Exhibit 10.2


                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

            b e t w e e n

            Ing. Erich Pfeiffer GmbH,
            Oeschlestrasse 54-56, 78315 Radolfzell, Germany

            - hereinafter called "the Company" -

            represented by the sole shareholder Aptar GmbH,
            Hildebrandstrasse 20, 44319 Dortmund, Germany

                                             - of the one part -

            a n d

            Mr. Peter Pfeiffer, Gutebohlweg 12, 78343 Gaienhofen, Germany

            - hereinafter called "Managing Director" -

                                           - of the other part -


            This Agreement is concluded  between the parties on the basis of the
            employment  agreement  between the Managing Director and AptarGroup,
            Inc., the indirect parent company of the Company, with regard to his
            appointment as Chief  Executive  officer of  AptarGroup,  Inc. as of
            January 1, 2008 ("CEO Employment  Agreement"),  which is attached as
            Annex 1.

                                    Section 1

            Mr. Peter Pfeiffer, being Managing Director (Geschaftsfuhrer) of the
            Company  since  August  1,  1978,   shall  be  responsible  for  the
            coordination of the technical,  commercial and financial  activities
            of the company.

                                    Section 2

            (1)The  Managing  Director  shall - in  conjunction  with the  other
               Managing  Directors  of  the  Company  -  conduct  the  Company's
               business  in  accordance   with  the  Law  and  the  Articles  of
               Association as well as in accordance with the  instruction  given
               from time to time or generally by the meeting of shareholders and
               the Board of Administration.

               The  following  legal  transactions  and  acts  of  the  Managing
               Director shall require the previous approval of the shareholder's
               meeting, unless already approved within the framework of accepted
               budgets or plans or the like:

               (a)  acquisition, sale, encumbrance of real property and real
                    property rights as well as the disposition thereof;

               (b)  acquisition, sale and encumbrance of participations and the
                    exercise of voting rights resulting from such

               (c)  conclusion of renting or leasing contracts concerning real
                    estate, offices, warehouses or residential quarters, if and
                    as far as the annual rent exceeds (euro) 250,000;


               (d)  conclusion of cartel, joint venture and enterprise (control)

               (e)  granting of surety and guarantees, the conclusion of
                    guarantee contracts or other assumption of liability, in so
                    far as these go beyond the scope of the normal business of
                    the Company or exceed (euro) 250,000 in the individual case;

               (f)  granting or taking up of loans or other credits, the
                    undertaking of obligations under bills of exchange, in so
                    far as these go beyond the scope of the normal business of
                    the Company or exceed (euro) 1,500,000 in the individual

               (g)  establishment and dissolution of branches and/or permanent

               (h)  commencement of new, or discontinuance of existing business
                    fields which are of fundamental importance for the Company;

               (i)  all other substantial legal acts or transactions going
                    beyond the scope of the normal business of the Company.

                                    Section 3

            The Managing Director shall place at the disposal of the Company his
            working capacity as the efficient conduct of the Company's  business
            may  require  and shall,  to the best of his  ability,  promote  the
            interests of the Company.


            For the duration of this Agreement,  the Managing Director shall not
            engage  in  any  business   activities,   directly  or   indirectly,
            competitive  with the  business  of the  Company  or its  affiliated

            The Managing  Director is permitted to engage  himself in activities
            related to the commercial or financial  interests of his own and the
            Pfeiffer  family provided it is not in conflict with or injurious to
            the activities of Aptargroup Inc. and its affiliated companies.

                                    Section 4

            (1)In consideration of his services,  the Managing Director shall be
               paid a monthly salary  determined in accordance with Section 3 of
               the CEO Employment  Agreement payable on the last business day of
               each  calendar  month.  Taxes and  social  security  dues will be
               withheld by the Company in accordance with statutory provisions.

            (2)Between the Company and the Managing  Director a separate Pension
               Scheme Arrangement has been concluded (Pensionsvereinbarung).

            (3)The Company shall reimburse the Managing  Director for reasonable
               expenses  as are  incurred  by him on the  Company's  business in
               accordance with Section 3 of the CEO Employment Agreement.


                                    Section 5

            (1)The  Managing  Director  shall be obliged  to notify the  Company
               without  delay of any case  when he is  unable  to carry  out his
               work, to state the reasons and the  foreseeable  duration of such

            (2)In case of  prevention of exercising  his  assignment  because of
               illness or other reasons not caused by gross negligence or intent
               of the Managing  Director,  the Managing Director will receive in
               addition to the cash  payments of his  statutory  or private Sick
               Benefits Fund (Krankenversicherung) for a period of twelve months
               an  allowance   which   amounts   together   with  sick  payments
               (Krankengeld) after taxation to the level of his net according to
               section 4 (1).

