INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT

     This Indemnification Agreement (this "Agreement") is made as of the 5th day
of September,  2006, by and between Volt Information Sciences,  Inc., a New York
corporation (the "Corporation"), and Deborah Shaw (the "Indemnitee").


     WHEREAS, it is essential to the Corporation to retain and attract directors
and/or officers who are the most capable persons available;

     WHEREAS,  the  Indemnitee  is  serving or has agreed to serve as a director
and/or  officer of the  Corporation  and in such capacity  will render  valuable
services to the Corporation;

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  and the  Indemnitee  recognize the  substantial
increase in  litigation  and claims  being  asserted  against  directors  and/or

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation's   By-laws  (together  with  the  Corporation's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation, the "Constituent Documents") provide that
the  Corporation  will  indemnify  its  directors  and officers and will advance
expenses in connection  therewith,  and  Indemnitee's  willingness to serve as a
director and/or officer of the Corporation, or, at the Corporation's request, to
serve any Other  Enterprise (as defined in Paragraph  2(e)) in any capacity,  is
based in part on Indemnitee's reliance on such provisions;

     WHEREAS,  in recognition of Indemnitee's  need for  substantial  protection
against personal liability in order to encourage  Indemnitee's continued service
to the Corporation or, at the Corporation's request, any Other Enterprise, in an
effective manner, and Indemnitee's  reliance on the aforesaid  provisions of the
Constituent  Documents,  and to  provide  Indemnitee  with  express  contractual
indemnification  (regardless  of,  among  other  things,  any  amendment  to  or
revocation  of  such  provisions  or  any  change  in  the  composition  of  the
Corporation's  Board of Directors (the "Board") or any acquisition,  disposition
or  other  business  combination   transaction  involving  or  relating  to  the
Corporation),  the  Corporation  wishes to  provide  in this  Agreement  for the
indemnification  of Indemnifiable  Losses (as defined in Paragraph 2(d)) and the
advancement  of Expenses (as defined in  Paragraph  2(c)) to  Indemnitee  as set
forth in this  Agreement  and, to the extent  insurance is  maintained,  for the
continued  coverage  of  Indemnitee  under  the  Corporation's   directors'  and
officers' liability insurance policies.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Indemnitee's continued service as a
director  and/or officer of the  Corporation,  the Corporation and Indemnitee do
hereby agree as follows:

     1. Agreement to Serve. Indemnitee agrees to continue to serve as a director
and/or  officer of the  Corporation  for so long as he or she is duly elected or
appointed or until such earlier time as he or she tenders his or her resignation
in writing. This provision is not a guarantee of employment or service.

     2. Certain Definitions.  In addition to terms defined elsewhere herein, the
following terms have the following meanings when used in this Agreement:

        (a) The term "Affiliate"  has the meaning given to that term in Rule 405
under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended;  provided,  however,  that for
purposes of this  Agreement the  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries  will not be
deemed to constitute Affiliates of any Indemnitee.

        (b) The term "Claim" means any threatened, pending or completed  action,
suit  or  proceeding  (whether  civil,  criminal,  administrative,  arbitrative,
investigative  or  other),  whether  instituted  by  or  in  the  right  of  the
Corporation  or any other  Person,  or any  inquiry  or  investigation,  whether
instituted by the Corporation or any other Person in which  Indemnitee is or was
a party or is threatened to be made a party or in good faith believes might lead
to the institution of any such action, suit or proceeding, by reason of the fact
that  Indemnitee  is or  was a  director,  officer,  employee  or  agent  of the
Corporation (or any subsidiary of the Corporation),  or is or was serving at the
request of the Corporation as a director,  officer,  employee,  member, manager,
trustee, agent or fiduciary (or in any other capacity) of an Other Enterprise.

        (c) The  term "Expenses"  includes all  attorneys'  and   experts' fees,
expenses and charges and all other  costs,  expenses  and  obligations,  paid or
incurred in connection with  investigating,  defending,  or participating  (as a
party, a witness, or otherwise) in (including on appeal), or preparing to defend
or   participate   in,  any  Claim  or   otherwise   establishing   a  right  to
indemnification under this Agreement.

