Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
     Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)         October 1, 2004

                               Enesco Group, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         Illinois                   0-1349                     04-1864170
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction      (Commission                 (IRS Employer
    of incorporation)             File Number)             Identification No.)

      225 Windsor Drive, Itasca, IL                           60143
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                     (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code           (630) 875-5300

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Check  the  appropriate  box  below  if the  Form  8-K  filing  is  intended  to
simultaneously  satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the
following provisions (see General Instruction A.2 below):

[ ]  Written communications  pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17
     CFR 230.425)

[ ]  Soliciting  material  pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17
     CFR 240.14a-12)

[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the
    Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the
    Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

Item 1.01 Material Definitive Agreement.

On October  1, 2004  Enesco  Group,  Inc.  (Enesco)  entered  into a  worldwide,
exclusive license  agreement with Jim Shore Designs,  Inc. (Jim Shore) effective
January 1, 2005.  Enesco's  existing license agreement with Jim Shore expires at
the end of 2004. The new license  agreement has an initial term through December
31, 2012, with renewal options.  Under the terms of the license agreement Enesco
has a right of first refusal on new product categories.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                           Enesco Group, Inc.

Date October 5, 2004            By: /s/ George R. Ditomassi
                                        George R. Ditomassi,
                                        Interim Chief Executive Officer

                                LICENSE AGREEMENT

     THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT,  effective as of the 1st day of January 2005, is by
and  between the  LICENSOR,  who is  identified  in  paragraph A below;  and the
LICENSEE  who is  identified  in  paragraph  B  below,  and  comprises:  (1) the
provisions  stated  in the  following  paragraphs  C - J;  and (2) the  Standard
Provisions  and  Schedules  I - III that are  attached as Exhibit A and that are
incorporated herein by reference.

A.       LICENSOR:                  Jim Shore Designs, Inc.

         (ENESCO):                  ENESCO GROUP, INC.
                                    225 Windsor Drive
                                    Itasca, IL  60143


              WORKS:          The  artwork   licensed  to  ENESCO  includes  the
                              original copyrighted  artwork(s) owned by LICENSOR
                              and by Jim Shore and identified in Schedule I.

              MARKS:          The  trademark(s)  and name(s)  licensed to ENESCO
                              include the mark(s) and name(s)  owned by LICENSOR
                              and identified in attached Schedule II.

D.       PRODUCTS:            ENESCO  may  make,  have  made,  sell,  advertise,
                              import and  distribute the products that embody or
                              display  copies of the  WORKS;  and/or  derivative
                              works   based  on  the   WORKS,   that  are  sold,
                              advertised,    and   distributed    including   in
                              connection with the MARKS; and that are identified
                              in attached Schedule III.

         TERRITORY:           The  territory  in  which  ENESCO  may  advertise,
                              distribute and sell PRODUCTS includes worldwide.

F.       LICENSED TERM:       The license and rights granted to ENESCO  commence
                              on the date first  written  above and continues to
                              and including December 31, 2012.


                 RATE:        The  royalty   rates  payable  by  ENESCO  are  as
                              follows:  Eight percent (8.0%) for net sales other
                              than as listed  below  Three and one half  percent
                              (3.5%) for mass market  (including QVC) and direct
                              import  sales (FOB sales) and for direct  response
                              sales. Three percent (3%) for Co-Branded  Products
                              (defined  as all  products  for which  Enesco pays
                              royalties  to a  second  licensor,  including  for
                              music and/or other licensed artists).

H.       FORM OF
         NOTICE:             (C) (year) Jim Shore Designs, Inc.

         PROVISIONS:          As  noted,   the  Standard   Provisions   and  the
                              Schedules  I -  III  attached  as  Exhibit  A  are
                              incorporated herein by reference thereto.

J.       OTHER TERMS:         LICENSOR  and  ENESCO  agree to create a  mutually
                              agreeable  product  development and marketing plan
                              for the  brand  each year by  September  30 of the
                              prior  year.  Such plans will be  reviewed  by the
                              parties  no  less  than  every  six  months,   and
                              adjusted by mutual agreement as necessary.

