Filed by the Registrant                              [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant           [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]      Preliminary Proxy Statement

[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
         (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[ ]      Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12

                         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.


Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ]      No fee required.

[X]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

1.   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: N/A

2.   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: N/A

3.   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined): N/A

4.   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: $3,400,000

5.   Total fee paid: $680

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1.   Amount Previously Paid: N/A

2.   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: N/A

3.   Filing Party: N/A

4.   Date Filed: N/A


                         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]
                              1913 DEERBROOK DRIVE
                               TYLER, TEXAS 75703

Dear Stockholder:

         You are cordially invited to attend the Special Meeting of Stockholders
of Teletouch  Communications,  Inc. on March 1, 2006.  The Special  Meeting will
begin at 10:00 a.m.  local time at the Hotel  Adolphus,  1321  Commerce  Street,
Dallas, Texas 75202. Information regarding each of the matters to be voted on at
the Special  Meeting is contained in the attached Proxy  Statement and Notice of
Special  Meeting  of  Stockholders.  We urge  you to read  the  Proxy  Statement
carefully.  In addition to the formal items of business,  I will be available at
the meeting to answer your questions. The Proxy Statement is being mailed to all
stockholders on or about January 16, 2006.

         Please note that only  shareholders  of record at the close of business
on January 2, 2006 may vote at the meeting.  Your vote is important.  Whether or
not you plan to attend the Special  Meeting,  please  complete,  date,  sign and
return the enclosed proxy card promptly. If you attend the meeting and prefer to
vote in person, you may do so.

         We look forward to seeing you in Dallas on March 1, 2006.

Very truly yours,

Robert M. McMurrey
Chairman of the Board


                         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                    1913 DEERBROOK DRIVE, TYLER, TEXAS 75703



         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the  Special  Meeting of  Stockholders  of
Teletouch Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation, will be held on March 1,
2006, at the Hotel Adolphus, 1321 Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas 75202, at 10:00
a.m. local time,  and  thereafter as it may from time to time be adjourned,  for
the purposes stated below:

1.   To  approve  the  sale  of  the  paging   business   assets  of   Teletouch
     Communications, Inc.; and

2.   To transact such other  business as may properly come before the meeting or
     any adjournment or postponement thereof.

         The foregoing  items of business at the Special  Meeting are more fully
described in the proxy statement  accompanying this Notice. All stockholders are
cordially  invited to attend the Special Meeting.  The stock transfer books will
not be  closed.  A  complete  list of  these  stockholders  will be open for the
examination  by any  stockholder  at the Company's  principal  offices in Tyler,
Texas for any  purpose  germane to the  meeting for a period of 10 days prior to
the Special Meeting.  The list also will be available for the examination by any
stockholder present at the Special Meeting. Only those stockholders of record at
the close of business  on January 2, 2006 are  entitled to notice of and to vote
at  the  Special  Meeting  and  any  adjournments  thereof.   Please  note  that
information relating to stockholder  proposals and submissions is located at the
end of this proxy statement for your reference.




Tyler, Texas                    By order of the Board of Directors
January 16, 2005
                                TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                Douglas E. Sloan, Corporate Secretary


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


         What is the purpose of this special meeting? ........................

         Why did you send me this proxy statement?............................

         How many votes do I have?............................................

         What proposals will be addressed at the Special Meeting?.............

         Who may vote on these proposals? ....................................

         Why would the Special Meeting be postponed?..........................

         How do I vote in person?.............................................

         How do I vote by proxy?..............................................

         May I revote my proxy?...............................................

         Where are Teletouch's principal executive offices?...................

         What vote is required to approve the proposals?......................

         Are there any dissenters' rights of appraisal?.......................

         Who bears the cost of soliciting proxies?............................

         Where are Teletouch's principal executive offices? ..................

         How can I obtain additional information regarding Teletouch?.........

Security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management................

Proposal 1....................................................................

Stockholder proposals and submissions.........................................

Other business................................................................

Proxy Card

Appendix  A - Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of August 22, 2005
Appendix  B - First  Amendment  to the  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  dated  as of
              December 30, 2005
Appendix C -  Pro Forma  presentation
Appendix D -  Management Agreement, dated as of August 31, 2005


                         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                             DATED JANUARY 16, 2006



         The specific  proposals to be considered  and acted upon at the Special
Meeting  of   stockholders  of  Teletouch   Communications,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation  ("Teletouch"  or "the  Company") to be held at the Hotel  Adolphus,
1321 Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas 75202, on March 1, 2006, at 10:00 a.m. local
time, and at any adjournments or postponements  thereof ("Special  Meeting") are
summarized  in the  accompanying  Notice of Special  Meeting.  Each  proposal is
described in more detail in this proxy statement.


         This proxy  statement  and the  enclosed  proxy card are  furnished  in
connection with the solicitation of proxies by our Board of Directors  ("Board")
for use at the Special Meeting.  This proxy statement summarizes the information
you need to make an  informed  vote on the  proposals  to be  considered  at the
Special Meeting.  However, you do not need to attend the Special Meeting to vote
your  shares.  Instead,  you may simply  complete,  sign and return the enclosed
proxy card using the envelope provided.


         We will send this  proxy  statement,  the  attached  Notice of  Special
Meeting  and the  enclosed  proxy  card on or about  January  16,  2006,  to all
stockholders.  Stockholders  who owned  Teletouch  common  stock at the close of
business  on January 2, 2006 (the  "Record  Date") are  entitled to one vote for
each  share of common  stock  they held on that date,  in all  matters  properly
brought before the Special Meeting.

                                    Shares / Warrants
Class of Stock                         Outstanding           Equivalent Votes
- ---------------                   -------------------        ----------------
Common stock                            48,735,495              48,735,495
GM Warrant shares (1)                   6,000,000                6,000,000
Total Votes at Special Meeting:                                 54,735,495


(1) Under the terms of the Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrant  (the "GM  Warrant")
issued to GM Holdings,  LLC, a Tennessee limited  liability company ("GM"),  the
vote of the  holders of at least a majority  of the GM Warrants or the shares of
the Company's common stock issuable upon conversion of the GM Warrant calculated
on an as-exercised basis voting  separately,  as a single class, given in person
or by proxy, is required to approve, among other things, any sale or disposition
by the Company of all or  substantially  all of its assets,  or any  transaction
having a similar effect.


We will address the following proposals at the Special Meeting:

1.   Approval  of  the  sale  of  the  paging   business   assets  of  Teletouch
Communications, Inc., and

2. Transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting or
any adjournment or postponement thereof.

         Our Board has taken  unanimous  affirmative  action with respect to the
foregoing proposal and recommends that the stockholders vote FOR such proposal.


         All of the holders of record of  Teletouch's  common stock at the close
of business on January 2, 2006 will be entitled to vote at the Special  Meeting.
At the close of business on the Record Date, the Company had  48,735,495  shares
of common stock outstanding and entitled to vote.

         As a result of the certain  rights  contained in  6,000,000  redeemable
common  stock  warrants  issued by the  Company  as part of its debt and  equity
restructuring  in 2002, the vote of the holders of at least a majority of the GM
Warrant or the shares of the Company's  common stock issuable upon conversion of
the GM Warrant  calculated  on an  as-exercised  basis voting  separately,  as a
single class,  given in person or by proxy, is required to approve,  among other
things,  any sale or disposition by the Company of all or  substantially  all of
its assets,  or any transaction  having a similar effect. On September 19, 2005,
the GM Warrant  holders  notified the Company of their intent to accelerate  the
redemption of the GM Warrant based on the same triggering event that allows them
voting rights causing the $3,000,000  redemption value to become due and payable
upon the  closing of the  proposed  asset  sale.  Under the terms of the warrant
agreement,  the GM Warrant could not be redeemed  until December 2007. As of the
Record Date, the total number of the Company's common stock which the holders of
the GM Warrant are entitled to vote is 6,000,000.


         Robert M. McMurrey, Chairman of Teletouch and controlling person of TLL
Partners LLC, an entity that owns  approximately  92% of the outstanding  common
stock of  Teletouch,  has agreed to vote in favor of the  proposed  transactions
unless an agreement  cannot be reached with GM which reduces the amount  payable
as a result of the acceleration of the redemption feature of the Warrant.


         The Notice of Special  Meeting,  this proxy  statement and the enclosed
proxy are being mailed to stockholders on or about January 16, 2006.


         The Special Meeting will be postponed if a quorum is not present at the
Special  Meeting on March 1, 2006.  The presence,  in person or by proxy,  of at
least one-third of the shares of the capital stock of the Company outstanding as
of the Record Date,  taken together as a single class,  constitutes a quorum and
is  required to transact  business  at the Special  Meeting.  If a quorum is not
present, the Special Meeting may be adjourned until a quorum is obtained.

         For purposes of  determining  whether the  stockholders  have  approved
matters other than the election of directors,  abstentions are treated as shares
present or  represented  and  voting,  so  abstaining  has the same  effect as a
negative vote. Shares held by brokers who do not have discretionary authority to
vote on a particular  matter and who have not received voting  instructions from
their  customers are not counted or deemed to be present or represented  for the
purpose of determining whether  stockholders have approved that matter, but they
are counted as present for the purposes of determining the existence of a quorum
at the Special Meeting.

         A broker  non-vote  occurs  when a broker  submits  a proxy  card  with
respect  to shares of  common  stock  held in a  fiduciary  capacity  (typically
referred  to as  being  held  in  "street  name"),  but  declines  to  vote on a
particular  matter because the broker has not received voting  instructions from
the  beneficial  owner.  Under the rules that govern brokers who are voting with
respect to shares held in street name,  brokers have the discretion to vote such
shares on routine  matters,  but not on  non-routine  matters.  Routine  matters
include the  election of  directors,  increases in  authorized  common stock for
general  corporate  purposes and ratification of auditors.  Non-routine  matters
include amendments to stock plans.


         Whether you plan to attend the  Special  Meeting or not, we urge you to
complete,  sign and date the  enclosed  proxy card and return it promptly in the
envelope provided. Returning the proxy card will not affect your right to attend
the Special Meeting and vote in person.

         If you  properly  fill in your  proxy card and send it to us in time to
vote,  your proxy (one of the  individuals  named on your proxy  card) will vote
your  shares as you have  directed.  If you sign the proxy  card but do not make
specific  choices,  your proxy will vote your shares as recommended by the Board
as follows:

o    FOR the  approval of the sale of the paging  business  assets of  Teletouch
     Communications, Inc.

         If any other matter is  presented,  your proxy will vote in  accordance
with his best judgment.  At the time this proxy statement went to press, we knew
of no matters that needed to be acted on at the Special Meeting other than those
discussed in this proxy statement.


         If you plan to attend  the  Special  Meeting  and vote in person at the
meeting  or at a later  date if the  meeting  is  postponed,  we will give you a
ballot  when you  arrive.  However,  if your shares are held in the name of your
broker,  bank or other nominee,  you must bring a power of attorney  executed by
the  broker,  bank or other  nominee  that owns the  shares  of record  for your
benefit and authorizing you to vote the shares.



         If you  give a  proxy,  you may  revoke  it at any  time  before  it is
exercised. You may revoke your proxy in three ways:

o    You may send in another proxy with a later date; or

o    You may notify Teletouch in writing (by you or your attorney  authorized in
     writing, or if the stockholder is a corporation,  under its corporate seal,
     by an officer or attorney of the  corporation)  at our principal  executive
     offices before the Special Meeting, that you are revoking your proxy; or

o    You may vote in person at the Special Meeting.



         The approval of Proposal 1 requires an  affirmative  vote of a majority
of the  outstanding  shares of common  stock  entitled to vote,  in person or by
proxy, at the Special Meeting.

         In  addition,  the vote of the holders of at least a majority of the GM
Warrants or the shares of the Company's common stock issuable upon conversion of
the GM Warrant  calculated  on an  as-exercised  basis voting  separately,  as a
single  class,  given in person or by proxy,  is required to approve any sale or
disposition  by the Company of all or  substantially  all of its assets,  or any
transaction having a similar effect.

         Robert M. McMurrey,  Chairman of Teletouch,  who beneficially  owns (as
the controlling person of TLL Partners LLC ("TLL"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Progressive  Concepts  Communications  Inc.  ("PCCI"))  approximately 92% of the
outstanding  common  stock  of  Teletouch,  has  agreed  to vote in favor of the
proposed transaction unless an agreement cannot be reached with GM which reduces
the amount payable as a result of the acceleration of the redemption  feature of
the GM Warrant.  Mr. McMurrey is the controlling person of PCCI by virtue of his
being its majority stockholder.


         Under Delaware law and our Certificate of  Incorporation,  no appraisal
rights are  available to  dissenting  stockholders  with respect to the proposal
included in this proxy statement.


         Teletouch will bear the cost of soliciting  proxies in the accompanying
form and will  reimburse  brokerage  firms and others for  expenses  involved in
forwarding  proxy materials to beneficial  owners or soliciting their execution.
We  estimate  that  the  costs  associated  with  solicitations  of the  proxies
requested by this proxy statement will be approximately $20,000.



         The  principal  executive  offices  of  Teletouch  are  located at 1913
Deerbrook Drive, Tyler, Texas 75703 and our telephone number is (903) 595-8800.


         We will,  upon  written  request of any  stockholder,  furnish  without
charge a copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended May 31, 2005,
as filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC") and any amendments
thereto,  without  exhibits.  Please  address  all such  requests  to  Teletouch
Communications,  Inc.,  1913 Deerbrook  Drive,  Tyler,  Texas 75703,  Attention:
Corporate  Secretary.  Exhibits to the Form 10-K will be provided  upon  written
request and payment of an appropriate processing fee.

         Teletouch  is  subject  to  the   informational   requirements  of  the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Exchange Act") which requires that
Teletouch file reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC. The
SEC  maintains  a website  on the  Internet  that  contains  reports,  proxy and
information  statements and other information regarding  registrants,  including
Teletouch,  that file  electronically with the SEC. The SEC's website address is  In addition,  our Exchange Act filings may be inspected and copied
at the public  reference  facilities  of the SEC  located  at Room  1580,  100 F
Street,  N.E.,  Washington,  DC 20549;  and at the SEC's regional offices at 233
Broadway,  New York, NY 10279 and Citicorp Center, 500 West Madison Street, Room
1400,  Chicago,  IL 60661.  Copies of the  material  may also be  obtained  upon
request and payment of the appropriate fee from the Public Reference  Section of
the SEC  located  at  Room  1580, 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20549.


         Certain statements contained or incorporated by reference in this proxy
statement that are not based on historical fact are "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of the Private  Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as
amended.  Forward-looking statements may be identified by use of forward-looking
terminology  such  as  "may",  "will",   "expect",   "estimate",   "anticipate",
"continue", or similar terms, variations of those terms or the negative of those
terms.  Forward-looking  statements  are based upon numerous  assumptions  about
future  conditions  that  could  prove  not  to  be  accurate.   Actual  events,
transactions  and results may differ  materially  from the  anticipated  events,
transactions and results described in such statements.  The Company's ability to
consummate  such  transactions  and achieve such events or results is subject to
certain risks and uncertainties.



         Except as otherwise  described in this proxy  statement,  the shares of
common stock are the only voting  securities of Teletouch.  The following  table
shows,  as of the  Record  Date,  and to the best of our  knowledge,  beneficial
ownership  of (1) each  director and  executive  officer  individually;  (2) all
executive  officers and  directors of Teletouch as a group;  and (3) all persons
known  by  Teletouch  to be the  beneficial  owners  of 5%  percent  or  more of
Teletouch common stock as of the close of business on the Record Date. As of the
Record Date, all of our present directors and executive officers,  as a group of
7 persons, own beneficially 45,068,099 shares, or 91.9%, of our common stock. As
of the Record Date, there were 49,416,189 shares of Common Stock were issued and
48,735,495 shares outstanding.

                                                               Number of Common
Name and Address                                              Beneficially Owned          % of Common Shares
of Beneficial Owner                                                   (1)                 Beneficially Owned
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert M. McMurrey (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)                            44,740,442                     91.8%
5718 Airport Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76117

Progressive Concepts Communications, Inc. (6)                 43,500,000                     89.3%
5718 Airport Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76117

TLL Partners, L.L.C (5)                                       43,500,000                     89.3%
5718 Airport Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76117

Thomas A. Hyde, Jr. (2)(7)                                       166,667                        *
5718 Airport Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76117

Douglas E. Sloan. (2)(9)                                          65,000                        *
1913 Deerbrook Drive
Tyler, TX  75703

Clifford E. McFarland (3)(8)                                      30,662                        *
McFarland, Grossman & Co.
9821 Katy Freeway, Suite 500
Houston, TX 77024

Henry Y.L. Toh (3)(9)                                             21,998                        *
1111 Hermann Drive, Unit 6E
Houston, TX 77004

Marshall G. Webb (3)(9)                                           21,998                        *
6110 Inwood
Houston, TX 77057

Susan Stranahan Ciallella (3)(9)                                  21,332                        *
Isolagen, Inc.
405 Eagleview Boulevard
Exton, PA 19341

All Executive Officers & Directors as a Group (7 Persons)     45,068,099                     91.9%


*        Indicates less than 1.0%.

(1)  Unless  otherwise  noted in these  footnotes,  Teletouch  believes that all
     shares referenced in this table are owned of record by each person named as
     beneficial owner and that each person has sole voting and dispositive power
     with  respect  to the  shares of  common  stock  owned by each of them.  In
     accordance  with Rule 13d-3 under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
     amended,  each person's percentage ownership is determined by assuming that
     the options or  convertible  securities  that are held by that person,  and
     which are exercisable within 60 days, have been exercised or converted,  as
     the case may be.

(2)  Executive Officer.

(3)  Director.

(4)  Mr. McMurrey has voting and dispositive power over all Teletouch securities
     owned by Rainbow  Resources,  Inc.  ("RRI").  The figures for Mr.  McMurrey
     include  the  1,200,000  shares  held  of  record  by  RRI.  Also  includes
     43,500,000  shares of common stock issued to TLL by the Company in November
     2005 upon the conversion of shares of Series C Preferred  Stock held by TLL
     Partners, a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Progressive Concepts Communications
     Inc. ("PCCI");  Mr. McMurrey is the controlling person of PCCI by virtue of
     his being its majority shareholder over which entity Mr. McMurrey exercises
     control.  TLL  Partners  converted  1,000,000  shares of Series C Preferred
     Stock  in  November  2005  into  44,000,000  shares  of  common  stock  and
     immediately  transferred  500,000  shares of common stock to another  party
     leaving TLL Partners in control of 43,500,000 shares.

(5)  Mr. McMurrey has voting and dispositive power over all Teletouch securities
     owned by RRI and TLL Partners. The principal business of TLL Partners is to
     act as a holding  company  for  investment  in  Teletouch  securities.  TLL
     Partners  is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  PCCI;  Mr.  McMurrey  is  the
     controlling person of PCCI by virtue of his being its majority shareholder.
     TLL  Partners  converted  1,000,000  shares of Series C Preferred  Stock in
     October  2005  into  44,000,000  shares of  common  stock  and  immediately
     transferred  500,000  shares of common stock to another  party  leaving TLL
     Partners in control of 43,500,000 shares.

(6)  PCCI  is the  parent  holding  company  of its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries,
     Progressive  Concepts,  Inc.  (PCI) and TLL Partners.  Mr.  McMurrey is the
     controlling person of PCCI by virtue of his being its majority shareholder.
     TLL Partners is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of PCCI. TLL Partners  converted
     1,000,000  shares  of  Series C  Preferred  Stock  in  November  2005  into
     44,000,000  shares of  common  stock and  immediately  transferred  500,000
     shares of common stock to another  party leaving PCCI  beneficially  owning

(7)  Includes 166,667 shares  underlying stock options granted to Mr. Hyde under
     the terms of the Employment  Agreement  entered into October 2004. Mr. Hyde
     was hired as the  Company's  CEO in  October  2004.  Under the terms of his
     employment  contract,  Mr.  Hyde was  granted  500,000  options to purchase
     common stock which vest 166,667  shares in October 2005,  166,667 shares in
     May 2006 and 166,666 shares in May 2007.

(8)  Includes 24,662 shares  underlying  stock options granted to Mr.  McFarland
     and  12,000  shares  registered  in the name of  McFarland,  Grossman & Co.
     (MGCO), of which Mr. McFarland is the President and a director. Such 12,000
     shares  are held by MGCO for the  benefit  of  another  entity of which Mr.
     McFarland is a 50% owner.  Mr.  McFarland  disclaims  ownership of 6,000 of
     such  shares.  Does  not  include  securities  owned by TLL  Partners;  Mr.
     McFarland  owns a minority  interest in PCCI,  the  indirect  parent of the
     Company, which is also the parent of TLL Partners.

(9)  Represents shares underlying stock options.



                                   PROPOSAL 1

                         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.





         Teletouch  is  a  leading  provider  of  telecommunications   services,
primarily paging services,  in non-major  metropolitan  areas and communities in
the  Southeast  United  States.  Teletouch has two  operating  segments:  paging
operations  and two-way  radio  operations.  The Company has been  developing  a
telemetry  business  unit for the past few years but has had limited  success to
date growing this portion of its business. Currently, we provide paging services
in  Alabama,  Arkansas,  Louisiana,  Mississippi,   Missouri,  Oklahoma,  Texas,
Tennessee and Florida and provide  two-way radio services only in Texas. We have
20 paging  service  centers and 6 two-way radio shops in those  states.  Through
inter-carrier  arrangements,  we also provide  nationwide and expanded  regional
paging coverage.

         We were  incorporated  in the  State of  Delaware  in July 1994 and are
headquartered in Tyler, Texas.  Teletouch,  or one of its several  predecessors,
has operated two-way mobile communications  services and telemessaging  services
in East Texas for approximately 40 years.

         Our  primary  focus  during  the  fiscal  years of 2002 and 2003 was on
positioning the Company for growth in the future through the recapitalization of
our debt and certain equity  securities and the  restructuring of our operations
to maximize efficiency and profitability.  We completed  recapitalization of our
debt and certain  equity  securities  in May 2002. By May 2003, we had completed
our restructuring efforts and exited retail distribution  channels.  The purpose
of the  restructuring  was to reduce  operating  expenses  while  minimizing the
impact on the  recurring  revenues from the paging  subscribers  that were being
serviced by the affected locations. The successful  recapitalization of our debt
and certain equity  securities and the previous  restructuring of our operations
has allowed us to generate  sufficient  cash flows to meet our capital needs for
the previous two fiscal years.

         In order for the Company to continue to generate  sufficient  cash flow
going  forward,  the  Company  has  concluded  is  necessary  to exit its paging
business.  The Company has  struggled for the past several years to minimize the
costs of operating  its paging  business in a time of declining  revenues.  With
paging revenues expected to continue  declining for the foreseeable future and a
relatively   fixed  cost  structure  of  maintaining   the  paging  network  and
infrastructure, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain a positive cash
flow from the paging  business.  Three  years ago,  the Company  recognized  the
declining  trend in its  paging  business  and  began  to  develop  a  telemetry
business.  To date revenues from the telemetry business have been insignificant.
The market for  telemetry  products is large and  relatively  new but  continued
technical  issues with our telemetry  products have  prohibited the Company from
growing this business.  In October 2005 the Company  decided to restructure  its
telemetry operations and is continuing with this effort. This restructuring will
result in changes to the existing  telemetry  product lines and  disposition  of
certain  assets  related to the  business.  However,  the  Company  will  retain
ownership of all  intellectual  property  related to this business.  The Company
will attempt to sell part of its telemetry customer base using products that the
Company no longer  plans to  support  as well as to dispose of certain  finished
goods  inventory  and fixed  assets not  directly  utilized  in  supporting  the
intellectual property or the ongoing product lines.


