Exhibit 99.1
                                                                EXECUTION COPY


AGREEMENT,  dated as of February 19, 2003 (this "Amendment"),  to
that  certain Transfer and Administration Agreement dated  as  of
March  21,  2001, as amended by Amendment No. 1 to  Transfer  and
Administration Agreement dated as of November 30, 2001, Amendment
No.  2  to  Transfer  and Administration Agreement  dated  as  of
December 14, 2001, Amendment No. 3 to Transfer and Administration
Agreement dated as of March 20, 2002, Amendment No. 4 to Transfer
and   Administration  Agreement  dated  as  of  March  29,  2002,
Amendment No. 5 to Transfer and Administration Agreement dated as
of  May  22,  2002,  and Amendment No. 6 and  Limited  Waiver  to
Transfer  and Administration Agreement dated as of September  27,
2002 (as so amended and in effect, the "TAA"), by and among Arrow
Electronics  Funding  Corporation, a  Delaware  corporation  (the
"SPV"),   Arrow  Electronics,  Inc.,  a  New  York   corporation,
individually  ("Arrow") and as the initial Master  Servicer,  the
several commercial paper conduits identified on Schedule A to the
TAA  and  their respective permitted successors and assigns  (the
"Conduit  Investors";  each individually, a "Conduit  Investor"),
the  agent  bank  set  forth opposite the name  of  each  Conduit
Investor  on  such  Schedule A and its permitted  successors  and
assigns  (each  a "Funding Agent") with respect to  such  Conduit
Investor,  and Bank of America, National Association, a  national
banking   association,  as  the  administrative  agent  for   the
Investors   (the  "Administrative  Agent"),  and  the   financial
institutions  from  time  to time parties  thereto  as  Alternate
Investors.   Capitalized  terms used and  not  otherwise  defined
herein have the meanings assigned to such terms in the TAA.

                     PRELIMINARY STATEMENTS:

          WHEREAS,  the  SPV, Arrow, the Conduit  Investors,  the
Funding  Agents,  the Alternate Investors and the  Administrative
Agent have entered into the TAA;

          WHEREAS,  the  SPV  and Arrow have requested  that  the
Conduit  Investors,  the Funding Agents, the Alternate  Investors
and  the  Administrative Agent agree to make certain changes  and
amendments to the TAA;

          WHEREAS, subject to the terms and conditions set  forth
herein,  the  Conduit  Investors, the  Alternate  Investors,  the
Funding  Agents and the Administrative Agent are willing to  make
such changes and amendments to the TAA; and

          NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the  premises  and
for  other  good  and  valuable consideration,  the  receipt  and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties  hereto
hereby agree as follows:

     SECTION  1.  Amendments  to the TAA.  Effective  as of the date  hereof and
subject to the  satisfaction of the conditions  precedent set forth in Section 4
hereof, the TAA is hereby amended as follows:

               Section 1.1.        Section 1.1. is hereby amended by adding the
following   new  definitions  in  their  respective  alphabetical
locations, to read in their entirety as follows:

          ""CA  Adjusted Fees" means, at a particular  date,  the
          sum  of  the  annualized rates of all fees and  margins
          then in effect on such date under the Multi-year Credit
          Agreement  that are payable periodically to  the  banks
          and  other  financial institutions and  not  any  agent
          thereunder  (except  for  account  of  such  banks  and
          financial  institutions) and accrue based  on  (x)  the
          utilized  portion  of  any  commitment  to  make  loans
          thereunder  in  United States Dollars that  shall  bear
          interest  by  reference  to a London  interbank  market
          rate,  provided  that  such fee  or  margin  shall  not
          otherwise  be  payable or accrue under  the  Multi-year
          Credit  Facility  on  the unutilized  portion  of  such
          commitment,  (y)  the outstanding principal  amount  of
          such  committed  loans  or (z) both  the  utilized  and
          unutilized amount of such commitment, provided that, in
          the case of any fee or margin under this subclause (z),
          the  annualized  rate of such fee or  margin  shall  be
          included in the sum under this definition solely to the
          extent of the excess, if any, of the annualized rate of
          such fee or margin over the Facility Fee Rate hereunder
          on  such date.  The sum under this definition above  on
          the  Closing Date shall (by reference to the Multi-year
          Credit Agreement as then in effect) be equal to the sum
          of (1) the "Applicable Margin" (as defined in the Multi-
          year  Credit Agreement) on such date, plus (2) the  per
          annum rate then used to calculate the "utilization fee"
          pursuant  to  Section  7.1  of  the  Multi-year  Credit
          Agreement on such date, plus (3) the excess, if any, of
          the  "Facility Fee Rate" (as defined in the  Multi-year
          Credit  Agreement) on such date over the  Facility  Fee
          Rate hereunder on such date."

