Exhibit 99.1

     The New York Times Company Reports 2007 Third-Quarter Results

    NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 23, 2007--The New York Times
Company announced today third-quarter earnings per share (EPS) from
continuing operations of $.10, compared with $.06 in the third quarter
last year. Excluding the special items noted below, EPS from
continuing operations was $.15 compared with $.09 in the third quarter
last year. Operating profit increased 57.1 percent to $28.1 million
from $17.9 million in the third quarter of 2006 while operating profit
excluding depreciation and amortization increased 46.4 percent to
$79.9 million from $54.6 million in the third quarter of 2006.

    Included in the results from continuing operations are the
following special items:

    --  Accelerated depreciation expense of $11.7 million ($6.7
        million after tax, or $.05 per share) in the third quarter of
        2007 for assets at the Company's Edison, N.J., printing plant,
        which is in the process of being closed.

    --  A loss of $7.8 million ($4.3 million after tax, or $.03 per
        share) in the third quarter of 2006 from the sale of the
        Company's 50 percent investment in the Discovery Times Channel
        (DTC), a digital cable channel.

    "Our very strong earnings growth was driven by increased national
advertising, higher circulation revenues and our continued focus on
cost controls," said Janet L. Robinson, president and CEO. "Revenues
benefited from new products both in print and online. National
advertising grew significantly, up 10.9 percent, as a result of
improvement in categories such as entertainment, international fashion
and corporate. Circulation revenues rose 3.9 percent. Our digital
properties again posted very healthy revenue growth, up 26.5 percent
in the quarter.

    "We continued to concentrate on controlling costs. This past
quarter our operating costs were on par with the same quarter last
year, and, excluding depreciation and amortization, decreased 1.5
percent, as we maintained our expense discipline. We believe that
reducing our cost structure in innovative ways, while making prudent
investments across platforms, is an important part of our ongoing
efforts to successfully manage our business during a challenging time
in the media marketplace.

    "While September was a strong month, with ad revenues up 5.5
percent, visibility on the fourth quarter remains limited. To date in
October, advertising is not as strong as it was in September, although
it is performing better than in the first half of the year. We
continue to stay focused on our strategy of introducing new products,
building our innovation capability, rebalancing our portfolio of
businesses and stringently managing costs."

    Third-Quarter Results from Continuing Operations

    All comparisons are for the third quarter of 2007 to the third
quarter of 2006 and exclude the results of the Broadcast Media Group,
which was sold in May 2007.

    This release includes non-GAAP financial measures, and the
exhibits include a discussion of management's use of these non-GAAP
financial measures and reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP
financial measures.


    Total revenues increased 2.0 percent to $754.4 million from $739.6
million. Advertising revenues decreased 0.1 percent; circulation
revenues increased 3.9 percent; and other revenues rose 11.5 percent.

    Operating Costs

    Operating costs increased 0.6 percent to $726.3 million from
$721.7 million. Depreciation and amortization increased 41.2 percent
to $51.8 million from $36.7 million primarily due to the accelerated
depreciation for assets at the Edison printing plant and depreciation
on the Company's new headquarters. Excluding depreciation and
amortization, operating costs decreased 1.5 percent to $674.5 million
from $685.0 million, mainly as a result of lower newsprint expense
partially offset by higher professional fees. Newsprint expense
decreased 22.2 percent, with 13.4 percent of the decrease resulting
from lower newsprint prices and 8.8 percent resulting from lower
consumption. Professional fees increased primarily due to costs
associated with the Company's new headquarters and expense reduction

    Staff reduction costs were $4.9 million ($2.8 million after tax,
or $.02 per share) compared with $7.4 million ($4.3 million after tax,
or $.03 per share) in the third quarter last year.

    Operating Profit

    Operating profit increased 57.1 percent to $28.1 million from
$17.9 million. Excluding depreciation and amortization, operating
profit increased 46.4 percent to $79.9 million from $54.6 million.

