Exhibit 2.1




                       GULF ISLAND FABRICATION, INC., and

                        NEW VISION, L.P., on the one hand


                          GULF MARINE FABRICATORS, and

             TECHNIP-COFLEXIP USA HOLDINGS, INC., on the other hand

                          Dated as of December 20, 2005


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I DEFINED TERMS........................................................1

ARTICLE II Purchase of Assets..................................................1

  Section 2.1    Sale and Purchase of the Assets...............................1
  Section 2.2    Excluded Assets...............................................2
  Section 2.3    Purchase Price................................................3
  Section 2.4    Purchase Price Adjustment.....................................3
  Section 2.5    Purchase Price Allocation.....................................5
  Section 2.6    Assumed Liabilities...........................................5
  Section 2.7    Excluded Liabilities..........................................5
  Section 2.8    Closing.......................................................5
  Section 2.9    Deliveries at Closing.........................................5
  Section 2.10   Effect of Consents to Transfer Not Obtained...................8


  Section 3.1    Ownership.....................................................9
  Section 3.2    Organization; Authority; Enforceability.......................9
  Section 3.3    Legal Proceedings............................................10
  Section 3.4    Qualification; Subsidiaries..................................10
  Section 3.5    No Conflict..................................................10
  Section 3.6    Consent......................................................11
  Section 3.7    Charter Documents............................................11
  Section 3.8    Financial Statements.........................................11
  Section 3.9    Absence of Certain Changes...................................11
  Section 3.10   Inventory....................................................12
  Section 3.11   Equipment....................................................12
  Section 3.12   Suppliers and Customers......................................13
  Section 3.13   Real Property................................................13
  Section 3.14   Real Property Leases.........................................14
  Section 3.15   Personal Property............................................14
  Section 3.16   Sufficiency of Assets........................................14
  Section 3.17   Governmental Permits.........................................14
  Section 3.18   Compliance with Laws.........................................15
  Section 3.19   Material Contracts and Warranties............................15
  Section 3.20   Crane Commitments............................................15
  Section 3.21   Environmental Matters........................................15
  Section 3.22   Employee Plans...............................................17
  Section 3.23   Taxes........................................................19
  Section 3.24   Certain Payments.............................................20
  Section 3.25   Transactions with Certain Persons............................20
  Section 3.26   Intellectual Property........................................20
  Section 3.27   Insurance....................................................20
  Section 3.28   Safety and Health............................................20
  Section 3.29   Books and Records............................................21
  Section 3.30   Labor Matters................................................21
  Section 3.31   Documents and Written Materials..............................21
  Section 3.32   Brokers' Fees................................................21
  Section 3.33   Investment Representation....................................21
  Section 3.34   Disclosure...................................................22



  Section 4.1    Organization.................................................23
  Section 4.2    Authority; Enforceability....................................23
  Section 4.3    Consents and Approvals; Conflicts............................23
  Section 4.4    Ownership of Subsidiary......................................24
  Section 4.5    Capitalization...............................................24
  Section 4.6    Legal Proceedings............................................24
  Section 4.7    Financial Statements.........................................24
  Section 4.8    Compliance with Laws.........................................24
  Section 4.9    Certain Payments.............................................24
  Section 4.10   Transaction With Certain Persons.............................24
  Section 4.11   Safety and Health............................................25
  Section 4.12   No Pending Acquisition.......................................25
  Section 4.13   Environmental Matters........................................25
  Section 4.14   Divestment...................................................25
  Section 4.15   Disclosure...................................................25

ARTICLE V PRE-CLOSING COVENANTS...............................................25

  Section 5.1    Access.......................................................25
  Section 5.2    Inspection...................................................26
  Section 5.3    Conduct of the Business......................................26
  Section 5.4    Further Actions..............................................26
  Section 5.5    HSR Act......................................................27
  Section 5.6    Notification.................................................27
  Section 5.7    Acquisition Proposals........................................28
  Section 5.8    Public Announcements.........................................28
  Section 5.9    Liabilities..................................................28
  Section 5.10   New Bids and Contracts.......................................28
  Section 5.11   Notice of Developments.......................................29
  Section 5.12   Update of the Disclosure Schedules...........................29
  Section 5.13   Employee Matters.............................................29
  Section 5.14   WARN Act.....................................................31
  Section 5.15   Confidential Information.....................................31
  Section 5.16   Real Estate Matters..........................................32
  Section 5.17   Standstill...................................................33
  Section 5.18   Seller Board Seat............................................33
  Section 5.19   Cooperation Agreement........................................34

ARTICLE VI CONDITIONS PRECEDENT...............................................34

  Section 6.1    Conditions Precedent to Obligations of All Parties...........34
  Section 6.2    Conditions Precedent to Obligations
                 of Gulf Island and Buyer.....................................35
  Section 6.3    Conditions Precedent to the Obligations
                 of the Seller Parties........................................36

ARTICLE VII INDEMNIFICATION; REMEDIES.........................................36

  Section 7.1    Indemnification by the Seller Parties........................36
  Section 7.2    Indemnification by Gulf Island...............................36
  Section 7.3    Nature of the Seller Parties' Liability; Limitations.........37
  Section 7.4    Procedure for Indemnification - Third-Party Claims...........37
  Section 7.5    Survival of Indemnification..................................38
  Section 7.6    Escrow.......................................................39

ARTICLE VIII TERMINATION......................................................39

  Section 8.1    Termination..................................................39
  Section 8.2    Effect of Termination........................................40


ARTICLE IX POST CLOSING COVENANTS.............................................40

  Section 9.1    Further Assurances...........................................40
  Section 9.2    Post Closing Tax Covenants...................................41
  Section 9.3    Prorations...................................................41
  Section 9.4    Name Change..................................................41
  Section 9.5    Existing Warranty Liabilities................................42
  Section 9.6    Corrections of Defective Work Prior to
                 Warranty Claims Being Made...................................42
  Section 9.7    Communications Transfer......................................42
  Section 9.8    Turnover of Misdirected Payments.............................42

ARTICLE X MISCELLANEOUS.......................................................42

  Section 10.1   Expenses.....................................................42
  Section 10.2   Notices......................................................42
  Section 10.3   Amendment....................................................43
  Section 10.4   Headings; Gender.............................................43
  Section 10.5   Entire Agreement; No Third Party Beneficiaries...............43
  Section 10.6   Governing Law................................................43
  Section 10.7   Jurisdiction.................................................43
  Section 10.8   Special Determination of Purchase Price Adjustments..........44
  Section 10.9   Assignment...................................................44
  Section 10.10  Severability.................................................44
  Section 10.11  Counterparts.................................................44
  Section 10.12  Mutual Drafting..............................................44

Exhibit A - Definitions
Exhibit B - Escrow Agreement
Exhibit C - Forms of Assignments
Exhibit D - Form of Bill of Sale
Exhibit E - Form of Warranty Deed
Exhibit F - Form of Registration Rights Agreement
Exhibit G - Form of Non-Competition Agreement
Exhibit H - Form of Lock-Up Agreement
Exhibit I - Form of Transition Services Agreement
Exhibit J - Form of Opinion of the  Counsel  to the Seller  Parties
Exhibit K - Form of Opinion of the  Counsel  to Buyer and Gulf  Island
Exhibit L - Forms of Employment Agreement
Exhibit M - Disclosure Schedule



     This  Asset  Purchase  and Sale  Agreement  (this  "Agreement"),  dated and
effective as of December 20, 2005 (the "Effective  Date"),  is by and among Gulf
Island  Fabrication,  Inc.,  a Louisiana  corporation  ("Gulf  Island")  and New
Vision, L.P., a Texas limited partnership and indirect subsidiary of Gulf Island
("Buyer"),  on the one  hand,  and  Gulf  Marine  Fabricators,  a Texas  general
partnership ("Seller"), and Technip-Coflexip USA Holdings, Inc.(the "Parent") on
the other hand.  Seller and Parent are sometimes  referred to herein together as
the "Seller Parties."


     A   Seller is primarily engaged in the business of the fabrication and sale
of drilling and production  platforms and other  specialized  structures used in
the   development   and  production  of  offshore  oil  and  gas  reserves  (the

     B   The  boards of directors of Parent and the Partners  desire that Seller
sell  substantially  all of the assets used in the  Business  to Buyer,  and the
boards of directors of Gulf Island and the sole general  partner of Buyer desire
that  Buyer  purchase  such  assets,  each  upon the terms  and  subject  to the
conditions set forth in this Agreement.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual  promises,  covenants and
agreements   set  forth   herein  and  in   reliance   upon  the   undertakings,
representations,  warranties  and  indemnities  contained  herein,  each  of the
parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                                  DEFINED TERMS

     As used in this  Agreement,  capitalized  terms  shall  have  the  meanings
assigned to them in Exhibit "A."

                                   ARTICLE II.
                               PURCHASE OF ASSETS

     Section 2.1 Sale and Purchase of the Assets.  Upon the terms and subject to
the  conditions set forth in this  Agreement,  at the Closing Seller shall sell,
transfer,  convey,  assign and deliver to Buyer the Assets,  which shall be free
and clear of all Liens,  and Buyer shall  purchase and acquire from Seller,  the
Assets for the  Purchase  Price.  "Assets"  means all of the assets used or held
primarily for use in the Business, excluding the Excluded Assets, but including,
without limitation, the following:

     (a) All of the Owned Real Properties listed on Schedule 2.1(a),  including,
without  limitation,  any items listed on Schedule 2.1(b) that are classified as
real property under applicable law;

     (b) Subject to Section 2.2(d) below, all of the Personal Property listed on
Schedule  2.1(b) (which list  includes all major items of equipment  used in the

     (c) All of the inventory listed on Schedule 2.1(c);

     (d) All rights of Seller  under the  leases,  construction  contracts,  and
other contracts listed on Schedule 2.1(d),  as such schedule is updated pursuant
to Section 5.10 (the "Assumed Contracts");

     (e) All rights of Seller in and to all Owned  Intellectual  Property listed
on Schedule 2.1(e), including the name "Gulf Marine Fabricators;"

     (f) All rights of Seller in and to all Governmental  Permits held by Seller
for use in the Business listed on Schedule 2.1(f);

     (g) All rights of Seller in all Warranties, if any, issued by third persons
that  relate to the  Assets  (with  Seller  disclaiming  any  representation  or
warranty with respect to the existence or enforceability of such Warranties);

     (h)  Subject to Section  2.2(d)  below,  all  records  (including  computer
records) of Seller located on the Owned Real Properties,  including all property
records, sales records, service records, customer lists, mailing lists, customer
price lists, customer files,  suppliers' lists, suppliers' price lists, designs,
drawings,  bid  libraries  and  estimates  and  other  correspondence  and other
recorded  knowledge  relating to customers or  suppliers of the  Business,  and,
whether or not located on the Owned Real Properties, copies of personnel records
of Seller's Employees; and

     (i) All goodwill, advances and deposits of every kind and nature of Seller.

     Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the only contracts that shall be deemed to
be  included  in the Assets are those  contracts  expressly  listed in  Schedule
2.1(d),  and the transfer of the Assets shall not include the  assumption of any
liability  related to the Assets unless  expressly  assumed  pursuant to Section

     Section 2.2 Excluded Assets.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.1
above,  the following  assets are expressly  excluded from the purchase and sale
contemplated hereby (the "Excluded Assets"):

     (a) The consideration to be delivered to Seller pursuant to this Agreement;

     (b) The  rights of Seller  under  this  Agreement  and all  agreements  and
instruments executed by Seller in connection herewith;

     (c) All accounts receivable, trade receivables,  notes receivable and other
receivables  of Seller  which are  payable as a result of  services  provided in
connection with the Business prior to Closing;


     (d) The corporate seals, minute books, stock transfer records,  blank stock
certificates,  tax returns and other records relating to the organization or tax
reporting of Seller;

     (e) Assets held in either Employee Plans or Benefit  Arrangements,  none of
which are being assumed by Gulf Island or Buyer;

     (f) All cash,  cash  equivalents,  marketable  securities and bank accounts
owned by Seller;

     (g) All rights under insurance  policies  maintained by Seller with respect
to the Assets, and all claims, causes of action under such insurance policies;

     (h) All prepaid  expenses of Seller and accrued  receivables  on  completed
contracts; and

     (i) Any other asset or contract specifically listed in Schedule 2.2(i).

     On or prior to the Closing Date,  the Seller  Parties shall remove or cause
to be removed  all of the  Excluded  Assets  from,  and  without  damage to, all
property to be occupied by Buyer  hereunder after the Closing at no cost to Gulf
Island or Buyer.

     Section 2.3 Purchase Price.

     (a) The  consideration  for the sale of the  Assets to Buyer  (as  adjusted
pursuant to Section 2.4, the  "Purchase  Price")  shall be (i) FORTY MILLION AND
00/100 DOLLARS ($40,000,000) in cash, (ii) 1,589,067 shares of the common stock,
no par value per share,  of Gulf Island (the "Gulf Island  Common  Stock"),  and
(iii) the assumption by Buyer of the Assumed Liabilities.

     (b) At the Closing,  Gulf Island  shall  withhold the shares of Gulf Island
Common Stock otherwise  deliverable to Seller  hereunder (the "Indemnity  Escrow
Shares") as a holdback  pursuant to Section  7.6 for any  indemnity  claims that
Buyer and Gulf Island may bring under Article VII. The  Indemnity  Escrow Shares
shall be  deposited in escrow in  accordance  with the terms and  provisions  of
Section 7.6 and an Escrow  Agreement among the parties hereto and JPMorgan Chase
or, if JPMorgan Chase is unable to serve as escrow agent, a substitute  mutually
agreed escrow agent (the "Escrow  Agent") in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
B (the "Escrow Agreement").

     Section 2.4 Purchase Price Adjustment.

     (a) The cash portion of the Purchase Price shall be adjusted on the Closing
Date to reflect the pro-rations required under Section 9.3.

     (b) As soon as  practical  following  the  Closing,  Seller and Buyer shall
negotiate in good faith to attempt to agree on the difference,  if any,  between
the amount  invoiced  (whether or not  collected)  by Seller  under each Assumed
Contract  through the Closing Date and the Costs  Incurred by Seller through the
Closing Date under such Assumed  Contract,  taking into account all retainage by
the  customers  which will be payable to Buyer as the  assignee  of the  Assumed
Contracts  following  Closing.  The cash portion of the Purchase  Price shall be
adjusted  pursuant to this Section 2.4(b) to reflect such  difference  (for each


such Assumed Contract,  the "Contract  Adjustment").  If Seller and Buyer cannot
agree upon the Contract  Adjustment  for a particular  Assumed  Contract by 5:00
p.m. (Houston time) on the 30th day following the Closing Date, either Seller or
Buyer may submit the Contract  Adjustment for  determination  under Section 10.8
below.  Within 15 days following  determination of the Contract Adjustment for a
particular  Assumed Contract by mutual agreement or determination  under Section
10.8,  the party owing the Contract  Adjustment  shall pay the amount due to the
other  party.   "Costs  Incurred"  shall  mean  all  direct  project  materials,
subcontracts,  miscellaneous  expenses (such as customer  services,  travel, and
tendering  costs) actually paid prior to Closing,  plus fully burdened man hours
worked (inclusive of indirect overheads and depreciation but, except as provided
in the following sentence, excluding SG&A, corporate management fees, and profit
earned). In addition,  for the Modec and Bay contracts only, Costs Incurred will
be deemed to include  SG&A,  corporate  management  fees,  and the profit earned
through the Closing Date on these contracts  calculated  under US GAAP compliant
percentage of completion.

     (c) As soon as  practical  following  the  Closing,  Seller and Buyer shall
calculate the difference between the book value of Seller's inventory as of June
30, 2005 and the book value of Seller's  inventory on the Closing Date,  and the
Purchase  Price  shall be adjusted to reflect  the  difference  calculated  (the
"Post-Closing  Inventory  Adjustment").  Such  calculation  shall be based  upon
Seller's financial statements, accounting records, and inventory listings in the
absence  of  manifest  error.  If  Seller  and  Buyer  can not  agree  upon  the
Post-Closing  Inventory  Adjustment by 5:00 p.m.  (Houston time) on the 30th day
following the Closing Date,  either Seller or Buyer may submit the  Post-Closing
Inventory  Adjustment for determination under Section 10.8 below. Within 15 days
following  determination  of the  Post-Closing  Inventory  Adjustment  by mutual
agreement  or  pursuant  to  Section  10.8,  the party  owing  the  Post-Closing
Inventory  Adjustment  shall  pay  the  amount  due to  the  other  party  as an
adjustment to the cash portion of the Purchase Price.

     (d) If any  Asset  with a value of more  than  $50,000,  as  determined  by
Buyer's Appraisal, is materially damaged or destroyed between September 30, 2005
and the Closing  Date,  Buyer may,  within 60 days  following  the Closing Date,
require a refund of a portion of the  Purchase  Price  equal to the value of the
damaged  or  destroyed  Asset as  certified  by  Buyer's  Appraisal.  If  Seller
reasonably  believes that the appraised  value of the Asset certified by Buyer's
Appraisal  exceeded  the  actual  fair  market  value of such Asset by more than
$25,000,  Seller may obtain its own  appraisal of the Asset in  question,  based
upon the Asset's condition prior to the damage or loss in question,  and provide
a copy of such appraisal to Buyer within 45 days following  Buyer's demand for a
Purchase Price refund. If Seller's appraisal  certifies a value for the Asset in
question  which is within $25,000 of the value  certified by Buyer's  Appraisal,
the value  certified by Buyer's  Appraisal shall govern.  If Seller's  appraisal
certifies that the Asset in question is overvalued on Buyer's  Appraisal by more
than  $25,000,  Seller  and Buyer  shall  attempt to  negotiate  a refund of the
Purchase Price  reflecting a mutually agreed valuation of the Asset in question.
If Seller and Buyer are unable to mutually  agree upon the value of the Asset in
question within 30 days of Buyer's  receipt of Seller's  appraisal of the Asset,
then either party may request that the parties' respective appraisers agree upon
a third  appraiser  who  shall  value  the  Asset in  question,  based  upon its
condition prior to the damage or loss in question, and whose determination shall
be binding  upon the  parties  for  purposes  of  determining  the amount of the
Purchase Price refund.  Seller and Buyer shall share equally in the cost of such
third  appraiser.  Within 15 days  following  determination  of the value of the
Asset in accordance with this section, Seller shall refund to Buyer the value of
the Asset so  determined  as an  adjustment  to the cash portion of the Purchase


     Section  2.5  Purchase  Price  Allocation.  The  Purchase  Price  shall  be
allocated  to  categories  of  Assets  as set forth in  Schedule  2.5,  with any
adjustment of the cash portion of the Purchase  Price under  Sections  2.4(a) or
2.4(b) to be  allocated  pro-rata  among all asset  classes  according  to their
respective amount allocated to such asset classes on Section 2.5. Adjustments to
the cash portion of the Purchase Price under Sections  2.4(c) or 2.4(d) shall be
allocated to the assets involved in the adjustment.  Buyer and Seller agree that
the allocation of the Purchase Price to categories of the Assets as set forth in
such Schedule 2.5 reflects and constitutes arms-length  negotiations between the
parties.  The Purchase Price allocation  reflected in Schedule 2.5, as adjusted,
shall be binding on Buyer and Seller for United  States  income tax  purposes in
accordance with Section 1060 of the Code and state income tax purposes and shall
be consistently  reflected by Buyer and Seller on their respective United States
and state  income  tax  returns.  Both  parties  shall  timely  file  Forms 8594
reflecting  this  allocation,  and the parties  shall report this  purchase as a
taxable sale (and not as a tax-free reorganization) for federal and state income
tax purposes.