          ""CA Loan Parties" has the meaning ascribed to the term
          "Loan Parties" in the Multi-year Credit Agreement."

          ""Calculation Period" is defined on Schedule II.

          ""Consolidated  Net Worth" means at a particular  date,
          all amounts which would be included under shareholders'
          equity on a consolidated balance sheet of Arrow and its
          CA  Subsidiaries determined on a consolidated basis  in
          accordance  with  GAAP, adjusted  to  exclude  non-cash
          charges due to impairments recorded in accordance  with
          the Financial Accounting Standards Board's Statement of
          Financial Accounting Standards No. 142."

          ""Consolidated  Total  Capitalization"   means   at   a
          particular date, the sum of (a) Consolidated Net  Worth
          plus (b) Consolidated Total Debt as at such date."

          ""Consolidated  Total  Debt"  means  at  the  date   of
          determination  thereof, (i) all Indebtedness  of  Arrow
          and  its  CA  Subsidiaries (excluding  Indebtedness  of
          Arrow   owing   to  any  of  its  CA  Subsidiaries   or
          Indebtedness of any CA Subsidiary owing to Arrow or any
          other  CA  Subsidiary of Arrow),  as  determined  on  a


          consolidated  basis in accordance with GAAP  plus  (ii)
          without  duplication of amounts included in clause  (i)
          above,  an amount equal to the aggregate unpaid  amount
          of   cash  proceeds  advanced  by  the  CA  Receivables
          Financiers to the special purpose entity under  any  CA
          Permitted  Receivables Securitization at  the  date  of

               Section 1.2.        Section 1.1 is amended by amending and
restating the definition of "Commitment," such definition to read
in its entirety as follows:

          ""Commitment"  means, with respect  to  each  Alternate
          Investor,  as the context requires, (a) the  commitment
          of  such Alternate Investor to make Investments and  to
          pay  Assignment  Amounts in accordance herewith  in  an
          amount  not  to  exceed  the amount  described  in  the
          following  clause  (b), and (b) the dollar  amount  set
          forth  opposite  such  Alternate  Investor's  name   on
          Schedule   A   hereto  under  the  heading   "Alternate
          Investor(s)  Commitment" (or (i)  in  the  case  of  an
          Alternate   Investor  which  becomes  a  party   hereto
          pursuant to an Assignment and Assumption Agreement,  as
          set  forth  in such Assignment and Assumption Agreement
          and  (ii)  in  the case of an Alternate Investor  which
          becomes  a  party  hereto  pursuant  to  an  Additional
          Commitment  Amendment, as specified in such  Additional
          Commitment Amendment), minus the dollar amount  of  any
          Commitment   or  portion  thereof  assigned   by   such
          Alternate  Investor  pursuant  to  an  Assignment   and
          Assumption  Agreement, plus the dollar  amount  of  any
          increase   to  such  Alternate  Investor's   Commitment
          consented  to by such Alternate Investor prior  to  the
          time  of determination; provided, however, that in  the
          event that the Facility Limit is reduced, the aggregate
          of the Commitments of all the Alternate Investors shall
          be  reduced in a like amount and the Commitment of each
          Alternate  Investor shall be reduced in  proportion  to
          such reduction.

               Section 1.3.        Section 1.1 is amended by amending and
restating  the definition of "Commitment Termination Date,"  such
definition to read in its entirety as follows:

          ""Commitment  Termination Date" means the  earliest  to
          occur  of  (a)  February 19, 2006,  (b)  the  date  the
          commitment  of any Program Support Provider  terminates
          under  any Program Support Agreement, and (c) the  date
          of  termination  of  any  Program   Support  Agreement;
          provided,  that in any event the Commitment Termination
          Date  shall  not occur prior to February 18,  2004  (or
          such  later  date  as  to which the  SPV,  Arrow,  each
          Conduit  Investor, Funding Agent and Alternate Investor
          affected thereby and the Administrative Agent may agree
          in writing)."

               Section 1.4.        Section 1.1 is amended by amending the
definition of "Adjusted Consolidated EBITDA" by inserting,  after
the word "Affiliates," in clause (d) thereof:

          "plus (e) to the extent deducted from earnings in
          determining Consolidated Net Income for such period,
          non-cash charges due to impairments recorded in such


          period in accordance with the Financial Accounting
          Standards Board's Statement of Financial Accounting
          Standards No. 142,".