    Third-Quarter Business Segment Results

    News Media Group

    Total News Media Group revenues increased 1.2 percent to $729.6
million from $721.3 million. Advertising revenues decreased 1.4
percent due to weakness in advertising at the New England and Regional
Media Groups, partially offset by increased advertising at The New
York Times Media Group. In particular, classified advertising revenues
decreased across the News Media Group, principally due to softness in
real estate advertising.

    Circulation revenues increased 3.9 percent, mainly because of
higher prices for The New York Times partially offset by volume
declines. In the fourth quarter of 2006, The New York Times raised the
newsstand price of the Northeast edition of the Sunday Times and
increased home-delivery prices. In the third quarter of 2007, The
Times raised the newsstand price of the Sunday Times in the greater
New York metropolitan area and the daily newsstand price nationwide,
and increased home-delivery prices.

    Other revenues increased 10.8 percent to $64.5 million from $58.2
million primarily because of rental income from the Company's lease of
five floors in its new headquarters, increased wholesale delivery
operation revenues, and revenues from Baseline StudioSystems, which
was acquired in August 2006.

    Total News Media Group operating costs decreased 0.2 percent to
$696.5 million from $698.1 million. Excluding depreciation and
amortization, operating costs decreased 2.3 percent to $650.4 million
from $665.9 million, mainly as a result of lower newsprint expense.

    Operating profit for the News Media Group increased 42.9 percent
to $33.1 million from $23.2 million. Excluding depreciation and
amortization, operating profit for the News Media Group increased 43.0
percent to $79.2 million from $55.4 million.

    About Group

    Total About Group revenues increased 34.9 percent to $24.7 million
from $18.3 million due to increased display and cost-per-click
advertising as well as revenues associated with the acquisition of
ConsumerSearch.com, a leading online publisher that analyzes product
reviews, in May 2007.

    Total About Group operating costs increased 54.8 percent to $18.4
million from $11.9 million because of higher compensation costs;
investments in new revenue initiatives; costs related to the
acquisition of ConsumerSearch.com, including increased content costs;
and higher amortization expense.

    Operating profit decreased 2.0 percent to $6.3 million from $6.4
million. The operating profit margin declined mainly because of
investments in new business initiatives that are expected to
contribute to future revenues, one-time restructuring costs for the
About Group's sales organization, and higher compensation and content
costs. Operating profit before depreciation and amortization rose 9.3
percent to $10.2 million from $9.4 million, due to higher revenues. In
the fourth quarter, both the operating profit and margin are expected
to increase above those of the third quarter, mainly because of higher
seasonal revenues and the absence of the one-time restructuring costs.


    Corporate costs were $11.3 million compared with $11.7 million in
the prior year third quarter.

    Other Financial Data

    Internet Revenues

    In the third quarter, the Company's Internet revenues increased
26.5 percent to $79.7 million from $63.0 million in the third quarter
of 2006. Internet businesses include digital archives, NYTimes.com,
Boston.com, About.com and other Company Web sites. In total, Internet
businesses accounted for 10.6 percent of the Company's revenues in the
third quarter versus 8.5 percent in the 2006 third quarter.

    Joint Ventures

    Net income from joint ventures was $5.4 million compared with $7.3
million. Lower earnings resulted from weaker performance at all of the
properties in which the Company has equity interests. Included in the
third quarter last year is the loss of $7.8 million on the sale of the
Company's interest in DTC in October 2006.

    Interest Expense-net

    Interest expense-net decreased to $10.5 million from $13.3 million
primarily due to lower levels of short-term debt partially offset by
lower capitalized interest.

    Income Taxes

    The effective income tax rate increased to 39.0 percent in the
third quarter from 32.8 percent in the same period last year when a
favorable tax adjustment lowered the tax rate.

    Cash and Total Debt

    At the end of the quarter, cash and cash equivalents were
approximately $53 million and total debt was approximately $1 billion.

    Capital Expenditures

    In the third quarter, total capital expenditures were
approximately $71 million, which included approximately $18 million
for the Company's new headquarters.


    The following expectations are for the fourth quarter of 2007 with
the exception of cost savings and productivity gains, which are for
2008 and 2009.

