Exhibit 2.1 / Letter to the Wisconsin OCI.

March 6, 2006

Mr. Tim Vande Hey
Insurance Financial Examiner - Advanced
Bureau of Financial Analysis and Examinations
125 South Webster Street
Madison, Wisconsin  53707-7873

     Re:  Acquisition  of Control of Physicians  Insurance  Company of Wisconsin
          Inc. by ProAssurance Corporation (Case No. 06-C29893)

Dear Mr. Vande Hey:

Thank you for your letter of February 28, 2006 in regards to the above captioned
matter.  The  following  information  is in  response  to the  items  that  were
requested in connection with your Office's review of the proposed acquisition of
control of Physicians  Insurance  Company of Wisconsin Inc.  (hereinafter  also,

In preparing these responses, ProAssurance has endeavored to locate all material
management  communications  that have been  requested in your letter of February
28, 2006. Any such  communications  have been supplied as noted in the responses

Acquisition of PIC-WI

     1.   Please  describe  the  process,   time  frame,  and  deliberations  by
          ProAssurance   Corporation's   management   and  boards  of  directors
          concerning the current plan to acquire PIC-WI.

          In March 2005, Cochran, Caronia & Co. ("Cochran"), PIC-WI's investment
          banking  firm,  contacted  ProAssurance,  among  other  companies,  to
          determine   if   ProAssurance    was   interested   in   obtaining   a
          non-controlling  interest in PIC-WI.  ProAssurance informed Cochran it
          was not interested in pursuing this option.

          In   April   2005,   Cochran   contacted   ProAssurance   to   discuss
          ProAssurance's  interest,  if any, in becoming a strategic  partner of
          PIC-WI in a potential  merger  with  PIC-WI.  ProAssurance  executed a
          confidentiality  agreement and met with  representatives  of PIC-WI to
          obtain further insights.

          In June 2005,  ProAssurance  representatives met with the PIC-WI board
          to discuss a potential  transaction and a non-binding  proposal though
          which PIC-WI would become a part of ProAssurance, and its shareholders
          would  receive  either stock or cash,  or a  combination  of stock and

                              Page 1, Cover Letter

          cash,  in  consideration  for  their  shares.  ProAssurance  initially
          proposed a merger  transaction  in which PIC-WI's  shareholders  would
          have a right to receive (i) the greater of the statutory book value or
          $4,000 in cash,  or (ii) shares of  ProAssurance  common  stock with a
          value of the greater of 105% of the statutory book value or $4,200.

          By July 2005,  ProAssurance  had increased  its offer to  ProAssurance
          common  stock  with an  implied  value of  $5,000  per share of PIC-WI
          common  stock or cash equal to the greater of $4,000 or the  statutory
          book  value per  share of  PIC-WI  common  stock.  ProAssurance  later
          withdrew the cash option from its offer.

          In October 2005,  the PIC-WI board directed its management to continue
          due diligence with ProAssurance and prepare a definitive agreement for
          the PIC-WI board's consideration.

          During October and November,  2005,  ProAssurance and PIC-WI performed
          due  diligence  on each  other  and  evaluated  the  results.  An oral
          presentation of the findings was presented to the  ProAssurance  board
          on December 7, 2005.

          After  careful  consideration,  at its  meeting on  December  7, 2005,
          ProAssurance's  board  determined  that the merger  agreement  and the
          merger are in the best interest of ProAssurance and its  stockholders.
          Accordingly, ProAssurance's board, by unanimous vote of the directors,
          adopted the merger agreement.

          For  a  more  complete  discussion  regarding  the  timeframe  of  the
          transaction, please see pages 22-27 of the S-4 Registration Statement.

     2.   Provide  copies of the portions of the board  minutes of  ProAssurance
          Corporation that relate to  deliberations on the proposed  acquisition
          of PIC-WI's shares or related transactions.

          Due to the  confidential  nature of the  content  of the  ProAssurance
          Board  minutes  that  discuss the PIC-WI  transaction,  copies will be
          submitted supplementally.

     3.   Please provide page 22 of the Agreement and Plan of Merger as the page
          was not provided in the filing.

          Page 22 of the Agreement and Plan of Merger is attached as Exhibit A.

     4.   How has  ProAssurance  Corporation  estimated the fair market value of
          PIC-WI in determining  what to offer for the shares of PIC-WI?  Please
          provide  copies of any management  communications  that relate to this

          ProAssurance  management  evaluated the transaction  based on the book
          value  of  PIC-WI,   the  strategic   value  of  the   transaction  to
          ProAssurance and the form of consideration  being paid (the book value
          market multiple of ProAssurance's common stock).

                              Page 2, Cover Letter

          ProAssurance  retained the services of an  investment  banking firm to
          provide a fairness opinion as to the purchase price offered for PIC-WI
          stock.  The opinion which was presented to the  ProAssurance  board at
          the December 7, 2005 meeting, evaluates the proposed transaction as it
          relates  to  recent   similar   transactions   and   overall   pricing
          methodologies used in the industry.