            (3)In  case  of his   death,  his   survivors  (Widow  and  children
               entitled to maintenance)  still receive the base salary according
               to  section  4 (1)for a period  of three  months  beginning  with
               expiry of the month of decease.  For this period  payments to the
               survivors of the pension scheme existing for the case of death of
               the Managing Director are omitted.

                                    Section 6

            The Managing Director shall, without undue delay and without special
            request,  communicate  to the  Company any and all of the results of
            his  professional  work gained during the lifetime of this Agreement
            as well as all  experiences,  knowledge and  observations  gained or
            made  thereby,  and place all such  results at the  disposal  of the
            Company.  The  provisions of the Law regarding  Employee  Inventions
            (Arbeitnehmererfindungsgesetz) shall apply.


                                    Section 7

            (1)The Company shall employ the Managing Director,  and the Managing
               Director agrees to be employed by the Company, upon the terms and
               subject  to the  conditions  set  forth  herein  for  the  period
               beginning  on January 1, 2008 and ending on  December  31,  2010,
               unless  earlier  terminated  as  specified  hereafter;  provided,
               however,  that such term shall  automatically  be  extended as of
               each  December  31,   commencing   December  31,  2008,  for  one
               additional  year  unless  either  the  Company  or  the  Managing
               Director shall have terminated this automatic extension provision
               by  written  notice to the other  party at least 30 days prior to
               the automatic  extension  date;  and provided  further that in no
               event shall such term extend  beyond June 28, 2013;  and provided
               further  that in the event that the CEO  Employment  Agreement is
               terminated,  the Company is entitled to terminate  this Agreement
               (ordentliche  Kundigung) with a notice period of one (1) month to
               the  end  of  a  month,   subject  to  the  condition  that  such
               termination  may not  lead  to a  termination  of this  Agreement
               effective   prior  to  the  termination  of  the  CEO  Employment

            (2)If there is an important reason, this Agreement may be terminated
               prematurely with immediate effect and without notice period.

            (3)Upon notice of termination  having been given for whatever reason
               by whatever  party,  the Company  shall be at liberty at any time
               pending effective  termination or expiration of this Agreement to
               grant leave of absence to the  Managing  Director  and to suspend
               him or to dispense  with his further  services  partly or wholly,
               however,  without  prejudice to the rights and obligations of the
               parties otherwise existing under this Agreement.

(4)            The Agreement  terminates  automatically  at the 65th birthday of
               the Managing Director.

(5)            Any termination of this Agreement must be made in writing.

                                    Section 8

            The Managing  Director shall preserve absolute secrecy regarding the
            activity  and affairs of the Company  and its related  companies  as
            well as regarding all information  whatsoever received by him in the
            exercise or as a result of or in connection  with his activities for
            the Company and its  affiliated  companies,  in  particular  also in
            respect of the Company's working methods, experiences and inventions
            of any  description,  this  obligation  to  continue  also after the
            termination of the Agreement for whatever reason.


            For  every  case of  culpable  contravention  against  this  secrecy
            obligation  the  Managing  Director  shall  pay  to  the  Company  a
            contractual  penalty in the amount of 50% of his last earned  annual
            salary.  The Company  expressly  reserves the right to claim further
            damages exceeding the amount of the contractual penalty. The Company
            reserves the right to claim  performance  of this secrecy  clause in
            addition to the contractual penalty and/or damages.

            Following the termination of this Agreement,  the Managing  Director
            shall   deliver  to  the  Company  all   documents,   evidence   and
            correspondence relating to the Company and Company matters.

                                    Section 9

            The  Managing  Director  is  entitled  to an annual  vacation  of 30
            working  days,   the  vacation  time  to  be  determined   with  due
            consideration  to the  requirements of the Company's  business.  The
            annual vacation shall be increased if and when the applicable  union
            contract shall provide for an increased maximum annual vacation.

                                   Section 10

            In the event of any individual  provision contained in the Agreement
            being or becoming  ineffective  legally for  whatever  reason,  such
            ineffectiveness shall not prejudice the legal validity of any of the
            other provisions herein.


                                   Section 11

            The  parties  agree  that,  as of January 1,  2008,  the  employment
            agreement between the parties dated April 22, 1993 and terminated by
            the Managing Director effective April 21, 2008, shall be terminated.
            For the  avoidance of doubt:  such  termination  does not affect the
            Pension Scheme Arrangement  between the parties according to Section
            4 (2) above.

            Any amendment or supplement of this Agreement shall take effect only
            if made in writing.

            This  Agreement  is subject to the laws of the  Federal  Republic of
            Germany.  Exclusive place of  jurisdiction  shall be at the place of
            office of the Company.

            Radolfzell, this 17th day of October 2007

            /s/ Carl Siebel
            Ing. Erich Pfeiffer GmbH
            (represented by its shareholder Aptar GmbH)

            /s/ Peter Pfeiffer
            Peter Pfeiffer
