Exhibit 4.3

                                  CONN'S, INC.

                               AS OF MAY 31, 2006

                                Table of Contents


1.  Purposes of this Plan......................................................1
2.  Amendment and Restatement..................................................1
3.  Definitions................................................................1
4.  Shares Subject to this Plan................................................3
5.  Administration of this Plan................................................4
6.  Eligibility................................................................5
7.  Term of Plan...............................................................5
8.  Term of Option.............................................................5
9.  Vesting....................................................................5
10. Option Exercise Price and Consideration....................................6
11. Exercise of Option.........................................................6
12. Limited Transferability of Options.........................................7
13. Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization, Merger or Asset Sale...........8
14. Conditions Upon Issuance of Shares.........................................9
15. Inability to Obtain Authority..............................................9
16. Reservation of Shares......................................................9
17. Reliance on Reports........................................................9
18. Construction...............................................................9
19. Governing Law..............................................................9
20. Approval, Amendment, and Termination of this Plan.........................10

                                  CONN'S, INC.

                            AMENDED AND RESTATED 2003

                           INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION PLAN

                               AS OF MAY 31, 2006

     1.  Purposes  of this Plan.  The  purposes  of this Plan are to attract and
retain the best available personnel for positions of substantial responsibility,
to provide  additional  incentive to Employees and to promote the success of the
Company's  business.  Options granted under this Plan are intended to qualify as
Incentive  Stock  Options.  The  provisions of this Plan shall be construed in a
manner consistent with the requirements of the Code.

     2. Amendment and Restatement.  This Plan is an amendment and restatement of
that certain Conn Appliances, Inc. Incentive Stock Option Plan dated October 21,
1999,  which shall be  superseded  in its entirety by this Plan.  It is intended
that the terms of this Plan do not  constitute a  "modification,  extension,  or
renewal"  of options  within the  meaning  of  Section  424(h) of the Code.  Any
provisions of this Plan which shall  constitute a  modification,  extension,  or
renewal of options under Section 424(h) of the Code shall be disregarded insofar
as it would otherwise apply to any option outstanding on the date of the Board's
adoption of this Plan.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the right of an  Employee  to require the
Company to repurchase an Employee's  Shares upon  termination of employment with
the Company found in Section 5 of that certain  Restricted Stock Agreement dated
July 21,  1998 is hereby  rescinded  with  respect  to all  unexercised  Options
granted under this Plan.  Said  Restricted  Stock  Agreement  shall not apply to
Options  granted  after the adoption of this  amendment and  restatement  to the

     3. Definitions. As used herein, the following definitions shall apply:

          (a) "Administrator"  means the Board or any of its Committees as shall
     be administering this Plan in accordance with Paragraph 5 hereof.

          (b)  "Applicable   Laws"  means  the  requirements   relating  to  the
     administration  of stock option plans under U.S. state corporate laws, U.S.
     federal  and state  securities  laws,  the  Code,  any  stock  exchange  or
     quotation  system on which  the  Common  Stock is listed or quoted  and the
     applicable  laws of any other  country or  jurisdiction  where  Options are
     granted under this Plan.

          (c) "Board" means the Company's Board of Directors.

          (d)   "Cause"   means  (i)  the   Optionee's   continued   failure  to
     substantially  perform the principal duties and obligations of his position
     with the Company (other than any such failure  resulting from  Disability);
     (ii) any act of personal dishonesty,  fraud or  misrepresentation  taken by
     the Optionee which was intended to result in  substantial  gain or personal
     enrichment  of the  Optionee  at the  expense  of the  Company;  (iii)  the
     Optionee's violation of a federal or state law or regulation  applicable to
     the Company's  business which  violation was or is reasonably  likely to be
     injurious to the Company; or (iv) the Optionee's  conviction of a felony or
     a plea of nolo contendere under the laws of the United States or any state.

          (e) "Change of Control"  means (i) the  acquisition  of the Company by
     another   entity  by  means  of  any   transaction  or  series  of  related
     transactions (including, without limitation, any reorganization,  merger or
     consolidation,  but excluding any merger effected primarily for the purpose
     of changing the domicile of the Company), unless the Company's shareholders
     of record as constituted immediately prior to such transaction or series of
     related transactions will,  immediately after such transaction or series of
     related  transactions  hold at least a majority of the voting  power of the
     surviving or acquiring entity or (ii) a sale of all or substantially all of
     the assets of the Company.

          (f) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

          (g) "Committee" means a committee of Directors  appointed by the Board
     in accordance with Paragraph 5 hereof.

          (h) "Common Stock" means the Company's common stock.

          (i) "Company"  means  Conn's,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  and any
     successor to the Company.

          (j) "Date of Grant"  means the date on which the granting of an Option
     is  authorized  pursuant to Paragraph 6 of this Plan,  by the  Committee or
     such later date as may be specified by the Committee in such authorization.

          (k) "Director" means a member of the Board.

          (l)  "Disability"  means total and permanent  disability as defined in
     Section 22(e)(3) of the Code.