     Section 2.6 Assumed  Liabilities.  Neither  Gulf  Island,  Buyer nor any of
their  respective  Affiliates shall assume or become liable for any liability or
obligation of any of the Seller Parties except for  liabilities  and obligations
arising   after  the  Closing   under  the  Assumed   Contracts   (the  "Assumed
Liabilities").  In no event shall the Assumed Liabilities include liabilities or
obligations  arising out of or relating to a breach of any Assumed Contract that
occurred prior to the Closing or any Existing Warranty Liabilities.

     Section 2.7 Excluded Liabilities.  Buyer is not assuming,  and shall not be
held liable for, any liability,  debt, obligation,  claim against or contract of
either  of the  Seller  Parties  of any kind or nature  whatsoever,  at any time
existing or  asserted,  whether or not accrued,  whether  fixed,  contingent  or
otherwise,  whether known or unknown,  whether or not related to the Business or
the Assets,  that is not  specifically  assumed  pursuant to Section 2.6 of this
Agreement (collectively, the "Excluded Liabilities").

     Section 2.8 Closing.  The closing of the transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement (the "Closing") shall take place as soon as practicable  following the
satisfaction  or waiver of the conditions set forth in Article VI at the offices
of Jones,  Walker,  Waechter,  Poitevent,  Carrere &  Denegre,  L.L.P.,  201 St.
Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70170, or at such other time and place as
the parties may agree.  The date of the Closing is sometimes  referred to herein
as the "Closing Date."

     Section 2.9 Deliveries at Closing.

     (a) At the  Closing,  the  Seller  Parties  shall  deliver  or  cause to be
delivered to Buyer:


          (i)  assignments  in favor of Buyer of all of the  Assumed  Contracts,
     Warranties,  and Governmental  Permits duly executed by Seller in the forms
     attached   hereto  as  Exhibit   "C-1,"   "C-2,"   "C-3,"  and  "C-4"  (the

          (ii) a bill of sale,  duly  executed by Seller,  in the form  attached
     hereto as Exhibit "D" for the Personal  Property other than titled vehicles
     (the "Bill of Sale");

          (iii) bills of sale and other documentation  necessary to transfer all
     title vehicles, duly executed by Seller (the "Vehicle Documents");

          (iv) one or more warranty deeds in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
     "E" to the Owned Real Properties  conveying to Buyer all of Seller's right,
     title and interest in and to the Owned Real  Properties  with full warranty
     as to merchantable  title and with full substitution and subrogation in and
     to any claims  and/or causes of action which Seller has or may have against
     all preceding owners (the "Warranty Deeds");

          (v) a  registration  rights  agreement,  duly  executed  by Seller and
     Parent,  in  substantially  the form  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  "F" but
     including reasonable shelf registration and piggyback  registration rights,
     and with such  other  changes as are  agreed by  Seller,  Parent,  and Gulf
     Island prior to the Closing Date (the "Registration Rights Agreement");

          (vi) a non-competition  agreement, duly executed by Seller and Parent,
     in  the  form  attached   hereto  as  Exhibit  "G"  (the   "Non-Competition

          (vii) a lock-up agreement,  duly executed by Seller and Parent, in the
     form attached hereto as Exhibit "H" (the "Lock-Up Agreement");

          (viii) a transition  services  agreement,  duly executed by Seller and
     Parent,  in the form  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  "I"  (the  "Transition
     Services Agreement");

          (ix)  certificates,  dated  as of the  Closing  Date,  executed  by an
     appropriate executive officer of each of Seller and Parent, certifying that
     (i) the  representations  and warranties of the Seller Parties contained in
     this Agreement and any other agreement executed and delivered in connection
     with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby are true and correct as of the
     Closing  Date  and  (ii)  each of the  Seller  Parties  has  performed  and
     complied,  in all material  respects,  with all  covenants,  agreements and
     conditions  required by this  Agreement to be performed or complied with by
     the Seller Parties prior to or on the Closing Date;

          (x) a certificate  of the Secretary or Assistant  Secretary of each of
     the Partners and of Parent as to the incumbency and signatures of the their
     respective  officers  executing this Agreement and any other certificate or
     document executed and delivered pursuant hereto;

          (xi) any consents of third Persons which are necessary to  effectively
     transfer the Assets to Buyer;


          (xii) an affidavit or affidavits, together with such other evidence as
     may be  required  by the Title  Company  insuring  title to the Owned  Real
     Properties at Closing,  which affidavits or other documentary  evidence, if
     required,  will be in form and substance  satisfactory to the Title Company
     and sufficient to cause the Title Company to issue owner's title  insurance
     policies to Buyer with respect to the Owned Real Properties;

          (xiii)  non-foreign  affidavits  of Seller and the  Partners  in forms
     acceptable to Buyer;

          (xiv) an opinion of  counsel to the Seller  Parties as to the  matters
     attached as Exhibit "J," subject to such assumptions,  qualifications,  and
     exceptions as are  acceptable to Buyer and Gulf Island in their  reasonable

          (xv) a settlement statement reflecting the adjustments to the Purchase
     Price  required  by Section 2.4 duly  executed  by Seller (the  "Settlement
     Statement"); and

          (xvi) such other  documents or  instruments  of  conveyance  as may be
     reasonably requested by Buyer or Gulf Island or as are reasonably necessary
     to  transfer  title  to the  Assets  to  Buyer as  contemplated  hereby  or
     otherwise for the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated by this

     (b) At the Closing, Gulf Island shall, or cause Buyer to, deliver to Seller
(or, in the case of Section 2.3(b), the Escrow Agent):

          (i) the cash portion of the Purchase Price payable to Seller  pursuant
     to Section 2.3;

          (ii) a stock certificate or stock certificates representing the shares
     of Gulf Island Common Stock issuable to Seller pursuant to Section 2.3;

          (iii) the Assignments, duly executed by Buyer;

          (iv) the Bill of Sale, duly executed by Buyer;

          (v) the Vehicle Documents, duly executed by Buyer;

          (vi) the Warranty Deeds, duly executed by Buyer;

          (vii) the Employment Agreements, duly executed by Buyer;

          (viii)  the  Registration  Rights  Agreement,  duly  executed  by Gulf

          (ix) the Non-Competition Agreement, duly executed by Buyer;

          (x) the Lock-Up Agreement, duly executed by Gulf Island;

          (xi) the Transition Services Agreement, duly executed by Buyer;


          (xii)  certificates,  dated as of the  Closing  Date,  executed by and
     appropriate executive officer of each of Buyer and Gulf Island,  certifying
     that (i) the  representations  and  warranties  of Gulf  Island  and  Buyer
     contained in this Agreement and any other agreement  executed and delivered
     in  connection  with  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  are true and
     correct as of such date and (ii) Gulf Island and Buyer have  performed  and
     complied,  in all material  respects,  with all  covenants,  agreements and
     conditions  required by this  Agreement to be performed or complied with by
     the Gulf Island and Buyer prior to or on the Closing Date;

          (xiii) a certificate  of the Secretary or Assistant  Secretary of each
     of Buyer and Gulf Island as to the  incumbency  and signatures of the their
     respective  officers  executing this Agreement and any other certificate or
     document executed and delivered pursuant hereto;

          (xiv) an  opinion  of  counsel  to Buyer  and Gulf  Island in the form
     attached as Exhibit "J," subject to such assumptions,  qualifications,  and
     exceptions  as  are  acceptable  to  Seller  Parties  in  their  reasonable
     discretion; and

          (xv) the Cooperation Agreement duly executed by Buyer.

     (c) Each of the  Seller  Parties  shall  take  such  other  actions  as are
reasonably  requested  by  Gulf  Island  or  otherwise  reasonably  required  to
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     (d) At the Closing,  Buyer must also receive  employment  agreements,  duly
executed by each of the Key Employees,  in the forms attached  hereto as Exhibit
"L" (the "Employment Agreements").

     Section 2.10 Effect of Consents to Transfer Not Obtained.  Anything in this
Agreement to the contrary  notwithstanding,  this Agreement shall not constitute
an  assignment  or  agreement  to  assign  any  Assumed  Contract,  Warranty  or
Governmental  Permit  (or any  rights  thereunder)  if an  attempted  assignment
thereof,  without the  consent,  waiver,  confirmation,  novation or approval (a
"Consent") of a party thereto or any other Person,  would constitute a breach or
other contravention thereof, be ineffective with respect to any party thereto or
in any way  adversely  affect  the  rights of Buyer or Seller  thereunder.  With
respect to any such Assumed Contract, Warranty or Governmental Permit, after the
Closing, each of the Seller Parties will use all necessary good faith efforts to
obtain as  expeditiously  as possible  the Consent of the other  parties to such
Assumed Contract,  Warranty or Governmental Permit for the assignment thereof to
Buyer or its designee or, alternatively,  written confirmation from such parties
reasonably  satisfactory  in form and  substance  to Buyer and Seller  that such
Consent is not  required.  To the extent that any such Consent is not  obtained,
each of the Seller  Parties shall use all  reasonable  efforts to: (a) cooperate
with Gulf Island and Buyer in any reasonable  arrangement intended to provide to
Buyer or its designee the  benefits of any such  Assumed  Contract,  Warranty or
Governmental  Permit;  and (b) enforce for the benefit of Buyer or its  designee
any  rights  of Seller  arising  from any such  Assumed  Contract,  Warranty  or
Governmental Permit.


                                   ARTICLE III

     Except as set forth in the Disclosure  Schedule  attached hereto as Exhibit
"M," the Seller Parties  hereby  represent and warrant to Gulf Island and Buyer,
as of the Effective  Date and as of the Closing Date, on a joint and several and
solidary basis as follows:

     Section 3.1 Ownership.  Parent is the ultimate U.S.  domiciled owner of all
of the issued and  outstanding  capital stock of each of the  Partners,  and the
Partners  are  the  sole  partners  comprising  Seller.  There  is  no  existing
subscription,  debt  security,  option,  warrant,  calls,  commitment  or  other
agreement or right (whether  statutory or contractual)  to which Seller,  either
Partner or Parent is a party requiring,  and there are no convertible securities
of Seller or the Partners  outstanding,  which upon  conversion  would  require,
directly or indirectly,  the issuance of any additional  shares of capital stock
or other  equity  securities  of Seller or either  Partner  or other  securities
convertible  into or exercisable or exchangeable  for shares of capital stock or
other  equity  securities  of Seller or either  Partner to any Person other than
Parent, and there are no obligations (contingent or otherwise) of Seller to make
investments in any other Person. There are no bonds, debentures, notes, lines of
credit, letters of credit or other indebtedness of Seller issued and outstanding
having the right to vote on any matters  other than those owned by the Partners,
and there are no bonds, debentures, notes, lines of credit, letters of credit or
other  indebtedness of the Partners  outstanding other than those owned directly
or indirectly by Parent.

     Section 3.2 Organization; Authority; Enforceability.

     (a) Parent is a corporation  duly organized,  validly  existing and in good
standing  under the laws of Delaware,  and has all requisite  power to carry out
its business as now being conducted.  The Partner,  Gulf Deepwater  Fabricators,
Inc. is a  corporation  duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing
under  the  laws  of  Texas.  The  Partner,  Gulf  Deepwater  Yards,  Inc.  is a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of Delaware.  Each Partner has all requisite  power to carry out its business as
now being conducted.  Seller is a general  partnership  duly organized,  validly
existing and in good  standing  under the laws of Texas,  and has all  requisite
power to carry out its business as now being conducted.

     (b) Each of the Seller  Parties has the  requisite  power and  authority to
execute and deliver this Agreement and to carry out their respective obligations
hereunder.  The  execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized
by all  necessary  corporate or  partnership  action on the part of Parent,  the
Partners,  and  Seller,  respectively,  and no other  corporate  or  partnership
proceedings  on the part of Parent,  the  Partners,  or Seller are  necessary to
authorize this Agreement or to consummate the transactions so contemplated. This
Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by each of the Seller Parties and
the Partners and constitutes,  and each other agreement,  instrument or document
executed or to be executed by the Seller  Parties and the Partners in connection
with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby has been, or when executed will be,
duly  executed  and  delivered  by the  Seller  Parties  and  the  Partners  and
constitutes, or when executed and delivered will constitute, a valid and legally
binding  obligation of each of the Seller Parties and the Partners,  enforceable
against each of them in accordance with its terms.


     Section 3.3 Legal Proceedings.

     (a) There are no  Proceedings  pending  or to the  knowledge  of the Seller
Parties threatened (i) seeking to restrain,  prohibit or obtain damages or other
relief  in  connection  with this  Agreement  or the  transactions  contemplated
hereby, (ii) asserting that any Person,  other than the Partners,  is the holder
or the beneficial owner of, or has the right to acquire or to obtain  beneficial
ownership of, or any other voting,  equity or ownership  interest in, any of the
outstanding  capital stock or other equity interests of Seller or in any Assets,
or  (iii)  that  relate  to  the  Assumed  Contracts,   the  Warranties  or  the
Governmental Permits, except as disclosed in Schedule 3.3 (a)(iii).

     (b)  Except as  disclosed  in  Schedule  3.3(b),  there are no  Proceedings
pending,  or to the  knowledge  of the  Seller  Parties,  threatened  against or
relating to any of Seller,  the Assets or the Business and there are no facts or
circumstances   that  could  reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in  any  such
Proceedings.  No Proceedings have been instituted or, or to the knowledge of the
Seller  Parties,  threatened by any Person seeking to restrain or prohibit or to
obtain damages with respect to the execution,  delivery and  performance of this
Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

     Section 3.4 Qualification; Subsidiaries.

     (a) No actions or proceedings to dissolve Seller,  either Partner or Parent
are pending or, to the knowledge of the Seller Parties,  are threatened.  Seller
is duly  qualified  or licensed to do business  and is in good  standing in each
jurisdiction  in which  the  property  owned,  leased or  operated  by it or the
conduct of its business requires such qualification or licensing,  and each such
jurisdiction is listed on Schedule 3.4(a).

     (b) Seller does not own, directly or indirectly,  any membership interests,
shares of capital stock, or any other equity or ownership  interest in any other
Person.  Seller is not a party to any  partnership  or joint  venture  agreement
unless otherwise listed on Schedule 3.4(b).

     Section 3.5 No  Conflict.  Neither the  execution  and the delivery of this
Agreement  by  either  of  the  Seller  Parties  or of  the  Partners,  nor  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby do or will: (a)(i) violate,
conflict  with, or result in a breach of any  provisions  of, (ii)  constitute a
default  (or an event  which,  with  notice  or  lapse  of time or  both,  would
constitute a default) under; or (iii) result in the termination of or accelerate
the performance  required by, any of the terms,  conditions or provisions of the
respective  Charter Documents of either of the Seller Parties or of the Partners
or any note, bond,  mortgage,  indenture,  deed of trust, lease,  license,  loan
agreement or other agreement,  instrument or obligation to or by which either of
the Seller  Parties or of the  Partners  or any of their  respective  assets are
bound;  (b) result in the  creation of any Lien upon any of the  Assets;  or (c)
violate any  Applicable  Law binding upon either of the Seller Parties or of the
Partners or any of the Assets.


     Section  3.6  Consent.  Except as set forth on  Schedule  3.6,  no consent,
approval,  order or  authorization  of, or  declaration,  filing or registration
with, any Governmental  Entity or any other Person is required to be obtained or
made by the Seller Parties or of the Partners in connection  with the execution,
delivery  or  performance  by the  Seller  Parties  or of the  Partners  of this
Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby other than
compliance with and filings under the HSR Act,  including,  without  limitation,
the  assignment  and  assumption  of the Assumed  Contracts  pursuant to Section

     Section 3.7 Charter Documents.  Parent has provided to Gulf Island accurate
and complete copies of (a) the Charter  Documents of Seller and the Partners and
(b) the  minutes  of all  meetings  of the  governing  body of  Seller  (and all
consents in lieu of such  meetings)  held since  January 1, 2001.  Such records,
minutes and consents  accurately reflect the ownership of Seller and all actions
taken by the governing body,  committees and members  thereof.  Seller is not in
violation of any provision of its Charter Documents.

     Section 3.8 Financial Statements. Schedule 3.8 includes a true and complete
copy of the Financial Statements. The Financial Statements have been prepared in
accordance with GAAP consistent with prior periods from the books and records of
Seller,  are complete,  correct and in accordance  with the books of account and
records of Seller and fairly  present  the  financial  condition  and results of
operations of Seller on the dates,  and for the periods  indicated  thereon,  as
applicable.  Seller  does  not  have  any  liabilities,  commitments,  debts  or
obligations   of  any  nature   (whether   accrued,   absolute,   liquidated  or
unliquidated,  actual  or  contingent,  unasserted  or  otherwise),  except  (a)
liabilities disclosed, reflected or reserved against in the Financial Statements
or Schedule  3.8 or (b)  current  liabilities  and  obligations  incurred  since
September  30, 2005 in the ordinary  course of business and  outstanding  on the
Effective Date that  individually do not exceed $25,000,  except as disclosed in
Schedule 3.8(b).

