                                                                      Tim Jerzyk
                                                          Senior Vice President,
                                                    Investor Relations/Treasurer

October 8, 2007

              Yum! Brands' Full-Year 2007 Detailed Guidance Update

Note: Further updates to guidance provided July 11, 2007

The company expects . . .

o    Worldwide reported system-sales growth of about 7% (from +5% to +6%):
     -    Led by 25% (from 22%) growth in mainland China,  local-currency basis;
          total China Division,  including  Thailand and KFC Taiwan, is expected
          to be about 22% (from +19% ), local-currency basis.
     -    Yum! Restaurants  International  Division (YRI), at least +9% (from at
          least +7%), local-currency basis.
     -    U.S., flat to up slightly.

o    Worldwide reported revenue growth of +8% to +9% (from +6% to +7%):
     -    Led by at least 25% growth in mainland  China,  local-currency  basis;
          total China Division,  including  Thailand and KFC Taiwan, is expected
          to be about +22% (from at least +19%), local-currency basis.
     -    YRI,  about  25%  (from  at least  +20%),  local-currency  basis.  The
          acquisition  of the remaining 50% interest in the Pizza Hut U.K. joint
          venture adds 20 percentage points of growth. In addition,  YRI revenue
          growth  previously noted includes the expected negative impact of 2006
          and 2007 refranchising activities of approximately 6 percentage points
          as company sales are replaced by franchise royalties.
     -    U.S.,  down 6% to 7%.  Refranchising  company  restaurants in 2006 and
          2007  negatively  impacts  U.S.  revenue  growth by 7 to 8  percentage

o    Over  1,600  (from  nearly  1,600)  new  system  restaurants  to be  opened
     -    Over 425 (from over 400) new China Division restaurants
     -    Over 850 (from over 800) new YRI restaurants
     -    350 new U.S. restaurants

o    YRI net-restaurant expansion to be about 4% (from at least +3%).
o    The U.S.  restaurant  base is expected to decrease  slightly  versus  2006,
     reflecting  +1% to +2% net  new-unit  growth for Taco  Bell,  which will be
     offset by net closures at our other brands.
o    U.S. blended  same-store-sales  growth at company restaurants down 2% (from
     flat to down slightly).
o    Growth  in  franchise  fees of +9%  (from  +7%)  resulting  from  worldwide
     restaurant  expansion,  same- store-sales  growth, and refranchising in the
     U.S. and YRI.
o    Worldwide  restaurant  margin  down  slightly  versus  2006  with  declines
     expected in the U.S. and China divisions.
o    General and  administrative  costs will increase  versus 2006 by +5% due to
     the continued investment in mainland China and acquisition of the Pizza Hut
     U.K. joint venture.  The Pizza Hut U.K.  acquisition adds about $30 million
     or 3 percentage points impact to YUM.
o    Interest  expense will be up about $20 million  (from $10  million)  versus
o    Closure and impairment charges of $30 to $40 million.  Refranchising  gains
     are expected to be $0 to $15 million.

      Yum! Brands, Inc. o 1900 Colonel Sanders Lane o Louisville, KY 40213
           Tel 502 874-8006 o Fax 502 874-8790 o Web Site www.yum.com

o    Approximately  $20 to $30 million  positive  impact from  foreign  currency
     conversion  on operating  profit for the full year.  The Chinese  renminbi,
     British  pound  sterling,  Australian  dollar,  Korean won,  Japanese  yen,
     Canadian dollar, Mexican peso and European euro are important currencies in
     the company's international businesses.
o    Operating profit growth:
     o    China Division,  over +20% (from +20%) driven by higher revenue growth
          partially offset by lower restaurant margin.
     o    YRI, over 15% (from at least 10%)
     o    U.S. even (from slightly positive).
o    Average shares outstanding of about 540 million  split-adjusted  shares, or
     about 4% (from at least a 3%) reduction.
o    Effective tax rate of 26% to 28%.
o    Return on invested capital to remain at about 18%.
o    Capital expenditures to be at least $650 million.  Pretax refranchising and
     surplus PP&E proceeds of about $250 (from $300) million are expected,  this
     may range as low as $200  million due to the  uncertainty  of the timing of
     transactions and the type of stores to be sold.
o    Additional  refranchising in the U.S. will reduce company  ownership in the
     U.S. to 20% of the U.S. system total by the end of 2007.