    --  Cost savings and productivity gains - The Company believes
        that it can achieve a reduction in costs from its year-end
        2007 cost base of a total of approximately $230 million in
        2008 and 2009, excluding the effects of inflation and certain
        one-time costs. About $130 million of these savings are
        expected in 2008.

    --  Staff reduction costs - $14 to $16 million. This range can
        vary significantly based on seniority and the timing of

    --  Depreciation and amortization - $48 to $50 million, which
        includes $6 to $7 million of accelerated depreciation expense
        associated with the plant consolidation project, mainly

    --  Income from joint ventures - Loss of $3 to $5 million.

    --  Interest expense - $11 to $13 million.

    --  Capital expenditures - $50 to $80 million.

    --  Income tax rate - Approximately 41 percent.

    The fourth quarter of 2006 included an extra week that resulted in
$50.8 million in revenues, $36.8 million in costs and $.06 of earnings
per share.

    Conference Call Information

    The Company's third-quarter earnings conference call will be held
on Tuesday, October 23, at 10:30 a.m. E.T. To access the call, dial
877-704-5386 (in the U.S.) and 913-312-1302 (international callers).
Participants should dial into the conference approximately 10 minutes
before the start time. Online listeners can link to the live webcast
at www.nytco.com/investors.

    An audio replay will be available at 888-203-1112 (in the U.S.)
and 719-457-0820 (international callers) beginning approximately two
hours after the call until 5 p.m. E.T. on Wednesday, October 24. The
access code is 5871164. An archive of the webcast will be available
beginning two hours after the call at www.nytco.com/investors. In
addition, an MP3 file of the call can be downloaded from the Company's
site. The archive and a transcript of the call will be available for
one quarter.

    Except for the historical information contained herein, the
matters discussed in this press release are forward-looking statements
that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results
to differ materially from those predicted by such forward-looking
statements. These risks and uncertainties include national and local
conditions, as well as competition that could influence the levels
(rate and volume) of retail, national and classified advertising and
circulation generated by the Company's various markets and material
increases in newsprint prices. They also include other risks detailed
from time to time in the Company's publicly filed documents, including
the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 2006. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any
forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise.

    The New York Times Company (NYSE: NYT), a leading media company
with 2006 revenues of $3.3 billion, includes The New York Times, the
International Herald Tribune, The Boston Globe, 15 other daily
newspapers, WQXR-FM and more than 30 Web sites, including NYTimes.com,
Boston.com and About.com. The Company's core purpose is to enhance
society by creating, collecting and distributing high-quality news,
information and entertainment.

    This press release can be downloaded from www.nytco.com

Exhibits:  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
           Segment Information
           News Media Group Revenues by Operating Segment
           Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Information

                      THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY
       (Dollars and shares in thousands, except per share data)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Third Quarter
                                           2007       2006    % Change
                                        ---------- ---------- --------
  Advertising                           $  465,043 $  465,476    -0.1%
  Circulation                              223,420    215,007     3.9%
  Other (a)                                 65,896     59,103    11.5%
                                        ---------- ----------
     Total                                 754,359    739,586     2.0%

Operating costs
  Production costs                         331,962    344,098    -3.5%
  Selling, general and administrative
   costs                                   342,503    340,927     0.5%
  Depreciation and amortization             51,789     36,676    41.2%
                                        ---------- ----------
    Total                                  726,254    721,701     0.6%

Net loss on sale of assets (b)                   -          -      N/A

Gain on sale of WQEW-AM                          -          -      N/A
                                        ---------- ----------

Operating profit                            28,105     17,885    57.1%

Net income from joint ventures               5,412      7,348   -26.3%

Interest expense - net                      10,470     13,267   -21.1%
                                        ---------- ----------

Income from continuing operations
 before income taxes and minority
 interest                                   23,047     11,966    92.6%

Income tax expense                           8,991      3,926        *

Minority interest in net loss of
 subsidiaries                                   54        267   -79.8%
                                        ---------- ----------

Income from continuing operations           14,110      8,307    69.9%

Income from discontinued operations,
 net of income taxes- Broadcast Media
 Group (c)                                       -      4,290  -100.0%