               Section 1.5.        Section 1.1 is amended by amending and
restating  clause (e) of the definition of "Eligible Receivable",
such clause to read in its entirety as follows:

          "(e) as to which at the time of the purchase by the
          Administrative Agent, on behalf of the Funding Agents
          for the benefit of the Investors thereof hereunder the
          Administrative Agent has not notified the SPV that
          either such Receivable or any class of Receivables of
          which such Receivable is a part is not acceptable for
          purchase hereunder, as determined by the Funding Agents
          in their reasonable discretion, because of the nature
          of the business of the Obligor or because of a
          potential conflict of interest between the interests of
          the SPV or the Originator, on the one hand, and any
          Investor, any Funding Agent, Conduit Investor, any
          Program Support Provider, any Alternate Investor or any
          of their Affiliates, on the other hand;"

               Section 1.6.        Section 1.1 is amended by amending and
restating  clause (v) of the definition of "Eligible Receivable",
such clause to read in its entirety as follows:

          "(v) [RESERVED]; and"

               Section 1.7.        Section 1.1 is amended by amending and
restating  the  definition of "Facility Limit"  to  read  in  its
entirety as follows:

          ""Facility  Limit"  means $561,000,000;  provided  that
          such  amount  may not at any time exceed the  aggregate
          Commitments then in effect."

               Section 1.8.        Section 1.1 is amended by amending and
restating  the  definition of "Reporting Date"  to  read  in  its
entirety as follows:

          ""Reporting  Date" means each of the  following  dates:
          (i)  at  any time other than during the occurrence  and
          continuance  of  an Arrow Rating Reporting  Event,  the
          18th day of each calendar month or if such day is not a
          Business Day, the next succeeding Business Day, (ii) at
          any  time during the occurrence and continuance  of  an
          Arrow Rating Reporting Event, the third Business Day of
          the   week,  and  (iii)  after  the  occurrence  of   a
          Termination Event, within two (2) Business Days after a
          request   from  the  Administrative  Agent;   provided,
          however,  if the public senior unsecured debt of  Arrow
          is   rated   below  BB+  or  Ba1  by  S&P  or  Moody's,
          respectively, the Reporting Date shall be each Business
          Day of the week."

               Section 1.9.        Section 2.8 is amended by amending and
restating it to read in its entirety as follows:


          ""Reports.  By no later than 4:00 p.m. (New  York  City
          time) on each Reporting Date, the Master Servicer shall
          prepare  and  forward  to  the Administrative  Agent  a
          Master  Servicer Report, as at, and for the Calculation
          Period  ending on, the immediately preceding Month  End
          Date;  provided, however, that with respect to a Master
          Servicer  Report  delivered  on  a  weekly  basis,  the
          information shall be provided as of the Friday  of  the
          preceding  week  and with respect to a Master  Servicer
          Report  delivered  more  frequently  than  weekly,  the
          information  shall be provided as of the  Business  Day
          immediately  prior to such Reporting Date.  The  Master
          Servicer Report shall be certified by the SPV  and  the
          Master   Servicer.   The  Administrative  Agent   shall
          promptly provide a copy of such Master Servicer  Report
          to each Investor."

               Section 1.10.       Section 5.2 is amended by amending and
restating clause (d) thereof, such clause to read in its entirety
as follows:

          "(d)   In the case of an Investment, the Administrative
          Agent shall have received a Master Servicer Report  (i)
          at  any  time  other  than during  the  occurrence  and
          continuance  of an Arrow Rating Event,  dated  no  more
          than  five  (5)  days prior to the proposed  Investment
          Date,  and  (ii) at any time during the occurrence  and
          continuance  of an Arrow Rating Event, dated  no  later
          than  the  last  Business Day of the  week  immediately
          prior  to  the  week of such proposed Investment  Date,
          provided,  however,  if the senior  unsecured  debt  of
          Arrow  is  rated  below BB+ or Ba1 by S&P  or  Moody's,
          respectively,  such  Master Servicer  Report  shall  be
          dated  no later than the Business Day immediately prior
          to  such  proposed Investment Date, and  in  each  such
          case,  the  information contained  in  Master  Servicer
          Report shall be true, complete and correct."