         The current prospects of the Company's paging business coupled with the
lack of success in the telemetry  business led the Company to look to a strategy
that  would  allow the  Company to grow the  business  in the  future.  The only
solution  apparent was to divest the current  business and buy another  business
with revenue  prospects that could carry the Company forward.  After selling the
paging  business,  the Company plans to acquire one or more growth companies and
integrate  them into the  existing  infrastructure  at  Teletouch.  The  Company
believes  that the sale of its paging  business is necessary at this point while
there is still  value in this  operation.  Teletouch  has  identified  and is in
negotiations with a number of target companies available for acquisition. In the
interim  period  after the sale and through the time a new company is  acquired,
Teletouch will continue to operate as a publicly  traded company and restructure
its  remaining   telemetry  business  while  continuing  to  capitalize  on  the
opportunities  within  the two  way  radio  operations  afforded  by the  recent
availability  of  homeland  security  funding to  various  local  public  safety
entities  to upgrade  their  communications  systems.  The  Company  anticipates
integrating  its  ongoing  telemetry   operations  with  one  of  the  potential
acquisition  targets.  Subsequent to the successful sale of the paging business,
most of the  Company's  efforts over the coming  months will focus on minimizing
expenses of the remaining  operations  while  securing  additional  financing to
complete an acquisition.

         In August 2005,  with the  assistance  and guidance of its  independent
advisors,  Howard Frazier Barker Elliot, Inc. ("HFBE"), our management completed
an evaluation of the Company's future business  direction and a valuation of the
Company's  paging  business.  Having assessed the limited market  opportunities,
reviewed management's recommendation, and reviewed the fairness opinion rendered
by HFBE, the Board has determined  that the  disposition of the paging  business
assets was in the best  interests of our  stockholders.  On August 19, 2005, our
Board approved and  authorized  our executive  management to enter into an Asset
Purchase   Agreement   ("APA")  with  the  Buyer  (as  defined  below)  to  sell
substantially  all of our assets to the Buyer.  The APA was  amended in December
2005 (the "First  Amendment").  The terms and  provisions of the proposed  asset
disposition  transaction,  as set forth in the APA and the First Amendment,  are
described below.

         On August 26, 2005,  we filed a Current  Report on Form 8-K  disclosing
the material  terms and  conditions of the proposed  asset sale on our financial
operations and attaching the underlying documents as exhibits to that filing.



         In approving the proposed APA and  recommending  that the  stockholders
approve the proposed asset sale  transaction,  our Board  considered a number of
relevant factors,  including,  but not limited to, the following:  o a continued
substantial  decline  in the paging  business  over the last  several  years and
strong  expectations that net paging  subscriber  deletions will continue as the
demand for one-way paging continues to decline;

         o        that Teletouch had vigorously explored  alternative  strategic
                  options available to it;

         o        that the Board believes that all realistic potential acquirers
                  of our assets had been  contacted  with no  interest/committed
                  response other than from the Buyer;

         o        that the value of our assets would decline over time,  and may
                  decline precipitously,  and that the asset sale represents the
                  best  opportunity to monetize the value of our assets at their
                  present value;

         o        that the proposed asset sale would maximize the amount of cash
                  available   for   Teletouch  to  maximize  the  value  of  the
                  enterprise to its creditors and stockholders;

         o        that  HBFE,  our  financial  advisor,  rendered  an opinion to
                  Teletouch  that  the  purchase  price  under  the  APA for the
                  Acquired  Assets is fair,  from a financial  point of view, to
                  Teletouch and its stockholders.


         After weighing all of these considerations, our Board unanimously:

         o        determined  that  the APA and  the  transactions  contemplated
                  thereunder, are fair to Teletouch and in the best interests of
                  Teletouch and its stockholders,

         o        approved and adopted the APA and the transactions contemplated
                  thereunder,   in  accordance  with  the  requirements  of  the
                  Delaware General Corporation Law,

         o        declared that the APA is advisable, and

         o        resolved to recommend that our stockholders  approve and adopt
                  the APA.

         For  the  reasons  set  forth  above,   our  Board  believes  that  the
contemplated  asset  sale  is  in  the  best  interests  of  Teletouch  and  its
stockholders and unanimously  recommends that stockholders vote FOR the approval
and adoption of the APA and the asset sale transaction described herein.


         Founded in 1991, HFBE is an investment banking,  business valuation and
financial  advisory firm providing a range of financial  services to both public
and private  businesses in a wide range of  industries.  In addition to fairness
opinions and  valuations,  HFBE also provides  merger and  acquisition  advisory
services,  real estate financing,  private placements of debt and equity, senior
debt financing,  litigation  support and general  financial  advisory  services.
HFBE was engaged to assist us in,  among other  things,  reviewing  our existing
business plans and identifying  strategic solutions and directions  available to


         HFBE made several  presentations  to our Board in  connection  with its
engagement by the Company. Specifically, HFBE conducted a detailed assessment of
strengths and challenges  facing Teletouch in the present market  environment as
well as an informal valuation analysis of the Company.  HFBE also reviewed other
transaction  alternatives.  With management's  participation and approval,  HFBE
evaluated a number of the most probable  strategies.  In consultation with HFBE,
the Board  concluded that it was unlikely that a suitable  equity investor would
be identified to invest in the Company.

         Management   had  previously   reviewed  many   potential   merger  and
acquisition partners and developed a list of companies/equity sponsors that were
contacted  about the  opportunity.  Various  potential  partners turned down the
opportunity  due to various  reasons,  including,  among  others,  for a lack of
strong geographic overlap,  concerns about splitting out the customer base, cash
usage, general integration issues, and uncertainty of one-way paging viability.

         The Buyer (as defined  below) was the only company  with the  necessary
financial  capability to express an interest in acquiring the paging assets.  In
addition, its offer exhibited several advantages,  including, but not limited to
an anticipated prompt closing of the transaction and that the Buyer was prepared
to take over the operations  immediately  (subject to certain transition support
from our management).

         In assessing the proposed asset sale  transaction,  HFBE considered the
following, among other factors:

         o        widely  accepted   valuation   methodologies   to  perform  an
                  independent  analysis of the enterprise value and equity value
                  of the paging business

         o        the terms of the proposed transaction

         o        Teletouch's  viability under its current capital structure and
                  the  resulting  value and  benefits  available to the existing
                  common stockholders

         o        Teletouch's  prospects for obtaining additional debt or equity

         o        Teletouch's future needs for additional capital

         o        the value available to common  stockholders in a bankruptcy or
                  Chapter 11 reorganization

o        comparable merger & acquisition transactions.

         In addition to the  consideration  being fair from a financial point of
view,  HFBE  further  noted  several  other   considerations  in  its  analysis,

         o        prospective  acquisition  targets,  investors and lenders have
                  all  expressed  concern over the  declining  paging  business,
                  which management believes has prevented Teletouch from raising
                  capital or using its stock to make acquisitions

         o        Teletouch's  inability  to raise  additional  capital has also
                  significantly  limited  the  ability to expand  the  telemetry


         o        management's  strategy to refocus  Teletouch on the  telemetry
                  business,   eventually  gain  research  analyst  coverage  and
                  possibly  increase  interest in the Company's  stock  (further
                  facilitating  its use as an  acquisition  currency)  cannot be
                  accomplished with the paging business

         o        while there could be no  assurance  that a better  offer could
                  not be  obtained in the future,  Teletouch's  flexibility  was
                  limited unless a funding source could be identified to provide
                  the time necessary to explore other options.

         o        it provides  needed capital to Teletouch,  which for more than
                  two years has unsuccessfully  attempted to raise both debt and
                  equity financing.

         Based on the  foregoing  analysis  of the  proposed  transaction,  HFBE
provided a fairness opinion to the Board dated August 30, 2005, in which opinion
it  concluded  that the  proposed  asset sale  transaction  would be fair to the
stockholders of Teletouch (other than Robert McMurrey) from a financial point of
view. However, in arriving at this opinion,  HFBE did not consider,  and was not
requested to consider, the potential impact of any acceleration of the Company's
obligations due under the 6,000,000  redeemable  common stock warrants issued in
2002 that may be triggered by the completion of this transaction.




         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC. is a Delaware corporation. Its principal
offices are located at 1913 Deerbrook Drive,  Tyler,  Texas 75703. Its telephone
number is (903)  595-8800.  Teletouch  also  maintains  an  Internet  website at


         TELETOUCH  PAGING LP ("Buyer")  is a Texas  limited  partnership  and a
wholly-owned newly formed subsidiary of Mayfair Investments, LLC, a private Fort
Worth,  Texas investment  group.  The Buyer's address is 7471 Benbrook  Parkway,
Benbrook, Texas 76126. Its telephone number is (817) 820-6300.


         On August 19, 2005,  our Board  approved and  authorized  our executive
management  to enter  into an Asset  Purchase  Agreement  with the Buyer to sell
substantially  all of our assets to the Buyer.  The assets included in the asset
sale  transaction  include  substantially  all of the  designated  assets of the
paging business (the "Acquired  Assets") with a net carrying value at August 31,
2005 of approximately $3.9 million.

          Under the terms of the APA, the Buyer's  aggregate  consideration  for
the  Acquired  Assets was  originally  contemplated  to be  approximately  $5.25
million as of August 31,  2005 and will be payable as  follows:  (i)  $4,000,000
less  the  cumulative   earnings  before  interest,   taxes,   depreciation  and
amortization  ("EBITDA")  attributable  to the paging business from September 1,
2005  through  the  closing  date to be  payable  in cash to the  Company on the
closing date, (ii) $1.2 million non-interest bearing note payable to the Company
due in 12 monthly  payments of $100,000  each  beginning the earlier of the date
that Buyer has satisfied its obligations  under its senior  borrowings or August
31, 2007 and (iii) the assumption of approximately $50,000 notes payable related
to vehicles being sold (collectively,  the "Purchase Price").  However,  because
the transaction is not expected to close before March 2, 2006, the consideration
to be received by the Company for the sale will be reduced by an estimated  $1.8
million which  approximates  the EBITDA of the paging business from September 1,
2005 through the anticipated closing date of March 2, 2006.


         On December  30,  2005,  the payment  terms of the APA were  amended to
reflect the foregoing and certain other changes.  A copy of the First  Amendment
is included  as APPENDIX B to this proxy  statement.  The  amendment  to the APA
limits  the  reductions  that  can be taken  against  the  cash  portion  of the
consideration  so that in no event  will  such  amount be more or less than $2.2
million and  provides  that the $1.2  million  note  payable  will be prepaid at
closing.  Therefore,  the total cash consideration payable to the Company at the
closing will be $3.4 million and the promissory note will be cancelled.

         The Purchase Price is subject to adjustment  based on the Company's net
working  capital,  as defined in the APA, at closing and the value of any excess
net working capital  transferred will be paid to the Company by the Buyer within
45 days of  closing.  As of August  31,  2005,  approximately  $20,000 in excess
working  capital,  as defined in the APA, is related to the paging  business and
would be transferred to the Buyer if the transaction were to have closed at that
date.  Because the levels of working capital change monthly,  there is no way to
estimate the balance that will exist as of closing.

         The APA  does  not  contemplate  any  termination  or  breakup  fees or
penalties. The APA also contains representations and warranties, indemnification
and other provisions customary for agreements of this nature. Closing of the APA
is contingent upon obtaining the approval of the Company's  shareholders as well
as approvals from federal regulators and other customary closing conditions. The
transaction  is expected to close within ten days  following  the receipt of the
required shareholder approval.

         The parties to the APA have also entered  into a  Management  Agreement
("MA"), to facilitate a smooth transition of the paging business operations from
Teletouch to the Buyer. A copy of the MA is enclosed as Appendix D to this proxy
statement and its terms and  provisions  are described in detail further in this

         All amounts disclosed in this proxy statement with respect to the asset
sale transaction  have been calculated in accordance with accounting  principles
generally  accepted in the United  States  ("GAAP").  The  calculation  of these
amounts  requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect the
reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  at the  transaction  date, and the
reported amounts of gains and costs. On an on-going basis,  management evaluates
its  estimates and  judgments,  including  those  related to intangible  assets,
contingencies,  collectibility  of receivables and litigation.  Management bases
its estimates and judgments on historical  experience  and various other factors
that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which
form the basis for making  judgments about the carrying values of the assets and
liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may
differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.



         The  material  terms of the APA are  summarized  below.  The  following
description  does not purport to describe all of the terms and conditions of the
APA and MA. Full text of the APA and MA are attached to this proxy  statement as
APPENDIX A and APPENDIX D, respectively,  and are incorporated by reference into
this  discussion.  Additionally,  the  First  Amendment  to the  Asset  Purchase
Agreement,  dated  December  30,  2005,  is attached to this proxy  statement as
APPENDIX  B. All  stockholders  are urged to read the entire text of the APA and
MA. Also,  APPENDIX C to this proxy statement contains pro forma presentation of
the effect of the  proposed  asset sale  transaction  on our  balance  sheet and
statement of operations.  All stockholders are urged to review this presentation
in its entirety.


         The  Acquired  Assets  proposed  to be sold  to the  Buyer  consist  of
virtually  all of the  assets  currently  used  to  operate  Teletouch's  paging
business, including (but not limited to):

         o        PAGING EQUIPMENT AND INVENTORY - all terminals,  transmitters,
                  pagers, accessories and other merchandise,  supplies, stock in
                  trade and other such  Teletouch  assets held for sale or lease
                  or to be furnished  under contracts of service or held as work
                  in process or to be used the business, including any inventory
                  held by  customers  for  replacement  of leased  pagers,  such
                  equipment commonly referred to as spares;

         o        SPARE PARTS AND  SUPPLIES - all of  Teletouch's  spare  parts,
                  supplies, specialty tools and other items and equipment;

         o        LEASES  - all  rights,  title  and  interest  under  the  real
                  property leases, licenses and subleases;

         o        FIXTURES AND FURNITURE - all of Teletouch's  shelving,  desks,
                  displays and display cases,  lighting,  built-in furniture and
                  other fixtures  located at its stores and home offices and all
                  furniture, movable or immovable;

         o        STORE  EQUIPMENT  -  cash   registers,   computers  and  other
                  equipment located at the stores;

         o        PERMITS - all of Teletouch's  licenses,  permits,  franchises,
                  consents,  approvals and  authorities  granted to Teletouch by
                  any person or entity and applicable to the business, including
                  all licenses and permits issued by the FCC and the FAA and all
                  subsequent permits and pending applications;

         o        CUSTOMER  LISTS AND  CONTRACTS  - all of  Teletouch's  rights,
                  title  and  interest  in and to the  customer  contracts  with
                  respect to the business;

         o        LEASED PAGERS - all owned inventory held and used by customers
                  in the ordinary course of business;


         o        GOODWILL  - all  goodwill  and  going  concern  value  of  the

         o        CLAIMS AND DEFENSES - any rights of the Company  pertaining to
                  any  counterclaims,  set-offs or defenses  with respect to any
                  Assumed Obligations (as described below);


         o        PREPAID ITEMS - all prepaid  claims,  prepaid  taxes,  prepaid
                  insurance premiums and other prepaid expense items;

         o        INDEMNITIES AND INSURANCE - third-party indemnities,  policies
                  of insurance, fidelity, surety or similar bonds related to the
                  Company's assets;

         o        ACCOUNTS  RECEIVABLE - all accounts receivable of the business
                  through the closing date;

         o        INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY;


         o        ADDITIONAL  ASSETS - any  additional  assets from time to time
                  acquired  for the paging  business in the  ordinary  course of
                  business prior to closing date.


         The assets to be acquired by the Buyer under the APA do NOT INCLUDE any
of the following excluded assets:

         o        ALL  CASH - on  hand  or on  deposit  and  arising  out of the
                  operation  of the  business  prior to the closing date (except
                  for petty cash at store locations) ;

         o        ANY ASSETS  (including  inventory,  receivables,  payables and
                  Teletouch's  corporate name "Teletouch  Communications,  Inc."
                  and the trade names  "Teletouch",  "Visao Systems" and "Visao)
                  related to  Teletouch's  business as a two-way radio dealer or
                  to its  business  as a  provider  of  telemetry  products  and

         o        CAUSES  OF  ACTION,   THIRD-PARTY  INDEMNITIES,   policies  of
                  insurance,  fidelity, surety or similar bonds and the coverage
                  afforded thereby OTHER THAN those relating to the Assets;

         o        TAX REFUNDS related to Teletouch's business or assets relating
                  to taxes paid for all periods prior to closing date;

         o        LEASE of Teletouch's corporate headquarters in Tyler, Texas;

         o        LEASES AND  CONTRACTS for  telephone  systems for  Teletouch's
                  two-way and telemetry businesses; and

         o        CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DOCUMENTS of Teletouch.


         Upon the  consummation of the  contemplated  asset sale, the Buyer will
assume and agree to pay, perform and discharge, in a timely manner the following
Teletouch obligations:

                  properly transferred and assigned to the Buyer;

         o        CUSTOMER  DEPOSITS  existing on the closing date to the extent
                  such deposits remain outstanding; and

                  in Maintenance of the Paging Business.



         Except as  provided  above,  the Buyer  will not be  obligated  to pay,
perform or discharge  any of  Teletouch's  debt,  obligation,  cost,  expense or
liability, including, but not limited to debts, obligations, costs, expenses and

         o        related to any of the excluded  assets or to any  employees of
                  Teletouch,  including all severance,  retirement,  medical and
                  other benefits  payable to employees or former employees or to
                  their dependents or beneficiaries;

         o        for  any  foreign,  federal,  state  or  local  taxes  owed by

         o        for  any  losses,   costs,  damages,   judgments,   penalties,
                  expenses,  fines,  debts,  liabilities and obligations arising
                  (i) from any agreement,  commitment,  undertaking,  law, rule,
                  regulation,  order  or other  obligations,  or (ii) out of any
                  claims or actions against  Teletouch or Buyer,  arising out of
                  events,  facts,  circumstances  or  conditions  existing on or
                  occurring prior to the closing date;

         o        for any of Teletouch's liabilities or expenses incurred in the
                  negotiation of and carrying out of its  obligations  under the

         o        for any product  liability  resulting from any product sold by
                  Teletouch  prior to the closing date or any tort  liability of
                  Teletouch not expressly assumed by the Buyer;

         o        for any  pre-closing  date breach or  violation  of any of the
                  assigned   contracts   unless  such  breach  or  violation  is
                  specifically assumed by the Buyer; and

         o        for any  regulatory  user  fees  for the  period  prior to the
                  closing date and payable to the FCC.


         The   consideration   for  the  Acquired   Assets  and   operations  is
approximately  $3,400,000  payable in cash to Teletouch on the closing date. The
consideration represents two components contemplated in the APA as amended under
the First Amendment to the Asset Purchase Agreement dated December 30, 2005: (i)
a $2,200,000 cash payment net of certain adjustments as described below and (ii)
a $1,200,000  prepayment against the non-interest  bearing promissory note to be
issued in conjunction with the APA.

         The APA originally  contemplated the  consideration to be $4,000,000 in
cash (the "Cash Payment") and a $1,200,000  non-interest bearing promissory note
if the transaction was closed on or before September 1, 2005.  Because of delays
expected at the time the execution of the APA,  provisions  were included in the
APA to reduce the stated cash  consideration  each month from  September 1, 2005
through the closing  date,  currently,  set to occur on March 2, 2006.  The Cash
Payment will be:

         (1) REDUCED by the amount of Teletouch's EBITDA beginning  September 1,
         2005 through the closing date  determined in  accordance  with Seller's
         current  GAAP  and  business   management   practices   (e.g.   monthly
         recognition of deferred revenue),

         (2) REDUCED by an amount equal to the lesser of (i) the amount, if any,
         by which the interest  earned on the  escrowed  funds during the period
         between  August 31, 2005 and the closing  date is less than the imputed
         interest on such escrowed funds for the same period,  calculated at the
         prime rate of interest  quoted in the Wall Street Journal on August 31,
         2005 plus 1% or (B) $10,000.00 and,


         (3) increased by the amount of any approved  cash capital  expenditures
         incurred by Teletouch from September 1, 2005 through the closing date.

         The  calculation of EBITDA  discussed above will reflect a reduction of
earnings attributable to payment of the management fees paid by Teletouch to the
Buyer  during the period from  September  1, 2005  through the closing date (see
"Management  Agreement"  discussion  below).  The management  fees to be paid in
accordance with the management  agreement total $50,000 per month,  with $25,000
payable on the 1st and 16th of each month through the closing date

         Under  the  terms of the  First  Amendment,  the Cash  Payment  will be
$2,200,000 after giving effect to the payment adjustments set forth above.

         As of the date hereof,  the cash  expected to be received at closing is
$3.4  million.  The  $3.4  million  cash  expected  to be  received  at  closing
represents  the original  $4.0 million Cash Payment less $1.8 million  projected
EBITDA of the paging  business  from  September 1, 2005  through an  approximate
closing date of February 28, 2006 plus the $1.2 million  prepayment  against the
promissory note. The actual EBITDA of the paging business may differ  materially
from the projected EBITDA through the closing date, however,  under the terms of
the First Amendment the Cash Payment portion of the  consideration  will be $2.2
million which will result in $3.4 million due to Teletouch at closing  including
the prepayment on the promissory note.

         Under the APA, a provision exists that allows for certain reductions to
taken by the Buyer against the principal  amount of the  promissory  note if the
Company's  contract with Entergy  Corporation and its affiliates  (collectively,
"Entergy")  is not  renewed.  At the time of  execution  of the APA, the Entergy
contract  had not been  renewed  but has  been  renewed  as of the date  hereof,
therefore, no further rights exist to the Buyer under this provision.

         Teletouch  and  the  Buyer  agreed  that  the  purchase  price  will be
allocated to (1) the  aggregate  appraised  value of the assets as determined by
the Buyer and Teletouch, (2) $50,000 to the Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation
Agreement to be executed and (3) the remainder - to goodwill.


         The purchase  price payable under the APA may be adjusted  based on the

         (i)      NET WORKING CAPITAL ADJUSTMENT - The purchase price is subject
                  to adjustment  based upon a measure of the difference  between
                  Teletouch's   current   assets  (as   defined),   and  current
                  liabilities  (as  defined)  as of the  closing  date  (NWA) as
                  follows: if the NWA is less than zero, then Teletouch will pay
                  to the Buyer a sum equal to the NWA; or, if the NWA is greater
                  than zero, then the Buyer will pay to Teletouch the NWA.

         (ii)     ADJUSTMENT  AMOUNT - The Buyer will have 45 days following the
                  closing  date to prepare and deliver to  Teletouch a statement
                  of  charges,  expenses  and losses  incurred by the Buyer as a
                  result of the breach by  Teletouch  of any  representation  or
                  warranty  under the APA.  In the  event  such  amount  exceeds
                  $50,000, Teletouch will pay to the Buyer the adjustment amount
                  within 45 days.



                  Within 90 days of the APA closing date, the Buyer will prepare
and  deliver to  Teletouch  a  statement  of  Accounts  Receivable  that  remain
uncollected  after reasonable and diligent  collection  efforts by Buyer. If the
uncollected Accounts Receivable on such bad debt statement is less than $25,000,
then the Buyer will pay to Seller the amount of such deficit.  Otherwise, if the
uncollected  Accounts  Receivable are in excess of $25,000,  Teletouch agreed to
pay to the Buyer the lesser of (i) the amount by which such uncollected Accounts
Receivable exceeds $25,000 or (ii) 25,000.


