                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

     This 16th day of May, 2007 (the "Effective Date")


     Quaker Fabric Corporation of Fall River, a Massachusetts corporation,
     hereinafter called "SELLER," agrees to SELL


     M/K Brayton LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company, hereinafter
     called "BUYER," agrees to BUY, upon the terms hereinafter set forth, the
     following described premises:


     The land with the building and improvements thereon located at 1450 Brayton
     Avenue, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts, as more particularly
     described on that certain Quitclaim Deed from Charles McAnsin Associates,
     as grantor, to SELLER, as grantee, dated October 11, 2001, and recorded
     with the Bristol County Fall River District Registry of Deeds in Book 4150,
     Page 159, containing approximately nine (9) acres of land.

     TOGETHER ALSO with all right, title and interest of SELLER, if any, in and
     to (i) the land in the bed of any public street, road or avenue, open or
     proposed, in front of or adjoining the Land, to the center line thereof,
     (ii) all rights, privileges and easements appurtenant to the Land and owned
     by SELLER, including without limitation any and all rights of way,
     easements, appurtenances, alleys, gores and strips of Land adjoining or
     appurtenant to the land and used in conjunction therewith, (iii) any water
     rights, riparian rights and powers, hereditaments and appurtenances with
     respect thereto, and (iv) any award made or to be made in lieu of any of
     the foregoing and any award made or to be made for damage to the Land by
     reason of change of grade of any street, road or avenue.

     All of the above enumerated property, rights and interests to be sold
     pursuant to this Agreement are hereinafter sometimes collectively referred
     to as the "Premises".


     The Premises are to be conveyed by a good and sufficient quitclaim deed,
     the form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, running to BUYER, or to
     the nominee designated by BUYER by written notice to SELLER at least three
     (3) business days before the deed is to be delivered as herein provided,
     and said deed shall convey a good and clear record and marketable title
     thereto, free from encumbrances, except for:


     (a)   Provisions of existing building and zoning laws;

     (b)   Such taxes for the then current year as are not due and payable on
           the date of the delivery of such deed;

           (c)   Easements, restrictions and agreements of record insofar as in
           force and applicable; and

           (d)   Any liens for municipal betterments assessed after the date of
           this Agreement.

     The foregoing exceptions shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 7,
     8 and 22 of this Agreement.

     Any matter relating to the performance of this Agreement that is the
     subject of a title, practice or ethical standard of the Massachusetts
     Conveyancers Association shall be governed by the provision of said
     standard to the extent applicable.


     The agreed purchase price for the Premises (the "Purchase Price") is Four
     Million Three Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($4,300,000.00), of which

     $ 50,000.00       was paid to Stewart Title Guaranty Company ("Escrow
     -----------       Agent") as a deposit on April 30, 2007 (via Marshall
                       Properties, Inc. check no. 110249) (the "Initial

     $150,000.00       has been paid to Escrow Agent this day (subject to
     -----------       collection) (the "Final Deposit" and together with the
                       Initial Deposit, the "Deposit"): and

     $ 4,100,000.00    is to be paid by wire transfer of immediately available
     --------------    federal funds at the time of delivery of the deed in
                       accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


     $ 4,300,000.00    TOTAL


     The sale (payment of Purchase Price and delivery of the deed) may, at
     BUYER's option, either (i) be closed through escrow with the Escrow Agent
     in accordance with the general provisions of the usual form of escrow
     agreement used in similar transactions by such holder with special
     provisions inserted as may be required to conform with this Agreement, or
     (ii) take place in Fall River, Massachusetts, at a specific location in
     that city designated by BUYER and reasonably acceptable to SELLER, in


     either instance at 10 a.m. on a date designated by no less than three (3)
     business days prior written notice from BUYER to SELLER but no later than
     September 5th, 2007 (the "Closing Date"). In the absence of designation by
     the BUYER, the sale shall take place at the offices of Wilmer Cutler
     Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, 60 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts. It is
     agreed that time is of the essence in this Agreement.


     Full and exclusive possession of the Premises is to be delivered at the
     time of the delivery of the deed, the Premises to be then broom-clean and
     free of all personal property, machinery and equipment (including any of
     the foregoing owned by persons or entities other than SELLER), and
     otherwise in the same condition as they are now, reasonable use and wear
     thereof excepted. BUYER shall be entitled to inspect the Premises prior to
     the delivery of the deed in order to determine whether the condition
     thereof complies with the terms of this clause.


