Exhibit 10.2

                           USANA Health Sciences, Inc.


                  This Indemnification Agreement ("Agreement") is made and
entered into as of [_______], between USANA Health Sciences, Inc., a Utah
corporation (the "Company") and [__________] ("Officer").

                  WHEREAS Officer performs valuable Services for the Company as
an officer of the Company; and

                  WHEREAS the Board of Directors and the shareholders of the
Company have approved, and the Company has filed with the State of Utah Amended
and Restated Articles of Incorporation that provide that, to the maximum extent
authorized by Sections 901-909 of the Act, the Company will indemnify its
directors and officers against certain Liabilities and Expenses in connection
with a Proceeding in which its directors or officers are made a Party by reason
of their Services to the Company, including the advancement of such Expenses to
such directors or officers prior to the final disposition of such Proceeding;

                  WHEREAS the Board of Directors has approved the Bylaws that
provide that, to the maximum extent authorized by Sections 901-909 of the Act,
the Company will indemnify its directors and officers against certain
Liabilities and Expenses in connection with a Proceeding in which directors or
officers are made a Party by reason of their Services to the Company, including
the advancement of such Expenses to such directors or officers prior to the
final disposition of such Proceeding;

                  WHEREAS Section 909 of the Act and the Bylaws permit
contracts, such as this Agreement, between the Company and the directors or
officers of the Company with respect to such indemnification and advancement of

                  WHEREAS the Company desires to induce Officer to serve or to
continue to serve as an officer of the Company by entering into this Agreement,
which clarifies and augments: (i) Officer's right of indemnification by the
Company for Liabilities and Expenses in connection a Proceeding in which Officer
is made a Party as a result of Officer's Services to the Company; and (ii)
Officer's right to advancement of Expenses in connection with such a Proceeding;

                  WHEREAS Officer is relying on this Agreement as an inducement
to his serving or continuing to serve as an officer of the Company;

                  WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 908 of the Act, the Company may
purchase and maintain D&O Insurance that covers these Liabilities and Expenses
of Officer; and

                  WHEREAS the parties to this Agreement intend the provisions of
this Agreement to be consistent with the provisions of the Act;

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Officer's Services, the
parties hereto agree as follows:

1.       Definitions

         For purposes of this Agreement:

         a.       "Act" means the Revised Business Corporation Act of the State
                  of Utah, as amended.

         b.       "Agreement" means this Indemnification Agreement between the
                  Company and the Officer.

         c.       "Articles" means the Amended and Restated Articles of
                  Incorporation of the Company, as amended.

         d.       "Board of Directors " means the Company's board of directors
                  that has been established to manage the business and affairs
                  of the Company under the Act.

         e.       "Bylaws" means the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Company,
                  as amended.

         f.       "Company" means USANA Health Sciences, Inc., a Utah

         g.       "D&O Insurance" means a policy of insurance that is purchased
                  by the Company and that cover certain liabilities and expenses
                  that may be incurred by the Company and/or its directors and
                  officers in connection with their services to the Company or,
                  at the Company request, to another entity.

         h.       "Decision-Maker" means one of the following persons or
                  entities that makes a determination under the Act and under
                  this Agreement whether Officer is entitled to either
                  indemnification of Liabilities and Expenses and/or advancement
                  of Expenses in connection with a Proceeding, as provided in
                  Section 6(b) below: (i) the Board of Directors (or a special
                  committee thereof), by majority vote, as provided in the Act;
                  (ii) the Company's Special Legal Counsel, as provided in the
                  Act; or (iii) the shareholders of the Company, by a majority
                  vote (excluding those shares held or controlled by Officer).

         i.       "Exchange Act" means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Act of
                  1934, as amended.