         In the APA,  we make  certain  representations  and  warranties  to the
Buyer, including (but not limited to) our existence and good standing, authority
to complete  the asset  sale,  consents  and  approvals,  net  working  capital,
warranty  claims,  contracts  and  commitments,   permits,  taxes,  intellectual
property,  compliance with laws,  employment  relations,  environmental laws and
regulations,  disclosure,  government contracts and undisclosed liabilities. The
Buyer,  in  turn,  makes  representations  and  warranties  to us  relating  its
existence and good  standing,  power and authority,  no violations,  broker's or
finder's fees.

         The APA also  contains  covenants  of the parties,  including  (but not
limited to) cooperation,  conduct of business,  various provisional  agreements,
exclusive dealing,  governmental filings, books and records, further assurances,
use of name, etc.


         In addition,  the APA contains  certain  conditions  to the Buyer's and
Teletouch's  obligations as described below. The Buyer's  obligations  under the
APA to  purchase  the  Acquired  Assets  and to  consummate  other  contemplated
transactions AND Teletouch's obligations to sell the Acquired Assets are subject
to satisfaction of certain conditions which include (but are not limited to) the

         o        that the  respective  party's  representations  and warranties
                  contained  in the APA are true  and  correct  in all  material
                  respects on and as of the closing date;

         o        that  each  and all of the  agreements  and  covenants  of the
                  respective  party to the APA to be  performed on or before the
                  closing  date  have  been  duly   performed  in  all  material

         o        that no action or proceedings have been instituted  before any
                  governmental  authority  to restrain  or  prohibit  any of the
                  transactions contemplated by the parties to the APA;

         o        that  all  proceedings  to be  taken  in  connection  with the
                  transactions   contemplated   by  the   APA   are   reasonably
                  satisfactory  in form and  substance to the parties to the APA
                  and their respective counsel; and

         o        that each of the consents  required in connection with the APA
                  have been obtained.


         With respect to Teletouch's  licenses  issued by the FCC, such licenses
will not be transferred until all governmental  consents and approvals necessary
to  permit  the  consummation  of the  asset  sale  transaction  will  have been
received,  including  (but not limited to) all necessary FCC approvals and until
such FCC  approvals  will be final and  non-appealable.  Teletouch has agreed to
assign all of its respective rights,  title and interest in and to such licenses
and permits to the Buyer on the 1st business day following the date on which the
parties receive evidence of final and nonappealable FCC approvals.



         If our  stockholders  approve the proposed asset sale to the Buyer,  we
plan,  subject to the regulatory and other approvals  discussed in this Proposal
1, to close the  proposed  sale as soon as  possible  and  currently  expect the
closing to occur on or about March 2, 2005.


         Teletouch  agreed to indemnify  the Buyer and its  affiliates  from any
third party claims and any liabilities  incurred, to the extent such liabilities
arise out of or result from and against any and all damages suffered as a result

         o        any misrepresentation,  breach of warranty, non-fulfillment of
                  any agreement or covenant on the part of Teletouch,

         o        any liability or obligation  which  pertains to the ownership,
                  operation  or conduct of the  business or assets  arising from
                  any  acts,  omissions,  events,  conditions  or  circumstances
                  occurring before the closing date and

         o        the excluded liabilities.

         There is no limitation on the indemnification amount under the APA.


         The APA may be terminated and the transactions  contemplated thereunder
may be abandoned at any time on or prior to the closing date by:

         o        the mutual written consent of the parties to the APA;

         o        by either party on or after the 10th day following  receipt of
                  approval of Teletouch's  stockholders,  if the closing has not
                  occurred by such date;

         o        by  Teletouch  in writing if (i) the  approval of  Teletouch's
                  stockholders  has not been  obtained by September  30, 2005 or
                  (ii)  if  such  approval  is  obtained  but 5% or  more of the
                  outstanding  shares of capital stock of Teletouch vote against
                  the proposed  transaction  and have asserted their  dissenters

         o        by either party in writing,  without prejudice to other rights
                  and  remedies  which the  terminating  party may have,  if the
                  other party will (i) materially fail or have failed to perform
                  its covenants or agreements  contained  herein  required to be
                  performed on or prior to the closing date, or (ii)  materially
                  breach  or  have  breached  any  of  its   representations  or
                  warranties contained herein.

         o        by  the  Buyer  in  writing  without  penalty   following  the
                  occurrence of any event that has a material  adverse impact on
                  the business and the assets, taken as a whole.

         o        by either  party in writing if the parties  cannot  agree on a
                  MSA by August 31, 2005.


         The APA  does  not  contemplate  any  termination  or  breakup  fees or



         To the best of our knowledge, none of our officers or directors have an
interest, direct or indirect, in the asset sale transaction.


         The proposed  asset sale is contingent  upon  obtaining the approval of
the  Teletouch  stockholders,  the FCC  approval  and  other  customary  closing
conditions.  The Board of Directors  decided to seek stockholder  approval since
Teletouch  is proposing to dispose of its paging  business  assets,  which are a
significant  source of the Company revenues and earnings and may, under the laws
of the  State  of  Delaware,  be  considered  to be a  substantial  part  of the
Company's assets.  Regulatory  approval is required because  Teletouch  operates
telecommunication services which may only be delivered by certificated entities.
We must  comply with  certain  federal and state  regulatory  requirements  as a
condition of the proposed  asset sale.  Teletouch is the holder of various state
and federal  authorizations  and licenses pursuant to which we have been granted
the necessary  authority to provide  communications  services to our  customers.
Under the terms of the APA,  Teletouch has agreed to seek permission to transfer
permits and licenses to the Buyer.  Obtaining the necessary  regulatory approval
is not without risk. There is a risk that one or more of the various  regulators
does not approve  the asset  transfer,  or that a transfer is not  approved on a
timely  basis.  Either or both of these events may cause the Buyer and Teletouch
not to proceed with the contemplated transaction.


         The Buyer believes that sufficient  paging customers will remain within
the Company's market area to generate  positive cash flow for an extended period
of time. The Buyer  anticipates that the acquisition of Teletouch's  assets will
allow the Buyer to generate  sufficient  revenue to repay the complete  purchase
price and continue to generate positive cash flow and earnings thereafter.


         We intend to use cash proceeds from the asset sale  transaction to fund
an acquisition of one or more businesses that are complimentary to our telemetry
and two way radio businesses and to a lesser extent, fund existing corporate and
telemetry operations.


         The following  discussion is a general summary of the material  federal
income tax  consequences  of the APA to Teletouch,  but does not purport to be a
complete  analysis of all the potential  tax effects.  The  discussion  does not
address  any tax  consequences  arising  under the laws of any  state,  local or
foreign jurisdiction.  The discussion is based upon the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended  ("Code"),  U.S.  Treasury  regulations,  the Internal  Revenue
Service ("IRS") rulings and judicial  decisions now in effect,  all of which are
subject to change at any time;  any such  changes may be applied  retroactively.
The  following  discussion  has no  binding  effect on the IRS or the courts and
assumes that Teletouch will consummate the APA  substantially in accordance with
its terms.  Teletouch will recognize taxable gain or deductible loss on the sale
of each asset  pursuant to the APA.  The amount of such gain or loss will be the
difference between Teletouch's  adjusted tax basis for each asset and the amount
of  consideration  received  for  that  asset  (reduced  by  the  costs  of  the
transaction  allocable to that asset).  It is anticipated that Teletouch has tax
basis in the  assets  to be sold  which  exceeds  the  proceeds  to be  received
pursuant  to the APA and thus will incur a  deductible  loss on the  transaction
which may be realized if the Company generates taxable income in the future.


         The stockholders will not recognize any gain or loss as a result of the
sale of the Acquired Assets under the APA.


         Under  Delaware  law,  our  stockholders  are not entitled to appraisal
rights for their shares of Teletouch stock in connection  with the  transactions
contemplated  by the APA or to any similar  rights of dissenters  under Delaware


          The  parties  to the  APA  have  agreed  to  enter  into a  Management
Agreement  ("MA") on August 31,  2005 such that the Buyer  will have  prescribed
decision making  authority during the period after the execution of the APA, but
prior to the closing of the transaction, to assist in a smooth transition of the
paging business operations prior to closing.

         Under the MA, the Buyer agreed to perform all marketing, managerial and
administrative  functions  required  for  the  operation  of the  our  stations,
including  the  collection  of revenues and payment of expenses,  subject to the
supervisory  powers and duties of the Company.  The Buyer agreed to remit to the
Company  all  profits  from the  operation  of the  stations,  after  paying the
expenses of operating the stations from the revenues collected. The Buyer agreed
to manage the business consistent with current Company policies and practice and
any  deviations  from such policies and practice  would require  approval of the

         The  right  of  ownership  of  our  stations,   and  full  control  and
supervision  over  their  operation  remains  vested in and is  retained  by the
Company.  We retain full control over and  responsibility for all decisions with
regard to the following matters affecting station operation, including:

         o        policy decisions regarding operation and maintenance;
         o        the  payment  of  all  financial   obligations  and  operating
         o        the hiring, supervision, and dismissal of all employees;
         o        the receipt of all revenues and profits from  operation of the
         o        the handling of customer complaints;
         o        the  preparation  and filing with the FCC of any  applications
                  for construction permits for additional  facilities,  licenses
                  for  constructed  facilities,   or  modification  of  existing
                  construction permits or licenses; and
         o        compliance with all FCC rules, regulations and requirements.


         Furthermore,  we retain the right to complete and unfettered  access to
and control over all facilities and equipment associated with the stations.

         As its compensation for management  services under the MA, the Buyer is
entitled  to a  management  fee of $25,000 on the 1st and 16th day of each month
during the term of the MA if the APA closing has not occurred on or prior to the
date that such  payment  is due.  As of the date of this  proxy  statement,  the
Company paid a total of $200,000 to the Buyer in  accordance  with the terms and
provisions of the MA.

         The term of the MA is one year and may be terminated by either party to
the agreement.



         The approval of Proposal 1 requires an  affirmative  vote of a majority
of the  outstanding  shares of common  stock  entitled to vote,  in person or by
proxy, at the Annual Meeting.

         In  addition,  the vote of the holders of at least a majority of the GM
Warrant or the shares of the Company's  common stock issuable upon conversion of
the GM Warrant  calculated  on an  as-exercised  basis voting  separately,  as a
single class,  given in person or by proxy, is required to approve this Proposal

         Our  Board  believes  that  the  proposed  asset  sale  is in the  best
interests  of  Teletouch  and our  stockholders  and  recommends a vote FOR this



         Stockholder  proposals  that  are  intended  to be  presented  by  such
stockholders  at our 2005 Annual  Meeting  must be received no later than ______
(Deadline) in order to be eligible for inclusion in our proxy  statement for the
next  annual  meeting  and must meet all  other  requirements  specified  in our
bylaws.  The  SEC  rules  establish  a  different  deadline  for  submission  of
stockholder  proposals  that  are  not  intended  to be  included  in our  proxy
statement with respect to regularly  scheduled  annual  meetings.  The rules set
forth standards as to what stockholder  proposals are required to be included in
a proxy  statement.  A copy of the  relevant  Bylaw  provisions  containing  the
requirements for making stockholder  proposals may be obtained by contacting our
Corporate Secretary at our executive offices. All stockholder proposals received
after the Deadline will be  considered  untimely and will not be included in the
proxy statement for the next annual meeting.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

          The Board does not presently intend to bring any other business before
the Special Meeting,  and, so far as is known to the Board, no matters are to be
brought  before the Special  Meeting  except as  specified  in the Notice of the
Special  Meeting.  As to any business that may properly come before the Meeting,
however,  it is intended that proxies,  in the form  enclosed,  will be voted in
respect  thereof in  accordance  with the  judgment of the  persons  voting such

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                       Douglas E. Sloan, Corporate Secretary



                         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.


                                ON MARCH 1, 2006


         The undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of Special
Meeting of Shareholders  and the proxy  statement,  each dated January 16, 2006,
and hereby  appoints Henry Y.L. Toh,  Marshall G. Webb,  Clifford E.  McFarland,
Susan S. Ciallella and Robert M. McMurrey,  and each or any of them proxies, and
agents and attorneys-in-fact,  with power of substitution, to vote all shares of
the  undersigned at the Special  Meeting of  stockholders to be held on March 1,
2006 at 10:00 a.m. at the Hotel Adolphus,  1321 Commerce Street,  Dallas,  Texas
75202 or at any  adjournment  thereof,  upon the  matters set forth in the proxy
statement for such meeting.

                  COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                         [ ] FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN


In the  discretion of the proxies,  on such other  business as may properly come
before the Special Meeting.

Dated:______________  ________________________________________________________
                      ________________________________Signature if held jointly

NOTE: When shares are held by joint tenants,  both should sign.  Persons signing
as  Executor,  Administrator,  Trustee,  etc.  should so  indicate.  Please sign
exactly as the name appears on the proxy.



                                                                      APPENDIX A
                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                 by and between

                              TELETOUCH PAGING, LP
                                    as Buyer


                         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                    as Seller

                           DATED AS OF AUGUST 22, 2005


                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

   This Asset Purchase Agreement (this "AGREEMENT") dated as of August 22, 2005,
is by  and  between  Teletouch  Communications,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation
("SELLER"), and TeleTouch Paging, LP, a Texas limited partnership ("BUYER").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  Seller is engaged in the  business of  operating  VHF and UHF
paging  telecommunications  systems and services and related answering  services
(collectively, the "BUSINESS"); and

         WHEREAS,  Seller wishes to sell to Buyer,  and Buyer wishes to purchase
from  Seller,  substantially  all of the  assets of Seller  associated  with the
Business, all upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth below.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  for the  mutual  covenants  and  other  consideration
described herein and for other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto  covenant and
agree as follows:


         1.1 DEFINITIONS.  As used herein, the following terms have the meanings
set forth below:

         "AAA": as defined in SECTION 14.3.

         "ACCOUNTS  RECEIVABLE":  all notes and  accounts  receivable  of Seller
attributable to the Business.

         "ACCOUNTS  PAYABLE":   the  payables  of  Seller  associated  with  the

         "ACT": the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

         "ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT": as defined in SECTION 3.3.

         "AFFILIATE":  with respect to any Person,  any other Person directly or
indirectly  controlling (including but not limited to all directors and officers
of such Person),  controlled by, or under direct or indirect common control with
such Person.

         "AGREEMENT":  this Asset  Purchase  Agreement,  as amended from time to
time as provided  herein,  and all exhibits,  schedules and ancillary  documents
hereto, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise.


         "ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION": Registration issued by the Commission
with respect to certain  antenna  structures in  accordance  with Part 17 of the
Rules and Regulations.

         "ASSETS":  as defined in SECTION 2.1.

         "ASSIGNED CONTRACTS":  as defined in SECTION 2.3.

         "ASSUMED OBLIGATIONS":  as defined in SECTION 2.3.

         "BAD DEBT RESERVE": as defined in the definition of "Current Assets" in
this SECTION 1.1.

         "BAD DEBT STATEMENT":  as defined in SECTION 3.4.

         "BOOKS AND RECORDS":  all books, records,  books of account,  files and
data  (including  customer  and  supplier  lists),  catalogs,  brochures,  sales
literature,  promotional  material,  certificates and other documents used in or
associated  with the  conduct of the  Business or the  ownership  of the Assets,
except that the Books and Records shall not include  personnel records and files
or any books,  records,  files and other data of Seller which relate exclusively
to (i)  organizational  or governance  proceedings of Seller,  (ii) the Excluded
Assets, or (iii) excluded obligations or liabilities in SECTION 2.4 below.

         "BUSINESS":  as defined in the  Recitals to this  Agreement;  provided,
however,  that such term shall in no event refer to (i) Seller's  two-way  radio
business or (ii) Seller's existing telemetry business.

         "BUSINESS DAY": any day excluding Saturday, Sunday and any day on which
banks  in  Fort  Worth,  Texas  are  authorized  or  required  by law  or  other
governmental action to close.

         "BUYER":  as defined in the preamble of this Agreement.

         "BUYER INDEMNITIES":  as defined in SECTION 13.2.

         "CASH PAYMENT": as defined in SECTION 3.1.

         "CLAIM":  as defined in SECTION 13.3.

         "CLOSING":  as defined in SECTION 11.1.

         "CLOSING DATE":  as defined in SECTION 11.1.

         "CODE":  the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended from time to
time, and the  regulations  promulgated and rulings issued  thereunder.  Section
references  to the  Code  are to the  Code  as in  effect  at the  date  of this
Agreement  and  any  subsequent  provisions  of  the  Code  amendatory  thereof,
supplemental thereto or substituted therefore.

         "COMMISSION":  the Federal Communications Commission.


         "COMMUNICATIONS  SITES":  All  properties  on which  Seller  leases  or
licenses  tower,  ground,  rooftop or other  space for the  operation  of paging
transmission equipment.

         "CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT":  as defined in SECTION 14.13.

         "CONTRACT":  any written contract,  agreement or instrument relating to
the  Business  to which  Seller  is a party or is  otherwise  bound,  including,
without  limitation,  supply contracts,  customer  agreements and accounts,  any
mortgages,  deeds of trust, notes or guarantees,  pledges, liens, or conditional
sales agreements to which Seller is a party or by which any of its assets may be
bound,  of which  copies  have been made  available  to Buyer  for  review,  but
excluding Leases.

         "CURRENT  ASSETS":  (i)  petty  cash at  store  locations,  (ii)  trade
accounts  receivable  (net of a reserve for bad debts equal to $25,000  plus the
amount of all accounts  over 90 days past due,  such reserve  being  hereinafter
referred to as the "BAD DEBT  Reserve"),  (iii)  building and service  deposits,
(iv)  amounts  owed to the  Seller  relating  to TNPP and  usage-based  services
provided by the  Business  but not yet billed,  (v) prepaid  expenses and yellow
pages fees, and (vi) Inventory related to the Business.

         "CURRENT  LIABILITIES":  (i)  paging  service  deferred  revenue,  (ii)
customer  accounts  with credit  balances  relating to the  Business,  and (iii)
customer security deposits related to the Business.

         "DAMAGES": as defined in SECTION 13.1.

         "DISPUTE": as defined in SECTION 14.3.

         "ENCUMBRANCES":  liens,  security interests,  options,  rights of first
refusal, easements, mortgages, charges, debentures,  indentures, deeds of trust,
rights-of-way,  restrictions, encroachments, licenses, Leases, Permits, security
agreements,  or any other  encumbrances and other restrictions or limitations on
the use or ownership  of real or personal  property or  irregularities  in title

         "ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIM": any and all administrative, regulatory, judicial
or other actions,  suits,  demands,  demand letters,  claims,  liens, notices of
noncompliance or violations,  investigations or proceedings  relating in any way
to any Environmental  Law or any permit issued under any such  Environmental Law
(cumulatively  and for  purposes of this  definition,  "ENVIRONMENTAL  CLAIMS"),
including  without   limitation  (i)  any  and  all   Environmental   Claims  by
Governmental Authorities for enforcement,  penalties, cleanup, removal, remedial
or other actions or damages  pursuant to any applicable  Environmental  Law, and
(ii) any and all  Environmental  Claims  by any  third  party  seeking  damages,
enforcement,   penalties,   contribution,    indemnification,   cost   recovery,
compensation or injunctive relief resulting from Hazardous  Materials or arising
from alleged injury or threat of injury to health, safety or the environment.


         "ENVIRONMENTAL  LAW": any federal,  state or local statute,  law, rule,
regulation,  ordinance,  code, policy or rule of common law now in effect and in
each case as amended and any judicial or administrative  interpretation thereof,
including  any judicial or  administrative  order,  consent  decree or judgment,
relating  to  Hazardous  Materials,  the  environment  or health  relating to or
arising from environmental conditions, including without limitation the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. ss.4321 ET. SEQ.;  Procedures
Implementing NEPA, 47 C.F.R. ss.1.1307 ET. SEQ.;  Occupational Safety and Health
Act, as  amended,  29 U.S.C.  ss. 651 ET seq;  the  Comprehensive  Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended 42 U.S.C. ss. 9601
ET SEQ.; the Hazardous  Materials  Transportation Act, as amended, 49 U.S.C. ss.
5101 ET SEQ.; the Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C.
ss. 6901 ET SEQ.; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C.
ss.1251 ET SEQ.; the Toxic  Substances  Control Act, 15 U.S.C. ss. 2601 ET SEQ.;
the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C.  ss. 7401 ET SEQ.;  the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42
U.S.C.  ss. 300f ET SEQ.;  the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, 33 U.S.C.  ss. 2701 ET
SEQ.; and relevant state and local laws.

         "EXCLUDED ASSETS":  as defined in SECTION 2.2.

         "EXCLUDED LIABILITIES": as defined in SECTION 2.4.

         "FCC APPROVALS":  as defined in SECTION 11.4.

         "GAAP":  generally accepted accounting principles  consistently applied
(as such term is used in the American  Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Professional Standards).

         "GOVERNMENTAL  AUTHORITY":  means  (a)  any  national,  state,  county,
municipal  or other  government,  domestic  or foreign,  or any  agency,  board,
bureau,  commission,  court,  department,  or other  instrumentality of any such
government,  or (b)  any  person  having  the  authority  under  any  applicable
government requirements to assess and collect taxes for its own account.

         "HAZARDOUS  MATERIALS":   (i)  any  petroleum  or  petroleum  products,
radioactive  materials,  asbestos in any form that is or could  become  friable,
urea formaldehyde foam insulation,  transformers or other equipment that contain
dielectric fluid containing levels of polychlorinated  biphenyls, and radon gas;
and (ii) any  chemicals,  materials or substances  defined as or included in the
definition of "hazardous substances," "hazardous wastes," "hazardous materials,"
"extremely hazardous wastes," "restricted hazardous wastes," "toxic substances,"
"toxic  pollutants,"  "contaminants,"  "pollutants,"  "regulated  substances" or
words of similar import under any applicable Environmental Law.

         "INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS": as defined in SECTION 3.4.

         "INTELLECTUAL   PROPERTY":   domestic  and  foreign   patents,   patent
applications, registered and unregistered trademarks, service marks, trade names
and  logos,  registered  and  unregistered  copyrights,  computer  programs  and
software, data bases, trade secrets,  methods, designs,  processes,  procedures,
proprietary  information and any other intangible property used in or associated
with the conduct of the Business and the ownership of the Assets,  including all
of Seller's  rights to any such  property  which is owned by and  licensed  from
others and any goodwill associated with any of the foregoing.


         "LEASES":  any and all written contracts,  agreements,  and commitments
regarding  the lease of real or personal  property to which Seller is a party or
is otherwise  bound that relate to or are used in the operation of the Business,
including, but not limited to, leases of towers and transmitter sites.

         "LICENSE AGREEMENT":  as defined in SECTION 11.2.

         "MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT": as defined in ARTICLE IV.

         "MATERIAL  ADVERSE  EFFECT":  a material  adverse effect on the assets,
liabilities, business, condition (financial or otherwise), results of operations
or prospects of the applicable party.

         "NET WORKING  CAPITAL":  the total of Current  Assets as of the Closing
Date less Current Liabilities as of the same date.

         "NET WORKING CAPITAL ADJUSTMENT": as defined in SECTION 3.3.

noncompetition  and  nonsolicitation  agreement  to be entered into by Buyer and
Seller at  Closing  pursuant  to which  Seller  agrees to not  compete  with the
Business  within the current market area of the Business for two years following
Closing and agrees to not solicit customers or employees of the Business for two
years following closing.

         "PENDING APPLICATIONS":  any applications related to the Business filed
with,  but not  granted  by,  the  Commission  on behalf of Seller  prior to the
Closing Date.

