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable,
     the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining terms hereof
     shall not in any way be affected thereby; and the parties shall make every
     endeavor to negotiate and arrive at new terms to substitute the invalid,
     illegal and unenforceable terms, and preserve as near as possible business
     purposes of the original terms.

     8.3 Matters not covered in the agreement shall be dealt with by the Parties
     otherwise, pursuant to Chinese laws.

     8.4 The agreement is executed in five original copies, and are equally
     authentic. Each party hereto shall hold one copy, and the remaining two
     shall be used for relevant industry and commerce registration procedures.

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This Agreement is executed by the following parties on March 3, 2008:

Party A: Beijing Fuhua Innovation Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Party B: Wang Jun

Party C: Zhao Zhiwei