         j.       "Expenses" means: (i) all reasonable attorneys' fees,
                  retainers, court costs, transcript costs, fees of experts,
                  witness fees, travel expenses, duplicating costs, printing and
                  binding costs, telephone charges, postage, delivery service
                  fees and all other disbursements or expenses that are actually
                  incurred by Officer, or on his behalf, in connection with
                  prosecuting, defending, preparing to prosecute or defend,
                  investigating, participating, or being or preparing to be a
                  witness in a Proceeding; (ii) and any federal, state, local or
                  foreign taxes imposed on Officer as a result of the actual or
                  deemed receipt of any payments under this Agreement.
                  "Expenses" do not include "Liabilities."


         k.       "Liabilities" means any liabilities incurred by Officer, or on
                  his behalf, with respect to a Proceeding to pay a judgment,
                  settlement, penalty, fine (including an excise tax assessed
                  with respect to an employee benefit plan), or other similar
                  payment, including, but not limited to, liabilities under the
                  Securities Act or the Exchange Act. "Liabilities" do not
                  include "Expenses."

         l.       "Officer" means the person who is a signatory to this
                  Agreement, and who is serving the Company as an officer of the
                  Company, as the term "officer" is defined in Rule 16a-1
                  promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
                  Unless the context otherwise requires, "Officer" includes the
                  estate or personal representative of the Officer.

         m.       "Party" means an individual who was, is, or is threatened to
                  be named as a defendant in a Proceeding or who is a respondent
                  in a Proceeding.

         n.       "Payment" means a payment by the Company to Officer of either:
                  (i) the amount of Liabilities or Expenses that a court or the
                  Decision-Maker has determined must be indemnified and paid to
                  Officer under the Act and this Agreement; or (ii) the amount
                  of Expenses that the Decision-Maker has determined must be
                  advanced and paid to Officer under the Act and this Agreement.

         o.       "Proceeding" means any threatened, pending or completed
                  action, suit, arbitration, alternate dispute resolution
                  mechanism, inquiry, hearing or any other such proceeding,
                  whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, to
                  which Officer is made a Party by reason of Officer's Services.

         p.       "Securities Act" means the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as

         q.       "Services" means (i) Officer's service to the Company as a an
                  officer; (ii) during the time that Officer is an officer,
                  Officer's service, at the Company's request, as a director,
                  officer, partner, trustee, employee, fiduciary, or agent of
                  another corporation or entity (other than the Company),
                  including any employee benefit plan.

         r.       "Special Legal Counsel" means "special legal counsel" of the
                  Company, as defined in Section 906(2)(c) of the Act, that has
                  been appointed to be a Decision-Maker.

2.       Indemnification of Officer by the Company

         Subject to the limitations set forth in the Act and in this Agreement,
the Company hereby agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Officer to the full
extent authorized or permitted by the Act, the Articles, and the Bylaws. In
furtherance of the foregoing indemnification, and without limiting the
generality thereof:


         a.       Proceedings Other Than Proceedings by or in the Right of the
                  Company. Officer shall be entitled to the rights of
                  indemnification provided in this Section l(a) if, by reason of
                  Officer's Services, Officer is, or is threatened to be made, a
                  Party to a Proceeding other than a Proceeding by or in the
                  right of the Company (which is addressed in Section 1(b)
                  below). Pursuant to this Section 1(a), the Company shall
                  indemnify Officer against all Liabilities and Expenses that
                  have been incurred by Officer in connection with such
                  Proceeding, or in connection with any claim, issue, or matter
                  therein, if Officer acted in good faith and in a manner that
                  Officer reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the
                  best interests of the Company; provided, however, that, with
                  respect to any criminal Proceeding, Officer must additionally
                  have had no reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was

         b.       Proceedings by or in the Right of the Company. Officer shall
                  be entitled to the rights of indemnification provided in this
                  Section 1(b) if, by reason of Officer's Services, Officer is,
                  or is threatened to be made, a Party to a Proceeding that has
                  been brought by or in the right of the Company (not by another
                  person, as provided in Section 1(a) above). Pursuant to this
                  Section 1(b), the Company shall indemnify Officer against all
                  Expenses (and not Liabilities) that have been incurred by
                  Officer in connection with such Proceeding, or in connection
                  with any claim, issue, or matter therein, if Officer acted in
                  good faith and in a manner that Officer reasonably believed to
                  be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Company.

