Exhibit 2.3


     THIS  AGREEMENT  is  made  and  entered  into  between  and  among  Lynn M.
Kalinowski ("Executive"),  ProAssurance Corporation  ("ProAssurance") and MEEMIC
Holdings, Inc. ("Holdings").


     On January 4,  2006,  ProAssurance  through  its wholly  owned  subsidiary,
Holdings,  sold to Motors Insurance Corporation  ("Purchaser") all of the issued
and  outstanding  capital  stock of  Holdings'  operating  subsidiaries,  MEEMIC
Insurance Company ("MEEMIC Insurance") and MEEMIC Insurance Services Corporation
("MEEMIC Agency" which together with MEEMIC Insurance are collectively  referred
to as the "Companies").  Under the terms of a letter agreement between Executive
and ProAssurance  dated November 4, 2005 (the "Letter  Agreement")  ProAssurance
agreed to pay  Executive  a success  fee (the  "Success  Fee") in the  amount of
$570,000,  of which  $285,000 is payable at closing of the sale of the Companies
(the  "Closing")  and the balance is payable 18 months after the Closing  unless
accelerated as provided in the Letter Agreement.  The Letter Agreement  provides
for the acceleration of payment of the second  installment of the Success Fee to
the date of Closing if prior to the Closing  Executive  agrees to terminate  the
Release  and  Severance  Compensation  Agreement  dated  June  15,  2001,  among
Executive,   ProAssurance,   Holdings  and  MEEMIC   Insurance  (the  "Severance
Agreement") and to release  ProAssurance,  Holdings and the Companies from their
respective obligations under the Severance Agreement.

     On December 21, 2005, Executive agreed to terminate the Severance Agreement
in the letter attached hereto as Exhibit A, and  ProAssurance  has paid the full
amount of the Success  Fee to the  Executive.  The parties  desire to enter into
this Agreement to evidence  payment of the Success Fee and the release of claims
as required under the Letter Agreement.


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  these premises  considered,  and in  consideration of the
mutual  covenants  and  conditions  herein set forth and other good and valuable
consideration, the parties do hereby agree as follows:

     ProAssurance  shall pay, or cause its subsidiary,  to pay Executive cash in
the  amount of  $570,000  representing  the  payment of the  Success  Fee before
applicable and legally  required  withholding  for income and  employment  taxes

     The parties hereby  acknowledge that Executive was a participant in certain
employee benefit plans maintained by ProAssurance for employees of the Companies
on the date of Closing, and agree with respect to participation in such plans as

     On date of Closing,  Executive  held options to purchase  17,500  shares of
common  stock  of   ProAssurance   ("ProAssurance   Common   Stock")  under  the
ProAssurance Incentive Compensation Stock Plan (the "1995 Option"), all of which
became  vested  at  the  Closing  and  options  to  purchase  10,000  shares  of
ProAssurance Common Stock under the ProAssurance 2004 Equity Incentive Plan (the
"2004  Options"),  all of which  became  vested at the  Closing.  Executive  may
exercise the 1995 Options and the 2004 Options within 30 days after Closing. Any
options not exercised  within said time periods shall be forfeited in accordance
with  the  terms of the  respective  plans  and  agreements  for  said  options.
Executive  shall be required to make  arrangements  satisfactory to ProAssurance
for payment of all amounts  required  to be withheld  for income and  employment
taxes in connection with the exercise of the options.

     On the date of  Closing,  Executive  had a total  of  858.24075  shares  of
ProAssurance  Common Stock and the  ProAssurance  Employee Stock  Ownership Plan


(the  "Stock  Purchase  Plan")  of which  315.08577  Grant  Shares,  which  were
previously  unvested,  became  vested upon the Closing.  The shares held for the
account of the Executive  under the Stock  Purchase Plan shall be distributed to
Executive  promptly  after  Closing,  except  that  fractional  shares  shall be
purchased  or redeemed for cash at the then current  price.  Executive  shall be
required to make  arrangements  satisfactory to ProAssurance  for payment of all
amounts  required to be withheld for income and  employment  taxes in accordance
with the Stock Purchase Plan.

