October 9, 2006

Mark Settle
1674 Alexander Way
Los Altos, CA  94024

         Re:      Modifications to January 1, 2003 Employment Agreement
                  and Release

Dear Mark:

         The purpose of this letter agreement (this "Agreement") is to document
certain changes we have agreed to make to your employment agreement with Arrow
Electronics, Inc. ("Arrow") dated January 1, 2003 ("2003 Agreement") for the
purpose of amending and/or clarifying certain provisions of the 2003 Agreement
and making certain changes necessary to bring the 2003 Agreement into compliance
with section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly, notwithstanding any
provision of the 2003 Agreement to the contrary:

     1.   August 31, 2006 will be treated as your last day of active work for
          Arrow (you will not be required to be present in the Arrow offices
          after August 29, 2006), and commencing on September 1, 2006 and ending
          on the earlier of (a) March 15, 2007 and (b) the day you begin
          employment (including self-employment) for a person or entity other
          than Arrow, you will be on inactive or "RA" status. You may provide
          paid consulting services to a third party or parties without the same
          being deemed employment hereunder provided that the total number of
          days on which such services are provided during the term hereof do not
          exceed ninety, and further provided that you reimburse Arrow (and
          Arrow may deduct from any sums then owing you) one half of any
          consulting fees (not counting expense reimbursement which you receive
          for providing such services) for more than a total of ten days up to a
          total of thirty days and the entirety of any consulting fees earned
          for providing such services thereafter. You will immediately notify
          Arrow's Vice-President, Global Human Resources, in writing, upon
          securing employment or consulting engagements. The period during which
          you are on RA status described in this paragraph 1 will be referred to
          herein as your "RA Period."

          Your active participation in the Arrow 401(k) Plan, the Arrow ESOP
          and the Arrow SERP will end on August 31, 2006, and you will earn no
          vesting service and no additional benefits under those plans after
          August 31, 2006. For purposes of receiving a distribution of your
          vested account balance under the 401(k) Plan or ESOP, August 31, 2006
          will be the date of your severance from service with Arrow. Under the
          terms of the SERP, you will not be vested in your SERP benefit by
          August 31, 2006 (and would not have been vested in your SERP benefit
          even had you remained employed during the whole of the term of the
          2003 Agreement). However, in consideration of the terms of this
          Agreement, Arrow will make a lump-sum payment to you on the date
          which is eight days after the execution of this agreement in the
          amount of $250,000.

     2.   You will remain covered by the Arrow medical plan during your RA
          Period under the same terms and conditions as an active employee. At
          the end of the RA Period you will be entitled to continuation of
          medical coverage for you and your eligible dependents under the plan's
          COBRA provisions at your own expense except that Arrow will pay to
          you, as part of the lump-sum payment to be made to you on March 15,
          2007 as described below, the amount of $25,515 in respect of the cost
          that would have been incurred by Arrow in maintaining your current
          family medical coverage during the period March 16, 2007 to January
          31, 2008. Your participation in all other welfare benefit and fringe
          benefit plans, programs and arrangements of Arrow will end on August
          31, 2006, subject to any right you may have under the terms of a plan
          to convert to individual coverage. You will be entitled to your rights
          under paragraph 4 of the 2003 Agreement should you become "disabled"
          as defined therein prior to January 31, 2008 on the same terms and
          conditions as an active employee, subject, in respect of any benefits
          payable for any period prior to February 1, 2008, to an offset of the
          payments made to you hereunder in respect of salary and bonus.

     3.   In accordance with the terms of the 2003 Agreement, any unvested Arrow
          nonqualified stock options, restricted stock and performance shares
          granted to you prior to August 31, 2006 which would have vested prior
          to January 31, 2008 will vest at August 31, 2006. In addition, while
          not legally obliged to do so, Arrow will vest you in your 2005-2007
          Performance Shares. The vesting of the restricted stock and
          performance shares is subject to the payment by you of all applicable
          taxes. For the avoidance of doubt, Schedule A attached hereto shows
          the nonqualified stock options, restricted stock and performance
          shares that will vest on August 31, 2006. Arrow hereby waives its
          right of first refusal with respect to any vested restricted stock.
          Any stock options, restricted stock and performance shares that remain
          unvested as of September 1, 2006 will be forfeited as of that date.
          For purposes of the exerciseability of any Arrow vested nonqualified
          stock options held by you at August 31, 2006, you will not be
          considered to have terminated employment with Arrow until January 31,
          2008 or such earlier date as you request in writing in advance of such
          date if you determine that such a shortened exerciseability period
          would be advantageous to you under Internal Revenue Code section 409A
          final regulations or other guidance. Accordingly, until such date, you
          will continue to be able to exercise, any such vested nonqualified
          stock options you hold. After such date any such options still
          outstanding and unexercised will be forfeited. Vested Arrow
          performance shares will be paid out in accordance with their terms. No
          new option, restricted stock or performance awards will be made to you
          after August 31, 2006.

