QUARTER 1 FINANCIAL RESULTS
                                  July 26, 2004
                                  8:30 a.m. EDT

     Coordinator           Welcome to the PetMed Express, Inc., doing business
                           as 1-800-PetMeds conference call to review the
                           financial results for the first fiscal quarter ended
                           June 30, 2004. At the request of the company, this
                           conference call is being recorded.

                           Founded in 1996, 1-800-PetMeds is America's largest
                           pet pharmacy, delivering prescription and
                           non-prescription medications and health and
                           nutritional supplements for dogs and cats direct to
                           the consumer. 1-800-PetMeds markets its products
                           through national television, online and direct mail
                           advertising campaigns which directs the consumer to
                           order by phone or on the Internet and aims to
                           increase their recognition of the "1-800-PetMeds"
                           brand name. The 1-800-PetMeds brand meets the higher
                           consumer need to manage the cost of their pet's care.
                           It provides an attractive alternative for obtaining
                           pet medication in terms of convenience, price, ease
                           of order and rapid home delivery.

                           At this time I would like to turn the call over to
                           the company's Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Bruce

     B. Rosenbloom         Thank you. I would like to welcome
                           everyone here today. Before I turn the call over to
                           Mendo, I would like to remind everyone that the first
                           portion of this conference call will be listen-only
                           until the question and answer session, which will be
                           later in the call.
                           Also, certain information that will be included in
                           this press conference may include forward-looking
                           statements within the meaning of the Private
                           Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 or the
                           Securities and Exchange Commission that may involve a
                           number or risks and uncertainties. These statements
                           are based on our beliefs as well as assumptions we
                           have used based on information currently available to

                           Because these statements reflect our current views
                           concerning future events, these statements involve
                           risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Actual future
                           results may vary significantly based on a number of
                           factors that may cause the actual results or events
                           to materially differ from future results, performance
                           or achievements expressed or implied by these
                           statements. We have identified various risk factors
                           associated with our operations in our most recent
                           annual report and other filings with the Securities
                           and Exchange Commission.

                           Now let me introduce today's speaker, Mendo Akdag,
                           Chief Executive Officer of 1-800-PetMeds.

     M. Akdag              Welcome and thank you for joining us. Today we
                           will review the highlights of our financial results
                           and discuss some of the challenges and opportunities
                           facing us in both the short and long term. We will
                           compare our first fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2004
                           to last year's quarter ended on June 30, 2003.

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                           For the first fiscal quarter ended on June 30, 2004,
                           sales were $35.3 million compared to sales of $30.4
                           million for the same period the prior year, an
                           increase of 16%. The increase was primarily due to
                           increased reorders offset by decreased new orders.
                           For the first fiscal quarter net income was $1.8
                           million, or $0.08 diluted per share compared to $1.4
                           million, or $0.06 diluted per share for the same
                           quarter last year, an increase of 27%.

                           Reorder sales increased by 60% to $19.9 million for
                           the quarter compared to reorder sales of $12.5
                           million for the same quarter the prior year. New
                           order sales decreased by 16% to $14.9 million
                           compared to $17.8 million for the same period the
                           prior year. We attribute the decline in new orders to
                           the associated advertising costs, which we will
                           discuss further in a few moments.

                           We acquired 191,000 new customers in our first fiscal
                           quarter compared to 234,000 for the same period the
                           prior year. We have approximately 1.3 million
                           customers who purchased from us in the last 24

                           The seasonality in our business is due to the
                           proportion of flea, tick and heartworm medications in
                           our product mix. Spring and summer are considered
                           peak seasons, with fall and winter being the

                           For the first fiscal quarter our gross profit as a
                           percent of sales was 39.3% compared to 38.9% for the
                           same period a year ago. The increase was due to
                           increased product pricing offset by increased product
                           cost. Our general and administrative expenses, as a
                           percent of sales, decreased to 9.1% for the quarter
                           compared to 9.9% for the same quarter the prior year,
                           which shows a continued leverage of the G&A.

                           Also a positive trend is the increase to 52% of our
                           customers placing their orders on our website
                           compared to 49% for the prior year. We've spent $7.8
                           million in advertising compared to $6.5 million for
                           the same quarter the prior year, an increase of 19%.
                           TV accounted for 46%, with print at 42% this fiscal
                           quarter, in contrast to 74% and 17% respectively in
                           the quarter ended June 30, 2003.

                           Advertising cost of acquiring a customer for the
                           quarter was $41 compared to $28 for the same quarter
                           the prior year. We attribute this to the shortage of
                           television inventory due to the strengthening economy
                           and the upcoming elections. However, we were
                           successful in reducing that acquisition cost from a
                           high of $45 in the prior quarter ended on March 31,

                           Our working capital increased by $2.2 million to
                           $13.5 million since March 31, 2004. Our net worth
                           increased by $2.1 million to $16.1 million at the
                           same time period. Both increases were due to mainly
                           an increase in net income and the exercise of stock
                           options and warrants.