          Due to the  confidential  nature of  management's  evaluation  and the
          fairness  opinion  presentation,  copies  of these  materials  will be
          submitted supplementally.

     5.   Please identify the intended  benefits to the ProAssurance  Group that
          is expected to be achieved by the proposed acquisition of PIC-WI.

          In concluding that the merger is in the best interests of ProAssurance
          and its stockholders,  ProAssurance's board considered information and
          analyses  regarding  the  business of PIC-WI and the  proposed  merger
          provided by management and by outside  financial,  legal and actuarial
          advisors.  ProAssurance's  board considered the following factors that
          supported the decision to approve the merger:

          o    The merger with PIC-WI is consistent with  ProAssurance's goal of
               building   a   larger   and   stronger   professional   liability
               organization with similar classes of business in states within or
               adjacent to ProAssurance's geographic footprint.

          o    The merger will continue the expansion of ProAssurance's  medical
               professional  liability  insurance business through  combinations
               with other professional liability insurers.

          o    ProAssurance  has had success  integrating  other  companies like
               PIC-WI that were  originally  formed by  physicians  and that are
               close with the local physician community.

          o    PIC-WI's claims and underwriting  staff will enable  ProAssurance
               to apply local  knowledge to individual risk selection and claims
               management in Wisconsin and surrounding states.

          o    The merger has been  recommended by  ProAssurance  management and
               [financial  advisor] has advised that the  transaction is fair to
               the shareholders of ProAssurance.

     o    A further discussion  regarding the benefits of the PIC-WI transaction
          are contained on pages 35 and 36 of the S-4 Registration Statement.


     6.   Does ProAssurance  Corporation expect PIC-WI to expand or contract its
          territory  of  operations?  Please  provide  copies of any  management
          communications that relate to this topic.

                              Page 3, Cover Letter

     See answer to question 7 and the Plan of Operation  which was  submitted as
     an exhibit to the Form A.

     7.   Which types of  insurance  programs  and  services  will  ProAssurance
          Corporation  expect  PIC-WI to seek to  expand,  reduce  or  terminate
          following the proposed change in control? Please provide copies of any
          management communications that relate to this topic.

          Post merger,  it is the intent of ProAssurance to continue PIC-WI as a
          Wisconsin  domiciled  insurer  and  maintain  its strong  presence  in
          Wisconsin  and  allow it to  continue  to  service  its  core  market.
          PIC-WI's  Madison,  Wisconsin office will also serve as ProAssurance's
          Northwest regional office.

          The  existing  PIC-WI  Claims  office in Madison will remain in place.
          ProAssurance  intends to locate underwriting,  policy  administration,
          and  risk  management  operations  for  Wisconsin,   Iowa,  Minnesota,
          Nebraska,  Nevada and South Dakota into the PIC-WI  office in Madison.
          Any admitted  business  currently written by the ProAssurance in these
          states will be transferred to Madison for policy administration.

          Underwriting,  policy  administration,  and  risk  management  for the
          Illinois business of PIC-WI will be consolidated into the ProAssurance
          underwriting  office  located in Okemos,  Michigan  and claims will be
          serviced  by  the  existing   ProAssurance  claims  office  in  Lisle,

          ProAssurance  intends  to  continue  to write all  Wisconsin  business
          through  PIC-WI as a statutory  company.  At this time, a decision has
          not been made as to which  statutory  entity will be utilized to write
          the PIC-WI and ProAssurance  business outside of Wisconsin.  All local
          offices of ProAssurance have the ability to issue coverage through any
          of the ProAssurance statutory entities; and, accordingly,  the Madison
          office will have access to the other  ProAssurance  statutory admitted
          companies. Initially, the business will continue to be written through
          the current  companies.  In the future,  business  may be  transferred
          between  companies upon policy  renewal,  with these  decisions  based
          primarily on the capacity and rating  agency  considerations.  For any
          insureds that are ultimately moved from one carrier to another carrier
          within the ProAssurance  group,  tenure with the prior company will be
          honored  for  purposes  of a free  tail due to  Death,  Disability  or

          Other than administrative  changes noted above,  ProAssurance does not
          have any plans to contract PIC-WI territories. ProAssurance is hopeful
          that  PIC-WI  will be able  to  expand  its  current  writings  in its
          existing territories.  Any growth outside its current territories will
          be dependent on its  underwriting  capacity to sustain  further growth
          and  markets  whereby  PIC-WI will not be in direct  competition  with
          other ProAssurance insurers.

          Please  refer  also  to  the  information  presented  in the  Plan  of
          Operations submitted as an exhibit to the Form A filed with the OCI in
          conjunction with this transaction.

                              Page 4, Cover Letter

     8.   Does  ProAssurance  Corporation  expect  PIC-WI to reduce or terminate
          services in any region of this State in which it is currently  active?
          Please provide copies of any management  communications that relate to
          this topic.