     Section 3.9 Absence of Certain  Changes.  Except as  disclosed  in Schedule
3.9, since September 30, 2005, there has not been any material adverse change in
the business,  operations,  properties,  assets or conditions of Seller,  and no
event has  occurred  or  circumstance  exists that may result in such a material
adverse  change.  Except as disclosed in Schedule  3.9,  Seller has operated the
Business and the Assets in the ordinary course consistent with past practice and
Seller has not,  since  September  30, 2005 (except with Gulf  Island's  written

     (a) incurred any obligation or liability in excess of $25,000,  absolute or
contingent,  except (i) trade or business  obligations  incurred in the ordinary
course of business or (ii) sales, income, franchise or ad valorem taxes accruing
or becoming payable in the ordinary course of business;

     (b) entered into any agreement or transaction  requiring payments by Seller
in excess of $25,000 not in the ordinary course of business;

     (c) subjected any of the Assets to any Lien;


     (d)  increased  the rate of  compensation  (including  bonuses,  contingent
severance payments,  retirement, profit sharing, benefits or any other payments)
payable or to become  payable to any of its  officers,  directors or  employees,
except  periodic  increases  of such  compensation  in the  ordinary  course  of
business and consistent with Seller's past practices;

     (e) adopted any employee welfare,  pension,  retirement,  profit sharing or
similar plan or made any material addition to or modification of existing plans;

     (f) experienced  any labor trouble or any material  controversy or material
unsettled grievance involving any personnel;

     (g) entered into,  terminated or received  notice of the termination of any
Material  Contract,  commitment or  transaction  or waived any right of material
value to it;

     (h) made any change in any  accounting  principle,  procedure  or  practice
followed by it;

     (i) made any capital  expenditure in an aggregate amount of $50,000 or more
or entered into any Lease;

     (j) suffered any material  damage,  destruction or casualty with respect to
the Assets,  or experienced any events,  conditions,  losses or casualties which
have  resulted  in or are  reasonably  likely  to  result  in  claims  under its
insurance  policies  with  respect to the Assets of an  aggregate  of $50,000 or

     (k) disposed of any spare parts outside the ordinary course of business;

     (l) defaulted under any note, loan, mortgage, guarantee or other instrument
of indebtedness or any Material Contract;

     (m)  received  any  notification,  warning  or inquiry  from,  or given any
notification to or had any  communication  with, any Governmental  Entity,  with
respect to any proposed remedial action for any violation or alleged or possible
violation of any  Applicable  Law, nor are any facts known to the Seller Parties
that may reasonably be expected to give rise to any such  notification,  warning
or inquiry;

     (n)  transferred  any asset,  right or  interest  to, or  entered  into any
transaction with any of its Affiliates;

     (o) amended its Charter Documents; or

     (p) made any agreement or commitment to do any of the foregoing.

     Section  3.10  Inventory.  All  inventory  of Seller  is of a  quality  and
quantity that is usable in the ordinary  course of their  respective  businesses
except as disclosed in Schedule 3.10 and is sold as seen.


     Section 3.11 Equipment.  Schedule 2.1 lists all items of equipment owned by
Seller as reflected on Seller's  asset  register.  Except as otherwise  noted on
Schedule 3.11, each item of equipment listed on Schedule 3.11 is in good working
order and  condition,  taking  into  account  its age and normal  wear and tear.
Seller has performed,  or caused to be performed,  all necessary maintenance and
repairs on the equipment  listed on Schedule 3.11 to maintain such  equipment in
good working  order and  condition,  taking into account its age and normal wear
and tear. Seller's maintenance books and logs with respect to such equipment are
accurate in all material respects.

     Section 3.12  Suppliers  and  Customers.  Schedule  3.12 lists the top five
customers by revenue of Seller in each of 2001,  2002,  2003,  and 2004.  To the
knowledge  of the Seller  Parties,  except to the extent in either case as could
not reasonably be expected to have a material  adverse effect on the Business or
as stated on Schedule 3.12:  (i) no supplier  providing  products,  materials or
services to Seller  intends to (A) cease  selling  such  products,  materials or
services to Seller,  (B) limit or reduce such sales to Seller or (C)  materially
alter the terms or  conditions  of such  sales;  and (ii) no  customer of Seller
listed on Schedule 3.12 has terminated or intends to terminate,  limit or reduce
its or their business relations with Seller.

     Section 3.13 Real Property.

     (a)  Schedule  2.1(a)  sets  forth a true  and  complete  list of all  real
property owned by Seller (collectively, the "Owned Real Properties"). Except for
Permitted Encumbrances,  Seller has good and merchantable title in fee simple to
all Owned Real Properties. Except for Permitted Encumbrances,  none of the Owned
Real  Properties is subject to any Liens,  except for easements,  rights of way,
encroachments  or other  restrictions  or matters  affecting  title which do not
prevent the Owned Real Properties from being used for the purpose for which they
are  currently  being  used or  otherwise  materially  impair  Seller's  current
operations or the value of the Owned Real Properties.

     (b) All  improvements  on the  Owned  Real  Properties  and the  operations
therein  conducted  conform in all material  respects to all applicable  health,
fire,   safety,   zoning  and  building  laws,   ordinances  and  administrative

     (c) The buildings, driveways and all other structures and improvements upon
the Owned Real  Properties  are all within the boundary lines of such Owned Real
Properties (and do not encroach upon the property of, or otherwise conflict with
the  property  rights  of,  any  other  Person)  or have  the  benefit  of valid
easements,  and there are no outstanding  requirements by any insurance  company
which has issued a title policy  covering any such property which is a condition
to continued coverage under such policy at the current insurance premium.

     (d) No Person, other than Seller, is in possession of all or any portion of
the Owned  Real  Properties  under any  unrecorded  leases,  tenancy  at will or

     (e) Seller, during the time of ownership of the Owned Real Properties,  has
neither  conveyed any portion of the Owned Real  Properties  nor done any act or
allowed any act to be done which has changed or could change the  boundaries  of
the Owned Real Properties, except as disclosed in the real estate records of the
counties in which the Owned Real Properties are located and except for Permitted


     (f) Seller has allowed no  easements,  rights of way,  continuous  driveway
usage,  drain,  sewer,  water, gas or oil pipeline or other rights of passage to
others  over the Owned Real  Properties  and has no  knowledge  of such  adverse
rights  other than those  found in the real  estate  records of the  counties in
which  the  Owned  Real   Properties   are  located  and  except  for  Permitted

     Section 3.14 Real Property Leases.  Seller has no leases or other occupancy
interests of real property owned by other Persons.

     Section 3.15 Personal Property.

     (a)  Except  as set  forth in  Schedule  3.15(a)  and the  leased  Personal
Property  listed on  Schedule  3.15(b),  Seller has good  title to all  personal
property  Assets,  including,  without  limitation,  inventory,  work in process
(subject  to  claims  of  Seller's  customers),   equipment,  machinery,  tools,
furniture,  supplies,  telephone and telecopy numbers,  and email addresses (the
"Personal  Property"),  free and clear of all Liens,  other than Liens for Taxes
not yet due and payable and Provider Liens.

     (b)  Schedule  3.15(b)  sets forth a true and  complete  list of all Leases
relating to the Personal Property leased by Seller,  the expiration date of each
such lease, and the monthly rental due under each such lease. Seller holds valid
leaseholds  in all of the  Personal  Property  leased by it,  which  leases  are
enforceable  in  accordance  with  their  respective  terms,   except  that  the
enforcement   thereof   may   be   subject   to  (i)   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium  or other  similar  laws  affecting  or  relating to
enforcement  of  creditors'  rights   generally,   and  (ii)  general  equitable

     (c) Seller is not in breach of or default  (and,  to the  knowledge  of the
Seller Parties, no event has occurred which, with due notice or lapse of time or
both,  may  constitute  such a lapse or default)  under any Lease of any item of
Personal Property leased by it. To the knowledge of the Seller Parties, no other
party is in breach or  default  under  any such  Lease for any item of  Personal

     Section  3.16  Sufficiency  of  Assets.  The  Assets,  taken  as  a  whole,
constitute all of the assets  (except the Excluded  Assets) used or held for use
by Seller in the operation of the Business in the manner  presently  operated by
Seller, except as disclosed in Schedule 3.16.

     Section 3.17  Governmental  Permits.  Schedule 2.1(g) sets forth a complete
and correct list of all  Governmental  Permits held by Seller and the expiration
date of each listed Governmental Permit. Except as set forth on Schedule 2.1(g),
(a) Seller has all  Governmental  Permits that are necessary or required for the
conduct of its  business;  (b) Seller has  conducted  its business in compliance
with, and is in compliance  with, all Governmental  Permits;  (c) to the best of
Seller's  knowledge  no  Governmental  Permit  will be  subject  to  suspension,
modification,  revocation, termination,  cancellation or non-renewal as a result
of the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement or the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby (provided,  however, that Buyer shall be


required to apply for the  re-issuance of such  Governmental  Permits in Buyer's
name as the result of the  transaction  contemplated  hereby);  (d) no event has
occurred or condition exists which constitutes, or after notice or lapse of time
or both would constitute,  a breach or default under any Governmental  Permit or
which  would  allow,  or after  notice  or lapse  of time or both  would  allow,
revocation or termination of any Governmental  Permit; and (e) there has been no
notice of  cancellation,  default or any  dispute  concerning  any  Governmental

     Section 3.18 Compliance with Laws. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.18 and
for violations  that can not  reasonably be expected to have a material  adverse
effect on Seller, Buyer or the Assets,  Seller has at all times since January 1,
2001 complied  with,  and is not currently in violation of, and has not received
any notices of violation with respect to, any Applicable Law with respect to the
conduct of its business or the ownership or operation of its assets.

     Section 3.19 Material Contracts and Warranties.

     (a) Schedule 3.19(a) lists and briefly describes all Material Contracts.  A
complete and correct copy of each Material  Contract has been  furnished to Gulf
Island.  Each Material Contract is valid,  binding and enforceable,  except that
the  enforcement   thereof  may  be  subject  to  (i)  bankruptcy,   insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium  or other  similar  laws  affecting  or  relating to
enforcement  of  creditors'  rights   generally,   and  (ii)  general  equitable
principles. Seller and, to the knowledge of the Seller Parties, each other party
to each Material  Contract,  is in compliance in all material  respects with the
provisions of such Material Contract.

     (b) Schedule 3.19(b) sets forth a true and complete list of all outstanding
warranty  claims  asserted  by  third  parties  with  respect  to any  services,
construction or fabrication performed by Seller or products sold by Seller.

     (c) All work  performed  by Seller  for its  customers  under  the  Assumed
Contracts  has been  performed  according to the scope of work and milestone and
other scheduling  requirements thereof.  Seller does not anticipate any delay in
completing the work required under the Assumed  Contracts in accordance with the
Assumed  Contracts'  requirements,  including  milestone  and  other  scheduling
requirements. Seller has not deviated in any material way from the scope of work
or schedule  imposed by any Assumed  Contract  (taking into account all executed
change orders),  and, except as set forth on Schedule 3.19(c),  no change orders
under the  Assumed  Contracts  are  contemplated  by  Seller  or, to the best of
Seller's knowledge, its customers.

     Section 3.20 Crane Commitments. All commitments entered into by Seller with
respect  to  the  renting  or  acquisition  of  additional  cranes  that  do not
constitute Material Contracts are assignable to Buyer without the consent of any
other party thereto except as disclosed in Schedule 3.20.

     Section 3.21 Environmental Matters.

     (a) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.21(a):

          (i) Seller has complied,  and are complying  with,  all  Environmental
     Laws and the requirements of any permits, licenses or authorizations issued
     under such  Environmental  Laws with  respect to Seller,  the Assets or the
     Business except for instances of non-compliance which can not reasonably be
     expected to have a material adverse effect on Seller, Buyer or the Assets;


          (ii) Buyer shall not incur any liability under any Environmental  Laws
     as a result of  conditions  or  contamination  existing  on the Owned  Real
     Properties  as of the  Closing  Date or as a  result  of  activities  which
     occurred at or in connection  with the Owned Real Properties on or prior to
     the Closing Date (including, without limitation, any liability for exposure
     suffered  by any of  Seller's  current  or  former  employees,  independent
     contractors,  or employees  of such  independent  contractors  to asbestos,
     silica,  manganese  or other  substances  during the  period  ending on the
     Closing  Date),  and, to the best of Seller's  knowledge,  since January 1,
     2001,  there  are  no  circumstances,  activities,  events,  conditions  or
     occurrences  that could  reasonably be anticipated to (A) form the basis of
     an Environmental Claim against Seller or Parent with respect to Seller with
     respect  to a  liability  in excess  of  $100,000,  (B) cause  Seller to be
     subject  to  any   restrictions  on  its  ownership,   occupancy,   use  or
     transferability  of any of its properties or assets under any Environmental
     Law,  (C)  require  the filing or  recording  of any notice or  restriction
     relating to the  presence of Hazardous  Materials  in any  property  owned,
     leased,  operated or  otherwise  used by Seller or (D) prevent or interfere
     with  Seller's  ability to fully  operate and conduct the  Business in full
     compliance with applicable Environmental Laws;

          (iii) all Governmental  Permits required under  Environmental  Laws to
     operate and conduct the respective businesses of Seller have been obtained,
     are valid and are in full force and effect;

          (iv) there are no past,  pending or  threatened  Environmental  Claims
     against  Seller  or  Parent  with  respect  to  Seller,   except  for  past
     Environmental Claims that have been resolved and that can not be reasonably
     expected to have a material adverse effect on Seller, Buyer or the Assets;

          (v) to the best of Seller's  knowledge there is no asbestos  contained
     in,  forming  part of or  contaminating  any  part of any  property  owned,
     leased,  operated  or  otherwise  used  by  Seller  and no  polychlorinated
     biphenyls  (PCBs) are used,  stored,  located at or contaminate any part of
     any property owned, leased, operated or otherwise used by Seller;

          (vi) to the best of Seller's  knowledge  there are no heavy  metals or
     other substances contained in dredged materials deposited on the Owned Real
     Properties   in  excess  of  or  in  violation  of  the   requirements   of
     Environmental Laws;

          (vii) no cleanup, investigation or remedial action has occurred at any
     of the  properties  that were  formerly  or are  currently  owned,  leased,
     operated or  otherwise  used by Seller that has resulted in or could result
     in the assertion or creation of a Lien on such property by any Governmental
     Entity  and for  which  Seller  would  be  responsible,  nor  has any  such
     assertion  of a Lien  been made by any  Governmental  Entity  with  respect
     thereto that has not been removed; and


          (viii) Seller is not in violation of any order or  requirement  of any
     court or Governmental  Entity pertaining to health or the environment,  nor
     are there any  conditions  existing on or resulting  from the operations of
     Seller  that could  reasonably  be  expected to give rise to any on-site or
     off-site remedial obligations under any Environmental Law.

     (b) All Hazardous  Materials or solid wastes generated by or as a result of
operations of Seller and requiring  disposal have been  transported  offsite and
have  not been  treated  or  disposed  of on site,  and  then  only by  carriers
maintaining valid authorizations under applicable  Environmental Laws; have been
treated and  disposed of only at  treatment,  storage  and  disposal  facilities
maintaining valid  authorizations  under applicable  Environmental  Laws. To the
extent  required  by  law  or  regulation,  appropriate  manifests  or  shipping
documents for each such shipment  were  prepared and have been  maintained,  and
such  carriers  and  facilities  have  been  and are  operating  in  substantial
compliance  with such  authorizations  and are not the subject of any pending or
threatened  action,  investigation  or  inquiry  by any  Governmental  Entity in
connection with any Environmental Laws.

     (c)  Without  limiting  the  foregoing  and except as set forth on Schedule
3.21,  there is no liability  (accrued or  contingent)  to any  non-governmental
third party in tort or common law in  connection  with any release or threatened
release of any Hazardous Material into the environment as a result of operations
conducted by or on behalf of Seller.

     Section 3.22 Employee Plans.

     (a)  Schedule  3.22(a)  lists each  Employee  Plan that  Seller  maintains,
administers,  contributes  to,  or has any  contingent  liability  with  respect
thereto.  Seller has provided a true and  complete  copy of each  Employee  Plan
maintained  for the  benefit  of,  or  relating  to,  either  current  or former
employees of Seller or any Affiliate who work in the Business,  current  summary
plan  description  (and,  if  applicable,   related  trust  documents)  and  all
amendments  thereto and written  interpretations  thereof together with: (i) all
annual reports (Form 5500),  if any, that have been prepared in connection  with
each  such  Employee  Plan for the last  three  plan  years;  (ii) all  material
communications  received  from or sent to the  Internal  Revenue  Service or the
Department of Labor within the last two years  (including a written  description
of any oral  communications);  (iii) the most recent  Internal  Revenue  Service
determination  letter with respect to each Employee  Plan;  and (iv) all related
actuarial reports, insurance contracts, administrative service agreements.

     (b)  Schedule  3.22(b)  identifies  each  Benefit  Arrangement  that Seller
maintains  or  administers.  Seller  has made all  contributions  to, and has no
contingent  liability with respect to, any of its Benefit  Arrangements.  Seller
has furnished to Gulf Island copies or descriptions of each Benefit Arrangement.
Each Benefit Arrangement has been maintained in substantial  compliance with its
terms and with the requirements prescribed by any Applicable Law.

     (c)  Neither  Seller  nor  any  ERISA  Affiliate  has  ever  maintained  or
contributed to an Employee Plan that is or was (i) a plan subject to Title IV of
ERISA, (ii) a "multiemployer plan" (as defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA), (iii)
a  "multiple  employer  welfare  arrangement"  (as  defined in Section  3(40) of
ERISA),  or (iv) a plan that provided  benefits through a "voluntary  employees'
beneficiary association" (as defined in Section 501(c)(9) of the Code).


     (d) Each Employee Plan has been  maintained and  administered in compliance
with its terms and with the  requirement  prescribed  by any and all  Applicable
Laws, including, but not limited to, ERISA and the Code. Each Employee Plan that
is  intended  to be  qualified  under  Section  401(a)  of the Code has been the
subject of an Internal Revenue Service  determination  letter,  and no event has
occurred since the issuance of any such determination letter that would create a
material risk of revocation of any such determination letter.

     (e) Full payment has been made of all amounts that the Seller  Parties have
been required to have paid as  contributions or premiums to any Employee Plan or
Benefit  Arrangement under Applicable Law or under the terms of any such plan or

     (f) Neither of the Seller Parties,  nor any of their  respective  officers,
directors  or  employees  have  engaged in any  transaction  with  respect to an
Employee  Plan that  could  subject  any of such  parties  to a tax,  penalty or
liability  for a prohibited  transaction,  as defined in Section 406 of ERISA or
Section 4975 of the Code.

