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Great Food
  & Ice Cream                                                      May 3, 2006

Ms. Linda Cvrkel
Branch Chief
Division of Corporation Finance
United States
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D. C.   20549

Re: Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
    Form 10-K: For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005
    Commission File #: 001-13579

Dear Ms. Cvrkel:

Reference is made to the Staff's letter of comment dated April 19, 2006 (the
"Staff's Letter"). Set forth are Friendly Ice Cream Corporation's (the
"Company") responses to the comments raised in the Staff's Letter relating to
the above-referenced filing on Form 10-K.

Consolidated Statement of Operations
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     1.   Please revise to provide separate disclosure of costs associated with
          your franchise operations. Also, revise the notes to your financial
          statements to disclose the changes in franchise operations that
          occurred during the period. This disclosure should include the number
          of franchises purchased and sold during the period and the number in
          operation at the end of the period. Refer to the requirements outlined
          in paragraph 23 of SFAS No. 45.


          While certain costs are specific to our franchise operations, these
          costs are not material to our overall operating costs. Additionally,
          we make no allocation of corporate general and administration expenses
          amongst our operating segments. These expenses include executive,
          accounting, information systems, legal and human resources.

          At the introduction to Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial
          Condition and results of Operations (Item 7), we show in a summary
          table the changes in unit counts for both company and franchised
          locations and we will include this in our notes to our financial
          statements in future filings.

    Friendly Ice Cream Corporation o 1855 Boston Road o Wilbraham, MA o 01095
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Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
May 3, 2006
Page 2

Notes to the Financial Statements
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Note 2. Summary of basis of presentation and Significant Accounting Policies
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     - Revenue Recognition, page F-7
          2.   We note your disclosure that differences between your accrual for
               discounts and trade promotions and the subsequent settlement
               amount occur frequently and usually the differences are
               individually insignificant. Please explain to us what you mean by
               the phrase "usually the differences are individually
               insignificant." As part of your response please provide us with
               the amount of these differences for each of the last three years.
               We may have further comment upon receipt of your response.


               We are required to make estimates regarding the level of coupon
               redemption, the amount of product to be purchased by certain
               customers over certain time periods and related volume-based and
               off-invoice discounts, and slotting fees based on product
               shipments in order to estimate our overall trade spending. These
               estimates are reviewed and recorded on a monthly basis based on
               information provided by our regional sales managers as to the
               types of arrangements that have been made with our customers,
               historical results and current period activity, and are recorded
               in our financial statements as an offset to sales and trade
               receivables. Deductions from sales totaled $53.8 million in
               fiscal 2005, $52.8 million in fiscal 2004 and $50.5 million in
               fiscal 2003. Adjustments, which are recorded monthly, amounted to
               $1.5 million in fiscal 2005, $2.8 million in 2004 and $0.3
               million in 2003.

     - Stock-Based Compensation, page F-14

          3.   We note that the expected volatility factor used in the
               Black-Scholes option-pricing model decreased significantly
               between 2004 and 2005. Please tell us your basis for changes made
               to this assumption. Your response should clearly explain how you
               determined the volatility factors used for each period presented.

               Paragraph B285 of SFAS No. 123 provides a list of factors that
               should be considered in estimating expected volatility and
               suggests that the historical period used to estimate volatility
               should cover the expected lives of the options. The expected
               lives of our options were estimated to be four to five years in
               both 2004 and 2005. Due to the limited number of years that our
               shares have been publicly traded, we used the entire historical
               period for which trading activity was available. For options
               issued in 2005, the Company used historical data beginning with
               January 1, 2001, which allowed information from a historical
               period similar to the expected lives of the options, yet
               eliminated inconsistencies related to newly traded stock and the
               2000 corporate restructure.

Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
May 3, 2006
Page 3

Note 5.  Discontinued Operations, page F-20
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          4.   We note the gain on the disposal of 14 properties was recorded in
               discontinued operations for the year ended December 31, 2005.
               Please tell us the nature of the disposal for the nine properties
               that were disposed of "other than by sales" and why you believe
               they met the criteria for consideration as a discontinued
               operation. Please tell us if any of these properties were
               considered held for sale as of January 2, 2005. Additionally,
               please tell us if you intend to sell any of the 11 properties
               classified as held for sale as of January 1, 2006 through a
               franchise agreement. Please note that due to the receipt of
               franchise fees and future continuing involvement, the sale of
               property to a franchisee may not qualify for discontinued
               operations treatment. See example in paragraph A27 of SFAS No.
               144. We may have further comment upon receipt of your response.

               SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of
               Long-Lived Assets," states that in a period in which a component
               of an entity has been disposed of or is classified as held for
               sale, the income statement for current and prior periods shall
               report the results of operations of the component, including any
               gain or loss recognized, in discontinued operations if both of
               the following conditions are met: (a) the operations and cash
               flows of the component have been (or will be) eliminated from the
               ongoing operations of the entity as a result of the disposal
               transaction and (b) the entity will not have any significant
               continuing involvement in the operations of the component after
               the disposal transaction.

               The nine properties that were disposed of other than by sale were
               Company-operated restaurants that were abandoned due to the
               termination of leases. We have eliminated the operations and cash
               flows of the nine restaurants from the ongoing operations of the
               Company and have no continuing involvement. These nine
               properties, therefore, meet the criteria for discontinued

Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
May 3, 2006
Page 4

               SFAS No. 44 also states that a long-lived asset to be sold shall
               be classified as held for sale in the period in which all of the
               following criteria are met:

               a.   Management, having the authority to approve the action,
                    commits to a plan to sell the asset.
               b.   The asset is available for immediate sale in its present
                    condition subject only to terms that are usual and
               c.   An active program to locate a buyer and other actions
                    required to complete the plan to sell the asset have been
               d.   The sale of the asset is probable, and transfer of the asset
                    is expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale,
                    within one year, except as permitted by paragraph 31.
               e.   The asset is being actively marketed for sale at a price
                    that is reasonable in relation to its current fair value.
               f.   Actions required to complete the plan indicate that it is
                    unlikely that significant changes to the plan will be made
                    or that the plan will be withdrawn.

               Since these nine properties were abandoned, they were not
               considered held for sale as of January 2, 2005.

               We have not and do not intend to sell any of the properties held
               for sale through a franchise agreement. In accordance with SFAS
               No. 144, the conditions for reporting the results of operations
               in discontinued operations are not met for those restaurants that
               are sold through a franchise agreement as we would have
               continuing involvement in the operations and we would receive
               franchise royalties based on the sales volume.

Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
May 3, 2006
Page 5

          5.   We note that the gain on sale of the two properties sold in the
               fourth quarter 2004 was included in operating income rather than
               discontinued operations. Please explain to us and in the notes to
               your financial statements why the gain on these two properties
               was considered operating income in 2004; however the gain/loss on
               the sale of properties in 2005 is classified as discontinued

               At the end of 2004, there were no properties that met the
               criteria for "held for sale" as defined in SFAS No. 144. The
               restaurant net loss related to restaurants that closed during
               2004 was $34,000. Based on the immateriality of the results
               related to all 2004 closings, the results of operations and the
               related gain was included in income from operations on the
               Company's financial statements.

Note 8. Income Taxes, page F-26
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          6.   We note that the benefit for income taxes for the year ended
               January 2, 2005 included a $2,156,000 reversal of income tax
               accruals recorded in prior years and in fiscal 2005 you increased
               income tax accruals related to ongoing tax audits and other tax
               matters. Please explain to us in detail and revise the notes to
               your financial statements in future filings to explain the nature
               of the tax matters that resulted in a reversal of the accrual in
               fiscal 2004 and an additional accrual in 2005. Additionally,
               please provide us with your accounting policy for recording
               income tax reserves that clearly explains how and when you
               determine the amount that will ultimately be paid.

               In 2004, the $2,156,000 reversal of income tax accruals was
               predominately the result of reevaluating the potential audit
               exposure related to expenses the Company incurred prior to 2004
               for the use of an aircraft leased by the Company. During the 2004
               fourth quarter financial closing process, the Company received
               additional guidance from outside tax counsel that indicated that
               it was not probable that the Internal Revenue Service would be
               successful in disallowing the expenses for use of the aircraft.
               The income tax accrual reversal related to the aircraft expense
               was $2.1 million.

