- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

     SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended
     June 30, 2005


     For the transition period from _____________ to _____________

Commission file no. 000-50990

                                TOWER GROUP, INC.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           DELAWARE                                 13-3894120
- --------------------------------         -----------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S.Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

           120 BROADWAY, 14TH FLOOR
                 NEW YORK, NY                                   10271
- ----------------------------------------------               ----------
   (Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

                                 (212) 655-2000
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  and  Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act)

                                 Yes [ ] No [X]

The aggregate market value of the registrant's common stock held by
non-affiliates on June 30, 2005 (based on the closing price on the Nasdaq
National Market) on such date was approximately $264,037,653.

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date: 19,757,864 shares of common
stock, par value $0.01 per share, as of August 8, 2005.




Item 1. Financial statements

        Consolidated Balance Sheets - June 30, 2005 (unaudited) and December 31, 2004         1

        Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Net Income
        - Three months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004 (unaudited)                               2
        - Six months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004 (unaudited)                                 2

        Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
        - Three months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004 (unaudited)                               3
        - Six months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004 (unaudited)                                 3

        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited)                                4

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
        Condition and Results of Operations                                                  10

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk                           23

Item 4. Controls and Procedures                                                              24


Item 6. Exhibits                                                                             24

SIGNATURES                                                                                   25



                                TOWER GROUP, INC.
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                    JUNE 30, 2005      DECEMBER 31, 2004
                                                                 --------------------  -----------------
                                                                    ($ in thousands, except par value
                                                                             and share amounts)
Fixed-maturity securities, available-for-sale, at fair value
   (amortized cost $266,543 in 2005 and $223,562 in 2004)                $ 267,961          $ 224,523
Equity securities, at fair value (cost $30,083 in 2005
    $1,827 in 2004)                                                         30,396              2,485
Common trust securities - statutory business trusts, equity method           1,426              1,426
                                                                         ---------          ---------
      TOTAL INVESTMENTS                                                    299,783            228,434
Cash and cash equivalents                                                   44,692             55,201
Investment income receivable                                                 2,743              1,975
Agents' balances receivable                                                 41,022             33,473
Assumed premiums receivable                                                  1,054              1,197
Ceding commission receivable                                                 8,727              8,329
Reinsurance recoverable                                                    100,391            101,173
Receivable - claims paid by agency                                           2,976              1,622
Prepaid reinsurance premiums                                                39,200             28,391
Deferred acquisition costs net of deferred ceding commission revenue        25,414             18,740
Federal income taxes and state taxes recoverable                              --                1,975
Intangible assets                                                            5,902              4,978
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation                                6,667              5,420
Other assets                                                                 3,449              3,239
                                                                         ---------          ---------
      TOTAL ASSETS                                                       $ 582,020          $ 494,147
                                                                         =========          =========

Loss and loss adjustment expenses                                        $ 155,858          $ 128,722
Unearned premium                                                           143,251             95,505
Reinsurance balances payable                                                17,769              2,735
Payable to issuing carriers                                                 12,265             18,652
Funds held as agent                                                            776                785
Funds held under reinsurance agreements                                     52,019             54,152
Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                        8,283             12,410
Checks outstanding                                                           2,901              2,726
Payable for securities                                                       2,784               --
Federal income taxes and state taxes payable                                 1,180               --
Deferred income taxes                                                           81              1,587
Subordinated debentures                                                     47,426             47,426
                                                                         ---------          ---------
     TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                     444,593            364,700
                                                                         ---------          ---------

Common stock ($0.01 par value per share; 40,000,000 shares authorized;
   19,847,303 and 19,826,135 shares issued in 2005 and 2004)                   198                198
Paid-in-capital                                                            112,604            112,375
Accumulated other comprehensive net income                                   1,125              1,052
Retained earnings                                                           25,729             18,224
Unearned compensation - restricted stock                                    (1,731)            (1,908)
Treasury stock (89,439 shares in 2005 and 88,967 in 2004)                     (498)              (494)
                                                                         ---------          ---------
     TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                            137,427            129,447
                                                                         ---------          ---------
     TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                          $ 582,020          $ 494,147
                                                                         =========          =========

         See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements


                                TOWER GROUP, INC.
                            COMPREHENSIVE NET INCOME

                                                               Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended
                                                                   June 30,                      June 30,
                                                        ----------------------------    ----------------------------
                                                             2005           2004            2005            2004
                                                        ------------   -------------    ------------    ------------
                                                           ($ in thousands, except share and per share amounts)
     Net premiums earned                                $     37,591    $      9,515    $     67,609    $     17,445
     Ceding commission revenue                                 5,330          10,750          11,176          21,051
     Insurance services revenue                                3,342           4,681           7,123           7,205
     Net investment income                                     3,733           1,099           6,348           1,863
     Net realized gains on investments                            20             (13)            229              (2)
     Policy billing fees                                         236             158             437             332
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
        Total revenues                                        50,252          26,190          92,922          47,894
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    Loss and loss adjustment expenses                         22,013           5,892          40,075          10,909
    Direct commission expense                                 10,669           8,568          19,461          15,654
    Other operating expenses                                   9,280           7,727          18,197          14,504
    Interest expense                                           1,106             724           2,271           1,375
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
        Total expenses                                        43,068          22,911          80,004          42,442
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    Income before income taxes                                 7,184           3,279          12,918           5,452
    Income tax expense                                         2,419           1,280           4,436           2,131
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
        Net income                                      $      4,765    $      1,999    $      8,482    $      3,321
                                                        ============    ============    ============    ============
Comprehensive Net Income
    Net income                                          $      4,765    $      1,999    $      8,482    $      3,321
    Other comprehensive income:
        Gross unrealized investment holding gains
            arising during period                              4,827          (3,191)            341          (2,244)
        Less: reclassification adjustment for gains
           included in net income                                (20)             13            (229)              2
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
                                                               4,807          (3,178)            112          (2,242)
        Income tax benefit (expense) related to items
           of other comprehensive income                      (1,683)          1,080             (39)            762
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
        Total other comprehensive net  income (loss)           3,124          (2,098)             73          (1,480)
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
           Comprehensive Net Income                     $      7,889    $        (99)   $      8,555    $      1,841
                                                        ============    ============    ============    ============
Earnings Per Share

    Basic earnings per common share                     $       0.24    $       0.45    $       0.43    $       0.75
    Diluted earnings per common share                   $       0.24    $       0.35            0.42    $       0.58

Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding:
        Basic                                             19,555,327       4,407,434      19,538,219       4,407,434
        Diluted                                           20,108,917       5,819,870      20,093,198       5,772,977

         See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements


                                TOWER GROUP, INC.

                                                        Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                                            June 30,                 June 30,
                                                       --------------------    --------------------
                                                          2005       2004        2005        2004
                                                                     ($ in thousands)
   Net income                                          $  4,765    $  1,999    $  8,482    $  3,321
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   provided by
     (used in) operations:
     Gain on sale of investments                            (20)         13        (229)          2
     Depreciation                                           609         467       1,172         898
     Amortization of intangible assets                      111        --           222        --
     Amortization of bond premium or discount               185          27         473          73
     Amortization of debt issuance costs                     11          13          20          26
     Amortization of restricted stock                       150        --           322        --
     Deferred income taxes                               (1,121)        415      (1,545)        564
(Increase) decrease in assets:
     Investment income receivable                          (294)       (322)       (768)       (430)
     Agents' balances receivable                         (6,896)     (8,184)     (7,549)     (5,288)
     Assumed premiums receivable                             90        (252)        143         (17)
     Receivable for cancelled reinsurance                  --          --          --        15,748
     Ceding commissions receivable                         --          (436)       (398)       (436)
     Reinsurance recoverable                               (662)     (7,521)       (572)    (15,322)
     Prepaid reinsurance premiums                        (7,353)       (948)    (10,809)      3,241
     Deferred acquisition costs, net                     (3,191)     (1,627)     (6,674)     (3,679)
     Intangible assets                                       26        --        (1,146)       --
     Other assets                                           406        (524)       (223)     (1,271)
Increase (decrease) in liabilities:
     Loss and loss adjustment expenses                   15,340       7,878      27,136      16,032
     Unearned premium                                    28,945       7,926      47,746      10,596
     Checks outstanding                                     207         933         175       1,882
     Reinsurance balances payable                         8,902       1,758      15,034      (3,106)
     Payable to issuing carriers                         (3,205)      8,074      (6,387)      4,774
     Accounts payable and accrued expenses               (2,958)        250      (4,127)     (1,807)
     Federal and state income taxes payable                 721          10       3,155         133
     Funds held under reinsurance agreements             (1,549)      9,314      (2,142)     20,570
     Deferred compensation liability                       --          (987)       --          (964)
                                                       --------    --------    ---------   ---------
Net cash flows provided by operations                    33,219      18,276      61,511      45,540
                                                       --------    --------    ---------   ---------
Purchase of fixed assets                                 (1,657)       (424)     (2,420)     (1,571)
Purchases of investments:
     Fixed-maturity securities                          (32,233)    (35,210)    (74,860)    (53,530)
     Equity securities                                     (403)       --       (29,971)       --
Sale of investments:
     Fixed-maturity securities                           22,067       6,048      34,156       9,170
     Equity securities                                     --          --         1,972        --
                                                       --------    --------    ---------   ---------
Net cash flows used in investing activities             (12,226)    (29,586)    (71,123)    (45,931)
                                                       --------    --------    ---------   ---------
   Repayment of redeemable preferred stock                 --          --          --        (1,500)
   Repayment of long-term debt -- CIT                      --          (225)       --          (413)
   Increase in notes receivable from related parties       --           (14)       --           (25)
   Dividends paid                                          (489)       (167)       (977)       (327)
   Exercise of stock options                                 58        --            80        --
                                                       --------    --------    ---------   ---------
   Net cash flows used in financing activities             (431)       (406)       (897)     (2,265)
                                                       --------    --------    ---------   ---------
   Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents      20,562     (11,716)    (10,509)     (2,656)
   Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period        24,130      39,399      55,201      30,339
                                                       --------    --------    ---------   ---------
   CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD            $ 44,692    $ 27,683    $ 44,692    $ 27,683
                                                       ========    ========    =========   =========
   Cash paid for income taxes                          $  2,509    $  1,011    $  2,710    $  1,522
   Cash paid for interest                              $    848    $    436    $  1,652    $    830

         See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements


                                TOWER GROUP, INC.