               Section 1.11.       Subsection 7.2 is amended by amending and
restating clause (c) thereof, such clause to read in its entirety
as follows:

          "(c) The Funding Agents may engage twice during any
          twelve-month period, commencing June 1, 2003, at the
          Master Servicer's sole expense, the services of a
          specialty audit firm or a firm of independent public
          accountants (which may also render other services to
          the Master Servicer), to furnish an agreed-upon
          procedures report to the Funding Agents substantially
          in compliance with the procedures set forth in Schedule
          V or any additional procedures as the Funding Agents
          reasonably deem appropriate; provided that, if the
          senior unsecured debt of Arrow is rated below BBB- or
          Baa3 by S&P or Moody's, respectively, the Funding
          Agents retain the right to request such reports on a
          reasonable, more frequent basis, at the Master
          Servicer's sole expense."

               Section 1.12.       Subsection 8.1 is amended by amending and
restating clause (h) thereof, such clause to read in its entirety
as follows:


          "(h)  the average Default Ratio for any period of three
          (3) consecutive months exceeds 5.5%; or"

               Section 1.13.       Subsection 8.1 is amended by amending and
restating clause (n) thereof, such clause to read in its entirety
as follows:

          "(n)   the Consolidated Total Debt exceeds (x)  at  any
          time  during  the period from January 1,  2003  through
          March   31,   2003,  an  amount  equal  to   60.0%   of
          Consolidated  Total Capitalization, or (y)  thereafter,
          an   amount  equal  to  57.5%  of  Consolidated   Total
          Capitalization  (subject to the immediately  succeeding
          proviso,  the  "Leverage Event"),   provided  that  the
          percentages set forth in the foregoing clauses shall be
          increased  by  2.5% if, and only for so  long  as,  the
          ratio  of Consolidated Total Debt as at the most recent
          fiscal quarter end to Adjusted Consolidated EBITDA  for
          the  period of four consecutive quarters ending on such
          date  is  less  than or equal to 4.0 to 1.0;  provided,
          further,  that  a Termination Event shall  occur  under
          this subsection 8.1(n) at any time only if the Leverage
          Event  shall have occurred and shall be continuing  and
          the  senior unsecured debt of Arrow is rated below BBB-
          or Baa3 by S&P or Moody's, respectively, or each of S&P
          and  Moody's has withdrawn its rating of such  debt  at
          such time; or"

               Section 1.14.       Section 8.1 is amended by amending and
restating clause (o) thereof, such clause to read in its entirety
as follows:

          "(o)  the  ratio  of  Adjusted Consolidated  EBITDA  to
          Consolidated Cash Interest Expense is at any time  less
          than (i) 2.10 to 1.0 for the period of four consecutive
          fiscal  quarters ended December 31, 2002, (ii) 2.10  to
          1.0  for the period of four consecutive fiscal quarters
          ended  March 31, 2003, (iii) 2.20 to 1.0 for the period
          of  four  consecutive fiscal quarters  ended  June  30,
          2003,  (iv)  2.45  to  1.0  for  the  period  of   four
          consecutive fiscal quarters ended September  30,  2003,
          (v)  2.75  to  1.0  for the period of four  consecutive
          fiscal quarters ended December 31, 2003 and (vi) 3.0 to
          1.0  for any period of four consecutive fiscal quarters
          after December 31, 2003; or"

               Section 1.15.       Section 8.1 is amended by deleting the period
from the end of clause (q) thereof, replacing it with "; or"  and
adding new clause (r) immediately thereafter, such clause to read
in its entirety as follows:

          "(r)   the Consolidated Net Worth at any time  is  less
          than   an   amount  equal  to  the  sum  of  85.0%   of
          Consolidated Net Worth as of December 31, 2001 plus 50%
          of  cumulative Consolidated Net Income for  the  fiscal
          quarter commencing January 1, 2002 and for each  fiscal
          quarter thereafter (without subtraction for any  fiscal
          quarter  during  which Consolidated  Net  Income  is  a
          negative number) plus 50% of the cash proceeds  of  any
          capital  stock issued by Arrow or any of the  other  CA
          Loan  Parties  commencing  January  1,  2002  (net   of


          attorneys'  fees, investment banking fees, accountants'
          fees,  underwriting discounts and commissions and other
          customary  fees  and  expenses  actually  incurred   in
          connection therewith)."

               Section 1.16.       Subsection 9.2 is amended by deleting the
parenthetical  "(including, without limitation, under  Accounting
Research  Bulletin  No. 51 of the Financial Accounting  Standards
Board)" in the first sentence of clause (b) thereof and replacing
it with the following:

          "(other than with respect to an Accounting Based
          Consolidation Event (as defined in Schedule IV

               Section 1.17.       Schedule A hereto is amended by deleting the
existing Schedule A and replacing it with the revised Schedule  A
attached hereto as Annex I.