          (m) "Employee" means any person,  including officers,  employed by the
     Company or any Parent or  Subsidiary  of the  Company.  A person  shall not
     cease to be an Employee in the case of (i) any leave of absence approved by
     the Company or (ii) transfers  between  locations of the Company or between
     the Company,  its Parent, any Subsidiary or any successor.  For purposes of
     Incentive Stock Options,  no such leave may exceed ninety (90) days, unless
     reemployment  upon  expiration  of such leave is  guaranteed  by statute or
     contract. If reemployment upon expiration of a leave of absence approved by
     the Company is not so guaranteed,  then three (3) months following the 91s1
     day of such leave any  Incentive  Stock Option held by the  Optionee  shall
     cease to be treated as an  Incentive  Stock Option and shall be treated for
     tax purposes as a Non-statutory Stock Option. Neither service as a Director
     nor payment of a  director's  fee by the  Company  shall be  sufficient  to
     constitute "employment" by the Company.

          (n)  "Exchange  Act" means the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

          (o) "Fair Market  Value"  means,  as of any date,  the value of Common
     Stock determined as follows:

               (i) If the  Common  Stock  is  listed  on any  established  stock
          exchange or a national  market system,  its Fair Market Value shall be
          the  closing  sales  price for such stock (or the  closing  bid, if no
          sales were  reported) as quoted on such exchange or system on the date
          of determination, as reported in The Wall Street Journal or such other
          source as the Administrator deems reliable;


               (ii) If the  Common  Stock is  regularly  quoted by a  recognized
          securities dealer but selling prices are not reported, its Fair Market
          Value shall be the mean  between the high bid and low asked prices for
          the Common Stock on the date of determination; or

               (iii) In the  absence  of an  established  market  for the Common
          Stock, the Fair Market Value thereof shall be determined in good faith
          by the Administrator.

          (p) "Incentive Stock Option" means an Option intended to qualify as an
     "incentive stock option" within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.

          (q)  "Involuntary  Termination"  shall mean (i) a  termination  by the
     Company of the Optionee's  status as an Employee other than for Cause; (ii)
     without the Optionee's consent, a material reduction of or variation in the
     Optionee's duties, authority or responsibilities relative to the Optionee's
     duties,  authority or  responsibilities  as in effect  immediately prior to
     such  reduction or  variation;  (iii)  without the  Optionee's  consent,  a
     material  reduction  in the  base  salary  of  the  Optionee  as in  effect
     immediately prior to such reduction; (iv) without the Optionee's consent, a
     material reduction by the Company in the kind or level of employee benefits
     to which the  Optionee was entitled  immediately  prior to such  reduction,
     with the result that the Optionee's  overall benefits package is materially
     reduced;  or (v) without the  Optionee's  consent,  the  relocation  of the
     Optionee  to a facility  or a location  more than fifty (50) miles from the
     Optionee's then present location.

          (r) "Non-statutory Stock Option" means an Option that does not qualify
     as an Incentive Stock Option.

          (s) "Option" means a stock option granted pursuant to this Plan.

          (t) "Option  Agreement" means a written  agreement between the Company
     and an  Optionee  substantially  in the form of Exhibit A  attached  hereto
     evidencing  the terms and  conditions of an  individual  Option grant under
     this Plan.  The Option  Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of
     this Plan.

          (u) "Optioned Stock" means the Common Stock subject to an Option.

          (v) "Optionee" means the holder of an outstanding Option granted under
     this Plan.

          (w) "Paragraph" means a paragraph of this Plan.

          (x) "Parent"  means a "parent  corporation,"  whether now or hereafter
     existing, as defined in Section 424(e) of the Code.

          (y) "Plan" means the Conn  Appliances,  Inc. 2003 Amended and Restated
     Incentive Stock Option Plan, as may be amended from time to time.

          (z) "Share" means a share of the Common  Stock,  as may be adjusted in
     accordance with Paragraph 13.

          (aa)  "Subsidiary"  means a "subsidiary  corporation,"  whether now or
     hereafter existing, as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.


     4. Shares Subject to this Plan.  Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 13,
the maximum  aggregate  number of Shares that may be subject to Options and sold
under this Plan is 3,859,767  Shares.  The Shares may be authorized but unissued
or reacquired Common Stock.

     If an Option expires or becomes unexercisable without having been exercised
in full,  the  unpurchased  Shares  which  were  subject  thereto  shall  become
available  for future grant under this Plan  (unless this Plan has  terminated).
However,  Shares that have actually been issued under this Plan upon exercise of
an Option shall not be returned to this Plan and shall not become  available for
future  distribution under this Plan, except that if Shares acquired by exercise
of an Option and subject to a restricted  stock agreement are repurchased by the
Company, such Shares shall become available for future grant under this Plan.

     5. Administration of this Plan.

          (a)  This  Plan  shall be  administered  by the  Board or a  Committee
     appointed by the Board, which Committee shall be constituted to comply with
     Applicable Laws. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Chief Executive Officer
     of the  Company  shall have the ability to grant  Options to  non-executive
     officers of the Company under guidelines or formulae approved or adopted by
     the Committee.