          ProAssurance does not intend to reduce or terminate services currently
          provided by PIC-WI in Wisconsin. Please see the response to question 7
          above and the Plan of Operations

     9.   Does ProAssurance Corporation plan to have PIC-WI purchase or sell any
          books of business over the next twelve  months?  Please provide copies
          of any management communications that relate to this topic.

          ProAssurance  does not have any plans for PIC-WI to  purchase  or sell
          any books of  business  over the next  twelve  months.  As a matter of
          general  practice,  ProAssurance  evaluates  opportunities to purchase
          books of business.  Such  opportunities  could  involve  PIC-WI if the
          books of business are in the states served by PIC-WI.

     10.  As noted in your filing,  ProAssurance  Corporation  while licensed in
          many of the same  jurisdictions  as PIC-WI  hasn't  obtained a similar
          market  presence in several of the  jurisdictions.  Please explain why
          the company hasn't either more aggressively  pursued business in these
          jurisdictions  or has  been  unsuccessful  in  its  pursuit  of  these
          jurisdictions.  You may exclude  Wisconsin  from your response to this
          specific question.

          ProAssurance,   through  its  insurance  subsidiaries,   has  obtained
          licenses in several states  surrounding its domicilary states in order
          to  accommodate  boarder  situations  for  insureds  it  is  currently
          servicing.  In addition,  possessing these licenses places the company
          in a position to acquire either books of business or entire companies,
          whichever the case may be, when  presented  with  attractive  business

          Much  of   ProAssurance's   growth  has  been   through   mergers  and
          acquisitions of both companies and books of business. Since it is very
          difficult for medical  malpractice  companies to successfully  enter a
          market with no history or ties to that market,  ProAssurance typically
          will only enter a market through merger and acquisition  activities or
          very slowly over a number of years through organic growth.

     11.  To what extent does ProAssurance  Corporation  medical liability rates
          reflect distinctions specific to individual  jurisdictions and to what
          extent do rates charged reflect cross-jurisdictional  pressures common
          to medical liability market in general.

          When calculating  rates for a specific state,  ProAssurance  uses loss
          cost and trend information from that particular state. If ProAssurance
          has no loss experience of its own from the state with which to project
          the pure premium,  then  information is utilized from the rate filings
          of the largest writers of professional  liability  insurance from that
          jurisdiction. Accordingly, loss costs are calculated entirely based on
          state  specific  information.   The  loads  for  commissions,   taxes,
          licenses, and fees are also based on state specific requirements.

                              Page 5, Cover Letter

          Some rating items,  however,  are based on ProAssurance's  countrywide
          experience,  supplemented with industry information as compiled by the
          Insurance  Services Office (ISO), with their  permission.  These items
          include increased limits factors and specialty relativities. Once loss
          experience is available for a specific state, however, these two items
          are  reviewed on an annual basis to  ascertain  whether the  increased
          limits  factors  or  specialty  relativities  need to be  adjusted  to
          reflect state specific experience.

          Other expenses which are based on  companywide,  cross  jurisdictional
          data include the load for Death, Disability,  and Retirement reporting
          endorsements  for  claims-made  coverage,  the  load  for  Profit  and
          Contingencies,   and  the  load  for  General  and  Other  Acquisition

     12.  What  changes  does  ProAssurance  Corporation  expect  will  occur in
          regards to PIC-WI  concerning  the factors  determining  rate  levels?
          Please provide copies of any management  communications that relate to
          this topic.

          In general,  ProAssurance does not anticipate any significant  changes
          in the factors that determine the rate levels for PIC-WI.  The expense
          levels that underlie  current  PIC-WI rates are quite similar to those
          currently  utilized by ProNational  Insurance  Company, a ProAssurance
          subsidiary, for its current rates in Wisconsin.

          The only rating factors that are  significantly  different between the
          two companies  for the  physician and surgeon  programs are the Profit
          and  Contingencies  load  and the  Commission  load.  PIC-WI  does not
          currently  incorporate a load for Profit and Contingencies  into their
          rates.  ProAssurance  typically  utilizes  a  profit  and  contingency
          factor,  net of investment  income,  based on estimated  earnings as a
          percent of earned  premiums  and the  required  return on equity  from
          insurance operations.

          In  the  most  recent   physician   and  surgeon   rate   filings  for
          ProAssurance, this load has been calculated in the 3.5% to 4.5% range.
          Over  the next two  years,  ProAssurance  would  introduce  a  similar
          provision for profit and contingencies into the ratemaking process. As
          for the commission  load,  PIC-WI  currently  utilizes a 5.8% load for
          commissions  in their  physician  rates  and a factor  of 10% in their
          hospital rates.  ProNational  uses loads of 8% and 10%,  respectively.
          ProAssurance  does  not  anticipate  any  changes  being  made  to the
          Wisconsin agency force that is currently being utilized by PIC-WI.

          PIC-WI  currently  offers  medical   liability   coverage  on  both  a
          claims-made  and an occurrence  basis with 12.9% of its total writings
          on the occurrence  form.  ProAssurance no longer offers coverage on an
          occurrence basis. Going forward, ProAssurance and PIC-WI will evaluate
          the desirability of maintaining the occurrence form.