PLEASE  NOTE:  The company  will provide  additional  annual  guidance for these
preceding  items  only  when  there  is  a  material  change  to  the  full-year
expectations  previously noted.  Otherwise these expectations for full-year 2007
remain in effect

This  announcement  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of
Section 27A of the Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section 21 E of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended.  These  statements  include those
identified by such words as may, will,  expect,  project,  anticipate,  believe,
plan and other similar terminology.  These "forward-looking"  statements reflect
management's  current  expectations  regarding  future  events and operating and
financial performance and are based on currently available data. However, actual
results are subject to future events and uncertainties, which could cause actual
results to differ from those projected in this  announcement.  Accordingly,  you
are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Factors
that can cause actual results to differ materially include,  but are not limited
to, changes in global and local business,  economic and political  conditions in
the countries and territories where Yum! Brands operates,  including the effects
of war and  terrorist  activities;  changes in currency  exchange  and  interest
rates;  changes  in  commodity,  labor and other  operating  costs;  changes  in
competition in the food industry, consumer preferences or perceptions concerning
the  products of the  company  and/or our  competitors,  spending  patterns  and
demographic  trends;  the impact that any  widespread  illness or general health
concern may have on our  business  and the economy of the  countries in which we
operate;   the  effectiveness  of  our  operating   initiatives  and  marketing,
advertising and promotional efforts; new-product and concept development by Yum!
Brands and other  food-industry  competitors;  the success of our strategies for
refranchising and international development and operations; the ongoing business
viability  of our  franchise  and  license  operators;  our  ability  to  secure
distribution  to our  restaurants  at competitive  rates and to ensure  adequate
supplies  of  restaurant  products  and  equipment  in  our  stores;  unexpected
disruptions in our supply chain;  publicity that may impact our business  and/or
industry;  severe weather conditions;  effects and outcomes of pending or future
legal  claims  involving  the  company;  changes in  effective  tax  rates;  our
actuarially determined casualty loss estimates; new legislation and governmental
regulations or changes in legislation and regulations and the consequent  impact
on our  business;  and changes in  accounting  policies and  practices.  Further
information  about  factors that could affect Yum!  Brands'  financial and other
results  are  included  in the  company's  Forms  10-Q and 10-K,  filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.


Yum!  Brands  Inc.,  based  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  is the  world's  largest
restaurant company in terms of system restaurants with over 34,000  restaurants,
which includes over 2,000 licensed  restaurants,  in more than 100 countries and
territories.  Four of the company's  restaurant  brands -- KFC,  Pizza Hut, Taco
Bell and Long John  Silver's -- are the global  leaders of the  chicken,  pizza,
Mexican-style  food and  quick-service  seafood  categories  respectively.  Yum!
Brands is the worldwide  leader in  multibranding,  which offers  consumers more
choice and  convenience  at one  restaurant  location from a combination of KFC,
Taco Bell,  Pizza Hut,  A&W or Long John  Silver's  brands.  The company and its
franchisees today operate over 3,500 multibrand restaurants.  Outside the United
States in 2006, the Yum!  Brands' system opened about three new restaurants each
day of the year,  making it one of the fastest  growing  retailers in the world.
For the past four  years,  the  company  has been  recognized  as one of Fortune
Magazine's "Top 50 Employers for Minorities." It also has been recognized as one
of the "Top 50 Employers  for Women" by Fortune,  one of the "40 Best  Companies
for  Diversity" by Black  Enterprise  Magazine for the past three years,  one of
Black  Enterprise  Magazine's  "30  Hottest  Franchises  for  2006",  one of the
"Corporate  100 Companies  Providing  Opportunities  for  Hispanics" by Hispanic
Magazine,  one of the "Top 50 Corporations  for Supplier  Diversity" by Hispanic
Trends Magazine and by Business Week as one of the "Top 15 Companies for In-Kind
Corporate Philanthropy."

Analysts are invited to contact
        Tim Jerzyk, Senior Vice President Investor Relations/Treasurer,
                at 502/874-8006
        Quan Nghe, Director Investor Relations, at 502/874-8918

Members of the media are invited to contact
        Amy Sherwood, Vice President Public Relations, at 502/874-8200