                              LICENSOR will make the artist Jim Shore  available
                              for personal  appearances  on at least twelve (12)
                              weekends  per year to be mutually  agreed upon for
                              trade shows or other  events to support the retail

                              For all international and extended domestic travel
                              (in excess of three)  hours  requested or required
                              by Enesco,  Enesco shall provide the same class of
                              airline  tickets  that are  provided  for Enesco's
                              senior  executives  in  accordance  with  the then
                              current Enesco travel  policy.  All other expenses
                              for travel requested or required by Enesco will be
                              reimbursed  in  accordance  with  Enesco's  travel

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  LICENSOR and ENESCO have, through their duly
authorized  officers,  executed  this License  Agreement as of the date and year
first written above.

                                  JIM SHORE DESIGNS, INC.

                                  /s/ Jim Shore
                                  By Jim Shore, President

                                   ENESCO GROUP, INC.

                                   /s/ Jeffrey S. Smith
                                   By Jeffrey S. Smith, Senior Vice President

                                    EXHIBIT A


               The  following   Standard   Provisions   shall  be  deemed  fully
incorporated in the License Agreement  (hereinafter the "Underlying  Agreement")
to which  this  EXHIBIT  A is  attached,  and  these  Standard  Provisions,  the
Underlying  Agreement  and the attached  Schedules  I-III shall  hereinafter  be
collectively  referred to as the "Agreement".  All terms and conditions included
in these Standard  Provisions shall,  unless expressly  provided to the contrary
herein,  have the  same  respective  meanings  as set  forth  in the  Underlying
Agreement.  Unless expressly provided to the contrary herein, to the extent that
any of these Standard Provisions  conflicts with any provision of the Underlying
Agreement, the Underlying Agreement shall control.

 1.      Grant.

         (a)      LICENSOR  agrees to and does hereby  grant to ENESCO the right
                  and license, under the WORKS, and under derivative works based
                  on  the  WORKS,  to  make,  have  made,   advertise,   import,
                  distribute and sell the PRODUCTS in the LICENSED TERRITORY.

         (b)      LICENSOR further agrees to and does hereby grant to ENESCO the
                  right and license to use any of the MARKS as a  trademark  for
                  any or all of the  PRODUCTS  in the  LICENSED  TERRITORY.  The
                  parties   recognize   and  agree  that   ENESCO  may,  at  its
                  discretion,  elect to use or not to use the  MARKS,  or any of
                  them, at any time or times during the term of this Agreement.

         (c)      The rights and  licenses  granted  in  Paragraph  1(a) and (b)
                  herein  shall be sole and  exclusive  (other  than for certain
                  non-core  product  categories as set forth in Schedule III) to
                  ENESCO for all of the PRODUCTS.

2.       Payments.

         (a)      ENESCO shall pay  ROYALTIES  to LICENSOR  equal to the ROYALTY
                  RATE of the Net Selling  Price of the PRODUCTS sold under this

         (b)      For wholesales  sales, the term, "Net Selling Price",  as used
                  herein,  shall mean ENESCO's  actual  invoice or billing price
                  for the  PRODUCTS  sold,  less:  discounts  given to bona fide
                  customers;  sales and other taxes and freight charges, if any,
                  actually paid; and credits or allowances given on the PRODUCTS

         (c)      For direct  response sales,  the term "Net Selling Price",  as
                  used herein,  means the actual  billing  price to the consumer
                  for the  PRODUCTS  sold less sales taxes and any  shipping and
                  handling  charges   separately   itemized  on  the  consumer's

 3.      Time for Making Payments.

         Within  thirty (30) days  following  the end of each  calendar  quarter
         during  the term of this  Agreement,  ENESCO  shall  give a  report  to
         LICENSOR showing the sales of PRODUCTS sold under this Agreement during
         the calendar  quarter and the basis used in determining the payments of
         ROYALTIES  due  under  this  Agreement.   All  such  reports  shall  be
         accompanied by a check for the payments of ROYALTIES shown to be due in
         the report.  With respect to sales by any ENESCO foreign  subsidiary or
         affiliated company, the sale shall be recorded upon the subsidiary's or
         affiliate's  sale to the end  customer,  and the thirty (30) day period
         within  which to report  and to pay  ROYALTIES  shall be  increased  to
         ninety  (90)  days,  and  increased  to forty five days (45) for direct
         response sales and sales to distributors.