     The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with instructions for Form 10-Q and, accordingly, do not
include the information and disclosures required by generally accepted
accounting principles ("GAAP") in the Unites States of America. These statements
should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements as of
and for the year ended December 31, 2004 and notes thereto included in the
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 22, 2005. The accompanying
consolidated financial statements have not been audited by an independent
registered public accounting firm in accordance with standards of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), but in the opinion of
management such financial statements include all adjustments, consisting only of
normal recurring adjustments, necessary for a fair statement of the Company's
financial position and results of operations. The results of operations for the
three months and six months ended June 30, 2005 may not be indicative of the
results that may be expected for the year ending December 31, 2005. The
consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company, its
wholly owned subsidiaries and other entities required by GAAP. All significant
inter-company balances have been eliminated. Business segment results are
presented net of all material inter-segment transactions.


     On March 25, 2005, Tower Group, Inc. closed on its purchase of the
outstanding common stock of a shell insurance company, North American Lumber
Insurance Company ("NALIC"), that was renamed Tower National Insurance Company.
The purchase price was for $1,050,000 and included nine active state licenses
and two inactive state licenses. The nine active states are New Jersey,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maryland, Delaware, South
Carolina and Wisconsin. The two inactive states are Pennsylvania and Maine. The
inactive state licenses have an additional contingent purchase price of $75,000
per state payable upon license reactivation within one year of the closing.
Prior to the closing, all liabilities and assets (other than insurance licenses)
of Tower National Insurance Company were transferred to a liquidating trust. The
Company capitalized this purchase as an intangible asset related to state
licenses with an indefinite life subject to annual impairment testing. The
amount capitalized was $1,147,000 and included the purchase price, legal fees
and a broker's fee. As of June 30, 2005, Tower National Insurance Company was
authorized to write business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


     Segregated assets in trust accounts associated with reinsurance agreements
amounted to $52.3 million as of June 30, 2005 and are included in invested
assets. Additionally, securities with a fair value of $0.7 million were on
deposit with state regulatory authorities as required by law as of June 30,


     From the Commercial Renewal Rights Agreement entered into with OneBeacon
Insurance Group LLC ("OneBeacon") during 2004, the Company has recorded two
intangible assets: renewal rights and new agent contractual relationships, both
of which were determined to be intangible assets with a finite useful life.

     As described above, an intangible asset related to state licenses was
recorded in connection with the acquisition of NALIC in 2005.


     The components of intangible assets are summarized as follows:

                                   Initial Balance         Amortization              Net
                                  ----------------      ----------------        --------------
                                                        ($ in Thousands)
     June 30, 2005:
     Renewal rights                   $     1,250           $     (143)          $      1,107
     Agency force                           3,750                 (102)                 3,648
     Insurance licenses                     1,147                    --                 1,147
                                      -----------           -----------          ------------
                                      $     6,147           $     (245)          $      5,902
                                      ===========           ===========          ============


     Dividends declared by the Company on common stock for the three months
ended June 30, 2005 were $489,000 or $0.025 per share and for the six months
ended June 30, 2005 were $978,000 or $0.050 per share.

     For the three months ended June 30, 2004, the dividends declared on Class A
common stock were $75,000 or $0.0379 per share and the dividends declared on
Class B common stock were $92,000 or $0.0379 per share. For the six months ended
June 30, 2004, the dividends declared on class A common stock were $150,000 or
$0.0758 per share and dividends declared on class B common stock were $184,000
or $0.0763 per share.


     The following table shows the computation of the Company's earnings per

                                                       Income              Shares             Per Share
                                                    (Numerator)         (Denominator)           Amount
                                                   --------------    -----------------      -------------
                                                    ($ in Thousands, Except Shares and Per Share Amounts)
   JUNE 30, 2005
   Net Income                                       $      4,765
                                                    ------------     ---------------
   Basic earnings per share                                4,765          19,555,327          $    0.24
                                                    ------------     ---------------          =========
   Effect of dilutive securities:
       Stock options                                          --             292,532
       Unvested restricted stock                              --             198,355
       Warrants                                               --              62,703
                                                    ------------     ---------------
   Diluted earnings per share                       $      4,765          20,108,917          $    0.24
                                                    ============     ===============          =========

   JUNE 30, 2004
   Net Income                                       $      1,999
                                                    ------------     ---------------
   Basic earnings per share                                1,999           4,407,434          $    0.45
                                                    ------------     ---------------          =========
   Effect of dilutive securities:
       Stock options                                          --             268,650
       Restricted stock                                       --              93,787
       Warrants                                               21           1,049,999
                                                    ------------     ---------------          ==========
   Diluted earnings per share                       $      2,020           5,819,870          $    0.35
                                                    ============     ===============          ==========


                                                       Income              Shares             Per Share
                                                    (Numerator)         (Denominator)           Amount
                                                 ----------------    -----------------     -------------
                                                    ($ in thousands, except shares and per share amounts)
   JUNE 30, 2005
   Net Income                                       $      8,482
                                                    ------------     ---------------
   Basic earnings per share                                8,482          19,538,219          $       0.43
                                                    ------------     ---------------          ============
   Effect of dilutive securities:
       Stock options                                          --             288,913
       Unvested restricted stock                              --             207,464
       Warrants                                               --              58,602
                                                    ------------     ---------------
   Diluted earnings per share                       $      8,482          20,093,198          $       0.42
                                                    ============     ===============          ============

   JUNE 30, 2004
   Net Income                                       $      3,321
                                                    ------------     ---------------
   Basic earnings per share                                3,321           4,407,434          $       0.75
                                                    ------------     ---------------          ============
   Effect of dilutive securities:
       Stock options                                          --             268,650
       Restricted stock                                       --              46,894
       Warrants                                               42           1,049,999
                                                    ------------     ---------------
   Diluted earnings per share                       $      3,363           5,772,977          $       0.58
                                                    ============     ===============          ============


     The Company has elected to follow APB 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to
Employees" and related interpretations in accounting for its employee stock
option grants. The Company generally grants employee stock options at an
exercise price equal to the market price at the date of grant and, therefore,
under APB 25, no compensation expense is recorded. The Company follows the
disclosure provisions of SFAS 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation".

     In December 2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued the
revised statement SFAS 123-R, an amendment to SFAS 123, which suspends APB 25
and requires that the cost of share-based payment transactions be recognized in
the financial statements after the fiscal quarter beginning after June 15, 2005.
The intended adoption by the Company of SFAS 123-R has been postponed to January
2006 per the Securities and Exchange Commission's rule amendment promulgated
April 14, 2005, that allows calendar year-end companies to elect to implement
SFAS 123-R at the start of their next fiscal year begining after June 15, 2005.
The implementation of SFAS 123-R is not expected to have a material impact on
the Company's financial position or results of operations.

     As of December 31, 2002, all prior stock option grants have been expensed
per the pro-forma provisions of SFAS 123 and the September 2004 stock option
grants pro-forma expense impact started in the fourth quarter of 2004. The
following table illustrates the effect on net income and earnings per share if
the Company had applied the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS 123 to
stock-based employee compensation.


                                                       Three Months Ended                  Six Months Ended
                                                            June 30,                           June 30,
                                                     2005              2004               2005             2004
                                                 -------------     -------------      ------------     ------------
                                                        ($ in thousands, except shares and per share amounts)
Net income                                       $      4,765      $       1,999      $      8,482     $     3,321
Deduct total stock-based employee
  compensation expense determined under fair
  value based method for all awards, net of
  related tax effects                                     (15)                --               (31)              --
                                                 -------------     -------------      ------------    -------------
Net income, pro-forma                            $       4,750     $       1,999      $      8,451    $       3,321

Basic - as reported                              $        0.24     $        0.45      $       0.43    $        0.75
                                                 =============     =============      ============    =============
Basic - pro-forma                                $        0.24     $        0.45      $       0.43    $        0.75
                                                 =============     =============      ============    =============
Diluted - as reported                            $        0.24     $        0.35      $       0.42    $        0.58
                                                 =============     =============      ============    =============
Diluted - pro-forma                              $        0.24     $        0.35      $       0.42    $        0.58
                                                 =============     =============      ============    =============
Basic                                               19,555,327         4,407,434        19,538,219        4,407,434
Diluted                                             20,108,917         5,819,870        20,093,198        5,772,977

During the second quarter of 2005, the Company issued 6,420 new shares as the
result of employee stock option exercises and 5,248 new shares for its April 1,
2005 restricted stock grants to its four independent Directors. For the six
months ended June 30, 2005, the Company issued 9,920 new shares as the result of
employee stock option exercises and 11,248 new shares for its restricted stock
grants for one senior officer and for its four independent Directors.

The Company incurred unearned compensation restricted stock amortization expense
of $98,000 net of tax for the three months ended June 30, 2005 and $209,000 net
of tax for the six months ended June 30, 2005 which has been included in
reported net income for the second quarter of 2005 and the six months ended June
30, 2005.