     (a)    BUYER shall advise SELLER of any objections BUYER may have to title
     to the Premises at least seven (7) days prior to the end of the Inspection
     Period ("BUYER's Title Notice"). SELLER shall notify BUYER as to whether
     SELLER elects to cure such title objections within five (5) days of BUYER's
     Title Notice, provided, however, that SELLER shall have no obligation to
     cure title objections except (a) voluntary monetary encumbrances (including
     any blanket mortgages, blanket liens, or similar monetary encumbrances),
     which SELLER shall cause to be removed, discharged and released at or
     before the Closing, and (b) SELLER shall use good faith commercially
     reasonable efforts, up to a maximum expenditure of Fifty Thousand Dollars
     ($50,000.00), to cure any other title objections set forth in BUYER's Title

     (b)    If SELLER shall be unable to give title or to make conveyance, as
     herein stipulated, or if at the time of the delivery of the deed the
     Premises does not conform with the provisions hereof, then BUYER may, in
     BUYER's sole discretion, terminate this Agreement, in which event all
     payments made under this Agreement shall be promptly refunded to BUYER, and
     all other obligations of the parties hereto shall cease and this Agreement
     shall be void and without recourse to the parties hereto, or, if the same
     constitutes a default of SELLER hereunder, BUYER shall have the remedies
     set forth in Section 17.


     If at Closing, SELLER shall have failed so to remove any defects in title
     to the extent that SELLER is obligated to do so in accordance with Section
     7 above, or make the Premises conform, as the case may be, all as herein
     agreed, then BUYER may terminate this Agreement, in which event all


     payments made under this Agreement shall be promptly refunded to BUYER and
     all other obligations of the parties hereto shall cease and this Agreement
     shall be void and without recourse to the parties hereto, or, if the same
     constitutes a default of SELLER hereunder, BUYER shall have the remedies
     set forth in Section 17.


     In addition to BUYER's rights under the provisions of Sections 7 and 8
     above, BUYER shall have the election, at either the original or any
     extended time for performance, to accept such title as SELLER can deliver
     to the Premises in its then existing condition and to pay therefore the
     Purchase Price without deduction, in which case SELLER shall convey such
     title. If any exception to title is recorded after the date of BUYER's
     Title Notice, and BUYER does not elect to waive such exception and to
     proceed with the consummation of the Closing upon the first to occur of (a)
     the Closing or (b) seven (7) days after being notified in writing of such
     exception, SELLER will have fifteen (15) days after the expiration of said
     seven (7) day period (and Closing will be delayed if necessary, so that it
     occurs not earlier than twenty-two (22) days after BUYER is notified of
     such exception) after notifying BUYER of such discovery in which to
     eliminate or to induce the title company to insure over (subject to BUYER's
     approval, not to be unreasonably withheld) such exception, and if such
     exception is not eliminated or insured over as aforesaid within said 15-day
     period, then BUYER may terminate this Agreement, in which event all
     payments made under this Agreement shall be promptly refunded to BUYER and
     all other obligations of the parties hereto shall cease and this Agreement
     shall be void and without recourse to the parties hereto, or if the same
     constitutes a default of SELLER hereunder, BUYER shall have the remedies
     set forth in Section 17. SELLER shall use good faith commercially
     reasonable efforts to cure any involuntary monetary encumbrance which may
     arise after the date of BUYER's Title Notice (a "Post Title Notice
     Involuntary Monetary Encumbrance"), provided, however, SELLER shall not be
     required to expend more than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) to
     cure any such Post Title Notice Involuntary Monetary Encumbrance (the "Post
     Title Notice Involuntary Monetary Cap"). In the event that SELLER, despite
     its good faith commercially reasonable efforts, is unable to cure any Post
     Title Notice Involuntary Monetary Encumbrance within the Post Title Notice
     Involuntary Monetary Encumbrance Cap, BUYER may elect, at BUYER's sole
     discretion, to either: (i) terminate this Agreement, in which event all
     payments made under this Agreement shall be promptly refunded to BUYER,
     SELLER shall reimburse BUYER for all third-party costs and expenses
     incurred in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby (up to, but
     not to exceed, $100,000.00), and, following such reimbursement, all other
     obligations of the parties hereto shall cease and this Agreement shall be
     void and without recourse to the parties hereto, or (ii) proceed to
     Closing, whereupon SELLER shall pay the Post Title Notice Involuntary
     Monetary Cap towards release of the subject Post Title Notice Involuntary
     Monetary Encumbrance, and BUYER shall take tile to the Premises subject to
     all remaining amounts under said Post Title Notice Involuntary Monetary
     Encumbrance (or make arrangements to satisfy/remove the same). In all other
     events, SELLER shall be obligated to deliver good and clear record and
     marketable title to the Premises, as set forth in Section 3 above.