         "PERMITTED  ENCUMBRANCES":  (i)  Encumbrances  consisting of easements,
permits and other  restrictions  or  limitations  on the use of real property or
irregularities  in title thereto that do not  materially  detract from the value
of, or materially impair the use of, such property by Seller in the operation of
the Business,  (ii) Encumbrances for current taxes,  assessments or governmental
charges or levies on property  not yet due and  delinquent,  (iii)  Encumbrances
created  by  Buyer,  and (iv)  Encumbrances,  if any,  relating  to the  Assumed

         "PERMITS":  as defined in SECTION 2.1(J).

         "PERSON":  any  individual,  partnership,  joint venture,  corporation,
limited liability company,  trust,  unincorporated  organization,  government or
other department or agency thereof or other entity.

         "PRE-CLOSING PERIOD":  as defined in SECTION 5.12(A).

         "PRICE ALLOCATION":  as defined in SECTION 3.2.

         "PROMISSORY NOTE":  as defined in SECTION 3.1(B).

         "PURCHASE PRICE":  as defined in SECTION 3.1.


         "REGULATED PERMITS": as defined in SECTION 11.4.

         "RELEASES":  as defined in SECTION 5.17.


         "RESELLER AGREEMENTS": as defined in SECTION 2.1(X).

         "RETURNS":  as defined in SECTION 5.12(A).

         "RULES AND REGULATIONS": as defined in SECTION 5.10(B).

         "SCHEDULES":  The schedules of Seller,  Buyer or both as appropriate in
the context and as referenced throughout this Agreement.

         "SELLER":  as defined in the preamble of this Agreement.

         "SELLER INDEMNITIES":  as defined in SECTION 13.1.

         "STORES": the Seller's leased store and warehouse facilities identified
on SCHEDULE 2.1(F)(II).

         "SUBLEASE": as defined in SECTION 11.2.

         "SUBSEQUENT  PERMITS":  any Permits related to the Business acquired by
or granted to Seller after the date of this  Agreement  but prior to the Closing

         "SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE": as defined in SECTION 12.3.

         "TAX":  any net income,  alternative  or add-on  minimum tax,  advance,
corporation,  gross income, gross receipts,  sales, use, ad valorem,  franchise,
profits, license, value added, withholding,  payroll, employment,  excise, stamp
or occupation  tax,  governmental  fee or other like assessment or charge of any
kind  whatsoever,  together  with any  interest  or any  penalty  imposed by any
Governmental  Authority with respect thereto, and any liability for such amounts
as a result either of being a member of an affiliated  group or of a contractual
obligation to indemnify any other entity.

         "TERMINATION PERIOD": as defined in SECTION 12.3.

         "VEHICLES":  as defined in SECTION 2.1(V).

         1.2 OTHER  TERMS.  Other terms may be defined  elsewhere in the text of
this Agreement and shall have the meaning indicated throughout this Agreement.



         (a) The words "hereof,"  "herein" and "hereunder," and words of similar
import,  when used in this  Agreement,  shall refer to this Agreement as a whole
and not any particular provision of this Agreement.

         (b) The terms defined in the singular  shall have a comparable  meaning
when used in the plural, and vice versa.

         (c) The terms  defined in the neuter or masculine  gender shall include
the feminine, neuter and masculine genders, unless the context clearly indicates

         (d)  Reference to the "best  knowledge" of a Person or words of similar
import shall mean the actual or constructive best knowledge of such Person after
reasonable due diligence as to the facts and circumstances addressed.

         (e) All  references  made herein to schedules and exhibits refer to the
schedules and exhibits  attached hereto,  which are incorporated into and made a
part of this Agreement by reference.

                                   ARTICLE II
                                 THE TRANSACTION

         2.1 PURCHASE AND SALE OF ASSETS. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller, and Seller agrees to sell,
convey,  transfer,   assign  and  deliver,  and  cause  to  be  sold,  conveyed,
transferred,  assigned and delivered, all of Seller's rights, title and interest
in and to the following assets (the "ASSETS") free and clear of all Encumbrances
except Permitted Encumbrances, to Buyer on the Closing Date (except with respect
to certain  Permits  which shall be conveyed in  accordance  with SECTION  11.4)
against the receipt by Seller of the Purchase Price:

         (a) PAGING  EQUIPMENT.  All of  Seller's  paging  equipment,  including
terminals and transmitters,  more specifically listed on SCHEDULE 2.1(A), except
as may be consumed in the ordinary course of business prior to Closing;


         (c) INVENTORY. All pagers, accessories and other merchandise, supplies,
stock in trade and  other  such  assets of Seller  held for sale or lease in the
ordinary course of the Business or to be furnished under contracts of service or
held as work in process or to be used or consumed in the Business, including but
not limited to the  inventory  described on SCHEDULE  2.1(C) and  including  any
inventory held by customers for  replacement  of leased  pagers,  such equipment
commonly referred to as spares, except as may be consumed in the ordinary course
of business prior to Closing;

         (d) SPARE PARTS AND SUPPLIES.  All of Seller's  spare parts,  supplies,
specialty tools and other items and equipment used or useful in the operation of
the Business;



         (f) LEASES.  all of Seller's rights,  title and interest under the real
property leases, licenses and subleases listed on SCHEDULE 2.1(F)(I);

         (g)  FIXTURES.  all  shelving,   desks,  displays  and  display  cases,
lighting,  built-in furniture and other fixtures owned by Seller, located at the
Stores and Home Offices and used or useful in connection with the Business;

         (h)  FURNITURE.  all  furniture,  movable or immovable,  located at the
Stores and used or useful in connection with the Business;

         (i) STORE EQUIPMENT. all cash registers,  computers and other equipment
located at the Stores and used or useful in connection with the Business, except
as otherwise specifically provided in SCHEDULE 2.1(I);

         (j) PERMITS. all licenses, permits, franchises, consents, approvals and
authorities  granted  to Seller by any Person and  applicable  to the  Business,
including, but not limited to, all licenses and permits issued by the Commission
and the Federal Aviation  Administration,  including all Subsequent  Permits and
Pending  Applications  (collectively,  the  "PERMITS"),  all  of  such  Permits,
together with  associated  frequencies  (if  applicable)  are listed on SCHEDULE

         (k) CUSTOMER LISTS. Seller's current customer lists with respect to the
Business,  such list of customers being attached hereto as SCHEDULE 2.1(K),  and
all contact information associated with the customers on such lists;

         (l) CUSTOMER CONTRACTS.  all of Seller's rights,  title and interest in
and to the  customer  contracts  with  respect to the  Business  (the  "CUSTOMER

         (m)  LEASED  PAGERS.  All of  Seller's  owned  assets  held and used by
customers in the ordinary course of business.

         (n) TELEPHONE  NUMBERS.  All of the  telephone  numbers of the Business
except as listed on SCHEDULE 2.1(N) attached hereto and made a part hereof;

         (o) BOOKS AND RECORDS. all Books and Records;

         (p) GOODWILL. all goodwill and going concern value of the Business;

         (q)  CLAIMS  AND  DEFENSES.  any  rights  of Seller  pertaining  to any
counterclaims,  set-offs or defenses Seller may have with respect to any Assumed

         (r) PREPAID ITEMS. all prepaid claims, prepaid taxes, prepaid insurance
premiums and other prepaid  expense  items of Seller  related to the Business or
the Assets, the sum total of which items are set forth on SCHEDULE 5.4 as of the
date of such schedule;


         (s) INDEMNITIES  AND INSURANCE.  third-party  indemnities,  policies of
insurance,  fidelity, surety or similar bonds and the coverages afforded thereby
relating to any of the other Assets;

         (t)  ACCOUNTS  RECEIVABLE.  all  Accounts  Receivable  of the  Business
incurred in the ordinary course of the Business prior to the Closing Date, which
Accounts  receivable  as of August 31, 2005,  including  the aging of such,  are
detailed on SCHEDULE 2.1(T);

         (u) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. all Intellectual Property listed on SCHEDULE

         (v) VEHICLES.  the vehicles listed on SCHEDULE 2.1(V) (the "VEHICLES");


         (x)   RESELLER   AND   INTER-CARRIER   AGREEMENTS.   the  reseller  and
inter-carrier agreements listed on SCHEDULE 2.1(X) (collectively,  the "RESELLER

         (y) ADDITIONAL ASSETS. any additional assets from time to time acquired
for the Business by Seller in the ordinary  course of business  prior to Closing
Date,  including  those assets  identified on SCHEDULE  2.1(Y),  except for such
property as may be used, sold, consumed or disposed of by Seller in the ordinary
course of business  prior to the Closing Date and in  compliance  with the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.

         2.2 EXCLUDED ASSETS.  The Assets shall not include any of the following

         (a) all cash on hand or on deposit and arising out of the  operation of
the  Business  prior  to the  Closing  Date,  except  for  petty  cash at  store

         (b) any assets (including inventory, receivables, payables and Seller's
corporate  name "  Teletouch  Communications,  Inc" and the  names  "Teletouch",
"Visao Systems" and "Visao") related to the Seller's business as a two-way radio
dealer or to the  Seller's  business as a provider  of  telemetry  products  and

         (c)  causes  of  action  and  third-party   indemnities,   policies  of
insurance,  fidelity,  surety or similar bonds and the coverage afforded thereby
other than those relating to the Assets;

         (d) tax  refunds  related to the  Business  or the Assets  received  or
receivable  by Seller  relating to taxes paid by Seller for all periods prior to
the Closing Date;

         (e) Seller's lease with respect to the corporate headquarters in Tyler,

         (f) Seller's leases and contracts for telephone systems for its two-way
and telemetry businesses; and

         (g) minute books and governance documents of Seller.


         2.3 ASSUMPTION OF  OBLIGATIONS.  Upon the sale of the Assets by Seller,
Buyer shall assume and agree to pay,  perform and discharge,  in a timely manner
and in accordance with the terms thereof, from and after the Closing Date all of
Seller's obligations with respect to the following  (collectively,  the "ASSUMED

         (a) the Permits,  Customer  Contracts,  Reseller  Agreements and Leases
properly  transferred  and assigned to Buyer  hereunder in  conformity  with the
provisions of such Permits, Customer Contracts,  Reseller Agreements and Leases,
which are listed in the schedules to this Agreement or otherwise  defined herein
(collectively, the "ASSIGNED CONTRACTS");


         (c) the customer  deposits and prepaid amounts  existing on the Closing
Date to the extent such deposits  were made  pursuant to and remain  outstanding
under the Assigned  Contracts,  the sum total of which  deposits and amounts are
set forth on SCHEDULE 5.4 as of the date of such schedule; and

         (d) all of Seller's obligations under the vehicle leases and loans with
respect to certain  vehicles used in  maintenance  of the paging  system,  which
leases and loans are identified on SCHEDULE 2.3(D).

The assumption by Buyer of the Assumed  Obligations shall not enlarge any rights
or remedies of any third parties under any contracts, agreements, instruments or
arrangements  of any kind with Seller.  Nothing  herein shall prevent Buyer from
contesting in good faith any of the Assumed Obligations.

         2.4 EXCLUDED  OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES.  It is expressly  understood
and agreed that, except as specifically provided in SECTION 2.3, Buyer shall not
be obligated to pay, perform or discharge any debt, obligation, cost, expense or
liability of Seller, whether absolute or contingent, known or unknown ("EXCLUDED
LIABILITIES"), including, but not limited to debts, obligations, costs, expenses
and liabilities:

         (a)  related  to any of the  Excluded  Assets  or to any  employees  of
Seller, including all severance,  retirement, medical and other benefits payable
to  employees  or  former  employees  of the  Business  or of Seller or to their
dependents or beneficiaries;

         (b) for any Taxes owed by Seller,  including  without  limitation,  any
foreign,  federal, state or local Tax (i) based on income or revenues of Seller,
or any state franchise tax or sales or use taxes of Seller,  (ii) based on wages
earned by employees of Seller (as that term is defined under Section 3121 of the
Code) or (iii) based on the time the asset was owned or  operated by Seller,  in
which case  Seller  will pay its  prorated  portion of such Taxes when they come

         (c) for any losses, costs,  damages,  judgments,  penalties,  expenses,
fines, debts, liabilities and obligations of any nature whatsoever based upon or
arising (i) from any agreement, commitment,  undertaking, law, rule, regulation,
order or other obligations,  or (ii) out of any claims or actions against Seller
or Buyer,  in  either  case  arising  out of  events,  facts,  circumstances  or
conditions  existing on or occurring  prior to the Closing Date,  whether or not
filed or known to Seller  prior to the Closing  Date,  unless such claims  arise
from Buyer's failure to perform an Assumed Obligation;


         (d) for any of the  liabilities  or expenses of Seller  incurred in the
negotiation of and carrying out of its obligations under this Agreement;

         (e) for  liabilities and obligations of Seller to Buyer created by this

         (f) for any product liability resulting from any product sold by Seller
prior to the Closing  Date or any tort  liability  of Seller  arising out of the
Assets or the Business not expressly assumed by Buyer hereunder;

         (g) for any pre-Closing Date breach or violation of any of the Assigned
Contracts unless such breach or violation is specifically  disclosed on SCHEDULE
2.4(G) and assumed by Buyer;


         (i) for any  regulatory  user fees  attributable  to the  Assets or the
Business for the period prior to the Closing Date and payable to the Commission.

Seller agrees to satisfy and discharge all the liabilities of Seller relating to
the  Business  and which are not assumed by Buyer  pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement,  whether known at the Closing or thereafter determined, and, pursuant
to SECTION 14.2 below,  Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer  harmless with
respect thereto.

         2.5  NONASSIGNABLE  CONTRACTS  AND  LEASES.  If any  Permits,  Assigned
Contracts or Leases are not by their respective terms assignable,  Seller agrees
to use its reasonable best efforts promptly to obtain,  or cause to be obtained,
prior to the Closing Date, any written consents necessary to convey to Buyer the
benefit  thereof.  Buyer shall  cooperate with Seller,  in such manner as may be
reasonably  requested,  in connection  therewith,  including without limitation,
active  participation  in visits to and meetings,  discussions and  negotiations
with all Persons with the authority to grant or withhold consent.  To the extent
that any such  consents  cannot be  obtained,  Seller  and Buyer  will use their
reasonable  best  efforts  to  take  such  actions  as may be  possible  without
violation or breach of any such  nonassignable  Permits,  Assigned  Contracts or
Leases to effectively (i) grant Buyer the economic  benefits of, and (ii) impose
upon Buyer the economic burdens of, such Permits, Assigned Contracts and Leases.

         2.6 ENTERGY CONTRACT.  Buyer and Seller recognize the importance of the
contract with Entergy Corporation and its Affiliates  (collectively,  "ENTERGY")
in determining the Purchase Price paid for the Assets. To the extent the current
Entergy  contract  has expired and (i) Entergy has not  executed a new  contract
materially  similar to the  current  contract  and (ii)  monthly  revenues  from
Entergy  are less  than  $85,000.00,  Buyer and  Seller  hereby  agree  that the
principal  amount of the Promissory  Note shall be reduced on a monthly basis by
the  difference  between  $85,000.00  and the  current  monthly  billing up to a
maximum of $25,000.00 for each month.  In no event shall the Promissory  Note be
reduced  by more  than  $600,000.00  pursuant  to this  SECTION  2.6.  Any  such
reduction  of the  Promissory  Note shall be  evidenced  by a written  statement
executed by Seller.


                                  ARTICLE III
                            PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE

         3.1 AMOUNT;  DELIVERY. In addition to Buyer's assumption of the Assumed
Obligations,  Buyer  shall pay to  Seller  the  consideration  as  follows  (the
"PURCHASE  PRICE"),  subject to  adjustment  as  provided in SECTION 3.3 hereof,
which  Purchase  Price  shall be  remitted  by Buyer to Seller in the  following

         (a)  $4,000,000  in cash (the "CASH  PAYMENT") to Seller on the Closing
Date  (subject to  adjustment  as provided  further in this clause (a)),  all of
which shall be paid by check or by wire transfer of immediately  available funds
to an  account  of Seller as  designated  in writing by Seller to Buyer not more
than three (3) Business Days prior to the Closing Date or at such other date and
time as may be agreed upon by both parties. The Cash Payment will be (1) REDUCED
by  the  amount  of  the  Earnings  Before  Interest,  Taxes,  Depreciation  and
Amortization  ("EBITDA") of the Business beginning September 1, 2005 through the
Closing Date  determined in accordance  with Seller's  current GAAP and business
management practices (e.g. monthly recognition of deferred revenue), (2) REDUCED
by an  amount  equal to the  lesser  of (A) the  amount,  if any,  by which  the
interest earned on the escrowed funds referenced below during the period between
August  31,  2005 and the  Closing  is less than the  imputed  interest  on such
escrowed  funds for the same  period,  calculated  at the prime rate of interest
quoted in the Wall Street  Journal on August 31, 2005 plus 1% or (B)  $10,000.00
and (3)  INCREASED  by the  amount of any  approved  cash  capital  expenditures
incurred by the Business from  September 1, 2005 through the Closing  Date.  The
calculation  of EBITDA will  reflect a reduction  of  earnings  attributable  to
payment of the  management  fees paid pursuant to Article IV. Simply as evidence
that Buyer has funds available to make the Cash Payment at Closing, on or before
August 31,  2005,  Buyer  shall  deposit the Cash  Payment in an escrow  account
pursuant to an escrow agreement in form and substance satisfactory to both Buyer
and Seller.
         (b) A non-interest  bearing  promissory note (the "PROMISSORY NOTE") in
the amount of $1,200,000.00  payable to Seller due in twelve monthly payments of
$100,000 each beginning  March 1, 2007 as evidenced by a copy of such Promissory
Note  attached  hereto as EXHIBIT A. The  Promissory  Note shall be secured by a
lien on the Assets  subject to customary  subordination  provisions  required by
Buyer's senior lender.

         3.2 PRICE ALLOCATION.

         (a)  Seller  and Buyer  agree to comply  with all  filing,  notice  and
reporting  requirements  described  in Section 1060 of the Code and the Treasury
Regulations  promulgated  thereunder.  Seller and Buyer mutually agree that they
have each  independently  appraised the Purchased Assets listed in the Schedules
Seller and Buyer  mutually  agree that the purchase  price shall be allocated as
follows (the "PRICE ALLOCATION"):


         (i) first to the aggregate  appraised value of the Assets as determined
by the Buyer and Seller and listed in the Schedules;

         (ii) $50,000 to the Noncompetition and Nonsolicitation  Agreement to be
executed by Seller; and

         (iii) the remainder to goodwill.

         (b)  Seller and Buyer  agree to use their  reasonable  best  efforts to
reflect  the Price  Allocation  as listed  in  SCHEDULE  3.2(A) on the Form 8594
jointly  completed and separately filed with their respective income tax returns
for the tax year in which the Closing  occurs.  The parties  further  agree that
they will report the federal, state, municipal,  foreign and local and other tax
consequences of the purchase and sale hereunder in a manner  consistent with the
Price  Allocation,  and  that  they  will not  take  any  position  inconsistent


         1. As of the Closing Date,  Seller shall prepare and deliver to Buyer a
statement  setting  forth  the Net  Working  Capital.  Such  statement  shall be
prepared in a manner  consistent with (1) GAAP as applied by the Seller in prior
periods (except as otherwise provided in this Agreement) and (2) SCHEDULE 5.4.

         2. Within  forty-five  (45) days  following the Closing Date,  Buyer or
Seller  shall  pay to the other  party the Net  Working  Capital  Adjustment  as
determined in accordance with this SECTION 3.3(B). If the Net Working Capital is
greater  than  $0.00,  Buyer  shall pay to Seller the amount of such Net Working
Capital.  If the Net  Working  Capital is less than $0.00,  Seller  shall pay to
Buyer the amount of such deficit.

         3. Within  forty-five (45) days following the Closing Date, Buyer shall
deliver to Seller a statement of charges,  expenses and losses incurred by Buyer
as a result  of (i) the  breach  by Seller  of any  representation  or  warranty
hereunder,  or (ii) the  failure  by Seller to pay any  amounts  when due in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practices (the aggregate of all
such charges,  reasonable expenses and losses is hereinafter  referred to as the
"ADJUSTMENT  AMOUNT"). If and only if the Adjustment Amount exceeds $50,000, the
Adjustment  Amount  will be paid by the  Seller to the Buyer at the same time as
the payment of the Net Working Capital Adjustment.


         (a) Within three (3) months  following  the Closing  Date,  Buyer shall
prepare  and deliver to Seller a statement  of Accounts  Receivable  that remain
uncollected after reasonable and diligent  collection efforts by Buyer (the "BAD

         (b) If Buyer and Seller are unable to agree on the Bad Debt  Statement,
Buyer and  Seller  shall  individually  prepare  and  submit  to an  independent
accounting firm jointly selected by Buyer's and Seller's  principal  accountants
(the  "INDEPENDENT  ACCOUNTANTS")  their  respective  versions  of the Bad  Debt
Statement,  together with all documents  that form a basis for the  calculations
included in such Bad Debt  Statement.  Each party shall  provide the other party
access to  documents  and  personnel  as  reasonably  requested  for purposes of
preparing  and  auditing the Bad Debt  Statement.  The  Independent  Accountants
shall,  within 10 business days following receipt of the requisite  information,
prepare a final Bad Debt Statement based on the information provided,  which Bad
Debt Statement shall be final and binding on Buyer and Seller.


         (c) No  later  than  10 days  following  the  date  that  the Bad  Debt
Statement is finally  determined in accordance  with SECTIONS  3.4(a) or 3.4(B),
Buyer or Seller,  as applicable,  shall pay as a purchase  price  adjustment the
following  amounts.  If the  uncollected  Accounts  Receivable  on such Bad Debt
Statement  is less than the Bad Debt  Reserve,  Buyer  shall  pay to Seller  the
amount of such deficit. If the uncollected  Accounts Receivable on such Bad Debt
Statement  is greater than the Bad Debt  Reserve,  Seller shall pay to Buyer the
lesser of (i) the amount by which such uncollected  Accounts  Receivable exceeds
the Bad Debt Reserve or (ii) $25,000.00.

         3.5 SETOFF AGAINST NOTE.  Notwithstanding any provision of this ARTICLE
III to the  contrary,  any amount  payable to Buyer by Seller  pursuant  to this
ARTICLE III shall, if not promptly paid by Seller, be paid and discharged in the
form of a reduction in the principal  amount of the Promissory Note as evidenced
by a written statement executed by Seller,  with such reduction being applied to
installments of the first maturing principal.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                              MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT

         On or prior to August 31,  2005,  Buyer and Seller  shall  execute  and
deliver a management  agreement (the "MANAGEMENT  Agreement")  pursuant to which
Buyer will manage the Business prior to Closing.  The Management  Agreement will
provide that,  for this service,  Seller will pay the Buyer a management  fee of
$25,000 on the 1st and 16th day of each month during the term of such Management
Agreement  if the  Closing  has not  occurred  on or prior to the date that such
payment is due  (unless  the  Closing  has not  occurred  as a result of Buyer's
failure to perform its obligation under this Agreement.

         Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer as follows:

         5.1 EXISTENCE AND GOOD STANDING. Seller is a corporation duly organized
and validly  existing  under the laws of the State of  Delaware.  Seller has the
power and  authority to own,  lease and operate its property and to carry on its
business as now being  conducted  and to own or lease the assets owned or leased
by it. Seller is duly qualified or licensed to do business in each  jurisdiction
in which the character or location of the  properties  owned or leased by Seller
or the nature of the  businesses  conducted  by Seller  make such  qualification

         5.2 AUTHORIZATION AND VALIDITY OF AGREEMENT.  Seller has full corporate
power and  authority  to execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement,  to perform its
obligations hereunder,  and to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby.
The  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement by Seller and the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby, have been duly authorized
and  approved  by the board of  directors  of Seller  and,  upon  receipt of the
Requisite  Stockholder Approval, no other corporate action on the part of Seller
is necessary to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery  and  performance  of this
Agreement  by  Seller  and the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby.  This  Agreement  has been duly  executed  and  delivered  by Seller and
represents  the valid and  binding  obligations  of Seller  enforceable  against
Seller  in  accordance   with  its  terms,   except  to  the  extent  that  such
enforceability   may  be   subject   to   applicable   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium  and  similar  laws  affecting  the  enforcement  of
creditors' rights generally and by general equitable principles.