          Finally,  the  load  for  general  liability  rates  for the  hospital
          professional  liability  programs are significantly  different between
          the two companies.  PIC-WI currently utilizes a 19% charge,  while the
          comparable  charge  for  ProNational  is 10%.  This  charge  would  be
          reviewed  in  future  rate  filings,  with  deference  given to PIC-WI

                              Page 6, Cover Letter

     13.  Are  the  information  technology  platforms  currently  in  place  at
          ProAssurance Corporation and PIC-WI relatively compatible? How long is
          the  integration of information  technology  platforms  anticipated to

          The companies  currently  operate on distinct  information  technology
          platforms.  Both  companies are currently in the process of evaluating
          the best long-term solution for their combined information  technology
          needs.  While it is possible to operate on separate  platforms,  it is
          the  preference  to operate on one  platform  for medical  malpractice

          Integration of information  technology  platforms takes  approximately
          one-year.  This allows ample time for analysis,  data conversion,  and
          testing. The discontinued system is also maintained for validation and
          back-up   purposes  until  management  is  fully  satisfied  that  the
          integration has been successfully completed.

Effect on Wisconsin's Insurance Market

     14.  The American Medical Association categorizes Wisconsin as a state that
          is not in crisis or  showing  problem  signs  with  respect to medical
          liability. To what factors does ProAssurance Corporation attribute the
          relatively stable medical malpractice environment in Wisconsin? Please
          provide  copies of any management  communications  that relate to this

          While  ProAssurance  is  not an  expert  on  the  medical  malpractice
          environment in Wisconsin,  it sees two  significant  factors that have
          led  to the  relatively  stable  medical  malpractice  environment  in

          The Patient's  Compensation  Fund with the previously  existing cap on
          non-economic damages has certainly been important. Generally speaking,
          states  with  funds and  states  with caps have  experienced  relative
          stability.  With the elimination of the cap last summer, one pillar of
          this  stability has been  diminished and  ProAssurance  fears that the
          environment  could change adversely in the future.  The absence of the
          cap  has  already  significantly   increased  the  rates  for  Patient
          Compensation  Fund  coverage,   based  on  projected   increased  loss
          severity. The potential for greater recoveries may also result in more
          suits being filed,  i.e.,  greater claim frequency,  which will likely
          increase  both  indemnity  and  defense  costs at the primary and Fund

          ProAssurance  also  believes that the  physician  oriented  history of
          PIC-WI and its  approach  to the market  has worked to  stabilize  the
          market.  PIC-WI and ProAssurance share the same orientation of careful
          selection  of risks,  aggressive  defense of claims,  and ongoing risk
          management  programs  designed  to reduce  adverse  events  that could
          result  in  medical  malpractice  claims.  Moreover,  by  aggressively
          defending claims,  PIC-WI has not only produced strong results for its
          customers,  but has also  limited  the number of claims  that may have
          otherwise reached the Fund. The PIC-WI approach to claims defense will
          be supported and continued by ProAssurance.

                              Page 7, Cover Letter

     15.  To what extent, if any, does ProAssurance  Corporation  believe PIC-WI
          has  contributed to the stability of the medical  liability  market in
          Wisconsin?  Describe ProAssurance  Corporation's plans for PIC-WI that
          may affect PIC-WI's  contribution to the Wisconsin medical malpractice
          market,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  plan  for  maintaining  a
          relationship with Wisconsin physicians and operating functions aligned
          with Wisconsin interests and plans for competitive products and rates.

          ProAssurance  believes that the physician founded insurers  (including
          ProAssurance  and PIC-WI)  contribute  to the stability of the medical
          liability  market in  Wisconsin  and  generally.  These  carriers  are
          devoted to their clientele and markets; they are committed to the line
          of  business;  and,  they are  actively  involved  in tort  reform and
          related efforts.

          In  each  of its  previous  mergers,  ProAssurance  has  retained  key
          personnel,  allowing it to maintain a local  presence and preserve the
          important  institutional  knowledge  especially in claims  management,
          underwriting,  and risk  management.  ProAssurance  believes that this
          ability  to  utilize  local  knowledge  is a  critical  factor  in the
          operation  of  its  companies  and  leads  to  market  stability.  The
          successful    integration    of   each    organization    demonstrates
          ProAssurance's  commitment  to the  local  marketplace  where  it does

          ProAssurance  also works actively with  organized  medicine and values
          PIC-WI's  positive  working  relationship  with the Wisconsin  Medical
          Society. ProAssurance will look to preserve that relationship.

          Post merger,  it is the intent of ProAssurance to continue PIC-WI as a
          Wisconsin  domiciled  insurer and maintain its strong  presence in the
          Wisconsin and allow it to continue to service its core market.  PIC-WI
          will serve as ProAssurance's  Northwest regional office.  ProAssurance
          emphasizes a local approach to its insurance markets.