        (d) The  term  "Indemnifiable  Losses"  means  any  and  all   Expenses,
damages, losses,  liabilities,  judgments,  fines, penalties and amounts paid or
payable in settlement (including,  without limitation, all interest, assessments
and other charges paid or payable in connection with or in respect of any of the
foregoing, including any excise taxes assessed on Indemnitee with respect to any
employee benefit plan), relating to, resulting from or arising out of any act or
failure to act by the Indemnitee, or his or her status as any person referred to
in  clause  (i) of this  sentence,  (i) in his or her  capacity  as a  director,
officer,  employee or agent of the  Corporation or any of its Affiliates or as a
director, officer, employee, member, manager, trustee, agent or fiduciary (or in
any other capacity) of any Other Enterprise as to which the Indemnitee is or was
serving  at the  Corporation's  request  and (ii) in  respect  of any  business,
transaction  or other  activity of any entity  referred to in clause (i) of this

        (e) The  term "Other  Enterprise" shall mean  any  corporation,  limited
liability  company,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or  other  entity  or
enterprise, whether or not for profit, or any employee benefit plan.

        (f) The  term  "to serve  at  the Corporation's  request" shall mean any
service as a  director,  officer,  employee  or agent of the  Corporation  which
imposes duties on, or involves services by, such Person as a director,  officer,
partner, member, manager, employee, trustee, agent or fiduciary (or in any other
capacity) with respect to any Other Enterprise.

        (g) The term "Person" shall mean any individual, governmental  entity or
Other Enterprise.

        (h) The  term "not  opposed to  the best interests of  the  Corporation"
shall  include  action  taken in good faith and in a manner  the  person  acting
reasonably believed to be in the interest of the Corporation or its shareholders
or the participants and beneficiaries of an employee benefit plan.

     3. General  Indemnification.  The Corporation shall indemnify Indemnitee in
accordance with the provisions of this Paragraph 3 against all Expenses actually
and  reasonably  incurred  by  Indemnitee  in  connection  with the  defense  or
settlement of any Claim; provided, however, that no indemnification for Expenses
shall be made under this  Paragraph  3 in respect of any Claim if a judgment  or
other final adjudication  adverse to Indemnitee  establishes that (i) his or her
acts were  committed  in bad faith or were the result of active  and  deliberate
dishonesty  and,  in  either  case,  were  material  to the  cause of  action so
adjudicated,  or (ii) he or she personally  gained in fact a financial profit or
other  advantage to which he or she was not legally  entitled unless and only to
the extent that the court in which such Claim was brought,  or, if no action was
brought, any court of competent  jurisdiction  determines upon application that,
despite the  adjudication of liability but in view of all the  circumstances  of
the case,  Indemnitee  is fairly and  reasonably  entitled to indemnity  for the
Expenses and the amount of the  Indemnifiable  Losses which the court shall deem

     4.  Indemnification  of Expenses of Successful Party.  Notwithstanding  any

other  provision  of this  Agreement,  to the extent  that  Indemnitee  has been
successful on the merits or otherwise, in defense of any Claim, Indemnitee shall
be  indemnified  against  all  Expenses  actually  and  reasonably  incurred  by
Indemnitee in connection  therewith to the fullest extent  permitted by New York

     5.  Advances of Expenses.  The  Indemnitee's  right to  indemnification  in
Paragraph 3 of this  Agreement  shall include the right of Indemnitee to receive
an advance from the Corporation of any Expenses.  If so requested by Indemnitee,
the Corporation will advance within 45 days of such request any and all Expenses
to  Indemnitee  which  Indemnitee  reasonably  determines  likely to be payable;
provided,  however,  that Indemnitee  will return,  without  interest,  any such
advance which remains unspent at the final  conclusion of the Claim to which the
advance related; and provided,  further, that all amounts advanced in respect of
such  Expenses  shall be repaid to the  Corporation  by  Indemnitee  if it shall
ultimately be determined in a final judgment or as provided in Paragraph 7, that
Indemnitee is not entitled to be indemnified for such Expenses. This undertaking
by  Indemnitee  is an  unlimited  general  undertaking  but no security for such
undertaking will be required.

     6. Indemnification for Additional Expenses. Without limiting the generality
or effect of the foregoing,  the Corporation will indemnify  Indemnitee  against
and, if requested by Indemnitee,  will within 45 days of such request advance to
Indemnitee,  any and all Expenses  paid or incurred by  Indemnitee in connection
with any Claim  asserted or brought by  Indemnitee  for (i)  indemnification  or
advance payment of Expenses by the Corporation under this Agreement or any other
agreement or under any provision of the Corporation's  Constituent Documents now
or hereafter in effect relating to Claims for  Indemnifiable  Losses and/or (ii)
recovery  under  any  directors'  and  officers'  liability  insurance  policies
maintained by the Corporation,  regardless of whether  Indemnitee  ultimately is
determined to be entitled to such  indemnification,  advance  expense payment or
insurance recovery, as the case may be.