               Section 1.18.       Schedule I is amended by amending and
restating  the definition of "Applicable Margin" to read  in  its
entirety as follows:

          ""Applicable Margin" means, on any date, the greater of
          (a) 1.325% per annum and (b) the sum of (i) 0.25% per
          annum, plus (ii) CA Adjusted Fees."

               Section 1.19.       Schedule II is amended by amending and
restating  the  definition of "Default  Ratio"  to  read  in  its
entirety as follows:

          "Default Ratio" for any Calculation Period means the
          quotient, expressed as a percentage, of (a) the
          aggregate Unpaid Balance of (i) each Receivable, the
          invoice date of which is 121-150 days prior to the
          Month End Date and (ii) each Receivable evidenced by a
          promissory note issued after the origination of such
          Receivable, the invoice date of which is less than 121
          days prior to the Month End Date, divided by (b) the
          aggregate initial Unpaid Balance of Receivables which
          arose during the Calculation Period ending on the Month
          End Date four months prior.

               Section 1.20.       Schedule II is amended by amending and
restating the definition of "Dilution Stress Factor" to  read  in
its entirety as follows:

          "Dilution  Stress Factor" means (i) 1.75, with  respect
          to  any  Calculation Period during which Arrow's senior
          unsecured debt is rated equal to or higher than BBB and
          Baa2  by S&P and Moody's, respectively, (ii) 2.00, with
          respect  to any Calculation Period during which Arrow's
          senior unsecured debt is rated BBB- and Baa3 by S&P and
          Moody's, respectively, (iii) 2.25, with respect to  any
          Calculation   Period   during  which   Arrow's   senior
          unsecured  debt is rated equal to or less than  BB+  or
          Ba1  but  greater than BB- and Ba3 by S&P  or  Moody's,
          respectively,  and  (iv)  2.50,  with  respect  to  any
          Calculation   Period   during  which   Arrow's   senior
          unsecured  debt is rated equal to or less than  BB-  or
          Ba3 by S&P or Moody's, respectively, or is not rated by
          each of S&P and Moody's, provided, however, that in the


          event the ratings of Moody's and S&P do not correspond,
          the  "Dilution Stress Factor" shall be determined using
          the  lower rating, provided, further, that in the event
          the  respective ratings of Moody's or S&P differ within
          a  Calculation  Period,  the "Dilution  Stress  Factor"
          shall be determined using the lower rating with respect
          to such Calculation Period."

               Section 1.21.       Schedule II is amended by amending and
restating the definition of "Loss Reserve Ratio" to read  in  its
entirety as follows:

          ""Loss Reserve Ratio" for any Calculation Period  means
          the  product  of (a) 2.00, multiplied by (b)  the  Peak
          Default  Ratio for such Calculation Period,  multiplied
          by  (c)  the  Loss  Horizon Ratio for such  Calculation
          Period;  provided,  however, that  in  the  event  that
          Arrow's  senior unsecured debt is rated below  BBB-  or
          Baa3  but  greater than BB- and Ba3 by S&P and Moody's,
          respectively,  in  any  Calculation  Period,  the  Loss
          Reserve  Ratio  for such Calculation Period  means  the
          product of (a) 2.25, multiplied by (b) the Peak Default
          Ratio  for such Calculation Period, multiplied  by  (c)
          the  Loss  Horizon  Ratio for such Calculation  Period;
          provided,  further,  that in  the  event  that  Arrow's
          senior unsecured debt is rated equal to or below BB- or
          Ba3  by S&P and Moody's, respectively, or is not  rated
          by  each of S&P and Moody's, in any Calculation Period,
          the  Loss  Reserve  Ratio for such  Calculation  Period
          means  the product of (a) 2.50, multiplied by  (b)  the
          Peak   Default  Ratio  for  such  Calculation   Period,
          multiplied  by  (c)  the Loss Horizon  Ratio  for  such
          Calculation  Period;  provided, further,  that  in  the
          event the ratings of Moody's and S&P do not correspond,
          the  "Loss Reserve Ratio" shall be determined using the
          lower rating."

