Exhibit 8: Subsidiaries of Van der Moolen Holding N.V. Subsidiary Country of Incorporation % Ownership Interest - ----------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------- VDM Specialists, LLC United States of America 75.0 Van der Moolen Options USA, LLC United States of America 100.0 Cohen, Duffy, McGowan & Co., LLC United States of America 51.0 Kenny & Co. LLC United States of America 75.0 Van der Moolen Effecten Specialist B.V Netherlands 100.0 Van der Moolen Opties Amsterdam B.V Netherlands 100.0 Van der Moolen Obligaties B.V Netherlands 100.0 Van der Moolen Trading GmbH Germany 100.0 Van der Moolen UK, Ltd. United Kingdom 100.0 Van der Moolen Equities, Ltd. United Kingdom 100.0