     7. Right of Indemnitee to Indemnification Upon Application;  Procedure Upon

        (a)  Subject  to  Paragraph  8 of  this Agreement,  Indemnitee  will  be
presumed to be entitled to indemnification  under this Agreement.  The burden of
proving that  indemnification or advances of Expenses are not appropriate shall,
to the extent permitted by law, be on the Corporation.

        (b) Any   indemnification  under   Paragraph  3 shall  be  paid  by  the
Corporation  no later  than 45 days  after  receipt  of the  written  request of
Indemnitee,  unless a determination is made within said 45-day period by (i) the
Board of  Directors  by a majority  vote of  directors  who are not and were not
parties  to the  Claim in  respect  of  which  indemnification  is being  sought
("Disinterested  Directors"),  (ii)  a  committee  of  the  Board  of  Directors
comprised of  Disinterested  Directors or (iii)  independent  legal counsel in a
written  opinion,  that  Indemnitee  has  not  met the  relevant  standards  for
indemnification  set forth in this Agreement.  In any such case, the Corporation
shall send prompt  written notice to the  Indemnitee of such  determination.  If
requested by the Indemnitee in writing,  any such determination shall be made by
independent  legal counsel not  previously  employed by the  Corporation  or any
Affiliate thereof.

        (c)  Indemnitee  will  be  entitled to  a hearing  before  the  Board of
Directors of Corporation or the Disinterested  Directors and/or any other person
or  persons  making  a  determination   and  evaluation  under  Paragraph  7(b).
Indemnitee  will be entitled to be represented  by counsel at such hearing.  The
cost  of any  determination  and  evaluation  under  Paragraph  7(b)  (including
attorneys'  fees and other expenses  incurred by Indemnitee in preparing for and
attending  the hearing  contemplated  by Paragraph 7 and otherwise in connection
with the  determination  and evaluation  under Paragraph 7) will be borne by the

        (d) The right to  indemnification or advancement of Expenses as provided
by this  Agreement  shall be enforceable by Indemnitee in any court of competent
jurisdiction.  Neither the failure of the  Corporation  (including  its Board of
Directors or independent  legal counsel) to have made a  determination  prior to
the commencement of such action that Indemnitee has met the applicable  standard
of conduct nor an actual  determination by the Corporation  (including its Board
of Directors or  independent  legal  counsel) that  Indemnitee  has not met such
standard  shall  be a  defense  to the  action  or  create  a  presumption  that
Indemnitee has not met the applicable standard of conduct. Indemnitee's Expenses

actually and reasonably  incurred in connection with  successfully  establishing
his or her right to indemnification or advances, in whole or in part, shall also
be indemnified by the Corporation.

        (e) With  respect to  any Claim for which  indemnification is requested,
the Corporation will be entitled to participate  therein at its own expense and,
except as  otherwise  provided  below,  the  Corporation  may assume the defense
thereof,  with  counsel  satisfactory  to  Indemnitee.  After  notice  from  the
Corporation to Indemnitee of its election to assume the defense of a Claim,  the
Corporation  will not be liable  to  Indemnitee  under  this  Agreement  for any
Expenses  subsequently  incurred by Indemnitee  in  connection  with the defense
thereof,  other than as provided  below.  The  Corporation  shall not settle any
Claim in any manner which would impose any penalty or  limitation  on Indemnitee
without Indemnitee's written consent.  Indemnitee shall have the right to employ
counsel in any Claim but the fees and  expenses of such counsel  incurred  after
notice from the  Corporation of its assumption of the defense of the Claim shall
be at the  expense  of  Indemnitee,  unless  (i) the  employment  of  counsel by
Indemnitee has been authorized by the  Corporation,  (ii) Indemnitee  shall have
reasonably  concluded  that  there may be a conflict  of  interest  between  the
Corporation  and Indemnitee in the conduct of the defense of a Claim,  (iii) the
named parties in any such Claim  (including any impleaded  parties) include both
the Corporation and Indemnitee,  and Indemnitee shall conclude that there may be
one or more legal defenses available to him or her that are different from or in
addition to those available to the Corporation,  (iv) any such representation by
the  Corporation   would  be  precluded   under  the  applicable   standards  of
professional  conduct then prevailing or (v) the  Corporation  shall not in fact
have employed  counsel to assume the defense of a Claim,  in each of which cases
the fees and  expenses  of  Indemnitee  's  counsel  shall  be  advanced  by the
Corporation.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Corporation  shall  not  be
entitled  to assume the  defense of any Claim  brought by or in the right of the