         5.3 CONSENTS AND APPROVALS; NO VIOLATIONS. The execution,  delivery and
performance  of this Agreement by Seller and the  consummation  by Seller of the
transactions  contemplated hereby will not, with or without the giving of notice
or the lapse of time or both:  (a) upon  receipt  of the  Requisite  Stockholder
Approval,  violate,  conflict  with,  or result in a breach or default under any
provision of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of Seller;  (b) violate any
statute,  ordinance,  rule,  regulation,   order,  judgment  or  decree  of  any
Governmental Authority applicable to Seller or by which any of its properties or
assets may be bound; (c) require any filing by Seller with, or require Seller to
obtain any Permit of, or require Seller to give any notice to, any  Governmental
Authority  other  than as set forth on  SCHEDULE  5.3;  or (d) other than as set
forth on SCHEDULE  5.3,  result in a violation or breach by Seller of,  conflict
with, constitute (with or without due notice or lapse of time or both) a default
by Seller,  or give rise to any right of termination,  cancellation,  payment or
acceleration, under or result in the creation of any Encumbrance upon any of the
Assets under any of the terms,  conditions,  or  provisions  of any note,  bond,
mortgage,  indenture,  Permit, Contract, Lease or other instrument or obligation
to which Seller is a party, or by which it or any of the Assets may be bound.


         (a) The Current Assets (net of the Accounts  Receivable Reserve for Bad
Debts) and Current  Liabilities  of Buyer as included in Net Working  Capital as
described on SCHEDULE 5.4.

         (b)  SCHEDULE  2.1(T)  lists all  Accounts  Receivable  of Seller  with
respect to the  Business as of August 31,  2005.  SCHEDULE  2.1(T)  specifically
indicates all such Accounts  Receivable  from any Affiliate of Seller.  All such
Accounts  Receivable  are, and all Accounts  Receivable at the Closing Date will
be, (i) bona fide claims against debtors for sales,  services performed or other
charges  and (ii) to the best  knowledge  of  Seller,  subject  to no  defenses,
set-offs or counterclaims.


         5.6  WARRANTY  CLAIMS.  Except as set forth on  SCHEDULE  5.6  attached
hereto, as of the date hereof, there are no warranty claims relating to products
at any time sold or services at any time  performed by Seller pending or, to the
best knowledge of Seller, threatened.


ASSETS.  Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 5.7 Seller owns outright,  and has, and
shall at the Closing have, full legal and beneficial title to all of the Assets,
in each case  subject  to no  Encumbrances  except for  Permitted  Encumbrances.
Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 5.7, each Asset is in good  operating  condition
and repair,  subject to ordinary wear and tear and has been properly  maintained
in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications and, to Seller's knowledge,
each  Asset is in  compliance  with all  applicable  federal  and state laws and
regulations.  The  Assets  consist  of all of  the  assets  used  or  useful  in
connection  with the  Business  and no other  assets  other  than the Assets are
required  to operate the  Business as  presently  conducted,  including  but not
limited to the  operation  and  maintenance  of  Seller's  paging  systems.  The
Inventory  consists of items of a quality and quantity usable or saleable in the
regular course of business of Seller.

         5.8 REAL PROPERTY LEASES.  SCHEDULE  2.1(F)(I) contains an accurate and
complete list of all Leases to which Seller is a party (as lessee or lessor) and
which are  associated  with the Business.  Each real property lease set forth on
SCHEDULE  2.1(F)(I)  is, to the best  knowledge  of  Seller,  in full  force and
effect;  there is no  existing  default  under any of such Leases on the part of
Seller or, to the best of Seller's knowledge, any other party thereto.

         5.9  CONTRACTS AND  COMMITMENTS.  SCHEDULE 5.9 contains an accurate and
complete list of all Assigned Contracts. Each Assigned Contract is in full force
and effect; there is no existing default under any of such Assigned Contracts on
the part of  Seller,  or, to the best of  Seller's  knowledge,  any other  party
thereto.  Except as set forth on SCHEDULE  5.9:  (a) Seller is not a party to or
bound by any loan, credit or similar agreement or any indenture, trust agreement
or other instrument relating to any issue of bonds,  debentures,  notes or other
evidences of indebtedness or creating any Encumbrance on any of the Assets;

         (b) There are no bonus,  pension,  profit  sharing,  retirement,  stock
option,  stock purchase,  deferred  compensation,  hospitalization  or insurance
plans,  or vacation or severance pay plans,  or any other plans or  arrangements
providing benefits to officers, agents or employees of Seller;

         (c)  Seller  does not  have nor is  Seller  currently  negotiating  any
collective  bargaining  agreement  with any labor  union or  association  or any
employment contract or other binding agreement relating to the employment of any
of its employees;

         (d)  Seller  is not a party to any  joint  venture  agreement  or other
agreement  involving the sharing of profits  relating to the Business and/or the

         (e)  Seller  is not a party to any (i)  contracts  or  commitments  for
capital  expenditures  outside the  ordinary  course of  business  or  involving
obligations on the part of Seller in amounts inconsistent with those incurred by
Seller in the ordinary  course of business in  accordance  with  Seller's  prior
operation of the Business, (ii) Lease under which personal property is leased to
or from Seller in connection with the Business,  (iii)  continuing  contract for
the future  purchase of Inventory  or other  materials,  supplies,  machinery or
equipment  in  excess  of the  requirements  of the  Business  conducted  in the
ordinary course,  consistent with the historical operation of the Business, (iv)
other contract or agreement  which involves an obligation on the part of Seller,
either  individually  or in the  aggregate,  in  excess  of  amounts  previously
incurred by Seller in the ordinary  course of business or, (v) contract not made
in the ordinary course of business;


         (f) Seller is not party to any Contract  limiting the freedom of Seller
or any of its employees to engage in any line of business or to compete with any
Person,  and to the knowledge of Seller, no employee of Seller is subject to any
such restrictions;

         (g)  Seller  is not a party  to any  Contract  in  connection  with the
Business which  involves  aggregate  expenditures  of $10,000 or more and is not
cancelable  without penalty within thirty (30) days, except for those agreements
entered into in the normal course of business or those  contracts or commitments
specifically identified as "Contracts above $10,000";

         (h) There are no persons  holding powers of attorney from, or otherwise
authorized to act on behalf of Seller with respect to the Business or the Assets
except for its  respective  officers and other  management  personnel  regularly
performing their business functions; and

         (i)  Seller is  current  with  respect  to all  payments  due under the
Assigned Contracts.

Except as specifically  identified on SCHEDULE 5.9, Seller has no knowledge that
any  Contract,   Lease,  or  other  obligation  to  which  Seller  is  a  party,
individually  or in the  aggregate:  (i) will  result in a material  loss to the
Buyer after the Closing Date;  (ii) cannot  readily be performed or fulfilled on
time without undue or unusual  expenditure of money or effort by the Buyer after
the Closing  Date,  or (iii) is not in full force and effect and there  exists a
default or event of default or event,  occurrence,  condition or act which, with
the giving of notice,  the lapse of time or the  happening of any other event or
condition, would become a default or event of default thereunder. A true copy of
each written  Contract and Lease as well as all other  documents  evidencing any
commitment of Seller  required to be set forth on any Schedule  hereto have been
made available to Buyer for review.  Also set forth on SCHEDULE 5.9 is a list of
all  proposals,  except  proposals made by Seller's sales people in the ordinary
course of business,  submitted by Seller to any third party that, if accepted by
such third party, would require disclosure on SCHEDULE 5.9.

         5.10 PERMITS.

         (a) All  Permits  required in  connection  with the use,  operation  or
ownership of the Assets and the conduct of the  Business as currently  conducted
are listed on SCHEDULE  2.1(J).  To the best  knowledge  of Seller,  the Permits
issued to Seller by the  Commission  can be transferred to Buyer or a subsidiary
corporation  of  Buyer  as  part  of  the   consummation  of  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.  To Seller's knowledge, no event has occurred or
fact exists with  respect to the Permits  which allows or, after notice or lapse
of time or both would permit, revocation or termination of any of the Permits or
would result in any other  impairment  of the rights of the holder of any of the
Permits or which might  limit the  operation  of Seller's  Business as it is now
conducted.  To Seller's  knowledge,  Seller has performed all of its  respective
obligations  under such Permits.  The Commission's  action granting the Permits,
together  with all  underlying  construction  permits,  have not been  reversed,
stayed,  enjoined,  annulled, or suspended,  and there is not pending or, to the
knowledge of Seller, threatened, any application,  petition, objection, or other
pleading with the Commission or other  governmental  entity which  challenges or
questions the validity of or any rights of the holder under any Permit.


         (b) Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 5.10, all Permits are in full force
and effect and the facilities associated with such Permits have been constructed
within the time frame provided by the rules and  regulations  promulgated by the
Commission pursuant to the Act (the "RULES AND REGULATIONS") and where required,
Seller has filed appropriate construction notifications with the Commission.

         5.11  LITIGATION.  Except as set forth on  SCHEDULE  5.11,  there is no
action, suit,  proceeding at law or in equity,  arbitration or administrative or
other  proceeding  by or  before  (or any  investigation  by)  any  Governmental
Authority, pending, or, to the best knowledge of Seller, threatened,  against or
affecting the  properties  or rights of Seller,  and Seller does not know of any
valid basis for any such action, proceeding or investigation.  There are no such
suits,  actions,  claims,  proceedings or investigations  pending or to the best
knowledge  of  Seller,   threatened,   seeking  to  prevent  or  challenge   the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Without exception as to materiality
or otherwise,  SCHEDULE 5.11 lists all claims, if any, filed with the Commission
with respect to Seller  and/or the  operation of the Business  since  January 1,
2003. A decision  adverse to Seller with respect to any of the matters listed on
SCHEDULE  5.11,  or with respect to all or any  combination  thereof,  would not
result in a Material Adverse Effect with respect to Seller.

         5.12 TAXES.

         (a) All returns and reports for Taxes for all taxable  years or periods
that end on or before the Closing Date and,  with respect to any taxable year or
period  beginning  before and ending  after the Closing Date the portion of such
taxable  year  or  period   ending  on  and  including  the  Closing  Date  (the
"PRE-CLOSING  PERIOD"),  which are  required  to be filed by or with  respect to
Seller  (collectively,  the "RETURNS")  have been or will be filed when due in a
timely fashion and such Returns as filed are or will be accurate in all material

         (b) There are no agreements for the extension or waiver of the time for
assessment of any Taxes relating to Seller for any Pre-Closing Period and Seller
has not been requested to enter into any such agreement or waiver.

         (c) All Taxes  relating  to Seller  which  Seller is required by law to
withhold or collect have been duly withheld or  collected,  and have been timely
paid over to the proper authorities to the extent due and payable.

         (d)  Seller  is not  now  nor  has it  ever  been a  party  to any  Tax
allocation or sharing agreement that could result in any liability to Buyer.


         5.13 INSURANCE.  In the judgment of Seller, Seller's insurance policies
covering the Business,  with respect to their amounts and types of coverage, are
adequate to insure against risks to which Seller and its property and assets are
normally  exposed  in  the  operation  of the  Business,  subject  to  customary
deductibles and policy limits.

         5.14 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. SCHEDULE 2.1(U) sets forth all Intellectual
Property owned by Seller and used in connection with the Business. The operation
of the  Business  requires  no rights to any  Intellectual  Property  other than
rights  under the  Intellectual  Property  listed on SCHEDULE  2.1(U) and rights
granted  to  Seller  pursuant  to  agreements  listed  on  SCHEDULE  2.1(U).  No
litigation is pending or, to the best  knowledge of Seller,  threatened  wherein
Seller is accused of infringing or otherwise violating the intellectual property
rights of another,  or of breaching a contract conveying  intellectual  property

         5.15  COMPLIANCE  WITH LAWS.  Seller is in  compliance  in all material
respects with all applicable laws,  regulations,  orders,  judgments and decrees
applicable to the Business.

         5.16  EMPLOYMENT  RELATIONS.  Seller is not engaged in any unfair labor
practice and to its knowledge has a good relationship with its employees.

         5.17  ENVIRONMENTAL  LAWS  AND  REGULATIONS.  Except  as set  forth  on

         (a)  Seller  or,  to  Seller's  knowledge,  its  authorized  agents  or
independent  contractors  (including  suppliers) have not generated on, used on,
treated or stored on,  transported to or from or arranged for  transportation to
or from, the real property  owned or leased by Seller or any property  adjoining
such real property any Hazardous Materials;

         (b) to Seller's knowledge,  Hazardous Materials have not been disposed,
discharged,  injected,  spilled,  leaked,  leached,  dumped,  emitted,  escaped,
emptied, allowed to seep, placed and the like, into or upon any land or water or
air,  or  otherwise  allowed  to  enter  into  the  environment   (collectively,
"RELEASES")  by  Seller,  its  authorized  agents  or  independent   contractors
(including  suppliers)  on such real  property or by Seller or its agents on any
other property;

         (c)  Seller  is  and  has  been  in  compliance   with  all  applicable
Environmental  Laws,  possesses  all  Permits  required  thereunder  and  is  in
compliance with all Permits issued thereunder with respect to such real property
and to Seller's operations conducted thereon;

         (d)  there  are  no  pending  or,  to the  best  knowledge  of  Seller,
threatened  Environmental  Claims  against  Seller  with  respect  to such  real

         (e) to  Seller's  knowledge,  there  are no  facts or  present  or past
circumstances,  conditions or  occurrences on such real property known to Seller
that reasonably  could be anticipated (i) to form the basis of an  Environmental
Claim against Seller or any owner,  operator or lessee of such real property, or
(ii) to cause  such real  property  to be  subject  to any  restrictions  on the
ownership,  occupancy use or  transferability  of such real  property  under any
Environmental Law;


         (f) there are not now and to the best knowledge of Seller,  there never
have been any underground storage tanks located on such real property; and

         (g)  Seller has not in the  ordinary  course of  business  transported,
treated,  disposed  of or stored  Hazardous  Materials  in  connection  with the

         5.18 CUSTOMERS.  SCHEDULE 2.1(K) contains a true,  complete and correct
list of all customers of the Business.  To the knowledge of Seller,  each of the
customers  identified on such schedule are content and intend to continue  their
relationship with the Business  following the Closing Date. Seller has no reason
to believe that any of such customers intend to cancel their  relationship  with
the Business following the Closing Date.

         5.19  SOLVENCY.  Seller is not entering into this Agreement with actual
intent  to  hinder,  delay  or  defraud  creditors.  Immediately  prior  to  and
immediately subsequent to the Closing Date:

         (a) the present fair salable  value of the assets of Seller (on a going
concern basis) will exceed the liability of Seller for its debts  (including its
contingent obligations);

         (b) Seller has not  incurred,  nor does it intend to or believe that it
will incur, debts (including  contingent  obligations) beyond its ability to pay
such debts as such debts  mature  (taking into account the timing and amounts of
cash to be  received  from any  source,  and of  amounts  to be payable on or in
respect of debts);  and the amount of cash available to Seller after taking into
account all other  anticipated  uses of funds is anticipated to be sufficient to
pay all such  amounts on or in respect of debts,  when such amounts are required
to be paid; and

         (c) Seller  will have  sufficient  capital  with  which to conduct  its
business,  and the  property of Seller does not  constitute  unreasonably  small
capital with which to conduct its business.

For purposes of this SECTION 5.19,  "debt" means any liability or a (i) right to
payment  whether  or not  such a  right  is  reduced  to  judgment,  liquidated,
unliquidated,  fixed,  contingent,  matured,  unmatured,  disputed,  undisputed,
legal, equitable secured, or unsecured; or (ii) right to an equitable remedy for
breach of  performance  if such breach  gives rise to a payment,  whether or not
such a right to an equitable remedy is reduced to judgment,  fixed,  contingent,
matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, secured, or unsecured.

         5.20 DISCLOSURE.  No  representation or warranty by Seller contained in
this Agreement, nor any statement or certificate furnished or to be furnished by
Seller  to Buyer or its  representatives  in  connection  herewith  or  pursuant
hereto,  contains or will contain any untrue  statement of a material  fact,  or
omits or will omit to state any material  fact  required to make the  statements
herein or therein  contained  not  misleading or necessary in order to provide a
prospective  purchaser of the Business with adequate  information  as to Seller,
the Business and the Assets.

         5.21 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS. Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 5.21, Seller
does not:


         (a) have any Contracts  with any agency of the Government of the United
States involving any  information,  technology or data which is classified under
Executive Order 12356 of April 2, 1982; or

         (b) have any products or services  (including research and development)
with respect to which Seller (i) is a supplier,  directly or indirectly,  to any
of the  military  services of the United  States or the  Department  of Defense,
other than the United States Coast Guard,  except the supply to  individuals  of
such military in their individual capacity,  or (ii) has technology which has or
could have military applications.

         5.22  UNDISCLOSED  LIABILITIES.   The  Seller  has  no  liabilities  or
obligations,  whether  accrued,  absolute,  contingent or  otherwise,  which are
material to the Business or the Assets taken as a whole,  except (i) liabilities
or obligations  disclosed on SCHEDULE 5.22 or in the other Schedules  hereto and
(ii) liabilities or obligations disclosed in this Agreement.

         5.23 RESTRICTIONS ON BUSINESS ACTIVITIES.  Except for this Agreement or
as set  forth  in  SCHEDULE  5.23,  to the  knowledge  of  Seller,  there  is no
agreement,  judgment,  injunction, order or decree binding upon Seller which has
or could  reasonably be expected to have the effect of  prohibiting or impairing
any business practice of the Business, acquisition of property by Seller for the
Business, or the conduct of business as currently conducted or as proposed to be
conducted by the Business.

         5.24 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS.  Seller has made available for inspection and
copying by Buyer and its  advisers,  true,  complete  and correct  copies of all
documents  referred to in this ARTICLE V or in any Schedule attached hereto. The
Books and Records to be delivered  at Closing are true,  complete and correct in
all material respects.


         5.26  BROKER'S OR FINDER'S  FEES.  No Person acting on behalf of Seller
is, or will be, entitled to any fee,  commission or broker's or finder's fees in
connection with this Agreement or any of the transactions contemplated hereby.

                                   ARTICLE VI

         Buyer hereby represents and warrants to Seller as follows:

a limited  partnership  duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing
under  the laws of the  State of Texas.  Buyer  has full  partnership  power and
authority to make, execute,  deliver and perform this Agreement,  to perform its
obligations  hereunder and to consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby.
This Agreement has been duly authorized and approved by all required partnership
governance  action of Buyer. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered
by Buyer and is the valid and binding  obligations of Buyer enforceable  against
Buyer in accordance with its terms, except to the extent that enforceability may
be subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,  moratorium and
similar laws  affecting the  enforcement of creditors'  rights  generally and by
general equitable principles.


         6.2 NO  VIOLATIONS.  The  execution,  delivery and  performance of this
Agreement  by  Buyer  and  the   consummation  by  Buyer  of  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby will not, with or without the giving of notice or the lapse
of time or both,  (a) violate,  conflict  with, or result in a breach or default
under any provision of the  certificate  of limited  partnership or agreement of
limited  partnership  of  Buyer;  (b)  violate  any  statute,  ordinance,  rule,
regulation,  order, judgment or decree of any Governmental  Authority applicable
to Buyer or by which any of its  properties or assets may be bound;  (c) require
any filing by Buyer  with,  or require  Buyer to obtain any  permit,  consent or
approval of, or require Buyer to give any notice to, any Governmental  Authority
or any third party other than the  Commission;  or (d) result in a violation  or
breach by Buyer of,  conflict  with,  constitute  (with or without due notice or
lapse  of time or  both) a  default  by  Buyer  (or  give  rise to any  right of
termination,  cancellation,  payment or  acceleration)  under,  or result in the
creation  of any  Encumbrance  upon any of the  properties  or  assets  of Buyer
pursuant  to, any of the  terms,  conditions  or  provision  of any note,  bond,
mortgage,  indenture,  permit, contract, lease or other instrument or obligation
to which Buyer is a party, or by which it or any of its properties or assets may
be bound  except  for first  lien  rights  granted  Buyers  bank  related to the
financing of the purchase of the Business.

         6.3 BROKER'S OR FINDER'S  FEES. No Person acting on behalf of Buyer is,
or will be,  entitled to any fee,  commission  or  broker's  or finder's  fee in
connection with this Agreement or any of the transactions contemplated hereby.

                                  ARTICLE VII

         The  obligations of Seller under this Agreement to sell, or cause to be
sold, the Assets and to consummate the other  transactions  contemplated  hereby
shall be  subject to the  satisfaction  (or waiver by Seller) on or prior to the
Closing Date of all of the following conditions:

         7.1 TRUTH OF REPRESENTATIONS  AND WARRANTIES.  The  representations and
warranties of Buyer contained in this Agreement shall be true and correct in all
material  respects on and as of the Closing  Date with the same effect as though
such representations and warranties had been made on and as of the Closing Date,
and Buyer shall have delivered to Seller on the Closing Date a certificate of an
authorized officer of Buyer, dated the Closing Date, to such effect.

         7.2  PERFORMANCE  OF  AGREEMENTS.  Each and all of the  agreements  and
covenants of Buyer to be performed on or before the Closing Date pursuant to the
terms hereof,  including all deliveries and  obligations at Closing,  shall have
been duly performed in all material respects,  and Buyer shall have delivered to
Seller a certificate of an authorized  officer of Buyer, dated the Closing Date,
to such effect and  evidencing  the  incumbency  of all officers  executing  any
documents in connection with the Closing.

         7.3 NO LITIGATION THREATENED.  No action or proceedings shall have been
instituted before any Governmental  Authority to restrain or prohibit any of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and Buyer shall have  delivered to Seller a
certificate of an authorized  officer of Buyer,  dated the Closing Date, to such
effect to the best knowledge of such officer.

         7.4  PROCEEDINGS.  All  proceedings,  including  but not  limited  to a
Fairness Opinion and the approval of the transactions contemplated hereby by the
stockholders of the Seller (the "REQUISITE STOCKHOLDER  APPROVAL"),  to be taken
in  connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement and all
documents  incident  thereto  shall  be  reasonably  satisfactory  in  form  and
substance to Seller and its counsel,  and Seller shall have  received  copies of
all such  documents  and other  evidence  as it or its  counsel  may  reasonably
request in order to establish  the  consummation  of such  transactions  and the
taking of all proceedings in connection therewith.


                                  ARTICLE VIII

         The  obligations  of Buyer under this  Agreement to purchase the Assets
and to consummate the other transactions contemplated hereby shall be subject to
the  satisfaction (or waiver by Buyer) on or prior to the Closing Date of all of
the following conditions:

         8.1 TRUTH OF REPRESENTATIONS  AND WARRANTIES.  The  representations and
warranties of Seller  contained herein shall be true and correct in all material
respects on the Closing Date with the same effect as though such representations
and  warranties  had been made on and as of the Closing  Date,  and Seller shall
have  delivered  to Buyer on the Closing  Date a  certificate  of an  authorized
representative of Seller, dated the Closing Date, to such effect.