     (g)  Except  for  health  care  continuation  requirements  under  COBRA or
applicable state law, Seller does not have any obligations for retiree health or
retiree life benefits (whether or not insured) to any current or former employee
after his or her termination of employment or service with Seller.

     (h) There is no  Proceeding  or other  dispute  pending  or, to the  Seller
Parties'  knowledge,  threatened  that  involves  any  Employee  Plan or Benefit
Arrangement  or any  fiduciary  (as  defined  in ERISA  Section  3(21))  of such
Employee Plan or Benefit Arrangement.

     (i) No  employee or former  employee of Seller will become  entitled to any
bonus,  retirement,  severance,  job  security  or similar  benefit or  enhanced
benefit  (including  acceleration of compensation or deferred  compensation,  an
award,  vesting or exercise of an incentive  award) or any fee or payment of any
kind  solely  as a  result  of any  of the  transactions  contemplated  by  this

     (j) Seller is not a party to any agreement,  contract,  arrangement or plan
that has  resulted  or would  result,  separately  or in the  aggregate,  in the
payment of any "excess parachute payments" within the meaning of Section 280G of
the Code (i.e., a golden parachute).

     (k) None of the  Employee  Plans and  Benefit  Arrangements  maintained  or
administered by Seller is presently  under audit or examination  (nor has notice
been received of a potential audit or examination) by any  Governmental  Entity,
and no matters are pending with respect to any Employee Plan under any voluntary
compliance  resolution  or  similar  program  administered  by any  Governmental


     Section 3.23 Taxes. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.23:

     (a) All  Returns  required to be filed on or prior to the date hereof by or
on behalf of Seller and the Partners  have been duly filed on a timely basis and
in correct form. Such Returns (including all attached  statements and schedules)
are true,  complete and  correct.  An extension of time within which to file any
Return that has not been filed has not been requested or granted. Seller and the
Partners  have paid in full all Taxes  payable on the  Returns or on  subsequent
assessments with respect  thereto.  There are no other Taxes that are payable by
Seller or the Partners or for which any of Seller or the Partners is liable with
respect to items or periods  covered by the Returns  (whether or not shown on or
reportable on such  Returns) or with respect to any taxable  period (or portions
thereof) ending on or prior to the Closing.

     (b) Seller has withheld or, by the Closing  Date, it will have withheld and
paid over all Taxes required to have been withheld and paid over  (including any
estimated  taxes) with  respect to periods (or  portions  thereof)  ending on or
prior to the Closing Date.  Seller has complied with all  information  reporting
and backup withholding  requirements,  including maintenance of required records
with respect  thereto in connection  with amounts paid or owing to any employee,
creditor, independent contractor or other third party.

     (c) There  are no Liens on any of the  assets of  Seller  with  respect  to
Taxes, other than Liens for current Taxes not yet due and payable.

     (d) Parent has made  available to Gulf Island true and  complete  copies of
all  Returns of Seller and all  Returns  in which the  operations  of Seller are
reflected for all periods beginning on or after January 1, 2003.

     (e)  Seller  is not  party  to or bound by any tax  sharing  or  allocation
agreement,  tax  indemnity  obligation  or  similar  agreement,  arrangement  or
practice with respect to Taxes (including any advance pricing agreement, closing
agreement or other agreement relating to Taxes with any Governmental Entity).

     (f) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.23(f), none of the Assets:

          (i) Secures any debt;

          (ii) Is "tax exempt use property" within the meaning of Section 168(h)
     of the Code;

          (iii) Is "tax exempt bond  financing  property"  within the meaning of
     Section 168(g)(5) of the Code;

          (iv) Is "limited use property" within the meaning of Revenue Procedure
     76 30; or

          (v) Will be  treated  as owned by any  other  person  pursuant  to the
     provisions of Section 168(f)(8) of the Code.


     (g)  Seller  is not a party  to any  joint  venture,  partnership  or other
arrangement or contract (other than the partnership agreement of Seller) that is
or could be treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes.

     Section 3.24 Certain  Payments.  Neither Seller,  nor any manager,  member,
agent, or employee of Seller,  or any other Person associated with or acting for
or on behalf of Seller,  has directly or indirectly  (a) made any  contribution,
gift, bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback or other payment to any
Person, whether in money, property or services (i) to obtain favorable treatment
in securing business,  (ii) to pay for favorable treatment for business secured,
(iii) to obtain special concessions or for special concessions already obtained,
for or in respect of Seller or any  Affiliate  of Seller or (iv) in violation of
any Applicable  Law; or (b) established or maintained any fund or material asset
that has not been recorded in the books and records of Seller.

     Section  3.25  Transactions  with Certain  Persons.  Except as set forth on
Schedule 3.25 and except for at-will  employment  relationships  in the ordinary
course of business,  none of (i) Parent, (ii) any director,  officer or employee
of Parent or Seller,  or (iii) any of such Person's  Affiliates,  is presently a
party  to  any  transaction  with  Seller,  including  without  limitation,  any
contract,  agreement  or  other  arrangement  providing  for the  furnishing  of
services by, or the rental of real or personal property from, any such Person or
from any of such Person's Affiliates.

     Section 3.26  Intellectual  Property.  Schedule  3.26 sets forth a true and
complete list of all  Intellectual  Property owned by or used in the business of
Seller,  indicating  whether such  property is owned or licensed.  Seller either
owns or has valid licenses to use all Intellectual Property used in its business
as  presently  conducted;  provided,  however,  that the Seller  Parties make no
representation or warranty with respect to Seller's  ownership of the name "Gulf
Marine  Fabricators,"  which is being  transferred  to Buyer  without  warranty.
Seller is in compliance  with all such licenses and  agreements and there are no
pending or threatened  Proceedings  challenging or  questioning  the validity or
effectiveness of any license or agreement relating to such Intellectual Property
or the right of Seller to use, copy, modify or distribute the same.

     Section  3.27  Insurance.  Schedule  3.27 sets forth a complete and correct
list and summary description,  including coverage limitations thereunder, of all
insurance  policies  and  binders  maintained  by Seller and that  relate to the
Business or the Assets.  Except as set forth on Schedule  3.27, all premiums due
under  such  policies  and  binders  have been paid or accrued  for on  Seller's
accounting  records  as of the date of this  Agreement,  all such  policies  and
binders are in full force and effect, no notice of cancellation or nonrenewal of
any such  policy  or  binder  has been  received  by  Seller  and no  notice  of
disallowance of any claim under any insurance  policy or binder,  whether or not
currently in effect, has been received by Seller.

     Section  3.28 Safety and  Health.  The  property  and assets of Seller have
been, and currently are being,  operated in all material  respects in compliance
with all  Applicable  Laws  designed  to protect  safety  and health  including,
without limitation,  the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970, as amended.
Seller  has not  received  any  written  notice of any  violations,  deficiency,
investigation or inquiry from any Governmental  Entity,  employee or third party
under any such law and, to the Seller Parties' knowledge,  no such investigation
or inquiry is planned or threatened.


     Section  3.29  Books  and  Records.  Except  to the  extent  prohibited  by
Applicable Law, Gulf Island has been provided with access to or copies of all of
the  books and  records  of  Seller  requested  by Gulf  Island,  including  all
personnel files,  employee data and other materials  relating to employees,  and
such books and records are  complete  and  correct and have been  maintained  in
accordance with good business  practice and all Applicable  Laws. Such books and
records  accurately  and fairly  reflect,  in  reasonable  detail,  all  assets,
liabilities and material transactions of Seller.

     Section 3.30 Labor Matters.

     (a) Schedule  3.30(a)  sets forth a true and  complete  list of all current
employees  of  Seller  (whether  direct  employees  or  employees   seconded  by
Affiliates  of Seller)  and their  current  hourly  wage or monthly  salary,  as
applicable, and their respective hire dates.

     (b) Schedule  3.30(b) lists all written  employment,  commission,  bonus or
other compensation and consulting  agreements to which Seller is a party. Except
as set forth on Schedule  3.30(b),  Seller is not a party to any written or oral
employment, commission, bonus or other compensation or consulting agreement that
Seller may not  terminate  without  any  payment or  penalty,  at will,  with or
without cause.

     (c) (i) To the best of Seller's knowledge,  except as disclosed on Schedule
3.30(c), Seller is in compliance with all Applicable Laws relating to employment
and employment practices,  wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment,
(ii)  there is no unfair  labor  practice  charge or  complaint  against  Seller
pending  before  any  Governmental  Entity,  (iii)  there  is no  labor  strike,
slowdown,  work stoppage or lockout  actually  pending or threatened  against or
affecting  Seller,  (iv) there is no  representation  claim or petition  pending
before any  Governmental  Entity,  (v) there are no charges  with  respect to or
relating to Seller pending before any  Governmental  Entity  responsible for the
prevention  of unlawful  employment  practices  and (vi) Seller has  received no
formal notice from any  Governmental  Entity  responsible for the enforcement of
labor or employment laws of an intention to conduct an  investigation  of Seller
and no such investigation is in progress.

     Section  3.31  Documents  and  Written  Materials.  Originals  or true  and
complete  copies of all documents or other written  materials  underlying  items
listed in the Disclosure  Schedule have been furnished or made available to Gulf
Island in the form in which each of such documents is in effect.

     Section 3.32 Brokers'  Fees.  None of the Seller  Parties have incurred any
obligation or liability, contingent or otherwise, for brokerage or finder's fees
or  investment  banking fees or other similar  payments in connection  with this
Agreement for which either Buyer or Gulf Island is or will be responsible.

     Section 3.33 Investment Representation.


     (a) Seller is  acquiring  the shares of Gulf Island  Common  Stock  payable
hereunder for investment for its own account and not with a view to, or for sale
or other  disposition in connection  with, any  distribution  of all or any part
thereof. In receiving such shares,  Seller is not offering or selling,  and will
not offer and sell, for Gulf Island in connection with any  distribution of such
shares,  and  Seller  does not  have any  contract,  undertaking,  agreement  or
arrangement  with any person for the  distribution  of such  shares and will not
participate  in any  undertaking or in any  underwriting  of such an undertaking
except in compliance with Applicable Law.

     (b) Seller has been afforded  access to  information  about Gulf Island and
Gulf Island's financial position, results of operation,  business,  property and
management  sufficient  to enable it to evaluate an  investment in the shares of
Gulf Island Common Stock payable  hereunder,  and has had the opportunity to ask
questions of and has received  satisfactory  answers from Gulf Island concerning
the foregoing matters.

     (c) Seller  acknowledges  that the certificates  representing the shares of
Gulf Island Common Stock to be issued  hereunder will bear a restrictive  legend
substantially similar to the following:

          "The shares  represented by this  certificate have not been registered
     under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the securities laws of any
     jurisdiction  within the United  States,  and may not be  offered,  sold or
     otherwise transferred, pledged or hypothecated unless and until such shares
     are registered under such Act or an opinion of counsel satisfactory to Gulf
     Island  Fabrication,  Inc. is obtained to the effect that such registration
     is not required.  The Shares  represented by this  certificate  are further
     subject to the terms of that  certain  Lock-Up  Agreement  dated  _________
     between the certificate holder and Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc., a copy of
     which may be obtained from Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc."

     (d) None of the Seller Parties or their respective  Affiliates (i) owns any
shares of Gulf Island Common  Stock,  and (ii) other than the Gulf Island Common
Stock issuable to the Seller pursuant to Section 2.3, has any right or option to
acquire any such shares.

     Section  3.34  Disclosure.  No  representation  or  warranty  of the Seller
Parties  contained  in this  Agreement,  including in the  Disclosure  Schedule,
contains any  misstatement  of a material fact or omits to state a material fact
necessary  to  make  the  statements   herein  or  therein,   in  light  of  the
circumstances in which they were made, not misleading. There is no fact known to
either of the Seller  Parties  that has  specific  application  to Seller or the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  (other than general  economic or
industry  conditions)  and that  materially and adversely  affects the business,
operations,  properties,  prospects, assets or conditions of Seller that has not
been set forth in this Agreement or in the Disclosure Schedule.


                                   ARTICLE IV

     Gulf Island and Buyer  represent and warrant to the Seller  Parties,  as of
the date  hereof  and as of the date of the  Closing,  on a joint,  several  and
solidary basis as follows:

     Section 4.1 Organization.

     (a) Gulf Island is a corporation  duly organized,  validly  existing and in
good  standing  under the laws of the State of Louisiana  and has all  requisite
corporate power and authority to own its properties and carry on its business as
now being conducted.

     (b) Buyer is a limited partnership duly organized,  validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Texas and has all requisite limited
partnership  power and authority to own its properties and carry on its business
as now being conducted.

     Section 4.2 Authority;  Enforceability.  Each of Gulf Island and Buyer have
the  requisite   corporate  and  limited   partnership   power  and   authority,
respectively,  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and to carry  out its
respective  obligations  hereunder.  The execution,  delivery and performance of
this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have
been duly authorized by all necessary  corporate and limited  partnership action
on the part of Gulf Island and Buyer,  respectively,  and no other  corporate or
limited  partnership  proceedings  on the part of either  Gulf  Island or Buyer,
respectively,  are necessary to authorize  this  Agreement or to consummate  the
transactions  so  contemplated.  This  Agreement  has  been  duly  executed  and
delivered by each of Gulf Island and Buyer and  constitutes  a valid and binding
obligation of each of Gulf Island and Buyer, enforceable against each of them in
accordance  with its terms  except to the extent  that such  enforcement  may be
limited by  bankruptcy,  reorganization,  insolvency  and other similar laws and
court decisions  relating to or affecting the  enforcement of creditors'  rights
generally and by equitable principles.

     Section 4.3 Consents and Approvals; Conflicts. No filing with or notice to,
and no permit, authorization, consent or approval of, any Governmental Entity is
necessary for the execution by either Gulf Island or Buyer of this  Agreement or
the consummation by Gulf Island or Buyer of the transactions contemplated hereby
other than compliance with and filings under the HSR Act.  Neither the execution
and  delivery  of this  Agreement  by  either  Gulf  Island  or  Buyer,  nor the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  will violate any of the
provisions  of the Charter  Documents  of either Gulf Island or Buyer;  conflict
with or result in a breach  of,  or give rise to a right of  termination  of, or
accelerate the  performance  required by, any terms of any court order,  consent
decree,  note,  bond,  mortgage,  indenture,  deed of trust,  or any  license or
agreement  binding on either Gulf Island or Buyer or to which either Gulf Island
or Buyer is subject or a party, or constitute a default thereunder; or result in
the  creation of any Lien upon any of the assets of either Gulf Island or Buyer,
except for any such conflict, breach, termination, acceleration, default or Lien
that would not have a material  adverse  effect on (a) the  business,  assets or
financial  condition of either Gulf Island or Buyer or (b) either Gulf  Island's
or Buyer's ability to consummate any of the transactions contemplated hereby.


     Section  4.4  Ownership  of  Subsidiary.   Gulf  Island  owns  all  of  the
outstanding ownership interests in the partners of Buyer.

     Section 4.5 Capitalization.

     (a) The  authorized  capital  stock of Gulf Island  consists of  20,000,000
shares of common  stock,  no par value per share,  of which as of  December  16,
2005,  12,276,821  shares were issued and  outstanding,  and 5,000,000 shares of
preferred stock, no par value per share, of which as of that date no shares were
issued and  outstanding.  All such issued and outstanding  shares have been duly
authorized and are validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable.

     (b) The shares of Gulf Island  Common  Stock to be issued  hereunder,  when
issued and delivered in  accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement,  will be
validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable.

     Section 4.6 Legal Proceedings.  There are no Proceedings pending, or to the
knowledge  of Gulf  Island or Buyer  threatened,  against  Gulf  Island or Buyer
seeking to restrain,  prohibit or obtain  damages or other relief in  connection
with  the   execution,   delivery  or  performance  of  this  Agreement  or  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

     Section 4.7 Financial Statements. The financial statements included in Gulf
Island's Form 10-K filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission have been
prepared  in  accordance  with GAAP  consistent  with prior  periods  (except as
otherwise noted in such filings) from the books and records of Gulf Island,  are
complete,  correct,  and in accordance with the books and accounts of records of
Gulf Island and fairly present the financial condition and results of operations
of Gulf Island on the dates, and for the periods indicated thereon.

     Section 4.8 Compliance  with Laws.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.8 and
for violations  that can not  reasonably be expected to have a material  adverse
effect on Gulf  Island,  Gulf  Island  has at all times  since  January  1, 2001
complied  with,  and is not  currently in violation of, and has not received any
notices of  violation  with respect to, any  Applicable  Law with respect to the
conduct of its business or the ownership of its assets.

     Section 4.9 Certain Payments. Neither Gulf Island or Buyer nor any employee
of Gulf  Island or Buyer has (a) made any  contribution,  gift,  bribe,  rebate,
payoff,  influence payment,  kickback or other payment to any Person, whether in
money,  property  or  services  (i) to obtain  favorable  treatment  in securing
business,  (ii) to pay for favorable  treatment for business  secured,  (iii) to
obtain special concessions or for special  concessions already obtained,  for or
in respect of Gulf Island or Buyer or (iv) in violation of any  Applicable  Law;
or (b)  established  or maintained  any fund or material asset that has not been
recorded in the books and records of Gulf Island or Buyer.

     Section  4.10  Transaction  With  Certain  Persons.  Except as set forth on
Schedule 4.10 and except for employment  relationships in the ordinary course of
business, none of (i) any director, officer or employee of Gulf Island or Buyer,
or (ii) any of such Person's Affiliates, is presently a party to any transaction
with Gulf Island or Buyer, including without limitation, any contract, agreement
or other arrangement  providing for the furnishing of services by, or the rental
of real or personal  property from, any such Person or from any of such Person's


     Section 4.11 Safety and Health.  The property and assets of Gulf Island and
Buyer have been, and currently are being,  operated in all material  respects in
compliance  with all  Applicable  Laws  designed  to  protect  safety and health
including,  without limitation,  the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970,
as amended,  except where  non-compliance  can not  reasonably be anticipated to
have a material  adverse  effect on Gulf  Island.  Neither Gulf Island nor Buyer
have received any written notice of any violations, deficiency, investigation or
inquiry from any Governmental Entity, employee or third party under any such law
and, to Gulf Island's and Buyer's knowledge, no such investigation or inquiry is
planned or threatened.