     TICNY has recorded favorable development in its net losses from prior
accident years of $112,000 and $92,000 in the second quarter of 2005 and in the
six months ended June 30, 2005, respectively, compared to $48,000 of favorable
development in the second quarter of 2004 and none for the six months ended June
30, 2004. TICNY's changes in estimated sliding scale commission resulted in
reductions in ceding commission revenue of $768,000 and $719,000 in the second
quarter of 2005 and for the six months ended June 30, 2005, respectively,
compared to none in the second quarter of 2004 and the six months ended June 30,
2004. TRM's changes in estimated sliding scale commission are a reduction in
direct commission revenue of $113,000 in the second quarter of 2005 and an
increase in commission revenue of $378,000 in the six months ended June 30,
2005, respectively, compared to none in the second quarter of 2004 and the six
months ended June 30, 2004.


     The Company manages its operations through three business segments:
insurance (commercial and personal lines underwriting), reinsurance and
insurance services (managing general agency, claims administration and
reinsurance intermediary operations).

     The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those described in
the summary of significant accounting policies as described in the Company's
most recently filed Form 10-K. The Company evaluates segment performance based
on segment profit, which excludes investment income, realized gains and losses,
interest expense, income taxes and incidental corporate expenses. The Company
does not allocate assets to segments because assets, which consist primarily of
investments, are considered in total by management for decision-making purposes.


     Business Segments results are as follows:

                                        Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                               June 30,         June 30,
                                        -------------------  ----------------
                                           2005      2004     2005     2004
INSURANCE SEGMENT INFORMATION                     ($ in thousands)
Net premiums earned                     $37,194   $ 9,247   $66,827   $16,945
Ceding commission revenue                 5,330    10,750    11,176    21,051
Policy billing fees                         230       158       426       332
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
    Total revenues                       42,754    20,155    78,429    38,328
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
Net loss and loss adjustment expenses    21,797     5,801    39,577    10,609
Underwriting expenses                    16,868    11,766    31,362    23,528
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
    Total expenses                       38,665    17,567    70,939    34,137
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
Underwriting profit                     $ 4,089   $ 2,588   $ 7,490   $ 4,191
                                        =======   =======   =======   =======

Net premiums earned                     $   397   $   268   $   782   $   500
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
Ceding commission revenue                  --        --        --        --
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
    Total revenues                      $   397   $   268   $   782   $   500
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
Net loss and loss adjustment expenses       216        91       498       300
Underwriting expenses                        37       110        84       131
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
    Total expenses                          253       201       582       431
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
Underwriting Profit                     $   144   $    67   $   200   $    69
                                        =======   =======   =======   =======
Direct commission revenue from          $ 2,166   $ 3,595   $ 4,691   $ 5,052
managing general agency
Claims administration revenue             1,097       846     2,150     1,715
Reinsurance intermediary fees                79       240       282       438
Policy billing fees                           6      --          11      --
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
    Total revenues                      $ 3,348   $ 4,681   $ 7,134   $ 7,205
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
Direct commissions expense paid to        1,174     2,487     2,385     3,437
Other insurance services expenses           455     1,061       940     1,361
Claims expense reimbursement to TICNY     1,091       840     2,141     1,642
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
    Total expenses                        2,720     4,388     5,466     6,440
                                        -------   -------   -------   -------
Insurance Services Pre-tax Income       $   628   $   293   $ 1,668   $   765
                                        =======   =======   =======   =======

     Underwriting expenses in the insurance segment are net of expense
reimbursements that are made by the insurance services segment pursuant to an
expense sharing agreement between TRM and TICNY. In accordance with the terms of
this agreement, TRM reimburses TICNY for a portion of TICNY's underwriting and
other expenses resulting from TRM's use of TICNY's personnel, facilities and
equipment in underwriting insurance on behalf of TRM's issuing companies. The
reimbursement for underwriting and other expenses is calculated as a minimum
reimbursement of 5% of the premiums produced by TRM and is adjustable according
to the terms of the agreement based on the number of policies in force and
additional expenses that may be incurred by TRM.


The amount of this reimbursement was $455,000 and $1,061,000 for the three
months ended June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2004, respectively and $940,000 and
$1,361,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2004,
respectively. TRM also reimburses TICNY, at cost, for claims administration
expenses pursuant to the terms of this expense sharing agreement. Claims
expenses reimbursed by TRM were $1,091,000 and $840,000 for the three months
ended June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2004, respectively and $2,141,000 and
$1,642,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2004

The following table reconciles revenue by segment to consolidated revenue:

                                           Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                                                June 30,                 June 30,
                                         ---------------------   ---------------------
                                           2005        2004        2005       2004
                                         ---------------------   ---------------------
                                                         ($ in thousands)
Insurance segment                        $ 42,754    $ 20,155    $ 78,429    $ 38,328
Reinsurance segment                           397         268         782         500
Insurance services segment                  3,348       4,681       7,134       7,205
                                         --------    --------    --------    --------
Total segment revenue                      46,499      25,104      86,345      46,033
Investment income                           3,733       1,099       6,348       1,863
Realized capital gains/(losses)                20         (13)        229          (2)
                                         --------    --------    --------    --------
Consolidated revenues                    $ 50,252    $ 26,190    $ 92,922    $ 47,894
                                         ========    ========    ========    ========

     The following table reconciles the results of the Company's individual
segments to consolidated income before taxes:

                                           Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                                               June 30,                 June 30,
                                         ---------------------   ---------------------
                                           2005        2004        2005       2004
                                         ---------------------   ---------------------
                                                         ($ in thousands)
Insurance segment underwriting profit    $  4,089    $  2,588    $  7,490    $  4,191
Reinsurance segment underwriting profit       144          67         200          69
                                         --------    --------    --------    --------
Total underwriting profit                   4,233       2,655       7,690       4,260
Insurance services segment pre-tax income     628         293       1,668         765
Net investment income                       3,733       1,099       6,348       1,863
Net realized investment gains/(losses)         20         (13)        229          (2)
Corporate expenses                           (324)        (31)       (746)        (59)
Interest expense                           (1,106)       (724)     (2,271)     (1,375)
                                         --------    --------    --------    --------
Income before taxes                      $  7,184    $  3,279    $ 12,918    $  5,452
                                         ========    ========    ========    ========


     Like many other insurance companies, the Company received an inquiry from
the New York Insurance Department on April 15, 2005 relating to risk transfer
under its 2004 quota share reinsurance agreement effective January 1, 2004. The
Company provided information in response to this inquiry and on August 8, 2005
the New York Insurance Department concluded that, based upon its review of the
additional information provided by the Company, the 2004 quota share treaty
complies with the risk transfer provisions.

     The Company received a request dated April 25, 2005 from Friedman,
Billings, Ramsey Group, Inc. to file a registration statement under the
Securities Act of 1933 to register the resale of the 500,000 shares purchased by
it in the private placement that was effected concurrently with the initial
public offering. The Company is in the process of preparing this registration

     On August 5, 2005, the Company's Board of Directors approved a quarterly
dividend of $0.025 per share payable September 27, 2005 to stockholders of
record as of September 15, 2005.

     On August 5, 2005,following its shell acquisition strategy, the Company,
Inc. announced its execution of an agreement to acquire MIIX Insurance Company
of New York ("MIIX"), an insurance company with licenses in New York and New
Jersey. Closing of the transaction is expected to occur by year end and is
contingent upon a variety of conditions including approval of the transaction by
the New York State Insurance Department. In the event of closing, the Company
will pay $225,000 in cash at closing as well as an amount equal to MIIX's
statutory surplus which was approximately $7.8 million as of December 31, 2004.
MIIX has no net liabilities for insurance losses. MIIX's assets consist of U.S.
Treasuries and cash.




     Some of the statements under "Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and elsewhere in this Form 10-Q
may include forward-looking statements that reflect our current views with
respect to future events and financial performance. These statements include
forward-looking statements both with respect to us specifically and the
insurance sector in general. Statements that include the words "expect,"
"intend," "plan," "believe," "project," "estimate," "may," "should,"
"anticipate," "will" and similar statements of a future or forward-looking
nature identify forward-looking statements for purposes of the Federal
securities laws or otherwise.

     All forward-looking statements address matters that involve risks and
uncertainties. Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could
cause our actual results to differ materially from those indicated in these
statements. We believe that these factors include, but are not limited to, the

    o   ineffectiveness  or obsolescence of our business strategy due to changes
        in current or future market conditions;
    o   developments that may delay or limit our ability to enter new markets as
        quickly as we anticipate;
    o   increased competition on the basis of pricing, capacity,  coverage terms
        or other factors;
    o   greater frequency or severity of claims and loss activity,  including as
        a  result  of  natural  or  man-made   catastrophic   events,  than  our
        underwriting,  reserving or  investment  practices  anticipate  based on
        historical experience or industry data;
    o   the effects of acts of terrorism or war;
    o   developments in the world's financial and capital markets that adversely
        affect the performance of our investments;
    o   changes in  regulations  or laws  applicable  to us,  our  subsidiaries,
        brokers or customers;
    o   changes in the level of demand for our insurance and reinsurance
        products and services, including new products and services;
    o   changes in the availability,  cost or quality of reinsurance and failure
        of our reinsurers to pay claims timely or at all;
    o   changes  in the  percentage  of our  premiums  written  that we ceded to
    o   loss of the  services  of any of our  executive  officers  or other  key
    o   the effects of mergers, acquisitions and divestitures;
    o   changes in rating agency policies or practices;
    o   changes in legal theories of liability under our insurance policies;
    o   changes in accounting policies or practices; and
    o   changes in general economic conditions,  including  inflation,  interest
        rates and other factors.

The foregoing review of important factors should not be construed as exhaustive
and should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary statements that are
included in this Form 10-Q. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or
review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information,
future developments or otherwise.