        (f) The  Corporation  shall pay to Indemnitee,  at the time payments are
made to  Indemnitee  for  Expenses  pursuant to this  Agreement,  an  additional
payment (the "Gross Up Amount") such that after payment of all taxes, if any, on
payments  so made,  including  the  amount  of the Gross Up  Amount,  Indemnitee
retains an amount equal to the amount to be received.

     8.  Limitation on  Indemnification.  No payment  pursuant to this Agreement
shall be made by the Corporation:

        (a) to indemnify or  advance  funds  to   Indemnitee  for  Expenses with
respect to Claims  initiated or brought or joined in  voluntarily  by Indemnitee
and not by way of defense, except with respect to Claims brought to establish or
enforce  a right to  indemnification  or  advancement  of  Expenses  under  this
Agreement or as otherwise required by New York law, but such  indemnification or
advancement of Expenses may be provided by the  Corporation in specific cases if
the Board finds it to be appropriate;

        (b) to indemnify  Indemnitee for any Expenses sustained in any Claim for
which  payment is  actually  made to  Indemnitee  under a valid and  collectible
insurance  policy,  except in respect of any excess beyond the amount of payment
under such insurance;

        (c) to indemnify  Indemnitee for any Expenses sustained in any Claim for
an  accounting  of  profits  made from the  purchase  or sale by  Indemnitee  of
securities of the Corporation pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(b) of the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended,  the  rules  and  regulations
promulgated  thereunder  and  amendments  thereto or similar  provisions  of any
federal, state, or local statutory law;

        (d) to indemnify  Indemnitee if his or her acts violated Section  719 of
the New York Business Corporation law (the "NYBCL"); or

        (e) if a court of competent jurisdiction finally  determines  that  such
payment hereunder is unlawful.

     9.  Indemnification   Hereunder  Not  Exclusive.  The  indemnification  and
advancement of Expenses provided by this Agreement shall not be deemed exclusive

of any other rights to which  Indemnitee may be entitled  under the  Constituent
Documents  of the  Corporation,  any  agreement,  any  vote of  stockholders  or
Disinterested  Directors,  the  NYBCL or  otherwise,  both as to  action  in his
official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such office
(collectively, "Other Indemnity Provisions"); provided, however, that (i) to the
extent that Indemnitee otherwise would have any greater right to indemnification
under  any Other  Indemnity  Provision,  Indemnitee  will be deemed to have such
greater  right  hereunder  and (ii) to the extent that any change is made to any
Other  Indemnity  Provision  which permits any greater right to  indemnification
than that provided under this Agreement as of the date hereof,  Indemnitee  will
be deemed to have such  greater  right  hereunder.  The  indemnification  rights
afforded to Indemnitee  hereby are contract rights and the Corporation  will not
adopt any  amendment  to any of the  Constituent  Documents  the effect of which
would be to eliminate, deny, diminish, encumber or otherwise affect Indemnitee's
right to indemnification  under this Agreement or any Other Indemnity Provision.
The  indemnification  provided by this Agreement shall continue as to Indemnitee
even  though he or she may have ceased to be a  director,  officer,  employee or
agent of the  Corporation  and  shall  inure to the  benefit  of the  heirs  and
personal representatives of Indemnitee.

