Exhibit 99.1

    Journal of Invasive Cardiology Publishes New Results on Use of the Possis
                AngioJet(R) System in High-Risk Coronary Patients

     MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 28, 2006--

             Findings Conclude AngioJet Thrombectomy in Heart Attack
               Patients is Safe and May Improve Clinical Outcomes

     Possis Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:POSS) today announced that important new
observational studies of its AngioJet(R) Thrombectomy System for treating heart
attack patients are being published as a supplement to the July issue of The
Journal of Invasive Cardiology. The supplement details "real-world" results from
five patient registries presented by a Panel of leading interventional
cardiologists during the March 2006 annual convention of the American College of
Cardiology (ACC) in Atlanta.
     These registry results led the Panel to conclude in part that "use of the
AngioJet with primary percutaneous catheter-based intervention (PCI) is safe and
suggest that the AngioJet may improve procedural and clinical outcomes in a
broad spectrum of real-world ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients
treated with primary PCI."
     "The patient registries highlighted in this supplement show the
effectiveness and safety of using AngioJet to treat heart attack patients with
large thrombus," said Robert G. Dutcher, CEO of Possis Medical. "This is an
important step in helping physicians understand the clinical value AngioJet
brings to the treatment of coronary thrombus in a variety of settings."
     The interventional cardiologists comprising the Panel include: Dr. Georgios
Sianos, Thoraxcenter, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Dr. Samin Sharma, Mount Sinai
Hospital, New York City; Dr. Ray Matthews, Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles;
Dr. Simon Dixon, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Mich.; Dr. Charles Simonton,
Carolinas Heart Institute, Charlotte, North Carolina; and Dr. David Antoniucci,
Careggi Institute, Florence, Italy. The Panel was co-moderated by Dr. Donald
Baim, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass.,
and Dr. Bruce Brodie, Moses Cone Heart and Vascular Center, Greensboro, North
     Writing in the supplement, the Panel also commented on the favorable
results of these registries compared to the AiMI trial results announced in
2004: "In the AiMI trial, the mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE)
rates were higher with rheolytic thrombectomy than with the control. However,
the study was not powered to detect differences in clinical events, so the
findings were quite surprising. The differences in mortality were not due to a
high mortality in the AngioJet arm, but rather to an unexpectedly low mortality
in the control arm (0.8%, lower than any previously reported primary PCI trial).
The data and safety monitoring committee reviewed the deaths in the trial and
did not find that any of the deaths were directly attributed to device use.
Based on these considerations and the results of the five registries (presented
at the Panel), all of which found equivalent or lower mortality and MACE rates
with AngioJet, it does not appear that safety is an issue with the AngioJet."
     Dutcher noted another possible benefit of this and other recently reported
clinical experience with AngioJet to treat coronary thrombus. "In a June 22
article, the Wall Street Journal reported that some U.S. hospitals are
decreasing their use of drug-eluting stents because of rising concern over rates
of late stent thrombosis among patients who receive them. The important work by
Dr. Sianos which he recently presented at the May EuroPCR conference in Paris,
and which we announced in a May 18 press release, shows that AngioJet
thrombectomy before treatment with drug-eluting stents in heart attack patients
presenting with large thrombus markedly reduces the observed incidence of stent
rethrombosis in follow-up out to two years."
     Concluded Dutcher, "We expect that these results, coupled with this new
Supplement's conclusion that AngioJet may be safely used in such patients,
should further build the confidence of our cardiology customers, and will, in
combination with additional new clinical science and our upcoming JETSTENT
trial, further position AngioJet and Possis Medical for long-term success."

     About Possis Medical, Inc.

     Possis Medical, Inc., develops, manufactures and markets pioneering medical
devices for the large and growing cardiovascular and vascular treatment markets.
The AngioJet(R) Rheolytic(TM) Thrombectomy System is marketed in the United
States for blood clot removal from native coronary arteries, leg arteries,
coronary bypass grafts and AV dialysis access grafts.

     Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking
statements" within the meaning of Federal Securities Laws. Some of these
statements relate to clinical initiatives and the continuing impact from the
results of the AiMI trial. These statements are based on our current
expectations and assumptions, and entail various risks and uncertainties that
could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in such
forward-looking statements, such as, the effectiveness of our sales and
marketing efforts in re-establishing coronary product usage and our ability to
generate suitable clinical registry data to support growing use of the AngioJet
in coronary applications. A discussion of these and other factors that could
impact the Company's future results are set forth in the cautionary statements
included in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended July 31, 2005, filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     CONTACT: Possis Medical, Inc.
              Jules L. Fisher, 763-450-8011