     Section  4.12 No Pending  Acquisition.  Neither  Gulf Island nor any of its
subsidiaries  is currently a party to any  negotiations  that can be  reasonably
anticipated  to result,  prior to or within 60 days of the Closing  Date, in (i)
another Person's  acquisition of Gulf Island or all or substantially all of Gulf
Island's  assets  or  (ii)  except  for  the  transaction  contemplated  by this
Agreement,  the acquisition by Gulf Island or one of its subsidiaries of another
Person or all or substantially all of another Person's assets, in each instance,
whether  through a stock  purchase,  asset  purchase,  merger  or other  similar

     Section 4.13  Environmental  Matters.  Except as set forth in Gulf Island's
2004 Annual Report, Buyer and Gulf Island have complied, and are complying with,
all  Environmental  Laws  and  the  requirements  of any  permits,  licenses  or
authorizations issued under such Environmental Laws with respect to Gulf Island,
except for instances of  non-compliance  which can not reasonably be expected to
have a material adverse effect on Seller, Buyer or Gulf Island.

     Section 4.14 Divestment. Buyer and Gulf Island hereby agree not to sell the
Assets until the Chevron Tahiti Project is completed;  provided,  however, that,
prior to such time,  Buyer may sell or  otherwise  dispose of (i) the Owned Real
Property in Refugio,  Texas and all improvements and Personal  Property thereon,
(ii) any  obsolete,  damaged or  destroyed  equipment  or  inventory,  (iii) any
inventory or equipment  that is  incorporated  into work delivered to customers,
and (iv) any other  Assets that are not material to the  continued  operation of
the Business.

     Section 4.15 Disclosure.  No  representation or warranty of either Buyer or
Gulf Island contained in this Agreement  contains any misstatement of a material
fact or omits to state a material fact necessary to make the  statements  herein
or  therein,  in light  of the  circumstances  in  which  they  were  made,  not

                                   ARTICLE V
                              PRE-CLOSING COVENANTS

     Section 5.1 Access.

     (a)  During  the  period  beginning  on the date  hereof  and ending at the
Closing,  the Seller  Parties  will (i) give or cause to be given to Gulf Island
and its  representatives  such access,  during  normal  business  hours,  to the
properties,  books and records of Seller as Gulf Island  shall from time to time
reasonably request and (ii) furnish or cause to be furnished to Gulf Island such


financial and  operating  data and other  information  with respect to Seller as
Gulf  Island  shall from time to time  reasonably  request.  Gulf Island and its
representatives  shall  be  entitled  to  such  access  to the  representatives,
officers and employees of Seller as Gulf Island may reasonably request.

     (b) From and after the Closing,  Gulf Island will, and will cause Buyer to,
use their  commercially  reasonable  efforts  to (i) cause to the  employees  of
Seller as of  immediately  prior to the Closing that are employed by Buyer after
the Closing to be  reasonably  available  to Seller for the purpose of assisting
Seller with the  prosecution  or defense of the  Proceedings  listed on Schedule
3.3(b)  and (ii) make  available  to Seller  for  Seller  to copy,  at  Seller's
expense,  such  documents  or other  information  obtained  by Buyer from Seller
pursuant to this Agreement as Seller may reasonably  require for the prosecution
or defense of such Proceedings or for other matters such as tax audits, warranty
claims, and employee matters. Seller shall promptly reimburse Buyer the salaries
or wages that are paid by Buyer to such  Employees with respect to the time that
such Employees assist Seller with respect to such Proceedings.

     Section 5.2 Inspection.  Gulf Island shall have the right, at its sole risk
and cost,  to inspect  the Assets at any  reasonable  time and from time to time
prior to the  Closing,  provided  that such  inspection  shall be conducted in a
manner that does not unreasonably interfere with the operation of the Business.

     Section 5.3 Conduct of the  Business.  Except as  specifically  required or
contemplated by this Agreement or otherwise  consented to or approved in writing
by Gulf Island,  during the period  commencing  on the date hereof and ending at
the Closing, Seller shall operate the Business in the ordinary course consistent
with past  practice,  and shall not take any action or fail to take any  action,
except  as  required   by   Applicable   Law,   that  would  cause  any  of  the
representations and warranties of the Seller Parties contained in Section 3.9 to
be untrue as of the date of the  Closing.  Except as  specifically  required  or
contemplated by this Agreement or otherwise  consented to or approved in writing
by Seller,  Buyer or Gulf  Island  shall not take any action or fail to take any
action,  except as  required  by  Applicable  Law,  that would  cause any of the
representations  and warranties of Buyer or Gulf Island  contained in Article IV
to be untrue in any material respect as of the Closing.

     Section 5.4 Further  Actions.  Subject to the terms and conditions  hereof,
the  Seller  Parties  will each use their best  efforts to take,  or cause to be
taken, all action and to do, or cause to be done, all things  necessary,  proper
or advisable to consummate and make effective the  transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement, including using best efforts: (a) to obtain prior to the Closing
all Governmental Permits, consents,  approvals,  authorizations,  qualifications
and orders of Governmental  Entities and parties to contracts with Seller as are
necessary for the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby; (b) to
effect  all  necessary  registrations  and  filings;  and (c) to furnish to Gulf
Island such  information  and  assistance  as  reasonably  may be  requested  in
connection with the foregoing.  Where the consent of any third party is required
under the terms of any of the Assumed Contracts to the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement, the Seller Parties will use their best efforts to obtain such
consent on terms and conditions not less favorable than as in effect on the date
hereof.  The Seller Parties shall  cooperate fully with Gulf Island and Buyer to
the extent reasonably required to obtain such consents.


     Section 5.5 HSR Act. Gulf Island,  Buyer and the Seller Parties shall,  (i)
as  promptly as  practicable,  but in no event  later than three  business  days
following  the execution  and delivery of this  Agreement,  file with the United
States Federal Trade Commission (the "FTC") and the United States  Department of
Justice  (the  "DOJ")  the   notification  and  report  form  required  for  the
transactions  contemplated hereby and any supplemental  information requested in
connection  therewith pursuant to the HSR Act and (ii) use their reasonable best
efforts to cause to be taken on a timely basis,  all other actions  necessary or
appropriate for the purpose of consummating  and  effectuating  the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement by January 30, 2006. Any  notification and report
form and supplemental  information  shall be in substantial  compliance with the
requirements  of the HSR Act.  Gulf Island,  Buyer and the Seller  Parties shall
furnish to the other such necessary information and reasonable assistance as the
other may request in connection with its preparation of any filing or submission
that is necessary  under the HSR Act. Gulf Island,  Buyer and the Seller Parties
shall keep each other party apprised of the status of any  communications  with,
and any inquiries or requests for additional  information  from, the FTC and the
DOJ and  shall  comply  promptly  with any such  inquiry  or  request  and shall
promptly provide any supplemental  information  requested in connection with the
filings  made  hereunder   pursuant  to  the  HSR  Act.  Any  such  supplemental
information shall be in substantial  compliance with the requirements of the HSR
Act.  Each party shall use its  reasonable  best efforts to obtain any clearance
required under the HSR Act for the consummation of the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement.  Notwithstanding  anything in this Agreement to the contrary,
(i) neither Gulf Island,  Buyer nor any of their respective  Affiliates shall be
required to commence or defend any  Proceeding or to divest,  dispose of or hold
separate  any assets or any business to secure such HSR Act  clearance  and (ii)
none of the Seller Parties shall agree to any  divestiture or disposal of any of
the Assets or enter into any  agreement  with the FTC or any other  Governmental
Entity  regarding the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement  without the
prior written  consent of Gulf Island.  Gulf Island and Buyer,  on the one hand,
and the Seller Parties,  on the other hand, shall each be responsible for 50% of
any filing fees incurred by the Seller Parties, Buyer and Gulf Island associated
with the HSR Act filing.

     Section 5.6  Notification.  The Seller Parties shall  promptly  notify Gulf
Island in writing and keep it advised as to (i) any litigation or administrative
proceeding filed or pending against Parent,  the Partners or Seller or, to their
knowledge,  threatened  against  any of them that  challenges  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby or could  have a  material  adverse  effect  on Buyer,  the
Business or the Assets;  (ii) any material  damage or  destruction of any of the
Assets;  and (iii) any  material  adverse  change in the  condition,  results of
operations  earnings or prospects of the  Business.  Gulf Island shall  promptly
notify the Seller  Parties in writing and keep them advised as to any litigation
or  administrative  proceeding filed or pending against Gulf Island or Buyer or,
to  their  knowledge,  threatened  against  any of  them,  that  challenges  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby and shall  provide  the Seller  Parties  with
copies of all press  releases and Forms 8-K filed after the  Effective  Date and
prior to the Closing  Date.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  any notice  given
pursuant to this  Section 5.6 shall not be deemed to alter,  amend or modify the
representations   and  warranties  of  the  Seller  Parties  contained  in  this


     Section 5.7  Acquisition  Proposals.  None of the Seller  Parties,  nor any
Affiliate,  director,  officer, employee or representative of any of them shall,
directly or indirectly (i) solicit, initiate or knowingly encourage any offer or
proposal  for or any  indication  of  interest  in, a merger  or other  business
combination  involving Seller or any of their Affiliates,  or the acquisition of
an equity  interest  in or  substantial  portion  of the  Assets  other than the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement (each, an "Acquisition Proposal") or
(ii) engage in discussions or  negotiations  with any Person that is considering
making or has made an Acquisition Proposal. The Seller Parties shall immediately
cease  and  cause to be  terminated  any  existing  activities,  discussions  or
negotiations  with any  Persons  other  than  Buyer  and Gulf  Island  conducted
heretofore with respect to any Acquisition  Proposal and shall promptly  request
each such Person who has heretofore entered into a confidentiality  agreement in
connection  with an Acquisition  Proposal  (other than Gulf Island) to return to
the Seller Parties all confidential  information hereto furnished to such Person
by or on behalf of either of the Seller Parties.

     Section  5.8  Public  Announcements.  Except  as  may  be  required  by any
Applicable  Law or the rules of any  securities  exchange  or trading  market on
which Gulf  Island's  and  Seller's  ultimate  parent's  securities  are traded,
neither  Gulf  Island and Buyer on the one hand,  nor the Seller  Parties on the
other  hand,  shall  issue  any  press  release  or  otherwise  make any  public
statements  with  respect to this  Agreement  or the  transactions  contemplated
hereby without the prior written consent of the other party. Gulf Island, Buyer,
and the Seller Parties  contemplate,  however,  that a mutually acceptable press
release will be issued immediately following the execution of this Agreement.

     Section 5.9 Liabilities. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.9 and subject to
Sections  5.3 and 5.10,  Seller shall not, and Parent shall not cause Seller to,
after the  Effective  Date and prior to the  Closing,  incur  any  liability  or
obligation (whether accrued, absolute,  contingent,  unliquidated or otherwise),
except  (i)  current  liabilities  that  have  arise in the  ordinary  course of
business (none of which is a material liability for breach of contract,  tort or
infringement)  and (ii) liabilities  arising under executory  contracts  entered
into in the ordinary course of business.

     Section 5.10 New Bids and Contracts.

     (a) Gulf Island and Buyer  acknowledge  that  Seller has, on the  Effective
Date,  outstanding  bids  for  future  work  ("Existing  Bids").  Following  the
Effective  Date, if Seller intends to submit a bid for new work other than Minor
Work,  Seller  shall  ask  Buyer  and  Gulf  Island  if  they  or any  of  their
subsidiaries  intend  also to submit a bid for the same work.  If none of Buyer,
Gulf Island or their  subsidiaries  intends to submit a bid for such work,  then
Seller shall review Seller's proposed bid with Buyer and Gulf Island,  and Buyer
and Gulf Island shall inform Seller, in writing, whether they approve of the bid
terms,  in which event the bid shall be deemed an  "Approved  Bid" and, if still
outstanding  on the Closing Date,  included  among the Assumed  Contracts on the
Closing Date. If Buyer and Gulf Island do not approve the bid in writing, Seller
may nevertheless elect to submit the bid but all obligations resulting from such
bid shall,  unless  otherwise  subsequently  agreed in writing by Buyer,  remain
Seller's  sole  responsibility  following the Closing Date. If Seller and Buyer,
Gulf Island or one of their  subsidiaries  are both  bidding  upon a  particular
piece of work following the Effective Date, Seller shall not, except as provided
in Section 5.10(b),  share any information  concerning such bid with Buyer, Gulf
Island or their subsidiaries and such bid shall be deemed a "Competitive Bid."


     (b) At least  seven  calendar  days prior to the Closing  Date,  Seller and
Buyer shall review all (i) Existing Bids and Competitive  Bids then  outstanding
and all  contracts  and letters of award  received by Seller since the Effective
Date as the result of Existing Bids and Competitive  Bids and (ii) all contracts
and letters of award  resulting  from  Approved  Bids but which deviate from the
terms of the  Approved  Bid in some  material  way to allow  Buyer to  determine
whether Buyer will assume such Seller's  obligations under such bids,  contracts
and letters of award as Assumed Contracts.

     (c) Buyer and Seller shall, prior to Closing, initial a substitute Schedule
2.1(d)  to add (i) all  Minor  Work bid or  contracted  by  Seller  prior to the
Closing Date and not yet  completed,  (ii) all Approved  Bids and any  resulting
contracts and letters of award that conform to such Approved Bids, and (iii) all
other  bids,  contracts  and  letters of award  which Buyer has agreed to assume
pursuant to Section 5.10(b). All obligations resulting from bids, contracts, and
letters of award that Buyer is not  required  to assume  under this  Section and
which  Buyer  declines  to  assume  shall  remain  obligations  solely of Seller
following the Closing Date.

     Section 5.11 Notice of Developments.  The Seller Parties,  on the one hand,
and Gulf Island and Buyer,  on the other hand,  will  promptly  notify the other
parties of any material fact, event,  circumstance or action (a) which, if known
on the Effective Date, would have been required to be disclosed by the notifying
parties  pursuant to this  Agreement or (b) the existence or occurrence of which
would cause the notifying  parties'  representations  or  warranties  under this
Agreement not to be correct and complete.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  any
notice  given  pursuant  to this  Section  5.11 shall not be deemed,  subject to
Section 5.12, to alter,  amend or modify the  representations  and warranties of
the parties contained in this Agreement.

     Section  5.12  Update  of the  Disclosure  Schedules.  Effective  as of the
Closing Date, the Seller Parties shall provide an updated Exhibit M to Buyer and
Gulf Island for review.  If Buyer and Gulf  Island so  consent,  such  Exhibit M
shall be  substituted  for all  purposes  for  Exhibit  M under  this  Agreement
effective as of the Closing Date. Buyer and Gulf Island may, however, decline to
agree to such  substitution if they conclude,  in their  reasonable  discretion,
that the changes to such Exhibit M proposed by Buyer reflect a material  adverse
change in the business,  operations,  properties, assets or conditions of Seller
or a material  adverse event or circumstance  that should have been disclosed on
the Effective Date.

     Section 5.13 Employee Matters.

     (a) Buyer  covenants  and agrees  that (i) Buyer  shall make  offers of "at
will"  employment  to  substantially  all of the  Employees  listed on  Schedule
3.30(a) on terms  substantially  consistent with the level of  compensation  and
benefits  received as of the Effective Date by Seller's current  Employees (each
Person who accepts,  an  "Offeree")  and as of the Closing Date shall employ "at
will" each Offeree effective at 11:59 p.m. on the Closing Date; and (ii) for the
12-month period  beginning on the Closing Date, the Offerees will be eligible to
receive  compensation at substantially  the same rate as, and employee  benefits


substantially  comparable to, the compensation and employee benefits received by
such Offeree as of the  Effective  Date.  Buyer shall be under no  obligation to
offer employment to any particular Employee or to continue to employ any Offeree
who after the Closing Date fails to adequately perform his or her job functions,
violates Buyer's policies,  or engages in any other behavior that Buyer believes
merits termination of employment.  Further,  Buyer reserves the right to lay off
Offeree under adverse economic circumstances for the Business.

     (b) Seller shall  terminate all of its Employees who are Offerees as of the
Closing  Date.  Seller  shall  pay its  Employees  for all  accrued  and  unused
vacation,  holiday and sick pay  entitlements  in respect of the period prior to
Closing. If Seller has a severance plan or other severance  obligations,  Seller
shall  pay  all  severance  benefits  due its  Employees  as the  result  of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Buyer and Gulf Island shall have no
liability or responsibility for accrued vacation, sick leave, comp time or other
leave,  or severance  benefits owed by Seller to its Employees as of the Closing
Date, all of which obligations are being retained by Seller.

     (c) Neither  Gulf Island nor Buyer shall assume or be  responsible  for any
liability or  obligation  of the Seller  Parties  under any of their  respective
Employee Plans or Benefit  Arrangements.  Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing,  all medical,  dental, vision, travel accident,  accidental death and
dismemberment,  and life insurance  expenses incurred by Seller's  Employees and
their  beneficiaries  and dependents on or before the Closing Date,  pursuant to
any Employee Plan or Benefit  Arrangement,  irrespective of the time such claims
are presented,  shall be the  responsibility  of the Seller Parties.  The Seller
Parties shall be responsible for any medical,  dental or life insurance coverage
due to any Employees (and their  beneficiaries and dependents) who retired on or
before the Closing  Date.  All  short-term,  long-term  and extended  disability
benefits payable to Employees and their  beneficiaries and dependents who became
disabled before the Closing are the  responsibility  of Seller and shall be paid
directly  by  Seller  or its  insurance  carrier  to such  Employees  and  their
dependents.  If any  Employee is  terminated  from  employment  on or before the
Closing  Date by  Seller,  any  obligations  arising  out of  such  termination,
including  severance,  accrued  vacation  pay,  COBRA  obligations,   employment
discrimination  complaints,  unfair labor practice charges,  grievance under any
collective  bargaining  agreement,  wrongful termination and related tort claims
and breach of contract claims shall be the sole responsibility of Seller. Seller
will be  responsible  for all  obligations  to current or former  Employees (and
their dependents) who are entitled to elect COBRA continuation coverage prior to
or as of the Closing  Date,  and to any current or former  Employees  (and their
dependents)  who become so entitled due to the  consummation  of the transaction
contemplated  herein. Buyer will be responsible for all obligations to Employees
(and  their  dependents)  hired by Buyer  who  become  entitled  to elect  COBRA
continuation  coverage  after  the  Closing  Date  for  reasons  other  than the
consummation of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement.