     The acceptance of a deed by BUYER or its nominee as the case may be, shall
     be deemed to be a full performance and discharge of every agreement and
     obligation herein contained or expressed, except such as are, by the terms
     hereof, to be performed after the delivery of said deed.


     To enable SELLER to make conveyance as herein provided, SELLER may, at the
     time of delivery of the deed, use the purchase money or any portion thereof
     to clear the title of any or all encumbrances or interests, provided that
     all instruments so procured are either recorded simultaneously with the
     delivery of said deed or thereafter consistent with customary Massachusetts
     conveyancing practice.


     Until the delivery of the deed, SELLER shall maintain the following
     insurance coverages in effect for the Premises: (i) Comprehensive General
     Liability insurance against any loss, liability or damage on, about or
     relating to the Premises, or any portion thereof, with limits of not less
     than $2,000,000.00 single limit coverage on a per occurrence basis; and
     (ii) all risk property insurance on the Premises for the full insurable
     value thereof.


     Interest on the Deposit shall be credited to BUYER, unless the Deposit is
     retained by SELLER under the provisions of Section 17 below, in which event
     the Deposit with interest thereon shall be paid to SELLER. Water, sewer and
     other utility services shall be adjusted as of the Closing Date. SELLER
     shall receive a credit for any deposits held by utility providers with
     respect to the Premises. SELLER shall be responsible for the payment of
     Massachusetts deed excise stamps. The parties shall share equally the
     expense of the Escrow Agent.


     If the amount of said taxes is not known at the time of the delivery of the
     deed, they shall be apportioned on the basis of the taxes assessed for the
     preceding fiscal year, with a reapportionment as soon as the new tax rate
     and valuation can be ascertained; and if the taxes which are to be
     apportioned shall thereafter be reduced by abatement, the amount of such
     abatement, less the reasonable cost of obtaining the same, shall be
     apportioned between the parties, provided that neither party shall be
     obligated to institute or prosecute proceedings for an abatement unless
     herein otherwise agreed.


     SELLER and BUYER each represents to the other that it has not dealt with
     any broker or agent in connection with this transaction other than Giroux &
     Company Real Estate (the "Broker"). SELLER shall be solely responsible for
     the payment of any brokerage fee to the Broker if, as and when title passes
     and consideration is paid. Each party hereby indemnifies and holds harmless
     the other party from all loss, cost and expense (including reasonable
     attorneys' fees) arising out of a breach of its representation or
     undertaking set forth in this paragraph. The provisions of this paragraph
     shall survive the delivery of the deed or the termination of this



     Escrow Agent shall hold the Deposit in accordance with the terms and
     provisions of this Agreement, subject to the following:

           16.1.  Obligations. Escrow Agent undertakes to perform only such
           duties as are expressly set forth in this Agreement and no implied
           duties or obligations shall be read into this Agreement against
           Escrow Agent.

           16.2.  Reliance. Escrow Agent may act in reliance upon any writing or
           instrument or signature which it, in good faith, believes, and any
           statement or assertion contained in such writing or instrument, and
           may assume that any person purporting to give any writing, notice,
           advice or instrument in connection with the provisions of this
           Agreement has been duly authorized to do so. Escrow Agent shall not
           be liable in any manner for the sufficiency or correctness as to
           form, manner and execution, or validity of any instrument deposited
           in escrow, nor as to the identity, authority, or right of any person
           executing the same, and Escrow Agent's duties under this Agreement
           shall be limited to those provided in this Agreement.

           16.3.  Indemnification. Unless Escrow Agent discharges any of its
           duties under this Agreement in a negligent manner or is guilty of
           willful misconduct with regard to its duties under this Agreement,
           SELLER and BUYER shall indemnify Escrow Agent and hold it harmless
           from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, actions, suits or
           proceedings at law or in equity, or other expenses, fees, or charges
           of any character or nature, which it may incur or with which it may
           be threatened by reason of its acting as Escrow Agent under this
           Agreement; and in such connection SELLER and BUYER shall indemnify
           Escrow Agent against any and all expenses including reasonable
           attorneys' fees and the cost of defending any action, suit or
           proceeding or resisting any claim in such capacity.

