STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT
                       UNDER THE 2004 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

     THIS  AGREEMENT  is made as of  _________________  between  Jack in the Box
Inc., a Delaware  corporation (the  "Company"),  and  ____________________  (the


         The Compensation Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of Directors
of the Company which administers the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan (the
"Plan") has granted to the Optionee as of the date of this Agreement an option
(the "Option") to purchase shares of the Common Stock of the Company, par value
$0.01 per share (the "Common Stock"), on the terms and conditions set forth


         In consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants set forth
herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as

     1. SHARES OPTIONED:  OPTION PRICE. Optionee may purchase all or any part of
an aggregate  of  _________  shares of Common  Stock,  at the exercise  price of
____________  per share (the "Option Exercise  Price"),  which shall be not less
than the fair market value on the date hereof,  on the terms and  conditions set
forth herein.

     2. OPTION TERM:  TIMES OF EXERCISE OR SALE. The Option shall  terminate and
no  portion of the  Option  may be  exercised  in whole or in part more than ten
years after the date hereof.

         This Option shall become exercisable as follows:

(1)      One fourth on _________.

(2)      One fourth on _________.

(3)      One fourth on _________.

(4)      One fourth on _________.

     3.  CONSIDERATION.  The Option has been  granted  in  consideration  of the
Optionee's   continued   employment   with  the  Company  or  its  wholly  owned
subsidiaries  and  acceptance  by the Optionee of the terms and  conditions  set
forth below and in the Plan.


     4. EXERCISE  DATES.  Subject to the terms and conditions  herein and in the
Plan,  the  Option  shall  become  exercisable,  on each of the dates and to the
extent provided on each date as provided in Paragraph 2 above. Fractional shares
may  not be  purchased  or  delivered  hereunder.  Once  exercisable  and  until
terminated,  all or any portion of the Option may be exercised from time to time
and at any time under  procedures  that the Company shall establish from time to
time,  including,  without  limitation,  procedures  regarding  the frequency of
exercise and the minimum  number of option  shares which may be purchased at any

     5. EXERCISING THE OPTION. This Option may be exercised only by the Optionee
or his or her  permitted  transferees  and only by the methods set forth herein.
Subject to the terms and  conditions of the Plan,  the Optionee may exercise all
or any portion of the Option by giving  notice of exercise to the Company or its
designee in the manner  specified from time to time by the Company,  accompanied
by payment or instructions  for payment in full of the Option Exercise Price for
the shares  being  purchased  together  with any amount  which the  Company  may
withhold upon such exercise for applicable  foreign,  federal  (including FICA),
state and local taxes.  Each such notice  shall  specify the number of shares of
Common Stock to be purchased,  the Option  Exercise  Price,  the grant date, and
such other matters as required by the Committee.

     6. PAYMENT OF EXERCISE PRICE.  The payment of the aggregate Option Exercise
Price shall be made (i) in cash or by cashiers  check,  (ii) by tender of Common
Stock having a value not less than the aggregate Option Exercise Price, (iii) by
means of a payment under an  arrangement  with a broker  approved by the Company
where  payment is made  pursuant to an  irrevocable  commitment by the broker to
deliver to the Company the proceeds  from the sale of the Common Stock  issuable
upon exercise of the Option, or (iv) any combination of the foregoing.

     7.  NON-TRANSFERABILITY.  Except as otherwise  provided in this  Paragraph,
this Option: (a) shall be exercisable during the Optionee's lifetime only be the
Optionee,  and is not transferable other than by will or the laws of descent and
distribution;  (b)  shall  not  be  otherwise  transferred,  assigned,  pledged,
hypothecated  or  disposed  of in  any  way,  whether  by  operation  of  law or
otherwise, and shall not be subject to execution, attachment or similar process;
(c) shall  immediately  terminate  and become  null and void upon any attempt to
transfer, assign, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise dispose of this Option, other
than as  permitted  herein,  or upon the levy of any  execution,  attachment  or
similar  process  upon this  Option.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  with the
approval  of the  Committee,  the Option may be  transferred  to a trust for the
benefit  of the  Optionee  or the  Optionee's  "family  member"  as that term is
defined in the General Instructions to Form S-8 Registration Statement under the
Securities Act.


     (a) If  Optionee  ceases to be  employed  by the  Company  or a  subsidiary
because of Optionee's  discharge for cause,  as determined by the Company in its
sole discretion,  this Option shall expire  concurrently  with such cessation of
employment.  As used  herein,  the term  "subsidiary"  shall mean any present or
future  corporation which would be a "subsidiary  corporation" of the Company as
defined in Section 425 of the Internal Revenue Code.