         c.       Sole Limit on Indemnification. The Company shall not be
                  required to indemnify Officer pursuant to this Agreement only
                  if it is finally determined by a court or by a Decision-Maker,
                  under the procedures and subject to the presumptions that are
                  set forth in Sections 6 and 7 hereof, to be unlawful to do so
                  under Section 902 of the Act, either because: (i) Officer did
                  not meet the standard of conduct set forth above in Sections
                  1(a) and 1(b); or (ii) if Officer is judged to be liable in a
                  Proceeding because he or she derived an improper personal
                  benefit (whether or not in connection with Officer's

3.       Indemnification for Expenses When Officer is Wholly or Partly

         Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to the extent
that Officer is successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the defense of any
Proceeding, or in defense of any claim, issue, or matter therein, the Company
shall indemnify Officer to the maximum extent permitted by law against all
Expenses that have incurred by Officer in connection with such Proceeding. If
Officer is not wholly successful in such Proceeding, but is successful, on the
merits or otherwise, with respect to one or more but less than all of the
claims, issues, or matters therein, the Company shall indemnify Officer against
all Expenses that have been incurred by Officer in connection with each
successfully resolved claim, issue, or matter. For purposes of this Section 3,
and without limitation, the termination of any claim, issue, or matter in such a
Proceeding by dismissal, with or without prejudice, shall be deemed to be a
successful result as to such claim, issue, or matter, whether such dismissal was
for substantive or procedural reasons.


4.       Contribution in the Event of Joint Liability by Officer and by the

         Subject to all the limitations of the Act, this Agreement, and the
further provisions of this Section 4 below, if the Company is jointly liable
with Officer (or would be liable, if joined in such Proceeding), the Company
shall pay the entire amount of Liabilities and Expenses relating to such
Proceeding, without requiring Officer to contribute to such payment.
Furthermore, the Company hereby waives and relinquishes any right of
contribution it may have against Officer in such instance. The Company shall not
enter into any settlement of any such Proceeding in which the Company is jointly
liable with Officer (or would be liable, if joined in such Proceeding) unless
such settlement provides for a full and final release of all claims that have
been asserted against Officer.

         a.       Proportionate Liability in Certain Instances. Without
                  diminishing or impairing the obligations of the Company set
                  forth in the preceding paragraph, if, for any reason, Officer
                  shall elect or be required to pay all or any portion of any
                  liabilities and/or expenses (such as those described in the
                  definitions of "Liabilities" and "Expenses" of Officer herein)
                  in connection with any Proceeding in which the Company is
                  jointly liable with Officer (or would be, if joined in such
                  Proceeding), the Company shall contribute to the amount of
                  such liabilities and/or expenses in proportion to the relative
                  benefits received by the Company, together with all directors,
                  officers, and/or employees of the Company (other than Officer)
                  who are jointly liable with Officer (or would be liable, if
                  joined in such Proceeding), on the one hand, and the benefits
                  received by the Officer, on the other hand, from the
                  transaction or event from which such Proceeding arose;
                  provided, however, that the proportion determined on the basis
                  of relative benefit may, to the extent necessary to conform to
                  law, be further adjusted by reference to the relative fault of
                  the Company and all directors, officers, or employees of the
                  Company (other than Officer) who are jointly liable with
                  Officer (or would be liable, if joined in such Proceeding), on
                  the one hand, and the fault of Officer, on the other hand, in
                  connection with the transaction or event from which such
                  Proceeding arose, as well as any other equitable
                  considerations which the Act or the laws of the State of Utah
                  may require to be considered. The relative fault of the
                  Company and all directors, officers, or employees of the
                  Company (other than Officer) who are jointly liable with
                  Officer (or would be liable, if joined in such Proceeding), on
                  the one hand, and the fault of Officer, on the other hand,
                  shall be determined by reference to, among other things, the
                  degree to which their actions were motivated by intent to gain
                  personal profit or advantage, the degree to which their
                  liability is primary or secondary, and the degree to which
                  their conduct is active or passive.