         8.2  PERFORMANCE  OF  AGREEMENTS.  Each and all of the  agreements  and
covenants of Seller to be  performed  on or before the Closing Date  pursuant to
the terms hereof,  including all  deliveries and  obligations at Closing,  shall
have been duly  performed  in all  material  respects,  and  Seller  shall  have
delivered to Buyer a  certificate  of an  authorized  representative  of Seller,
dated the Closing  Date,  to such effect and  evidencing  the  incumbency of all
officers executing any documents in connection with the Closing.

         8.3 NO LITIGATION THREATENED.  No action or proceedings shall have been
instituted before any Governmental  Authority to restrain or prohibit any of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and Seller shall have  delivered to Buyer a
certificate of an authorized  representative of Seller,  dated the Closing Date,
to such effect to the best knowledge of such officer.

         8.4 CONSENTS. Each of the consents referred to on SCHEDULE 5.3 attached
hereto shall have been obtained.

         8.5  PROCEEDINGS.  All  proceedings to be taken in connection  with the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and all documents  incident thereto
shall be reasonably satisfactory in form and substance to Buyer and its counsel,
and Buyer shall have received copies of all such documents and other evidence as
it or its counsel may reasonably  request in order to establish the consummation
of such transactions and the taking of all proceedings in connection therewith.


                                   ARTICLE IX
                               COVENANTS OF SELLER

         Seller hereby covenants and agrees with Buyer as follows:

         9.1 COOPERATION BY SELLER. Seller shall use its reasonable best efforts
to cooperate with Buyer to secure all necessary consents,  approvals  (including
FCC  Approvals),  authorizations,  exemptions  and waivers from third parties as
shall  be  required  in  order to  enable  Seller  to  affect  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby, and Seller shall otherwise use its reasonable best efforts
to cause the consummation of such  transactions in accordance with the terms and
conditions  hereof and to cause all conditions  contained in this Agreement over
which it has control to be satisfied.  Seller further agrees to deliver to Buyer
prompt  written  notice  of any event or  condition  known to or  discovered  by
Seller,  which if it existed  on the date of this  Agreement  or on the  Closing
Date,  would  result  in any of the  representations  and  warranties  of Seller
contained herein being untrue in any material respect. In addition, Seller shall
cooperate with Buyer and shall use its  reasonable  best efforts to assist Buyer
in obtaining  the proper  renewal or  replacement  of the Permits  identified on

         9.2 NOTICE OF BREACHES.  Seller shall  deliver to Buyer prompt  written
notice of any event or  condition  actually  known to or  discovered  by Seller,
which, if it existed on the date of this Agreement or on the Closing Date, would
result in any of the  representations  and warranties of Seller contained herein
being untrue in any material  respect.  Upon the discovery and subsequent notice
of such an event or condition,  Buyer and Seller shall be entitled to the rights
and remedies set forth in SECTION 12.1.

         9.3 CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.  Except as Buyer may  otherwise  consent to in
writing, between the date hereof and the Closing Date, Seller shall, (a) conduct
the Business only in the ordinary  course,  (b) use  reasonable  efforts to keep
available the services of its  employees and maintain its current  relationships
with licensors, suppliers, lessors, distributors, customers, clients and others,
(c) maintain,  consistent with past practice and good business judgment,  all of
the Assets in customary  repair,  order and  condition,  ordinary  wear and tear
excepted,  and  insurance  upon all of the  Assets  used in the  conduct  of the
Business in such amounts and of such kinds  comparable  to that in effect on the
date hereof, to the extent available at current  premiums,  and (d) maintain the
Books  and  Records  in the  usual,  regular  and  ordinary  manner,  on a basis
consistent with past practice.



         9.6 NEGATIVE  COVENANTS  OF SELLER.  From and after the date hereof and
through the Closing Date and except with the specific  prior written  consent of
Buyer, Seller covenants and agrees as follows:


         (a)  Seller  shall not sell,  transfer  or dispose of any of the Assets
other than in the ordinary course of business; provided, however, that any sale,
transfer or disposition  of any Assets in the ordinary  course of business shall
not exceed Assets valued at more than $5,000;

         (b)  Seller  shall  not  grant  an  Encumbrance   (except  a  Permitted
Encumbrance)  on any of the  Assets  or allow  any such  Encumbrance  (except  a
Permitted Encumbrance) to occur or to be created;

         (c) Except in the ordinary course of business, Seller shall not acquire
any tangible properties or assets relating to the Business;

         (d) Seller shall not enter into any employment  and/or any  independent
contractor agreements relating to services to be rendered in connection with the
Business or any of the Assets  except in the ordinary  course of business or the
prior approval of Buyer;

         (e) Except in the ordinary course of business,  Seller shall not amend,
modify or  terminate,  without the prior  written  consent of Buyer,  any of the
Contracts, Leases or other agreements, if any, to be assumed by Buyer hereunder;

         (f) Seller shall not incur any indebtedness for which any of the Assets
are, or may be, subject to any Encumbrance or claim, either express or implied;

         (g) Seller shall not enter into any undertaking to furnish services for
any consideration other than money with respect to the operation of the Assets;

         (h)  Seller  shall  not  forgive,  discharge  or write off any debts or
receivables  owing to Seller in connection with the Business,  including but not
limited to those Accounts Receivable listed on SCHEDULE 2.1(T);

         (i) Seller shall not incur any Accounts  Payable except in the ordinary
course of Business,  consistent  with the historical  operation of the Business;

         (j) Seller shall pay all Accounts  Payable when due, in accordance with
the ordinary course of the Business.

         9.7  EXCLUSIVE  DEALING.  During  the  period  from  the  date  of this
Agreement  to the  earlier  of the  Closing  Date  or the  termination  of  this
Agreement,  Seller  shall  not take  any  action,  directly  or  indirectly,  to
encourage,  initiate or engage in discussions or  negotiations  with, or provide
any  information  to, any Person  other than Buyer,  concerning  any sale of the
Assets or any material part thereof or a similar transaction involving Seller.

         9.8 REVIEW OF THE ASSETS.  Seller  agrees that Buyer may,  prior to the
Closing  Date,  through  its  representatives,  review (a) the  Assets,  (b) the
complete working papers of Seller's  certified public  accountants used in their
preparation of financial  statements for Seller and (c) the Books and Records of
Seller and otherwise review the financial and legal condition of Seller as Buyer
deems necessary or advisable to familiarize itself with the Business and related
matters;  such  review  shall  not,  however,  affect  the  representations  and
warranties  made by Seller  hereunder  or the  remedies of Buyer for breaches of
those representations and warranties. Buyer may also, prior to the Closing Date,
through its  representatives,  inspect  any or all of Seller's  towers and other
transmitting  facilities.  Such  review and  inspection  shall occur only during
normal business hours upon reasonable notice by Buyer. Seller shall permit Buyer
and its  representatives  to have,  after the execution of this Agreement,  full
access to employees of Seller who can furnish Buyer with financial and operating
data and other information with respect to the Business as Buyer shall from time
to time reasonably request.


         9.9 GOVERNMENTAL FILINGS. It is expressly acknowledged and agreed that,
as soon as practicable  after the execution of this  Agreement,  but in no event
more than fifteen  (15)  Business  Days from the date  hereof,  Buyer and Seller
shall file any forms required by the  Commission to transfer the Assets.  Seller
agrees that it will cooperate with Buyer in all respects in connection with such
filings and in connection  with any requests for  information or further filings
which may be  necessary in order to obtain the  necessary  consents (or to allow
the  applicable  time  periods to expire)  with  respect  thereto.  Seller shall
deliver to Buyer and its counsel  drafts of such filings by Seller and all other
materials to be submitted sufficiently in advance of any such submission so that
Buyer and its  counsel  may  review  and  comment  upon such  filings  and other
materials. It is further agreed that (a) as soon as reasonably practicable,  but
in no event more than fifteen (15) Business  Days after the Closing Date,  Buyer
and Seller  shall file any forms  required by the  Commission  to  transfer  the
Subsequent  Permits;  provided that  notwithstanding  the  provisions of SECTION
11.1, Buyer and Seller shall undertake the Closing prior to the grant of the FCC
Approvals  of the  assignment  of the  Subsequent  Permits,  and  (b) as soon as
reasonably  practicable,  but in no event more than fifteen (15)  Business  Days
after the Closing Date, Buyer and Seller shall amend any Pending Applications to
replace Seller with Buyer as the proposed licensee.

         9.10 USE OF NAME.  Seller hereby  agrees that,  after the Closing Date,
Seller shall discontinue all use of any trade or assumed names used by Seller in
the Business prior to the Closing Date, alone or in any combination of words for
any purpose whatsoever,  excluding,  however, Seller's corporate name "Teletouch
Communications,  Inc.",  "Teletouch",  "Teletouch Licenses,  Inc." and the names
"Visao Systems,  Inc" and "Visao." Seller specifically grants Buyer an exclusive
right to the name Teletouch Paging, or a Seller approved derivative thereof, for
use only in the provision of paging services.

         9.11  FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  At any time or from time to time  after the
Closing Date,  Seller shall,  at the reasonable  request of Buyer and at Buyer's
expense,  execute and deliver any further  instruments or documents and take all
such further action as Buyer may  reasonably  request in order to consummate and
make  effective  the  sale of the  Assets  and  the  assumption  of the  Assumed
Obligations pursuant to this Agreement.

         9.12 BANK ACCOUNT;  CUSTOMER PAYMENTS. No later than three (3) Business
Days following the Closing Date,  Seller shall  instruct  BankOne to forward all
deposits in Seller's  lockbox to an account  established  by Buyer.  Buyer shall
forward to Seller any checks or other  payments  received  by Buyer that are not
associated  with the Accounts  Receivable  purchased  hereunder,  including  the
applicable portion of any payments on joint accounts. Seller shall provide Buyer
with bank  statements and any  additional  information  reasonably  requested by
Buyer for Buyer to assure Seller's compliance with this section.


                                   ARTICLE X
                               COVENANTS OF BUYER

         Buyer hereby covenants and agrees with Seller as follows:

         10.1 COOPERATION BY BUYER.  Buyer will use its reasonable best efforts,
and will cooperate  with Seller,  to secure all necessary  consents,  approvals,
authorizations,  exemptions  and waivers from third parties as shall be required
in order to enable  Buyer to effect the  transactions  contemplated  on its part
hereby,  and Buyer will otherwise use its  reasonable  best efforts to cause and
consummation  of such  transactions  in accordance with the terms and conditions
hereof and to cause all conditions contained in this Agreement over which it has
control to be satisfied.

         10.2 BOOKS AND RECORDS; PERSONNEL. At all times after the Closing Date,
Buyer  shall  allow  Seller and any agents of Seller,  upon  reasonable  advance
notice to Buyer, access to all Books and Records of Seller which are transferred
to Buyer in  connection  herewith,  to the  extent  necessary  or  desirable  in
anticipation of, or preparation for, existing or future  litigation,  employment
matters,  tax returns or audits,  or reports to or filings with any Governmental
Authorities,  during normal  working hours at the location  where such Books and
Records are maintained,  and Seller shall have the right, at Seller's sole cost,
to make copies of any such Books and Records. Buyer agrees to maintain all Books
and Records acquired from Seller for a period of six years from the Closing Date
unless such Books and Records are  transferred  and  delivered to Seller  within
such six (6) year period.


         10.4  FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  At any time or from time to time  after the
Closing  Date,  Buyer shall,  at the request of Seller and at Seller's  expense,
execute  and  deliver any further  instruments  or  documents  and take all such
further action as Seller may reasonably  request in order to consummate and make
effective the sale of the Assets and the  assumption of the Assumed  Obligations
pursuant to this Agreement.

         10.5  GOVERNMENTAL  FILINGS.  It is expressly  acknowledged  and agreed
that, as soon as practicable  after the execution of this  Agreement,  but in no
event more than  fifteen  (15)  Business  Days from the date  hereof,  Buyer and
Seller shall file any forms required by the Commission to authorize the transfer
of the Assets.  Buyer agrees that it will  cooperate with Seller in all respects
in  connection  with  such  filings  and in  connection  with any  requests  for
information  or further  filings  which may be  necessary in order to obtain the
necessary  consents  (or to allow the  applicable  time  periods to expire) with
respect  thereto.  Buyer shall deliver to Seller and its counsel  drafts of such
filings by Buyer and all other materials to be submitted sufficiently in advance
of any such  submission  so that  Seller and its  counsel may review and comment
upon such filings and other materials.


                                   ARTICLE XI
                                   THE CLOSING

         11.1 TIME AND PLACE;  EFFECTIVE  DATE. The closing of the  transactions
contemplated  by this Agreement (the  "CLOSING") will take place at 9:00 a.m. at
the offices of Teletouch  Communications  Inc., 1913 Deerbrook Dr. Tyler,  Texas
75703, on the last day of the month in which the Requisite  Stockholder Approval
is obtained or at such other time,  at such other place or on such other date as
the parties hereto may mutually  agree.  The date on which the Closing occurs is
herein  referred to as the "CLOSING DATE" and the  transactions  contemplated by
this  Agreement  shall be deemed to be effective as of 12:01 a.m. on the Closing

         11.2  SELLER'S  OBLIGATIONS.  At the Closing,  Seller shall  deliver to
Buyer, against delivery of the items specified in SECTION 11.3:

         (a) bills of sale,  assumptions  and  other  instruments  of  transfer,
assignment and conveyance in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer
sufficient to (i) transfer to and effectively vest in Buyer all right, title and
interest in the Assets  together with possession of the Assets free and clear of
all Encumbrances  except Permitted  Encumbrances,  and (ii) transfer to Buyer no
later  than five (5) days  prior to the  Closing  Date,  all  rights,  title and
interest in and to the Permits;

         (b) certified copies of the Articles of Incorporation,  Bylaws and Good
Standing and Existence Certificates of Seller;

         (c) the Noncompetition and Nonsolicitation Agreement;

         (d) a License  Agreement  granting to Buyer a limited license to use of
the name "TeleTouch Paging," (the "LICENSE  AGREEMENT"),  which license shall be
limited  to use by Buyer and  cannot be sold or  assigned  without  the  express
written permission of Seller, which shall not be unreasonably withheld;

         (e) a sublease  agreement  subleasing to Buyer space in Seller's Tyler,
Texas for six months following Closing (the "SUBLEASE");

         (f) all Books and Records (or acceptable facsimiles thereof) which have
been requested by Buyer hereunder, including all Assigned Contracts;

         (g) the certifications  required by SECTIONS 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 which may
be contained in one certificate;

         (h) the consents to assignment of the Assigned Contracts as required by

         (i) a blanket  letter to Seller's  lessors  with  respect to the office
Leases and Communications Sites, notifying such lessors of the assignment of the
office  Leases  and  Leases  of  such  Communications  Sites  pursuant  to  this


         (j) a joint  letter to the  customers of the  Business  notifying  such
customers of the purchase of the Business by Buyer; and

         (k) such other  instruments,  documents  and  certificates  in form and
substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to Buyer,  as Buyer  shall have  reasonably

         11.3  BUYER'S  OBLIGATIONS.  At the  Closing,  Buyer  shall  deliver to
Seller, against delivery of the items specified in SECTION 11.2:

         (a) a wire transfer for the total of the Cash Payment ;

         (b) the Promissory Note;

         (c) the License Agreement;

         (d) the Sublease;

         (e) a blanket  letter to Seller's  lessors  with  respect to the office
Leases and Communications Sites, notifying such lessors of the assignment of the
office  Leases  and  Leases  of  such  Communications  Sites  pursuant  to  this
Agreement; and

         (f) the certifications required by SECTIONS 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3, which may
be contained in one certificate.

         11.4 TRANSFER OF PERMITS.

         (a) GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS. With respect to Seller's licenses issued by
the Commission,  such licenses shall not be transferred  until all  governmental
consents and approvals  necessary to permit the consummation of the transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall have been received,  including,  but not
limited to, all necessary  approvals of the  Commission  ("FCC  APPROVALS")  and
until such FCC Approvals shall be final and nonappealable. All Permits requiring
such  approvals for transfer are  hereinafter  referred to  collectively  as the

         (b) TRANSFER OF REGULATED  PERMITS.  Notwithstanding  any  provision of
this  Agreement to the  contrary,  Seller  shall assign all of their  respective
rights, title and interest in and to the Regulated Permits on the first business
day  following  the date on which  the  parties  receive  evidence  of final and
nonappealable  FCC  Approvals  with respect to Seller's  licenses  issued by the
Commission.  Seller shall deliver to Buyer on such date the evidence  referenced
in this SECTION 11.4.

         11.5  POSSESSION.  Simultaneous  with the consummation of the transfers
contemplated herein, Seller, through its officers,  agents and employees,  shall
put Buyer in full  possession  and  enjoyment  of all Assets to be conveyed  and
transferred by this Agreement.


                                  ARTICLE XII

         12.1 TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated and the transactions
contemplated  hereby  may be  abandoned  at any time on or prior to the  Closing

         (a) by the mutual written consent of Buyer and Seller;

         (b) by  either  party on or after  the 10th day  following  receipt  of
Requisite  Stockholder  Approval,  if the Closing has not occurred by such date,
provided  that as of such date neither  party is in default or that both parties
are in default under this Agreement;

         (c) by Seller in writing if (i) the Requisite  Stockholder Approval has
not been  obtained  by  September  30,  2005 or (ii) the  Requisite  Stockholder
Approval is obtained but 5% or more of the  outstanding  shares of capital stock
of  Seller  vote  against  the  proposed  transaction  and have  asserted  their
dissenters rights;

         (d) by Buyer or Seller in writing,  without  prejudice  to other rights
and remedies  which the  terminating  party may have  (provided the  terminating
party is not otherwise in material  default or breach of this Agreement,  or has
failed or refused to close without justification  hereunder), if the other party
shall (i) materially  fail or have failed to perform its covenants or agreements
contained  herein  required to be performed on or prior to the Closing  Date, or
(ii) materially breach or have breached any of its representations or warranties
contained herein.

         (e) by Buyer in writing without penalty following the occurrence of any
event that has a material  adverse impact on the Business and the Assets,  taken
as a whole.

         (f) by Buyer or Seller in  writing  if the  parties  cannot  agree on a
Management Agreement by August 31, 2005.

         12.2 EFFECT ON OBLIGATIONS.  Termination of this Agreement  pursuant to
this Article shall  terminate all obligations of the parties  hereunder,  except
for (i) SECTIONS 13.1,  13.2,  13.9,  13.10 and 13.11 and Buyer's remedies under
ARTICLE XII hereof.  Upon any  termination  of this  Agreement each party hereto
will redeliver all documents,  work papers and other material of any other party
relating  to the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and  all  copies  of such
materials,  whether so obtained  before or after the  execution  hereof,  to the
party furnishing the same.

that certain of the schedules to this Agreement will be provided by Seller on or
prior to September 1, 2005, and that Seller shall have the continuing obligation
until the Closing Date to  supplement  or amend  promptly  such  schedules  with
respect to any matter  hereafter  arising or  discovered  which,  if existing or
known at the date of this Agreement, would have been required to be set forth or
described in the  schedules  hereto.  Upon  Buyer's  receipt of (a) any schedule
delivered  by Seller on or prior to  September  1, 2005 or (b) any  amendment or
supplement  to a schedule  thereafter  delivered by Seller (any  schedule or any
amendment  or  supplement  to a  schedule  referenced  in item (a) or (b)  being
referred to as a "SUPPLEMENTAL  DISCLOSURE"),  Buyer will have five (5) Business
Days  after  receipt  (the   "TERMINATION   PERIOD")  in  which  to  review  the
Supplemental Disclosure. If (x) any Supplemental Disclosure relating to Seller's
representations  and warranties under ARTICLE V discloses facts that have had or
could reasonably be expected to result,  individually or in the aggregate,  in a
Material Adverse Effect on the Business and the Assets, taken as a whole, or (y)
any other Supplemental  Disclosure contains items that are materially  different
than the items that were  represented  by Seller  during  Buyer's due  diligence
investigation  as  items  to be  disclosed  on the  relevant  schedule  and such
difference  represents a material  adverse impact of more than $50,000.00 on the
Business and the Assets, taken as a whole, Buyer may terminate this Agreement by
delivering a termination notice to the Seller within the Termination Period. The
termination  notice  must  identify  the  specific  facts  in  the  Supplemental
Disclosure which give rise to Buyer's  termination right. Such termination shall
be  Buyer's  sole  remedy  with  respect  to the  content  of  the  Supplemental
Disclosure.  If a  termination  notice is not  received  within the  Termination
Period, the relevant schedules will be deemed, for all purposes,  to be provided
or  supplemented  as described  in the  Supplemental  Disclosure  as of the date
hereof and to be binding on Buyer and Seller.


                                  ARTICLE XIII
                          SURVIVAL AND INDEMNIFICATION

         13.1  INDEMNIFICATION OF SELLER. Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller,
its  officers,  directors,  shareholders,  agents,  Affiliates,  successors  and
permitted assigns (the "SELLER  INDEMNITIES")  harmless from and against any and
all damages,  including exemplary damages and penalties,  losses,  deficiencies,
costs,  expenses,  obligations,  fines,  expenditures,  claims and  liabilities,
including  reasonable  counsel fees and  reasonable  expenses of  investigation,
defending and prosecuting litigation (collectively,  the "DAMAGES"), suffered by
Seller  Indemnities  as a result of,  caused by,  arising  out of, or in any way
relating to (a) any misrepresentation,  breach of warranty, or nonfulfillment of
any  agreement or covenant on the part of Buyer under this  Agreement or (b) any
liability  or  obligation  (other  than the  Excluded  Liabilities  or any other
liabilities  or  obligations  for  which  Buyer is being  indemnified  by Seller
hereunder) which pertains to the ownership, operation or conduct of the Business
or Assets arising from any acts, omissions,  events, conditions or circumstances
occurring on or after the Closing Date,  including,  but not limited to, Buyer's
failure to perform any of the Assumed Obligations.

         13.2  INDEMNIFICATION OF BUYER.  Seller shall indemnify and hold Buyer,
its officers, directors, partners, agents, Affiliates,  successors and permitted
assigns (the "BUYER INDEMNITIES")  harmless from and against any and all Damages
suffered by Buyer  Indemnities  as a result of, caused by, arising out of, or in
any  way   relating   to  (a)  any   misrepresentation,   breach  of   warranty,
nonfulfillment  of any  agreement  or covenant on the part of Seller  under this
Agreement or (b) any liability or obligation  (other than those for which Seller
is being indemnified by Buyer hereunder and other than the Assumed  Obligations)
which pertains to the ownership,  operation or conduct of the Business or Assets
arising from any acts, omissions,  events, conditions or circumstances occurring
before the Closing Date and (c) the Excluded Liabilities.

         13.3 DEMANDS.  Each  indemnified  party hereunder  agrees that promptly
upon its  discovery  of facts  giving  rise to a claim for  indemnity  under the
provisions of this Agreement,  including  receipt by it of notice of any demand,
assertion,  claim,  action or  proceeding,  judicial or otherwise,  by any third
party (such third party  actions  being  collectively  referred to herein as the
"Claim"),  with  respect to any matter as to which it claims to be  entitled  to
indemnity  under the  provisions of this  Agreement,  it will give prompt notice
thereof in writing to the indemnifying party,  together with a statement of such
information  respecting any of the foregoing as it shall have. Such notice shall
include  a  formal  demand  for  indemnification   under  this  Agreement.   The
indemnifying  party shall not be obligated to indemnify  the  indemnified  party
with respect to any Claim if the indemnified  party  knowingly  failed to notify
the  indemnifying  party  thereof  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of this
Agreement in sufficient time to permit the indemnifying  party or its counsel to
defend  against  such matter and to make a timely  response  thereto  including,
without  limitation,  any responsive motion or answer to a complaint,  petition,
notice or other  legal,  equitable  or  administrative  process  relating to the
Claim, only insofar as such knowing failure to notify the indemnifying party has
actually resulted in prejudice or damage to the indemnifying party.