Gain/(loss) on sale of Broadcast Media
 Group, net of income taxes (c)              (671)          -      N/A

                                        ---------- ----------
Discontinued operations, net of income
 taxes                                       (671)      4,290        *
                                        ---------- ----------

Net income                              $   13,439 $   12,597     6.7%
                                        ========== ==========

Average Number of Common Shares
   Basic                                   143,902    144,454    -0.4%
   Diluted                                 144,112    144,568    -0.3%

Basic Earnings Per Share:
  Income from continuing operations     $     0.10 $     0.06    66.7%
  Discontinued operations, net of
   income taxes                             (0.01)       0.03        *
                                        ---------- ----------
Net Income                              $     0.09 $     0.09        -
                                        ========== ==========

Diluted Earnings Per Share:
  Income from continuing operations     $     0.10 $     0.06    66.7%
  Discontinued operations, net of
   income taxes                             (0.01)       0.03        *
                                        ---------- ----------
Net Income                              $     0.09 $     0.09        -
                                        ========== ==========

Dividends Per Share                          0.230      0.175    31.4%

                                                 Nine Months
                                           2007       2006    % Change
                                       ----------- ---------- --------
  Advertising                           $1,478,425 $1,527,604    -3.2%
  Circulation                              664,538    654,993     1.5%
  Other (a)                                186,359    175,822     6.0%
                                        ---------- ----------
     Total                               2,329,322  2,358,419    -1.2%

Operating costs
  Production costs                       1,002,909  1,055,173    -5.0%
  Selling, general and administrative
   costs                                 1,029,045  1,030,941    -0.2%
  Depreciation and amortization            142,871    107,712    32.6%
                                        ---------- ----------
    Total                                2,174,825  2,193,826    -0.9%

Net loss on sale of assets (b)              68,156          -      N/A

Gain on sale of WQEW-AM                     39,578          -      N/A
                                        ---------- ----------

Operating profit                           125,919    164,593   -23.5%

Net income from joint ventures               8,004     18,085   -55.7%

Interest expense - net                      28,924     39,025   -25.9%
                                        ---------- ----------

Income from continuing operations
 before income taxes and minority
 interest                                  104,999    143,653   -26.9%

Income tax expense                          48,741     51,557    -5.5%

Minority interest in net loss of
 subsidiaries                                   39        604   -93.5%
                                        ---------- ----------

Income from continuing operations           56,297     92,700   -39.3%

Income from discontinued operations,
 net of income taxes- Broadcast Media
 Group (c)                                   5,753     11,890   -51.6%

Gain/(loss) on sale of Broadcast Media
 Group, net of income taxes (c)             93,659          -      N/A

                                        ---------- ----------
Discontinued operations, net of income
 taxes                                      99,412     11,890        *
                                        ---------- ----------

Net income                              $  155,709 $  104,590    48.9%
                                        ========== ==========

Average Number of Common Shares
   Basic                                   143,901    144,803    -0.6%
   Diluted                                 144,057    144,982    -0.6%

Basic Earnings Per Share:
  Income from continuing operations     $     0.39 $     0.64   -39.1%
  Discontinued operations, net of
   income taxes                               0.69       0.08        *
                                        ---------- ----------
Net Income                              $     1.08 $     0.72    50.0%
                                        ========== ==========

Diluted Earnings Per Share:
  Income from continuing operations     $     0.39 $     0.64   -39.1%
  Discontinued operations, net of
   income taxes                               0.69       0.08        *
                                        ---------- ----------
Net Income                              $     1.08 $     0.72    50.0%
                                        ========== ==========

Dividends Per Share                          0.635      0.515    23.3%

* Represents an increase or decrease in excess of 100%.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

See footnotes page for additional information.

