Exhibit 99.1

Digital Recorders, Inc. Commemorates Transit Sign Business Anniversary;
  TwinVision na, Inc. Celebrates 10th Anniversary as a U.S. Transit
                  Industry Manufacturer and Supplier

    DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 22, 2006--Digital Recorders, Inc.
(DRI) (Nasdaq:TBUS), a technology leader in transportation and law
enforcement digital communications and audio enhancement systems,
proudly announces the 10th anniversary celebration of its TwinVision
na, Inc. (TVna) business unit in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
    "Our TVna business unit has shown tremendous staying power in a
complicated market in both difficult and good times. It has grown and
delivered innovative products and services, and we believe it has made
a positive difference for our customers during the past 10 years. All
of this has been possible because our great team of people listened to
customers while developing competitive and technologically advanced
products and services. We intend to continue doing the same as we look
forward to the next 10 years and beyond," David L. Turney, the
Company's Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President, said.
    The TVna business unit was formed as a North Carolina business
entity on May 22, 1996, to manufacture, market, and service electronic
destination sign systems (EDSS) within the U.S. transit market.


    Before 1982, transit destination messages were printed on
"roll-curtain" signs. Often, the message was printed on a color
background and the color was part of the destination message. For
example, a destination message such as "downtown" may have been
printed on a red background, which might have indicated to the public
that the vehicle was for express (limited stops) service.
    In April 1996, Digital Recorders, Inc. acquired the predecessor of
its Mobitec GmbH business unit based in Germany. As a result of the
acquisition, the TwinVision(R) flip-dot, light-emitting diode (LED)
technology made its way to the U.S. To manufacture, market, and
service that technology within the U.S. transit market, the Company
established the TVna business unit in May 1996.
    In July 1997, the TVna business unit introduced the TwinVision(R)
LeDot(R) EDSS to the U.S. transit market.
    In July 1997, the TwinVision(R) ELYSE(R) proprietary software
program was introduced. ELYSE(R) stands for "Editing Like You Should
Expect." The Windows(R)-based program enables transit authority
personnel to access TwinVision(R) EDSS products' programming features.
Although programming tasks typically are handled by computer
specialists, the software's easy-to-use, point-and-click features
permit non-programmers to successfully change EDSS messages using
hundreds of ADA-compliant fonts and graphics. The software also has a
feedback feature that simultaneously shows text appearing on the
transit vehicle's front sign within the Operator's Console Unit,
eliminating the need for the transit operator to physically check the
sign's text.
    In July 1997, the TwinVision(R) Operator's Console Unit was
introduced. It controls all operating features of TwinVision(R) EDSS
products. Its keypad is designed for easy entry in either decimal or
hexadecimal format, and its PCMCIA card slot enables upload of
destination data prepared with the TwinVision(R) ELYSE(R) software.
    In July 1999, the TVna business unit introduced the TwinVision(R)
Amber All-LED EDSS. One of the most widely used EDSS products in the
U.S. today, this solid-state second generation product features
easy-to-see, amber-colored LEDs that provide an extremely bright
message with wide-angle visibility both day and night. Since there are
no moving parts in this product, maintenance costs are significantly
    In May 2001, the TVna business unit introduced the TwinVision(R)
Chromatic Series, including TwinVision(R) Chroma I and TwinVision(R)
Chroma IV. These products offer customers greater color flexibility
and message display options for route and destination signs. The
TwinVision(R) Chromatic Series incorporates colorized route
capabilities while retaining EDSS message display advantages for the
color vision impaired.
    In September 2005, the TVna business unit introduced a
technologically advanced single lens LED to the U.S. transit market.
The new LED was developed for the TVna business unit's exclusive use
by a leading manufacturer of LEDs. It has a single lens device that
utilizes a red, green, and blue die arrangement for wider angle
viewing with constant viewing intensity that is mandated by transit
requirements. In essence, this LED was optimized for transit
applications and is not an off-the-shelf LED commonly found in the
    The Company supports each of these products through a network of
strategically placed field service technicians, a full service
in-house diagnostic and repair facility, and a full complement of
genuine TwinVision(R) spare parts.


    Established in 1996, TwinVision na, Inc. designs, manufactures,
sells, and services TwinVision(R) electronic destination sign systems
used on public transit vehicles. For more information about the
Company's TVna business unit, go to www.twinvisionsigns.com.


    Digital Recorders, Inc. is a technology leader in transportation,
law enforcement, and security digital communications systems using
proprietary hardware and software applications. Our products improve
the flow and mobility of people through transportation infrastructure,
mitigate security threats, and enhance law enforcement agencies'
surveillance capabilities. Our transportation communications products
- -- TwinVision(R) and Mobitec(R) electronic destination sign systems,
Talking Bus(R) voice announcement systems, Digital Recorders(R)
Internet-based passenger information and automatic vehicle
location/monitoring systems, and VacTell(TM) video actionable
intelligence systems -- enhance public transportation and mitigate
security threats worldwide. Our electronic surveillance tools,
including microphone amplifiers and processors, countermeasures
devices, speech activity detectors, and noise cancellation equipment,
help law-enforcement agencies around the globe arrest and prosecute
criminals. For more information about DRI and its operations
worldwide, go to www.digrec.com.


    This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within
the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Any statement, express or implied, concerning future events or
expectations is a forward looking statement. Use of words such as
"expect," "fully expect," "expected," "appears," "believe," "plan,"
"anticipate," "would," "will," "goal," "potential," "potentially,"
"range," "pursuit," "run rate," "stronger," "preliminarily," etc., is
intended to identify forward-looking statements that are subject to
risks and uncertainties as set forth in our Annual Report on Form 10-K
filed April 17, 2006, particularly those identified in Risk Factors
Affecting Our Business. There can be no assurance that any
expectation, express or implied, in a forward-looking statement will
prove correct or that the contemplated event or result will occur as

    CONTACT: Veronica B. Marks
             Manager, Corporate Communications
             Digital Recorders, Inc.
             Phone: (214) 378-4776
             Fax: (214) 378-8437
             E-Mail: veronicam@digrec.com