         13.4 RIGHT TO CONTEST  AND  DEFEND.  The  indemnifying  party  shall be
entitled at its cost and expense to contest and defend by all appropriate  legal
proceedings  any Claim with respect to which it is called upon to indemnify  the
indemnified party under the provisions of this Agreement;  provided, that notice
of the intention to contest shall be delivered by the indemnifying  party to the
indemnified  party  within  twenty  (20)  days from the date of  receipt  by the
indemnifying  party of notice by the  indemnified  party of the assertion of the
Claim.  Any such  contest  may be  conducted  in the name and on  behalf  of the
indemnifying party or the indemnified party as may be appropriate.  Such contest
shall be conducted by reputable counsel employed by the indemnifying  party, but
the indemnified party shall have the right but not the obligation to participate
in such  proceedings and to be represented by counsel of its own choosing at its
sole cost and  expense.  The  indemnifying  party shall have full  authority  to
determine all action to be taken with respect thereto;  provided,  however, that
the  indemnifying  party will not have the authority to subject the  indemnified
party to any  obligation  whatsoever,  other  than  the  performance  of  purely
ministerial  tasks  or  obligations  not  involving  material  expense.  If  the
indemnifying  party does not elect to contest any such Claim,  the  indemnifying
party  shall  be  bound by the  result  obtained  with  respect  thereto  by the
indemnified party, having used its reasonable best efforts in resolution. At any
time after the commencement of the defense of any Claim, the indemnifying  party
may request the indemnified party to agree in writing to the abandonment of such
contest or to the payment or compromise by the indemnified party of the asserted
Claim,  whereupon  such  action  shall be taken  unless  the  indemnified  party
determines   that  the  contest  should  be  continued,   and  so  notifies  the
indemnifying  party in writing within fifteen (15) days of such request from the
indemnifying  party. If the indemnified party determines that the contest should
be  continued,  the  indemnifying  party shall be liable  hereunder  only to the
extent of the  amount  that the other  party to the  contested  Claim had agreed
unconditionally  to  accept  in  payment  or  compromise  as  of  the  time  the
indemnifying party made its request therefore to the indemnified party.

         13.5  COOPERATION.   If  requested  by  the  indemnifying   party,  the
indemnified  party  agrees  to  cooperate  with the  indemnifying  party and its
counsel in contesting  any Claim that the  indemnifying  party elects to contest
or, if appropriate,  in making any counterclaim against the person asserting the
Claim, or any  cross-complaint  against any person,  and the indemnifying  party
will  reimburse  the  indemnified  party for any  expenses  incurred by it in so
cooperating.  If the  indemnifying  party has not chosen to contest a Claim, the
indemnifying party shall cooperate with the indemnified party and its counsel in
contesting any Claim at no cost or expense to the indemnified party.


         13.6 RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE.  The indemnified  party agrees to afford the
indemnifying  party and its  counsel  the  opportunity  to be present at, and to
participate   in,   conferences   with  all  persons,   including   Governmental
Authorities,  asserting any Claim against the  indemnified  party or conferences
with representatives of or counsel for such persons.

         13.7  PAYMENT  OF  DAMAGES.  The  indemnifying  party  shall pay to the
indemnified  party in  immediately  available  funds  any  amounts  to which the
indemnified  party may  become  entitled  by reason  of the  provisions  of this
Agreement subject to offset for any insurance  proceeds actually received by the
indemnified  party,  such  payment  to be made  within  five days after any such
amounts are finally  determined either by mutual agreement of the parties hereto
or  pursuant  to  the  final  unappealable  judgment  of a  court  of  competent
jurisdiction. The availability of insurance proceeds shall not delay or postpone
any indemnification  payment required  hereunder.  If the indemnified party both
collects  any  such   insurance   proceeds  and  receives  a  payment  from  the
indemnifying  party  hereunder,  and the sum of such  proceeds and payment is in
excess of the amount  payable  with respect to the matter that is the subject of
the  indemnity,  then  the  indemnified  party  shall  promptly  refund  to  the
indemnifying  party the amount of such excess,  if  permitted by the  applicable
insurance policies.  Except as otherwise provided in the preceding sentence, the
indemnified  party's receipt of any such insurance  proceeds shall not eliminate
or  reduce  the  obligations  of the  indemnifying  party or the  rights  of the
indemnified  party hereunder.  Any amount payable to Buyer Indemnities by Seller
pursuant to this ARTICLE XIII shall, if not promptly paid by Seller, be paid and
discharged in the form of a reduction in the principal  amount of the Promissory
Note as evidenced by a written statement executed by Seller, with such reduction
being applied to installments of the first maturing principal.

         13.8 SURVIVAL OF REPRESENTATIONS  AND WARRANTIES.  The  representations
and warranties  contained in ARTICLES V and VI of this  Agreement  shall survive
until the second anniversary date of the Closing Date.

         13.9 LIMITATIONS. No party will be required to make any indemnification
under  this  ARTICLE  XIII  with  respect  to  any  Damages  suffered  by  Buyer
Indemnities or Seller Indemnities,  as applicable,  unless the aggregate of such
Damages exceed $50,000.00. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement
to the contrary, the aggregate  indemnification  obligations of any party hereto
shall in no event exceed 25% of the Purchase Price.

         13.10 SOLE REMEDY. Indemnification under this ARTICLE XIII shall be the
sole and exclusive remedy of the parties with respect to Damages  resulting from
the breach of any representation, warranty or covenant in this Agreement.



                                  ARTICLE XIV

14.1 NOTICES. Any notice, request, instruction, correspondence or other document
to be given hereunder by either party to the other (herein  collectively  called
"NOTICE")  shall be in writing  and  delivered  in person or by courier  service
requiring  acknowledgment  of receipt of delivery or mailed by  certified  mail,
postage prepaid and return receipt requested, or by telecopier, as follows:

               IF TO SELLER, ADDRESSED TO:
               Thomas A. "Kip" Hyde
               5718 Airport Freeway
               Fort Worth, Texas 76117

               IF TO BUYER, ADDRESSED TO:
               Robert Albritton
               7471 Benbrook Parkway
               Benbrook, Texas 76126

Notice given by personal  delivery,  courier  service or mail shall be effective
upon  actual  receipt.   Notice  given  by  telecopier  shall  be  confirmed  by
appropriate  answer back and shall be effective  upon actual receipt if received
during  the  recipient's  normal  business  hours,  or at the  beginning  of the
recipient's  next  Business  Day  after  receipt  if  not  received  during  the
recipient's  normal business hours. All Notices by telecopier shall be confirmed
promptly after  transmission in writing by certified mail or personal  delivery.
Any party may change any address to which  Notice is to be given to it by giving
Notice as provided above of such change of address.

         14.2 GOVERNING LAW. The provisions of this Agreement  shall be governed
by and construed and enforced in accordance  with the laws of the State of Texas
(excluding any  conflicts-of-law  rule or principle that might refer same to the
laws of another jurisdiction).

         14.3  ARBITRATION.  If any dispute,  controversy or claim  (referred to
collectively  as a "DISPUTE")  of any kind or  character  arises by or among the
Parties which cannot be amicably resolved, then at the written demand of any one
Party to the  others,  the  Dispute  shall  be fully  and  finally  resolved  by
arbitration  in  Dallas  County,  Texas  before  a  single  arbitrator  mutually
acceptable to and selected by the Parties and  otherwise in accordance  with the
Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). If
no prompt agreement can be reached among the Parties  concerning the identity of
the arbitrator,  then the sole  arbitrator  shall be selected in accordance with
the applicable AAA Rules.

         14.4  ENTIRE   AGREEMENT;   AMENDMENTS  AND  WAIVERS.   This  Agreement
(including the exhibits and schedules  hereto)  constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties hereto pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersede
all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions, whether oral
or written,  of the parties,  and there are no  warranties,  representations  or
other  agreements  between the  parties in  connection  with the subject  matter
hereof  except  as set forth  specifically  herein or  contemplated  hereby.  No
supplement,  modification  or waiver of this  Agreement  shall be binding unless
executed in writing by the party to be bound thereby.  The failure of a party to
exercise any right or remedy shall not be deemed or  constitute a waiver of such
right or  remedy in the  future.  No  waiver  of any of the  provisions  of this
Agreement  shall be deemed or shall  constitute a waiver of any other  provision
hereof  (regardless of whether similar),  nor shall any such waiver constitute a
continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided.


         14.5 BINDING EFFECT AND  ASSIGNMENT.  This  Agreement  shall be binding
upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective
permitted  successors  and assigns;  but neither this  Agreement  nor any of the
rights, benefits or obligations hereunder shall be assigned, by operation of law
or otherwise,  by Seller or Buyer without the prior written consent of the other
party. Seller hereby specifically consents to the assignment, at the election of
Buyer and in connection  with the FCC Approvals to be obtained as a condition of
Closing,  of all  Permits  of Seller  issued by the  Commission  and  subject to
assignment and/or transfer from Seller to Buyer pursuant to the Agreement may be
transferred and assigned to either Buyer, or any other  wholly-owned  subsidiary
of Buyer.  Nothing in this Agreement,  express or implied, is intended to confer
upon any person or entity  other than the  parties  hereto and their  respective
permitted successors and assigns, any rights, benefits or obligations hereunder.

         14.6  SEVERABILITY.  If any  provision of the  Agreement is rendered or
declared  illegal or  unenforceable  by reason of any  existing or  subsequently
enacted  legislation  or by decree of a court of last  resort,  Buyer and Seller
shall  promptly meet and negotiate  substitute  provisions for those rendered or
declared  illegal or  unenforceable  so as to preserve as nearly as possible the
contemplated  economic  effects of the  transactions,  but all of the  remaining
provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

         14.7  HEADINGS.  The headings of the  sections  herein are inserted for
convenience  of reference only and are not intended to be a part of or to affect
the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

         14.8 EXECUTION. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts
each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall  constitute one

         14.9 SALES AND TRANSFER TAXES.  Seller shall be responsible for and pay
any applicable sales, stamp, transfer,  documentary, use, filing and other taxes
and fees  (including  any penalties and interest) that may become due or payable
in connection  with this  Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer shall be responsible for the payment of any
transfer taxes and registrations  applicable to the transfer of the Vehicles and
the Permits.  Seller shall be responsible for a 8/12th fraction, and Buyer shall
be responsible for the remaining  4/12ths  fraction,  of any AD VALOREM personal
property  taxes  assessed  with respect to the Assets  during the 2005  calendar


         14.10 EXPENSES. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,  Seller
and Buyer  shall each pay all costs and  expenses  incurred  by them or on their
behalf in  connection  with this  Agreement  and the  transactions  contemplated

         14.11  PUBLICITY.  Except as otherwise  required by applicable  laws or
regulations (including, without limitation, the federal securities laws), Seller
and Buyer shall  cooperate  in the  issuance of press  releases or other  public
statements,  in each case  relating to or connected  with or arising out of this
Agreement or the matters contained herein,  and shall not unreasonably  withhold
approval  as to the  contents  and the manner of  presentation  and  publication

         14.12  CONFIDENTIALITY.  Prior to the Closing  Date,  neither Buyer nor
Seller will disclose the terms of this Agreement or the acquisition contemplated
hereby to any person other than their respective directors,  officers, agents or
representatives, except (a) as otherwise provided herein, (b) as may be required
in  connection  with  obtaining  the  Requisite  Stockholder  Approval or (c) as
required by law (including,  without  limitation,  the federal securities laws).
The  Seller  may make  appropriate  disclosures  of the  general  nature  of the
acquisition to its  employees,  vendors and customers to protect the goodwill of
the  Business  and to  facilitate  the  Closing.  Buyer may  disclose  pertinent
information  regarding the  acquisition to existing and  prospective  investors,
lenders,  or  investment  bankers  or  financial  advisors  for the  purpose  of
obtaining debt and/or equity financing,  and may describe this Agreement and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby in any  offering  document  with  respect  to
securities of the Buyer, and may include this Agreement as an exhibit thereto.

         14.13 LEGAL  REPRESENTATION.  Each of the parties  hereby  acknowledges
that it has been afforded the  opportunity  to review and discuss this Agreement
and  the  other  documents  and  instruments  contemplated  to be  delivered  in
connection with this Agreement with independent, qualified legal, accounting and
other relevant professional advisors. Buyer hereby acknowledges that Bracewell &
Giuliani  LLP has  acted  as  counsel  solely  for  Seller  and  has  explicitly
recommended  that Buyer seek the advice of Buyer's  legal  counsel in connection
with the review of this Agreement.


IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be
executed on its behalf as of the date first above written.

                         TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                          By: /S/ THOMAS A. HYDE, JR.
                                   Thomas A. "Kip" Hyde, Jr.
                                   Chief Executive Officer

                          TELETOUCH PAGING, LP

                          By: /S/ ROBERT ALBRITTON
                                Robert Albritton
                                Chief Executive Officer


                                                                      APPENDIX B


is made effective as of the 30th day of December,  2005 by and between Teletouch
Communications,  Inc. (the  "SELLER") and Teletouch  Paging,  LP (the  "BUYER").
Capitalized  terms not defined in this  Amendment  shall have the  meanings  set
forth in the Agreement (as defined below).


         WHEREAS,  the  Buyer  and the  Seller  entered  into an Asset  Purchase
Agreement,  dated as of August 18, 2005 (the "AGREEMENT") in connection with the
sale of the paging business assets of the Seller to the Buyer; and,

         WHEREAS, the Buyer and the Seller now desire to amend the Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are
expressly  acknowledged,  accepted and agreed,  the Buyer and the Seller  hereby
agree and consent,  that Section 3.1 AMOUNT;  DELIVERY of the Agreement shall be
amended and restated in its entirety and shall read as follows:

         "Section 3.1(a) AMOUNT;  DELIVERY. In addition to Buyer's assumption of
the Assumed Obligations,  Buyer shall pay to Seller the consideration as follows
(the "Purchase Price"), subject to adjustment as provided in Section 3.3 hereof,
which  Purchase  Price  shall be  remitted  by Buyer to Seller in the  following

         (a)  $4,000,000  in cash (the "Cash  Payment") to Seller on the Closing
Date  (subject to  adjustment  as provided  further in this clause (a)),  all of
which shall be paid by check or by wire transfer of immediately  available funds
to an  account  of Seller as  designated  in writing by Seller to Buyer not more
than three (3) Business Days prior to the Closing Date or at such other date and
time as may be agreed upon by both parties. The Cash Payment will be (1) reduced
by  the  amount  of  the  Earnings  Before  Interest,  Taxes,  Depreciation  and
Amortization  ("EBITDA") of the Business beginning September 1, 2005 through the
Closing Date  determined in accordance  with Seller's  current GAAP and business
management practices (e.g. monthly recognition of deferred revenue), (2) reduced
by an  amount  equal to the  lesser  of (A) the  amount,  if any,  by which  the
interest earned on the escrowed funds referenced below during the period between
August  31,  2005 and the  Closing  is less than the  imputed  interest  on such
escrowed  funds for the same  period,  calculated  at the prime rate of interest
quoted in the Wall Street  Journal on August 31, 2005 plus 1% or (B)  $10,000.00
and (3)  increased  by the  amount of any  approved  cash  capital  expenditures
incurred by the  Business  from  September  1, 2005  through  the Closing  Date;
PROVIDED,  however,  that in no event shall the Cash Payment  contemplated under
Section 3.1 hereof,  after giving the effect of the  allowable  adjustments  set
forth hereinabove, be more or less than $2,200,000.

                  The calculation of EBITDA will reflect a reduction of earnings
attributable  to payment of the  management  fees paid  pursuant  to Article IV.
Simply as evidence  that Buyer has funds  available  to make the Cash Payment at
Closing,  on or before August 31, 2005,  Buyer shall deposit the Cash Payment in
an  escrow  account  pursuant  to an  escrow  agreement  in form  and  substance
satisfactory to both Buyer and Seller.


                  (b) A non-interest  bearing  promissory note (the  "Promissory
Note") in the amount of  $1,200,000.00 as evidenced by a copy of such Promissory
Note  attached  hereto as EXHIBIT A. The  Promissory  Note shall be secured by a
lien on the Assets  subject to customary  subordination  provisions  required by
Buyer's senior lender.

          The Buyer hereby agrees to prepay the amount owed under the Promissory
Note in whole at the Closing by paying  $1,200,000.00 (the "Note Prepayment") to
the Seller. The Seller agrees to cancel the Promissory Note and to discharge the
Buyer's  obligations  owed to the  Seller  thereunder  upon  receipt of the Note

         This Amendment is acknowledged and agreed to this 30th day of December,

A Limited Partnership

- -----------------------------------------
         Name:   Robert Albritton
         Title:   Chief Executive Officer

A Delaware Corporation

- -----------------------------------------
         Name:   Thomas Hyde, Jr.
         Title:   Chief Executive Officer

Date:   December 30, 2005


                                                                      APPENDIX C

                          TELETOUCH COMMUNICATIONS INC.
                             PRO FORMA PRESENTATION

         In regard to the proposed  transaction  described in Proposal 1 of this
proxy, pro forma information has been provided as follows:

         o        Pro forma  condensed  consolidated  balance sheet as at August
                  31, 2005.
         o        Pro forma  statements of operations for the three months ended
                  August  31,  2004 and 2005,  and for the  years  ended May 31,
                  2003, 2004 and 2005.

         The pro forma information presents Teletouch's statements of operations
and balance  sheet as they would have appeared if the proposed  transaction  had
closed on the financial  statement  dates,  and therefore as if the  operations,
assets  and  liabilities  relating  to the  APA  had not  been  included  in the
operations, assets and liabilities of the periods reported.

         The pro forma financial  information is not  necessarily  indicative of
the results that would have occurred if the business disposition had occurred on
the dates indicated, or of the results which may occur in the future. Management
undertakes  no  obligation  and does not intend to update,  revise or  otherwise
publicly  release any revisions to this pro forma  information to reflect events
or  circumstances  after the date  hereof or to reflect  the  occurrence  of any
unanticipated events.

         As discussed in our Current  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended May
31, 2005, filed with the SEC on November 8, 2005, a portion of the consideration
for this purchase is in the form of a note receivable that is subordinate to the
buyer's senior lender.  Additionally,  the cash portion of the consideration for
this  transaction  which was  contemplated to be $4.0 million as of September 1,
2005 is  reduced  by the  earnings  before  interest,  taxes,  depreciation  and
amortization ("EBITDA") of the paging business through the closing date. Because
of delays  encountered in submitting this  transaction for shareholder  vote the
closing  has  been  delayed  longer  than   anticipated   this  portion  of  the
consideration is expected to be reduced to  approximately  $2.2 million based on
the projected  EBITDA of the paging  business  through the closing date which is
estimated to be March 2, 2006.

         On December 30, 2005,  the payment terms of the APA were  amended.  The
amendment to the APA limits the  reductions  that can be taken  against the cash
portion of the consideration to ensure that this portion of the consideration is
$2.2 million and provides  that the $1.2 million note payable will be prepaid at
closing.  Therefore,  the total cash consideration payable to the Company at the
closing will be $3.4 million and the promissory note will be cancelled.

         In addition to  stockholder  approval,  this  transaction is subject to
regulatory approvals. There is no certainty, if stockholder approval is obtained
for the transaction  described in Proposal 1, that the  transaction  will close,
due to the uncertainties referenced above.


         Adjustments    to   the   Statements   of   Operations   of   Teletouch
Communications,  Inc.  do not  include the loss or closing  costs  relating  the
transaction  described in Proposal 1 nor do they include the  recognition of the
unamortized  portion of the gain on the sale /  leaseback  transaction  that the
Company entered into in 1997 or the accretion on certain redeemable common stock
warrants  issued by the Company in 2002. The recognition of the gain on the sale
/ leaseback  transaction will be accelerated upon the closing of the sale of the
paging  business  because the buyer will be  assuming  the  Company's  remaining
obligations under these leases. The adjustment for the unearned sale / leaseback
profit  is  shown  only in the  attached  Balance  Sheet as a  reduction  in the
deferred gain  liability  recorded  related to this leaseback  transaction.  The
recognition  of this gain will only be recorded  after the buyer has assumed the
Company's  lease  obligations  in  accordance  with the  terms  of the APA.  The
redeemable   common  stock  warrants  contain  a  provision  that  allows  their
redemption to be accelerated  upon the sale of  significantly  all the assets of
the Company. The accretion of the redeemable common stock warrants is shown only
in the pro forma balance sheet and represents the potential  acceleration of the
redemption  value of these warrants that could be triggered upon the sale of the
paging  business.  As  discussed  in  the  notes  to  the  pro  forma  financial
statements,  the Company  has  presented  the full amount that could  become due
under the redeemable common stock warrants if the ongoing  negotiations with the
warrant   holders  to  reduce  this  current   portion  of  this  liability  are
unsuccessful. Robert McMurrey, Chairman of Teletouch, controls approximately 92%
of the outstanding common stock of Teletouch and has informed the Company of his
intent to vote against the sale  transaction  if  negotiations  with the warrant
holders  are  unsuccessful  which  would  result  in  no  acceleration  of  this
obligation due from the Company.