     (d) In furtherance of the  provisions of Section  5.13(a) above,  Buyer and
Seller will agree promptly after the Effective Date upon the procedures by which
the Employees who will receive an offer of employment will be identified, and by
which key Employees may be made reasonably available to be interviewed by Buyer,
with such  Employee's  prior  consent,  during normal  business  hours.  Also in
furtherance of the foregoing  provisions of Section 5.13(a),  and subject to any
applicable Laws, the Seller Parties will afford Buyer  reasonable  access during
normal  business  hours  following  prior written notice to Seller to review the
personnel files,  performance evaluations and other relevant employee records of


     (e) The Seller Parties hereby  covenant and agree that neither they nor any
of their  respective  Affiliates  shall,  without the express written consent of
Buyer,  for a period  of two  years  from the  Closing  Date (i) hire any of the
Offerees,  (ii)  solicit  the  employment  of (or  assist  any  other  entity in
soliciting  the  employment  of) any Offeree or (iii)  encourage  any Offeree to
terminate  his  or  her  employment  relationship  with  Buyer  or  any  of  its
Affiliates;  provided,  however,  that  clause (ii) shall not prevent the Seller
Parties or their Affiliates from conducting  generalized  searches for employees
through media  advertisements,  employment  firms or which are not  specifically
targeting any Offeree.

     Section  5.14 WARN Act.  Seller  shall  comply  with the WARN Act,  and any
applicable  similar  state or local  Laws  during the  period  beginning  on the
Effective  Date  and  ending  at  the  Closing.  The  Seller  Parties  shall  be
responsible for all notification and other  obligations,  if any, under the WARN
Act and any  applicable  similar  state or local Laws with respect to employment
terminations prior to or on the Closing Date.

     Section 5.15  Confidential  Information.  Gulf Island and Buyer, on the one
hand, and the Seller Parties,  on the other hand, until the fifth anniversary of
the  Effective  Date  and  not  withstanding  the  earlier  termination  of this
Agreement, shall keep, and shall cause their Affiliates, attorneys, accountants,
counsel,  financial  advisors  and other  representatives  to keep,  any and all
Confidential Information (as defined below) confidential and not to disclose any
Confidential  Information  to any Person  other than such  parties'  Affiliates,
directors,  managers, members, officers, employees or agents, and then only on a
confidential  basis;   provided,   however,   that  such  parties  may  disclose
Confidential  Information  (a) as required by law,  rule,  regulation,  judicial
process or stock exchange requirement,  including as required to be disclosed in
connection  with  the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement,  (b) to such parties'  attorneys,  accountants and financial advisors
who have agreed to keep the Confidential  Information confidential in accordance
with the terms  hereof  or (c) as  requested  or  required  by any  Governmental
Entity;  and provided  further that Gulf Island may disclose such information to
its financing sources.  Gulf Island may also disclose this Agreement and related
Confidential  Information to the creditors,  customers or potential customers of
the Seller  Parties to the extent Gulf Island  reasonably  determines  that such
disclosure  is  appropriate  to facilitate  the  fulfillment  of the  conditions
precedent  set forth in Article  VI hereof  and to the  extent the  Confidential
Information  constitutes an Asset  acquired by Gulf Island,  as necessary to run
the Business  after the Closing Date. For purposes of this  Agreement,  the term
"Confidential  Information"  shall include all information about Gulf Island and
its Affiliates,  on the one hand, and the Seller Parties and their Affiliates on
the  other  hand,  which  has  been  furnished  to the  other  parties  or their
Affiliates pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement;  provided, however,
that  the  term  "Confidential  Information"  shall  not be  deemed  to  include
information which (x) is or becomes generally available to the public other than
as a result of a disclosure by Gulf Island and its Affiliates,  on the one hand,
or the Seller Parties and their Affiliates,  on the other hand, not permitted by
this Agreement,  (y) was available to the disclosing party on a non-confidential
basis prior to its  disclosure  by the other  parties to this  Agreement  or (z)
becomes  available to the disclosing  party on a  non-confidential  basis from a
person other than the other parties to this  Agreement  who, to the knowledge of
the disclosing party, is not otherwise bound by a confidentiality agreement with
the  other  parties  to  this  Agreement  or is not  otherwise  prohibited  from
transmitting  the relevant  information to such parties.  This  Agreement  shall
supersede that certain Confidentiality  Agreement, dated August 3, 2005, between
Seller and Gulf Island.


     Section 5.16 Real Estate Matters.

     (a) Gulf Island,  at its sole cost and expense,  may order an owner's title
policy commitment (the  "Commitment") to be issued by a title company reasonably
acceptable to Gulf Island (the "Title  Company"),  accompanied  by copies of all
recorded documents relating to restrictions, easements, rights-of-way, and other
matters  affecting the Owned Real  Properties.  The  Commitment  will commit the
Title  Company to issue at the Closing an ALTA form of Owner's  Title  Insurance
Policy to Buyer,  such policy to be in an amount as  determined  jointly by Gulf
Island and the Title  Company and with such  endorsements  as are  requested  by
Buyer. Gulf Island may also obtain a survey of the Owned Real Properties at Gulf
Island's  expense (the  "Survey").  Gulf Island shall promptly  notify Seller in
writing of objections  to the condition of title set forth in the  Commitment or
on the Survey which affect the  merchantability  of Seller's title or the use of
the Owned Real Properties as presently utilized (the "Title Objections").

     (b) In  addition  to the  foregoing,  Gulf  Island  shall have the right to
conduct  and  to  cause  its  engineers,  accountants,  attorneys,  consultants,
appraisers,  and  other  agents  to  conduct  such  other  reviews,   inquiries,
examinations,  and inspections of the Owned Real Properties as Gulf Island deems
necessary or  appropriate  prior to the Closing ("Gulf  Island's  Inspections").
Seller shall  cooperate  with Gulf Island in all  reasonable  respects in making
Gulf Island's  Inspections.  Gulf Island shall promptly notify Seller in writing
of any objections to the condition of the Owned Real Properties  identified as a
result of any of Gulf Island's  Inspections which affect the  merchantability of
Seller's  title or the use of the Owned Real  Properties  as presently  utilized
(the "Other Objections").

     (c) The Seller  Parties may  voluntarily  undertake to eliminate all of the
Title Objections and Other Objections  (collectively,  "Gulf Island Objections")
to the  satisfaction of Gulf Island and Buyer,  but the Seller Parties are under
no obligation to do so. If, however, the Seller Parties elect not to, or cannot,
eliminate Gulf Island's Objections to the reasonable satisfaction of Gulf Island
and Buyer prior to the Closing  Date,  either Gulf Island and Buyer,  on the one
hand, or the Seller Parties,  on the other hand, may terminate this Agreement by
written notice to the other parties pursuant to Section  8.1(b)(iii);  provided,
however,  that the Seller Parties may not terminate this Agreement under Section
8.1(b)(iii)  if Buyer and Gulf Island  agree,  in  writing,  prior to Closing to
waive any right to  indemnification  under  Article VII with respect to the Gulf
Island  Objections in question.  If none of the parties elects to terminate this
Agreement, and they instead elect to proceed to the Closing, such election shall
not, except in the case of a waiver of indemnification  rights by Buyer and Gulf
Island under the preceding  sentence,  in any way release or diminish the Seller
Parties' obligations under Article VII to the extent that any Losses suffered by
Gulf  Island  or Buyer as a result  of the  matters  raised  in the Gulf  Island
Objections are subject to indemnification thereunder.


     (d) All title matters shown on the  Commitment and the Survey which are not
the subject of Title Objections shall be deemed to be "Permitted  Encumbrances."
Further,  if Gulf Island makes any Title  Objections  which Seller Parties elect
not to,  or can not,  cure and  Buyer  and Gulf  Island  waive  their  rights to
indemnification under Article VII with respect to such Title Objections pursuant
to  Section  5.16(c)  above,  such Title  Objections  shall  likewise  be deemed
"Permitted Encumbrances."

     Section 5.17 Standstill. From and after the Effective Date and for a period
of two years  thereafter (the  "Restricted  Period"),  without the prior written
consent of Buyer,  the Seller Parties will not, and will cause their  respective
Affiliates  not to,  directly  or  indirectly  acquire any shares of Gulf Island
Common  Stock in  addition to the shares of Gulf Island  Common  Stock  issuable
pursuant to Section 2.3,  except for any shares of Gulf Island Common Stock they
may  acquire  by way of stock  split,  stock  dividend  or  other  distributions
(including any additional  shares acquired by participation in a rights offering
or primary offering) made available  generally to all holders of the Gulf Island
Common Stock.  During the Restricted Period,  neither the Seller Parties nor any
of their  respective  Affiliates will confer any proxy to any third party (other
than Gulf Island's designee at any annual or special meeting of stockholders) to
vote any shares of Gulf Island Common  Stock,  and Gulf Island shall be entitled
to disregard any proxy so granted,  to the extent that the  aggregate  number of
shares voted by the Seller Parties and the holder of such proxy would exceed the
number of shares of Gulf Island Common Stock  issuable  pursuant to Section 2.3;
provided,  however, that this covenant shall not be deemed to be violated to the
extent that the Seller  Parties  solely  grant a  revocable  proxy or consent to
another person in response to a public proxy or consent  solicitation  conducted
by such person that is made  pursuant to the  applicable  rules and  regulations
under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.

     Section 5.18 Seller Board Seat.

     (a) Subject to Sections  5.18(c).  5.18(d),  and 5.18(e) below,  so long as
Seller and its Affiliates holds at least 5% of all issued and outstanding shares
of Gulf Island  Common  Stock,  Seller  shall be entitled to  recommend  to Gulf
Island an  employee of Seller or of one of  Seller's  Affiliates  for service on
Gulf  Island's  Board of Directors  (the "Seller  Director").  Gulf Island shall
forward  such  recommendation  to its Board of Directors  (or, if Gulf  Island's
Board  of  Directors  then  has  a  nominating  committee,  to  such  nominating
committee), who shall nominate the Seller Director for election by Gulf Island's
shareholders   during  Gulf  Island's  next  regularly   scheduled  election  of
directors. Seller acknowledges, however, that such nomination is non-binding and
may be rejected by Gulf Island's shareholders.

     (b) If Seller  wishes to replace the Seller  Director at any time or if the
Seller  Director  resigns his board seat, dies or becomes  disabled,  Seller may
recommend  a  replacement  director  to  Gulf  Island  who  shall  forward  such
recommendation  to Gulf Island's Board of Directors or the nominating  committee
thereof.  Gulf Island is,  however,  under no obligation  to recommend  that any
action be taken to implement  the change of Seller  Directors  prior to the next
regularly scheduled election of Gulf Island's directors.

     (c) Gulf Island and Seller  acknowledge  that Section 8 of the Clayton Act,
15 U.S.C.  ss.  19(a)(1) and certain other antitrust laws prohibit a person from
serving as director or board-elected or  board-appointed  officer of two or more
corporations under certain  circumstances,  that it is the intent of the parties
to comply with federal and state  antitrust laws in all respects,  and such laws
may, depending on the respective  business  operations of the parties,  preclude
the  election  to, or the  continued  service  of the Seller  Director,  on Gulf
Island's Board of Directors.


     (d) Prior to Seller's  initial exercise of its rights under Section 5.18(a)
and annually  thereafter,  Seller and Buyer shall exchange  reports  summarizing
their  respective   business   activities  to  identify   activities  which  are
competitive for purposes of 15 U.S.C. ss.19(a)(2) and other applicable antitrust
laws  ("Competitive  Work") and shall mutually estimate their respective revenue
from Competitive Work in relation to their respective  aggregate revenues,  on a
consolidated  group-wide  basis. In reliance on this  information and such other
information as Gulf Island may reasonably request from Seller and its Affiliates
or may obtain from other sources,  Gulf Island shall, in its sole but reasonable
discretion,  determine  whether  Gulf  Island  may  recommend  the  election  or
reelection  of the Seller  Director to Gulf  Island's  Board of Directors or the
nominating committee thereof.

     (e) If Gulf Island  ever  notifies  Seller that Gulf Island has  determined
that the Seller  Director may not  continue  serving on Gulf  Island's  Board of
Directors  due to  applicable  antitrust  laws,  Seller  shall  cause the Seller
Director to immediately resign from Gulf Island's Board of Directors.

     (f) If Gulf Island's  Board of Directors  includes the Seller  Director and
Gulf Island's Board of Directors elects to discuss  Competitive Work, the Seller
Director shall be excluded from all such  discussions and shall have no right to
obtain or review documents or information related to Competitive Work.

     (g) If Seller  transfers  its  shares  of Gulf  Island  Common  Stock to an
Affiliate of Seller,  Seller's  rights and  obligations  under this Section 5.18
shall automatically  transfer to such successor holder of such shares. If Seller
transfers  its shares of Gulf Island  Common Stock to more than one Affiliate of
Seller,  Seller shall cause such  Affiliates to agree among  themselves on their
recommendation  for the  Seller  Director,  and Gulf  Island may  disregard  any
recommendation  which is not unanimously  endorsed by those Affiliates of Seller
then holding Seller's former Gulf Island Common Stock.

     Section 5.19 Cooperation  Agreement.  As of the Effective Date, Gulf Island
and  Parent  have  entered  into  that  certain   Cooperation   Agreement   (the
"Cooperation  Agreement").  The Cooperation Agreement is not effective until the
Closing Date.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                              CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

     Section  6.1  Conditions  Precedent  to  Obligations  of All  Parties.  The
respective   obligations   of  the  parties  to  consummate   the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement shall be subject to the  satisfaction  (or waiver
by each party) at or prior to the Closing of each of the following conditions:


     (a) No suit,  action or other  proceeding,  or injunction or final judgment
relating  thereto,  shall  be  threatened  or be  pending  before  any  court or
Governmental  Entity in which it is sought to  restrain or prohibit or to obtain
damages or other relief in connection with this Agreement or the consummation of
the transactions  contemplated hereby, and no investigation that might result in
any such suit, action or proceeding shall be pending or threatened.

     (b) No statute, rule, regulation, executive order or decree shall have been
enacted,  promulgated or enforced which prohibits or restricts the  consummation
of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     (c) Subject to Section  2.10,  all  Governmental  Permits,  authorizations,
consents,   orders  or  approvals  of,  or  declarations  or  filings  with,  or
expirations of waiting periods imposed by, any Governmental  Entity or any other
third parties  reasonably  necessary for the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and Buyer's continued, uninterrupted operation of
the Business  after the Closing Date shall have been  obtained or filed or shall
have occurred or, in the case of  Governmental  Permits that must be reissued in
Buyer's name following the Closing, shall, in Buyer's opinion, be available on a
basis that does not require interruption of the Business' operations.

     Section 6.2  Conditions  Precedent to Obligations of Gulf Island and Buyer.
The obligations of Gulf Island and Buyer under this Agreement are subject to the
satisfaction  (or waiver by Gulf  Island) at or prior to the  Closing of each of
the following conditions:

     (a) All  representations  and  warranties of the Seller  Parties  contained
herein or in any  certificate  or  document  delivered  to Gulf  Island or Buyer
pursuant hereto shall be true and correct in all material  respects on and as of
the Closing Date, with the same force and effect as though such  representations
and warranties had been made on and as of the Closing Date,  except as expressly
permitted by this Agreement.

     (b) The Seller Parties shall have performed all obligations and agreements,
and complied with all covenants and  conditions,  contained in this Agreement to
be performed or complied with by them prior to or at the Closing Date.

     (c) Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.9,  there shall have been no material
adverse change in the business,  operations,  properties, assets or condition of
Seller from September 30, 2005 until the Closing.

     (d) Buyer  shall have  obtained  the Survey and a  commitment  from a Title
Company to provide title insurance covering the Owned Real Properties.

     (e) At least 80% of the Employees  who have  received  offers of employment
from Buyer  pursuant  to Section  5.13(a)  shall have  accepted  such  offers of
employment  and all  the Key  Employees  shall  have  agreed  to  execute  their
respective Employment  Agreements,  with such changes as are agreed by Buyer and
such Key Employees.


     Section 6.3 Conditions  Precedent to the Obligations of the Seller Parties.
The  obligations  of the Seller  Parties under this Agreement are subject to the
satisfaction  (or waiver by  Parent)  at or prior to the date of the  Closing of
each of the following conditions:

     (a) All  representations  and warranties of Gulf Island or Buyer  contained
herein  or in any  certificate  or  document  delivered  to the  Seller  Parties
pursuant hereto shall be true and correct in all material  respects on and as of
the Closing,  with the same force and effect as though such  representations and
warranties had been made on and as of the Closing, except as expressly permitted
by this Agreement.

     (b) Gulf  Island  and  Buyer  shall  have  performed  all  obligations  and
agreements,  and complied with all covenants  and  conditions  contained in this
Agreement to be performed or complied with by them prior to or at the Closing.

                                  ARTICLE VII
                            INDEMNIFICATION; REMEDIES

     Section 7.1 Indemnification by the Seller Parties. The Seller Parties shall
defend,  indemnify  and hold  harmless  Gulf  Island,  Buyer and any  directors,
officers, employees, Affiliates and subsidiaries of Gulf Island or Buyer and any
successors to the foregoing (Gulf Island, Buyer, and such Persons, collectively,
the "Gulf Island  Indemnified  Persons"),  and shall  reimburse  the Gulf Island
Indemnified Persons, for, from and against each and every demand, claim, action,
loss (which shall include any diminution in value), liability, judgment, damage,
cost and expense (including,  without limitation,  interest, penalties, costs of
preparation  and  investigation,  and the  reasonable  fees,  disbursements  and
expenses   of   attorneys,   accountants   and  other   professional   advisors)
(collectively,  "Losses"),  as  incurred,  imposed  on or  by  the  Gulf  Island
Indemnified  Persons,  directly or  indirectly,  relating to,  resulting from or
arising out of:

     (a) any inaccuracy in any  representation or warranty of the Seller Parties
in this Agreement or any certificate,  document or other instrument delivered or
to be delivered  pursuant  hereto in any respect  whether or not the Gulf Island
Indemnified Persons relied thereon or had knowledge thereof;

     (b) any  breach  or  nonperformance  of any  covenant,  agreement  or other
obligation  of the Seller  Parties  under  this  Agreement  or any  certificate,
document or other instrument delivered or to be delivered pursuant hereto;

     (c) any Losses sustained by any Gulf Island  Indemnified Person arising out
of or related to Seller's ownership, operation or use of the Assets prior to the

     (d) the Excluded Assets; or

     (e) the Excluded Liabilities (including,  without limitation,  any Existing
Warranty Liabilities).