          (b)  Subject  to the  provisions  of this Plan  and,  in the case of a
     Committee,  the specific  duties  delegated by the Board to such Committee,
     and subject to the approval of any relevant authorities,  the Administrator
     shall have the authority in its sole discretion:

               (i) to determine the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock;

               (ii) to select the  Employees  to whom  Options  may from time to
          time be granted hereunder;

               (iii) to  determine  the number of Shares  subject to each Option
          granted hereunder;

               (iv) to approve a form of Option Agreement;

               (v) to determine the terms and  conditions of any Option  granted
          hereunder.  Such terms and conditions include, but are not limited to,
          the  exercise  price,  the time or times when Options may be exercised
          (which may be based on  performance  criteria or period of  employment
          service),   any   vesting   acceleration   or  waiver  of   forfeiture
          restrictions,  and any restriction or limitation  regarding any Option
          or the  Common  Stock  relating  thereto,  based in each  case on such
          factors as the Administrator, in its sole discretion, shall determine;

               (vi) to determine whether and under what  circumstances an Option
          may be settled in cash or Common Stock under Paragraph 11(e);

               (vii) to  prescribe,  amend and  rescind  rules  and  regulations
          relating to this Plan,  including  rules and  regulations  relating to
          sub-plans,   if  any,   established  for  the  purpose  of  satisfying
          applicable foreign laws;

               (viii) to allow or  disallow  one or more  Optionees  to  satisfy
          withholding tax  obligations by electing to have the Company  withhold
          from the Shares to be issued upon exercise of an Option that number of
          Shares having a Fair Market Value equal to the minimum amount required
          to be  withheld.  The Fair  Market  Value of the Shares to be withheld
          shall be determined as of the date the amount of tax to be withheld is
          to be determined.  All elections by Optionees to have Shares  withheld
          for this purpose shall be made in such form and under such  conditions
          as the Administrator may deem necessary or advisable; and


               (ix) to construe and interpret the terms of this Plan and Options
          granted pursuant to this Plan.

          (c) Effect of Administrator's Decision. All decisions,  determinations
     and  interpretations of the Administrator shall be final and binding on all

     6. Eligibility.

          (a) Options may be granted only to  Employees.  The maximum  number of
     Shares  with  respect to which  Options  may be granted  during a specified
     period to any single Employee is 500,000.

          (b) Each Option  shall be  designated  in the Option  Agreement  as an
     Incentive Stock Option. However,  notwithstanding such designation,  to the
     extent that the  aggregate  Fair Market Value of the Shares with respect to
     which  Incentive  Stock Options are  exercisable  for the first time by the
     Optionee  during any calendar  year (under all plans of the Company and any
     Parent or Subsidiary)  exceeds  $100,000,  such Options shall be treated as
     Non-statutory Stock Options. For purposes of this Paragraph 6(b), Incentive
     Stock  Options  shall be taken into account in the order in which they were
     granted.  The Fair Market Value of the Shares shall be determined as of the
     time the Date of Grant.

          (c) Neither  this Plan nor any Option  shall  confer upon any Optionee
     any right with respect to  continuing  the  Optionee's  relationship  as an
     Employee with the Company, nor shall it interfere in any way with his right
     or the Company's right to terminate such  relationship at any time, with or
     without Cause, and with or without notice.

     7. Term of Plan.  Subject to Paragraph 20, this Plan shall become effective
upon its adoption by the Board.  Unless sooner  terminated  under  Paragraph 20,
this Plan shall  continue  in effect for a term of ten (10) years from the later
of (i) the effective date of this Plan or (ii) the date of the most recent Board
approval of an increase in the number of Shares reserved for issuance under this

     8. Term of Option.  The term of each  Option  shall be stated in the Option
Agreement; provided, however, that the term shall be no more than ten (10) years
from the Date of Grant.  In the case of an Option granted to an Optionee who, on
the Date of Grant,  owns stock  representing  more than ten percent (10%) of the
voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary,
the term of the  Option  shall be five (5) years  from the Date of Grant or such
shorter term as may be provided in the Option Agreement.

     9.  Vesting.  Unless  stated  otherwise  in the Option  Agreement,  Options
granted under this Plan shall vest and become exercisable,  subject to the other
terms of this Plan, according to the following schedule:


          Years from Date of Grant                             Vested Amount
          ------------------------                             -------------
          Less than 1 year                                            0%
          1 year but less than 2 years                               20%
          2 years but less than 3 years                              40%
          3 years but less than 4 years                              60%
          4 years but less than 5 years                              80%
          5 years or more                                           100%

     10. Option Exercise Price and Consideration.

          (a) The per  share  exercise  price for the  Shares to be issued  upon
     exercise  of an  Option  shall  be  such  price  as is  determined  by  the
     Administrator, but shall be subject to the following:

               (i) In the case of an Option  granted to an Employee  who, at the
          Date of Grant, owns stock  representing more than ten percent (10%) of
          the voting  power of all classes of stock of the Company or any Parent
          or  Subsidiary,  the exercise price shall be not less than 110% of the
          Fair  Market  Value per Share on the Date of Grant.  In the case of an
          Option  granted to any other  Employee,  the per Share  exercise price
          shall be not less than 100% of the Fair Market  Value per Share on the
          Date of Grant.