               Prior to 2005, the Company would accrue the potential interest
               only on probable audit exposures that would result in future
               deduction, i.e., temporary differences. In 2005, the Company
               determined that a valuation allowance was required that reduced
               the carrying value of net deferred tax assets to zero. While the
               Company is recording a full valuation allowance on future tax
               benefits, any future disallowance of income tax deductions would
               negatively impact earnings by the amount of the tax and interest.
               As such, the income tax accrual in 2005 was increased by
               $1,446,000 to include the potential additional tax, as well as
               the interest, on tax contingencies.

Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
May 3, 2006
Page 6

               The Company accounts for income tax exposures pursuant to SFAS
               No. 5, "Accounting for Contingencies," ("SFAS No. 5") which
               provides that an estimated loss from a loss contingency should be
               accrued by a charge to income if both the following criteria are

                    1.   Information available prior to issuance of the
                         financial statements indicates that it is probable that
                         an asset had been impaired or a liability had been
                         incurred at the date of the financial statements.

                    2.   The amount of loss can be reasonably estimated.

               Therefore, the Company will provide for a tax exposure if, based
               on the available information, it is probable that a taxing
               authority will disagree with a tax position that will negatively
               affect the amount of taxes previously paid or currently due and
               the amount can be reasonably estimated. Tax exposure requirements
               are reviewed quarterly.

Note 17. Commitments and Contingencies, Page F-42
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          7.   We note from page 18 that there are a few legal proceedings in
               which you are involved. To the extent that there is a reasonable
               possibility that a loss or an additional loss may have been
               incurred, these potential loss contingencies should be disclosed
               in the notes to the financial statements. See paragraph 10 of
               SFAS No.5. Please revise future filings as appropriate.


               Paragraph 8 of SFAS No. 5 states that an estimated loss from a
               loss contingency shall be accrued by a charge to income if both
               of the following conditions are met: a.) Information available
               prior to issuance of the financial statements indicates that it
               is probable that an asset had been impaired or a liability had
               been incurred at the date of the financial statements. It is
               implicit in this condition that it must be probable that one or
               more future events will occur confirming the fact of the loss;
               and b.) The amount of loss can be reasonably estimated.

               Paragraph 10 of SFAS No. 5 states that if no accrual is made for
               a loss contingency because one or both of the conditions in
               paragraph 8 are not met, disclosure of the contingency shall be
               made when there is at least a reasonable possibility that a loss
               or an additional loss may have been incurred.

               No specific disclosure has been provided in the notes to the
               financial statements as management believes that a potential loss
               is not probable relating to these matters. In future filings,
               management will continue to assess the outcome of outstanding
               legal proceedings and make the appropriate disclosures as
               required by SFAS No.5.

Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
May 3, 2006
Page 7

Note 18. Segment Reporting, Page F-43
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Form 8-K dated March 17, 2006, November 9, 2005, August 4, 2005 and May 2, 2005
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          8.   We note your use of the non-GAAP performance measure EBITDA as a
               segment performance measure in which you eliminate other
               non-operating income (expense), write-downs of property and
               equipment, net periodic pension cost (benefit), and other
               non-cash items. Because you adjust for items other than interest,
               taxes, depreciation, and amortization, titling the measure EBITDA
               may be confusing to investors. Please revise the title in future
               filings to indicate clearly that you have adjusted the measure
               for additional items. For guidance, see Question 14 of the
               staff's "Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Use of Non-GAAP
               Financial Measures" dated June 13, 2003.

               In future filings, the title will be "Adjusted EBITDA."

Schedule 14A Proxy Statement
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Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, page 27
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          9.   We note that certain transactions between the Company and
               affiliates of its officers and directors as discussed on page 27
               of the Schedule 14A Proxy Statement have not been disclosed in
               the Company's financial statements as required by SFAS No. 57.
               Please revise the notes to the Company's financial statements in
               future filings to include disclosure of all transactions between
               Company and its affiliates.

               In future filings, management will ensure that all transactions
               between Company and its affiliates are disclosed.

The Company hereby acknowledges that (i) the Company is responsible for the
adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in its filings, (ii) Staff comments or
changes to disclosure in response to Staff comments do not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to its filings and (iii) the
Company may not assert Staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated
by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the United

If you have any questions regarding the Company's responses to the Staff Letter,
please contact Florence Tassinari, Assistant Controller at (413) 731-4032.


Friendly Ice Cream Corporation

By:  / s /  PAUL V. HOAGLAND
Paul V. Hoagland
Executive Vice President of Administration
And Chief Financial Officer