Exhibit 99.1

     Digital Recorders, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2004 Results

    DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 15, 2004--Digital Recorders, Inc.
(DRI) (Nasdaq:TBUS), a market leader in transit, transportation and
law enforcement digital communications and audio enhancement systems,
announced its third quarter results today posting a loss of 8 cents
per fully diluted share on revenue of $11.5 million for the quarter.
The loss includes a non-cash charge of $787,000, or 10 cents per
share, accounting for a valuation allowance against the Company's
deferred tax assets. The current period loss compares to earnings of 2
cents per fully diluted share on $10.6 million in revenue posted
during the same period last year.
    "Our domestic and international operations' revenue increased over
the same period last year. At the operating profit level, we recorded
$308,000 for the quarter, as compared to $518,000 during the same
period last year. However, without the non-cash charge, we would have
earned 2 cents per share, comparable with last year," David L. Turney,
the Company's Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President, said.
"On the balance sheet, events were quite positive in the quarter with
holders of our outstanding Series E convertible preferred stock
converting shares with a liquidation value of $955,000 into shares of
common stock. In October, we raised an additional $5.0 million in
equity capital before offering expenses. Thus, our balance sheet
continues to strengthen."
    The Company filed its third quarter 2004 Form 10-Q with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on Nov. 15, 2004.

    Third Quarter 2004 Financial Results

    For the three months ended Sept. 30, 2004, revenue increased by
8.4 percent to $11.5 million with a net loss of $623,000, or 8 cents
per share on 8.2 million fully diluted, weighted-average shares
outstanding. This compares to revenue of $10.6 million and net income
of $104,000, or 2 cents per share on 6.3 million fully diluted shares
outstanding for the same period last year. The results are after
$57,000 and $65,000 in dividends to preferred shareholders for the
three months ended Sept. 30, 2004 and Sept. 30, 2003, respectively.
    For the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2004, revenue increased by 3.9
percent to $35.4 million with a net loss of $635,000, or 10 cents per
share on 6.4 million fully diluted, weighted-average shares
outstanding. This compares to revenue of $34.1 million and net income
of $109,000, or 3 cents per share on 3.9 million fully diluted shares
outstanding for the same period last year. The results are after
$230,000 and $154,000 in dividends to preferred shareholders for the
nine months ended Sept. 30, 2004 and Sept. 30, 2003, respectively.
    The foregoing results also reflect a tax valuation allowance that
resulted in a non-cash charge to income tax expense of $787,000 for
the three months and nine months ended Sept. 30, 2004.
    As of Sept. 30, 2004, the Company had $6.2 million in working
capital and $20.3 million in shareholders' equity. This compares to
$2.3 million in working capital and $11.2 million in shareholders'
equity as of Dec. 31, 2003.

    Summary of Selected Third Quarter 2004 and Other Recent News

    --  On July 8, 2004, the Company announced its Board of Directors
        voted to amend the Company's current shareholder rights plan
        to change the expiration date of the purchase rights issued
        under the plan to July 15, 2004, thus terminating the plan as
        of that date.

    --  On July 8, 2004, the Company announced its previously filed
        Registration Statement on Form S-1 was declared effective on
        that date. The Registration Statement relates to the resale by
        certain shareholders of the Company of 812,500 shares of
        common stock, consisting of 625,000 outstanding shares and
        187,500 shares purchasable under outstanding warrants.

    --  On Aug. 25, 2004, the Company announced it had formed a
        Technology Committee with a charter approved by the Board of
        Directors on Aug. 23, 2004.

    --  On Sept. 9, 2004, the Company announced its Digital Recorders
        (DR) division in Research Triangle Park, N.C., had entered
        into a $1.1 million contract for its surface transit CAD/AVL
        vehicle location system with the Jacksonville Transportation
        Authority (JTA) in Jacksonville, Fla. The first phase purchase
        order for $750,000 under the contract has been received and
        the second phase purchase order is expected in fourth quarter
        2004. The DR communications equipment will help augment
        security for JTA during Super Bowl XXXIX, which will be held
        in Jacksonville on Feb. 6, 2005.

    --  On Sept. 10, 2004, the Company announced its Audit Committee
        had engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, as the Company's
        independent public accounting and auditing firm, effective
        that same day. Previously, the Company had engaged McGladrey &
        Pullen, LLP, to serve as its independent public accounting and
        auditing firm since September 1998.