                                      Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
                                          June 30,                   June 30,
                                  -----------------------    ------------------------
                                     2005          2004         2005           2004
                                  ---------    ----------     ---------     ---------
                                                 ($ in thousands)
Gross premiums earned             $  55,060     $  35,922     $ 100,928     $  73,264
Less: ceded premiums earned         (17,469)      (26,407)      (33,319)      (55,819)
                                  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
Net premiums earned                  37,591         9,515        67,609        17,445
                                  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
Total commission and fee income       8,908        15,589        18,736        28,588
Net investment income                 3,733         1,099         6,348         1,863
Net realized investment gains            20           (13)          229            (2)
                                  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
Total revenues                       50,252        26,190        92,922        47,894
                                  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

Net loss and loss adjustment         22,013         5,892        40,075        10,909
Operating expenses                   19,949        16,295        37,658        30,158
Interest expenses                     1,106           724         2,271         1,375
                                  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
Total expenses                       43,068        22,911        80,004        42,442
                                  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
Income before taxes                   7,184         3,279        12,918         5,452
Federal and state income taxes        2,419         1,280         4,436         2,131
                                  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
NET INCOME                        $   4,765     $   1,999     $   8,482     $   3,321
                                  =========     =========     =========     =========

RETURN ON AVERAGE EQUITY               14.3%         54.4%         12.7%         48.1%
                                  =========     =========     =========     =========


     TOTAL REVENUES. Total revenues increased by 91.9 % to $50.3 million for the
three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $26.2 million for the same period
in 2004. The increase is primarily due to the increase in net premiums earned
and net investment income. Net earned premiums represented 74.8% of total
revenues for the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to 36.3% for the same
period in 2004. Net investment income, excluding realized capital gains,
represented 7.4% and 4.2% of total revenues for the three months ended June 30,
2005 and, 2004, respectively. These increases were partially offset by lower
total commission and fee income for the three months ended June 30, 2005 of $8.9
million, or 17.7% of total revenue, compared to $15.6 million, or 59.5% of total
revenue, for the same period in 2004.

     PREMIUMS EARNED. Net premiums earned increased by 295.1% to $37.6 million
for the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $9.5 million for the same
period in 2004. The increase in net premiums earned was due to the overall
increase in gross premiums written in the second quarter of 2005, and our
decision to reduce the ceding percentage under our quota share reinsurance
agreement to 25% in the second quarter of 2005, compared to 60% in the second
quarter of 2004, due to the increased capitalization of TICNY in the fourth
quarter of 2004. In addition, net premiums earned in the second quarter of 2005
included $3.7 million from the $13.1 million of unearned premiums as of December
31, 2004 that would have been ceded to Converium Reinsurance (North America)
Inc. absent the 2004 novation. See "Insurance Segment Results of Operations" and
"Reinsurance Segment Results of Operations" for further discussion of premiums.

     COMMISSION AND FEE INCOME. Total commission and fee income decreased by
42.9% to $8.9 million in the second quarter of 2005 compared to $15.6 million in
the second quarter of 2004. This was due principally to a 50.4% decrease in
ceding commission revenue in the second quarter of 2005 as a result of our
decision to reduce the ceding percentage under our quota share reinsurance
agreement to 25% in the second quarter of 2005 compared to 60% in the second
quarter of 2004. In the second quarter of 2005, the change in estimated sliding
scale commission in both the Insurance Segment and the Insurance Services
Segment resulted in a reduction of $881,000 in commission and fee income and
none for the same period in 2004.


     NET INVESTMENT INCOME AND REALIZED GAINS. Net investment income increased
by 239.7% to $3.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to
$1.1 million for the same period in 2004. This resulted from an increase in
invested assets to $298.4 million as of June 30, 2005 compared to $102.6 million
as of June 30, 2004, excluding our investments in statutory business trusts
underlying our trust preferred securities. The increase in invested assets in
the second quarter of 2005 resulted from net cash flow provided by operations.
Additionally, invested assets increased over 2004 as a result of the issuance of
$26.8 million of subordinated debentures underlying trust preferred securities
in December 2004 and net proceeds of $107.8 million from our initial public
offering ("IPO") and concurrent private placement in October 2004. On a tax
equivalent basis, the yield was 5.1% as of June 30, 2005 and 4.8% as of June 30,

     Net realized capital gains were $20,000 for the three months ended June 30,
2005 compared to net realized capital losses of $13,000 for the same period in
2004. The increase in net realized capital gains was the result of the sale of
corporate bonds from which the proceeds were reinvested in mortgage backed
securities and tax exempt securities.

     There was no impact on net realized gains attributable to adjustments for
other than temporary impairment of securities held during the three months
ending June 30, 2005 and during the same period in 2004.

     LOSS AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES. Gross loss and loss adjustment
expenses and the gross loss ratio for the insurance and reinsurance segments
combined for the three months ended June 30, 2005 were $31.4 million and 57.1%,
respectively, compared to $20.9 million and 58.2%, respectively, for the same
period in 2004. The net loss ratio for the combined segments was 58.6% for the
three months ended June 30, 2005 and 61.9% for the same period in 2004. The
improvement in the net loss ratio in the second quarter of 2005 compared to the
same period in 2004 was due primarily to the improvement in the net loss ratio
in the insurance segment due to an increase in net premiums earned that reduced
the effect of catastrophe reinsurance premiums on the net loss ratio. See
"Insurance Segment Results of Operations" and "Reinsurance Segment Results of
Operations" for further discussion.

     OPERATING EXPENSES. Operating expenses increased by 22.4% to $19.9 million
for the three months ended June 30, 2005 from $16.3 million for the same period
in 2004. The increase was due primarily to the increase in underwriting expenses
resulting from the growth in premiums earned in TICNY, costs related to the
OneBeacon transaction, including establishing two new offices in Long Island and
Western New York, additional staffing and other corporate expenses incurred as a
public company.

     INTEREST EXPENSE. Our interest expense increased for the three months ended
June 30, 2005 to $1.1 million compared to $0.7 million for the same period in
2004. The increase resulted from an increase in interest expense of $0.5 million
on subordinated debentures underlying our trust preferred securities issued in
December 2004 for $26.8 million. This increase was offset by reductions of $0.1
million of interest expense on other borrowings and preferred stock repaid in
the fourth quarter of 2004.

     INCOME TAX EXPENSE. Our income tax expense was $2.4 million for the three
months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $1.3 million for the same period in 2004.
The increased income tax expense was due primarily to the increase in income
before income taxes. The effective income tax rate was 33.7% for the three
months ending June 30, 2005 compared to 39.0% for the same period in 2004. The
effective tax rate in 2005 was lower due to the benefit of tax-exempt interest
income for the second quarter of 2005 of $0.9 million compared to $0.1 million
in the same period for 2004.

     NET INCOME AND RETURN ON AVERAGE EQUITY. Our net income and annualized
return on average equity was $4.8 million and 14.3%, respectively, for the three
months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $2.0 million and 54.4%, respectively, for
the same period in 2004. Although net income increased 138.4% in the second
quarter of 2005 compared to the second quarter of 2004, the lower return on
average equity resulted from the significant increase in average stockholders'
equity as our IPO and concurrent private placement were completed in the fourth
quarter of 2004. For the second quarter of 2005, the return was calculated by
dividing annualized net income of $19.1 million by an average stockholders'
equity of $133.6 million. For the second quarter of 2004, the return was
calculated by dividing annualized net income of $8.0 million by an average
stockholders' equity of $14.7 million.


     Consolidated Results of Operations Six Months Ended June 30, 2005 and 2004

     TOTAL REVENUES. Total revenues increased by 94.0% to $92.9 million for the
six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $47.9 million for the same period in
2004. The increase is primarily due to the increase in net premiums earned, net
investment income and net realized investment gains. Net earned premiums
represented 72.8% of total revenues for the six months ended June 30, 2005
compared to 36.4% for the same period in 2004. Net investment income, excluding
realized capital gains, represented 6.8% and 3.9% of total revenues for the six
months ended June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2004, respectively. These increases were
partially offset by lower total commission and fee income for the six months
ended June 30, 2005 of $18.7 million, or 20.2% of total revenue, compared to
$28.6 million, or 59.7% of total revenue, for the same period in 2004.

     PREMIUMS EARNED. Net premiums earned increased by 287.6% to $67.6 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $17.4 million for the same
period in 2004. The increase in net premiums earned was due to the overall
increase in gross premiums written through June 30, 2005 and our decision to
reduce the ceding percentage under our quota share reinsurance agreement to 25%
in the first six months of 2005 compared to 60% in the first six months of 2004
due to the increased capitalization of our insurance company in the fourth
quarter of 2004. In addition, the net premiums earned in the first six months of
2005 included $9.2 million from the $13.1 million of unearned premiums as of
December 31, 2004 that would have been ceded to Converium Reinsurance (North
America) Inc. absent the 2004 novation. See "Insurance Segment Results of
Operations" and "Reinsurance Segment Results of Operations" for further
discussion of premiums.

     COMMISSION AND FEE INCOME. Total commission and fee income decreased by
34.5% to $18.7 million in the first six months of 2005 compared to $28.6 million
in the first six months of 2004. This was due principally to a 46.9% decrease in
ceding commission revenue in the first six months of 2005 as a result of our
decision to reduce the ceding percentage under our quota share reinsurance
agreement to 25% in the first six months of 2005 compared to 60% in the first
six months of 2004. For the six months ended June 30, 2005, the change in
estimated sliding scale commission in both the Insurance Segment and the
Insurance Services Segment resulted in a net reduction of $341,000 of
commission and fee income and none for the same period in 2004.

     NET INVESTMENT INCOME AND REALIZED GAINS. Net investment income increased
by 240.7% to $6.3 million for the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to
$1.9 million for the same period in 2004. This resulted from an increase in
invested assets to $298.4 million as of June 30, 2005 compared to $102.6 million
as of June 30, 2004, excluding our investments in statutory business trusts
underlying our trust preferred securities. Net cash flow provided by operations
contributed to the $61.5 million increase in invested assets. Additionally,
invested assets increased in 2005 as compared to 2004 from the issuance of $26.8
million of subordinated debentures and net proceeds of $107.8 million from our
IPO and concurrent private placement in October 2004. On a tax equivalent basis,
the yield was 5.1% as of June 30, 2005 and 4.8% as of June 30, 2004.