           16.4.  Disputes. If the parties (including Escrow Agent) shall be in
           disagreement about the interpretation of this Agreement, or about
           their respective rights and obligations, or the propriety of any
           action contemplated by Escrow Agent, or the application of the
           Deposit, Escrow Agent shall hold the Deposit until the receipt of
           written instructions from both SELLER and BUYER, or, in the absence
           of such agreement, a final order of a court of competent
           jurisdiction. In addition, in any such event, Escrow Agent may, but
           shall not be required to, file an action in interpleader to resolve
           the disagreement. Escrow Agent shall be indemnified for all costs and
           reasonable attorneys' fees in its capacity as Escrow Agent in
           connection with any such interpleader action and shall be fully
           protected in suspending all or part of its activities under this
           Agreement until a final judgment in the interpleader action is


           16.5.  Counsel. Escrow Agent may consult with counsel of its own
           choice and have full and complete authorization and protection in
           accordance with the opinion of such counsel. Escrow Agent shall
           otherwise not be liable for any mistakes of fact or errors of
           judgment, or for any acts or omissions of any kind, unless caused by
           its negligence or willful misconduct.


     If BUYER breaches or fails, without legal excuse, to complete the purchase
     of the Premises or to perform its obligations under this Agreement as of
     the Closing Date, the Deposit made hereunder by BUYER shall be retained by
     SELLER as liquidated damages and forfeiture of the Deposit shall be
     SELLER's exclusive remedy at law and in equity for any default by BUYER
     prior to or as of the Closing Date. The provisions of this clause shall
     survive the delivery of the deed and shall supersede any agreement,
     obligation or legal rights of the parties that are contrary to the
     liquidation of damages provisions hereof. In the event SELLER breaches or
     fails, without legal excuse, to complete the sale of the Premises or to
     perform its obligations under this Agreement, BUYER may, as its sole
     remedies therefor, either (a) terminate this Agreement, and receive a
     return of the Deposit hereunder, or (b) bring an action for specific
     performance filed within sixty (60) days following the termination of this
     Agreement. If BUYER elects option "(b)" then it may nonetheless at any time
     thereafter elect option "(a)" instead (after BUYER has caused the specific
     performance proceedings to be dismissed with prejudice). If BUYER brings an
     action for specific performance but is not awarded specific performance,
     then BUYER shall nonetheless be entitled to receive a return of the Deposit
     hereunder, promptly following the final disposition of such action,
     provided that BUYER has not been found to be in default hereunder.


     If SELLER or BUYER executes this Agreement in a representative or fiduciary
capacity, only the principal or the estate represented shall be bound, and
neither SELLER or BUYER so executing, nor any shareholder or beneficiary of any
trust, shall be personally liable for any obligation, express or implied,



           19.1   In order to induce BUYER to enter into this Agreement and to
           purchase the Premises, SELLER hereby makes the following
           representations, warranties and covenants, each of which is material
           and is relied upon by BUYER, and each of which shall be true and
           correct as of the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date:

                  (a)      To the best of SELLER's actual knowledge, there are
                           no outstanding notices of any uncorrected violations
                           of any laws, statutes, ordinances, rules or
                           regulations with regard to the Premises, its
                           condition, or use;

                  (b)      SELLER has the right, power and authority to enter
                           into this Agreement and to sell the Premises in
                           accordance with the terms and conditions hereof. This
                           Agreement, when executed and delivered by SELLER,
                           will be a valid and binding obligation of SELLER in
                           accordance with its terms;

                  (c)      No options, rights of first refusal, rights of first
                           offer or other contracts have been granted or entered
                           into which give any other party a right to purchase
                           or acquire any interest in the Premises or any part

                  (d)      There are no leases, licenses, or other occupancy
                           agreements in effect with respect to all or any part
                           of the Premises and there are no other parties in
                           possession of any portion of the Premises except

                  (e)      No payments for work, materials or improvements
                           furnished to the Premises will be due or owing at
                           Closing and no mechanic's lien, materialman's lien,
                           or similar lien shall exist against the Premises at
                           the time of Closing;

                  (f)      Neither the execution of this Agreement nor the
                           consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby

                                   (i) Conflict with, or result in a breach of,
                                   the terms, conditions, or provisions of, or
                                   constitute a default under, any agreement or
                                   instrument to which SELLER or any predecessor
                                   of SELLER is a party, or (ii) Violate any
                                   restriction to which SELLER is subject, or
                                   (iii) To the best of SELLER's actual
                                   knowledge, constitute a violation of any
                                   applicable code, resolution, law, statute,
                                   regulation, ordinance, rule, judgment, decree
                                   or order, or (iv) Result in the cancellation
                                   of any contract or lease pertaining to the
                                   Premises; or (v) Result in the creation of
                                   any lien, charge or encumbrance upon any of
                                   the properties or assets to be sold or
                                   assigned to BUYER pursuant to the provisions
                                   of this Agreement;

                  (g)      SELLER has no actual knowledge as to the compliance
                           of the Premises with any federal, state, or local law
                           or regulation relating to hazardous substances,
                           except as set forth in the reports listed on Exhibit
                           C attached hereto;

                  (h)      To the best of SELLER's actual knowledge, SELLER has
                           not derived its interest in the Premises or any
                           portion thereof by adverse possession and there has
                           not been and is not now any claim or threat of
                           adverse possession;


                  (i)      SELLER has received no written notice of the desire
                           of any public authority or other entity to take,
                           condemn, or use the Premises or any part thereof and,
                           to the best of SELLER's actual knowledge, there are
                           no condemnation or eminent domain proceedings
                           pending, planned, or threatened against the Premises
                           or any part thereof;

                  (j)      SELLER has as of the date hereof delivered to BUYER
                           correct and complete copies of the documents listed
                           on Exhibit C. To the best of SELLER's actual
                           knowledge, the documents listed on Exhibit C
                           constitute all material documents in SELLER's
                           possession which relate to ownership or condition
                           (physical or otherwise) of the Premises;

                  (k)      On the Closing Date, there will be no service
                           contracts in effect affecting the Premises.

           19.2   As used throughout this Article 19, the phrase "to the best of
           SELLER's actual knowledge," or phrases of similar import, shall mean
           the actual, not constructive or imputed, knowledge of Cynthia L.
           Gordan, General Counsel of SELLER, without any obligation on the part
           of such individual to make any independent investigation of the
           matters being represented and warranted. SELLER hereby represents and
           warrants that Cynthia L. Gordon is the primary person responsible for
           managing information pertaining to the Premises and the matters
           referred to in the representations and warranties set forth in this
           Article 19. Cynthia L. Gordan shall not be personally liable for any
           of the obligations of SELLER under this Agreement. Further, to the
           extent BUYER discovers prior to the Closing any inaccuracy in a
           representation and warranty of SELLER in this Agreement and the
           Closing occurs, such representation and warranty shall be deemed
           modified to reflect the inaccuracy discovered by BUYER. SELLER's
           representations and warranties set forth in this Section 19 are made
           as of the date of this Agreement and shall survive the Closing for a
           period of one (1) year, provided that SELLER's liability hereunder
           shall not exceed the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand
           ($250,000.00) Dollars, unless SELLER's breach of representations
           and/or warranties under this Article 19 is willful or intentional, or
           is a result of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of SELLER,
           in which case SELLER's liability hereunder shall not exceed the sum
           of Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars, and in either case
           SELLER's liability under this Article 19 shall be for the actual (and
           not consequential or punitive) damages of BUYER


     This instrument, executed in multiple counterparts, is to be construed as a
     Massachusetts contract, is to take effect as a sealed instrument, sets
     forth the entire contract between the parties, supersedes all prior
     agreements between SELLER and BUYER, is binding upon and inures to the
     benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, devisees,
     executors, administrators, permitted successors and assigns, and may be
     canceled, modified or amended only by a written instrument executed by both
     SELLER and BUYER. This Agreement shall not be assignable by BUYER. BUYER
     shall not record or file this Agreement, or a copy thereof, in or with the
     public records in which deeds are recorded or filed. If BUYER records or


     files this Agreement, the same shall constitute a default of BUYER
     hereunder. The captions and marginal notes are used only as a matter of
     convenience and are not to be considered a part of this Agreement or to be
     used in determining the intent of the parties. In the event any one or more
     of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be for any reason held
     invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity,
     illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this
     Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid,
     illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein or
     therein. To facilitate execution, this Purchase and Sale Agreement may be
     executed by facsimile and in as many counterparts as may be deemed
     appropriate by the parties, all of which when taken together shall be
     deemed an original and shall comprise one (1) agreement.