     Section 7.2  Indemnification by Gulf Island.  Except as otherwise expressly
provided in this Article VII, Gulf Island and Buyer shall defend,  indemnify and
hold harmless the Seller  Parties,  and shall  reimburse the Seller Parties for,
from and  against  all Losses  imposed  on or  incurred  by the Seller  Parties,
directly or indirectly, relating to, resulting from or arising out of:

     (a) any  inaccuracy  in any  representation  or  warranty of Gulf Island or
Buyer  in this  Agreement  or any  certificate,  document  or  other  instrument
delivered or to be delivered pursuant hereto in any respect,  whether or not the
Seller Parties relied thereon or had knowledge thereof; or

     (b) any  breach  or  nonperformance  of any  covenant,  agreement  or other
obligation  of Gulf Island or Buyer  under this  Agreement  or any  certificate,
document or other instrument delivered or to be delivered pursuant hereto.

     (c) any Losses  sustained by any of the Seller Parties or their  Affiliates
arising out of or related to Seller's ownership,  operation or use of the Assets
after the Closing Date (including, without limitation, any Losses resulting from
a draw on a letter of credit  provided by Seller or its  Affiliate  or a payment
demand on an guaranty provided by an Affiliate of Seller,  resulting,  in either
case,  from  Buyer's  failure to perform  under an  Assumed  Contract  after the
Closing Date and not from Seller's failure to perform under the Assumed Contract
prior to or on the Closing Date).

     Section  7.3  Nature  of  the  Seller  Parties'   Liability;   Limitations.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article VII, the obligations of
the Seller  Parties to indemnify  the Gulf Island  Indemnified  Persons shall be
joint and several and  solidary,  with the intent of the parties being that each
of the Seller  Parties shall be liable under this Article VII to the Gulf Island
Indemnified  Persons  for  any  amounts  that  may be due  hereunder;  provided,
however,  that (i) the Seller  Parties  shall not be liable for any Losses under
Section 7.1(a) until the aggregate  amount of such Losses shall exceed  $250,000
(at which point the Seller  Parties shall be liable for all such Losses from the
first dollar) and (ii) any liability of the Seller  Parties for  indemnification
pursuant to any section of this  Article VII shall not exceed $40 million in the
aggregate.  The limitation  imposed by clause (i) of this Section does not apply
to claims under Section 7.1(b), 7.1(c), 7.1(d) or 7.1(e).

     Section 7.4 Procedure for Indemnification - Third-Party Claims.

     (a) Promptly after receipt by either of the Seller Parties of notice of the
commencement of any Proceeding  against it, the Seller Parties shall, if a claim
is to be made  against  Gulf Island and Buyer under  Section 7.2 with respect to
such  Proceeding,  give notice to Gulf Island of the commencement of such claim;
provided,  however, that the failure of the Seller Parties to notify Gulf Island
of the  commencement  of such claim will not relieve Gulf Island or Buyer of any
liability  that they may have to the Seller  Parties,  except to the extent that
Gulf Island and Buyer  demonstrate that the defense of such action is prejudiced
by the Seller Parties' failure to give such notice.

     (b)  Promptly  after  receipt  by Gulf  Island  or Buyer of  notice  of the
commencement  of any  Proceeding  against it, Gulf Island or Buyer  shall,  if a
claim is to be made against the Seller Parties under Section 7.1 with respect to
such  Proceeding,  give  notice  to Parent of the  commencement  of such  claim;
provided,  however, that the failure of Gulf Island or Buyer to notify Parent of


the  commencement  of such claim  will not  relieve  the  Seller  Parties of any
liability that they may have to the Gulf Island Indemnified  Persons,  except to
the extent that the Seller Parties  demonstrate  that the defense of such action
is prejudiced by Gulf Island's and Buyer's failure to give such notice.

     (c) In the case of a Proceeding  referenced in Section  7.5(a),  and if any
Proceeding is brought  against any Gulf Island  Indemnified  Person or either of
the Seller  Parties or otherwise  involves the Assets or the Business,  and Gulf
Island,  in its reasonable  discretion,  determines  that any of the Gulf Island
Indemnified  Persons may incur Losses as a result of such Proceeding for which a
Gulf Island Indemnified  Person would be entitled to indemnification  under this
Agreement,  Gulf  Island  will be entitled  to  participate  in such  Proceeding
(whether  or not Gulf  Island or any other Gulf  Island  Indemnified  Party is a
party to such  Proceeding)  and,  to the extent  that it  wishes,  to assume the
defense of such Proceeding.

     Section 7.5 Survival of Indemnification.

     (a) The  obligation  of the Seller  Parties to  indemnify  the Gulf  Island
Indemnified Persons pursuant to Section 7.1(a) shall survive the consummation of
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, as follows:

          (i) with respect to the  representations and warranties in Section 3.1
     (Ownership), Section 3.2 (Organization; Authority; Enforceability), Section
     3.3 (Legal  Proceedings),  and  Section 3.4  (Organization;  Qualification;
     Subsidiaries), indefinitely;

          (ii) with respect to the  representations  and  warranties  in Section
     3.21  (Environmental  Matters),  Section 3.22 (Employee  Plans) and Section
     3.23 (Taxes),  until the expiration of the fifth anniversary of the Closing
     Date; and

          (iii) with respect to all other  representations and warranties of the
     Seller Parties, until the second anniversary of the Closing Date.

     (b) The obligation of Gulf Island to indemnify the Seller Parties  pursuant
to  Section  7.2(a)  shall  survive  the   consummation   of  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, as follows:

          (i) with respect to the  representations and warranties in Section 4.1
     (Organization),  Section 4.2  (Authority;  Enforceability)  and Section 4.3
     (Consents and Approvals; Conflicts), indefinitely; and

          (ii) with respect to all other  representations and warranties of Gulf
     Island  and any other  matters  covered by  Section  7.2,  until the second
     anniversary of the Closing Date.

     (c) The obligations of the parties for indemnification under Section 7.1(a)
or Section 7.2(a) shall terminate after the expiration of the periods  indicated
in subsections  (a) and (b) of this Section 7.5, except with respect to any Loss
which has been the  subject of  written  notice to the party  against  whom such
claim of Loss is asserted prior to the  expiration of such period,  which notice
will preserve such claim until it is liquidated or otherwise finally resolved.


     Section 7.6 Escrow.

     (a) As security for the Seller  Parties'  obligation to indemnify Buyer and
Gulf Island  under this  Article  VII,  the  Indemnity  Escrow  Shares  shall be
maintained in the escrow account  established  pursuant to the Escrow  Agreement
until the  earlier of (i) second  anniversary  of the  Closing  Date or (ii) the
Release Date (the "Escrow  Period").  Upon expiration of the Escrow Period,  and
subject to the terms of the Escrow Agreement,  the Escrow Agent shall deliver or
cause to be delivered to Seller the balance of the Indemnity  Escrow Shares,  if
any, remaining in the escrow account. The Seller Parties' obligations under this
Article VII are limited by Section  7.3 above but are not  otherwise  limited to
the value of the Indemnity Escrow Shares.

     (b) If a Gulf Island  Indemnified  Person  makes a claim under  Section 7.1
which (i) the Seller Parties do not dispute as to liability or amount or (ii) is
determined by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, which is no
longer  subject to suspensive  appeal,  to be due and payable to the Gulf Island
Indemnified  Person,  and at  such  time  the  Escrow  Agent  continues  to hold
Indemnity Escrow Shares in escrow, the Seller Parties shall have the option, for
a period of ten calendar days from their agreement to pay or the issuance of the
final  judgment,  as  applicable,  to pay  the  amount  due to the  Gulf  Island
Indemnified  Person in cash, but, failing such timely payment,  the Escrow Agent
shall,  as further  provided in the Escrow  Agreement  and subject to applicable
securities laws, on behalf of Seller,  sell a sufficient number of the Indemnity
Escrow  Shares to pay the amount due to the Gulf Island  Indemnified  Person and
shall  remit  the  amount  due to the Gulf  Island  Indemnified  Person in cash;
provided,  however,  that,  in the case of a claim by Buyer or Gulf Island,  the
Escrow Agent shall instead deliver the shares in kind, calculating the number of
shares to be delivered by using the closing  market price for Gulf Island Common
Stock on the trading day preceding the date of delivery.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     Section 8.1 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated:

     (a) by the mutual written consent of Gulf Island and Seller;

     (b) by either Gulf Island or Buyer:

          (i) in the event of a breach by either of the  Seller  Parties  of any
     representation, warranty, covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement
     which  (A) would  give  rise to the  failure  of a  condition  set forth in
     Section  6.2,  or (B)  cannot be cured or, if  curable,  has not been cured
     within  15 days  following  receipt  by Parent  of  written  notice of such

          (ii) if a court of competent jurisdiction or other Governmental Entity
     shall have issued an order,  decree or ruling or taken any other action, in
     each case  permanently  restraining,  enjoining,  or otherwise  prohibiting
     transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  and such order,  decree or
     ruling shall have become final and non-appealable;


          (iii) pursuant to Section 5.16(c);

          (iv) if the  Closing  shall not have  occurred  by 5:00 p.m.  (Houston
     time) on the 90th day following the Effective Date; provided, however, that
     the right to terminate this Agreement under this Section  8.1(b)(iv)  shall
     not be available to Gulf Island if either Gulf  Island's or Buyer's  breach
     of this Agreement has been the cause of, or resulted in, the failure of the
     Closing to occur by such date.

     (c) by Seller:

          (i)  in  the  event  of a  breach  by  Gulf  Island  or  Buyer  of any
     representation, warranty, covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement
     which  (A) would  give  rise to the  failure  of a  condition  set forth in
     Section  6.3,  or (B)  cannot be cured or, if  curable,  has not been cured
     within 15 days  following  receipt by Gulf Island of written notice of such

          (ii) if a court of competent jurisdiction or other Governmental Entity
     shall have issued an order,  decree or ruling or taken any other action, in
     each case  permanently  restraining,  enjoining,  or otherwise  prohibiting
     transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  and such order,  decree or
     ruling shall have become final and non-appealable; or

          (iii) if the Closing  shall not have  occurred  by 5:00 p.m.  (Houston
     time) on the 90th day following the Effective Date; provided, however, that
     the right to terminate this Agreement under this Section  8.1(c)(iii) shall
     not be available to Seller if either of the Seller  Parties' breach of this
     Agreement has been the cause of, or resulted in, the failure of the Closing
     to occur by such date.

     Section 8.2 Effect of Termination.  In the event of the termination of this
Agreement  pursuant  to this  Article  VIII,  written  notice  thereof  shall be
forthwith given to the other parties specifying the provision hereof pursuant to
which such  termination is made, and this Agreement shall forthwith  become null
and void and of no further force or effect; provided, however, the provisions of
Section 5.15, this Section 8.2 and Section 10.1 shall survive such  termination.
In the event this  Agreement  is  terminated  by either Gulf Island or Parent as
provided above, there shall be no liability of either Gulf Island and Seller, on
the one hand, or the Seller Parties, on the other hand, except (a) for liability
arising out of a willful  breach of, or  misrepresentation  under this Agreement
and (b) as provided in the proviso to the preceding sentence.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                             POST CLOSING COVENANTS

     Section 9.1 Further  Assurances.  Following  the Closing,  the parties will
take,  and shall cause their  Affiliates  to take,  all  appropriate  action and
execute  all  documents,  instruments  or  conveyances  of any kind which may be
reasonably  necessary or advisable to carry out this Agreement and to consummate
the transactions  contemplated hereby,  including,  without limitation,  putting
Buyer (or its designee) in possession and operating control of the Assets.


     Section 9.2 Post Closing Tax Covenants.

     (a) Following the Closing,  the Seller Parties shall pay or arrange for the
payment of all Taxes when due with  respect to the  ownership  of the Assets and
the operation of the Business for taxable periods,  or portions thereof,  ending
on or before the Closing Date.

     (b) The Seller  Parties,  Buyer and Gulf Island  acknowledge and agree that
(i)  the  Seller  Parties  will be  responsible  for and  will  perform  all Tax
withholding,  payment and  reporting  duties with respect to any wages and other
compensation  paid by the Seller Parties to any Employee in connection  with the
operation  or conduct of the  Business  prior to or on the Closing Date and (ii)
Buyer will be responsible for and will perform all Tax withholding,  payment and
reporting duties with respect to any wages and other  compensation paid by Buyer
to any Employee  hired by Buyer in  connection  with the operation or conduct of
the Business after the Closing Date.

     Section 9.3 Prorations.  The following  liabilities  that call for periodic
payments  shall be prorated  between the Seller  Parties and Buyer:  (i) utility
charges (which shall include water,  sewer,  electricity,  gas and other utility
charges)  with  respect to the Owned Real  Properties,  (ii) rental  charges for
leased  Personal  Property  and (iii) any Taxes  that are  imposed on a periodic
basis with respect to the  ownership of the Assets and are payable for a taxable
period that includes  (but does not end on) the Closing Date,  including but not
limited to real and  personal  property  Taxes and ad valorem  Taxes  ("Periodic
Taxes") but  excluding  franchise  taxes.  With respect to  measurement  periods
during which the Closing Date occurs (all such periods of time being hereinafter
called "Proration  Periods"),  the liabilities described in clauses (i) and (ii)
of the preceding  sentence shall be  apportioned  between the Seller Parties and
Buyer as of the Closing Date, with Buyer bearing only the expense thereof in the
proportion that the number of days remaining in the applicable  Proration Period
after the  Closing  Date  bears to the  total  number  of days  covered  by such
Proration Period.  Periodic Taxes shall be prorated between Buyer and the Seller
Parties  based on the  relative  periods the Asset was owned by each  respective
party during the fiscal  period for which  Periodic  Taxes were  assessed by the
taxing  jurisdiction (as such fiscal period is reflected on the bill rendered by
such  taxing  jurisdiction).  Buyer  and  the  Seller  Parties  shall  pay or be
reimbursed for Periodic Taxes (including  instances in which such property Taxes
have been paid before the Closing Date) on this prorated  basis. If a payment on
a Periodic Tax bill is due after the Closing, the party that is legally required
to make such payment shall make such payment and promptly  forward an invoice to
the other party for its pro rata share,  if any. If the other party does not pay
the invoice  within  thirty (30)  calendar  days of receipt,  the amount of such
payment shall bear interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum.

     Section 9.4 Name Change.  Promptly following  Closing,  Seller shall change
its name to a new name that will not include the term "Gulf Marine  Fabricators"
or any portion thereof.  Parent shall not thereafter allow any of its Affiliates
to utilize the name "Gulf Marine Fabricators" or any portion thereof.


     Section 9.5 Existing Warranty Liabilities. Seller is retaining all warranty
liabilities, whether arising under contract or by operation of law, with respect
to work  performed and  materials  supplied by Seller on or prior to the Closing
Date (the "Existing Warranty Liabilities") and shall have the sole liability for
the cost of any warranty claims by its customers and former customers  resulting
from  the  Existing  Warranty  Liabilities.  In the  case of  Existing  Warranty
Liabilities that arise under the Assumed Contracts as a result of work performed
or  materials  supplied by Seller on or prior to the Closing  Date,  Buyer shall
perform  any  resulting  warranty  work on  Seller's  behalf,  but Seller  shall
reimburse  Buyer  for the  costs of all such  warranty  work  within  30 days of
Seller's receipt of an invoice therefor from Buyer. In all other  circumstances,
Seller may request that Buyer or its Affiliates  perform warranty work on behalf
of Seller and at Seller's  expense,  but any such warranty work shall be subject
to a separate agreement which is mutually acceptable to Seller and Buyer.

     Section 9.6  Corrections of Defective  Work Prior to Warranty  Claims Being
Made. If, prior to delivering any work to a customer under an Assumed  Contract,
Buyer  discovers  that all or any  portion  of the work  performed  or  material
acquired by Seller under such Assumed  Contract does not comply with the Assumed
Contract's terms or is otherwise defective,  Buyer shall so notify Seller within
a reasonable time period, and Buyer shall make all necessary  corrections to the
work and obtain all  necessary  replacement  materials at Seller's sole expense.
Buyer shall invoice  Seller for the cost of such work,  and Seller shall pay any
such invoice within 30 days of its receipt of the invoice.

     Section 9.7  Communications  Transfer.  Following the Closing Date,  Seller
shall  cooperate  with Buyer to transfer  all  telephone  numbers  and  internet
addresses belonging to Seller to Buyer. Further,  Seller shall promptly transmit
to Buyer any mail  received  by  Seller  following  the  Closing  Date  which is
relevant to Buyer's operation of the Business and the ownership of the Assets.

     Section 9.8 Turnover of  Misdirected  Payments.  If either  Seller or Buyer
receives any payment from a former customer of Seller following the Closing Date
which is due to the other party  under this  Agreement's  terms,  then the party
receiving the misdirected  payment shall,  within 15 days of its receipt of such
misdirected  payment,  turn over such misdirected  payment to the party entitled

                                   ARTICLE X

     Section 10.1  Expenses.  Each of Gulf Island,  Buyer and the Seller Parties
shall  pay  all  of  their  own  expenses   incurred  in  connection   with  the
authorization,   preparation,   execution  and  performance  of  this  Agreement
including,  but not limited to, the fees and expenses of its legal and financial
advisors responsible for the payment of any legal or financial advisory fees.

     Section 10.2 Notices. All notices hereunder must be in writing and shall be
deemed  to have  been  given  upon  delivery  by (a)  personal  delivery  to the
designated  address,  (b) certified or registered mail, postage prepaid,  return
receipt  requested,  (c)  a  nationally  recognized  overnight  courier  service
(against a receipt therefor) or (d) facsimile  transmission with confirmation of
receipt.  All such notices must be addressed as follows or to such other address
as to which any party hereto may have notified the other in writing:


         If to Gulf Island or Buyer, to:

         Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc.
         583 Thompson Road
         Houma, Louisiana  70363
         Attention:  Kerry Chauvin
         Facsimile:  985-876-5414

         If to the Seller Parties, to:

         Technip-Coflexip USA Holdings, Inc.
         11700 Old Katy Road
         Houston, Texas  77079
         Attention:  President
         Facsimile:  281-249-4300

     Section  10.3  Amendment.  This  Agreement  shall not be altered or amended
except by an instrument in writing signed by or on behalf of each of the parties

     Section 10.4 Headings;  Gender.  When a reference is made in this Agreement
to a section, exhibit or schedule, such reference shall be to a section, exhibit
or schedule of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.  The table of contents
and headings  contained in this  Agreement are for  reference  purposes only and
shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. All
personal  pronouns  used in this  Agreement  shall  include  the other  genders,
whether used in the masculine, feminine or neuter gender, and the singular shall
include the plural and vice versa, whenever and as often as may be appropriate.