     (b) Before the  Optionee is eligible  to retire  under a Company  sponsored
retirement  plan,  if  Optionee  ceases  to be  employed  by  the  Company  or a
subsidiary  for  any  reason  other  than  for (i)  termination  for  cause,  as
determined by the Company in its sole  discretion,  or (ii) Optionee's  death or
Total and Permanent Disability (as defined below), then this Option,  subject to
earlier  termination  pursuant to Paragraph 2 hereof,  shall expire  ninety days
thereafter, and during such period after Optionee ceases to be an employee, this
Option shall be  exercisable  only as to those  shares,  if any, with respect to
which  the  Optionee  could  have  exercised  the  option as of the date of such
cessation of employment.

     (c) After the  Optionee  is eligible  to retire  under a Company  sponsored
retirement  plan,  if  Optionee  ceases  to be  employed  by  the  Company  or a
subsidiary for any reason other than (i) termination for cause, as determined by
the  Company  in its sole  discretion,  or (ii)  Optionee's  death or Total  and
Permanent  Disability (as defined below), then during such period after Optionee
ceases to be an  employee,  this Option  shall be  exercisable  only as to those
shares,  if any, (A) with respect to which the Optionee  could have exercised as
of the date of such  cessation of employment and (B) for each twelve full months
during  which  Optionee was in the employ of the  Company,  or a  subsidiary  an
additional 5% of the shares  granted,  (total  exercisable  shares not to exceed
original  grant amount),  of this Option,  provided all rights under such Option
shall expire, in any event, on the date specified in Paragraph 2 hereof.

     (d) If  Optionee  shall die while in the  employment  of the  Company  or a
subsidiary,  and such  deceased  Optionee  shall  not have  suffered  Total  and
Permanent  Disability  within ninety days prior to death, then this Option shall
be  exercisable  by the person or persons to whom  Optionee's  rights  under the
Options  all  have  passed  by  will  or  by  applicable  laws  of  descent  and
distribution,  as to all shares  granted to Optionee  without regard to exercise
limitations  as set forth in  Paragraph 2 hereof;  provided,  however,  that all
rights  under such Option  shall  expire in any event on the date  specified  in
Paragraph 2 hereof.

     (e) If Optionee  shall suffer Total and Permanent  Disability  while in the
employment of the Company or a subsidiary, this Option shall be exercisable only
as to those shares which Optionee  could exercise as of twelve months  following
the  Optionee's  first day of absence from work with the Company or a subsidiary
due to Total and Permanent Disability,  provided, however, that all rights under
such  Option  shall  expire in any event on the date  specified  in  Paragraph 2
hereof.  "Total and Permanent Disability" is defined as the inability to perform
the duties of your occupation,  or any occupation for which you are qualified or
may reasonably become qualified by education, training or experience, because of
an  illness  or  injury  of  unavoidable  cause for a period of at least six (6)
months,  provided the  inability is  determined or expected to be permanent by a
physician selected by the Company.

     9.  LEGALITY.  The  Company  shall not be  required  to issue any shares of
Common  Stock  upon  the  exercise  of the  Option  unless  and  until  any then
applicable  requirements of the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC"),
the California  Department of Corporations or other  regulatory  agencies having
jurisdiction  with respect to such  issuance,  and any exchanges  upon which the
Common Stock may be listed,  shall have been fully compiled with.  Upon exercise
of the  Option at a time when  there is not in effect a  registration  statement
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or any successor statute thereto,
(the  "Act"),  relating to the shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  exercise


thereof,  and available for delivery a prospectus  meeting the  requirements  of
Section 10(a)(3) of the Act, or if the rules and  interpretations  of the SEC so
require,  such shares may be issued only if Optionee  represents and warrants in
writing to the Company that the shares are being acquired for investment and not
with view to the distribution thereof, and any certificated issued upon exercise
of the Option shall bear  appropriate  legends setting forth the restrictions on
transfer of such shares.

     10.  BUY  OUT OF  OPTION  GAINS.  At  any  time  after  an  Option  becomes
exercisable, the Committee shall have the right to elect, in its sole discretion
and without the consent of the holder thereof,  to cancel such Option and to pay
to the  Optionee  the  excess of the fair  market  value of the shares of Common
Stock  covered by such Option over the Option  Exercise  Price of such option at
the date the  Committee  provides  written  notice (the "Buy Out Notice") of the
intention to exercise such right.  Buyouts  pursuant to this provision  shall be
effected by the  Company as  promptly as possible  after the date of the Buy Out
Notice.  Payments of buy out  amounts  may be made in cash,  in shares of Common
Stock,  or partly in cash and partly in shares of Common Stock, as the Committee
deems  advisable.  To the extent payment is made in Common Stock,  the number of
shares shall be  determined  by dividing the amount of the payment to be made by
the fair  market  value of a share  of  Common  Stock at the date of the Buy Out
Notice.  In no event shall the Company be required to deliver a fractional share
of Common Stock in satisfaction of this buy out provision.  Payments of any such
buy out amounts shall be made net of any applicable foreign,  federal (including
FICA),  state and local  withholding  taxes. For the purposes of this provision,
fair  market  value  shall be equal to the average of the high and low prices at
which a share of the  Company  Common  Stock  is  traded  on the New York  Stock
Exchange on the relevant date.

