Exhibit 99.1

Alaska Communications Systems Reports First Quarter Results; Wireless
and Broadband Offerings Show Strong Progress; Over 100 New Business
Wins Added In the Quarter

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 29, 2004--Alaska
Communications Systems Group, Inc. ("ACS") (Nasdaq:ALSK) today
reported financial results for its first quarter ended March 31, 2004.
    Revenues for the first quarter of 2004 were $75.4 million,
essentially in line with first quarter 2003 revenues of $75.5 million,
adjusted to exclude revenue from the Company's Directory business sold
in 2003. Reported revenues, including Directory, for the first quarter
of 2003 were $83.8 million. The Company's net loss for the first
quarter of 2004 was $8.8 million or $0.30 per share (basic and
diluted), which compares to a net loss of $6.6 million, or $0.21 per
share (basic and diluted) for the same period in 2003. EBITDA for the
first quarter of 2004 was $22.5 million, which was impacted by charges
to operations of approximately $3.5 million related to employee
restructuring and accelerated consulting services that were completed
in the first quarter.
    "We have made good progress in improving our business and better
serving our customers as revenues increased 5.9% over the same period
last year excluding the Company's exited Directory business and the
discontinued State of Alaska contract," commented Liane Pelletier,
President and CEO of ACS. "At the end of last year we made strategic
changes in the way we approach the business market vastly improving
our sales process and restructuring the way we offer our services to
commercial accounts. As a result in the first quarter we recorded over
100 business wins which included new accounts as well as old customers
who decided to return to ACS for local services and often also added
data, long distance and wireless services to their relationship with
us. In the consumer market, we initiated a number of integrated
bundles towards the end of the first quarter with good initial success
in obtaining new customers and providing our existing customers with
the convenience and value of the full product line. In addition, we
continued our back office transformation in order to provide improved
customer care and a growing number of our customer facing service
representatives are becoming experienced in presenting multiple
service offerings. These initiatives are having a positive impact on
our business as we saw an improvement in our competitive line position
since we began our bundling campaigns in March."
    "We are also encouraged by continued strong results in our
broadband and wireless offerings," added Ms. Pelletier. "In the first
quarter, we added 1,649 broadband customers and close to 1,000
wireless customers in a seasonally weak period for wireless in which
we usually show a decrease in subscribers. We also further
strengthened our competitive position in wireless as we announced that
the launch of our new CDMA voice and data network would occur in May.
This technology provides us with some of the most advanced wireless
offerings in the United States and will position us to continue to
grow as the clear telecommunications leader in Alaska. Additionally
our entertainment package through DISH continues to sell nicely and
has served as an excellent spearhead in offering integrated bundles to
the consumer market. As we enter the warmer months in Alaska, we are
starting to more aggressively capitalize on the positive demand for
satellite TV and our entertainment bundles in the marketplace."
    "We made a number of investments this quarter which have already
benefited our cost structure and strengthened ACS," commented David
Wilson, Senior Vice President and CFO of ACS. "Significantly we were
able to reduce headcount by 6.5% in the first quarter, mostly through
voluntary retirement. This increased expenses for the quarter but will
result in approximately $4 million in annualized incremental cost
savings longer term. Additionally, we accelerated a number of
consulting projects, including targeted research and implementation
programs which helped enable the March roll-out of our focused
bundling campaigns and a single source vendor program which has
already resulted in annualized cost savings of $600,000. While
impacting EBITDA for the quarter by $3.5 million, we believe the
employee restructuring and the consulting projects have already had a
significant positive impact on the Company."

    --  Access lines declined by 0.7% sequentially to 311,919, in line
        with many LECs as the Company faced displacement by broadband
        and wireless as well as competitive pressure.

    --  The Company added 974 wireless subscribers from the preceding
        quarter. In the first quarter, Average Revenue per Unit, or
        ARPU, improved by $2.31 to $44.19 and MOU (Minutes of Use)
        increased by 25.2% over the same period last year.

    --  ACS ended the quarter with 19,429 DSL subscribers, an increase
        of 9.3% subscribers on a sequential basis.

    --  Long distance subscribers decreased to 42,053 customers from
        the preceding quarter, primarily driven by disentanglement
        from the State of Alaska contract.