    --  On Sept. 13, 2004, the Company announced the appointment of
        American Stock Transfer & Trust Company of New York as the
        transfer agent and registrar of its common stock, effective
        that same day.

    --  On Sept. 15, 2004, the Company announced its Digital Audio
        Corporation (DAC) business unit in Research Triangle Park,
        N.C., had received three purchase orders for the new 2005
        release of "CARDINAL," a next-generation forensic audio
        processor system -- two from a U.S. federal agency and one
        from an overseas law enforcement agency. The Company also
        announced in September a strong demand for its forensic audio
        training courses, including the new "Advanced DAC School."

    --  On Oct. 7, 2004, the Company announced it had completed a $5.0
        million private placement of common stock to an institutional
        investor. In the offering, the Company sold 1,207,729 shares
        of common stock to the investor for $4.14 per share. The
        Company also granted the investor warrants to acquire 241,546
        shares of common stock at an exercise price of $6.00 per
        share, exercisable for a period of five years. The Company
        intends to use the net proceeds of the private placement for
        general working capital and other corporate purposes.

    --  On Oct. 8, 2004, the Company announced it had retained
        Citigate Financial Intelligence of Hoboken, N.J., as its
        investor relations firm.

    --  On Oct. 21, 2004, the Company announced its Mobitec AB
        subsidiary in Herrljunga, Sweden, had been chosen by Euromaint
        AB of Malmo, Sweden, on behalf of Statens Jarnvagar (Swedish
        State Railways) of Stockholm, to retrofit a fleet of X2000
        high-speed trains with LED display signs in an order valued at
        between $500,000 to $1.1 million.

    --  On Oct. 21, 2004, the Company announced that David N. Pilotte,
        age 46, had been hired to serve as Vice President and Chief
        Financial Officer and Lawrence A. Taylor, age 57, who served
        as the Company's Secretary, Vice President and Chief Financial
        Officer since 1998 and as a Director since 2001, would assume
        the new position of Executive Vice President of Corporate
        Development, effective Oct. 25, 2004. Mr. Taylor continues to
        serve as the Company's Secretary and as a Director.

    Long-Term Outlook

    "The Company's outlook for the coming 12 months to 18 months
continues to indicate organic top-line growth and profitability,
before considering any non-cash special charges," Mr. Turney said.
    However, it's troubling that there has been a significant delay in
federal legislative action to pass the long-awaited reauthorization of
federal transportation funding following last year's expiration of the
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21). Commenting on
this, Mr. Turney remarked: "The U.S. transit industry has been
operating on a series of continuing resolutions passed at the all-time
high funding levels in existence at TEA-21's expiration. The
uncertainty surrounding this year's multiple legislative delays has
had a negative effect on the industry, the market and the populations
we serve. Recently, an eight-month extension was passed starting the
legislative process in the right direction. While both houses of
Congress have passed a substantially higher funding bill, the Bush
Administration, so far, has declined to sign it into law. We do think,
however, that the security side of our Transportation Communications
Segment would likely be eligible for additional funding in 2005-2006
to enhance transit security measures that may materialize through the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security."
    Mr. Turney also said the November election results provided clear
evidence that communities want better transit systems as approximately
22 ballot initiatives -- representing a substantial majority of such
proposals -- were passed in urban, suburban, and rural communities.
"We believe this grass-roots support bodes well for passage next year
during the 109th Congress of the necessary longer term federal
legislation behind the expired TEA-21."

    Conference Call Information

    Senior management will discuss third quarter 2004 results, as well
as the Company's long-term outlook, during an investors' conference
call on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2004, at 11 a.m. (Eastern).

    --  To listen to, and participate in, the live
        questions-and-answers exchange, call one of the following
        telephone numbers at least five minutes prior to the start
        time: Domestic, 800-370-0740; or International, 973-409-9255.

    --  For the convenience of investors, telephone replay will be
        available through Nov. 30, 2004, via the following telephone
        numbers: Domestic, 877-519-4471 (Replay Pin Number 5384548);
        or International, 973-341-3080 (Replay Pin Number 5384548).

    --  To participate via webcast, go to
        http://www.viavid.net/detailpage.aspx?sid=0000205C. For the
        convenience of investors, the webcast will be archived for
        three months.