               (ii) In the case of a  Non-statutory  Stock Option granted to any
          other  Employee,  the per Share  exercise price shall be determined by
          the Administrator.

          (b) The  consideration  to be paid for the  Shares to be  issued  upon
     exercise of an Option, including the method of payment, shall be determined
     by the Administrator on the Date of Grant.  Such  consideration may consist
     of cash or check or any combination thereof.

     11. Exercise of Option.

          (a)  Procedure  for  Exercise;  Rights as a  Shareholder.  Any  Option
     granted  hereunder  shall be  exercisable  according to the terms hereof at
     such times and under such conditions as determined by the Administrator and
     set  forth in the  Option  Agreement.  Unless  the  Administrator  provides
     otherwise,  vesting of Options granted  hereunder shall be suspended during
     any unpaid leave of absence.  An Option may not be exercised for a fraction
     of a Share.

          An Option shall be exercised  when the Company  receives:  (i) written
     notice of  exercise  (in  accordance  with the Option  Agreement)  from the
     person entitled to exercise the Option and (ii) full payment for the Shares
     with respect to which the Option is exercised.  Full payment may consist of
     any consideration and method of payment authorized by the Administrator and
     permitted  by the  Option  Agreement  and this  Plan.  Shares  issued  upon
     exercise of an Option  shall be issued in the name of the  Optionee  or, if
     requested  by the  Optionee,  in the name of the  Optionee  and his spouse.
     Until the Shares are issued (as evidenced by the  appropriate  entry on the
     books  of  the  Company  or of a  duly  authorized  transfer  agent  of the
     Company),  no right to vote or receive  dividends  or any other rights as a
     shareholder  shall exist with  respect to the Shares,  notwithstanding  the
     exercise  of the Option.  The  Company  shall issue (or cause to be issued)
     such Shares  promptly after the Option is exercised.  No adjustment will be
     made for a dividend  or other  right for which the record  date is prior to
     the date the Shares are issued, except as provided in Paragraph 13.


          Exercise of an Option in any manner  shall result in a decrease in the
     number of Shares thereafter  available,  both for purposes of this Plan and
     for sale under the  Option,  by the number of Shares as to which the Option
     is exercised.

          (b) Termination of Relationship as an Employee.  If an Optionee ceases
     to be an Employee other than upon such Optionee's death or Disability, such
     Optionee may exercise his Option within the period of time specified in the
     Option  Agreement  to the  extent  that the Option is vested on the date of
     termination  (but in no event later than the  expiration of the term of the
     Option as set forth in the  Option  Agreement).  The  Option  shall  remain
     exercisable for three (3) months following the Optionee's  termination,  or
     such shorter period as may be provided in the Option Agreement.  If, on the
     date of  termination,  the Optionee is not vested as to his Optioned Stock,
     the unvested  portion of the Optioned  Stock shall revert to this Plan. If,
     after  termination,  the Optionee  does not exercise his Option  within the
     time specified by the  Administrator,  the Option shall terminate,  and the
     Optioned Stock shall revert to this Plan.

          (c) Disability of Optionee. If an Optionee ceases to be an Employee as
     a result of the Optionee's Disability, the Optionee may exercise his Option
     for such period of time as specified in the Option  Agreement to the extent
     the Option is vested on the date of termination (but in no event later than
     the  expiration  of the term of such  Option  as set  forth  in the  Option
     Agreement).  The Option shall remain exercisable for one (1) year following
     the  Optionee's  termination,  or such shorter period as may be provided in
     the Option Agreement.  If, on the date of termination,  the Optionee is not
     vested  as to  all of his  Optioned  Stock,  the  unvested  portion  of the
     Optioned  Stock  shall  revert to this Plan.  If,  after  termination,  the
     Optionee does not exercise his Option within the time specified herein, the
     Option shall terminate,  and the Shares covered by such Option shall revert
     to this Plan.

          (d) Death of  Optionee.  If an Optionee  dies while an  Employee,  the
     Option may be exercised  for such period of time as specified in the Option
     Agreement to the extent that the Option is vested on the date of death (but
     in no event  later than the  expiration  of the term of such  Option as set
     forth  in the  Option  Agreement)  by the  personal  representative  of the
     Optionee's  estate or by the  person(s)  to whom the Option is  transferred
     pursuant to the Optionee's  will or in accordance  with the laws of descent
     and distribution.  The Option shall remain exercisable for three (3) months
     following  the  Optionee's  termination,  or such shorter  period as may be
     provided in the Option Agreement. If, on the date of death, the Optionee is
     not vested as to all of his Optioned  Stock,  the  unvested  portion of the
     Optioned Stock shall immediately  revert to this Plan. If the Option is not
     so exercised within the time specified herein,  the Option shall terminate,
     and the Optioned Stock shall revert to this Plan.

          (e) Repurchase Provisions.  The Administrator may at any time offer to
     repurchase for a payment in cash or Shares, an Option  previously  granted,
     based on such terms and conditions as the Administrator shall establish and
     communicate to the Optionee at the time that such offer is made.