         b.       Claims of Contribution by Other Directors, Officers,
                  Employees, or Agents of the Company. The Company hereby agrees
                  to fully indemnify and hold Officer harmless from any claims
                  of contribution which may be brought by directors, officers,
                  employees, or agents of the Company (other than Officer), who
                  may be jointly liable with Officer in any action, suit, or
                  proceeding in which such directors, officers, employees, or
                  agents of the Company have been named as parties by reason of
                  their services to the Company in such capacities.


5.       Advancement of Expenses.

         a.       Request for Advancement by Officer. Notwithstanding any other
                  provision of this Agreement, if Officer incurs Expenses in
                  connection with any Proceeding by reason of Officer's
                  Services, Officer may, from time to time, make a request to
                  the Company that the Company advance such Expenses to Officer,
                  and the Company may advance such Expenses to Officer, whether
                  prior to or after the final disposition of such Proceeding,
                  pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Section 5 below.
                  Officer shall furnish to the Company a written affirmation of
                  his good faith belief that he or she has met the applicable
                  standard of conduct for such indemnification under Section 902
                  of the Act. Such statement or statements shall reasonably
                  evidence the Expenses incurred by Officer and shall include or
                  be preceded or accompanied by an undertaking by or on behalf
                  of Officer to repay any such advanced Expenses if it shall
                  ultimately be determined by a court or by a Decision-Maker
                  that Officer is not entitled to be indemnified against such
                  Expenses because he or she did not meet the applicable
                  standard of conduct for such indemnification under Section 902
                  of the Act. Such undertaking by Officer shall be an unlimited
                  general obligation of Officer, shall be unsecured, and the
                  Company must accept such undertaking without reference to
                  Officer's financial ability to make such repayment.

         b.       Determination of Advancement and Payment. The Decision-Maker
                  shall make a determination of whether Officer is entitled to
                  advancement of Expenses and shall pay such amount to Officer
                  pursuant to the deadlines, procedures, and the presumptions
                  contained in Section 6 below. All advances of Expenses by the
                  Company to Officer shall be interest free.

         c.       Repayment of Advanced Expenses by Officer. Notwithstanding the
                  foregoing, the obligation of the Company to advance Expenses
                  pursuant to this Section 5 shall be subject to the condition
                  that, if, when and to the extent that the Company determines
                  that Officer would not be permitted to be indemnified under
                  applicable law, Officer shall reimburse the Company within
                  thirty (30) days of such determination for all such amounts
                  theretofore advanced to Officer by the Company; provided,
                  however, that if Officer has commenced or thereafter commences
                  legal proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to
                  secure a determination that Officer should be indemnified
                  under applicable law, any determination made by the Company
                  that Officer would not be permitted to be indemnified under
                  applicable law shall not be binding and Officer shall not be
                  required to reimburse the Company for any advance of Expenses
                  until a final judicial determination is made with respect
                  thereto (and as to which all rights of appeal therefrom have
                  been exhausted or have lapsed).