    About the Company

    Digital Recorders, Inc. is a market leader in transit,
transportation and law enforcement or security digital communications
and audio enhancement systems using proprietary software applications.
Our products improve the flow and mobility of people through
transportation infrastructure, mitigate security threats, and enhance
law enforcement agencies' surveillance capabilities. Our transit
communications products -- TwinVision(R) and Mobitec(R) route
destination signage systems, Talking Bus(R) voice announcement
systems, Internet-based passenger information systems, and computer
aided dispatch/automatic vehicle locating and monitoring systems --
enhance public transportation and mitigate security threats worldwide.
Our electronic surveillance tools, including microphone amplifiers and
processors, countermeasures devices, speech activity detectors, and
radio/television noise cancellers, help law-enforcement agencies
around the globe detect, capture, arrest and prosecute criminals. For
more information about DRI and its operations worldwide, go to

    Forward-Looking Statements

    This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within
the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
In particular, any statement, express or implied, concerning future
events or expectations is a forward-looking statement. Use of words
such as "expect," "fully expect," "expected," "appears," "believe,"
"plan," "anticipate," "would," "goal," "potential," "potentially,"
"range," "pursuit," "run rate," "stronger," "preliminarily," etc., is
intended to identify forward-looking statements that are subject to
risks and uncertainties, including those described below. There can be
no assurance that any expectation, express or implied, in a
forward-looking statement will prove correct or that the contemplated
event or result will occur as anticipated. It is important to note the
Company's actual results could differ materially from those
contemplated in the Company's forward-looking statements as a result
of various factors. Among other factors, the Company's results will be
affected, perhaps materially, by general economic conditions, the
availability of national government assistance and funding to local
transportation authorities, the adoption and implementation of
regulations concerning public transportation services, product demand
and market acceptance risks, the effect of import, licensing and trade
restrictions, the results of implementing the Company's business plan,
the impact on the Company of its relationship with its lenders, the
plans and prospects of competitors, the impact of competitive products
and pricing, currency fluctuations, infringement by third parties of
the Company's trade secrets and other intellectual property, the
burdens and costs of defending against potential infringement claims
against the Company, and our ability to attract and retain personnel.
Refer to the Company's various Securities and Exchange Commission
filings, such as its Forms 10-Q and 10-K, for further information
about forward-looking statements and risks associated with the
Company's business.


                                            September 30, December 31,
                                                    2004         2003
                                            ------------- ------------
- -------------------------------------------
Current Assets
  Cash and cash equivalents                  $   552,341  $   970,222
  Trade accounts receivable, less
   allowance for doubtful accounts of
   $125,995 at September 30, 2004 and
   $115,042 at December 31, 2003               9,531,353    6,974,914
  Other receivables                              450,481      379,369
  Inventories, net                            10,309,727    9,797,610
  Prepaids and other current assets              524,514      555,068
                                              -----------  -----------
    Total current assets                      21,368,416   18,677,183
                                              -----------  -----------

Property and equipment, less accumulated
 depreciation of $2,837,711 at September
 30, 2004 and $2,351,651 at December 31,
                                      2003     2,944,302    2,434,589
Goodwill, less accumulated amortization of
 $1,139,656 at September 30, 2004 and
 $1,144,248 at December 31, 2003              10,520,222   10,666,113
Intangible assets, less accumulated
 amortization of $717,295 at September 30,
 2004 and $598,484 at December 31, 2003        1,383,264    1,527,292
Deferred tax assets                              175,729      840,585
Deposits and other assets                        124,247       50,203
Deferred financing                               237,943      355,931
                                              -----------  -----------
    TOTAL ASSETS                             $36,754,123  $34,551,896
                                              ===========  ===========

- -------------------------------------------
Current Liabilities
  Lines of credit                            $ 5,546,119  $ 5,983,051
  Current maturities of long-term debt         2,518,760    1,249,110
  Accounts payable                             4,946,831    6,456,870
  Accrued expenses                             1,937,470    2,334,050
  Deferred tax liabilities                       191,111      193,918
  Preferred stock dividends payable               54,633      117,983
                                              -----------  -----------
    Total current liabilities                 15,194,924   16,334,982
                                              -----------  -----------