                         Teletouch Communications, Inc.
                 Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                              as of August 31, 2005
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                                                   Pro Forma
                                                                                August 31, 2005   Adjustments         Pro Forma
                                                                                   (unaudited)    (unaudited)        (unaudited)
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
       Cash and cash equivalents                                                    1,172               3,416  a,b          4,588
       Accounts receivable, net of allowance of $112 in fiscal 2006                 1,342                (581) b              761
       Inventories, net of reserve of $183 in fiscal 2006                             869                (302) b              567
       Current income tax receivable                                                  652                   -                 652
       Deferred income tax assets                                                      77                   -                  77
       Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                      302                 (69) b              233
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
              Total Current Assets                                                  4,414               2,464               6,878
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
       accumulated depreciation of $15,846 in fiscal 2006                           5,102              (3,873) a            1,229
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------

GOODWILL                                                                              343                   -                 343

       Subscriber bases                                                               226                (114) a              112
       FCC licenses                                                                   103                   -                 103
       Non-compete agreements                                                          95                   -                  95
       Internally-developed software                                                  149                   -                 149
       Accumulated amortization                                                      (296)                114  a             (182)
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
              Total Other Intangible Assets                                           277                   -                 277
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES                                                                  98                   -                  98
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                       10,234              (1,409)              8,825
                                                                                ==============================      ==============

       Accounts payable                                                             1,090                   -               1,090
       Accrued Expenses and other current liabilities                               1,706                (215) b            1,491
       Current portion of long-term debt                                               86                 (21) a               65
       Current portion of redeemable common stock purchase warrants                     -               3,000  c            3,000
       Current portion of redeemable common stock payable                             266                   -                 266
       Current portion of unearned sale/leaseback profit                              418                (418) d                0
       Deferred revenue                                                               838                (721) b              117
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
              Total Current Liabilities                                             4,404               1,625               6,029
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
       Long-term debt, net of current portion                                         108                 (25) a               83
       Redeemable common stock purchase warrants                                    2,196              (2,196) c                -
       Redeemable common stock payable, net of current portion                         64                   -                  64
       Unearned sale/leaseback profit, net of current portion                         534                (534) d                -
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
              Total long-term liabilities                                           2,902              (2,755)                147
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
TOTAL  LIABILITIES                                                                  7,306              (1,130)              6,176
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------

       Series A cumulative convertible preferred stock,
       $.001 par value, 15,000 shares authorized and 0 shares
       issued and outstanding in fiscal 2006
                                                                                        -                   -                   -
       Series B convertible preferred stock, $.001 par value,
       411,457 shares authorized  0 shares issued and outstanding in fiscal 2006
                                                                                        -                   -                   -
       Series C convertible preferred stock, $.001 par value, 1,000,000
       shares authorized, issued and outstanding in fiscal 2006
                                                                                        1                   -                   1
       Common stock, $.001 par value, 70,000,000 shares
       authorized and 5,416,189 shares issued in fiscal 2006
                                                                                        5                   -                   5
       Additional paid-in capital                                                  31,977                   -              31,977
       Treasury Stock, 537,959 shares held in fiscal 2006                            (185)                  -                (185)
       Accumulated deficit                                                        (28,870)               (279) a,c,d      (29,149)
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
              Total Shareholders' Equity                                            2,928                (279)              2,649
                                                                                ------------------------------      --------------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                         10,234              (1,409)              8,825
                                                                                ==============================      ==============


- ------
The pro forma information  presents  Teletouch's  balance sheet as it would have
appeared if the APA had closed on the balance sheet date presented.  Adjustments
to the balance sheet are as follows:

         a.       The  removal  of  the   property,   plant  and  equipment  and
                  intangible  assets  related  to the  paging  business  and the
                  removal of the assigned liabilities related to the sale of the
                  paging business. The assigned liabilities are related to notes
                  payable  on certain  vehicles  that are used  directly  in the
                  paging  business.  The approximate loss on this transaction as
                  of August 31, 2005 is calculated  below and is reflected as an
                  increase to  accumulated  deficit in the  balance  sheet shown

                       ($ in 000's)
                          Cash                                    $ 3,400
                          Assigned liabilities                         46
                          Total consideration                       3,446
                       Assets Sold:
                          Property, plant and equipment, net        3,873
                          Subscriber bases, net                         -
                          Total assets sold                         3,873

                       Loss on sale of assets                     $  (427)

         b.       The  removal  of  certain   defined   working   capital  items
                  contemplated  under the APA.  The  excess  working  capital as
                  defined in the APA at August 31, 2005 is approximately $20,000
                  which is to be paid to Teletouch  Communications,  Inc. by the
                  Buyer.  The components of the defined  working  capital are as

                       ($ in 000's)
                       CURRENT ASSETS SOLD:
                       Cash and cash equivalents                         $   4
                       Accounts receivable                                 581
                       Inventories                                         302
                       Prepaid expenses and other current assets            69
                          Total Current Assets                             956

                       CURRENT LIABILITIES ASSUMED:
                       Accrued Expenses and other current liabilities      215
                       Deferred revenue                                    721
                          Total Current Liabilities

                       Working Capital Surplus / Cash Due to Teletouch   $  20

         c.       As  a  result  of  certain   rights   contained  in  6,000,000
                  redeemable common stock warrants (the "GM Warrants") issued by
                  the  Company as part of its debt and equity  restructuring  in
                  2002, the redemption of these warrants can be accelerated upon
                  a sale of substantially all of the assets of the Company.  The
                  holders  of the GM  Warrants  notified  the  Company  of their
                  intent to redeem these warrants  immediately  upon the sale of
                  the paging business. Robert M. McMurrey, Chairman of Teletouch
                  controls  approximately 92% of the outstanding common stock as
                  of the date hereof and is in negotiations  with the holders of
                  the GM  Warrants  to  reduce  the  total  amount  due upon the


                  closing.  If  unsuccessful in his  negotiations,  Mr. McMurrey
                  will not vote for the sale of the paging  business which would
                  result in no acceleration of the redemption of these warrants.
                  As of August 31, 2005,  the Company had recorded  $2.2 million
                  of the $3.0 million redemption value of the GM Warrants. Since
                  issuance,  the Company has  accreted the value of the warrants
                  toward their full  redemption  value over their  original term
                  which matures in December  2007.  Because of the  acceleration
                  rights  contained in the  warrants,  the Company has increased
                  the  liability  due under the GM  Warrants  by $804,000 to the
                  full $3.0 million and  reclassified it as a current  liability
                  in the above pro forma financial  statement to help the reader
                  understand the impact if the sale transaction proceeds without
                  any  negotiated  settlement on this  obligation.  The $804,000
                  accretion in this  liability is also  presented as an increase
                  to accumulated deficit above.

         d.       The removal of the deferred gain on a certain sale / leaseback
                  transaction entered into in 1997 by the Company. Upon the sale
                  of the paging  business and the assumption by the Buyer of the
                  Company's  obligations  under these  leases,  the Company will
                  recognize the  remainder of this  deferred  gain. As of August
                  31, 2004 the  unrecognized  portion of the  deferred  gain was
                  approximately   $952,000  which  reduces  accumulated  deficit

The pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results
which would have occurred if the business  disposition  had occurred on the date
indicated, or of the results which may occur in the future.


                         Teletouch Communications, Inc.
            Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                   for the three months ended August 31, 2004
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                         As Reported       Pro Forma
                                                                       August 31, 2004    Adjustments            Pro Forma
                                                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited) Note 1       (unaudited)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating revenues:
    Service, rent, and maintenance revenue                                  5,342             ($   4,870)   a    $     472
    Product sales revenue                                                   1,103                   (188)   a    $     915
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating revenues                                      6,445                 (5,058)            1,387
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating expenses:
    Cost of service, rent and maintenance
    (exclusive of depreciation and amortization included below)             2,782                 (2,343)   a          439
    Cost of products sold                                                     998                   (360)   a          638
    Selling and general and administrative                                  1,971                   (688)   a        1,283
    Depreciation and amortization                                             905                   (772)   a          133
    Gain on disposal of assets                                                (54)                    53    a           (1)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating expenses                                      6,602                 (4,110)            2,492
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating loss                                                               (157)                  (948)           (1,105)

Interest expense, net                                                        (103)                     1    a         (102)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Loss before income tax benefit                                               (260)                  (947)           (1,207)
Income tax benefit                                                            (38)                  (322)             (360)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Loss from continuing operations                                        ($     222)            ($     625)       ($     847)
                                                                      ===================================      ============
Basic and diluted loss per share                                        $   (0.05)             $   (0.14)        $   (0.19)
                                                                      ===================================      ============
Denominator for basic and diluted loss per share -  weighted
average number of common shares outstanding                             4,546,980                                4,546,980
                                                                      ============                             ============

- ------
The pro forma  information  presents  Teletouch's  statement of operations as it
would have appeared if the operations  relating to the APA had not been included
in the  operations  of the period  presented.  Adjustments  to the  statement of
operations are as follows:

         a.  The  operations  of the  paging  business  were  removed  as if the
         transaction  occurred  on the  first  day of the  reported  period.  No
         adjustments are included for the  anticipated  book loss on the sale of
         the assets or for the expected non-cash gain related to the recognition
         of the unamortized portion of certain sale / leaseback profits.

The pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results
which would have occurred if the business  disposition  had occurred on the date
indicated, or of the results which may occur in the future.


                         Teletouch Communications, Inc.
            Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                   for the three months ended August 31, 2005
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                         As Reported       Pro Forma
                                                                       August 31, 2005    Adjustments            Pro Forma
                                                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited) Note 1       (unaudited)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating revenues:
    Service, rent, and maintenance revenue                             $    4,579             ($   4,061)   a    $     518
    Product sales revenue                                                     919                   (116)   a    $     803
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating revenues                                      5,498                 (4,177)            1,321
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating expenses:
    Cost of service, rent and maintenance (exclusive of
    depreciation and amortization included below)                           2,651                 (1,929)   a          722
    Cost of products sold                                                     673                    (75)   a          598
    Selling and general and administrative                                  1,730                   (554)   a        1,176
    Depreciation and amortization                                             761                   (608)   a          153
    Gain on disposal of assets                                                 (1)                    (8)   a           (9)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating expenses                                      5,814                 (3,174)            2,640
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating loss                                                               (316)                (1,003)           (1,319)

Interest expense, net                                                        (115)                     1    a         (114)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------

Loss from continuing operations                                        ($     431)            ($   1,002)       ($   1,433)
                                                                      ===================================      ============
Basic and diluted loss per share                                        $   (0.09)             $   (0.20)        $   (0.29)
                                                                      ===================================      ============
Denominator for basic and diluted loss per share -
weighted average number of common shares outstanding                    4,880,558                                4,880,558
                                                                      ============                             ============

- ------
The pro forma  information  presents  Teletouch's  statement of operations as it
would have appeared if the operations  relating to the APA had not been included
in the  operations  of the period  presented.  Adjustments  to the  statement of
operations are as follows:

         a.  The  operations  of the  paging  business  were  removed  as if the
         transaction  occurred  on the  first  day of the  reported  period.  No
         adjustments are included for the  anticipated  book loss on the sale of
         the assets or for the expected non-cash gain related to the recognition
         of the unamortized portion of certain sale / leaseback profits

The pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results
which would have occurred if the business  disposition  had occurred on the date
indicated, or of the results which may occur in the future.


                         Teletouch Communications, Inc.
            Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                           for year ended May 31, 2003
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                         As Reported         Pro Forma
                                                                        May 31, 2003        Adjustments          Pro Forma
                                                                         (unaudited)        (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating revenues:
    Service, rent, and maintenance revenue                             $   27,929             ($  26,497)   a    $   1,432
    Product sales revenue                                                   6,893                 (5,059)   a        1,834
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating revenues                                     34,822                (31,556)            3,266
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------

Operating expenses:
    Cost of service, rent and maintenance
    (exclusive of depreciation and amortization included below)            14,460                (12,858)   a        1,602
    Cost of products sold                                                   5,315                 (4,046)   a        1,269
    Selling and general and administrative                                 11,007                 (6,613)   a        4,394
    Depreciation and amortization                                           4,665                 (4,295)   a          370
    Loss on disposal of assets                                                253                   (147)   a          106
    Write-off of equipment                                                    810                   (810)   a            -
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating expenses                                     36,510                (28,769)            7,741
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating loss                                                             (1,688)                (2,787)           (4,475)

Gain on extinguishment of debt                                                510                      -               510

Gain on litigation settlement                                                 429                      -               429

Interest expense, net                                                        (384)                     -              (384)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------

Loss before income tax (benefit)                                           (1,133)                (2,787)           (3,920)
Income tax (benefit)                                                         (372)                  (947)           (1,319)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Net loss                                                                     (761)                (1,840)           (2,601)

Gain on preferred stock transaction                                        28,778                      -            28,778
Participation rights of Series C
Preferred Stock in undistributed earnings                                 (23,580)                     -           (23,580)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Net income (loss) applicable to common shareholders                     $   4,437                 (1,840)            2,597
                                                                      ===================================      ============
Earnings (loss) per share - basic:
Earnings (loss) applicable to common shareholders                       $    0.96            $     (0.40)        $    0.56
                                                                      ===================================      ============
Earnings (loss) per share - diluted:
Earnings (loss) applicable to common shareholders                       $    0.30            $     (0.02)        $    0.28
                                                                      ===================================      ============
Weighted average shares outstanding-basic                               4,644,978                                4,644,978
                                                                      ============                             ============
Weighted average shares outstanding-diluted                            92,053,503                               92,053,503
                                                                      ============                             ============

- ------
The pro forma  information  presents  Teletouch's  statement of operations as it
would have appeared if the operations  relating to the APA had not been included
in the  operations  of the period  presented.  Adjustments  to the  statement of
operations are as follows:


         a.  The  operations  of the  paging  business  were  removed  as if the
         transaction  occurred  on the  first  day of the  reported  period.  No
         adjustments are included for the  anticipated  book loss on the sale of
         the assets or for the expected non-cash gain related to the recognition
         of the unamortized portion of certain sale / leaseback profits

The pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results
which would have occurred if the business  disposition  had occurred on the date
indicated, or of the results which may occur in the future.


                         Teletouch Communications, Inc.
            Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                           for year ended May 31, 2004
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                         As Reported       Pro Forma
                                                                        May 31, 2004      Adjustments            Pro Forma
                                                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited) Note 1       (unaudited)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating revenues:
    Service, rent, and maintenance revenue                             $   23,192             ($  21,717)   a    $   1,475
    Product sales revenue                                                   3,562                 (1,183)   a        2,379
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating revenues                                     26,754                (22,900)            3,854
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------

Operating expenses:
    Cost of service, rent and maintenance
    (exclusive of depreciation and amortization included below)            11,025                 (9,331)   a        1,694
    Cost of products sold                                                   3,184                 (1,396)   a        1,788
    Selling and general and administrative                                  8,613                 (3,235)   a        5,378
    Depreciation and amortization                                           3,726                 (3,313)   a          413
    Loss (gain) on disposal of assets                                         372                    (41)   a          331
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating expenses                                     26,920                (17,316)            9,604
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
 Operating loss                                                              (166)                (5,584)           (5,750)

 Interest expense, net                                                       (357)                     4    a         (353)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------

Loss before income tax expense (benefit)                                     (523)                (5,580)           (6,103)
Income tax expense (benefit)                                                   60                 (1,897)           (1,837)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Loss from continuing operations                                              (583)                (3,683)           (4,266)

Basic and diluted loss per share                                        $   (0.12)             $   (0.82)        $   (0.94)
                                                                      ===================================      ============

Weighted average shares outstanding-basic and diluted                   4,546,980                                4,546,980
                                                                      ============                             ============

- ------
The pro forma  information  presents  Teletouch's  statement of operations as it
would have appeared if the operations  relating to the APA had not been included
in the  operations  of the period  presented.  Adjustments  to the  statement of
operations are as follows:

         a.  The  operations  of the  paging  business  were  removed  as if the
         transaction  occurred  on the  first  day of the  reported  period.  No
         adjustments are included for the  anticipated  book loss on the sale of
         the assets or for the expected non-cash gain related to the recognition
         of the unamortized portion of certain sale / leaseback profits

The pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results
which would have occurred if the business  disposition  had occurred on the date
indicated, or of the results which may occur in the future.


                         Teletouch Communications, Inc.
            Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                           for year ended May 31, 2005
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                         As Reported       Pro Forma
                                                                        May 31, 2005      Adjustments            Pro Forma
                                                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited) Note 1       (unaudited)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating revenues:
    Service, rent, and maintenance revenue                             $   19,922             ($  18,034)   a    $   1,888
    Product sales revenue                                                   4,747                   (731)   a        4,016
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating revenues                                     24,669                (18,765)            5,904
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------

Operating expenses:
    Cost of service, rent and maintenance
    (exclusive of depreciation and amortization included below)            10,852                 (9,129)   a        1,723
    Cost of products sold                                                   4,273                 (1,161)   a        3,112
    Selling and general and administrative                                  8,449                 (2,463)   a        5,986
    Depreciation and amortization                                           3,218                 (2,687)   a          531
    Impairment of goodwill                                                    551                      -               551
    Loss on disposal of assets                                              1,019                   (731)   a          288
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
              Total operating expenses                                     28,362                (16,171)           12,191
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Operating loss                                                             (3,693)                (2,594)           (6,287)

Interest (expense) income, net                                               (432)                     4    a         (428)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Loss before income tax (benefit)                                           (4,125)                (2,590)           (6,715)
Income tax (benefit)                                                         (673)                  (880)           (1,553)
                                                                      -----------------------------------      ------------
Loss from continuing operations                                        ($   3,452)            ($   1,710)       ($   5,162)
                                                                      ===================================      ============

Basic and diluted loss per share                                        $   (0.75)             $   (0.37)        $   (1.12)
                                                                      ===================================      ============

Weighted average shares outstanding-basic and diluted                   4,623,164                                4,623,164
                                                                      ============                             ============

- ------
The pro forma  information  presents  Teletouch's  statement of operations as it
would have appeared if the operations  relating to the APA had not been included
in the  operations  of the period  presented.  Adjustments  to the  statement of
operations are as follows:

         a.  The  operations  of the  paging  business  were  removed  as if the
         transaction  occurred  on the  first  day of the  reported  period.  No
         adjustments are included for the  anticipated  book loss on the sale of
         the assets or for the expected non-cash gain related to the recognition
         of the unamortized portion of certain sale / leaseback profits

The pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results
which would have occurred if the business  disposition  had occurred on the date
indicated, or of the results which may occur in the future.


                                                                      APPENDIX D

                              MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS  AGREEMENT,  made this 31st day of August,  2005,  by and  between
Teletouch  Communications,  Inc., a corporation  organized under the laws of the
State of Delaware and Teletouch  Licenses,  Inc., a corporation  organized under
the laws of the State of  Delaware,  with their  principal  place of business at
1913 Deerbrook Drive, Tyler, Texas 75703 (collectively,  hereinafter referred to
as "Carrier"),  and Teletouch Paging, LP, a limited partnership  organized under
the laws of the State of Texas  with its  principal  place of  business  at 7471
Benbrook Parkway, Benbrook, Texas 76126 (hereinafter referred to as "Agent"),


         WHEREAS,  Carrier is the permittee  and/or licensee of certain stations
(including any subsequently  authorized  stations within designated areas of the
State of Texas)  authorized by the Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC) to
operate paging  transmitters in the VHF/UHF bands as well as various control and
link transmitters throughout the states of Texas, Oklahoma,  Missouri, Arkansas,
Louisiana,  Mississippi,  Alabama and Tennessee (hereinafter referred to as "the
Stations"); and

         WHEREAS,  Carrier and Agent have reached a definitive agreement for the
purchase and sale of certain  assets,  including  the  assignment of certain FCC
radio licenses by Carrier to Agent upon prior FCC approval; and

         WHEREAS,  Carrier  and Agent  mutually  agree that it would be to their
joint convenience and benefit,  and to the benefit of the public  subscribers of
the  Stations,  to have  Agent act for and on behalf of  Carrier  in  performing
various duties with respect to the operation of the Stations  specified  herein,
as a  compensated  agent of, and under the direct  control and  supervision  of,
Carrier; and

         WHEREAS,  the parties wish to embody the terms of this  arrangement  in
the instant Management Agreement.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the covenants,  obligations and
benefits hereinafter set forth, and other good and valuable consideration, it is
agreed between Carrier and Agent as follows:

         1. DUTIES OF AGENT.  Carrier hereby engages Agent as his contractor and
agent to perform  for and on behalf of Carrier  all  marketing,  managerial  and
administrative  functions required for the operation of the Stations,  including
the collection of revenues and payment of expenses  (including,  but not limited
to insurance) from operating the Stations, subject to the supervisory powers and
duties of Carrier described in paragraph 2 of this Agreement, and the warranties
contained in  paragraph 3 herein.  Agent shall remit to Carrier all profits from
the  operation of the  Stations,  after  paying the  expenses of  operating  the
Stations from the revenues collected. Agent shall manage the business consistent
with current  Carrier  policies and practice.  Any deviations from such policies
and practice would require approval of Carrier.


         2.  DUTIES  AND  POWERS  OF  CARRIER.  The  right of  ownership  of the
Stations,  and full control and supervision  over the operation of the Stations,
remains  vested in and is hereby  expressly  retained by  Carrier.  To this end,
Carrier expressly retains full control over and responsibility for all decisions
with regard to the following  matters  affecting  operation of the Stations:  1)
policy  decisions  regarding  operation and  maintenance;  2) the payment of all
financial  obligations and operating expenses; 3) the hiring,  supervision,  and
dismissal  of all  employees;  4) the receipt of all  revenues  and profits from
operation  of the  Stations;  5) the  handling  of customer  complaints;  6) the
preparation and filing with the FCC of any applications for construction permits
for additional facilities,  licenses for constructed facilities, or modification
of existing  construction  permits or licenses;  and 7) compliance  with all FCC
rules, regulations and requirements.  Furthermore, Carrier expressly retains the
right to complete and  unfettered  access to and control over all facilities and
equipment associated with the Stations.

         (a) Agent hereby  acknowledges  and affirms  that it fully  accepts the
supervisory  powers and duties,  as well as the right of  ownership  and access,
retained by Carrier in paragraph 2 of this Agreement,  and warrants that it will
undertake no action contrary to or jeopardizing those rights, powers and duties.

         (b) Agent warrants that it will fully and faithfully  observe and abide
by any  instructions  given to it by Carrier  regarding the matters set forth in
paragraph 2 of this Agreement; will use its best efforts to ensure the continued
provision  of  service  to the  customers  of the  Stations  at a high  level of
quality;  will  exercise a  reasonable  standard of care  normally  exercised by
managers in similar  circumstances;  will comply  with all  applicable  federal,
state and local laws, regulations and ordinances.

         4. COMPENSATION.  Agent shall receive, as compensation for the services
to be provided under the terms of this Agreement,  the sum of $50,000 per month,
payable  in two equal  installments  of  $25,000 on the 1st and 16th day of each
month during the term of this  Agreement if the Closing under that certain Asset
Purchase Agreement has not occurred on or prior to the date such payment is due,
starting  with the 16th day of the  first  full  month in which  service  to the
public is provided under the management of Agent.

         (a) Agent shall hold Carrier  harmless from any liability to the extent
that such liability  arises from Agent's  negligent  and/or  intentional acts or
omissions. Agent agrees to indemnify Carrier against, and reimburse Carrier with
respect  to, any and all  losses,  liabilities,  costs,  or  damages  (including
reasonable  attorneys'  fees)  arising from Agent's  grossly  negligent  acts or
omissions  of any kind,  and/or  any acts or  omissions  of Agent  which are not
authorized by this Management Agreement.


         (b) Carrier shall hold Agent  harmless from any liability to the extent
that such liability arises from Carrier's  negligent and/or  intentional acts or
omissions.  Carrier agrees to indemnify Agent against,  and reimburse Agent with
respect  to, any and all  losses,  liabilities,  costs,  or  damages  (including
reasonable  attorney's  fees) arising from Carrier's  grossly  negligent acts or
omissions of any kind.

         6. TERM.  This Agreement  shall last for a term of one year;  provided,
however,  that the  Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time upon
30 days notice; and provided that this Agreement will automatically  expire upon
the grant of the FCC's consent to the assignment of the licenses with respect to
the above-described  facilities by Carrier to Agent, and the timely consummation
of such  transaction,  in which case the expiration of this Agreement will occur
on the date of  consummation  of the  transaction  contemplated  by the parties.
During the effective period of this Agreement, Carrier and Agent each shall have
the option to renew this  Agreement for an additional  four (4) terms of one (1)
year each, provided such renewal is mutually agreeable to the other party.


         (a) No  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be construed as vesting in
Agent any ownership interest in or ultimate control over the Station.

         (b) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed so as to make Agent an
employee of Carrier.  Any other  provisions of this  Agreement  notwithstanding,
Agent is not and shall not be a joint venturer or partner of or with Carrier.

         (c) This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with and governed
by the laws of the State of Texas.

         (d) This  Agreement  constitutes  the entire  Agreement of the parties,
superseding  all  previous   agreements  on  this  subject.   Any  amendment  or
modification hereof shall be in writing executed by both parties hereto.

         (e) This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,  all of which shall
constitute one  agreement,  binding on all the parties  hereto,  notwithstanding
that all of the  parties  are not  signatories  to the  original  or to the same

         (f)  Severability  --  The  parties  intend  every  provision  of  this
Agreement to be severable. In the event at a provision of this Agreement is held
to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, the parties intend that
a court enforce the provision to the maximum extent  permissible so as to effect
the  intent  of  the  parties   (including  the  enforcement  of  the  remaining
provisions).  If necessary to affect the intent of the parties, the parties will
negotiate  in good faith to amend this  Agreement  to replace the  unenforceable
provision with an enforceable provision that reflects the original intent of the

         IN WITNESS HEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed
and to be effective on the day and year first above written.



         By: /s/ THOMAS A. HYDE, JR.
             Chief Executive Officer


         By: /s/ ROBERT ALBRITTON
             General Partner