 4.      Records.

         ENESCO  shall keep true and complete  records  relating to the sales of
         PRODUCTS sold under this Agreement. Such records shall be available, at
         reasonable  times during normal  business  hours,  for inspection by an
         independent  certified  public  accountant,  designated and paid for by
         LICENSOR,  for the purpose of determining  the accuracy of the payments
         made and reports given under  Paragraph 3 herein;  it being  understood
         that the certified public accountant shall not disclose to the LICENSOR
         the details of ENESCO's business revealed by such inspection other than
         the  information  necessary to report on the results of the inspection.
         Such records  shall be  maintained by ENESCO for at least two (2) years
         following the end of the calendar quarter to which they pertain.

 5.      Trademark Quality Assurance.

         (a)      ENESCO agrees to submit to LICENSOR  representative samples of
                  each of the  different  PRODUCTS  (herein  referred  to as the
                  "INITIAL SAMPLES") before production of the PRODUCT commences.
                  Recognizing   that  time  is  very  critical  in  successfully
                  introducing PRODUCTS into the marketplace,  LICENSOR agrees to
                  inspect expeditiously the INITIAL SAMPLES and to notify ENESCO
                  whether the quality of the INITIAL  SAMPLES is approved within
                  ten (10) days of receipt  of the  INITIAL  SAMPLES  and if not
                  approved,  to  advise  ENESCO,  in  writing,  of any  and  all
                  corrections  reasonably  required  to be made in order for the
                  INITIAL SAMPLES to be approved.  Failure of the LICENSOR to so
                  notify and advise  ENESCO  within this ten day period shall be
                  deemed to  constitute  approval  by  LICENSOR  of the  INITIAL
                  SAMPLES.  LICENSOR further agrees to consult and cooperatively
                  work  with  ENESCO  in  making  INITIAL  SAMPLES  that  can be
                  approved by LICENSOR.

         (b)      After  LICENSOR  has  approved  the  quality  of  the  INITIAL
                  SAMPLES,  ENESCO shall have the right to use the MARKS,  if it
                  so elects, for PRODUCTS that meet or exceed the quality of the
                  corresponding INITIAL SAMPLES.  ENESCO agrees that it will not
                  knowingly use the MARKS for or in connection  with the sale of
                  a PRODUCT whose quality does not meet or exceed the quality of
                  the corresponding approved INITIAL SAMPLES.

         (c)      From time to time but not more than once each  calendar  year,
                  ENESCO  agrees  to give  LICENSOR,  at  LICENSOR'S  reasonable
                  request and cost, two (2) additional representative samples of
                  the  PRODUCTS  which it is  selling  under  the  MARKS for the
                  purpose  of  enabling   LICENSOR  to  determine   whether  the
                  additional   samples   meet  or  exceed  the  quality  of  the
                  corresponding INITIAL SAMPLES.  LICENSOR shall promptly notify
                  ENESCO if such  additional  samples do not meet the quality of
                  the corresponding INITIAL SAMPLES.

         (d)      ENESCO agrees that any  advertisements for PRODUCTS sold under
                  the MARKS  shall be done with the same good taste and  quality
                  as ENESCO's  advertisements  for its other giftware  products.
                  Upon  LICENSOR'S  reasonable  request,  ENESCO  agrees to give
                  LICENSOR copies of such advertisements.

 6.      Artwork Requirements.

         LICENSOR  agrees to  provide  ENESCO  with the  artwork  for the WORKS.
         Additional  artwork,  which is required  and  requested  by ENESCO from
         LICENSOR,  shall be provided by LICENSOR at such time as  requested  by
         ENESCO. To the extent that additional artwork is required and requested
         in  accordance  with the  mutually  agreed upon  marketing  and product
         development  plans,  as  referenced  in  Paragraph J of the  Agreement,
         above,  but LICENSOR is unable or  unwilling  to provide such  required
         artwork in time to meet requirements or deadlines, ENESCO may create or
         retain  others to create  the  artwork  and  deduct  the costs for such
         artwork from royalty  payments.  Any artwork generated by third parties
         at ENESCO's direction shall be submitted to LICENSOR for approval,  not
         to be unreasonably  withheld.  LICENSOR shall work  cooperatively  with
         ENESCO and such third  parties to generate  and refine such art to meet
         the standards and requirements for the brand(s).