Long-term debt and other obligations, less
 current maturities                              694,154    6,647,052
                                              -----------  -----------

Minority interest in consolidated
 subsidiary                                      579,301      338,199
                                              -----------  -----------

Commitments and contingencies

Shareholders' Equity
  Series E Redeemable, Nonvoting,
   Convertible Preferred Stock, $.10 par
   value, Liquidation Preference of $5,000
   per share; 600 shares authorized; 239
   and 430 shares issued and outstanding at
   September 30, 2004 and December 31,
   2003, respectively.                           775,374    1,440,295
  Series F Convertible Preferred Stock,
   $.10 par value, Liquidation Preference
   of $5,000 per share; 400 shares
   authorized; zero and 300 shares issued
   and outstanding at September 30, 2004
   and December 31, 2003, respectively.               --    1,500,000
  Series AAA Redeemable, Nonvoting
   Convertible Preferred Stock, $.10 par
   value, Liquidation Preference of $5,000
   per share; 20,000 shares authorized; 246
   and 354 shares issued and outstanding at
   September 30, 2004 and December 31,
   2003, respectively; redeemable at the
   discretion of the Company.                  1,230,000    1,770,000
  Common stock, $.10 par value, 25,000,000
   shares authorized; 8,315,775 and
   3,944,475 issued and outstanding at
   September 30, 2004 and December 31,
   2003, respectively.                           831,578      394,447
  Additional paid-in capital                  25,268,322   13,259,542
  Accumulated other comprehensive income
   -- foreign currency translation             2,010,448    2,271,823
  Accumulated deficit                         (9,829,978)  (9,404,444)
                                              -----------  -----------
    Total shareholders' equity                20,285,744   11,231,663
                                              -----------  -----------
     EQUITY                                  $36,754,123  $34,551,896
                                              ===========  ===========


                      Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                         September 30,             September 30,
                   ------------------------- -------------------------
                      2004         2003         2004         2003
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Net sales          $11,507,893  $10,612,407  $35,389,426  $34,050,514
Cost of sales        6,732,342    6,442,680   20,493,493   20,390,272
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
  Gross profit       4,775,551    4,169,727   14,895,933   13,660,242
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

  Selling, general
   administrative    4,015,990    3,410,840   12,329,106   10,950,190
  Research and
   development         451,141      241,106    1,421,867    1,423,066
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
     expenses        4,467,131    3,651,946   13,750,973   12,373,256
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

  Operating income     308,420      517,781    1,144,960    1,286,986
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Other income and

  Other income          23,634       25,355       88,653       58,976
  Foreign currency
   gain (loss)           2,676       82,137      (92,832)     210,810
   expense, net       (154,837)    (243,556)    (729,126)    (832,998)
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
    Total other
     (expense)        (128,527)    (136,064)    (733,305)    (563,212)
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

  Income before
   income taxes        179,893      381,717      411,655      723,774

Income tax expense    (673,161)    (172,721)    (717,259)    (372,293)
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

  Income (loss)
   before minority
   interest in
   income of
   subsidiary         (493,268)     208,996     (305,604)     351,481

Minority interest
 in income of
 subsidiary            (72,986)     (39,522)     (99,507)     (89,146)
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

  Net income
   (loss)             (566,254)     169,474     (405,111)     262,335

Preferred stock
 dividends             (56,957)     (65,114)    (230,335)    (153,614)
                   ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

  Net income
   applicable to
   shareholders      $(623,211)    $104,360    $(635,446)    $108,721
                   ============ ============ ============ ============

Earnings per
  Net income
   (loss) per
   applicable to
    Basic               $(0.08)       $0.03       $(0.10)       $0.03
                   ============ ============ ============ ============
    Diluted             $(0.08)       $0.02       $(0.10)       $0.03
                   ============ ============ ============ ============

  Weighted average
   number of
   common shares
   and common
    Basic            8,202,786    3,944,475    6,358,431    3,854,219
                   ============ ============ ============ ============
    Diluted          8,202,786    6,320,130    6,358,431    3,992,626
                   ============ ============ ============ ============

    CONTACT: Digital Recorders, Inc., Dallas
             Veronica B. Marks, 214-378-4776
             Fax: 214-378-8437
             Investor Relations:
             Citigate Financial Intelligence
             Robin Weinberg, 201-499-3500
             Fax: 201-499-3600