    Recent Highlights

    --  After the quarter end the Company announced that a settlement
        had been reached between ACS and GCI that substantially
        resolves a number of regulatory proceedings with regards to
        the Fairbanks and Juneau markets. The Company was encouraged
        by the agreement as it allows ACS to increase UNE-L rates and
        to focus resources and energy on the customer rather than
        lengthy regulatory battles.

    --  In March the Company announced that it plans to launch a CDMA
        voice and data network with initial deployment in May 2004.
        This CDMA 1x-RTT and EV-DO network will significantly increase
        ACS's network capacity, and position the Company to deliver
        advanced data services like Web browsing, picture-taking and
        audio streaming over high-speed wireless connectivity.

    During the quarter ACS made two key additions to its management

    --  David Wilson joined the company as Chief Financial Officer.
        David was Chief Financial Officer of Triumph Communications, a
        subsidiary of Hughes Electronics. Prior to this, David was at
        DIRECTV Broadband (formerly Telocity Inc.) where he was
        appointed CFO, after serving as Vice President of Finance and
        Chief Accounting Officer. David also has 10 years of
        experience in public accounting at PricewaterhouseCoopers.

    --  Mark D. Enzenberger joined the company as Director, Product
        Management, from GCI. At GCI Mark held senior positions in
        field services, network integration, data communications and
        local services. Mark is an industry veteran and has additional
        experience in senior roles at ATU Telecommunications (now

    ACS will host a conference call at 5:00 P.M. Eastern time today to
discuss its first quarter results. For parties in the United States
and Canada, call 800-257-3401 to access the earnings call.
International parties can access the call at 303-262-2194.
Additionally, ACS will offer a live webcast of the conference call,
accessible from the "Investor Relations" section of the Company's
website (www.alsk.com). The webcast will be archived for a period of
45 days. A telephonic replay of the conference call will also be
available 2 hours after the call and will run until Saturday, May 1,
2004 at 7:00 p.m. ET. To hear the replay, parties in the United States
and Canada should call 800-405-2236 and enter pass code 576387.
International parties should call 303-590-3000 and enter pass code
    About Alaska Communications Systems - ACS is the leading
integrated communications provider in Alaska, offering local telephone
service, wireless, long distance, data, and Internet services to
business and residential customers throughout Alaska. More information
can be found on the Company's website at http://www.ascalaska.com.

    In addition to historical information, this release includes
forward-looking statements, estimates and projections that are based
on current expectations only, and are subject to a number of risks,
uncertainties and assumptions, many of which are beyond the control of
ACS. Actual events and results may differ materially from those
anticipated, estimated or projected if one or more of these risks or
uncertainties materialize, or if underlying assumptions prove
incorrect. Factors that could affect actual results include but are
not limited to: rapid technological developments and changes in the
telecommunications industries; ongoing deregulation in the
telecommunications industry as a result of the Telecommunications Act
of 1996 and other similar federal and state legislation and the
federal and state rules and regulations enacted pursuant to that
legislation; regulatory limitations on ACS's ability to change its
pricing for communications services; the possible future
unavailability of SFAS No. 71 to ACS's wireline subsidiaries; and
possible changes in the demand for ACS's products and services. In
addition to these factors, actual future performance, outcomes and
results may differ materially because of other, more general, factors
including (without limitation) changes in general industry and market
conditions and growth rates; changes in interest rates or other
general national, regional or local economic conditions; governmental
and public policy changes; changes in accounting policies or practices
adopted voluntarily or as required by accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America; and the continued
availability of financing in the amounts, at the terms and on the
conditions necessary to support ACS's future business. These and other
uncertainties related to ACS's business are described in greater
detail in ACS's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 2003. The information contained in this release is as of April 29,
2004. ACS undertakes no obligation to update or revise any of this
information whether as a result of new information, future events or
developments, or otherwise.

                                                           Schedule 1

         For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2004 and 2003
         (Unaudited, in Thousands, Except per Share Amounts)

                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31,
                                                       2004     2003
                                                    -------- --------
Operating revenues:
  Local telephone                                  $ 55,782 $ 54,001
  Wireless                                           11,601   10,330
  Directory                                               -    8,278
  Internet                                            4,613    7,156
  Interexchange                                       3,409    4,027
                                                    -------- --------
     Total operating revenues                        75,405   83,792

Operating expenses:
  Local telephone                                    32,524   27,255
  Wireless                                            7,928    6,910
  Directory                                               -    3,449
  Internet                                            7,506   10,614
  Interexchange                                       5,016    5,618
  Depreciation and amortization                      19,106   22,600
  Loss on disposal of assets, net                       227      746
                                                    -------- --------
     Total operating expenses                        72,307   77,192
                                                    -------- --------