6.       Procedures and Presumptions for Payments to Officer

         It is the intent of this Agreement to secure for Officer rights for the
advancement of Expenses and for indemnification for Liabilities and Expenses
that are as favorable as may be permitted under the Act and public policy of the
State of Utah. Accordingly, the parties agree that the following procedures and
presumptions shall apply in the event of any question as to whether Officer is
entitled to indemnification under this Agreement:

         a.       Request by Officer for Payment. Officer shall submit to the
                  Company a written request for Payment. Such request shall be
                  accompanied by such documentation and information that is
                  reasonably available to Officer and that is relevant to
                  whether and to what extent Officer is entitled to Payment. The
                  Secretary of the Company shall, promptly upon receipt of such
                  a request, advise the Board of Directors in writing that
                  Officer has requested such Payment.

         b.       Determination of Right to Payment by Decision-Maker. Upon
                  Officer's request for Payment, the Company shall make a
                  determination of whether Officer is entitled to a Payment in
                  the specific case. Such determination shall be made by one of
                  the following three Decision-Makers, with Officer having the
                  sole right to select which one of these three Decision-Makers
                  shall make such determination: (i) by a majority vote of the
                  members of the Board of Directors or a special committee
                  thereof), as provided in the Act; (ii) by "Special Legal
                  Counsel," as defined in the Act; or (iii) by a majority vote
                  of the holders of the Company's voting stock (except for those
                  shares held or controlled by Officer), as provided in the Act.
                  In making this determination, the Decision-Maker shall act
                  reasonably and in good faith.

         c.       Fees of Special Legal Counsel. The Company shall pay any and
                  all reasonable fees and expenses incurred by such Special
                  Legal Counsel in connection with such counsel's acting as

         d.       Presumptions. In making a determination whether Officer is
                  entitled to receive a Payment, the Decision-Maker shall
                  presume the following, and anyone seeking to overcome these
                  presumptions shall have the burden of proof by clear and
                  convincing evidence:

                  i.       Officer has met the standard of conduct in Section
                           902 of the Act and is entitled to indemnification
                           under this Agreement;

                  ii.      Officer has reasonably relied on information,
                           opinions, reports, or statements, including financial
                           statements and other financial data, that have been
                           delivered to him by the Company's officers,
                           employees, legal counsels, public accountants, other
                           professional advisors, or by a committee of the Board
                           of Directors on which Officer is not a member; and

                  iii.     The knowledge and/or actions, or failure to act, of
                           any other Officer of the Company or of any other
                           officer, employee, or agent of the Company are not
                           the knowledge and/or actions (or failure to act) of


         e.       Timing of Determination. If the Board of Directors or Special
                  Legal Counsel is to make the determination of whether Officer
                  is entitled to Payment, such determination shall be made
                  within twenty-one (21) days after receipt by the Company of
                  Officer's request therefor. If, however, such determination is
                  to be made by the shareholders of the Company, then, within
                  fifteen (15) days after receipt by the Company of the
                  Officer's request therefor, the Board of Directors (or a
                  committee thereof) shall resolve to submit such determination
                  to the shareholders of the Company for their consideration
                  either at (i) at an annual meeting of the shareholders that is
                  scheduled to be held within seventy-five (75) days after the
                  Company's receipt of Officer's request for Payment; or (ii) at
                  a special meeting of the shareholders of the Company that is
                  scheduled to be held within sixty (60) days from the date on
                  which the Board of Directors calls such special meeting.

         f.       Timing and Method of Payment. Once the Decision-Maker has made
                  a determination that Officer is entitled to a Payment, the
                  Company shall make such Payment to Officer within seven (7)
                  days following the date on which such determination is made.
                  The Company shall make such Payment in such currency, by such
                  method of payment (check or wire transfer), and to such
                  person, all of which Officer shall designate. By way of
                  example, if Officer has incurred legal fees in connection with
                  a Proceeding, Officer may instruct the Company to pay such
                  fees directly to Officer's legal counsel, without the need for
                  Officer to have paid such fees first.

         g.       Officer's Cooperation. Officer shall cooperate with the
                  Decision-Maker in making the determination of whether Officer
                  is entitled to Payment. Such cooperation shall include
                  Officer's providing, upon reasonable advance request, any
                  documentation or information which is not privileged or not
                  otherwise protected from disclosure, which is reasonably
                  available to Officer, and which is relevant to making a
                  determination of whether and to what extent Officer is
                  entitled to such Payment.