     Employee  hereby  acknowledges   delivery  of  a  check  of  ProAssurance's
subsidiary, ProNational Insurance Company, payable to Executive in the amount of
$391,164.60  (after  $142,500.00  federal,  $22,230.00  state,  $5,840.40 Social
Security,  and $8,265.00  Medicare  withholding in full satisfaction of the cash
payments described in Section 1 hereof.

     Executive  hereby  waives,  releases and forever  discharges  ProAssurance,
Holdings  and the  Companies,  and each of their  direct  or  indirect  parents,
subsidiaries  and  affiliates,  and each of their  present or former  employees,
officers, agents, directors, and their respective successors and assigns, of and
from any and all claims,  causes of action,  expenses and compensation under the
Severance Agreement and the Letter Agreement.

     This Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement between the parties at the
time and date this Agreement is executed, and fully supersedes any and all prior
agreements or  understandings  between them  pertaining to the subject matter in
this  Agreement.  This  Agreement  may not be  modified  or amended  except by a
written agreement intended as such, and signed by all parties.

     Executive and the Company  acknowledge  that they have read and  understand
this Agreement,  that they have had adequate time to consider this Agreement and
discuss  it  with  their  attorneys  and  advisors,  that  they  understand  the
consequences  of  entering  into this  Agreement,  that they are  knowingly  and
voluntarily  entering into this Agreement,  and that they are competent to enter
into this Agreement.

     This  Agreement  shall  benefit  and be binding  upon the parties and their
respective directors,  officers, employees, agents, heirs, successors,  assigns,
devisees and legal or personal representatives.

     Except to the extent that  federal law  controls,  this  Agreement is to be
construed according to the law of the State of Michigan.

     If any provision of this  Agreement is determined to be  unenforceable,  at
the  discretion  of the Company the  remainder  of this  Agreement  shall not be
affected but each remaining  provision or portion shall continue to be valid and
effective and shall be modified so that it is  enforceable to the fullest extent
permitted by law.

     This Agreement will be interpreted as a whole  according to its fair terms.
It will not be construed strictly for or against either party.

                         [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE]


     To signify their agreement to the terms of this Agreement, the parties have
executed it on the date set forth opposite their  signatures,  or those of their
authorized agents, which follow:

Dated: January 4, 2005                       /s/ Lynn M. Kalinowski
       ---------------                       ----------------------
                                             Lynn M. Kalinowski

                                             PROASSURANCE CORPORATION

Dated: January 4, 2005                       /s/ Victor T. Adamo
       ---------------                       -------------------
                                             Its: President

                                             MEEMIC HOLDINGS, INC.

Dated: January 4, 2005                       /s/ Victor T. Adamo
       ---------------                       -------------------
                                             Its: Chief Executive Officer


Edward L. Rand, Jr.
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
ProAssurance Corporation
P.O. Box 590009 Birmingham, AL 35259-0009

Dear Mr. Rand:

     The purpose of this  letter is to provide  written  notice to  ProAssurance
Corporation that I will agree to terminate my Severance Agreement and to release
MEEMIC Insurance Company,  MEEMIC Insurance Services  Corporation,  ProAssurance
Corporation  and  MEEMIC  Holdings,   Inc.  from  their  respective  obligations
thereunder, effective on the date of Closing, as defined in our letter agreement
dated November 4, 2005. My understanding is that in exchange for this agreement,
ProAssurance will pay me the amount of my Success Fee at Closing.

     If  my   understanding   is  not  correct,   or  you  need  any  additional
documentation completed, please contact me immediately.

                                        /s/ Lynn M. Kalinowski
                                        Lynn M. Kalinowski



                                November 4, 2005

Lynn M. Kalinowski
MEEMIC Insurance Company
691 North Squirrel Road, Suite 100
Auburn Hills, MI  48326

Dear Lynn:

     ProAssurance Corporation ("PRA") and MEEMIC Holdings, Inc. ("Holdings") are
in the process of negotiating a proposed  transaction (the  "Transaction")  that
will involve the sale of all of the stock of MEEMIC Insurance Company and MEEMIC
Insurance  Services  Corporation (the  "Companies") to Motors Insurance  Company
("Buyer").  Because of your knowledge of and  experience  with the financial and
business  operations  of the  Companies,  PRA and Holdings have  requested  your
cooperation  and assistance in  negotiating  and effecting the  Transaction.  In
connection  therewith,  PRA and  Holdings  agree to pay you a success fee on the
following terms and conditions.