                           We had $5.2 million in cash and $14.2 million in
                           inventory as of June 30, 2004. Cash from operations
                           for the quarter was $1.7 million compared to cash
                           used in operations of $63,000 for the same period
                           last year. Capital expenditures for the quarter were

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                           This concludes our financial review. We'll now
                           briefly discuss some of the challenges and
                           opportunities facing us.

                           There has been some negative publicity in the press
                           relating to the sale of counterfeit and foreign
                           products by Internet companies. Veterinarians have
                           also communicated this to their customers. We believe
                           this has negatively impacted our business.
                           1-800-PetMeds only dispenses the same exact U.S.
                           FDA/EPA-approved medications that are dispensed by
                           veterinarians, and we unconditionally guarantee the
                           medications that we dispense. We are communicating
                           this message to both consumers and veterinarians. As
                           such, we see this as a short-term obstacle.

                           In human pharmaceuticals, 18% of the market is
                           serviced by the mail order channel. In pet
                           medications, that number is at about 6%. There is
                           room for growth and we are the leader in the channel.
                           We'll continue leveraging our brand to increase our
                           market share.

                           To continue to grow the business, we are focusing our
                           efforts in three areas: one, optimizing our TV and
                           print media buys as well as developing new creatives;
                           two, improving our management of patient compliance
                           to drive reorders; three, examining the feasibility
                           of leveraging our database by bundling product
                           offerings and adding new products within the
                           companion animal category, such as compounded
                           medications, medications for horses and pet health

                           One other thing I would like to mention. In about two
                           weeks we will be unveiling our redesigned website. I
                           invite all of you to log on and visit it. Operator,
                           we are ready to take questions.

     Coordinator           Our first question comes from Frank Gristina of

     F. Gristina           Thanks, guys. I have a couple of questions
                           for you. With your new customer adds in the quarter,
                           while very high, were pretty different from a year
                           ago. Was there something going on a year ago that may
                           have driven the new orders to 234,000 versus what you
                           did this past June quarter?

     M. Akdag              That's a good question. Last year, in March, as
                           everybody knows, I'm sure, the Iraq war started and
                           we advertised heavily on news stations such as Fox
                           News and CNN nationally, and we did not pay any extra
                           while their viewership was up fivefold.

     F. Gristina           So, if you guys advertised, you got a lot of
                           bang for your buck, depending on how much you're
                           advertising. Did you hold off on advertising this
                           June quarter because of the price?

     M. Akdag              We did not really hold off. If you noticed, we
                           spent 20%, almost 20% more this year than last year
                           but the media mix was different. We spent, as I
                           mentioned, only 46% of our advertising dollars on
                           television. Historically, the majority of our money
                           has been spent on television. That's what got us
                           here. This year, due to inventory shortages, we
                           shifted the dollars from television to print.

     F. Gristina           Your average ticket price during the quarter or your
                           number of orders during the quarter?

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     M. Akdag              The average ticket price was about $79 for the
                           quarter compared to $74 the same period last quarter.

     F. Gristina           Thanks a lot, guys.

     M. Akdag              You're welcome.

     Coordinator           Our next question comes from Walter Ramsley of Walrus

     W. Ramsley            Good morning. Congratulations on a good

     M. Akdag              Thank you.

     W.Ramsley             I have a couple of questions. You mentioned
                           that you're considering getting into the pet health
                           insurance area. Is this going to be some other
                           company that you're going to work with or are you
                           developing your own operation?

     M. Akdag              We don't know yet.  I'm not prepared to answer that
                           at this time.  We are evaluating all of our options.

     W. Ramsley            How long do you think that'll be before you get that
                           one off the ground?

     M. Akdag              We are in a research stage right now.  I would say we
                           will make a decision within the next 30 days.

     W. Ramsley            I think you mentioned, earlier in your presentation,
                           that the product prices and the cost both went up
                           during the period.  Is that correct?

     M. Akdag              Product prices went up since last year's June 30,
                           2003 quarter.  In July 2003 we increased our product
                           prices and the product cost increased in January

     W. Ramsley            Can you give us an idea of what the inflationary
                           factors are? Is it a big number or is it just a
                           couple of percentage points?  How significant is

     M. Akdag              On average, the manufacturers increased their prices,
                           about, on average I would say, 5%.  It probably
                           ranges from 3% to 7%.

     W. Ramsley            Just one last thing: You indicated that the
                           veterinarians are spreading the word that there are
                           counterfeit drugs on the Internet. Could you go into
                           that a little further and explain what the real story

     M. Akdag              There has been some press and there has been,
                           actually, a warning by the EPA that there are some
                           counterfeit foreign products in the market. We
                           noticed that veterinarians have systematically
                           communicated that to their customer base and we
                           believe that negatively impacted our business.

                           We only dispense the same U.S. FDA/EPA-approved
                           medications that are dispensed by veterinarians and
                           we unconditionally guarantee the medications that we

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     W. Ramsley            I understand that. I'm just wondering how
                           widespread the problem is.

     M. Akdag              Our recent surveys, the last 30 days, showed
                           that about 10% of the surveyees were concerned with
                           that. I don't know what percent acted upon it, but
                           that's what we found out from our surveys.