          (f) Other Terms and  Conditions.  Among other  conditions  that may be
     imposed by the Committee with respect to Options  granted  pursuant to this
     Plan, if deemed appropriate,  include but are not limited to (i) the period
     or periods and the  conditions of  exercisability  of any Option;  (ii) the
     minimum periods during which  Participants must be Employees of the Company
     or its  Subsidiaries,  or must hold Options  before they may be  exercised;
     (iii) the minimum  periods during which shares  acquired upon exercise must
     be held before sale or transfer shall be permitted;  (iv) conditions  under
     which  such  Options  or  shares  may be  subject  to  forfeiture;  (v) the
     frequency  of exercise or the minimum or maximum  number of shares that may
     be acquired  at any one time;  and (vi) the  achievement  by the Company of
     specified performance criteria.


          (g)  Application of Funds.  The proceeds  received by the Company from
     the sale of Common  Stock  issued upon the exercise of Options will be used
     for general corporate purposes.

     12. Limited  Transferability of Options.  Options may not be sold, pledged,
assigned, hypothecated,  transferred, or disposed of in any manner other than by
will or by the laws of descent or distribution and may be exercised,  during the
lifetime of the Optionee, only by the Optionee.

     13. Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization, Merger or Asset Sale.

          (a) Changes in  Capitalization.  Subject to any required action by the
     shareholders  of the Company,  the number and type of Shares that have been
     authorized  for issuance  under this Plan,  but as to which no Options have
     yet been granted or which have been returned to this Plan upon cancellation
     or expiration of an Option or repurchase of shares  acquired by exercise of
     an Option and subject to a restricted stock  agreement,  and the number and
     type of Shares covered by each outstanding Option, as well as the price per
     Share covered by each such  outstanding  Option,  shall be  proportionately
     adjusted  for any  increase  or  decrease  in the  number or type of issued
     Shares resulting from a stock split,  reverse stock split,  stock dividend,
     combination or  reclassification of the Common Stock, or any other increase
     or decrease in the number of issued shares of Common Stock effected without
     receipt of consideration by the Company.  The conversion of any convertible
     securities  of the  Company  shall not be  deemed  to have  been  "effected
     without receipt of  consideration."  Such  adjustment  shall be made by the
     Board,  whose  determination  in that respect  shall be final,  binding and
     conclusive. Except as expressly provided herein, no issuance by the Company
     of shares of stock of any class, or securities  convertible  into shares of
     stock of any class, shall affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall
     be made with respect to, the number,  type or price of Shares subject to an

          (b)  Dissolution  or  Liquidation.   In  the  event  of  the  proposed
     dissolution or liquidation of the Company,  the Administrator  shall notify
     each Optionee as soon as  practicable  prior to the effective  date of such
     proposed  transaction.  The Administrator in its discretion may provide for
     an Optionee to have the right to exercise  his Option  until  fifteen  (15)
     days prior to such  transaction  as to all of the  Optioned  Stock  covered
     thereby,  including  Shares as to which the Option  would not  otherwise be
     exercisable.  In addition,  the  Administrator  may provide that any of the
     Company's  rights to repurchase  any Shares  purchased  upon exercise of an
     Option shall lapse as to all such Shares, provided the proposed dissolution
     or liquidation takes place at the time and in the manner  contemplated.  To
     the extent an Option has not been exercised,  it will terminate immediately
     prior to the consummation of such proposed transaction.

          (c) Merger or Asset Sale.  In the event of (i) a merger of the Company
     with or into another entity or (ii) the sale of all or substantially all of
     the  assets  of  the  Company  (either,  a  "Merger   Transaction"),   each
     outstanding  Option  shall be  assumed  or an  equivalent  option  or right
     substituted  by the  successor  entity  or a Parent  or  Subsidiary  of the
     successor  entity. In the event that the successor entity refuses to assume
     or substitute for the Option, the Optionee shall fully vest in and have the
     right to exercise  the Option as to all of the  Optioned  Stock,  including
     Shares  as  to  which  such  Option  would  not   otherwise  be  vested  or
     exercisable.  If an Option becomes fully vested and  exercisable in lieu of
     assumption  or  substitution  in the  event  of a Merger  Transaction,  the
     Administrator shall notify the Optionee in writing that the Option shall be
     fully  exercisable  for a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of such
     notice,  and the Option shall terminate upon the expiration of such period.
     For the  purposes  of this  Paragraph  13, the Option  shall be  considered
     assumed if, following the Merger  Transaction,  the option or right confers
     the right to purchase or receive,  for each Share of Optioned Stock subject
     to  the  Option   immediately   prior  to  the  Merger   Transaction,   the
     consideration  (whether  stock,  cash,  or other  securities  or  property)
     received  in the Merger  Transaction  by  holders of Common  Stock for each
     Share held on the effective date of the Merger  Transaction (and if holders
     were offered a choice of consideration, the type of consideration chosen by
     the holders of a majority of the outstanding  Shares);  provided,  however,
     that if such consideration received in the Merger Transaction is not solely
     common stock of the successor entity or its Parent,  the Administrator may,
     with the consent of the successor entity,  provide for the consideration to
     be received  upon the  exercise  of the Option,  for each Share of Optioned
     Stock  subject to the Option,  to be solely  common stock of the  successor
     entity  or  its  Parent  equal  in  fair  market  value  to the  per  share
     consideration   received   by  holders  of  Common   Stock  in  the  Merger