                      THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY
                         SEGMENT INFORMATION
                        (Dollars in thousands)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  Third Quarter                  Nine Months
           ---------------------------- ------------------------------
             2007      2006    % Change    2007       2006    % Change
           --------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- --------
Revenues (c)
- --------------------
News Media
 Group     $ 729,635 $ 721,260     1.2% $2,257,350 $2,302,441    -2.0%
 Group        24,724    18,326    34.9%     71,972     55,978    28.6%
           --------- ---------          ---------- ----------
Total      $ 754,359 $ 739,586     2.0% $2,329,322 $2,358,419    -1.2%
           ========= =========          ========== ==========

Operating Profit (Loss) (c)
- ------------------------------
News Media
 Group     $  33,136 $  23,183    42.9% $  139,418 $  178,371   -21.8%
 Group         6,291     6,418    -2.0%     23,132     20,670    11.9%
Corporate   (11,322)  (11,716)    -3.4%   (36,631)   (34,448)     6.3%
           --------- ---------          ---------- ----------
Total      $  28,105 $  17,885    57.1% $  125,919 $  164,593   -23.5%
           ========= =========          ========== ==========

Operating Profit (Loss) Before Depreciation & Amortization and Special
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
News Media
 Group     $  79,223 $  55,396    43.0% $  295,245 $  272,631     8.3%
 Group        10,247     9,377     9.3%     33,639     29,534    13.9%
Corporate    (9,576)  (10,212)    -6.2%   (31,516)   (29,860)     5.5%
           --------- ---------          ---------- ----------
Total      $  79,894 $  54,561    46.4% $  297,368 $  272,305     9.2%
           ========= =========          ========== ==========

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

See footnotes page for additional information.

                      THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY
                        (Dollars in thousands)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         %                      %
                                     Change vs.             Change vs.
                       Third Quarter    2006    Nine Months    2006
                       ------------- ---------- ----------- ----------

 The New York Times
  Media Group
 Advertising           $     271,234       3.7% $   867,774      -2.0%
 Circulation                 162,896       6.0%     481,446       2.9%
 Other                        47,388      14.1%     133,607       8.3%
                       -------------            -----------
     Total             $     481,518       5.4% $ 1,482,827       0.4%
                       -------------            -----------

 New England Media
 Advertising           $      91,838      -5.7% $   289,414      -5.9%
 Circulation                  39,755      -1.8%     117,537      -2.9%
 Other                        11,498       3.2%      31,548      -1.9%
                       -------------            -----------
     Total             $     143,091      -4.0% $   438,499      -4.8%
                       -------------            -----------

 Regional Media Group
 Advertising           $      78,609     -11.6% $   253,020     -10.1%
 Circulation                  20,769      -0.1%      65,555      -0.8%
 Other                         5,648       1.3%      17,449      -0.5%
                       -------------            -----------
     Total             $     105,026      -8.9% $   336,024      -7.9%
                       -------------            -----------

 Total News Media
 Advertising           $     441,681      -1.4% $ 1,410,208      -4.4%
 Circulation                 223,420       3.9%     664,538       1.5%
 Other (a)                    64,534      10.8%     182,604       5.5%
                       -------------            -----------
     Total             $     729,635       1.2% $ 2,257,350      -2.0%
                       =============            ===========

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

See footnotes page for additional information.

                      THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY
                        (Dollars in thousands)

(a) Other revenues consist primarily of revenue from wholesale
     delivery operations, news services/syndication, digital archives,
     TimesSelect, Baseline StudioSystems, rental income and commercial

(b) In 2006 the Company announced plans to consolidate the printing
     operations of a facility it leases in Edison, N.J., into its
     newest facility in College Point, Queens. As part of the
     consolidation, the Company originally planned to sublease the
     Edison facility through 2018, the end of the then-existing lease
     term. After evaluating the options with respect to the lease, the
     Company decided it was financially prudent to purchase the Edison
     facility and sell it, with two adjacent properties it already
     owned, to a third party. The purchase and sale of the Edison
     facility closed in the second quarter of 2007, relieving the
     Company of rental terms that were above market as well as
     restoration obligations under the original lease. As a result of
     the sale, the Company recognized a pre-tax loss of $68.2 million
     in the second quarter.

(c) On May 7, 2007, the Company sold the Broadcast Media Group,
     consisting of nine network-affiliated television stations, their
     related Web sites and the digital operating center, for $575
     million. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
     144, Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived
     Assets, the Broadcast Media Group is treated as a discontinued
     operation. The Company has made reclassifications in all periods
     presented to reflect this change.