     Any notice required or desired hereunder shall be given in writing and
     shall be deemed duly delivered when deposited with a recognized overnight
     courier service, addressed as follows:

     (a)    In the case of notice to SELLER:

            Quaker Fabric Corporation of Fall River
            941 Grinnell Street
            Fall River, MA 02721-5215
            Attn:  Cynthia L. Gordan, Esq., General Counsel
            Fax Number: (508) 678-2656

            with a copy to:

            Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
            60 State Street
            Boston, MA 02109
            Attn: Katharine E. Bachman, Esq.
            Fax Number: (617) 526-5000

     (b)    In the case of notice to BUYER:

            M/K Brayton LLC
            c/o J. Karam Management
            10 North Main Street
            Fall River, Massachusetts  02722
            Attn: James J. Karam


            M/K Brayton LLC
            c/o Marshall Development, LLC700 Narragansett Park Drive
            Pawtucket, Rhode Island  02861
            Attn: Lianne Marshall


            with a copy to:

            DarrowEverett LLP
            One Turks Head Place, Suite 500
            Providence, Rhode Island  02903
            Attn: Zachary G. Darrow, Esq.
            Fax Number: (401) 453-1201

     (c)    In case of notice to ESCROW AGENT:

            Stewart Title Guaranty Company
            99 Summer Street, 12th Floor
            Boston, MA 02110
            Attn: Marie L. Franco, Esq.
            Fax Number: (617) 737-8370


     (a)    BUYER shall have the period from the date of this Agreement through
     5:00 p.m. on August 16, 2007 ("Inspection Period"), to inspect the Premises
     and review title, survey, permitting, environmental, and other due
     diligence matters related to the Premises. All costs and expenses of this
     review shall be at the sole expense of the BUYER, including costs of title
     insurance, surveys, and environmental inspections. Any damage done by BUYER
     or BUYER's consultants shall be repaired by BUYER at BUYER's expense. BUYER
     hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold SELLER harmless from and
     against any liability, loss, cost, or expense with respect to any physical
     damage to the Premises or bodily injury to any person caused by BUYER, its
     agents, employees or contractors in connection with its investigation of
     the Premises. BUYER shall provide SELLER with forty-eight (48) hours
     advance written notice before performing any intrusive testing of the
     Premises. SELLER reserves the right to have a representative present during
     any such testing. Prior to such entry, BUYER shall provide SELLER with a
     certificate of BUYER's or BUYER's consultants' commercial general liability
     insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), which
     certificate shall name SELLER as an additional insured. BUYER shall have
     the right to terminate this Agreement by written notice to SELLER prior to
     the expiration of the Inspection Period due to BUYER's dissatisfaction with
     such matters, in BUYER's sole discretion. In the event of BUYER's election
     to terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of the Inspection
     Period, and upon notice of such election timely given, this Agreement shall
     be null and void and of no legal effect except for the immediate return of
     the Deposit to BUYER hereunder, and for the indemnification obligation of
     BUYER hereunder. If BUYER does not so terminate this Agreement prior to
     expiration of the Inspection Period as aforesaid, this Agreement shall
     remain in full force and effect, and BUYER shall have no further right to
     terminate this Agreement or receive a refund of the Deposit under the
     provisions of this Section 22.


     (b)    Except as set forth in Section 3, 6 and 19 above, BUYER, on behalf
     of itself and its successors and assigns, hereby acknowledges and agrees
     that BUYER shall acquire the Premises in its "as is, with all faults"


     On the Closing Date, SELLER shall deliver to BUYER:

     (a)    the Quitclaim Deed (If the title to the Premises is registered, said
            Quitclaim Deed shall be in form sufficient to entitle the BUYER to a
            Certificate of Title of said Premises, and the SELLER shall deliver
            with said Quitclaim Deed all instruments, if any, necessary to
            enable the BUYER to obtain such Certificate of Title);

     (b)    full and exclusive possession of the Premises, in `broom-clean'

     (c)    a parties in possession and mechanics' and materialmen's lien
            affidavit in form and substance sufficient to remove the parties in
            possession and mechanics lien exceptions from the standard ALTA
            title insurance policy;

     (d)    a signed closing statement;

     (e)    a FIRPTA Affidavit executed by SELLER in the form of Exhibit B;

     (f)    such documentary and other evidence as the title company may
            reasonably require evidencing the authority of the person or persons
            who are executing the various documents on behalf of SELLER in
            connection with this Agreement;

     (g)    an updated certification of the warranties and representations
            contained herein;

     (h)    releases of any real estate liens or other instruments or agreements
            to be cancelled pursuant to the terms hereof, in form appropriate
            for recording; and

     (i)    such other documents required under the terms of this Agreement or
            as reasonably necessary or appropriate (in accordance with customary
            conveyancing practice) to consummate the transaction contemplated
            hereunder (provided that the same are consistent with the terms of
            this Agreement).