          (d)  Accelerated  Vesting.   Following  either  an  assumption  of  or
     substitution  for  Options in  connection  with a Merger  Transaction  that
     constitutes  a  Change  of  Control  and in  the  event  of an  Involuntary
     Termination of an Optionee upon or during the one (1) year period after the
     effective  date of such Change of Control,  (1) each  Optionee's  rights to
     purchase Optioned Stock shall become automatically vested in their entirety
     on an accelerated basis and be fully exercisable as of the date immediately
     preceding  any such  Involuntary  Termination  and (2) all of the Company's
     rights to repurchase Restricted Stock from an Optionee under all restricted
     stock purchase  agreements  shall lapse in their entirety on an accelerated
     basis  as  of  the  date   immediately   preceding  any  such   Involuntary

     14. Conditions Upon Issuance of Shares.

          (a) Legal  Compliance.  Shares  shall not be  issued  pursuant  to the
     exercise of an Option  unless the  exercise of such Option and the issuance
     and delivery of such Shares shall comply with  Applicable Laws and shall be
     further  subject  to the  approval  of legal  counsel to the  Company  with
     respect to such compliance.

          (b) Investment  Representations.  As a condition to the exercise of an
     Option, the Administrator may require the Optionee to represent and warrant
     at the time of any such exercise that the Shares are being  purchased  only
     for investment and without any present intention to sell or distribute such
     Shares  if,  in  the  opinion  of  legal  counsel  to the  Company,  such a
     representation is necessary or appropriate.

     15. Inability to Obtain  Authority.  The inability of the Company to obtain
authority  from any  regulatory  body having  jurisdiction,  which  authority is
deemed by the Company's legal counsel to be necessary to the lawful issuance and
sale of any Shares  hereunder,  shall  relieve the Company of any  liability  in
respect of the failure to issue or sell such  Shares as to which such  requisite
authority shall not have been obtained.

     16. Reservation of Shares. The Company, during the term of this Plan, shall
at all  times  reserve  and keep  available  such  number  of Shares as shall be
sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this Plan.

     17.  Reliance on Reports.  Each member of the  Committee and each member of
the Board shall be fully  justified  in relying or acting in good faith upon any
report  made  by the  independent  public  accountants  of the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries  and upon any other  information  furnished in connection with this
Plan by any person or persons other than the  Committee or Board  member.  In no
event  shall any person who is or shall have been a member of the  Committee  or
the Board be liable  for any  determination  made or other  action  taken or any
failure to act in reliance upon any such report or information or for any action
taken,  including the furnishing of  information,  or failure to act, if in good


     18. Construction.  The titles and headings of the sections in this Plan are
for the  convenience of reference  only,  and in the event of any conflict,  the
text of this Plan, rather than such titles or headings, shall control.

     19.  Governing  Law.  This  Plan  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the  State of  Delaware,  except as  superseded  by
applicable federal law.

     20. Approval, Amendment, and Termination of this Plan.

          (a) Shareholder Approval.  This Plan must be approved by a majority of
     the  votes  cast at a duly  held  shareholders'  meeting  at which a quorum
     representing  a majority of all  outstanding  voting  Shares is,  either in
     person or by proxy,  present  and  voting on the Plan  within  twelve  (12)
     months after the date this Plan is adopted.  The Board shall obtain similar
     shareholder  approval of any Plan  amendment  to the extent  necessary  and
     desirable to comply with Applicable Laws, which shall include:

               (i) an increase in the number of Shares  subject to Option  under
          this  Plan;

               (ii)  a  change  in  the   definition   of   Employee   affecting

               (iii) a change in the manner in which  Options  are issued or may
          be exercised; or

               (iv)  an  extension  of the  term of this  Plan as set  forth  in
          Paragraph 7.

          (b) NASD Rules.  In addition to the foregoing,  the Board shall obtain
     similar  shareholder  approval for any Plan  amendment  which requires such
     approval under the rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers.

          (c) Amendment and Termination. The Board may at any time amend, alter,
     suspend or terminate this Plan.

          (d) Effect of  Amendment or  Termination.  No  amendment,  alteration,
     suspension  or  termination  of this Plan  shall  impair  the rights of any
     Optionee,  unless  mutually agreed  otherwise  between the Optionee and the
     Administrator,  which  agreement  must  be in  writing  and  signed  by the
     Optionee  and the  Company.  Termination  of this Plan shall not affect the
     Administrator's ability to exercise the powers granted to it hereunder with
     respect  to  Options  granted  under  this  Plan  prior to the date of such

          (e) Effect of Failure to Obtain Shareholder Approval.

               (i) If  the  shareholders  fail  to  approve  the  amendment  and
          restatement  of this  Plan as set  forth  in this  Paragraph  20,  all
          Options granted under the Plan  subsequent to the Board's  adoption of
          such  amendment  and  restatement  shall expire and the  amendment and
          restatement shall be disregarded.