         h.       Costs and Expenses by Officer in Making the Determination. Any
                  costs or expenses (including attorneys' fees and
                  disbursements) incurred by Officer in so cooperating with the
                  Decision-Maker shall be borne by the Company, and the Company
                  shall indemnify Officer for all such expenses, regardless of
                  whether Officer is determined to be entitled or not to such

         i.       Presumption of Success on the Merits or Otherwise. The Company
                  acknowledges that a settlement or other disposition of a
                  Proceeding--short of final judgment--may be successful if it
                  permits a party to avoid expense, delay, distraction,
                  disruption and uncertainty. In the event that any Proceeding
                  to which Officer is a Party is resolved in any manner other
                  than by adverse judgment against Officer (including, without
                  limitation, settlement of such Proceeding with or without
                  payment of money or other consideration), it shall be presumed
                  that Officer has been successful on the merits or otherwise in
                  such Proceeding. Anyone seeking to overcome this presumption
                  shall have the burden of proof and the burden of persuasion by
                  clear and convincing evidence. The termination of a Proceeding
                  by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a plea of
                  nolo contendere or its equivalent shall not, of itself, be
                  determinative that Officer did not meet the standard of
                  conduct that would entitle him to indemnification hereunder.


7.       Remedies of Officer

         a.       Remedies. In the event that (i) the Decision-Maker fails to
                  make a determination of whether Officer is entitled to a
                  Payment within the required time, as set forth in Section 7
                  above, (ii) the Decision-Maker determines that Officer is not
                  entitled to a Payment under the Act and this Agreement, (iii)
                  the Company fails to make a required Payment to Officer within
                  the required time, as set forth in Section 7 above, Officer
                  shall be entitled to an adjudication in an appropriate court
                  of the State of Utah, or in any other court of competent
                  jurisdiction, of his entitlement to such Payment. Officer
                  shall commence such proceeding, seeking an adjudication
                  thereof within 180 days following the date on which Officer
                  first has the right to commence such proceeding pursuant to
                  this Section 7(a). The Company shall not oppose Officer's
                  right to seek any such adjudication.

         b.       Effect of Adverse Determination. In the event that the
                  Decision-Maker shall have determined that Officer is not
                  entitled to a Payment, any judicial proceeding commenced
                  pursuant to this Section 7 shall be conducted in all respects
                  as a de novo trial on the merits, and Officer shall not be
                  prejudiced by reason of the adverse determination by the

         c.       Effect of Positive Determination. If the Decision-Maker shall
                  have determined that Officer is entitled to indemnification,
                  the Company shall be bound by such determination in any
                  judicial proceeding commenced pursuant to this Section 7,
                  absent a prohibition of such indemnification under the Act.

         d.       Expenses of Enforcement. In the event that Officer, pursuant
                  to this Section 7, seeks a judicial adjudication of his rights
                  under, or to recover damages for breach of, this Agreement, or
                  to recover under any D&O Insurance maintained by the Company,
                  the Company shall pay on his behalf, in advance, any and all
                  expenses (of the types described in the definition of
                  "Expenses" above) that are actually incurred by Officer, or on
                  his behalf, in such judicial adjudication, regardless of
                  whether Officer ultimately is determined to be entitled to
                  such Payment or such recovery of proceeds from such D&O

         e.       The Company is Bound. The Company shall be precluded from
                  asserting in any judicial proceeding commenced pursuant to
                  this Section 7 that the procedures and presumptions of this
                  Agreement are not valid, not binding, or not enforceable, and
                  the Company shall stipulate in any such court that the Company
                  is bound by all the provisions of this Agreement.