     4.   Subject to paragraph 9 below, a lump sum of $194,424.93, covering the
          salary continuation amounts, equal to your monthly salary in effect
          immediately before the RA Period commenced, otherwise payable to you
          during the six-month period beginning on September 1, 2006 and ending
          on February 28, 2007, along with interest at 5.5 per annum (included
          in the above amount) to compensate you for the delays in payment, will
          be paid to you on March 15, 2007. The balance of your salary for the
          period March 1, 2007 through January 31, 2008 discounted at a rate of
          5.5% per annum will be paid to you in a lump sum of $350,180 on March
          15, 2007. All payments of compensation, benefits and any other amounts
          payable by the Company hereunder, including for the avoidance of doubt
          the vesting of restricted shares, the exercise of options and the
          payout of the performance shares, shall be subject to all legally
          required and customary withholding. You will not be paid any car
          allowance after August 31, 2006.

     5.   Subject to paragraph 9 below, you will receive the following bonus
          amounts: (a) an amount equal to 88.88% of the bonus payable to you
          under Arrow's MICP for 2006, being comprised of 66.66% in respect of
          the period January 1 - August 31, 2006 based on Arrow's 2006 results
          and 22.22% (being 2/3 of 33.33%) in respect of the period September 1
          - December 31, 2006 based on your target bonus for 2006 (the "Target
          Bonus"); (b) an amount equal to 66.66% of the Target Bonus in respect
          of 2007; and (c) an amount equal to 5.55% of the Target Bonus in
          respect of 2008. Such amounts will be paid to you in a lump sum on
          March 15, 2007, provided you are still on RA status on December 31,
          2006. The amounts referred to in (b) and (c) above will be discounted
          from the dates such bonuses would otherwise have been payable to you,
          being March 31, 2008 in respect of the 2007 bonus and March 31, 2009
          in respect of the 2008 bonus, at a rate of 5.5% per annum, resulting
          in an aggregate payment on March 15, 2007 in respect of the bonus
          periods referred to in (b) and (c) of $133,198. The amount payable in
          respect of 2006 will depend on Arrow's 2006 financial results. (Were
          the 2006 corporate MICP to pay out at 100% of target, the 2006 payment
          would be $173,329.)

     6.   You will receive on September 1 a cash amount equal to your accrued
          vacation through August 31, 2006 and your vacation accrual will cease
          as of August 31, 2006.

     7.   Your salary deferral for October - December 2004 under the Arrow
          Deferred Compensation Plan (as adjusted for deemed investment
          experience, less any amounts previously paid out at a scheduled
          withdrawal date) will be paid to you at March 15, 2007. Any other
          amounts deferred by you under the Arrow Deferred Compensation Plan,
          including amounts deferred in respect of your 2004 bonus, (as adjusted
          for deemed investment experience, less any amounts previously paid out
          at a scheduled withdrawal date) will be paid to you at March 1, 2007.

     8.   Arrow agrees to pay (i) the cost of outplacement consulting services
          reasonably incurred by you in seeking to find another comparable
          position of employment, (ii) legal fees incurred in ascertaining the
          application of IRC 409A, and (iii) relocation expenses, up to an
          aggregate amount of $50,000. Such payment will be made against the
          receipt of appropriate invoices . All legal fees described above will
          be incurred and paid no later than March 15, 2007, and all other costs
          described in this paragraph will be incurred and paid no later than
          January 31, 2008.

     9.   You will not be required to attend to Arrow's business from and after
          August 29, 2006, but you agree to be available to advise, consult and
          perform specific tasks from time to time until the earlier of (a)
          January 31,2008 and (b) the day you begin employment (including
          self-employment) for a person or entity other than Arrow, at Arrow's
          expense and reasonable request. The indemnification provided under
          paragraph 2(g) of the 2003 Agreement will apply in respect of any
          services rendered by you pursuant to this paragraph 9. You and Arrow
          agree to reasonably cooperate with each other as part of either
          party's response to any inquiry, investigation, audit, charge, demand
          or litigation against you or Arrow arising out of any act or omission
          or alleged act or omission by you or Arrow during your employment with

     10.  The change of control agreement dated November 5, 2001 between you and
          Arrow shall terminate on August 31, 2006.