 7.      Term and Termination.

         (a)      Unless sooner  terminated in accordance with Paragraphs  7(b),
                  (c),  (d), (e) and/or (i) hereof,  the term of this  Agreement
                  shall be for the  LICENSED  TERM stated in  Paragraph F of the
                  Agreement and shall be  automatically  renewed for  additional
                  one (1) year terms.

         (b)      If LICENSOR  shall fail to provide  ENESCO  with the  artwork,
                  including due to death or disability of Jim Shore,  ENESCO may
                  terminate  this  Agreement  by  giving  LICENSOR  a notice  of

         (c)      In the event that ENESCO  fails  materially  to perform any of
                  its  obligations   hereunder,   including  specifically  those
                  obligations in Paragraph 5 herein,  LICENSOR may give ENESCO a
                  notice of default, which also specifies the obligation,  which
                  ENESCO  has  materially  failed  to  perform.   If  reasonable
                  attempts  are  not  taken  by  ENESCO  to cure  the  specified
                  material failure to perform within ninety (90) days of receipt
                  by ENESCO of the notice of default, then the LICENSOR may give
                  ENESCO a notice of termination  upon expiration of such ninety
                  (90) days stating that the Agreement is  terminated  effective
                  as of the date of the notice of termination.

         (d)      The  parties  acknowledge  that the  rights  and duties of the
                  parties may be  affected in the event that either  party files
                  for  relief  under 11 U.S.C.  ss.  101 et seq.  Therefore  the
                  parties agree to be bound by the  following  provisions in the
                  event that  either  party to this  Agreement  files for relief
                  under 11 U.S.C. ss. 101 et seq.

         (e)      If Licensor  shall file for relief under 11 U.S.C.  ss. 101 et
                  seq.  during  the  term  of  this  license,  or any  extension
                  thereof,  the  Licensor  shall make the  election to assume or
                  reject  this  agreement  within  30 days of the  filing of the
                  case,  unless  otherwise  extended  or  reduced  by a court of
                  competent  jurisdiction.  Until  Licensor  makes the election,
                  Licensor shall continue to perform the terms and provisions of
                  this Agreement.  Once Licensor makes the election to assume or
                  reject  this   Agreement,   Licensee  shall  have  the  rights
                  available to it pursuant to 11 U.S.C. ss. 365.

         (f)      If Enesco  shall  file for relief  under 11 U.S.C.  ss. 101 et
                  seq.  during  the  term  of  this  license,  or any  extension
                  thereof,  the  Enesco  shall  make the  election  to assume or
                  reject  this  agreement  within  60 days of the  filing of the
                  case,  unless  otherwise  extended  or  reduced  by a court of
                  competent  jurisdiction.  Until  Enesco  makes the election to
                  assume or  reject  this  Agreement,  Licensor  shall  have the
                  rights  available  to it  pursuant  to 11 U.S.C.  ss.  365. If
                  Enesco  makes the  election  to  reject  this  Agreement,  the
                  Agreement  will be  considered  terminated  and the rights and
                  duties of the  parties  as  defined  in this  Agreement  shall
                  govern and the Licensor shall have the rights  available to it
                  pursuant to 11 U.S.C. ss. 365.

         (g)      If  either  party  is ever  adjudged  insolvent,  or  makes an
                  assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if the business of
                  such party is placed in the hands of a receiver or trustee, or
                  if by  involuntary  action  which is not  dismissed  within 90
                  days,  other than  pursuant to section  7(e) above,  the other
                  party may terminate  this Agreement by giving written a notice
                  of termination.