8.       Non-Exclusivity; Survival of Rights; Superior Rights; D&O Insurance;

         a.       Rights are Non-Exclusive and Cumulative. The rights of
                  indemnification as provided by this Agreement shall not be
                  deemed exclusive of any other rights to which Officer may at
                  any time be entitled under applicable law, the Articles, the
                  Bylaws, any agreement, a vote of stockholders, a resolution of
                  the Board of Directors, or otherwise. Every other right or
                  remedy to which Officer may be entitled shall be cumulative
                  and in addition to every other right and remedy given to
                  Officer hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law, in
                  equity, or otherwise. The assertion or employment by Officer
                  of any right or remedy hereunder or otherwise shall not
                  prevent the concurrent assertion or employment by Officer of
                  any other right or remedy.

         b.       Survival of Rights. No amendment, alteration or repeal of this
                  Agreement or of any provision hereof shall limit or restrict
                  any right of Officer under this Agreement in respect of any
                  action taken or omitted by Officer in his Services prior to
                  such amendment, alteration, or repeal.

         c.       Superior Rights. To the extent that a change in the Act,
                  whether by statute or judicial decision, permits greater
                  indemnification than would be afforded currently under the
                  Articles, the Bylaws, and under this Agreement, it is the
                  intent of the parties hereto that Officer shall enjoy by this
                  Agreement the greater benefits so afforded by such change.

         d.       D&O Insurance. The Company shall maintain D&O Insurance that
                  covers the services of directors and officers to the Company
                  or, at the Company's request, to another entity (including the
                  Services of Officer). Such D&O Insurance shall provide
                  coverage that is commercially reasonable, considering the
                  Company's size, type of business, and claims history. Such
                  policy of D&O Insurance shall protect Officer to the maximum
                  extent that any other director or officer is protected
                  thereunder. If a claim arises under any such policy of D&O
                  Insurance, the Company will make demands for such insurance in
                  accordance with the requirements of such policy.

         e.       Subrogation. In the event the Company makes any Payment to
                  Officer, the Company shall be subrogated to the extent of such
                  Payment to all of the rights of recovery that Officer may have
                  under the Company's D&O Insurance. Officer shall execute all
                  documents and shall take all action that may be necessary for
                  the Company to secure such rights of subrogation to bring suit
                  to enforce such rights.


9.       No Indemnification. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Agreement, Officer shall not be entitled to a Payment under this Agreement in
the following instances: (i) for Liabilities and/or Expenses for which Officer
has actually received reimbursement under any insurance policy, contract,
agreement, or otherwise; (ii) for expenses and the payment of profits arising
from the purchase and sale by Officer of securities in violation of Section
16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended or any similar
successor statute; (iii) for Liabilities and Expenses with respect to any
action, suit, or proceeding that is brought by Officer against the Company
and/or it directors, officers, employees, or agents; provided, however, that
Officer shall be entitled to a Payment under this Agreement with respect to such
action, suit, or proceeding that is brought by Officer if either (a) the
bringing of such action, suit, or proceeding or the making of such claim is
approved by the Board of Directors; or (b) such action, suit, or proceeding or
such claim is being brought by Officer to assert, interpret, or enforce
Officer's rights under this Agreement.

10.      Duration of Agreement. All agreements and obligations of the Company
contained in this Agreement shall continue during the period in which Officer is
a member of the Board of Directors or an officer and shall continue thereafter
so long as Officer shall be subject to any Proceeding (or any proceeding
commenced by Officer under Section 7 hereof) by reason of Officer's Services,
whether or not Officer is providing Services at the time any Liability or
Expense is incurred by Officer in connection with such Proceeding (or any
proceeding commenced by Officer under Section 7 hereof).

11.      Indemnification for Expenses as a Witness. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Agreement, to the extent that Officer is called to be a
witness, in connection with Officer's Services, in any action, suit, or
proceeding that involves the Company and/or its directors, officers, employee,
and/or agents and to which Officer is not a party, the Company shall indemnify
Officer against all Expenses incurred by Officer, or on his behalf, in
connection therewith.