          ProAssurance has evaluated the current rate structure of PIC-WI and is
          of the opinion  that the rates are  generally  adequate  for the risks
          being  underwritten  and  does not  have  any  plans to  significantly
          deviate from PIC-WI's current rate making strategies.

     16.  What  would  the  proposed   acquisition  of  PIC-WI  by  ProAssurance
          Corporation  contribute  in  terms of  preserving  and  enhancing  the
          existing  relative  stability  of  Wisconsin's   medical   malpractice
          environment?  Please provide  copies of any management  communications
          that relate to this topic.

          ProAssurance  does not have plans to make changes to the operations of
          PIC-WI  that  relate  to  the   relative   stability  of  the  medical
          malpractice environment in Wisconsin. ProAssurance brings a larger and
          stronger balance sheet and access to capital that will allow PIC-WI to
          continue its mission of service to Wisconsin physicians.

                              Page 8, Cover Letter

     17.  Please  comment  on  ProAssurance  Corporation's  view of the  current
          adequacy of medical liability rates being charged in Wisconsin. Please
          provide  copies of any management  communications  that relate to this

          PIC-WI  has based its  January  1, 2006 rate  levels on their own loss
          experience in the state of Wisconsin.  The selected rate increases are
          considered reasonable by ProAssurance in light of the uncertainty over
          loss  costs  attributable  to  the  loss  of the  cap on  non-economic
          damages. In general, the requested rate levels appear to be adequate.

     18.  Compare and contrast rate levels charged in Wisconsin by  ProAssurance
          Insurance  entities  with those  charged  by PIC-WI  during the last 3

          Following  is a  comparison  of rate levels as charged in Wisconsin by
          ProAssurance and by PIC-WI.

- --------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                   PIC-WI                                        ProNational
- --------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                   2003        2004       2005        2006         2003         2004       2005        2006
- --------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Internal          5,612       5,973       5,973      6,272         N/A         6,505       7,675      7,675
- --------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
General           19,641      21,504     21,504      22,579        N/A         20,511     24,985      24,985
- --------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
OB/GYN            30,304      32,255     32,255      33,869        N/A         28,915     35,371      35,371
- --------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- -----------

          *Information  as  contained  in  the  Medical  Liability  Monitor  for
          2003-2005. 2006 based on currently filed and approved rate levels.

          Please  note  that  ProNational  rates  were  calculated  based on the
          Wisconsin rate level indications for PIC-WI,  Medical Protective,  and
          Midwest  Medical  Insurance   Company.   The  indications  from  these
          competitors  were  given the  following  weights:  30%,  65%,  and 5%,
          respectively.  Had the rate level  indication been based entirely upon
          PIC-WI  indications,  then the 2006 rates for  ProNational  would have
          been as follows:

- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Internal Medicine                                     6,760
- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
General Surgery                                      21,783
- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
OB/GYN                                               30,796
- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

          The hospital  liability rates for the two companies are  significantly
          different.  ProNational  rates  were  based on the filed and  approved
          rates and rating factors for OHIC,  since  ProNational  had focused on
          marketing to former OHIC policyholders.

                              Page 9, Cover Letter

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Wisconsin 2006 Hospital Rate Comparison
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               PIC-WI                       ProNational
- ------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------
Acute Care Bed                 644.00                        1,877.32
- ------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------
Psych Bed                      644.00                        1,407.99
- ------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------
Other O/P Visit                32.20                           56.32
- ------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------
E/R Visit                      186.76                         187.73
- ------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------

     19.  ProAssurance  Corporation has several licensed insurance  companies in
          the State of Wisconsin  and has not yet written  significantly  in the
          state.  Does  this  represent  the  intended  market  presence  within
          Wisconsin?   If  so,  please  identify  the  factors  contributing  to
          management's  determination  of this level of market  penetration.  If
          not,  please identify  factors for the company's  inability to acquire
          its intended  market share.  Please  provide  copies of any management
          communications that relate to this topic.

          Two of  ProAssurance's  admitted  carriers are  currently  licensed in
          Wisconsin.  Both of these  companies  acquired these licenses prior to
          their business  combination  in 2001.  Both companies had obtained the
          licenses  for the  reasons  stated  in  question  10.  above.  Neither
          ProNational  Insurance Company nor The Medical Assurance Company, Inc.
          had  previous  intentions  of  gaining  significant  market  share  in
          Wisconsin  without  doing so  through a merger or  acquisition.  Since
          PIC-WI  writes the  majority  of the medical  malpractice  business in
          Wisconsin,  the  opportunity  for such entrance into Wisconsin has not
          presented itself to either company prior to this transaction.

     20.  In March 2004,  ProAssurance  purchased  the renewal  rights to all of
          OHIC Insurance Company's  physician,  hospital and healthcare facility
          business in Indiana,  Illinois,  Kansas,  Kentucky and Wisconsin. As a
          result of the purchase, OHIC Insurance Company's writings in Wisconsin
          declined significantly in 2004; however, it was unclear what entity in
          the  ProAssurance  group wrote the renewals of this  business.  Please
          explain the current status of this renewal  business and what, if any,
          challenges has the group faced with procuring these renewals.

