October 20, 2005 - "Good day from Wallstreet" this is Robert Moneteleone, Senior
Analyst with the The Wallstreet Reporter and today the company in focus is,
Digital Fusion Inc. Digital Fusion Inc. trades over the counter on the bulletin
board with the ticker DIGF and joining us on the line today is Mr. Frank
Libutti. He is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Digital Fusion Inc.

Monteleone:    "Good Morning, General Libutti" and thank you for joining us
- -----------    today at the Wallstreet Reporter.

Libutti:       "Good Morning to you sir", I am honored to be with you.
- --------

Monteleone:    Let's begin with an overview of where Digital Fusion stands
- -----------    today, your products offerings in the market you're currently

Frank:         "Well again", I appreciate the opportunity to share this with
- ------         you. I'm very proud and feel privileged to be in the position I
               am in. I have been here now as CEO and Chairman, a little over a
               month. In the broadest sense of how I describe the company, is in
               three broad areas of divisions: "The Information of Technology",
               "Research and Engineering", and "Modeling and Simulation". We
               have approximately a hundred eighty employees on board. We are at
               this point a Huntsville centric, Army centric company and part of
               my vision is to maintain that very important relationship with
               the Huntsville community. But also to expand our business
               opportunities beyond the Army to look rest of DOD, and the other
               services Department Homeland Security, and also look at
               geographic areas we may want to invest our efforts in, in terms
               of bringing new business to the company.

Monteleone:    "Thanks for sharing that brief liquid", would you outline for us
- -----------    some of the short term objectives, and "Congratulations on your
               new position".

Libutti:       "Thank you", I reviewed last week a draft business plan. I have
- --------       an off-site schedule for the next week an a half with my senior
               leadership, and the purpose of that off-site, is to refine the
               business plan which goes out to 2008. It's to identify and again,
               validates specific objectives in terms where we want to go with
               the company, in all aspects of what makes the company tick. From
               our recruiting effort, our marketing effort, raising the bar in
               terms of other business opportunities as well as, insuring that
               we are doing the right thing for our shareholders and for our
               executives as well as, for our troops in the trench line.

Monteleone:    In working to establish your footprint within the company, with
- -----------    your customers, and just as importantly as you said, with the
               shareholders. "What are some of the things you will be looking to
               do in order to establish those footprints"?

Libutti:       We will do our homework; we will look at the market place, we`ll
- --------       take a very hard a diligent look at the opportunities to partner
               with other organizations, including other small businesses. We
               will continue to review that which is advertised by the
               government, in term of opportunities contracts and awards, and we
               will compete aggressively. What I have tried to do in the last
               thirty days or so is to create, what I call my "Approach Plan" to
               creating again, what I would call the "Digital Fusion Family" or
               "Team". That's to be user friendly to the employees and to be
               accessible to them. I have an open door policy across the
               company. We are looking at establishing various employee feed
               back groups, which will meet with me quarterly. I am sending out
               a monthly newsletter to the employees, and also quarterly update
               to shareholders, and also to have a quarterly financial review.
               That will be presented to me by our senior executives and
               including the next level down supervisors, so I get a good handle
               on where we are going and what we' re doing. But I see the future
               as a very bright business flow and opportunities is all up. We do
               not have any serious debt problems, we just recently were
               rewarded a NASA contract, which is about a $48.7, $48.75 million
               for a five year period. It was the largest, first large prime
               Digital Fusion contract that the company has teamed, and again I
               am very upbeat and positive about where we are going. Not just
               because of the trends, but to reiterate my point, but because I
               am convinced that we have a solid team and the reputation in
               Huntsville is superb, and I want to take that, and look at other
               geographic areas in the southwest of the country, and up north of
               where we are. So again, I am very sanguine about where we are and
               where we are going.

Monteleone:    "Very good" and "General", perhaps you will expand on your very
- -----------    impressive background, and follow up by telling us about the
               current management team that you have in place on the board.