    Results for the Broadcast Media Group, included within
     discontinued operations, for the third quarter and nine months of
     2007 and 2006 are below. In the third quarter of 2007, the gain
     on the sale included post closing adjustments.

                                  ----------------- ------------------
                                    Third Quarter      Nine Months
                                  ----------------- ------------------

                                    2007     2006     2007     2006
                                  -------- -------- -------- ---------

Revenues                          $     -  $36,476  $46,702  $107,542

Pre-tax income                    $     -  $ 7,271  $ 9,848  $ 20,153

Income taxes                            -   (2,981)  (4,095)   (8,263)
                                  -------- -------- -------- ---------

Income from discontinued
 operations, net of income taxes-
 Broadcast Media Group                  -    4,290    5,753    11,890

Gain/(loss) on sale of Broadcast
 Media Group, net of income taxes
 of $0.7 million in the third
 quarter of 2007 and $96.2
 million for the nine months
 ending 2007                         (671)       -   93,659         -
                                  -------- -------- -------- ---------

Net (loss)/income                 $  (671) $ 4,290  $99,412  $ 11,890
                                  ======== ======== ======== =========

(d) See "Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Information" for reconciliations
     of operating profit(loss) to operating profit(loss) before
     depreciation and amortization and excluding special items. There
     were no such special items in the third quarters of 2007 and

                      THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY
                        (Dollars in thousands)

In this release, the Company has included non-GAAP financial
 information with respect to diluted earnings per share (EPS) from
 continuing operations excluding special items, operating profit(loss)
 before depreciation and amortization and excluding special items
 (however, there were no such special items in the third quarters of
 2007 or 2006), and operating costs before depreciation and
 amortization and excluding raw materials. The Company has included
 these non-GAAP financial measures because management reviews them on
 a regular basis and uses them to evaluate and manage the performance
 of the operations. Management believes that, for the reasons outlined
 below, these non-GAAP financial measures provide useful information
 to investors as a supplement to reported EPS from continuing
 operations, operating profit(loss) and operating costs. However,
 these measures should be evaluated only in conjunction with the
 comparable GAAP financial measures and should not be viewed as
 alternative measures of results.

Diluted EPS from continuing operations excluding special items
 provides useful information in evaluating the Company's period-to-
 period performance because it eliminates items that the Company does
 not consider to be indicative of earnings from ongoing operating
 activities. Operating profit(loss) before depreciation and
 amortization and excluding special items is useful in evaluating the
 Company's ongoing cash-generating ability as it excludes the
 significant non-cash impact of depreciation and amortization as well
 as items, if any, not indicative of ongoing operating activities.
 Total operating costs include depreciation and amortization and raw
 materials. Total operating costs excluding depreciation and
 amortization provide a useful measure of manageable costs. Total
 operating costs excluding depreciation and amortization and raw
 materials provide investors with helpful supplemental information on
 the Company's underlying operating costs.

Reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures from,
 respectively, diluted EPS from continuing operations, operating
 profit(loss) and total operating costs, the most directly comparable
 GAAP items, are set out in the tables below.

Reconciliation of diluted earnings per share from continuing
 operations excluding special items

                                       Third Quarter
                                  2007      2006   % Change
                               ---------- -------  ---------

Diluted EPS from continuing
 operations                    $     0.10 $  0.06      66.7%


     Accelerated depreciation        0.05       -

     Sale of Discovery Times
      Channel interest                  -    0.03
                               ---------- -------  ---------

Adjusted diluted EPS           $     0.15 $  0.09      66.7%
                               ========== =======  =========

Reconciliation of operating profit(loss) before depreciation and

                                         Third Quarter 2007
                               News Media  About               Total
                                 Group     Group   Corporate  Company
                               ---------- -------  --------- ---------

Operating profit(loss)         $   33,136 $ 6,291 $ (11,322) $  28,105

  Depreciation and
   amortization                    46,087   3,956      1,746    51,789
                               ---------- -------  --------- ---------