          When the renewal rights were acquired,  ProAssurance  publicly  stated
          that it  expected  to write no more  than  one-third  of the  expiring
          business,  measured by premium  volume.  We believed that the business
          was  underpriced,  a  portion  of the  accounts  would  not  meet  our
          underwriting standards and the medical malpractice market was becoming
          more  competitive.   Nevertheless,   ProAssurance  was  interested  in
          completing  the  transaction  as a way of  entering or  expanding  its
          presence in these markets for a relatively low cost. As expected, once
          ProAssurance   underwriting   criteria  and  pricing   were   applied,
          ProAssurance  wrote  approximately  $5 million  of the $17  million of
          expiring  premium.  The  business  was  written by either  ProNational
          Insurance Company or The Medical Assurance Company, Inc., depending on
          which entity operates in each of the states in question.

                              Page 10, Cover Letter

     21.  How has the proposed  acquisition  of PIC-WI  affected  the  marketing
          plans of ProAssurance Corporation in Wisconsin?  Please provide copies
          of any management communications that relate to this topic.

          ProAssurance  had  identified  Wisconsin  as a  growth  state  in  its
          2005-2008 Strategic Plan.  However,  due to the strong market position
          of PIC-WI, ProAssurance has not obtained any significant market share.
          The references to Wisconsin contained within ProAssurance's  2005-2008
          Strategic Plan are attached as Exhibit B.

     22.  How  does  the  proposed  acquisition  change  the  business  plans of
          ProAssurance Corporation with respect to marketing in jurisdictions in
          which they participate or previously  intended to participate?  Please
          provide  copies of any management  communications  that relate to this

          With the  exception  of states in which both  ProAssurance  and PIC-WI
          have a presence,  this  transaction does not affect any business plans
          of ProAssurance  with respect to marketing in  jurisdictions  in which
          ProAssurance  participates or previously intended to participate.  For
          the states in which there is overlap,  the plan for the combination of
          those  books of  business is  addressed  in  question  7.  above.  The
          combined  market  share  in any of  these  overlapping  states  is not
          significant  as compared to  pre-merger  market  share.  At this time,
          ProAssurance  has not decided if it intends to expand its  writings in
          states other than the states now served by PIC-WI post merger.

     23.  Does  ProAssurance  Corporation  plan to purchase or sell any books of
          business over the next twelve  months?  Please  provide  copies of any
          management communications that relate to this topic.

          ProAssurance  is  continually  and  actively   pursuing   mergers  and
          acquisitions  and may be in some phase of  negotiations  or  potential
          negotiations at any given time. When negotiations take place, they are
          subject  to a  confidentiality  agreement  and  due to the  fact  that
          ProAssurance  is a  publicly  traded  company,  ProAssurance  would be
          unable to disclose information publicly.  ProAssurance will assure the
          OCI that no foreseeable transactions would impact the plans for PIC-WI
          as herein stated or presented in the Plan of  Operation,  nor diminish
          the importance of the PIC-WI transaction to ProAssurance.

The Holding Company System, it Governance and Resources

     24.  For each of the following  companies in the holding  company system of
          ProAssurance Corporation:

     a.   Medical Assurance, Inc.
     b.   IAO, Inc.
     c.   Medical Assurance of Indiana Agency, Inc.
     d.   Mutual Assurance Agency of Ohio, Inc.
     e.   ProAssurance Group Services Corporation
     f.   NCRIC Corporation
     g.   NCRIC, Inc.

                              Page 11, Cover Letter

     h.   American Captive Corporation
     i.   National Capital Insurance Brokerage, Ltd.
     j.   National Capital Risk Services, LLC
     k.   NCRIC Insurance Agency, Inc.
     l.   Healthcare Compliance Purchasing Group, LLC
     m.   E-Health Solutions Group, Inc.
     n.   NCRIC Physicians Organization, Inc.
     o.   Professionals Group, Inc.
     p.   MEMH Holdings, Inc.
     q.   American Insurance Management Corp.
     r.   Professionals National Insurance Co., Ltd.
     s.   ProNational Insurance Agency, Inc.
     t.   Physicians Protective Plan, Inc.
     u.   Professionals Protective Plan, Inc.
     v.   Professional Group Services Corp.
     w.   PRA Services Corporation

          Please provide the following information:

     a.   Date of Incorporation
     b.   Financial statements as of the most recent reporting period (unaudited
          is acceptable, if that's the best available)
     c.   Description of current purpose and activities
     d.   Capitalization  structure,  including the number of shares authorized,
          and issued  and  outstanding  for each  class of common and  preferred
          stock as well as any debt issued, if any.

          Please see attached  Exhibit C for a complete  listing of ProAssurance
          subsidiaries  and the requested  information.  Due to its confidential
          nature, the financial  information on these companies will be provided

     25.  Please  provide  us with a copy of the  most  recent  holding  company
          registration statement filed with the Alabama Department of Insurance.