     Section 10.5 Entire Agreement; No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement
(including  the  documents,  exhibits  and  instruments  referred to herein) (a)
constitutes  the entire  agreement  and  supersedes  all prior  agreements,  and
understandings and communications, both written and oral, among the parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof, and (b) is not intended to confer upon any
person other than the parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.

     Section 10.6 Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be governed and construed
in  accordance  with  the  laws of the  State of  Texas  without  regard  to any
applicable principles of conflicts of law.

     Section  10.7  Jurisdiction.  Any legal  action or  proceeding  against the
Seller  Parties with respect to this Agreement may be brought in any state court
sitting  in the  County of Harris  of the  State of Texas or the  United  States
District Court for the Eastern District of Texas located in Houston,  Texas, and
the Seller Parties hereby irrevocably accept the jurisdiction of such courts for
the purpose of any action or proceeding.  The Seller Parties further irrevocably
consent to the service of process by the mailing  thereof by Gulf Island by U.S.
registered  or certified  mail postage  prepaid to the party to be served at its


address  designated in Section  10.2.  Nothing in this Section 10.7 shall affect
the right of Gulf Island to serve legal process in any other manner permitted by
law or affect the right of Gulf Island to bring any action or proceeding against
either of the Seller Parties or their respective properties in the courts of any
other  jurisdiction.  the Seller Parties hereby  irrevocably waive any objection
which they may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit,  action
or proceeding  arising out of or relating to this Agreement brought in any state
court sitting in the County of Harris of the State of Texas or the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of Texas located in Houston,  Texas, and
hereby  further  irrevocably  waive  any  claim  that any such  suit,  action or
proceeding brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.

     Section 10.8 Special  Determination of Purchase Price  Adjustments.  If any
party is entitled to and requests  determination of a Contract Adjustment or the
Post-Closing Inventory Adjustment under this section pursuant to Sections 2.4(b)
or 2.4(c),  as applicable,  the issue in question shall be resolved by a firm of
certified public accountants  appointed by mutual agreement of Seller and Buyer,
who shall equally in the cost of such certified public  accountants and shall be
bound  by the  determination  of such  certified  public  accountants.  Any such
certified  public  accountants so appointed  shall be without  current  material
financial  ties to either  Seller or Buyer or their  respective  Affiliates.  If
Seller  and  Buyer  are  unable  to agree  upon a  mutually  acceptable  firm of
certified  public  accountants,  either may submit the matter in question to the
American  Arbitration  Association  for  resolution  by binding  arbitration  in
accordance with the rules thereof.

     Section  10.9  Assignment.  Neither this  Agreement  nor any of the rights,
interests  or  obligations  hereunder  shall be  assigned  by any of the parties
hereto  (whether by operation  of law or  otherwise)  without the prior  written
consent of the other parties.

     Section  10.10  Severability.  In the  event  that  any  provision  of this
Agreement  or the  application  thereof,  becomes or is  declared  by a court of
competent  jurisdiction to be illegal,  void or unenforceable,  the remainder of
this  Agreement  will continue in full force and effect and the  application  of
such  provision to other  persons or  circumstances  will be  interpreted  so as
reasonably to effect the intent of the parties hereto. The parties further agree
to replace such void or  unenforceable  provision of this Agreement with a valid
and  enforceable  provision  that will  achieve,  to the  extent  possible,  the
economic, business and other purposes of such void or unenforceable provision.

     Section  10.11  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in multiple
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original  and all of which taken
together shall constitute one and the same document.

     Section 10.12 Mutual Drafting.  This Agreement is the mutual product of the
parties  hereto  and each  provision  hereof  has  been  subject  to the  mutual
consultation, negotiation and agreement of each of the parties, and shall not be
construed for or against any party hereto.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
signed themselves or by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date
first written above.

                                   GULF ISLAND FABRICATION, INC.

                                   By:        /s/ Kerry J. Chauvin
                                        Name: Kerry J. Chauvin
                                        Its:  President

                                   NEW VISION, L.P.

                                   By: New Vision General Partner, Inc.

                                   By:        /s/ Kerry J. Chauvin
                                        Name: Kerry J. Chauvin
                                        Its:  Manager

                                   TECHNIP-Coflexip USA Holdings, Inc.

                                   By:        /s/ Luc J. Messier
                                        Name: Luc J. Messier
                                        Its:  Director

                                   GULF MARINE FABRICATORS

                                   By: Gulf Deepwater Fabricators, Inc.,
                                       its partner

                                   By:        /s/ Stuart Bannerman
                                        Name: Stuart Bannerman
                                        Its:  Treasurer

                                   By: Gulf Deepwater Yards, Inc., its partner

                                   By:        /s/ Stuart Bannerman
                                        Name: Stuart Bannerman
                                        Its:  Treasurer


                                   EXHIBIT "A"

         "Acquisition Proposal" is defined in Section 5.7.

         "Affiliate" means a person that directly,  or indirectly through one or
more  intermediaries,  controls,  is controlled  by, or is under common  control
with, another person.

         "Ancillary Agreements" means, collectively,  the Assignments,  the Bill
of  Sale,  the  Warranty  Deeds,  the   Registration   Rights   Agreement,   the
Non-Competition  Agreement,  the Lock-Up Agreement,  and the Transition Services

         "Applicable Law" means any statute, law, rule, regulation or ordinance,
or any judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree of any Governmental Entity to
which a specified Person or its property is subject.

         "Approved Bid" is defined in Section 5.10.

         "Assets" is defined in Section 2.1.

         "Assignments" is defined in Section 2.9(a).

         "Assumed Contracts" is defined in Section 2.1(d).

         "Assumed Liabilities" is defined in Section 2.6.

         "Benefit  Arrangement"  means  any  employment,  severance  or  similar
contract,  or any other contract,  plan,  policy or arrangement  (whether or not
written)  providing for  compensation,  bonus,  profit-sharing,  stock option or
other stock related rights or other forms of incentive or deferred compensation,
vacation benefits,  insurance coverage (including any self-insured arrangement),
health  or  medical  benefits,   disability  benefits,  severance  benefits  and
post-employment or retirement benefits (including compensation, pension, health,
medical or life  insurance  benefits),  other than the Employee  Plans,  that is
maintained,  administered  or  contributed  to by the  employer  and  covers any
employee or former employee of the employer.

         "Bill of Sale" is defined in Section 2.9(a).

         "Business" is defined in the recitals hereof.

         "Buyer" is defined in the preamble paragraph hereof.

         "Buyer's  Appraisal" means the appraisal  obtained by Buyer, at Buyer's
expense, of the Assets prior to the Effective Date from GB Asset Advisors, LLC.


         "Charter  Documents"  means,  as each is applicable to any Person,  the
articles of incorporation,  certificate of incorporation, by-laws, memorandum of
association,  articles  of  association,  articles  of  organization,  operating
agreement,  limited liability company  agreement,  certificate of partnership or
limited partnership,  partnership agreement and any other similar organizational
documents for such Person.

         "Closing" is defined in Section 2.8.

         "Closing Date" is defined in Section 2.8.

         "COBRA" means the Consolidated  Omnibus  Reconciliation Act of 1985, as

         "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         "Competitive Bid" is defined in Section 5.10.

         "Consent" is defined in Section 2.10.

         "Contract Adjustment" is defined in Section 2.4(b).

         "Cooperation Agreement" is defined in Section 5.19.

         "Costs Incurred" are defined in Section 2.4(b).

         "Disclosure   Schedule"  means  the  disclosure   schedules  and  other
documents  attached  hereto as Exhibit  "M"  prepared  by the Seller  Parties in
accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement.

         "DOJ" is defined in Section 5.5.

         "Effective Date" is defined in the preamble paragraph hereof.

         "Employees"  means  all  persons  employed  by  Seller  (on a  full  or
part-time basis),  whose employment is primarily related to the operation of the

         "Employee  Plan" means a plan or arrangement as defined in Section 3(3)
of ERISA,  that (a) is subject to any  provision  of ERISA,  (b) is  maintained,
administered  or  contributed  to by the employer and (c) covers any employee or
former employee of the employer.

         "Employment Agreement" is defined in Section 2.9(d).


         "Environmental Claims" means any and all administrative, regulatory, or
judicial actions,  proceedings,  executory decrees, judgments,  penalties, fees,
demands, orders, or directives,  relating in any way to any Environmental Law or
any  permit,  license  or  authorization  required  or  issued  under  any  such
Environmental Law, or arising from the presence or release or threatened release
(or alleged  presence or release or threatened  release) into the environment of
any Hazardous Materials  (hereinafter  "Claims") including,  without limitation,
any  and all  Claims  by any  Governmental  Entity  or by any  third  party  for
enforcement,  cleanup, removal, response,  remedial or other actions or damages,
punitive or exemplary  damages,  contribution,  indemnification,  cost recovery,
compensation or declaratory or injunctive  relief pursuant to any  Environmental
Law or any  alleged  injury  or  threat  of  injury  to  health,  safety  or the

         "Environmental Laws" means all foreign,  federal, state and local laws,
statutes,  ordinances,  regulations,  criteria,  guidelines,  rules of common or
civil  law  in  effect  at the  Closing,  and  any  judicial  or  administrative
interpretation  thereof (including any judicial or administrative order, consent
decree or judgment)  relating to the  regulation and protection of human health,
safety, the environment,  and natural resources,  including, without limitation,
laws and regulations relating to emissions,  discharges,  disposal,  releases or
threatened  releases  of  Hazardous  Materials  or  otherwise  relating  to  the
manufacture,   processing,   distribution,  use  treatment,  storage,  disposal,
transport or handling of Hazardous Materials.

         "ERISA" means the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         "ERISA Affiliate" means any entity that, together with Seller, would be
treated as a single employer under Section 414 of the Code.

         "Escrow Agent" is defined in Section 2.3(b).

         "Escrow Agreement" is defined in Section 2.3(b).

         "Escrow Period" is defined in Section 7.6.

         "Excluded Assets" is defined in Section 2.2.

         "Excluded Liabilities" is defined in Section 2.7.

         "Existing Warranty Liabilities" as defined in Section 9.5.

         "Financial  Statements"  means the Balance Sheets and Income Statements
of Seller as of, and for the nine-month  period ending,  September 30, 2005, and
as of, and for the one-year periods ending, respectively,  December 31, 2003 and
December 31, 2004.

         "FTC" is defined in Section 5.5.

         "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles as applied in the
United States.

         "Governmental  Entity" means any court or tribunal in any  jurisdiction
or any public, governmental or regulatory body, agency, department,  commission,
board, bureau or other authority or instrumentality.


         "Governmental   Permit"  means  all  licenses,   franchises,   permits,
privileges,  immunities,  approvals and other authorizations,  including without
limitation, adoption, commitments or agreements, from a Governmental Entity that
are  necessary  to  entitle  Seller  to own or  lease,  operate  and  use  their
respective  assets and  properties and to carry on and conduct their business as
presently conducted.

         "Gulf Island" is defined in the recitals hereof.

         "Gulf Island's Inspections" is defined in Section 5.16(b).

         "Gulf Island Objections" is defined in Section 5.16(c).

         "Hazardous  Materials"  means,  collectively:   (a)  any  petroleum  or
petroleum products, flammable explosives, radioactive materials, asbestos in any
form  that is or could  become  friable,  lead  paint,  urea  formaldehyde  foam
insulation,  transformers  or other  equipment  that  contain  dielectric  fluid
containing  levels of  polychlorinated  biphenyls  (PCBs) and radon gas; (b) any
chemicals,  materials,  substances  or wastes that are now or  hereafter  become
defined as or included in the definition of "hazardous  substances,"  "hazardous
wastes,"   "pollutants,"   "contaminants,"   "solid  waste,"  "toxic  chemical,"
"hazardous chemical," "hazardous  materials,"  "extremely hazardous substances,"
"restricted  hazardous  wastes," "toxic  substances,"  "toxic  pollutants," "oil
field waste" or words of similar import, under any applicable Environmental Law;
and (c) any other chemical, material,  substance, or waste, exposure to which is
now or  hereafter  prohibited,  limited  or  regulated  by any  governmental  or
regulatory authority.

         "HSR Act" means the Hart-Scott  Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of
1976, as amended.

         "Indemnity Escrow Shares" is defined in Section 2.3(b).

         "Intellectual  Property"  means (a) inventions  (whether  patentable or
unpatentable),  improvements thereto, patents and patent applications,  together
with  all  provisionals,  reissuances,   continuations,   continuations-in-part,
divisionals and  reexaminations  thereof,  (b) trademarks,  service marks, trade
dress and trade names,  together  with all goodwill  associated  therewith,  and
applications,  registrations and renewals in connection therewith,  (c) works of
authorship and copyrights therein,  including,  but not limited to, all platform
and other  structure  designs and fabrication  processes,  (d) trade secrets and
confidential information, (e) computer software and databases and (f) copies and
tangible embodiments of any of the foregoing.

         "Key Employees" mean Johannes Ikdal,  Tom Nevitt,  Steve Yates,  Robert
Grover, Colin Ocker, Chad Clanton,  Aden Guerrero,  Raymond Garcia, Norris Gros,
and Sharon Truxillo.

         "Lease" means any executory lease to which Seller is subject.

         "Licensed   Intellectual  Property"  means  all  Intellectual  Property
licensed by Seller.


         "Liens" means pledges,  liens,  defects,  leases,  licenses,  equities,
conditional sales contracts, charges, claims, encumbrances,  security interests,
easements,  restrictions, chattel mortgages, mortgages or deeds of trust, of any
kind or nature whatsoever.

         "Lock-Up Agreement" is defined in Section 2.9(a).

         "Material  Contract"  means  any  executory   contract,   agreement  or
understanding  (i.e.,  one that has not been  fully  performed),  whether or not
reduced  to  writing  to which  Seller or any of their  respective  property  is
subject,  which  provides for payments or potential  future  payments to another
Person by such Seller, or to such Seller by another Person, of more than $25,000
in the aggregate.

         "Minor Work" means work with an aggregate  contract  price of less than

         "Multiemployer Plan" is defined in Section 3.22(c).

         "Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement" is defined in Section 3.22(c).

         "Non-Competition Agreement" is defined in Section 2.9(a).

         "Other Objections" is defined in Section 5.16(b).

         "Owned Intellectual  Property" means all Intellectual Property owned by

         "Owned Real Properties" is defined in Section 3.13(a).

         "Parent" is defined in the recitals hereof.

         "Partners"  mean Gulf  Deepwater  Fabricators,  Inc. and Gulf Deepwater
Yards, Inc..

         "Permitted Encumbrance" is defined in Section 5.16(d).

         "Person" means an  individual,  firm,  corporation,  general or limited
partnership,  limited liability company,  limited liability  partnership,  joint
venture, trust, Governmental Entity, association, unincorporated organization or
other entity.

         "Personal Property" is defined in Section 3.15(a).

         "Post-Closing Inventory Adjustment" is defined in Section 2.4(c).

         "Provider  Liens"  means  Liens in favor  of  transportation  carriers,
warehousemen,  laborers,  and repairmen who provide services with respect to the
Assets subject to the Liens.

         "Proceedings"  means any suit,  action,  proceeding,  dispute  or claim
before, or investigation  by, any Governmental  Entity,  tribunal,  mediation or


         "Purchase Price" is defined in Section 2.3.

         "Release  Date"  means the later of (i) the  first  anniversary  of the
Closing Date or (ii) the date on which Gulf Island receives financial statements
of Parent  confirming  that Parent has  maintained  shareholder's  equity  minus
goodwill  in an  amount  of  $80,000,000  or  more  as of  the  last  day of two
consecutive fiscal quarters,  with the financial  statements for the second such
quarter to be audited.

         "Restricted Period" is defined in Section 5.17.

         "Returns"  means  all  returns,   reports,   estimates,   declarations,
statements and any other  documents of any nature relating to, or required to be
filed in connection with, any Taxes,  including  information  returns or reports
with respect to backup withholding and other payments to third parties.

         "Seller" is defined in the recitals hereof.

         "Seller Parties" is defined in the recitals hereof.

         "Settlement Statement" is defined in Section 2.9(a).

         "Survey" is defined in Section 5.16(a).

         "Taxes" means any income, corporation,  gross receipts, profits, gains,
capital  stock,   capital  duty,   franchise,   withholding,   social  security,
unemployment,  disability, property, wealth, welfare, stamp, excise, occupation,
sales,  use, value added,  alternative  minimum,  estimated or other similar tax
(including  any fee,  assessment  or other charge in the nature of or in lieu of
any tax) imposed by any Governmental Entity (whether foreign,  national,  local,
municipal or  otherwise)  or political  subdivision  thereof,  and any interest,
penalties,  additions to tax or additional  amounts in respect of the foregoing,
and  including  any  transferee  or  secondary  liability  in respect of any tax
(whether imposed by law,  contractual  agreement or otherwise) and any liability
in  respect  of any  tax as a  result  of  being  a  member  of any  affiliated,
consolidated, combined, unitary or similar group.

         "Title Company" is defined in Section 5.16(a).

         "Title Objections" is defined in Section 5.16(a).

         "Transition Services Agreement" is defined in Section 2.9(a).

         "Vehicle Documents" is defined in Section 2.9(a).

         "Voluntary  Employees'  Beneficiary  Association" is defined in Section

         "WARN Act" means the Worker Adjustment and Retraining  Notification Act
of 1988, as amended.

         "Warranties" means all existing  outstanding  warranties and guaranties
of contractors, manufacturers, equipment providers, subcontractors,  maintenance
and  servicing   companies  and  materialmen   relating  to  the   construction,
manufacturing,  repair,  maintenance,  servicing or  refurbishment of any of the
Assets, or in connection with or under any agreement relating to the purchase or
acquisition of the Assets.

         "Warranty Deeds" is defined in Section 2.9(a).