               (ii) If the shareholders  fail to approve a Plan amendment as set
          forth in this Paragraph 20, the Plan amendment shall be disregarded.


                                    EXHIBIT A

                    Form of Incentive Stock Option Agreement

                                  CONN'S, INC.

                               AS OF MAY 31, 2006


     THIS  INCENTIVE  STOCK  OPTION  AGREEMENT  (the  "Agreement")  is made this
__________ day of  ____________________,  20__, between CONN'S, INC., a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), and ______________________________,  an Employee of
the  Company or one or more of its  Parents and  Subsidiaries.  All  capitalized
terms not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall have the  meaning  set forth in the
Conn's, Inc. Amended and Restated 2003 Incentive Stock Option Plan as of May 31,
2006 (the "Plan").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  desires  to carry out the  purposes  of the Plan by
affording  Employee the  opportunity to purchase  shares of Company common stock

     NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual  covenants  hereinafter set
forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as

     1. Grant of Option.  The Company  hereby  grants to Employee  the right and
option (the  "Option")  to purchase an aggregate  of _____  Shares,  such Shares
being  subject  to  adjustment  as  provided  in  Paragraph  8 on the  terms and
conditions  herein set forth.  The Option is intended to constitute an Incentive
Stock Option,  and subject to the terms of the Plan and  Applicable  Laws,  this
Agreement  shall be construed  so that the Option shall  qualify as an Incentive
Stock Option.

     2. Term of Option. Unless modified by Paragraph 6, this Option shall remain
exercisable until _________, _____, when it shall lapse.

     3. Purchase  Price.  The purchase price of the Shares shall be $_______ per
Share which is the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Date of Grant.

     4.  Exercise of Option.  Unless  expired as provided in  Paragraph  6, this
Option may be exercised  from time to time after the Date of Grant to the extent
of Shares that have vested in  accordance  with the vesting  schedule  set forth
below.  The  Employee's  right to exercise the Option accrues only in accordance
with the following  vesting  schedule and, except as otherwise  provided herein,
only to the extent that the Employee remains in the continuous employ or service
of the Company, Parent or a Subsidiary.

                                        Portion of Shares that are Vested on and
                                          After the Vesting Date and Before the
              Vesting Date                          Next Vesting Date
     ------------------------------     ----------------------------------------

       --------------------, ----                       ----------%
       --------------------, ----                       ----------%
       --------------------, ----                       ----------%
       --------------------, ----                       ----------%
       --------------------, ----                       ----------%

     5. Manner of Exercise, Payment of Purchase Price.

          (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  the Option
     shall be exercised by written notice to the Chief Financial  Officer of the
     Company at its  principal  office.  Such notice shall state the election to
     exercise the Option and specify the number of Shares to be purchased.  Such
     notice of  exercise  shall be signed by Employee  and shall be  irrevocable
     when given.

          (b) The notice of exercise shall be accompanied by full payment of the
     purchase  price for the Shares to be purchased.  The purchase  price may be
     paid in cash or check or any combination thereof.

          (c) Upon  receipt of the purchase  price,  and subject to the terms of
     Paragraph  12, the  certificate  or  certificates  representing  the Shares
     purchased  shall be  registered  in the name of the  person or  persons  so
     exercising the Option. If the Option shall be exercised by Employee and, if
     Employee shall so request in the notice  exercising the Option,  the Shares
     shall be registered in the name of Employee and his spouse as joint tenants
     with right of survivorship,  and shall be delivered as provided above to or
     upon the written order of the person or persons  exercising the Option. All
     Shares that shall be purchased  upon the exercise of the Option as provided
     herein shall be fully paid and nonassessable.

     6.  Expiration of Option.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of Paragraph 2,
this Option shall expire and become null and void upon the first to occur of the
following:  (a) a period of ten (10) years has elapsed  since the Date of Grant;
(b) a period  of  twelve  (12)  months  has  elapsed  following  the  Employee's
Disability;  or (c) a period of three  (3)  months  has  elapsed  following  the
Employee's termination of employment for any other reason including death.

     7. Acceleration of Vesting and Exercise Dates. The other provisions of this
Agreement notwithstanding and pursuant to Paragraph 12 of the Plan:

          (a) In the  event of a  proposed  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the
     Company  and at the  discretion  of the  Administrator,  this Option may be
     immediately  exercised for the entire number of Shares covered hereby until
     fifteen (15) days prior to such dissolution or liquidation;

          (b) In the event of a Merger  Transaction  in which this Option  shall
     not  be  assumed  or an  equivalent  option  issued  as a  substitute  by a
     successor entity,  the  Administrator  shall notify the Optionee in writing
     that this  Option  shall be  exercisable  for the  entire  number of Shares
     covered  hereunder  for a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of such
     notice; or

          (c) In the event of a Merger  Transaction that constitutes a Change of
     Control in which this Option is assumed or an  equivalent  option is issued
     by a successor  entity,  an Involuntary  Termination of the Optionee within
     one (1) year after the effective  date of the Change of Control shall cause
     this  Option  or  the  equivalent   substitute  option  to  be  immediately
     exercisable for the full number of Shares covered hereunder.