          Form B dated May 27, 2005 (including  amendments 1 and 2) filed by The
          Medical Assurance  Company,  Inc. with the state of Alabama and Form B
          dated  April  27,  2005  (including  amendments  1  and  2)  filed  by
          ProNational  Insurance Company with the state of Michigan are attached
          hereto as Exhibits D and E, respectively.

     26.  On August 3, 2005, ProAssurance  Corporation completed its acquisition
          of NCRIC Group,  Inc. Please compare the  pre-acquisition  anticipated
          management and employment changes with actual results at this stage of
          the  integration  and what is  foreseeable  at this point.  If results
          varied  materially  from   expectations,   please  identify  cause  of

          The   transition  and   integration  of  NCRIC   continues  to  go  as
          operationally  expected.  While the information  technology conversion
          has  taken a bit  longer  than  originally  expected,  this  delay has

                              Page 12, Cover Letter

          occurred  due to  training  issues  and  implementation  of an imaging
          system which took  priority over the system  conversion.  In addition,
          the  timing  of  year-end  processing  and the  transfer  of  books of
          business between the various  statutory  companies were given priority
          and schedules had to be rearranged.

          The  accounting  transition  is  going  smoothly.  Year  end  2005 was
          completed  by  NCRIC  accounting  staff  located  in the  District  of
          Columbia.  All 2006 accounting functions are currently being performed
          by personnel located in Birmingham, Alabama. The 2006 year end will be
          completed by accounting personnel located in Birmingham,  Alabama. The
          Senior Vice President and Treasurer of NCRIC has agreed to remain with
          ProAssurance   through  July  2006  in  order  to  complete  the  2005
          accounting year and complete the NCRIC Triennial  Financial Exam which
          is scheduled to begin in early April 2006.

          The NCRIC  reinsurance  program  was  combined  with the  ProAssurance
          reinsurance program effective January 1, 2006.

          Both the marketing and underwriting  transitions are complete with the
          NCRIC personnel  realigning  responsibilities for certain states. They
          will be assuming responsibility for providing services for The Medical
          Assurance  Company  and  ProNational  Insurance  Company  business  in
          Virginia and Delaware while they will relinquish the NCRIC business in
          West Virginia.

          The  only  unexpected  development  that  varied  from  ProAssurance's
          original plan for NCRIC personnel is that the Vice President of Claims
          has recently  tendered his resignation.  This was always a possibility
          due to the  Change of Control  agreement  applicable  to NCRIC  senior
          officers. This individual has agreed to continue with the organization
          until June 2006 to assist with and oversee  the  conversion  of claims
          and  to  provide   ProAssurance   with  ample  time  to  identify  his
          replacement - including candidates from within NCRIC.

     27.  What is  ProAssurance  Corporation's  view of what represents a proper
          level of  capitalization  for an insurance  subsidiary?  How will this
          view be implemented with respect to PIC-WI.

          ProAssurance  statutory  companies  operate within the acceptable NAIC
          financial and regulatory guidelines.  At a very minimum,  ProAssurance
          expects  all  of its  insurance  subsidiaries  to  operate  above  the
          standards established by the domicilary states. The general goal is to
          have the  companies  capitalized  at levels  that will  obtain  secure
          ratings  from  qualified  rating  agencies.  ProAssurance  has capital
          available  to enable its  statutory  companies  to remain  financially
          strong at levels acceptable to the regulators.

     28.  What is the planned level of  capitalization  for PIC-WI following the
          change in control?  What is the intended form of capitalization,  that
          is, among common stock,  preferred stock, surplus notes, gross paid-in
          and contributed surplus, and unassigned funds?

                              Page 13, Cover Letter

          ProAssurance   believes   PIC-WI  is   currently   well   capitalized.
          ProAssurance  does not have any  current  plans to change  either  the
          level of capitalization or the structure of capitalization  for PIC-WI
          following the change of control.  From time to time,  management  will
          evaluate capital  requirements based on current and future operations,
          and  recommend  adjustments   accordingly.   ProAssurance  intends  to
          maintain  the  financial  strength,  stability  and  rating of PIC-WI.
          ProAssurance endeavors to keep its statutory subsidiaries operating at
          a premium to surplus ratio of approximately 1:1.  ProAssurance intends
          to retain PIC-WI's surplus note.

     29.  Will  the   acquisition  of  PIC-WI  trigger  any  change  in  control
          provisions under the terms of any executive employment agreement? What
          is  the  anticipated  amount  of   change-in-control   payments  as  a
          consequence of the proposed acquisition of shares?

          The  acquisition  of PIC-WI will  enable  certain  PIC-WI  officers to
          trigger  the  change in  control  provisions  under the terms of their
          employment  agreements or severance plan if there are changes in their
          employment  status.  The benefits and expected payouts are outlined on
          pages 36 - 38 of the S-4 Registration Statement filed as an exhibit to
          the Form A. Pages 36-38 of the S-4 Registration Statement are attached
          hereto as Exhibit F.