         (h)      Upon  termination  of this  Agreement,  ENESCO  shall have the
                  right  to sell  any  PRODUCTS  on hand  or in the  process  of
                  manufacture, as of the date of termination, subject to payment
                  of royalties  to the LICENSOR on any such sales in  accordance
                  with the terms of Paragraph 2(a) herein.

         (i)      If earned  royalties  for any given  calendar  year during the
                  LICENSED TERM and any renewal terms, are less than thirty five
                  percent  (35%) of the average  royalties  for the two previous
                  calendar years ("Rolling Base Royalties"), then Enesco has the
                  option,  in its  sole  discretion,  of  making  a  payment  to
                  LICENSOR  within  thirty  days  following  the  payment of the
                  fourth  quarter  royalties  for a given  year,  so that  total
                  payments for the year are equal to thirty five  percent  (35%)
                  of the Rolling Base  Royalties.  If earned  royalties are less
                  than the Rolling Base Royalties, and Enesco elects not to make
                  a payment  to bring  total  payments  up to the  amount of the
                  Rolling Base  Royalties,  then either party may  terminate the
                  agreement by providing the other party with thirty day written

 8.      Indemnity and Representations.

         (a)      ENESCO hereby agrees to defend (at its own expense)  LICENSOR,
                  indemnify  LICENSOR,  and hold LICENSOR harmless regarding any
                  claim asserted  against  LICENSOR to the extent that the claim
                  arises  out of the  manufacture,  advertisement,  distribution
                  and/or sale of PRODUCTS under this Agreement and to the extent
                  that such claim does not relate to  ENESCO's  exercise  of the
                  rights and licenses  granted in Paragraph 1 herein;  provided,
                  however,  that ENESCO is notified  promptly by LICENSOR of any
                  such claim;  that ENESCO  shall have the sole right to control
                  the defense of and to settle any such claim; and that LICENSOR
                  shall  cooperate and assist ENESCO,  at ENESCO's  request,  in
                  connection  with  such  defense.  Claims  arising  out  of the
                  advertisement,   distribution   and/or  sale  of  PRODUCTS  by
                  ENESCO's customers are excluded from this Paragraph.

         (b)      ENESCO represents that it has obtained and shall maintain,  in
                  accordance with its good business judgment,  product liability
                  insurance for the PRODUCTS applicable to its performance under
                  this Agreement.

         (c)      LICENSOR  represents and warrants that: the WORKS are original
                  works  authored  by  LICENSOR  and are not a copy of any other
                  work(s);  LICENSOR is the owner of the MARKS; LICENSOR has the
                  right to enter into this Agreement and to make the grants made
                  in  Paragraph 1 herein;  and  ENESCO's use of the WORKS and/or
                  MARKS, as contemplated by this Agreement,  will not constitute
                  an  infringement  of the rights of others or violate any third
                  parties'  rights  of any  kind  or  nature  including  patent,
                  trademark,  copyright,  invasion of privacy or publicity, idea
                  misappropriation,  defamation, libel, slander or moral rights,
                  piracy,  plagiarism or unfair competition.  Further,  LICENSOR
                  agrees to not license or grant rights to others to make,  have
                  made, advertise, import, distribute and/or sell products that:
                  are  competitive  with the  PRODUCTS;  incorporate  or display
                  derivative  works based on the WORKS;  and/or  incorporate  or
                  display  copies of works such that the products  have the same
                  "look and feel" as and/or  are  confusingly  similar  with the
                  PRODUCTS.  LICENSOR shall indemnify,  defend and hold harmless
                  ENESCO,  and its  successors,  assigns,  parents,  affiliates,
                  subsidiaries and their respective agents, officers, directors,
                  shareholders  and  licensees  s as  to  any  damages,  claims,
                  actions, losses, liabilities, demands, and/or suits, including
                  reasonable attorney's fees and costs, awarded, suffered and/or
                  incurred by it by reason of the  assertion of a claim  arising
                  out of: (i) the  exercise by ENESCO of the rights and licenses
                  granted to ENESCO in Paragraph 1 herein and/or (ii) the breach
                  of LICENSOR'S representations and warranties herein.