     8.  Adjustments  of Shares  Subject  to Option.  The Shares  subject to the
Option  shall be adjusted  from time to time as set forth in Paragraph 12 of the
Plan. The  determination of any such adjustment by the Committee shall be final,
binding and conclusive.

     9.  No  Contract.  This  Agreement  does  not  constitute  a  contract  for
employment and shall not affect the right of the Company to terminate Employee's
employment for any reason or no reason whatsoever.

     10. Rights as  Shareholder.  This Option shall not entitle  Employee to any
rights of a shareholder  of the Company or to any notice of  proceedings  of the
Company with respect to any Shares  issuable upon exercise of this Option unless
and until the Option has been  exercised  for such  Shares and such  Shares have
been registered in the Employee's name upon the stock records of the Company.

     11.  Restrictions on Exercise.  This Option may not be exercised until such
time as the Plan has been approved by the shareholders of the Company, or if the
issuance  of such  Shares  upon  such  exercise  or the  method  of  payment  of
consideration  for such Shares would  constitute  a violation of any  Applicable

     12. Restriction on Issuance of Shares. The Company shall not be required to
issue or deliver any  certificates  for Shares purchased upon the exercise of an
Option prior to: (i) the obtaining of any approval from any governmental  agency
which the Company shall,  in its sole  discretion,  determine to be necessary or
advisable;  (ii) the completion of any  registration or other  qualification  of
such  Shares  under any state or  federal  law or  ruling or  regulation  of any
governmental body which the Company shall, in its sole discretion,  determine to
be necessary or advisable;  and (iii) the  determination  by the Committee  that
Employee  has  tendered to the Company any  federal,  state or local tax owed by
Employee  as a result of  exercising  the Option  when the  Company  has a legal
liability  to satisfy such tax. In  addition,  if the Common Stock  reserved for
issuance  upon the exercise of Options  shall not then be  registered  under the
Securities Act of 1933, the Company may upon  Employee's  exercise of an Option,
require  Employee or his  permitted  transferee to represent in writing that the
Shares being acquired are for  investment  and not with a view to  distribution,
and may mark the certificate for the Shares with a legend  restricting  transfer
and may issue stop transfer orders relating to such certificate to the Company's
transfer agent (if applicable).

     13.  Lapse of Option.  This  Agreement  shall be null and void in the event
Employee  shall  fail to sign and  return a  counterpart  hereof to the  Company
within thirty (30) days of its delivery to Employee.

     14.  Binding  Effect.  This  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon the  heirs,
executors, administrators and successors of the parties hereto.

     15. Governing  Instrument and Entire Agreement.  This Option and any Shares
issued  hereunder  shall in all respects be governed by the terms and provisions
of the Plan. In the event of a conflict  between the terms of this Agreement and
the terms of the Plan (a copy of which is attached), the terms of the Plan shall
control.  There are no oral  agreements  between  the  parties  relating  to the
subject matter hereof,  and this Agreement and the terms of the Plan  constitute
the entire  agreement of the parties with respect to the subject  matter hereof.
This  Agreement may not be amended except by written  agreement  executed by the
Company and Employee.

                                      CONN'S, INC.


Accepted and Agreed:


- -----------------------------------

- -----------------------------------
Employee's Printed Name

                                  CONN'S, INC.

                               AS OF MAY 31, 2006

                              NOTICE OF EXERCISE OF
                             INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION

     This  Notice of Exercise  of  Incentive  Stock  Option  (the  "Notice")  is
delivered to Conn's,  Inc. (the "Company")  pursuant to the terms of the Conn's,
Inc.  Amended and Restated 2003  Incentive  Stock Option Plan as of May 31, 2006
(the "Plan") and pursuant to the Incentive  Stock Option  Agreement  between the
Company    and    ______________________________    (the    "Optionee")    dated
____________________,   ____  (the  "Agreement").   All  capitalized  terms  not
otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Plan.

     1. Number of Shares to be  Purchased.  I hereby  elect to purchase  _______
Shares of Common Stock pursuant to the Agreement.

     2.  Purchase  Price.  The purchase  price of the Shares is  $_________  per
Share, for an aggregate purchase price of $_____________.

     3. Payment Method. The aggregate purchase price set forth above is attached
hereto in the following form: .

     4. Exercise of Option Subject to Plan and Agreement. I understand and agree
that the  exercise  of the Option  pursuant to this Notice is subject to all the
terms of the Plan and the  Agreement.  I agree to be subject to all the terms of
the Plan and the Agreement.  I certify that I am entitled to exercise the Option
for the number of Shares set forth  above  pursuant to the terms of the Plan and
the  Agreement.  To the extent the Company is  required  to withhold  federal or
state income or other taxes in  connection  with the  exercise of the Option,  I
agree to tender to the  Company  the amount  required to be withheld or to allow
the Company to withhold from the Stock  otherwise  deliverable to me pursuant to
the exercise of the Option, such method to be determined by the Committee in its
sole discretion.


     ------------------------------   ------------------------------------------
                                      Printed Name:

                                    EXHIBIT B

                                  CONN'S, INC.

                               AS OF MAY 31, 2006

                                     - 18 -