               Section 1.22.       Schedule II is amended by amending and
restating  the definition of "Minimum Reserve Ratio" to  read  in
its entirety as follows:

          ""Minimum Reserve Ratio" for any Calculation Period
          means the sum of (a) 4.00, multiplied by the percentage
          set forth in clause (b) of the definition of
          "Concentration Percentage", plus (b) the product of (i)
          the Dilution Ratio multiplied by (ii) the Dilution
          Horizon Ratio; provided, however, that in the event
          that Arrow's senior unsecured debt is rated equal to or
          below BB+ or Ba1 by S&P and Moody's, respectively, or
          is not rated by each of S&P and Moody's, in any
          Calculation Period, the Minimum Reserve Ratio for such
          Calculation Period means the sum of (a) 5.00,
          multiplied by the percentage set forth in clause (b) of
          the definition of "Concentration Percentage", plus (b)
          the product of (i) the Dilution Ratio multiplied by
          (ii) the Dilution Horizon Ratio; provided, further,
          that in the event the ratings of Moody's and S&P do not
          correspond, the "Minimum Reserve Ratio" shall be
          determined using the lower rating."

               Section 1.23.       Schedule IV is amended by amending and
restating the definition of "Program Fee" to read in its entirety
as follows:


          ""Program Fee" means a fee, calculated on the basis of
          the actual number of days elapsed divided by 360 and
          payable to each Conduit Investor, on each Remittance
          Date, in an amount equal to (i) at any time prior to an
          Accounting Based Consolidation Event with respect to
          such Conduit Investor, the product of (x) the daily
          average Net Investment held by such Conduit Investor
          during the calendar month immediately prior to such
          Remittance Date, and (y) the rate per annum determined
          based upon the rating of Arrow's senior unsecured debt
          by S&P and Moody's as set forth below under "Program
          Fee Rate (Per Annum) (prior to an Accounting Based
          Consolidation Event)" and (ii) at any time after an
          Accounting Based Consolidation Event with respect to
          such Conduit Investor, the product of (x) the daily
          average Net Investment held by such Conduit Investor
          during the calendar month immediately prior to such
          Remittance Date, and (y) the greatest of (I) 0.825% per
          annum, (II) the CA Adjusted Fees minus 0.25%, (III)
          1.75%, in the event that Arrow's senior unsecured debt
          is rated equal to BB+ or Ba1 by S&P and Moody's,
          respectively, and (IV) 2.50%, in the event that Arrow's
          senior unsecured debt is rated equal to or below BB or
          Ba2 by S&P and Moody's, respectively; provided,
          however, that in the event that the ratings of S&P and
          Moody's do not correspond, the rate shall be determined
          using the lower of the ratings, and provided, further,
          that in the event that the rating changes during a
          calendar month, the rate shall be determined using a
          weighted daily average of rates in effect during such
          calendar month, and provided, further, in the event
          that an Accounting Based Consolidation Event shall be
          deemed to have occurred with respect to a Conduit
          Investor with retroactive effect, the Program Fee with
          respect to those Remittance Dates during such
          retroactive period shall be recalculated and the
          difference between (A) the aggregate Program Fees
          accrued during such period and (B) the aggregate
          Program Fees accrued during such period calculated on
          the basis that an Accounting Based Consolidation Event
          had occurred with respect to such Conduit Investor at
          the onset of such period, shall be payable to such
          Conduit Investor on the immediately following
          Remittance Date.  As used herein, "Accounting Based
          Consolidation Event" means the existence of, or
          occurrence of any change in, accounting standards or
          the issuance of any pronouncement or release by any
          accounting body or any other body charged with the
          promulgation or administration of accounting standards
          (including, without limitation, the Financial
          Accounting Standards Board, the American Institute of
          Certified Public Accountants or the Securities and
          Exchange Commission) or the existence of, or occurrence
          of any change in, the interpretation or application of
          any accounting standard, the effect of which (in any
          such event) is to cause or require the consolidation of
          all or any portion of the assets and liabilities of a
          Conduit Investor with the assets and liabilities of the
          Related Alternate Investor or Related Funding Agent or
          any of their Affiliates or the effect of which is to
          deem all or any portion of the assets and liabilities
          of a Conduit Investor to be consolidated with the
          assets and liabilities of the Related Alternate
          Investor or Related Funding Agent or any of their
          Affiliates; provided, however, that an Accounting Based


          Consolidation Event shall be deemed to have occurred
          only with respect to a Conduit Investor if the
          existence or occurrence of such change or issuance
          shall have caused the consolidation of all or any
          portion of the assets and liabilities of such Conduit
          Investor with the assets and liabilities of the Related
          Alternate Investor or Related Funding Agent."