     W. Ramsley            Is there any way that the government can crack down
                           and get rid of the problem?

     M. Akdag              They've been working on it.  Actually, we've been
                           feeding them information. I believe, in the long
                           term, it will be resolved.

     W. Ramsley            How long do you think that might take?  Is there any
                           way to figure that out or do you just have to wait
                           and see?

     M. Akdag              It's difficult to tell.  Some of the manufacturers
                           are acting upon it too, and going after some of these
                           sites, so it should be resolved shortly.

     W. Ramsley            Just in general, the next quarter, is that another
                           seasonally strong quarter?  How does that compare in
                           the overall scheme of things?

     M. Akdag              Spring is the strongest; summer is considered the
                           second strongest.  Winter and fall are considered

     W. Ramsley            As far as the advertising goes are you going
                           to continue to maintain the same amount of time on TV
                           or are you going to scale it back a little because of
                           the prices? What's the plan there?

     M. Akdag              We'll probably spend slightly less dollar-wise
                           than in the spring quarter. There are also the
                           Olympics coming up that will impact the viewership
                           of other stations. Presidential elections are getting
                           closer so TV inventory will get tighter as we go

     W. Ramsley            Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.

     M. Akdag              You're welcome.

     Coordinator           Our next question comes from Ted Jackson of Noble

     T. Jackson            Good morning, gentlemen.

     M. Akdag              Good morning.

     T. Jackson            Can you tell us, in terms of the average ticket size,
                           what the difference is in new orders and reorders?

     M. Akdag              There is no material difference.  I would say it's
                           probably within a dollar.

     T. Jackson            So it's materially insignificant?

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     M. Akdag              That is correct.

     T. Jackson            Can you tell us which marketing channel,
                           television or print, is more efficient in terms of
                           acquisition costs, and give us a breakdown of what
                           each one costs?

     M. Akdag              Historically we mainly used television
                           advertising to acquire customers. That has been
                           successful for us for the last three years. Due to
                           inventory shortages, or I should say inventory
                           availability at the right price, we shifted the media
                           from television to print this quarter ending June
                           30th. It's all relative, so if we're paying higher on
                           TV, then you're comparing to a higher dollar with
                           print. I can't really break it down because we're
                           using 1-800-PetMeds. It's very difficult to track

     T. Jackson            So you don't have those figures available?

     M. Akdag              Between the medias?

     T. Jackson            Yes.

     M. Akdag              We do some tests within the print media.  I would say
                           about half of it is working as well as television and
                           the other half is not.

     T. Jackson            Could you define that in a number for us,
                           like in terms of what the average cost would be from
                           a print campaign in terms of ticket size and what the
                           average ticket size would be from a TV ad?

     M. Akdag              I'm not going to get into that kind of detail.  It's
                           really proprietary.  I would be giving information to
                           the competition.

     T. Jackson            Very well, sir. Thank you very much.

     M. Akdag              You're welcome.

     Coordinator           Our next question comes from Zach McAdoo of MCM.

     Z. McAdoo             Hi.  I was just wondering what changes in the
                           competitive environment you're seeing in terms of
                           direct mail or retailers?

     M. Akdag              There is certainly increased competition by both
                           traditional and online retailers.  That's really

     Z. McAdoo             Do you think that that impact - that was another
                           impact on the quarter?

     M. Akdag              What we hear is we are being compared to
                           veterinarians, so veterinarians are still the primary
                           competition. They've been more price-competitive too,

     Z. McAdoo             Thank you.

     M. Akdag               You're welcome.

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     Coordinator           We have another question from Frank Gristina from

     F. Gristina           A follow-up question, Mendo or Bruce. I had
                           a question regarding internal hopes for new customer
                           adds in this fiscal year. There's a broad range on
                           the consensus numbers and I was hoping maybe you
                           could tighten it up by giving us an idea of what you
                           guys hope to add in terms of new customers.

     M. Akdag              Frank, we really don't give any guidance.

     F. Gristina           Alright. We'll wait and see, but just
                           looking at the difference between the June 2003 and
                           June 2004, it's kind of chunky, but I guess that's
                           more a result of the available ad inventory that you
                           had in 2003.

     M. Akdag              That is correct.

     F. Gristina           Thanks.

     M. Akdag              You're welcome.

     Coordinator           I'm showing no further questions at this time.

     M. Akdag              We are a leader in a new distribution channel
                           in an estimated $3 billion industry offering the
                           consumers savings and convenience. We have a powerful
                           brand name, 1-800-PetMeds. Our key opportunity is to
                           leverage the brand name and continue to increase our
                           market share.

                           As I mentioned earlier, we will do this by focusing
                           our efforts in three areas: one, optimizing our TV
                           and print media buys, as well as developing new
                           creatives; two, improving our management of patient
                           compliance to drive reorders; and three, examining
                           the feasibility of leveraging our database by adding
                           new products within the companion animal category,
                           such as compounded medications, medications for
                           horses and pet heath insurance.

                           This wraps up today's conference call.  Thank you for
                           joining us.

       Coordinator         Thank you for participating in today's
                           teleconference.  You may disconnect and have a great

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