Exhibit 99.1

          Cognex Corporation Announces Third Quarter Results

    NATICK, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 17, 2005--Cognex Corporation
(NASDAQ:CGNX) today announced revenue for the third quarter ended
October 2, 2005 of $58,256,000, and net income of $10,858,000, or
$0.22 per diluted share. These most recent quarterly results are
compared to the company's historical results for the third quarter of
2004 and for the second quarter of 2005 in the table below. Also
provided in the table below are revenue, net income and earnings per
share for the nine months ended October 2, 2005, as compared to the
company's historical results for the same period in 2004.

                                        Revenue    Net Income Earnings
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         Quarter Comparisons
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Current quarter: Q3-05                $58,256,000 $10,858,000   $0.22
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Prior year's quarter: Q3-04           $55,412,000 $11,655,000   $0.25
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Change from Q3-04 to Q3-05                      5%        (7%)   (11%)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Prior quarter: Q2-05                  $54,603,000  $7,800,000   $0.17
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Change from Q2-05 to Q3-05                      7%         39%     35%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      Year-to-Date Comparisons
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Nine months ended October 2, 2005    $156,057,000 $23,952,000   $0.50
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Nine months ended October 3, 2004    $158,048,000 $31,100,000   $0.66
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Change from first nine months of 2004
 to first nine months of 2005                 (1%)       (23%)   (23%)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    The company's reported results for 2005 include the results of DVT
Corporation (since May 9, 2005), and also include the amortization
costs related to that acquisition ($1,143,000 in the third quarter and
$1,905,000 year to date).
    "The third quarter of 2005 was another good quarter for Cognex,"
said Dr. Robert J. Shillman, Cognex's Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer. "Revenue increased on a sequential basis in the three primary
markets we serve: Semiconductor and Electronics Capital Equipment,
Factory Automation, and Surface Inspection. And, our net margin
improved dramatically quarter-to-quarter due to higher revenue and
synergies realized from our acquisition of DVT Corporation in May of
this year."
    Dr. Shillman continued, "Q4 is shaping up nicely. With our current
estimates of Q4 revenue in the range of $61 million to $64 million and
earnings per diluted share between $0.24 and $0.27, we expect to show
growth in both the top and bottom lines...both year-on-year and

    Details of the Quarter

    Statement of Operations Highlights - Third Quarter of 2005

    --  Revenue for the third quarter of 2005 increased 5% over the
        comparable quarter in 2004 despite a 40% decline in revenue
        from customers who make capital equipment for the
        semiconductor and electronics industries. Revenue increased
        year-on-year primarily due to record revenue from discrete
        manufacturers in the Factory Automation area as well as to
        record sales of SmartView(R), the company's surface inspection
        product. On a sequential basis, revenue increased 7% due to
        higher sales to customers in all three of the primary markets
        we serve, but primarily to those who make capital equipment
        for the semiconductor industry.

    --  Gross margin was 73% in the third quarter of 2005 compared to
        73% in the comparable quarter in 2004 and 71% in the prior
        quarter. Cost of revenue for the third quarter of 2004, as
        well as the second and third quarters of 2005, includes a
        benefit of $422,000, $169,000, and $185,000 respectively,
        relating to the sale of inventory previously reserved.
        Excluding this benefit, gross margin would have been 73% in
        the third quarter of 2005, 72% in the third quarter of 2004,
        and 70% in the prior quarter. The increase in gross margin on
        a sequential basis is due to the higher revenue in the third

    --  Research, Development & Engineering (R, D & E) spending in the
        third quarter of 2005 increased 10% from the comparable
        quarter in 2004 and 1% from the prior quarter. The increase
        year-on-year is due primarily to higher expenses in the third
        quarter of 2005 relating to the new employees added from the
        DVT acquisition.

    --  Selling, General & Administrative (S, G & A) spending in the
        third quarter of 2005 increased 18% from the third quarter of
        2004, and decreased 1% on a sequential basis. The increase
        year-on-year is due to incremental DVT costs. S, G & A
        declined 1% on a sequential basis despite an additional month
        of DVT costs due primarily to cost reductions implemented as
        part of the acquisition integration. In addition, the company
        also received a benefit from the positive impact of foreign
        exchange rates on the company's international operations.

    --  The company reported a foreign currency loss of $410,000 in
        the third quarter of 2005 compared to a loss of $502,000 in
        the comparable quarter of 2004 and a loss of $291,000 in the
        prior quarter. The company recognizes foreign currency gains
        and losses on the revaluation and settlement of accounts
        receivable and payable balances that are reported in one
        currency and collected or paid in another.