               Section 1.24.       Schedule IV is amended by replacing the table
therein  set forth below the definition of "Program Fee" to  read
in its entirety as follows:

 Rating                  Facility Fee       Program Fee
 S&P/Moody's             Rate (Per Annum)   Rate  (Per Annum)
                                            (prior   to    an
                                            Accounting  Based

 Greater  than or  equal 0.135%             0.175%
 to A-/A3

 BBB+/Baa1               0.150%             0.175%

 BBB/Baa2                0.200%             0.225%

 BBB-/Baa3               0.300%             0.300%

 BB+/Ba1                 0.400%             0.450%

 BB/Ba2                  0.500%             0.550%

 Less  than  BB/Ba2   or Base   Rate  plus  0.000%
 not  rated by  each  of 2.00%
 S&P and Moody's

          SECTION 2.          Acknowledgment.  Each of Arrow and the SPV
hereby  acknowledge  that pursuant to this  Amendment,  the  term
"Commitment" opposite each Alternate Investor's signature on  the
signature page of the TAA shall be of no further effect.

          SECTION 3.          Representations and Warranties.  To induce
the  Conduit  Investors, Alternate Investors, the Funding  Agents
and  the  Administrative Agent to enter into this Amendment,  the
SPV  and  Arrow  each  makes  the following  representations  and
warranties  (which representations and warranties  shall  survive
the  execution  and delivery of this Amendment) as  of  the  date
hereof, after giving effect to the amendments set forth herein:

               Section 3.1.        Authority.  The SPV and Arrow each has the
requisite  corporate power, authority and legal right to  execute
and  deliver  this  Amendment  and  to  perform  its  obligations
hereunder and under the Transaction Documents, including the  TAA
(as modified hereby).  The execution, delivery and performance by
the  SPV and Arrow of this Amendment and their performance of the
Transaction  Documents, including the TAA (as  modified  hereby),


have been duly approved by all necessary corporate action and  no
other  corporate  proceedings are necessary  to  consummate  such

     Section 3.2.  Enforceability.  This  Amendment  has been duly  executed and
delivered by the SPV and Arrow.  This Amendment is the legal,  valid and binding
obligation  of the SPV and  Arrow,  enforceable  against  the SPV and  Arrow  in
accordance  with  its  terms,  subject  to  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
moratorium or other similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally and
the  application  of  general   principles  of  equity  (regardless  of  whether
considered in a proceeding at law or in equity). The making and delivery of this
Amendment and the performance of the Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, do
not violate any  provision of law or any  regulation  (except to the extent that
the  violation  thereof  could not,  in the  aggregate,  be  expected  to have a
Material Adverse Effect or a material adverse effect on the condition (financial
or otherwise),  business or properties of Arrow and the other Originators, taken
as a whole), or its charter or by-laws, or result in the breach of or constitute
a default under or require any consent under any indenture or other agreement or
instrument to which it is a party or by which it or any of its properties may be
bound or affected.

     Section  3.3.  Representations  and  Warranties.  The  representations  and
warranties contained in the Transaction Documents are true and correct on and as
of the date  hereof as though  made on and as of the date  hereof  after  giving
effect to this Amendment.

     Section 3.4. No Termination  Event.  After giving effect to this Amendment,
no event has occurred and is continuing that constitutes a Termination  Event or
a Potential Termination Event.

          SECTION 4.          Conditions Precedent.  This Amendment shall
become effective, as of the date hereof, on the date on which the
following conditions precedent shall have been fulfilled:

               Section 4.1.        This Amendment. The Administrative Agent
shall have received counterparts of this Amendment, duly executed
by each of the parties hereto.

     Section 4.2. Amendment Fee. Each of the following  specified Funding Agents
shall have received payment of an amendment fee in the amount of (i) $128,333.33
in the case of each of Bank of America,  National  Association;  JPMorgan  Chase
Bank;  and Fleet  Securities,  Inc. and (ii)  $100,833.33 in the case of each of
Credit  Suisse First  Boston,  New York Branch;  The Bank of Nova Scotia and The
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.

     Section 4.3.  Additional  Documents.  The  Administrative  Agent shall have
received all additional  approvals,  certificates,  documents,  instruments  and
items of information as the Administrative  Agent may reasonably request and all
of the foregoing shall be in form and substance  reasonably  satisfactory to the
Administrative Agent and each Funding Agent.


     Section  4.4.  Legal  Matters.  All  instruments  and legal  and  corporate
proceedings in connection with the  transactions  contemplated by this Amendment
shall be satisfactory  in form and substance to the  Administrative  Agent,  the
Administrative  Agent's counsel and each Funding Agent and the fees and expenses
of counsel to the Administrative Agent incurred in connection with the execution
of this Amendment and the transactions  contemplated hereby shall have been paid
in full.