     On the Closing Date, BUYER shall deliver to SELLER:

     (a)    a signed closing statement;

     (b)    the balance of the Purchase Price and other sums to be paid by BUYER
            hereunder; and


     (c)    such other documents required under the terms of this Agreement or
            as reasonably necessary or appropriate (in accordance with customary
            conveyancing practice) to consummate the transaction contemplated
            hereunder (provided that the same are consistent with the terms of
            this Agreement).


     (a)    Condemnation. If, prior to Closing, all or any part of the Premises
     or access thereto shall become subject to condemnation through eminent
     domain by governmental or other lawful authority, BUYER shall have the
     option of either (a) completing the purchase, in which event all
     condemnation proceeds or claims thereof shall be assigned to BUYER, or (b)
     terminating this Agreement, in which event, notwithstanding any provision
     herein to the contrary, the Deposit paid by BUYER, including any portions
     thereof previously released or paid to SELLER, shall be returned to the
     BUYER, this Agreement shall be terminated and have no further force or
     effect, and neither party shall have any rights or obligations thereunder.

     (b)    Casualty. SELLER assumes all risks and liability for damage to or
     injury occurring to the Premises by fire, storm, accident, or any other
     casualty or cause until the Closing has been consummated. If the Premises,
     or any portion thereof, suffers any Material Damage (as hereinafter
     defined) prior to Closing from fire or other casualty, then BUYER may
     either (i) terminate this Agreement by delivering written notice to SELLER
     of such termination within ten (10) business days after SELLER notifies
     BUYER of the casualty, in which event, notwithstanding any provision herein
     to the contrary, the Deposit paid by BUYER, including any portions thereof
     previously released or paid to SELLER, shall be returned to the BUYER, this
     Agreement shall be terminated and have no further force or effect, or (ii)
     consummate the Closing, in which latter event SELLER shall deliver or
     assign to BUYER, at Closing, any and all insurance proceeds recovered or
     recoverable on account of such damage plus the amount of any deductible
     (including proceeds allocated on account of any Material Damage), net of
     any costs incurred by SELLER in restoring the Premises, or assign to BUYER,
     at Closing, all of SELLER's right, title and interest in any claim to
     proceeds of any insurance covering such damage. If BUYER fails to timely
     deliver to SELLER written notice of termination of this Agreement as
     described in (i) above, or if the casualty has not resulted in Material
     Damage, then BUYER shall be deemed to have elected to proceed in accordance
     with (ii) above (whereupon SELLER shall deliver or assign to BUYER any and
     all insurance proceeds recovered or recoverable on account of such damage
     plus the amount of any deductible). For the purposes of this Section 25(b),
     the term "Material Damage" shall mean damage for which the restoration cost
     is $100,000 or more.


     The submission of this Agreement or a summary of some or all of its
     provisions for examination or negotiation does not constitute an offer by
     either SELLER or BUYER to enter into an agreement to sell or purchase the
     Premises, and neither SELLER nor BUYER shall be bound with respect to any


     such purchase and sale unless and until this Agreement has been mutually
     executed and delivered by the parties.

                              [End of text on page]


     EXECUTED as a sealed instrument as of the day and year first above written.

                                   a Massachusetts corporation

                                   By:     _____/s/__________________
                                   Name:   _______________________
                                   Title:  _______________________

BUYER:                             M/K BRAYTON LLC, a Massachusetts limited
                                   liability company

                                   By:     _____/s/__________________
                                   Name:   _______________________
                                   Title:  _______________________


                                   By:     _______/s/________________
                                   Name:   _______________________
                                   Title:  _______________________


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 QUITCLAIM DEED

       Quaker Fabric Corporation of Fall River, a Massachusetts corporation
("Grantor"), for consideration of Four Million Three Hundred Thousand and 00/100
Dollars ($4,300,000.00), grants to M/K Brayton LLC, a Massachusetts limited
liability company, the address of which is ______________________, with
quitclaim covenants, that certain parcel of land, together with all buildings
and other improvements thereon and all appurtenances thereto, such real property
being known as 1450 Brayton Avenue, Fall River, in Bristol County,
Massachusetts, and being bounded and more particularly described in that certain
Quitclaim Deed from Charles McAnsin Associates, as grantor, to Quaker Fabric
Corporation of Fall River, as grantee, dated October 11, 2001, and recorded with
the Bristol County Fall River District Registry of Deeds in Book 4150, Page 159,
subject to all easements, agreements and restrictions of record insofar as in
force and applicable.