Operating income                                      3,098    6,600

Other income and expense:
  Interest expense                                  (12,097) (13,329)
  Interest income and other                             230      192
                                                    -------- --------
     Total other income (expense)                   (11,867) (13,137)
                                                    -------- --------

Loss before income taxes                             (8,769)  (6,537)

Income taxes                                              -        -
                                                    -------- --------

Loss from continuing operations                      (8,769)  (6,537)
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax             -      (52)
                                                    -------- --------
Net loss                                           $ (8,769)$ (6,589)
                                                    ======== ========

Loss per share - basic and diluted:
  Loss from continuing operations                     (0.30)   (0.21)
  Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax           -        -
                                                    -------- --------
  Net loss                                         $  (0.30)$  (0.21)
                                                    ======== ========
Weighted average shares outstanding:
  Basic and diluted                                  29,333   30,653
                                                    ======== ========

Adjusted EBITDA                                    $ 22,544 $ 25,309
                                                    ======== ========

Note: Certain reclassifications have been made to the 2003 data to
      conform with the current presentation.

                                                           Schedule 2

          (Unaudited, In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                                               March 31,  December 31,
                    Assets                       2004         2003
                                               ----------  -----------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                   $   92,279  $    97,798
  Restricted cash                                  3,635        3,635
  Accounts receivable-trade, net of allowance
   of $4,283 and $4,432                           37,592       41,718
  Materials and supplies                           9,171       10,099
  Prepayments and other current assets             5,743        5,850
                                               ----------  -----------
    Total current assets                         148,420      159,100

Property, plant and equipment                  1,044,547    1,041,904
Less:  Accumulated depreciation and
 amortization                                    613,953      603,760
                                               ----------  -----------
  Property, plant and equipment, net             430,594      438,144

Goodwill                                          38,403       38,403
Intangible Assets                                 22,009       22,055
Debt issuance costs, net of amortization of
 $6,146 and $5,417                                18,210       18,939
Deferred charges and other assets                  8,544        8,750
                                               ----------  -----------
Total assets                                  $  666,180  $   685,391
                                               ==========  ===========

            Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)

Current liabilities:
  Current portion of long-term obligations    $    2,010  $     1,982
  Accounts payable-affiliates                      4,850        5,082
  Accounts payable, accrued and other current
   liabilities                                    40,351       47,303
  Income taxes payable                                 -        1,095
  Advance billings and customer deposits           8,387        8,766
                                               ----------  -----------
    Total current liabilities                     55,598       64,228

Long-term obligations, net of current portion    547,581      548,238
Other deferred credits and long-term
 liabilities                                      69,964       71,065
Commitments and contingencies                          -            -

Stockholders' equity (deficit):
  Preferred stock, no par, 5,000 authorized,
   no shares issued and outstanding                    -            -
  Common stock, $.01 par value; 145,000 shares
   authorized, 33,613 and
   33,611 shares issued and 29,331 and
   29,343 outstanding, respectively                  336          336
  Common stock, $.01 par value; 267 shares
   subject to mandatory redemption                (1,198)      (1,198)
  Treasury stock, 4,283 and 4,268 shares,
   respectively, at cost                         (17,181)     (17,118)
  Paid in capital in excess of par value         278,190      278,181
  Accumulated deficit                           (262,567)    (253,798)
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss            (4,543)      (4,543)
                                               ----------  -----------
    Total stockholders' equity (deficit)          (6,963)       1,860
                                               ----------  -----------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity
 (deficit)                                    $  666,180  $   685,391
                                               ==========  ===========

                                                            Schedule 3

                      (Unaudited, in Thousands)

                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                       March 31,
                                                      2004       2003
                                                    -------  ---------

Total operating revenues                           $75,405  $  83,792

Adjustment for sale of the Company's directory
 business  - Directory revenues                          -     (8,278)
                                                    -------  ---------

Total adjusted operating revenues                  $75,405  $  75,514
                                                    =======  =========

Note: In an effort to provide investors with additional information
      regarding the Company's results as determined by generally
      accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the Company also
      discloses certain non-GAAP information which management utilizes
      to assess performance. Within this press release, the Company
      has disclosed its total operating revenues adjusted to exclude
      the impact of disposed of operations (Total adjusted operating
      revenues) as the Company believes that such data will facilitate
      more useful period-to-period comparisons of the Company's
      ongoing operations