     Subject to the conditions  herein set forth, PRA will pay you a success fee
in a total  amount  equal to two times your  current base salary of $285,000 per
annum (the "Success Fee") in two installments  with the first installment in the
amount of  $285,000  due  promptly  after the  closing of the  Transaction  (the
"Closing")  and the second  installment  in the amount of $285,000 due 18 months
following the Closing if you are still employed by either of the Companies or by
Buyer or its affiliate;  provided,  however,  that the second  installment  will
become  immediately  due and payable if you should become  entitled to severance
compensation under the terms of the Release and Severance Compensation Agreement
dated June 15, 2001, among you, PRA,  Holdings and MEEMIC Insurance Company (the
"Severance Agreement"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, PRA will pay you the full
amount of your  Success  Fee at  Closing if and on the  condition  that prior to
Closing  you agree in writing  to  terminate  your  Severance  Agreement  and to
release  the  Companies,  Holdings,  and PRA from their  respective  obligations
thereunder effective on the date of Closing.

     The obligation of PRA to pay the Success Fee is subject to and  conditioned
upon the closing of the  Transaction and upon your compliance with the following

     1.   You shall cooperate and assist PRA,  Holdings and the Companies in the
negotiation  of the  Transaction  documents;  the due diligence  relating to the
Transaction;  the requests for third party consents to the Transaction;  and the
filings relating to all necessary governmental approvals for the Transaction.

     2.   You  shall  review  the  terms and  provisions  of the Stock  Purchase
Agreement to be executed as of October 31, 2005,  by and among Buyer,  Holdings,
PRA and the  Companies  (the  "Stock  Purchase  Agreement")  and the  Companies'
Disclosure  Schedule  delivered  to Buyer as required  under the Stock  Purchase
Agreement  (the  "Disclosure  Schedule");  and you shall  provide  your  written
certification to PRA (included herein) that you have reviewed the Stock Purchase
Agreement and Disclosure Schedule and that to the best of your knowledge after a
reasonable  investigation,  the  representations and warranties in Article II of
the Stock Purchase  Agreement,  when read together with the Disclosure  Schedule
are true, correct and complete.

     3.   You shall review the updated Disclosure  Schedule as and when prepared
and  delivered  to Buyer as  required  under the Stock  Purchase  Agreement  and
provide your  written  certification  to PRA that to the best of your  knowledge
after a  reasonable  investigation,  the  updated  Disclosure  Schedule is true,
correct and complete.


     In  consideration of PRA's agreement to pay you the Success Fee as provided

          (a)  You hereby certify to PRA and Holdings that you have reviewed the
most recent draft of the Stock Purchase Agreement and Disclosure Schedule (dated
November  1,  2005) and that the  representations  and  warranties  set forth in
Article II of said Stock Purchase  Agreement  when read in conjunction  with the
Disclosure Schedule are true, accurate and complete.

          (b)  If you should be entitled  to  severance  compensation  under the
Severance Agreement, you agree that the Success Fee will not be treated as bonus
compensation   for  purposes  of  calculating   the  amount  of  your  severance
compensation under the terms of the Severance Agreement,  and you agree that the
Success Fee can be included in the  calculation  of the  limitation on severance
compensation  under paragraph 3 of the Severance  Agreement if and to the extent
that the Success Fee constitutes a "parachute payment" under Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     If the foregoing is acceptable to you,  please indicate your acceptance and
agreement to the terms of this letter and your  certification as herein required
by executing a copy of this letter in the space provided below.


                                         /s/  Edward L. Rand, Jr.
                                         Edward L. Rand, Jr.
                                         Senior Vice President and
                                         Chief Financial Officer

undersigned on this 4th day of November, 2005:

/s/  Lynn M. Kalinowski
Lynn M. Kalinowski