       The within conveyance does not constitute a sale of all or substantially
all of the real property owned by Grantor in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Quitclaim Deed has been executed as a sealed
instrument to be effective as of the ____ day of ____________, 2007.

                                   QUAKER FABRIC CORPORATION OF FALL RIVER,
                                   a Massachusetts corporation

                                   By:     _______________________
                                   Name:   _______________________
                                   Title:  _______________________


                                    EXHIBIT B

                               FIRPTA CERTIFICATE

           To inform M/K Brayton LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company
("Transferee"), that withholding of tax under Section 1445 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), will not be required upon the
transfer of certain real property to Transferee by Quaker Fabric Corporation of
Fall River ("Transferor"), Transferor hereby certifies the following:

           1.   Transferor is not a foreign corporation, foreign partnership,
foreign trust or foreign estate (as those terms are defined in the Code and the
regulations promulgated thereunder);

           2.   Transferor's U.S. employer identification number is:
[__________]; and

           3.   Transferor's office address is 941 Grinnell Street, Fall River,
MA 02721-5215.

           Transferor understands that this Certification may be disclosed to
the Internal Revenue Service by Transferee and that any false statement
contained herein could be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.

           Under penalty of perjury, Transferor declares that it has examined
this Certification and that to the best of its knowledge and belief it is true,
correct and complete.

                   Dated as of the ____ day of ___________, 2007.

                                   QUAKER FABRIC CORPORATION OF FALL RIVER,
                                   a Massachusetts corporation

                                   By:     _______________________
                                   Name:   _______________________
                                   Title:  _______________________


                                    EXHIBIT C

                       1450 Brayton Avenue, Fall River, MA
               Due Diligence Materials Provided by Seller to Buyer

Environmental Site Assessment Report prepared for Raymond Construction Co.,
Inc., Bristol, Rhode Island/Ramco Fabrics ("Ramco") by Goldberg-Zoino &
Associates, Inc., Providence, Rhode Island of property located at 1450 Brayton
Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts (the "Subject Property") dated April 1987

Environmental Site Assessment Report prepared for Massachusetts Industrial
Finance Agency, Boston ("MIFA")/Ramco by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., Providence,
Rhode Island ("GZA") of the Subject Property dated September 1991

Environmental Site Assessment Report prepared for Joan Fabrics Corporation,
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts ("Joan") by GZA of the Subject Property dated September

Letter dated September 23, 1993 from Environmental Science Services, Providence
Rhode Island to Joan Fabrics Corporation, Lowell, Massachusetts reporting on the
results of certain soil sample testing completed at the Subject Property in
September 1993

Immediate Response Action ("IRA") Plan prepared for Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection, Southeast Regional Office, Lakeville, MA (DEP RTN #
4-14544) by Atlantic Environmental Technologies, Inc., North Dartmouth, MA of
the Subject Property dated April 29, 1999

Immediate Response Action ("IRA") Completion Report and Response Action Outcome
Statement (DEP RTN # 4-14544) prepared for Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection, Southeast Regional Office, Lakeville, MA by Atlantic
Environmental Technologies, Inc., North Dartmouth, MA of the Subject Property
dated August 30, 1999

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report prepared for Quaker Fabric
Corporation of Fall River ("Quaker") by Prime Engineering, Inc., 350 Bedford
Street, Lakeville, Massachusetts ("Prime") of the Subject Property dated
December 3, 2001 - Volume 1

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report prepared for Quaker by Prime of the
Subject Property dated December 3, 2001 - Volume 2

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report prepared for Quaker by GZA of the
Subject Property dated May 2005

Various documents and correspondence dated April 1993 through May 1994 relating
to title matters at the Subject Property

ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey of the Subject Property dated October 29, 2001
prepared for Quaker by Prime

Owner's Title Insurance Policy with respect to the Subject Property issued
October 15, 2001 to Quaker by Stewart Title Guaranty