     Net realized capital gains were $229,000 in the first six months ended June
30, 2005 compared to net realized capital losses of $2,000 for the same period
in 2004. The increase in net realized capital gains was the result of the sale
of common stocks and corporate bonds from which the proceeds were reinvested
into higher yielding securities.

     There was no impact on net realized gains attributable to adjustments for
other than temporary impairment of securities held during the six months ending
June 30, 2005 and during the same period in 2004.

     LOSS AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES. Gross loss and loss adjustment expenses
and the gross loss ratio for the insurance and reinsurance segments combined for
the six months ended June 30, 2005 were $57.5 million and 57.0%, respectively,
compared to $42.4 million and 57.9%, respectively, for the same period in 2004.
The net loss ratio for the combined segments was 59.3% for the six months ended
June 30, 2005 and 62.5% for the same period in 2004. The improvement in the net
loss ratio in the first six months of 2005 compared to the same period in 2004
was due primarily to the improvement in the net loss ratio in the insurance
segment due to an increase in net premiums earned that reduced the effect of
catastrophe reinsurance premiums on the net loss ratio. See "Insurance Segment
Results of Operations" and "Reinsurance Segment Results of Operations" for
further discussion.


     OPERATING EXPENSES. Operating expenses increased by 24.9% to $37.7 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2005 from $30.2 million for the same period in
2004. The increase was due primarily to the increase in underwriting expenses
resulting from the growth in premiums earned in TICNY, costs related to the
OneBeacon transaction, including establishing two new offices in Long Island and
Western New York, additional staffing and other corporate expenses incurred as a
public company.

     INTEREST EXPENSE. Our interest expense increased for the six months ended
June 30, 2005 to $2.3 million compared to $1.4 million for the same period in
2004. The increase resulted from an increase in interest expense of $0.9 million
on subordinated debentures underlying our trust preferred securities issued in
December 2004 for $26.8 million and $0.2 million as a result of crediting
reinsurers on funds withheld in segregated trusts as collateral for reinsurance
recoverables. This increase was offset by reductions of $0.2 million of interest
expense on other borrowings and preferred stock repaid in the fourth quarter of

     INCOME TAX EXPENSE. Our income tax expense was $4.4 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $2.1 million for the same period in 2004.
The increased income tax expense was due primarily to the increase in income
before income taxes. The effective income tax rate was 34.3% for the six months
ending June 30, 2005 compared to 39.1% for the same period in 2004. The
effective tax rate in 2005 was lower due to the benefit of $1.6 million of
tax-exempt interest income for the first six months of 2005 compared to $0.2
million for the same period for 2004.

     NET INCOME AND RETURN ON AVERAGE EQUITY. Our net income and annualized
return on average equity was $8.5 million and 12.7%, respectively, for the six
months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $3.3 million and 48.1%, respectively, for
the same period in 2004. Although net income increased 155.4% in the first six
months of 2005 compared to the first six months of 2004, the lower return on
average equity resulted from the significant increase in average stockholders'
equity as our IPO and concurrent private placement were completed in the fourth
quarter of 2004. For the first six months of 2005, the return was calculated by
dividing annualized net income of $16.9 million by an average stockholders'
equity of $133.4 million. For the first six months of 2004, the return was
calculated by dividing annualized net income of $6.6 million by an average
stockholders' equity of $13.8 million.


                                                  Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                        June 30,                   June 30,
                                                -----------------------     -----------------------
                                                   2005          2004         2005         2004
                                                ---------     ---------     ---------    ---------
                                                                 ($ in thousands)
     Gross premiums earned                     $  54,630     $  35,611     $ 100,079     $  72,683
     Less: ceded premiums earned                 (17,436)      (26,364)      (33,252)      (55,738)
                                               ----------    ---------     ---------     ---------
     Net premiums earned                          37,194         9,247        66,827        16,945
Ceding commission revenue                          5,330        10,750        11,176        21,051
Policy billing fees                                  230           158           426           332
                                               ----------    ---------     ---------     ---------
Total                                             42,754        20,155        78,429        38,328

     Gross loss and loss adjustment expenses      31,218        20,824        57,509        42,109
     Less: ceded loss and loss
        adjustment expenses                       (9,421)      (15,023)      (17,932)      (31,500)
                                               ----------    ---------     ---------     ---------
     Net loss and loss adjustment expenses        21,797         5,801        39,577        10,609
     Direct commission expense                     9,490         6,056        17,063        12,190
     Other underwriting expenses                   7,378         5,710        14,299        11,338
                                               ----------    ---------     ---------     ---------
Total underwriting expenses                       16,868        11,766        31,362        23,528
                                               ----------    ---------     ---------     ---------
UNDERWRITING PROFIT                            $   4,089     $   2,588     $   7,490     $   4,191
                                               ==========    =========     =========     =========
     Gross premiums written                    $  83,634     $  43,221     $ 147,936     $  83,099
     Less: ceded premiums written                (24,782)      (27,323)      (44,056)      (52,531)
                                               ----------    ---------     ---------     ---------
     Net premiums written                      $  58,852     $  15,898     $ 103,880     $  30,568
                                               ==========    =========     =========     =========
Gross                                               57.1%         58.5%         57.5%         57.9%
Net                                                 58.6%         62.7%         59.2%         62.6%
Gross                                               57.3%         58.9%         57.6%         57.5%
Net                                                 58.9%         63.3%         59.4%         62.6%
Gross                                               30.5%         32.6%         30.9%         31.9%
Net                                                 30.4%          9.3%         29.6%         12.7%
Gross                                              87.6.%         91.1%         88.4%         89.8%
Net                                                 89.0%         72.0%         88.8%         75.3%



     GROSS PREMIUMS. Gross premiums written increased by 93.5% to $83.6 million
for the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $43.2 million for the same
period in 2004. Gross premiums earned increased by 53.4% to $54.6 million for
the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $35.6 million for the same
period in 2004. Policies in force increased 24.0% as of June 30, 2005 compared
to June 30, 2004. Additionally, during the second quarter of 2005, premium
increases on renewed business averaged 10% in personal lines and 5% in
commercial lines. The retention rate was 89% for personal lines and 85% for
commercial lines. Premiums written on business subject to the OneBeacon renewal
rights agreement, entered into in September 2004, amounted to $9.6 million
during the second quarter of 2005. New business written during the second
quarter of 2005 through former OneBeacon producers that we appointed in
connection with the renewal rights transaction was $3.7 million. Due to the
rating upgrade in TICNY from A.M. Best to "A-" (Excellent) from "B++" (Very
Good), certain policies in the more rating sensitive large lines and middle
market programs in our Insurance Services Segment were renewed in the Insurance

     CEDED PREMIUMS. Ceded premiums written decreased by 9.3% to $24.8 million
for the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $27.3 million for the same
period in 2004 as a result of our decision to lower the ceding percentage under
the quota share reinsurance agreement to 25% beginning October 1, 2004 from 60%
for the first nine months of 2004 in consideration of the increased
capitalization of our insurance company from the IPO. Notwithstanding the lower
ceding percentage, ceded premiums written decreased only 9.3% due to the 93.5%
increase in gross premiums written.

     NET PREMIUMS. Net premiums written increased by 270.2% to $58.9 million for
the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $15.9 million for the same
period in 2004. This increase was greater than the increase in gross premiums
written due to the decrease in the ceding percentage from 60% in the three
months ended June 30, 2004 to 25% in the three months ended June 30, 2005.
Similarly, net premiums earned increased by 302.2% to $37.2 million in the three
months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $9.2 million in the same period in 2004.
In addition, net premiums earned in the second quarter of 2005 included $3.7
million from the $13.1 million of retained unearned premiums as of December 31,
2004 that would have been ceded to Converium Reinsurance (North America) Inc.
absent the 2004 novation.

     CEDING COMMISSION REVENUE. Ceding commission revenue decreased by 50.4% to
$5.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $10.8 million
for the same period in 2004 due to the reduction in the quota share ceding
percentage. An increase in the ceded loss ratio on a prior year quota share
treaty resulted in a further decrease in ceding commission revenue of $768,000
in the second quarter of 2005.

loss adjustment expenses were $31.2 million and $21.8 million, respectively, for
the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared with $20.8 million and $5.8
million, respectively, for the same period in 2004. Our gross and net loss
ratios were 57.1% and 58.6%, respectively for the three months ended June 30,
2005 as compared with 58.5% and 62.7%, respectively, for the same period in
2004. The decrease in the net loss ratio in the second quarter of 2005 compared
to the same period in 2004 resulted from the increase in net premiums earned
which reduced the proportional effect of catastrophe reinsurance premiums on the
net loss ratio. We ceded catastrophe reinsurance premiums equal to 3.5% of net
premiums earned during the three months ended June 30, 2005 compared to 10.8%
during the same period in 2004. There was a slight favorable development of
$89,000 on prior years' gross loss reserves and $109,000 on a net basis in the
second quarter of 2005 compared to none in the same period for 2004. Loss and
loss adjustment expenses are net of reimbursements for loss and loss adjustment
expenses made by TRM pursuant to the expense sharing between TICNY and TRM. See
"Insurance Services Segment Results of Operations" for the amounts of loss and
loss adjustment expense reimbursements.


expenses, which include direct commission expenses and other underwriting
expenses, were $16.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2005 as
compared with $11.8 million for the same period in 2004. Our gross expense ratio
was 30.5% for the three months ended June 30, 2005 as compared with 32.6% for
the same period in 2004.

     The commission portion of the gross expense ratio, which expresses direct
commission expense paid to our producers as a percentage of gross premiums
earned, was 17.4% for the three months ended June 30, 2005, compared to 17.0%
for the same period in 2004.