                                                            Schedule 4

                      (Unaudited, in Thousands)

                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                         March 31,
                                                       2004      2003
                                                    --------   -------

Local telephone revenues:
  Local network service                            $ 22,753   $24,129
  Network access revenue                             27,695    25,061
  Deregulated and other                               5,334     4,811
                                                    --------   -------

     Local telephone revenues                      $ 55,782   $54,001
                                                    ========   =======

                                                           Schedule 5

                      (Unaudited, in Thousands)

                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31,
                                                       2004     2003
                                                     ------- --------

Net loss                                            $(8,769)$ (6,589)
  Add (subtract):
         Interest expense                            12,097   13,329
         Income tax benefit                               -        -
         Depreciation and amortization               19,106   22,600
         Loss on disposal of assets, net                227      746
         Non-cash pension expense                       183        -
         Non-cash adjustment to litigation reserves    (300)       -
                                                     ------- --------

          EBITDA                                     22,544   30,086

         Adjustment for discontinued operations          -       52
         Adjustment for sale of the Company's
          directory business  - Directory EBITDA          -   (4,829)
                                                     ------- --------

          Adjusted EBITDA                           $22,544 $ 25,309
                                                     ======= ========

Note: In an effort to provide investors with additional information
      regarding the Company's results as determined by generally
      accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the Company also
      discloses certain non-GAAP information which management
      utilizes to assess performance and believes provides useful
      information to investors. Within this press release, the
      Company has disclosed its net loss before interest expense,
      provisions for taxes, depreciation expense, amortization
      expense and other non-cash charges inclusive of non cash
      pension expense and a non cash release of litigation
      reserves following legal settlement (EBITDA) because the
      Company believes it is an important indicator because it
      provides information about our ability to service debt, pay
      dividends and fund capital expenditures.

      To further assist the reader in understanding operations,
      EBITDA has also been adjusted to exclude the impact of
      discontinued and disposed of operations (Adjusted EBITDA) as
      the Company believes that such data will facilitate more
      useful period-to-period comparisons of the Company's ongoing
      operations.  EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA are not GAAP
      measures and should not be considered a substitute for net
      income and loss and other measures of financial performance
      recorded in accordance with GAAP.

                                                          Schedule 6

                      KEY OPERATING STATISTICS

                                                    As of March 31,
                                                      2004      2003
                                                   --------  --------

Local telephone:
  Retail access lines                              217,054   231,832
  Wholesale access lines                            20,066    19,619
  UNE loop lines                                    69,622    64,821
  UNE platform lines                                 5,177     4,275
                                                   --------  --------
  Total local telephone access lines               311,919   320,547
                                                   ========  ========

  Average local telephone access lines for the
   quarter                                         313,070   321,777
  Average local telephone revenue per line for the
   quarter                                        $  59.39  $  55.94
  Quarterly growth rate in local telephone access
   lines                                              -0.7%     -0.8%

  Covered population                               480,422   478,413

  Ending subscribers                                87,991    82,225
  Average subscribers for the quarter               87,504    82,223
  Quarterly growth rate                                1.1%      0.0%

  Activations for the quarter                        5,561     4,076
  Deactivations for the quarter                      4,587     4,071
  Average monthly churn for the quarter                1.7%      1.6%

  Penetration                                         18.3%     17.2%
  Quarterly Minutes of use (000's)                  59,113    47,209

  Average revenue per subscriber for the quarter  $  44.19  $  41.88

Long Distance:
  Long distance subscribers                         42,053    57,677
  Quarterly Minutes of use (000's)                  32,139    37,848
  Average subscribers for the quarter               42,610    63,839
  Average revenue per subscriber for the quarter  $  26.67  $  21.03

  DSL subscribers                                   19,429    13,910
  Dial-Up and other service subscribers             26,257    31,373
                                                   --------  --------
  Total Internet subscribers                        45,686    45,283
                                                   ========  ========

  Average subscribers for the quarter               45,872    45,832
  Average revenue per subscriber for the quarter  $  30.22  $  25.47

    CONTACT: Alaska Communications Systems
             David Wilson, 907-297-3000
             The Blueshirt Group
             Chris Danne, Rakesh Mehta, 415-217-7722