    --  Investment and other income was $1,156,000 in the third
        quarter of 2005 compared to $1,043,000 in the third quarter of
        2004 and $973,000 in the prior quarter. The increase in
        investment and other income, both year-on-year and
        sequentially, is due to higher yields.

    --  The effective tax rate was 26% in the third quarter of 2005 as
        compared to 29% in the comparable quarter of 2004 and 26% in
        the prior quarter. The decrease in the effective tax rate
        year-on-year is due to more of the company's profits being
        earned and taxed in lower tax jurisdictions in 2005 than in

    Balance Sheet Highlights - October 2, 2005

    --  Cognex's financial position at October 2, 2005 was very
        strong, with nearly $313,000,000 in cash and investments, and
        no debt. Cash and investments decreased by approximately
        $78,400,000 from the end of 2004 as the company paid out
        approximately $115,000,000 of cash in the second quarter to
        acquire DVT Corporation. During the first nine months of 2005,
        Cognex generated positive cash flow from operations of over
        $28,000,000 and paid out over $11,000,000 in dividends.
        Cumulative to date, the company has paid out nearly
        $70,000,000 in repurchases of its common stock on the open
        market and over $29,000,000 in dividends.

    --  Days sales outstanding (DSO) for the third quarter of 2005 was
        58 days, and remains within the company's targeted range.

    --  Inventories at October 2, 2005 increased by approximately
        $500,000, or 3%, from the end of the prior quarter and
        inventory turns in the third quarter were equal to a rate
        equivalent to 3.5 times per year.

    Business Trends and Financial Outlook


    --  For the third quarter of 2005, bookings were essentially flat
        on a sequential basis as higher orders from the Semiconductor
        and Electronics Capital Equipment market offset the seasonally
        soft Factory Automation market. The company's book-to-bill
        ratio was slightly less than 1.0 for the quarter due to record
        SmartView revenue, which had an unsustainably-high level of
        orders earlier in the year, and summer seasonality in the
        Factory Automation market.

    Financial Outlook

    --  For the fourth quarter of 2005, Cognex expects revenue to
        increase on a sequential basis to between $61 million and $64
        million. At that revenue level, gross margin is expected to be
        in the low-to-mid 70% range. For the fourth quarter, operating
        expenses (R, D & E and S, G & A) are expected to increase by
        5% to 10% on a sequential basis. The effective tax rate is
        expected to be 26%. As a result of the above, earnings for the
        fourth quarter are expected to be between $0.24 and $0.27 per
        diluted share.

    Analyst Conference Call and Simultaneous Webcast

    Cognex will host a conference call to discuss its results for the
third quarter of 2005, as well as its financial outlook, on Tuesday,
October 18, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. The telephone number for
the live call is 800-770-5589 (or 973-935-2039 if outside the U.S.). A
replay will begin at approximately 11:00 a.m. eastern time on Tuesday,
October 18, 2005 and will run continuously for 72 hours. The telephone
number for the replay is 877-519-4471 (or 973-341-3080 if outside the
U.S.) and the access code is 6574105.
    Internet users can listen to a real-time audio broadcast of the
conference call, as well as an archive replay of the call, on Cognex's
website at http://www.cognex.com/investor/default.asp.

    About Cognex Corporation

    Cognex Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and markets
machine vision systems, or computers that can "see." Cognex is the
world's leader in the machine vision industry, having shipped more
than 275,000 machine vision systems, representing over $1.9 billion in
cumulative revenue, since the company's founding in 1981. Cognex's
Modular Vision Systems Division, headquartered in Natick,
Massachusetts, specializes in machine vision systems that are used for
automating the manufacture of a wide range of discrete items and for
assuring their quality. Cognex's Surface Inspection Systems Division,
headquartered in Alameda, California, specializes in machine vision
systems that are used for inspecting the surfaces of products
manufactured in a continuous fashion, such as metals, papers and
plastics. In addition to its corporate headquarters in Natick,
Massachusetts, Cognex has regional offices and distributors located
throughout North America, Latin America, Japan, Europe, and Southeast
Asia. Visit Cognex on-line at http://www.cognex.com.

    Forward-Looking Statement

    Certain statements made in this press release and its attachments,
which do not relate solely to historical matters, are forward-looking
statements. You can identify these forward-looking statements by use
of the words "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "believes,"
"projects," "intends," "plans," "will," "may," "shall" and similar
words. These forward-looking statements, which include statements
regarding business trends and the company's financial outlook, involve
risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those projected. Such risks and uncertainties include:
(1) global economic conditions that impact the capital spending trends
of manufacturers in a variety of industries; (2) the cyclicality of
the semiconductor and electronics industries; (3) the inability to
achieve significant international revenue; (4) fluctuations in foreign
exchange rates; (5) the loss of, or significant curtailment of
purchases by, any one or more principal customers; (6) the reliance
upon certain sole source suppliers to manufacture and deliver critical
components for the company's products; (7) challenges in integrating
acquisitions and achieving anticipated benefits; and (8) the other
risks detailed in the company's reports filed with the SEC, including
the company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004.
You should not place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking
statements, which speak only as of the date made. The company
disclaims any obligation to update forward-looking statements after
the date of such statements.