     The underwriting expense portion of the gross expense ratio was 13.1% for
the three months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to 15.6% for the same period in
2004. Underwriting expenses increased due to the increase in premium volume, the
establishment of two new branch offices and additional staffing expenses. The
underwriting expense portion of the gross expense ratio was lower in the second
quarter of 2005 compared to the second quarter of 2004 primarily as a result of
an increase in earned premiums at a higher rate than the increase in other
underwriting expenses and, to a lesser extent, the renewal in the Insurance
Segment of certain larger premium policies previously produced in the Insurance
Service Segment through TRM on behalf of its issuing companies.

     The net underwriting expense ratio was 30.4% for the three months ended
June 30, 2005 as compared to 9.3% for the same period in 2004. This was due
primarily to the reduced effects of ceding commission revenue on lowering the
gross expense ratio as a result of the reduction in the quota share ceding

     UNDERWRITING PROFIT AND COMBINED RATIO. The underwriting profit, which
reflects our underwriting results on a net basis after the effects of
reinsurance, was $4.1 million in the second quarter of 2005 and $2.6 million in
the same period in 2004. The gross combined ratio was 87.6% for the three months
ended June 30, 2005 as compared with 91.1% for the same period in 2004. The
decrease in the gross combined ratio in the second quarter of 2005 resulted
primarily from a decrease in both the gross loss ratio and the gross
underwriting expense ratio. The net combined ratio was 89.0% for the three
months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to 72.0% for the same period in 2004. The
increase in the net combined ratio resulted from an increase in the net expense
ratio primarily due to the effects of reduced ceding commission revenue.
Notwithstanding the increase in net combined ratio for the second quarter,
underwriting profits increased due to the overall increase in net premiums


     GROSS PREMIUMS. Gross premiums written increased by 78.0% to $147.9 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $83.1 million for the same
period in 2004. Gross premiums earned increased by 37.7% to $100.1 million for
the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $72.7 million for the same period
in 2004. Policies in force increased 24.0% as of June 30, 2005 compared to June
30, 2004. Additionally, during the first six months of 2005, premium increases
on renewed business averaged 10% in personal lines and 5% in commercial lines.
The retention rate was 89% for personal lines and 84% for commercial lines.
Premiums written on business subject to the OneBeacon renewal rights agreement,
entered into in September 2004, amounted to $18.4 million during the first six
months of 2005. New business written during the first six months of 2005 through
former OneBeacon producers that we appointed in connection with the renewal
rights transaction amounted to $8.6 million. Due to the rating upgrade in TICNY
from A.M. Best to "A-" (Excellent) from "B++" (Very Good), certain policies in
the more rating sensitive large lines and middle market programs previously
placed with its issuing companies through our Insurance Services Segment were
placed directly through our Insurance Segment.

     CEDED PREMIUMS. Ceded premiums written decreased by 16.1% to $44.1 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $52.5 million for the same
period in 2004 as a result of our decision to lower the ceding percentage under
the quota share reinsurance agreement. Notwithstanding the lower ceding
percentage, ceded premiums written decreased only 16.1% due to the 78.0%
increase in gross premiums written.


     NET PREMIUMS. Net premiums written increased by 239.8% to $103.9 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $30.6 million for the same
period in 2004. This increase was greater than the increase in gross premiums
written due to the decrease in the ceding percentage from 60% in the six months
ended June 30, 2004 to 25% in the six months ended June 30, 2005. Similarly, net
premiums earned increased by 294.4% to $66.8 million in the six months ended
June 30, 2005 compared to $16.9 million in the same period in 2004. In addition,
net premiums earned in the first six months of 2005 included $9.2 million from
the $13.1 million of retained unearned premiums as of December 31, 2004 that
would have been ceded to Converium Reinsurance (North America) Inc. absent the
2004 novation.

     CEDING COMMISSION REVENUE. Ceding commission revenue decreased by 46.9% to
$11.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to $21.1 million
for the same period in 2004 due to the reduction in the quota share ceding
percentage. An increase in the ceded loss ratio on prior years' quota share
treaty resulted in a further decrease in ceding commission income of $719,000 in
the first six months of 2005.

loss adjustment expenses were $57.5 million and $39.6 million, respectively, for
the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared with $42.1 million and $10.6
million, respectively, for the same period in 2004. Our gross and net loss
ratios were 57.5% and 59.2%, respectively for the six months ended June 30, 2005
as compared with 57.9% and 62.6%, repectively, for the same period in 2004. The
decrease in the net loss ratio in the first six months of 2005 compared to the
same period in 2004 resulted from the increase in net premiums earned which
reduced the proportional effect of catastrophe reinsurance premiums on the net
loss ratio. We ceded catastrophe reinsurance premiums equal to 3.3% of net
premiums earned during the six months ended June 30, 2005 compared to 10.3%
during the same period in 2004. There was favorable development from prior
years' loss reserves on both a gross and net basis of approximately $120,000 in
the first six months of 2005 compared to none in the same period for 2004. Loss
and loss adjustment expenses are net of reimbursements for loss and loss
adjustment expenses made by TRM pursuant to the expense sharing arrangement
between TICNY and TRM. See "Insurance Services Segment Results of Operations"
for the amounts of loss and loss adjustment expense reimbursements.

expenses, which include direct commission expenses and other underwriting
expenses, were $31.4 million for the six months ended June 30, 2005 as compared
with $23.5 million for the same period in 2004. Our gross expense ratio was
30.9% for the six months ended June 30, 2005 as compared with 31.9% for the same
period in 2004.

     The commission portion of the gross expense ratio, which expresses direct
commission expense paid to our producers as a percentage of gross premiums
earned, was 17.1% for the six months ended June 30, 2005, compared to 16.8% for
the same period in 2004.

     The underwriting expense portion of the gross expense ratio was 13.9% for
the six months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to 15.1% for the same period in
2004. Underwriting expenses increased due to the increase in premium volume, the
establishment of two new branch offices and additional staffing expenses. The
underwriting expense portion of the gross expense ratio was lower in the first
six months of 2005 compared to 2004 primarily as a result of an increase in
earned premiums at a higher rate than the increase in other underwriting
expenses and, to a lesser extent, the renewal in the Insurance Segment of
certain larger premium policies previously produced in the Insurance Service
Segment through TRM.

     The net underwriting expense ratio was 29.6% for the six months ended June
30, 2005 as compared to 12.7% for the same period in 2004. This was due
primarily to the reduced effects of ceding commission revenue on lowering the
gross expense ratio as a result of the reduction in the quota share ceding
percentage from 60% in the first six months of 2004 to 25% in the first six
months of 2005.

     UNDERWRITING PROFIT AND COMBINED RATIO. The underwriting profit, which
reflects our underwriting results on a net basis after the effects of
reinsurance, was $7.5 million in the first six months of 2005 and $4.2 million
in the same period in 2004. The gross combined ratio was 88.4% for the six
months ended June 30, 2005 as compared with 89.8% for the same period in 2004.
The decrease in the gross combined ratio in the first six months of 2005
resulted primarily from a decrease in the gross underwriting expense ratio. The
net combined ratio was 88.8% for the six months ended June 30, 2005 as compared
to 75.3% for the same period in 2004. The increase in the net combined ratio
resulted from an increase in the net expense ratio primarily due to the effects
of reduced ceding commission revenue. Notwithstanding the increase in net
combined ratio for the first six months of 2005, underwriting profit increased
due to the overall increase in net premiums earned.



                                                  Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                                                        June 30,             June 30,
                                                ----------------------- ----------------------
                                                   2005          2004    2005         2004
                                                ---------     --------- --------    ---------
                                                             ($ in thousands)
     Gross premiums earned                           $ 430     $ 311     $ 849     $ 581
     Less: ceded premiums earned                       (33)      (43)      (67)      (81)
                                                     -----     -----     -----     -----
     Net premiums earned                               397       268       782       500
                                                     -----     -----     -----     -----
Total                                                  397       268       782       500

     Gross loss and loss adjustment expenses           200        80       (14)      300
     Less: ceded loss and loss adjustment expenses      16        11       512      --
                                                     -----     -----     -----     -----
     Net loss and loss adjustment expenses             216        91       498       300
     Ceding commission expense                           5        25        13        27
     Other underwriting expenses                        32        85        71       104
                                                     -----     -----     -----     -----
Total underwriting expenses                             37       110        84       131
                                                     -----     -----     -----     -----
UNDERWRITING PROFIT                                  $ 144     $  67     $ 200     $  69
                                                     =====     =====     =====     =====
     Gross premiums written                          $ 372     $ 626     $ 738     $ 761
     Less: ceded premiums written                      (39)      (32)      (72)      (47)
                                                     -----     -----     -----     -----
     Net premiums written                            $ 333     $ 594     $ 666     $ 714
                                                     =====     =====     =====     =====
Gross                                                 46.5%     25.7%    -1.6%      51.6%
Net                                                   54.4%     34.0%     63.7%     60.1%
Gross                                                 50.9%     21.2%     55.4%     51.8%
Net                                                   55.2%     29.1%     60.1%     60.2%
Gross                                                  8.6%     35.3%      9.9%     22.5%
Net                                                    9.3%     41.0%     10.8%     26.2%
Gross                                                 55.1%     61.0%      8.3%     74.2%
Net                                                   63.7%     74.9%     74.5%     86.2%

JUNE 30, 2005 AND 2004

     GROSS PREMIUMS. Gross premiums written, which are premiums assumed on an
excess of loss basis on business produced by TRM for its issuing companies in
the Insurance Service Segment, decreased by 40.6% to $372,000 for the three
months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to $626,000 for the same period in 2004.
This was due to a decrease in the premiums produced by TRM primarily due to
certain policies in the more rating sensitive middle market and large lines
programs renewing in the Insurance Segment, offset in part by higher premium