     10. Partial Indemnification.  If Indemnitee is entitled under any provision
of this Agreement to  indemnification  by the  Corporation  for a portion of the
Expenses and/or  Indemnifiable Losses actually and reasonably incurred by him or
her in any Claim but not, however, for the total amount thereof, the Corporation
shall nevertheless  indemnify Indemnitee for the portion of such Expenses and/or
Indemnifiable Losses to which Indemnitee is entitled. Moreover,  notwithstanding
any other  provision of this  Agreement,  to the extent that Indemnitee has been
successful  on the merits or otherwise in defense of any or all Claims  relating
in whole  or in part to an  Indemnifiable  Loss or in  defense  of any  issue or
matter therein,  including,  without  limitation,  dismissal without  prejudice,
Indemnitee  will be  indemnified  against all  Expenses  incurred in  connection

     11. No Other Presumption.  For purposes of this Agreement,  the termination
of any Claim by  judgment,  order,  settlement  (whether  with or without  court
approval) or conviction,  or upon a plea of nolo  contendere or its  equivalent,
shall not, of itself,  create a presumption  that Indemnitee did not act in good
faith in a manner which he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to
the best interests of the Corporation.

     12.  Indemnification  of  Indemnitee's  Estate.  Notwithstanding  any other
provision of this Agreement,  and regardless of whether  indemnification  of the
Indemnitee  would be permitted  and/or  required  under this  Agreement,  if the
Indemnitee is deceased,  the  Corporation  shall indemnify and hold harmless the
Indemnitee's  estate,   spouse,   heirs,   administrators,   personal  or  legal
representatives, executors and trustees (collectively the "Indemnitee's Estate")
against,  and the  Corporation  shall  assume,  any and  all  Expenses  actually
incurred by the  Indemnitee or the  Indemnitee's  Estate in connection  with the
investigation,  defense,  settlement or appeal of any Claim.  Indemnification of
the Indemnitee's Estate pursuant to this Paragraph 12 shall be mandatory and not
require any  determination or finding that the Indemnitee's  conduct satisfied a
particular standard of conduct.

     13. Spousal Indemnification. The indemnifications, benefits and obligations
of this Agreement  shall extend to the spouse of an Indemnitee in the event that
the  spouse  is  made a  party  to a  Proceeding  or  collection,  execution  or
enforcement efforts arising from a Claim.

     14.  Limitation of Actions and Release of Claims.  No  proceeding  shall be
brought  and no cause  of  action  shall  be  asserted  by or on  behalf  of the
Corporation,  any subsidiary of the Corporation or any Other Enterprise  against
the Indemnitee, after the expiration of one year from the act or omission of the
Indemnitee  upon which such  proceeding is based;  however,  in a case where the
Indemnitee  fraudulently  conceals the facts underlying such cause of action, no
proceeding  shall be brought and no cause of action shall be asserted  after the
expiration  of one year from the  earlier of (i) the date the  Corporation,  any
subsidiary of the Corporation or any Other  Enterprise  discovers such facts, or
(ii) the date the  Corporation,  any subsidiary of the  Corporation or any Other
Enterprise  could have  discovered  such  facts by the  exercise  of  reasonable
diligence.  Any claim or cause of action of the  Corporation,  any subsidiary of
the Corporation or any Other  Enterprise,  including claims  predicated upon the

act or omission of the  Indemnitee,  shall be  extinguished  and deemed released
unless  asserted by filing of a legal action within such period.  This Paragraph
14 shall not apply to any cause of action  which has  accrued on the date hereof
and of which the  Indemnitee  is aware on the date  hereof,  but as to which the
Corporation has no actual knowledge apart from the Indemnitee's knowledge.

     15. Maintenance of Liability Insurance.

        (a) The  Corporation  hereby  covenants  and  agrees  that,  as  long as
Indemnitee  continues to serve as a director or officer of the  Corporation  and
thereafter as long as Indemnitee may be subject to any Claim,  the  Corporation,
subject to  subparagraph  (c)  below,  shall  maintain  in full force and effect
directors' and officers'  liability  insurance  ("D&O  Insurance") in reasonable
amounts from established and reputable insurers.

        (b) In  all  D&O  Insurance policies,  Indemnitee shall  be named as  an
insured  in such a manner as to  provide  the  Indemnitee  the same  rights  and
benefits as are  accorded  to the most  favorably  insured of the  Corporation's
directors and officers.

        (c)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the   Corporation  shall  have no
obligation to obtain or maintain D&O Insurance if the Corporation  determines in
good faith that such  insurance is not reasonably  available,  the premium costs
for such insurance are disproportionate to the amount of coverage provided,  the
coverage provided by such insurance is so limited by exclusions that it provides
an  insufficient   benefit,  or  Indemnitee  is  covered  by  similar  insurance
maintained by a subsidiary of the Corporation.