     11.  You hereby resign from all offices you hold at Arrow effective August
          31, 2006.

     12.  You agree that, not later than September 30, you will return all
          equipment, files, documents, and any other property belonging to
          Arrow. You should contact Melanie Young to make all necessary

     13.  You and Arrow agree that neither of you will disclose or cause to be
          disclosed any negative, adverse or derogatory comments or information
          about Arrow or you, about any product or service provided by Arrow, or
          about Arrow's prospects for the future. Furthermore, you and Arrow
          represent that you have made no such communication to any public
          official, to any person associated with the media, or to any other
          person or entity. You and Arrow each acknowledge that each of you
          relies upon this representation in agreeing to enter into this

     14.  Release. In consideration for all the foregoing provisions, each of
          you and Arrow and its affiliates hereby releases the other and its
          agents, directors and employees from and against any and all claims
          (statutory, contractual or otherwise) arising out of your employment
          or the termination thereof or any discrimination in connection
          therewith and for any further additional payments of any kind or
          nature whatsoever except as expressly set forth herein. Without
          limiting the foregoing, you hereby release Arrow from any claim under
          the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and any other similar law.
          Nothing contained herein will be construed as impacting your right to
          claim unemployment benefits following the termination hereof, if any,
          or preventing you or Arrow from providing information to or making a
          claim with any governmental agency to the extent permitted or required
          by law. This release will, however, constitute an absolute bar to the
          recovery of any damages or additional compensation, consideration or
          relief of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in
          connection with such claim.

     15.   Except as modified hereby, the 2003 Agreement, including the
           restrictions on your activities contained in Paragraph 7 thereof and
           your obligations contained in Paragraphs 8(b) and 8(c) thereof, shall
           continue in full force and effect and for purposes of Paragraph 7
           thereof, it is hereby agreed that the words "for a period of two
           years after the termination of the Employment Period" shall mean two
           years after termination of "RA" status i.e., March 15, 2009.

     16.   This Agreement is made in the State of New York and will be governed
           by the laws of the State of New York. If any portion hereof will be
           deemed void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction,
           the same will reform such portion as nearly as possible to effectuate
           its intent or sever said portion and give enforcement to the
           remainder of the Agreement and Release.

     17.   Rescission/Advice of Counsel. You acknowledge that Arrow advised you
           to consult with an attorney prior to signing this release; advised
           you that you had twenty-one (21) days in which to consider whether
           you should sign this release; and advised you that if you signed this
           release, you would be given seven (7) days following the date on
           which you signed the release to revoke it and that the release would
           not be effective until after this seven-day period had lapsed.
           Therefore, notwithstanding the above provisions, no payments called
           for by Arrow herein shall be made until the expiration of such
           revocation period.

         Please indicate your agreement to the foregoing modifications to the
2003 Agreement by signing and dating both copies of this letter on the lines
provided below, and returning one of the fully executed copies to the

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     Arrow Electronics, Inc.

                                                              Peter S. Brown

Agreed, acknowledged and accepted:

- ------------------------            -------------------
Mark Settle                         Date

Equity Awards Vesting Schedule
Mark Settle

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                Grant        Vesting                                              Grant
Type of Equity                  Date         Date         Amount      Vested      Exercisable     Price
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NQ                            11/5/2001    11/5/2002       7,500       7,500           7,500      $25.50
NQ                            11/5/2001    11/5/2003       7,500       7,500           7,500      $25.50
NQ                            11/5/2001    11/5/2004       7,500       7,500           7,500      $25.50
NQ                            11/5/2001    11/5/2005       7,500       7,500           7,500      $25.50
NQ                            2/27/2003    2/27/2004       2,500       2,500           2,500      $13.85
NQ                            2/27/2003    2/27/2005       2,500       2,500           2,500      $13.85
NQ                            2/27/2003    2/27/2006       2,500       2,500           2,500      $13.85
NQ                            2/27/2004    2/27/2005       2,500       2,500           2,500      $24.60
NQ                            2/27/2004    2/27/2006       2,500       2,500           2,500      $24.60
NQ                            2/28/2005    2/28/2006       1,500       1,500           1,500      $26.90

Sub Total                                                 44,000      44,000          44,000

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                Grant        Vesting                                              Grant
Type of Equity                  Date         Date         Amount      Vested      Exercisable     Price
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NQ                            2/27/2003    2/27/2007       2,500           0               0      $13.85
NQ                            2/27/2004    2/27/2007       2,500           0               0      $24.60
NQ                            2/28/2005    2/28/2007       1,500           0               0      $26.90
Restricted Stock              2/27/2003    2/27/2007       1,800           0               0       $0.00
Performance Shares            2/27/2004    2/27/2007       7,800           0               0       $0.00
Performance Shares            2/28/2005    2/29/2008       5,000           0               0       $0.00

Sub Total                                                 21,100           0               0

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                Grant        Vesting                                              Grant
Type of Equity                   Date         Date         Amount      Vested      Exercisable     Price
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NQ                            2/27/2004    2/27/2008       2,500           0               0      $24.60
NQ                            2/28/2005    2/29/2008       1,500           0               0      $26.90
NQ                            2/28/2005    2/28/2009       1,500           0               0      $26.90

Sub Total                                                  5,500           0               0

Total                                                     70,600