     NET PREMIUMS. Net premiums written decreased 43.9% to $333,000 for the
three months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to $594,000 for the same period in
2004 which was in line with the decrease in gross premiums written. However, net
premiums earned increased by 48.1% to $397,000 for the three months ended June
30, 2005 as compared to $268,000 for the same period in 2004 as a result of a
38.3% increase in gross premiums earned. The increase in gross premiums earned
resulted from an increase in premiums written in the later part of 2004 and a
23.3% reduction in ceded premiums earned.

adjustment expenses were $200,000 for the three months ended June 30, 2005 as
compared to $80,000 for the same period in 2004. Net losses were $216,000 for
the three months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to $91,000 for the same period
in 2004. The gross loss ratio was 46.5% in the second quarter of 2005 compared
to 25.7% in the same period in 2004. The gross and net loss ratios in 2004
reflect a minor adjustment reducing ceded losses from a prior year treaty.


for the reinsurance segment are comprised of ceding commission expense paid to
TRM's issuing companies and other third-party reinsurers to acquire premiums and
this segment's allocated share of other underwriting expenses. Gross
underwriting expenses decreased for the three months ended June 30, 2005 to
$37,000 as compared to $110,000 for the same period in 2004. The net
underwriting expense ratio decreased to 9.3% for the three months ended June 30,
2005 from 41.0% for the same period in 2004. The decrease in both the gross and
net underwriting expense ratios was due to a lower ceding commission expense as
only a small portion of the premiums pay a commission, and lower other
underwriting expenses due to the reduced allocation of expenses which is based
on premiums written in this segment in proportion to total premiums written.

     UNDERWRITING PROFIT AND COMBINED RATIO. The underwriting profit from
assumed reinsurance for the second quarter of 2005 was $144,000 compared to
$67,000 for the second quarter of 2004. The net combined ratio was 63.7% for the
second quarter of 2005 compared to 74.9% for the second quarter of 2004. The
lower net combined ratio for the second quarter of 2005 resulted, primarily,
from the lower net underwriting expense ratio as explained above.

     The gross combined ratio decreased to 55.1% for the second quarter of 2005
compared to 61.0% for the second quarter of 2004 due to a reduction in the gross
underwriting expense ratio to 8.6% for the second quarter of 2005 compared to
35.3% for the second quarter of 2004. This was partially offset by an increase
in the gross loss ratio to 46.5% for the second quarter of 2005 compared to
25.7% for the second quarter of 2004 as explained above.

JUNE 30, 2005 AND 2004

     GROSS PREMIUMS. Gross premiums written decreased by 3.0% to $738,000 for
the six months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to $761,000 for the same period
in 2004. This was due to the decrease in the premiums produced by TRM for its
issuing companies primarily due to certain policies in the more rating sensitive
middle market and large lines programs renewing in the Insurance Segment offset
in part by higher premium rates.

     NET PREMIUMS. Net premiums written decreased 6.7% to $666,000 for the six
months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to $714,000 for the same period in 2004
which was in line with the decrease in gross premiums written. However, net
premiums earned increased by 56.4% to $782,000 for the six months ended June 30,
2005 as compared to $500,000 for the same period in 2004 as a result of a 46.1%
increase in gross premiums earned. The increase in gross premiums earned
resulted from an from an increase in premiums written in the later part of 2004
and a 17.3% reduction in ceded premiums earned.

adjustment expenses were a negative $14,000 for the six months ended June 30,
2005 as compared to $300,000 for the same period in 2004. Net losses were
$498,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to $300,000 for the
same period in 2004. The gross loss ratio was a negative 1.6% in the first six
months of 2005 compared to 51.6% in the same period in 2004 due to a favorable
prior year loss reserve development of $478,000 which fully offset gross
accident year losses. The net loss ratio of 63.7% in the first six months of
2005 reflects a slight amount of adverse development that added 3 points to the
calendar year loss ratio that is otherwise comparable to 61.0% in the same
period of 2004 and in line with our expectation.

expenses decreased for the six months ended June 30, 2005 to $84,000 as compared
to $131,000 for the same period in 2004. Our net underwriting expense ratio
decreased to 10.8% for the six months ended June 30, 2005 from 26.2% for the
same period in 2004. The decrease in both the gross and net underwriting expense
ratios was due to lower ceding commission expenses and other underwriting
expenses in the first six months of 2005 compared to the same period in 2004 due
to the reduced allocation of expenses to the reinsurance segment.

     UNDERWRITING PROFIT AND COMBINED RATIO. The underwriting profit from
assumed reinsurance for the first six months of 2005 was $200,000 compared to
$69,000 for the same period of 2004. The net combined ratio was 74.5% for the
first six months of 2005 compared to 86.2% for the same period of 2004. The
lower net combined ratio for the first six months of 2005 was the result of a
lower net underwriting expense ratio as explained above.


     The gross combined ratio decreased to 8.3% for the first six months of 2005
compared to 74.2% for the same period of 2004 due to the negative gross loss
ratio of 1.6% for the first six months of 2005 compared to a positive 51.6%
gross loss ratio for the same period of 2004 as explained above. In addition,
the gross underwriting expense ratio decreased to 9.9% for the first six months
of 2005 compared to 22.5% for the same period of 2004 due to lower ceding
commission expenses and other underwriting expenses in the first six months of
2005 compared to the same period in 2004.


                                                  Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                                                        June 30,              June 30,
                                                ----------------------- ----------------------
                                                   2005          2004    2005         2004
                                                ---------     --------- --------    ---------
                                                                 ($ in thousands)

Direct commission revenue from
   managing general agency                     $ 2,166        $ 3,595      $ 4,691   $ 5,052
Claims administration revenue                    1,097            846        2,150     1,715
Reinsurance intermediary fees(1)                    79            240          282       438
Policy billing fees                                  6           --             11      --
                                               -------        -------      -------   -------
TOTAL REVENUES                                   3,348          4,681        7,134     7,205
                                               -------        -------      -------   -------

Direct commissions expense paid to producers     1,174          2,487        2,385     3,437
Other insurance services expenses(2)               455          1,061          940     1,361
Claims expense reimbursement to TICNY            1,091            840        2,141     1,642
                                               -------        -------      -------   -------
TOTAL EXPENSES                                   2,720          4,388        5,466     6,440
                                               -------        -------      -------   -------
INSURANCE SERVICES PRE-TAX INCOME              $   628        $   293      $ 1,668   $   765
                                               =======        =======      =======   =======
Premium produced by TRM on
   behalf of issuing companies                 $ 8,431        $18,517      $16,875   $25,004
                                               =======        =======      =======   =======

    (1) The  Reinsurance   Intermediary  Fees  Include  Commissions  Earned  for
        Placement of Reinsurance On Behalf of Ticny.

    (2) Consists of  Underwriting  Expenses  Reimbursed to Ticny  Pursuant to an
        Expense Sharing Agreement.

ENDED JUNE 30, 2005 AND 2004

     TOTAL REVENUES. Total revenues for the insurance services segment were $3.3
million for the three months ended June 30, 2005 as compared with $4.7 million
for the same period in 2004. The principal components of total revenues for our
insurance services segment are direct commission revenue, claims administration
revenue and reinsurance intermediary fees. The decrease in total revenues was
primarily due to direct commission revenue that decreased by 39.7% to $2.2
million for the second quarter of 2005 compared to $3.6 million for the second
quarter of 2004 which is discussed below. Reinsurance intermediary fees
decreased by 67.1% to $79,000 in the second quarter of 2005 compared to $240,000
in the same period of last year primarily as a result of the reduction of the
ceding percentage under our quota share treaty. Claims administration revenue
increased by 29.7% to $1.1 million for the second quarter of 2005 as compared to
$0.8 million for the second quarter of 2004. Premiums produced during the second
quarter of 2005 on business subject to the renewal rights agreement with
OneBeacon amounted to $0.9 million. New business produced through former
OneBeacon producers that we appointed in consequence of the renewal rights
transaction amounted to $0.2 million during the second quarter of 2005.

     Direct commission revenue is dependent upon the premiums and losses on
business produced by TRM on behalf of its issuing companies. For the second
quarter of 2005 direct commission revenues decreased by 39.7% to $2.2 million
compared to $3.6 million for the second quarter of 2004 as a result in the 54.5%
decrease in premiums produced by TRM due to the rating upgrade in TICNY from
A.M. Best to "A-" (Excellent) from "B++" (Very Good), resulting in certain
policies in the more rating sensitive large lines and middle market programs in
our Insurance Services Segment renewing in the Insurance Segment. In addition,
TRM's direct commission income in the second quarter of 2005 was reduced by
$113,000 resulting from unfavorable loss development on the premiums produced in
prior years. The effect of the decrease in premiums produced on direct
commission revenue was offset by an increase in the composite commission rate
that increased to approximately 25.7% for the second quarter of 2005 compared to
19.4% for the second quarter of 2004 due, primarily, to a greater mix of
premiums in the small and middle market programs that carry a higher commission


     DIRECT COMMISSION EXPENSE. TRM's direct commission expense rate was 13.9%
for the second quarter of 2005 compared to 13.4% for the second quarter of 2004.
This was due to a 15% increase in premiums produced in the small business

     OTHER INSURANCE SERVICES EXPENSES. The amount of reimbursement for
underwriting expenses by TRM to TICNY in the second quarter of 2005 was $0.5
million as compared to $1.1 million in the second quarter of 2004. The decrease
resulted from the decrease in premiums produced.

     CLAIMS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. The amount of reimbursement by TRM for claims
administration pursuant to the terms of the expense sharing agreement with TICNY
in the second quarter of 2005 was $1.1 million as compared to $0.8 million in
the second quarter of 2004 due to an increase in the number of claims handled.

     PRE-TAX INCOME. Pre-tax income in the second quarter of 2005 increased by
114.3% to $0.6 million as compared to $0.3 million in the second quarter of 2004
due to the increase in direct commission revenue rate.