                     COGNEX CORPORATION
                  Statements of Operations
          (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                        Three Months Ended          Nine Months Ended
                      October     July  October     October   October
                           2,       3,       3,          2,        3,
                         2005     2005     2004        2005      2004
                   ----------------------------- ---------------------
                               (unaudited)               (unaudited)

Revenue               $58,256  $54,603  $55,412    $156,057  $158,048

Cost of revenue        15,755   16,065   14,886      45,610    45,580
                   ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------

Gross margin           42,501   38,538   40,526     110,447   112,468
     Percentage of
      revenue              73%      71%      73%         71%       71%

 development, and
 expenses               7,224    7,185    6,552      20,724    20,105
     Percentage of
      revenue              12%      13%      12%         13%       13%

Selling, general,
 and administrative
 expenses              21,351   21,494   18,099      60,353    51,981
     Percentage of
      revenue              37%      39%      33%         39%       33%
                   ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------

Operating income       13,926    9,859   15,875      29,370    40,382
     Percentage of
      revenue              24%      18%      29%         19%       26%

Foreign currency
 gain (loss)             (410)    (291)    (502)       (602)       73

Investment and
 other income           1,156      973    1,043       3,599     3,348
                   ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------

Income before taxes    14,672   10,541   16,416      32,367    43,803

Income tax
 provision              3,814    2,741    4,761       8,415    12,703
                   ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------

Net income            $10,858   $7,800  $11,655     $23,952   $31,100
     Percentage of
      revenue              19%      14%      21%         15%       20%
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

Net income per
 diluted common and
 common equivalent
 share                  $0.22    $0.17    $0.25       $0.50     $0.66
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

Diluted weighted-
 average common and
 common equivalent
 outstanding           48,469   47,141   46,415      47,703    47,424
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

Cash dividends per
 common share           $0.08    $0.08    $0.08       $0.24     $0.20
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

                       COGNEX CORPORATION
                         Balance Sheets
                         (In thousands)
                                                    October  December
                                                         2,       31,
                                                       2005      2004

Cash and investments                               $312,716  $391,076

Accounts receivable                                  38,063    33,816

Inventories                                          18,579    20,091

Property, plant, and equipment                       24,100    23,995

Other assets                                        166,723    64,330
                                                 ----------- ---------

Total assets                                       $560,181  $533,308
                                                 =========== =========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Current liabilities                                 $59,134   $70,501

Stockholders' equity                                501,047   462,807
                                                 ----------- ---------

Total liabilities and stockholders' equity         $560,181  $533,308
                                                 =========== =========

                    COGNEX CORPORATION
              Additional Information Schedule
                  (Dollars in thousands)

                        Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                     Oct. 2,   July 3,  Oct. 3,    Oct. 2,    Oct. 3,
                         2005     2005     2004        2005      2004
                   ----------------------------- ---------------------
                              (unaudited)               (unaudited)

Revenue               $58,256  $54,603  $55,412    $156,057  $158,048
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

Revenue by
  Modular Vision
   Systems Division        84%      83%      88%         84%       87%
   Systems Division        16%      17%      12%         16%       13%
                   ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------
  Total                   100%     100%     100%        100%      100%
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

Revenue by
  United States            37%      37%      30%         37%       30%
  Japan                    30%      26%      41%         28%       41%
  Europe                   27%      31%      24%         29%       24%
  Other                     6%       6%       5%          6%        5%
                   ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------
  Total                   100%     100%     100%        100%      100%
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

Revenue by
  Discrete factory
   automation              57%      60%      42%         57%       41%
  Semiconductor and
   equipment               27%      23%      46%         27%       46%
   inspection              16%      17%      12%         16%       13%
                   ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------
  Total                   100%     100%     100%        100%      100%
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

Revenue by
  Vision sensors           41%      41%      27%         40%       28%
  PC-based vision
   systems                 37%      35%      51%         37%       50%
   vision systems          12%      13%       9%         12%       10%
  Service                  10%      11%      13%         11%       12%
                   ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------
  Total                   100%     100%     100%        100%      100%
                   =========== ======== ======== =========== =========

    CONTACT: Cognex Corporation
             Susan Conway, 508-650-3353