     16.  Subrogation.  In the  event  of  payment  under  this  Agreement,  the
Corporation  will be  subrogated  to the  extent of such  payment  to all of the
related rights of recovery of Indemnitee  against other  Persons,  including any
carrier  of  D&O  Insurance  (other  than  personal  directors'  (or  officers')
insurance coverage,  if any, which is maintained by Indemnitee).  The Indemnitee
will  execute all papers  reasonably  required  to evidence  such rights (all of
Indemnitee's  reasonable Expenses related thereto to be reimbursed by or, at the
option of Indemnitee, advanced by the Corporation).

     17. No Duplication of Payments.  The  Corporation  will not be liable under
this  Agreement to make any payment in connection  with any  Indemnifiable  Loss
made against Indemnitee to the extent Indemnitee has otherwise actually received
payment (net of Expenses  incurred in connection  therewith) under any insurance
policy, the Constituent Documents and Other Indemnity Provisions or otherwise of
the amounts otherwise  indemnifiable  hereunder provided that, if Indemnitee for
any reason is required to disgorge  any payment  actually  received by him,  the
Corporation  shall be obligated to pay such amount to  Indemnitee  in accordance
with the other terms of this  Agreement  (i.e.,  disregarding  the terms of this
Paragraph 17).

     18. Successors and Binding Agreement.

        (a) The  Corporation  will  require  any  successor  (whether  direct or
indirect, by purchase,  merger,  consolidation,  reorganization or otherwise) to
all or  substantially  all of the  business  or  assets  of the  Corporation  (a
"Successor"),  by agreement in form and substance satisfactory to Indemnitee and
his or her counsel,  expressly to assume and agree to perform this  Agreement in
the same  manner and to the same  extent the  Corporation  would be  required to
perform if no such  succession  had taken place.  This Agreement will be binding
upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the  Corporation  and may be  assigned  to a
Successor,   but  will  not  otherwise  be  assignable  or  delegatable  by  the

        (b) This  Agreement  will inure  to the benefit of and be enforceable by
the   Indemnitee's   Estate  and,  to  the  extent  provided  in  Paragraph  13,
Indemnitee's spouse.

        (c) This  Agreement is  personal in  nature and  neither of  the parties
hereto will, without the consent of the other, assign or delegate this Agreement
or  any  rights  or  obligations  hereunder  except  as  expressly  provided  in
Paragraphs  18(a) and 18(b).  Without  limiting the  generality or effect of the
foregoing,  Indemnitee's  right  to  receive  payments  hereunder  will  not  be
assignable,  whether by pledge,  creation of a security  interest or  otherwise,

other than by a transfer by the Indemnitee's  will or by the laws of descent and
distribution, and, in the event of any attempted assignment or transfer contrary
to this  Paragraph  18(c),  the  Corporation  will have no  liability to pay any
amount so attempted to be assigned or transferred.

     19.  Notices.  For all  purposes  of this  Agreement,  all  communications,
including without limitation notices, consents, requests or approvals,  required
or permitted to be given hereunder will be in writing and will be deemed to have
been duly  given when hand  delivered  or  dispatched  by  electronic  facsimile
transmission  (with receipt  thereof  orally  confirmed),  or five business days
after having been mailed by United States  registered or certified mail,  return
receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid or one business day after having been sent
for next-day  delivery by a nationally  recognized  overnight  courier  service,
addressed  to  the  Corporation  (to  the  attention  of  the  Secretary  of the
Corporation)  and to the Indemnitee at the addresses shown on the signature page
hereto, or to such other address as any party may have furnished to the other in
writing and in  accordance  herewith,  except that notices of changes of address
will be effective only upon receipt.

     20.   Governing  Law.  The  validity,   interpretation,   construction  and
performance  of this  Agreement  will be governed by and construed in accordance
with the substantive laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to the
principles  of  conflict  of  laws  of  such  State.   Each  party  consents  to
non-exclusive  jurisdiction  of any New York state or federal court for purposes
of any action,  suit or  proceeding  hereunder,  waives any  objection  to venue
therein or any defense  based on forum non  conveniens  or similar  theories and
agrees  that  service of process may be  effected  in any such  action,  suit or
proceeding by notice given in accordance with Paragraph 19.

     21. Validity.  If any provision of this Agreement or the application of any
provision hereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, unenforceable or
otherwise illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction,  the remainder of this
Agreement  and  the  application  of  such  provision  to any  other  person  or
circumstance  will not be  affected,  and the  provision  so held to be invalid,
unenforceable or otherwise  illegal will be reformed to the extent,  and only to
the extent, necessary to make it enforceable, valid or legal.