AND 2004

     TOTAL REVENUES. Total revenues for the insurance services segment were $7.1
million for the six months ended June 30, 2005 as compared with $7.2 million for
the same period in 2004. The decrease in total revenues was primarily due to
direct commission revenue that decreased by 7.1% to $4.7 million for the first
six months of 2005 compared to $5.1 million for the same period of 2004 and
reinsurance intermediary fees decreased by 35.6% to $282,000 in the first six
months of 2005 compared to $438,000 in the same period of last year due to the
reduction in the quota share treaty ceding percentages. Claims administration
revenue increased by 25.4% to $2.2 million for the first six months of 2005 as
compared to $1.7 million for the same period last year. Premiums produced during
the first six months of 2005 on business subject to the renewal rights agreement
with OneBeacon amounted to $3.2 million. New business produced through former
OneBeacon producers that we appointed in consequence of the renewal rights
transaction amounted to $0.8 million during the first six months of 2005.

     For the first six months of 2005 direct commission revenues decreased by
7.1% to $4.7 million compared to $5.1 million for the same period last year as a
result in the 32.5% decrease in premiums produced by TRM partially offset by
additional commission income of $378,000 resulting from favorable loss
development on the premiums produced in prior periods. Premiums produced by TRM
decreased by 32.5% to $16.9 million in the first six months of 2005 as compared
to $25.0 million in the same period last year resulting primarily from the
rating upgrade in TICNY resulting in certain rating sensitive policies in the
large and middle market programs renewing in the Insurance Segment The composite
commission revenue rate increased to 27.8% for the first six months of 2005
compared to 20.2% for the same period in 2004 due to the greater mix of premiums
produced in the small and middle market programs that carry a higher commission

     DIRECT COMMISSION EXPENSE. TRM's direct commission expense rate was 14.1%
for the first six months of 2005 compared to 13.7% for the same period last
year. This was due to the 31% increase in TRM's small market program and a 24%
increase in its middle markets program for the first six months of 2005. The
small and middle market programs carry a higher commission rate than the large
market program.

     OTHER INSURANCE SERVICES EXPENSES. The amount of reimbursement for
underwriting expenses by TRM to TICNY in the first six months of 2005 was $0.9
million as compared to $1.4 million in the same period last year. The decrease
resulted from the 32.5% decrease in premiums produced.

     CLAIMS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. The amount of reimbursement by TRM for claims
administration pursuant to the terms of the expense sharing agreement with TICNY
in the first six months of 2005 was $2.1 million as compared to $1.6 million in
the same period last year due to an increase in the number of claims handled.

     PRE-TAX INCOME. Pre-tax income in the first six months of 2005 increased by
118.0% to $1.7 million as compared to $0.8 million in the same period last year
due to the additional direct commission income on premiums produced in prior
years and an increase in the direct commission revenue rate on premiums produced
in the current year.



     CASH FLOWS. Cash flow needs at the holding company level are primarily for
dividends to our stockholders and interest payments on our $47.4 million of
subordinated debentures. For the three months ended June 30, 2005 net cash
provided by operating activities was $33.2 million compared to $18.3 million for
the same period in 2004. The increase in net cash provided by operations for the
three months ended June 30, 2005 resulted primarily from an increase in
collected premiums as a result of the growth in gross premiums written and the
reduction in the quota share reinsurance ceding percentage to 25% in 2005 from
60% in 2004.

     For the six months ended June 30, 2005, net cash provided by operating
activities was $61.5 million compared to $45.5 million for the same period last
year. The increase in net cash provided by operations resulted primarily from an
increase in collected premiums as a result of the growth in gross premiums
written and the reduction in the quota share reinsurance ceding percentage to
25% in 2005 from 60% in 2004. The $45.5 million in net cash provided by
operations in the first six months of 2004 was significantly impacted by an
increase in funds withheld as collateral for reinsurance recoverables of $20.6
million and the collection of $15.7 million of cash for cancelled reinsurance.

     The operating subsidiaries' primary sources of cash are net premiums
received, commission and fee income, net investment income and proceeds from the
sale and redemption of both equity and fixed-maturity investments. Cash is used
to pay claims, commissions and operating expenses, to purchase investments and
to pay dividends to the holding company. TICNY is subject to significant
regulatory restrictions limiting its ability to declare and pay dividends. As of
June 30, 2005, the maximum amount of distributions that TICNY could pay to its
parent without approval of the New York Insurance Department was $1.5 million.
Because TNIC has not yet commenced insurance operations it has no positive
retained earnings (or unassigned surplus) and therefore it may not pay dividends
at this time without the approval of the Massachusetts Commissioner of


     The investment portfolio provides a high degree of liquidity since it is
comprised of readily marketable equity, fixed income and short-term securities.
We classify investments in fixed maturity securities as available for sale and
report these securities at estimated fair values based on quoted market prices
or a recognized pricing service. Changes in unrealized gains and losses on these
securities are reported as a separate component of comprehensive net income and
accumulated unrealized gains and losses are reported as a component of
accumulated other comprehensive net income in stockholders' equity, net of
deferred taxes. Realized gains and losses are charged or credited to income in
the period in which they are realized.

     The aggregate fair market value of our invested assets as of June 30, 2005
was $298.4 million, excluding our investment in common trust securities -
statutory business trusts. Our fixed maturity securities as of this date had a
fair market value of $268.0 million and an amortized cost of $266.5 million. The
equity securities had a fair value $30.4 million and cost of $30.1 million.

     During the six months ended June 30, 2005, we reallocated a portion of the
taxable fixed income portfolio to higher yielding securities. Accordingly,
purchases included approximately $13.5 million in "BB" rated mortgage backed
securities, $10.0 million of mortgage REIT funds, of which $5.0 million were a
private mortgage REIT and $5.0 million were in publicly traded funds, and $18.0
million of a short duration floating-rate asset backed fund. As a result of the
investment activity during the first six months, the taxable equivalent book
yield increased to 5.1% from 4.4% at December 31, 2004. We also reallocated
approximately $2.0 million of common stock to a higher dividend yielding stock
fund. The mortgage REIT funds and the floating rate asset backed fund at June
30, 2005 are classified as equity investments resulting in an increase in equity
securities to $30.4 million from $2.5 million at December 31, 2004.



     Market risk relates to changes in the value of financial instruments that
arise from adverse movements in factors such as interest rates and equity
prices. We are exposed mainly to changes in interest rates that affect the fair
value of our investment in securities.


     Sensitivity analysis is a measurement of potential loss in future earnings,
fair values or cash flows of market sensitive instruments resulting from one or
more selected hypothetical changes in interest rates and other market rates or
prices over a selected time. In our sensitivity analysis model, we select a
hypothetical change in market rates that reflects what we believe are reasonably
possible near-term changes in those rates. The term "near-term" means a period
of time going forward up to one year from the date of the consolidated financial
statements. Actual results may differ from the hypothetical change in market
rates assumed in this disclosure, especially since this sensitivity analysis
does not reflect the results of any action that we may take to mitigate such
hypothetical losses in fair value.

     In this sensitivity analysis model, we use fair values to measure our
potential loss. The sensitivity analysis model includes fixed maturities and
short-term investments.

     For invested assets, we use modified duration modeling to calculate changes
in fair values. Durations on invested assets are adjusted for call, put and
interest rate reset features. Durations on tax-exempt securities are adjusted
for the fact that the yield on such securities is less sensitive to changes in
interest rates compared to Treasury securities. Invested asset portfolio
durations are calculated on a market value weighted basis, including accrued
investment income, using holdings as of June 30, 2005.

     The following table summarizes the estimated change in fair value on our
fixed maturity portfolio including short-term investments based on specific
changes in interest rates as of June 30, 2005:

                                               Estimated Increase        Estimated Percentage
                                           (Decrease) in Fair Value       Increase (Decrease)
Change in Interest Rate                         ($ in Thousands)            in Fair Value
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
300 basis point rise                                 (34,773)                   (13.0%)
200 basis rise                                       (23,437)                    (8.7%)
100 basis rise                                       (11,700)                    (4.4%)
As of June 30, 2005                                        -                      0.0%.
50 basis point decline                                 5,606                      2.1%
100 basis point decline                               10,939                      4.1%


     The sensitivity analysis model used by us produces a predicted pre-tax loss
in fair value of market-sensitive instruments of $12.0 million or 4.4% based on
a 100 basis point increase in interest rates as of June 30, 2005. This loss
amount only reflects the impact of an interest rate increase on the fair value
of our fixed maturities, which constituted approximately 89.4% of our total
invested assets as of June 30, 2005.


     Our management, with the participation of the Chief Executive Officer and
Chief Financial Officer, has evaluated the effectiveness of the design and
operation of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Securities
Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(e)) as of the end of the period covered by this report.
Based on that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer have concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures are effective
to provide reasonable assurance that material information relating to us and our
consolidated subsidiaries required to be disclosed in our reports filed with or
submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities
Exchange Act is made known to such officers by others within these entities,
particularly during the period this quarterly report was prepared, in order to
allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

     There have not been any changes in our internal control over financial
reporting during the three months ended June 30, 2005 that have materially
affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control
over financial reporting.



    31.1 Chief Executive Officer - Certification  pursuant to Sarbanes-Oxley Act
        of 2002 Section 302

    31.2 Chief Financial Officer - Certification  pursuant to Sarbanes-Oxley Act
        of 2002 Section 302

    32  Chief  Executive  Officer and Chief  Financial  Officer -  Certification
        pursuant to Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Section 906


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registration has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          TOWER GROUP, INC.

Date: AUGUST 12, 2005                     /S/ MICHAEL H. LEE
                                          Michael H. Lee
                                          Chairman of the Board,
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer

Date: AUGUST 12, 2005                     /S/ FRANCIS M. COLALUCCI
                                          Francis M. Colalucci
                                          Senior Vice President,
                                          Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