     11.  ADJUSTMENTS  IN STOCK.  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan, if the
outstanding  shares of the  Company  Common  Stock of the class  subject to this
Option are  increased  or  decreased,  or are changed  into or  exchanged  for a
different  number  or kind of shares  or  securities  as a result of one or more
reorganizations,  recapitalizations,  stock splits,  reverse stock splits, stock
dividends and the like, appropriate adjustments to be conclusively determined by
the  Committee,  shall be made in the number and/or type of shares or securities
subject  to this  Option  and in the Option  Exercise  Price,  so that the total
purchase price of the shares then subject to this Option shall remain unchanged.

12. TERMINATING TRANSACTIONS. Upon the dissolution or liquidation of the
Company, this Option shall terminate. Upon the occurrence of any (i) merger or
consolidation in which the Company shall not be the surviving entity (or
survives only as a subsidiary of another entity whose shareholders did not own
all or substantially all of the Company's Common Stock immediately prior to such
transaction), (ii) sale of all or substantially all of the Company's assets to
any other person or entity (other than a wholly-owned subsidiary), or (iii) the
acquisition of beneficial ownership or control of (including, without
limitation, power to vote) more than 50% of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock by any person or entity (including a "group" as defined by or under
Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(collectively a "Terminating Transaction"), this Option shall terminate unless
provision be made in writing in connection with such transaction for the
assumption of the Option or the substitution for the Option of a new option
covering the stock of a successor employer corporation, or a parent or
subsidiary thereof or of the Company, with appropriate adjustments as to the
number and kind of shares and prices, in which event this Option shall continue


in the manner and under the terms so provided. If this Option shall terminate
pursuant to the foregoing sentence, the person then entitled to exercise the
Option shall have the right, at such time immediately prior to the consummation
of the Terminating Transaction as the Company shall designate, to exercise this
Option to the full extent not theretofore exercised, including any installments
previously not exercisable prior to the Terminating Transaction. Adjustments
under this section shall be made by the Committee, whose determination as to
what adjustments shall be made and the extent thereof shall be conclusive. No
fractional shares of stock shall be issued under this Option or in connection
with any such adjustment.

     13. EMPLOYMENT.  Nothing in the Plan or in this agreement shall confer upon
the  Optionee any right to continue in the  employment  of the Company or any of
its subsidiaries.

     14. PLAN  CONTROLS.  The Option and all terms and  conditions  set forth in
this  agreement  are subject in all respects to the terms and  conditions of the
Plan as may be amended  from time to time,  (but no  amendment  shall  adversely
affect the  Optionee's  rights under this Option) and any rules and  regulations
promulgated by the Committee,  which shall be  controlling.  All  constructions,
interpretations,  rule  determinations  or other  actions taken by the Committee
shall be final, binding and conclusive on all interested parties,  including the
Company and its subsidiaries and all former, present and future employees of the
Company or its subsidiaries.

     15.  ARBITRATION.  Any dispute or claim  concerning any Options granted (or
not granted)  pursuant to the Plan and this  agreement and any other disputes or
claims relating to or arising out of the Plan and this agreement shall be fully,
finally and exclusively resolved by binding arbitration  conducted in San Diego,
California,  by either (i) the American  Arbitration  Association  in accordance
with its rules and procedures,  or (ii) by any party mutually agreed upon by the
Committee and the claimant. By accepting an Option, the Optionee and the Company
waive their respective rights to have any disputes or claims tried by a judge or

     16.  RESPONSIBILITY FOR EXERCISE.  The Optionee hereby acknowledges that he
or she is  responsible  for taking any and all  actions  as may be  required  to
exercise  this Option in a timely  manner and for  properly  executing  any such
documents  as may be required  for  exercise in  accordance  with such rules and
procedures as may be  established by the Committee from time to time. By signing
this  agreement  the  Optionee   acknowledges  that  information  regarding  the
procedures  and  requirements  for this exercise of the Option is available upon
request. The Company shall have not duty or obligation to notify the Optionee of
the expiration date of this Option.

     17. LAWS GOVERNING. The Option and the Plan shall be construed and enforced
in  accordance  with the laws of the  State of  Delaware  without  regard to the
principles of conflicts of law.

     18. RECEIPT OF PROSPECTUS.  The Optionee hereby acknowledges that he or she
has  received  a copy of the  prospectus  relating  to the Option and the shares
covered thereby and the Plan.


     19.  OPTION  AGREEMENT.  This  agreement  has no cash value or other  legal
significance  and the  entitlement of any rights here under shall be governed by
the terms of the Plan and the books and records maintained by the Company.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Option to be executed
on its behalf by its President or one of its Vice Presidents and Optionee has
hereunto set his hand on the day and year first above written.

JACK IN THE BOX INC.                       OPTIONEE

         --------------------------------  ------------------------------------
         Robert J. Nugent                  Signature


                                           Street Address

                                           City, State  Zip

                                           Social Security Number