     22. Miscellaneous.  No provision of this Agreement may be waived,  modified
or  discharged  unless such  waiver,  modification  or discharge is agreed to in
writing  signed by  Indemnitee  and the  Corporation.  No waiver by either party
hereto at any time of any breach by the other party  hereto or  compliance  with
any condition or provision of this Agreement to be performed by such other party
will be deemed a waiver of similar or dissimilar provisions or conditions at the
same or at any prior or subsequent time. No agreements or representations,  oral
or  otherwise,  expressed or implied with respect to the subject  matter  hereof
have  been  made by  either  party  that  are not set  forth  expressly  in this
Agreement. References to Paragraphs are to Paragraphs of this Agreement.

     23.   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts,  each of which will be deemed to be an  original  but all of which
together will constitute one and the same agreement.

     24.  Amendments.  No  amendment,  waiver,  modification,   termination,  or
cancellation  of this Agreement  shall be effective  unless in writing signed by
both parties hereto.

     25. Cooperation and Interest. The Corporation shall cooperate in good faith
with the  Indemnitee  and use its best efforts to ensure that the  Indemnitee is
indemnified and/or reimbursed for liabilities described in this Agreement to the
fullest extent permitted by law.

     26. Legal Fees and Expenses.  It is the intent of the Corporation  that the
Indemnitee not be required to incur legal fees and or other Expenses  associated
with the  interpretation,  enforcement or defense of  Indemnitee's  rights under
this Agreement by litigation or otherwise  because the cost and expense  thereof
would  substantially  detract from the  benefits  intended to be extended to the
Indemnitee hereunder.  Accordingly, without limiting the generality or effect of
any other provision  hereof,  (i) if it should appear to the Indemnitee that the
Corporation  has  failed  to  comply  with  any of its  obligations  under  this
Agreement  or that an action  should be brought  in the nature of a  declaratory
judgment to  determine  the rights of the parties  hereto,  or (ii) in the event
that the  Corporation  or any other person takes or threatens to take any action

to declare this Agreement void or unenforceable, or institutes any litigation or
other action or proceeding  designed to deny, or to recover from, the Indemnitee
the benefits  provided or intended to be provided to the  Indemnitee  hereunder,
the  Corporation  irrevocably  authorizes  the  Indemnitee  from time to time to
retain  counsel of  Indemnitee's  choice,  at the expense of the  Corporation as
hereafter  provided,  to advise and represent the Indemnitee in connection  with
any such  interpretation,  enforcement or defense,  including without limitation
the initiation or defense of any litigation or other legal action, whether by or
against the  Corporation or any director,  officer,  stockholder or other person
affiliated  with  the  Corporation.   Notwithstanding   any  existing  or  prior
attorney-client  relationship  between the  Corporation  and such  counsel,  the
Corporation   irrevocably   consents  to  the  Indemnitee's   entering  into  an
attorney-client  relationship  with such  counsel,  and in that  connection  the
Corporation  and the  Indemnitee  agree that a confidential  relationship  shall
exist between the  Indemnitee and such counsel.  Without  respect to whether the
Indemnitee  prevails,  in  whole  or in  part,  in  connection  with  any of the
foregoing,  the Corporation will pay and be solely  financially  responsible for
any and all attorneys' and related fees and expenses  incurred by the Indemnitee
in connection with any of the foregoing.

     27. Certain  Interpretive  Matters.  No provision of this Agreement will be
interpreted  in favor of, or against,  either of the parties hereto by reason of
the  extent  to which  either  such  party or its  counsel  participated  in the
drafting  thereof  or by reason of the  extent  to which any such  provision  is
inconsistent with any prior draft hereof or thereof.

     28.  Effective  Date. The provisions of this Agreement  shall cover Claims,
whether now pending or hereafter  commenced,  and shall be  retroactive to cover
acts or  omissions  or alleged acts or  omissions  which  heretofore  have taken

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Indemnitee has executed and the Corporation has caused
its duly  authorized  representative  to execute  this  Agreement as of the date
first above written.

     Attest:                            Volt Information Sciences, Inc.

     ---------------------------           ---------------------------

     Assistant Secretary                       Name: Howard B. Weinreich

     Title:   Senior Vice President &

     General Counsel