          SECTION 5.          References to and Effect on the Transaction

               Section 5.1.        Except as specifically amended and modified
hereby, each Transaction Document is and shall continue to be  in
full force and effect and is hereby in all respects ratified  and

     Section 5.2. The execution,  delivery and  effectiveness  of this Amendment
shall not  operate  as a waiver of any right,  power or remedy of any  Investor,
Funding Agent or the Administrative  Agent under any Transaction  Document,  nor
constitute  a  waiver,  amendment  or  modification  of  any  provision  of  any
Transaction Document, except as expressly provided in Section 1 hereof.

               Section 5.3.        This Amendment contains the final and
complete  integration  of all prior expressions  by  the  parties
hereto  with  respect  to  the subject matter  hereof  and  shall
constitute  the  entire agreement among the parties  hereto  with
respect  to the subject matter hereof superseding all prior  oral
or written understandings.

               Section 5.4.        Each reference in the TAA to "this
Agreement",  "hereunder", "hereof" or words of like  import,  and
each reference in any other Transaction Document to "the Transfer
and  Administration Agreement", "thereunder", "thereof" or  words
of  like import, referring to the Agreement, shall mean and be  a
reference to the Agreement as amended hereby.

          SECTION 6.          Execution in Counterparts.  This Amendment
may  be  executed in any number of counterparts and by  different
parties  hereto in separate counterparts, each of which  when  so
executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and  all
of  which  taken together shall constitute but one and  the  same
agreement.   Delivery of an executed counterpart of  a  signature
page  to  this  Amendment by telefacsimile shall be effective  as
delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Amendment.






          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Amendment  to be executed by their respective officers  thereunto
duly authorized, as of the date first above written.

                      Arrow Electronics Funding Corporation,
                      as SPV


                      Arrow Electronics, Inc.,
                      individually and as Master Servicer


                      Enterprise Funding Corporation,
                      as a Conduit Investor


                      Bank of America, National Association,
                      as  a  Funding  Agent,  as  Administrative Agent, and as
                      an  Alternate Investor



                         Delaware Funding Corporation,
                         as a Conduit Investor


                         JPMorgan Chase Bank,
                         (successor by merger to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
                         of New York) as a Funding Agent and as an Alternate


                         Eagle Funding Capital Corporation,
                         as a Conduit Investor

                         By: Fleet Securities, Inc.,
                         its attorney-in-fact


                         Fleet Securities, Inc.
                         as a Funding Agent


                         Fleet National Bank.
                         as an Alternate Investor



                         Gramercy Capital Corp.,
                         as a Conduit Investor

                         By: Credit Suisse First Boston, New York Branch,
                         its attorney-in-fact



                          Credit  Suisse First Boston,  New  York Branch
                          as  a Funding Agent and as an Alternate Investor


                         Liberty Street Funding Corp.,
                         as a Conduit Investor



                         The Bank of Nova Scotia,
                         as  a Funding Agent and as an Alternate Investor


                         Gotham Funding Corporation,
                         as a Conduit Investor


                         The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.,
                         as  a Funding Agent and as an Alternate Investor



Annex I


Conduit Investor       Conduit       Related           Related Funding Agent                     Alternate
                       Funding       Alternate
                       Limit         Investor(s)                                                 Investor(s)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enterprise Funding                  Bank of America,   Bank of America, National Association
 Corporation                        National
                      $104,720,000  Association                                                 $104,720,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Delaware Funding                    JPMorgan Chase     JPMorgan Chase Bank (successor by merger
 Corporation                        Bank               to Morgan Guaranty Trust
                                    (successor by      Company)
                                    merger to Morgan
                                    Guaranty Trust
                      $104,720,000                                                               $104,720,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eagle Funding                      Fleet National BankFleet Securities, Inc.
 Capital Corp.        $104,720,000                                                              $104,720,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gramercy Capital                   Credit Suisse FirstCredit Suisse First Boston, New York
 Corp.                              Boston, New York   Branch
                       $82,280,000  Branch                                                       $82,280,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Liberty Street                     The Bank of Nova   The Bank of Nova Scotia
 Funding Corp.         $82,280,000  Scotia                                                       $82,280,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gotham Funding                     The Bank of Tokyo- The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.
 Corporation           $82,280,000  Mitsubishi, Ltd.                                             $82,280,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