Libutti:       We have superb members on our board, a few former military folks
- --------       retired generals. We have a gentleman or two from this area who
               supports us with background and financial expertise. It is a
               pleasure for me to join my fellow board members, because they
               bring great energy, vision, and intensity in terms of moving
               forward. We have several investors, old friends over the last
               couple of years, who are in the Washington, DC area as well.
               Again, I am pleased as I can be with the composition of our board
               the team itself here in Huntsville, across the board are experts
               in there fields. We have eight to ten Ph D's, many with Master
               degrees, and Advance degrees in the specific disciplines, I
               shared with you earlier, and then we've got, "Have what I call
               them troops". The workers who come to the game everyday, work
               hard they are diligent in all things, and my job of course, is to
               create an atmosphere that for them gives them a great sense of
               job satisfaction, and brings them back the next day.

Monteleone:    Now very interesting to note, that with this team and the
- -----------    recently award NASA contract, "Is this type of business that we
               can expect more of"?

Libutti:       We will look very hard at expanding our business in the
- --------       government sector, that's correct. Again, it's not just the Army,
               although we want to hold that close to our hearts and appreciate
               all that and expand on that, including expanding on it locally.
               But I want to take it our disciplines, and opportunities across
               the board to other members of the defense community, the
               "Department of Homeland Security", including the "Coastguard",
               and see where we have the right match, the right common ground.
               Where we can work with our customer base, or soon to be potential
               customer base. That is new customers, and chat with them about
               what they need, and then work with them to develope the kind of
               service that will help them, in there mission. We are a service
               company, not per says a product company and again, that has been
               our core confidences across the information "Research Engineering
               and Modeling Simulation arenas" that I have shared with you

Monteleone:    "General", in a "general way", "excuse me", as investors consider
- -----------    "Digital Fusion" what are some of the mile stones in a broad way,
               that they should look for in the during the next 12 to 18 months?

Libutti:       Well if you're looking, if you're asking me, what are the mile
- --------       stones in terms measure of effectiveness. I can say broadly
               speaking, it's the revenue that is generated by the efforts to
               develop new business; it's the value of the share on the market.
               It is the expanse of our work force, and also the development of
               business, outside the Huntsville area. I mean, you know the
               bottom line, is that in terms of the what we call the, and you
               know this, the "EBITA", that is what we look for, over all

Monteleone:    "And General" in closing, you obviously see this opportunity as
- -----------    exciting, and you look forward to, it sounds you look forward, to
               coming to work everyday. How do you envision the company evolving
               in the next couple of years?

Libutti:       I think I pretty much outline that for you, maybe in summary, I
- --------       would just say that we are a small business company with a great
               heart, and that which represents our heart, are our work force,
               our secret weapon are our employees. The opportunities I believe
               particularly in this time, where we're facing lots of challenges
               in my old line of work against terrorist attacks. But as well
               with just, in simple terms forcing the efforts within this
               country to be more secure. We're part of that broader defense
               posture, in terms of what I think, we can do in our little small
               area of the world to make a difference, and that is what we
               intend to do. Make a difference in support of the community, make
               a difference terms of support for the defense department, and the
               security of our country, and where it's appropriate we will go
               back into the commercial side and support that as well. We very
               much interested in partnering, either as a sub or a prime and we
               will look for every opportunity to do that.

Monteleone:    Well certainly a very interesting and compelling story, and
- -----------    "thank you" for your taking the position, you have.

Libutti:       "My pleasure, I thank you".
- --------

Monteleone:    It was a pleasure speaking with you today and "Congratulations",
- -----------    and "We wish you the best of luck in your new position".

Libutti:       "Thank you, sir",  "Thanks a million".
- --------

Monteleone:    "You're welcome".
- -----------

Libutti:       "Yup, right".
- --------

Monteleone:    Our audience can learn more about "Digital Fusion Inc.",
- -----------    www.digitalfusion.com. The company trades over the counter on the
               bulletin board with ticker DGIF our guest today has been "Mr.
               Frank Libutti", he is the Chairman and CEO of "Digital Fusion ,
               Inc". I'm "Robert Monteleone" with "The Wallstreet Reporter",
               "Thank you, for joining us", and "Have a nice day".