12.      General Provisions

         a.       Severability. If any provision or provisions of this Agreement
                  shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
                  invalid, void, illegal or otherwise unenforceable for any
                  reason whatsoever: (a) the validity, legality, and
                  enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement
                  (including each portion of any section of this Agreement
                  containing any such provision held to be invalid, void,
                  illegal, or unenforceable that is not itself invalid, void,
                  illegal, or unenforceable) shall not in any way be affected or
                  impaired thereby and shall remain enforceable to the fullest
                  extent permitted by law; and (b) to the fullest extent
                  possible, the provisions of this Agreement (including, without
                  limitation, each portion of any section of this Agreement
                  containing any such provision that is held to be invalid,
                  void, illegal, or unenforceable that is not itself invalid,
                  void, illegal, or unenforceable) shall be construed so as to
                  give effect to the intent manifested thereby. Without limiting
                  the generality of the foregoing, this Agreement is intended to
                  confer upon Officer rights to indemnification (including
                  advancement of expenses) to the fullest extent permitted by
                  applicable laws. In the event any provision hereof conflicts
                  with any applicable law, such provision shall be deemed
                  modified, consistent with the aforementioned intent, to the
                  extent necessary to resolve such conflict.


         b.       Modification and Waiver. No supplement, modification,
                  termination, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding
                  on either party hereto unless such change shall have been
                  executed in writing by each of the parties hereto. No waiver
                  of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed or
                  shall constitute a waiver of any other provisions hereof
                  (whether or not similar) nor shall such waiver constitute a
                  continuing waiver.

         c.       Notice By Officer. Officer agrees promptly to notify the
                  Company in writing upon being served with or otherwise
                  receiving any summons, citation, subpoena, complaint,
                  indictment, information, or other document relating to any
                  Proceeding or matter which may give rise to his rights of
                  indemnification (including advancement of expenses) hereunder.

         d.       Notices. All notices, requests, demands, and other
                  communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
                  deemed to have been duly given if it is (i) delivered by hand
                  to the party to whom said notice or other communication is
                  directed or (ii) mailed by certified or registered mail with
                  postage prepaid, on the third business day after the date on
                  which it is so mailed:

                  If to Officer, to the address set forth below Officer's
                  signature hereto.

                  If to the Company, to:

                           USANA Health Sciences, Inc.
                           3838 W. Parkway Blvd.
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84120-6336
                           Attention:  President

                  or to such other address as may have been furnished to Officer
                  by the Company or to the Company by Officer, as the case may

         e.       Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
                  counterparts, each of which shall for all purposes be deemed
                  to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute
                  one and the same Agreement.

         f.       Headings. The headings of the paragraphs of this Agreement are
                  inserted for convenience only and shall not be deemed to
                  constitute part of this Agreement or to affect the
                  construction thereof.

         g.       Governing Law. The parties agree that this Agreement shall be
                  governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with,
                  the laws of the State of Utah, without application of the
                  rules of the State of Utah with respect to conflict of laws.

         h.       Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon
                  the Company and upon its successors and assigns. This
                  Agreement shall be binding upon Officer and upon his estate or
                  personal representative. Neither party hereto may assign this
                  Agreement to a third party without the consent of the other
                  party hereto.


         i.       Construction of this Agreement. The recitals to this Agreement
                  are incorporated in this Agreement by this reference.
                  References in this Agreement to the masculine gender shall
                  include reference to the feminine gender. References in the
                  singular shall include reference to the plural, as
                  appropriate. The use of the words "include" or "including" or
                  similar words in this Agreement shall mean that the items
                  following the words "include" or "including" are not an
                  exhaustive list of the items that precede these words, but are
                  rather some (but not all) of the examples thereof.

         j.       Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire
                  agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the
                  subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and
                  understandings, oral, written and implied, between the parties
                  hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.



                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


By: _______________________________________