9.       Infringement.

         (a)      ENESCO shall have the right and  authority  to  prosecute  and
                  settle, in its own name and/or in LICENSOR'S name, a claim for
                  infringement of the rights granted in Paragraph 1 herein where
                  ENESCO believes, in its sole discretion and after consultation
                  with LICENSOR  (when ENESCO may deem it  appropriate to do so)
                  that the claim  should be  prosecuted.  ENESCO  shall bear all
                  costs and expenses and shall receive all monies awarded and/or
                  recovered with respect to the prosecution of such claim.

         (b)      LICENSOR may, at any time with respect to any situation  known
                  to it and believed to involve a claim of  infringement  of the
                  rights  granted  in  Paragraph  1  herein,  request  ENESCO to
                  prosecute such infringement  claim. When so requested,  ENESCO
                  shall promptly  either pursue the infringer or notify LICENSOR
                  in  writing  that it elects not to pursue  the  infringer.  If
                  ENESCO elects not to pursue the  infringer,  then LICENSOR may
                  prosecute the claim for  infringement and shall bear all costs
                  and  expenses  and shall  receive  all monies  awarded  and/or
                  recovered with respect to the prosecution of such claim.

         (c)      Both ENESCO and LICENSOR agree to cooperate with the other (at
                  the  other's  request  and  expense)  in the  prosecution  and
                  settlement of any infringement claim undertaken by the other.

10.      The Marking of PRODUCTS.

         (a)      ENESCO  agrees to affix  the  copyright  notice,  as stated in
                  Paragraph  H of the  Agreement,  to each  PRODUCT  and to each
                  piece of PRODUCT packaging that includes the WORKS.

         (b)      ENESCO  agrees to affix  the  trademark  notice,  as stated in
                  Paragraph  H of the  Agreement,  to each  PRODUCT  and to each
                  piece of PRODUCT packaging that bears the MARKS.

         (c)      The parties  agree that the  affixation  of the  copyright and
                  trademark  notices,  as  stated in  subparagraphs  (a) and (b)
                  hereof,  shall be  satisfactory  for all  purposes,  including
                  quality assurance purposes, under this Agreement.  Upon thirty
                  (30) days prior notice to ENESCO, LICENSOR may amend Paragraph
                  H to make  reasonable  changes  to one or both of the  notices
                  stated in Paragraph H of the Agreement; provided, that if such
                  an amendment  is made,  ENESCO may still  distribute  and sell
                  PRODUCTS (and PRODUCT  packaging) to which the prior Paragraph
                  H  notice  is  affixed  and  which  were  made  prior  to  the
                  amendment. (d) All PRODUCTS shall also be appropriately marked
                  to indicate the national source or origin thereof.

11.      Copyright and Trademark Ownership.

         A.       The copyrights in and to the WORKS, including derivative works
                  based on the WORKS,  and all rights in the MARKS  shall be and
                  shall remain the sole and exclusive property of LICENSOR.  Any
                  and all newly created  names or marks created  during the Term
                  and used on or in connection  with the PRODUCTS shall be owned
                  exclusively  by ENESCO.  LICENSOR  hereby  appoints  ENESCO to
                  serve as its agent for the filing of  copyrights  for  certain
                  products  in the name of Jim Shore  Designs,  Inc.  ENESCO AND
                  LICENSOR shall agree for which items and products ENESCO shall
                  file  applications  for copyright  registrations.  ENESCO will
                  prepare  copyright  applications and file them with the United
                  States  Copyright  office.  ENESCO  shall  deduct  $60.00  per
                  copyright  filed from royalty  statements  and  payments.  The
                  parties agree to increase the fee per copyright application by
                  the  amount of any  increase  in fees  charged  by the  Untied
                  States  Copyright  office.   Further,  the  parties  agree  to
                  negotiate  in good  faith  equitable  adjustments  in the fees
                  charged for such  copyright  filing  services  based upon such
                  factors as the quantity of copyright  applications  filed each
                  year  and  inflation  over  the  LICENSE  TERM.  ENESCO  shall
                  promptly  provide the  LICENSOR  with a copy of the  documents
                  filed  with  and  received  from the  applicable  governmental
                  agencies   concerning   the   obtaining   of  such   statutory
                  protection.  LICENSOR  agrees  to  cooperate  with  ENESCO  in
                  obtaining such statutory protection.

