Exhibit 99.1

Digital Recorders, Inc. Shareholders Approve Proposals During the 2007
                            Annual Meeting

    DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 14, 2007--Digital Recorders, Inc.
(DRI) (Nasdaq:TBUS), a digital communications technology leader in the
domestic and international public transportation and transit security
markets, announced today that its shareholders approved all three
proposals during yesterday's Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which was
held at the Hilton Raleigh-Durham Airport at Research Triangle Park in
North Carolina.

    Shareholders voted to:

    --  Elect six directors to serve until the Annual Meeting of
        Shareholders in 2008;

    --  Ratify the selection of independent auditors for fiscal year
        2007; and

    --  Approve an Amendment to the Company's Certificate of
        Incorporation to change the corporate name from "Digital
        Recorders, Inc." to "DRI Corporation."

    No other business was transacted during the Annual Meeting of


    Immediately following the business meeting, DRI Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer David L. Turney reviewed and
discussed with shareholders the outlook for the Company's fiscal year
2007 -- a year in which he said the Company is expecting to post a

    Regarding management's plans to further address shareholder value,
Mr. Turney said: "Management is investigating the implementation or
acceleration of additional actions that may help the Company increase
shareholder value. Such actions under consideration include: (1)
expanding recognition of the Company's participation in a number of
important international markets and the fact that a substantial and
growing part of the Company's business is derived from those markets;
(2) renewing the Company's evaluation of potentially strategic options
in the U.S. and abroad, including possible mergers and acquisitions;
and (3) retaining an investor relations firm to assist management in
educating the investing public about the Company's products and
services, as well as in initiating coverage by financial analysts. We
intend to energetically continue our efforts to improve the Company
and to increase shareholder value."

    Mr. Turney also said that Cast Master Mobitec India Private
Limited, the Company's recently announced new joint venture in New
Delhi, India, received notice of a pending order award - an event that
was not expected until later in the fiscal year - on June 13, 2007.

    Further, Mr. Turney said that, following the passage of the
amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to change the
corporate name from "Digital Recorders, Inc." to "DRI Corporation,"
management would then be free to incorporate the Digital Recorders
(DR) division as "Digital Recorders, Inc." The DR division is based in
Durham, N.C.

    2007-2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

    The following individuals were approved by shareholders to serve
on the Company's Board of Directors in 2007-2008:

    --  John D. Higgins, age 74, Glen Head, N.Y.

    --  C. James Meese Jr., age 65, Raleigh, N.C.;

    --  Stephanie L. Pinson, age 70, Watchung, N.J.;

    --  John K. Pirotte, age 57, Raleigh, N.C.;

    --  Juliann Tenney, J.D., age 54, Chapel Hill, N.C.; and

    --  David L. Turney, age 63, Dallas, Texas.

    Each director's term will expire in 2008. For each director's full
biography, please refer to the 2007 Definitive Proxy Statement
available on the Company's Web site, www.digrec.com.


    DRI is a digital communications technology leader in the domestic
and international public transportation and transit security markets.
Our products include: TwinVision(R) and Mobitec(R) electronic
destination sign systems, Talking Bus(R) voice announcement systems,
Digital Recorders(R) Internet-based passenger information and
automatic vehicle location/monitoring systems, and VacTell(TM) video
actionable intelligence systems. Our products help increase the
mobility, flow, safety, and security of people who rely upon
transportation infrastructure around the globe. Using proprietary
hardware and software applications, our products provide
easy-to-understand, real-time information that assists users and
operators of transit bus and rail vehicles in locating, identifying,
boarding, tracking, scheduling, and managing those vehicles. Our
products also aid transit vehicle operators in their quest to increase
ridership and reduce fuel consumption, as well as to identify and
mitigate security risks on transit vehicles. Positioned not only to
serve and address mobility, energy conservation, and environmental
concerns, our products also serve the growing U.S. Homeland Security
market. For more information about the Company and its operations
worldwide, go to www.digrec.com.


    This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within
the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
In particular, statements about the Company's potential merger and
acquisition options in the U.S. and abroad, its investor relations
efforts, its expectations in achieving profitability, its assessment
of the current market for its products and services, as well as any
statement, express or implied, concerning future events or
expectations, is a forward-looking statement. Use of words such as
"expect," "fully expect," "expected," "appears," "believe," "plan,"
"anticipate," "would," "goal," "potential," "potentially," "range,"
"pursuit," "run rate," "stronger," "preliminarily," etc., is intended
to identify forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and
uncertainties, including risks and uncertainties that the assumptions
behind the statements about the Company's potential merger and
acquisition options in the U.S. and abroad, its investor relations
efforts, risks that the Company may not have a profitable year in
2007, risks that it has not properly assessed the current market for
its products and services, as well as other risks and uncertainties
set forth in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 28, 2007,
particularly those identified in Risk Factors Affecting Our Business.
There can be no assurance that any expectation, express or implied, in
a forward-looking statement will prove correct or that the
contemplated event or result will occur as anticipated.

    CONTACT: Veronica B. Marks
             Manager, Corporate Communications
             Digital Recorders, Inc.
             Phone: (214) 378-4776
             Fax: (214) 378-8437
             E-Mail: veronicam@digrec.com