Operating profit(loss) before
 depreciation & amortization   $   79,223 $10,247 $  (9,576) $  79,894
                               ========== ======= ========== =========

                                         Third Quarter 2006
                               News Media  About               Total
                                 Group     Group   Corporate  Company
                               ---------- -------  --------- ---------

Operating profit(loss)         $   23,183 $ 6,418 $ (11,716) $  17,885

  Depreciation and
   amortization                    32,213   2,959      1,504    36,676
                               ---------- ------- ---------- ---------

Operating profit(loss) before
 depreciation & amortization   $   55,396 $ 9,377 $ (10,212) $  54,561
                               ========== ======= ====================

                                              % Change
                               News Media  About               Total
                                 Group     Group   Corporate  Company
                               ---------- -------  --------- ---------

Operating profit(loss)              42.9%   -2.0%      -3.4%     57.1%

  Depreciation and
   amortization                     43.1%   33.7%      16.1%     41.2%
                               ---------- -------  --------- ---------

Operating profit(loss) before
 depreciation & amortization        43.0%    9.3%      -6.2%     46.4%
                               ========== =======  ========= =========

Reconciliation of operating profit(loss) before depreciation and
 amortization and special items

                                          Nine Months 2007
                               News Media  About               Total
                                 Group     Group   Corporate  Company
                               ---------- -------  --------- ---------

Operating profit(loss)         $  139,418 $23,132 $ (36,631) $ 125,919

   Depreciation and
    amortization                  127,249  10,507      5,115   142,871

   Net loss on sale of assets      68,156       -          -    68,156

   Gain on sale of WQEW-AM       (39,578)       -          -  (39,578)
                               ---------- -------  --------- ---------

Operating profit(loss) before
 depreciation & amortization
 and special items             $  295,245 $33,639 $ (31,516) $ 297,368
                               ========== ======= ========== =========

                      THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY
                        (Dollars in thousands)

                                           Nine Months 2006
                                News Media  About              Total
                                  Group     Group   Corporate Company
                                ---------- -------- --------- --------

Operating profit(loss)          $  178,371 $ 20,670 $(34,448) $164,593

  Depreciation and amortization     94,260    8,864     4,588  107,712
                                ---------- -------- --------- --------
Operating profit(loss) before
 depreciation & amortization
 and special items              $  272,631 $ 29,534 $(29,860) $272,305
                                ========== ======== ========= ========

                                               % Change
                                News Media  About              Total
                                  Group     Group   Corporate Company
                                ---------- -------- --------- --------

Operating profit(loss)              -21.8%    11.9%      6.3%   -23.5%

  Depreciation and amortization      35.0%    18.5%     11.5%    32.6%
  Net loss on sale of assets             -        -         -        -
  Gain on sale of WQEW-AM                -        -         -        -
                                ---------- -------- --------- --------
Operating profit(loss) before
 depreciation & amortization
 and special items                    8.3%    13.9%      5.5%     9.2%
                                ========== ======== ========= ========

Reconciliation of total operating costs excluding depreciation and
 amortization and raw materials

                                        Third Quarter
                                   2007      2006   % Change
                                ---------- -------- ---------

Total operating costs           $  726,254 $721,701      0.6%

     Depreciation and
      amortization                  51,789   36,676
                                ---------- -------- ---------

Sub-total                          674,465  685,025     -1.5%


     Raw materials                  58,643   75,178
                                ---------- -------- ---------

Adjusted operating costs        $  615,822 $609,847      1.0%
                                ========== ======== =========

Reconciliation of News Media Group operating costs excluding
 depreciation and amortization

                                        Third Quarter
News Media Group                   2007      2006   % Change
- ------------------------------- ---------- -------- ---------

Operating costs                 $  696,499 $698,077     -0.2%

     Depreciation and
      amortization                  46,087   32,213
                                ---------- -------- ---------

Adjusted operating costs        $  650,412 $665,864     -2.3%
                                ========== ======== =========

    CONTACT: The New York Times Company
             Catherine J. Mathis, 212-556-1981
             Paula Schwartz, 212-556-5224