         B.       Licensor  agrees not to use the names Enesco or Enesco  Group,
                  or any of Enesco's trademarks, or any name that is confusingly
                  similar to any such name or mark in any domain name or uniform
                  resource  location  (URL) address,  domain name  registration,
                  trademark or trademark  registration.  Licensor further agrees
                  that it will only use the names Enesco or Enesco Group, or any
                  of Enesco's  trademarks on its own internet site in accordance
                  with  Enesco's  written  policy  for  use  of  its  trademarks
                  (available on www.enesco.com).

12.      Additional PRODUCTS.

         In the event that ENESCO desires to include additional  giftware and/or
         other  products as PRODUCTS  under this  Agreement,  ENESCO  shall give
         LICENSOR a notice  describing  such  additional  giftware  and/or other
         products. If LICENSOR does not object, in writing, within ten (10) days
         from the date the  notice is given,  such  additional  giftware  and/or
         other products shall  thereafter be considered to be among the PRODUCTS
         included within the terms of this Agreement.

13.      Independent Contractors.

         Both parties to the Agreement are independent contractors,  and neither
         is authorized to nor shall act as the agent for the other.

14.      Communications Between the Parties.

         Any communication  permitted or required  hereunder shall be in writing
         and shall be sent or  delivered to the  receiving  party at the address
         set  forth  in  Paragraph  A or  B of  the  Agreement,  until  notified
         otherwise.  Any  communication  sent to ENESCO shall be also addressed:
         "Attention President"; and a further copy shall be sent to its Director
         of  Licensing.  Any such  communication  (including  notices,  reports,
         payments,  and/or  deliveries) which is sent,  properly  addressed,  by
         prepaid, registered or certified mail shall be effective as of the date
         of its postmark; otherwise, such communication shall be effective as of
         the date it is received by the party to whom it was given.

15.      Transfer.

         This Agreement  shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
         the parties hereto and their respective heirs,  legal  representatives,
         and successors and assigns;  provided,  however, that the parties shall
         have the  right to assign  their  rights  and  obligations  under  this
         Agreement  with the prior  written  consent of the other  party,  which
         consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. ENESCO shall have the right
         to assign its rights and obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, to
         any wholly-owned  subsidiary or affiliated company under common control
         without the prior written consent of LICENSOR.

16.      Confidential Information.

         The parties  contemplate  that  LICENSOR may come into contact with the
         confidential  information of ENESCO, its customers,  suppliers,  and/or
         other  consultants,  including (1)  information of a technical  nature,
         such as "know-how," secret processes, inventions and research projects;
         (2) information of a business nature,  such as information about costs,
         profits,  markets,  sales,  suppliers,   manufacturers,  and  lists  of
         customers;  (3) plans for future developments and future products,  and
         (4) other  information  of a similar nature to the extent not available
         to the public.  LICENSOR  agrees to keep  secret all such  confidential
         information and further agrees not to use such confidential information
         for its own benefit  nor to  disclose  it to anyone  outside of ENESCO,
         either  during  or after  the term of this  Agreement  except  upon the
         written consent of ENESCO or as compelled to do so by law.

17.      Governing Law and Jurisdiction.

         The Agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into in the State of
         Illinois, and shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the
         laws of the  State of  Illinois  without  regard  to  conflict  of laws
         principles.  Any dispute under this  agreement  shall be decided in the
         federal or state courts with the State of Illinois,  the parties hereby
         consent to personal jurisdiction in said courts.

18.      Entire Agreement and Amendment.

         This Agreement  constitutes the full understanding between LICENSOR and
         ENESCO, and no statements,  or agreements,  oral or written, made prior
         to or at the signing  hereof,  shall vary or modify the  written  terms
         hereof. No amendment, modification or release from any provision hereof
         shall be  effective  unless in writing  and  signed by duly  authorized
         representatives  of  both  parties  specifically  stating  it  to be an
         amendment, modification, or release to this Agreement.