     30.  Please describe  material  pending  litigation in which the parties to
          the  proposed  acquisition  are  involved.   Has  either  ProAssurance
          Corporation retained independent counsel that is actively representing
          them  concerning  these  matters?  We are not  requesting  release  of
          attorney-client privileged information or communications, if any, only
          whether there is active representation by independent counsel on these

          NCRIC v.  Columbia  Hospital  for  Women - As a result of an action by
          NCRIC,  Inc.  to recover $2 million in premium  alleged  owing under a
          retrospective rating plan, Columbia Hospital for Women filed a counter
          claim for tortuous interference with a business  relationship,  breach
          of contract and bad faith.  The jury verdict in February 2004 resulted
          in no award to NCRIC on its contract  claim and an $18.2 million award
          to  Columbia  Hospital  for  Women on the  counterclaims.  The case is
          currently  on appeal to the  District  of  Columbia  Court of Appeals.
          NCRIC has reserved the claim and posted a bond.

          ProAssurance  always  retains  independent  counsel  to  represent  it
          concerning any litigation against the company.

     31.  What is the  philosophy of  ProAssurance  Corporation  with respect to
          entry to and exit from different jurisdictions and market segments?

          As  stated in  question  10,  ProAssurance  typically  enters  markets
          through mergers or acquisitions and in smaller markets through organic

          If ProAssurance  decides to exit a particular  market, it does so only
          after  making  significant  efforts  to operate  successfully  in that
          market.  If there is a  particular  market  in  which  the  litigation
          climate does not produce fair and  reasonable  verdicts,  ProAssurance
          will evaluate whether it can continue to operate  successfully in that

                              Page 14, Cover Letter

          ProAssurance takes very seriously its responsibility to the market and
          its  responsibility to maintain strong,  financially  stable statutory
          insurance  companies.  An example of a state  where  ProAssurance  was
          unable to achieve this  balance was  Mississippi,  where  ProAssurance
          currently does not write business as an admitted carrier.

     32.  What are the plans under  consideration  of  ProAssurance  Corporation
          concerning  commitment to particular  lines of insurance,  segments of
          medical malpractice insurance, and particular jurisdictions?

          ProAssurance  considers itself a general writer of physician liability
          exposure and does not restrict its writing to certain specialties.  On
          a more limited basis,  ProAssurance  writes hospitals and other health
          care facilities, dentists, and legal professionals.

          ProAssurance  has reviewed the scope of writing at PIC-WI and does not
          anticipate any changes in this scope. Likewise,  ProAssurance does not
          anticipate any change in the geographic  scope of operation.  However,
          as  outlined  in  response  to  question  7,  there  will  be  certain
          reassignments of responsibility for overlapping markets.

     33.  Will the  existing  employees  of  PIC-WI  be  transferred  to  become
          employees of a different entity within the holding company system?  If
          so, which one(s)?

          Currently,   most  employees  in  the  ProAssurance  organization  are
          employed by a subsidiary of ProAssurance,  ProAssurance Group Services
          Corporation  which also houses the  ProAssurance  benefit  plans.  The
          statutory  companies are parties to intercompany  management  services
          and expense  sharing  agreements  that allow the sharing of  employees
          among the companies to provide services which are then allocated among
          the  various  companies.  For  instance,  accounting  and  information
          technology  employees  service all statutory  companies.  A portion of
          their  salaries are allocated  between the companies  based on written
          premium levels. It is anticipated that PIC-WI will participate in this

Regulatory Matters

     34.  Please  provide  correspondence,  if any,  with the Alabama  Insurance
          Department or the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance  Services
          concerning the proposed acquisition.

          ProAssurance  has provided the Alabama  Insurance  Department  and the
          Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Services with copies of the
          Form A which  was  submitted  to the OCI.  Copies  of the  transmittal
          letters dated December 21, 2005 are attached as Exhibit G.

          In  addition,   PIC-WI  has  filed  a  request  for   exemption   from
          requalification  with the Michigan  Office of Financial  and Insurance
          Services.  A copy of this  exemption  request  dated  March 2, 2006 is
          attached hereto as Exhibit H.

                              Page 15, Cover Letter

          ProAssurance  has not  received  any  communications  from  either the
          Alabama  Insurance  Department or the Michigan Office of Financial and
          Insurance Services regarding the PIC-WI transaction.

     35.  Has ProAssurance  Corporation considered any future redomestication of
          PIC-WI? If so, what is the anticipated time frame?

          ProAssurance  has  no  plans  to  redomesticate  PIC-WI  and  has  not
          considered any future redomestication of PIC-WI.

We hope that the above  information  will enable the OCI to complete  its review
and set the date for the Form A hearing.  Attached  please  find  ProAssurance's
waiver of the 10 day notice requirement.

ProAssurance representatives are available to meet to discuss these responses or
any other  matters of interest with the OCI at your  convenience.  Please let me
know if you need anything further.

/s/ Victor T. Adamo
Victor T. Adamo

                              Page 16, Cover Letter