Exhibit 10.1

                           FOURTH AMENDED AND RESTATED
                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

("Agreement") is dated as of the [ ] day of February 2008, by and between WILLIS
GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED, a company established under the laws of Bermuda ("Willis
Holdings"), WILLIS NORTH AMERICA, INC. (Willis US", and collectively with Willis
Holdings, "Employer") and JOSEPH J. PLUMERI ("Executive").

                  WHEREAS, on October 15, 2000 (the "Commencement Date"), Willis
US and Willis Group Limited  (f/k/a Willis Group plc,  "Willis UK") entered into
an employment  agreement in order to employ  Executive as Executive  Chairman of
Willis US and  Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Willis UK, among other
things; and

                  WHEREAS, effective on or about May 8, 2001, as a result of the
exchange of ordinary shares of TAI Limited, a company established under the laws
of England  and Wales and the former  ultimate  parent  company of Willis UK and
Willis US, for shares of common stock of Willis Holdings (such stock,  "Holdings
Stock"),  Willis  Holdings  instead  become the ultimate  parent  company of TAI
Limited, Willis US and Willis UK (the "Share Exchange"); and

                  WHEREAS,  in connection with the Share  Exchange,  as of March
26, 2001, Willis US and Willis UK, along with Willis Holdings (collectively, the
"Willis  Group")  agreed  to  amend  and  restate  this  Agreement  (the  "First
Restatement"); and

                  WHEREAS, Willis Holdings, as the ultimate parent of Willis US,
became  jointly  and  severally  liable  with  Willis  US  for  all  obligations

                  WHEREAS,  the parties last amended and restated this Agreement
as of May 25, 2004, creating the Third Amended and Restated Employment Agreement
(the "Third Amendment"); and

                  WHEREAS,  the parties  desire to make  certain  changes to the
Third  Amendment,  including to extend the Term and to bring this Agreement into
compliance with Section 409A of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as it may be
amended from time to time ("Section 409A").

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants and
promises contained herein and for other valuable consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency  of which are  hereby  acknowledged,  the  parties  hereby  agree as

     1.  Employment,  Compensation  and  Benefits.  During  the  period  of this
Agreement,  Employer  agrees to employ  Executive  in the  capacity,  to pay the
remuneration, and to provide the benefits, described below.

     (a) Title and Duties.

         (i) During the Term (as defined in Section 2 herein),  Executive  shall
be  employed as  Executive  Chairman of Willis US, and shall hold the offices of
Executive  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Willis Holdings and Willis US
and the  offices of  Chairman,  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Senior  Managing
Director of Willis UK. During the Term,  Executive shall also be a member of the


Board of Directors of Willis  Holdings  (the "Board") (or such other most senior
governing board of Willis Holdings) and Executive  Committee of Willis Holdings,
Willis UK and  Willis  US.  Executive  shall also be  appointed  to such  senior
director  and  executive  positions,  as  the  Board,  after  consultation  with
Executive, deems appropriate, of each subsidiary of Willis Holdings.

                  (ii)   Executive   shall   have   the    customary     duties,
responsibilities  and authority of a chairman and a chief executive officer at a
corporation of a similar size and status as the Willis Group.

                  (iii) Executive shall report directly to the Board.

                  (iv)  Executive's  principal  office  shall be  located  at an
office of Willis US in Manhattan, New York City, New York.

     (b) Remuneration.

                  (i)  Base  Salary.   Beginning  on   the   Commencement  Date,
Executive's base salary shall be at the rate of $1,000,000 per annum, payable in
the United States in accordance with Willis U.S.'s normal payroll practices. The
amount of  Executive's  Base Salary  shall be reviewed  annually and may, at the
discretion of the Board, be adjusted (but never below the then Base Salary). Any
such increased amount shall constitute "Base Salary" hereunder. Unless otherwise
specified  hereunder,  all dollar  amounts  referred to in this Agreement are in
U.S. dollars and all amounts are to be paid in the United States.

                  (ii) Bonus. So  long  as Executive remains employed hereunder,
Executive  shall be  eligible  for an annual  bonus for each  fiscal year ending
during the Term (the "Fiscal Year") pursuant to the Employer's annual bonus plan
(currently The Willis Group Senior  Management  Incentive  Plan). So long as the
applicable performance criteria under the annual bonus plan for his position are
satisfied,  bonuses shall be paid to Executive as set forth on Exhibit A hereto.
The bonus for the 2007 fiscal year shall be paid in 2008 in accordance  with the
terms of this Agreement prior to this restatement.  Except as otherwise provided
on  Exhibit  A  hereto,  all  bonuses  shall be paid in the  calendar  year next
following the end of the fiscal year in which it is measured.

                  (iii) Deferral  of  Receipt of  Remuneration.  Executive shall
have the right to defer, on an annual basis,  receipt of his Base Salary and, to
the extent permitted by the Deferred  Compensation Plan, his annual bonus to the
full extent  provided and otherwise in  accordance  with the terms of Employer's
deferred  compensation  plan in which Executive  participates  (or any successor
plan thereto) as in effect from time to time (the "Deferred  Compensation Plan")
and Section 409A.

     (c) Benefits.

                  (i) Willis US Plans  Generally.   Employer  shall provide,  or
shall cause to be provided,  Executive with those benefits,  including  medical,
life  insurance,  disability,  pension  and other  benefit  programs,  plans and
practices to which  similarly-situated,  full-time executive employees of Willis
US and its subsidiaries  (commensurate with Executive's position with Willis US)
are  entitled  (under  the  applicable  benefit  plans  as in  effect  as of the
Commencement  Date or as may be amended from time to time),  as set forth in the


Staff Handbook (the "Company  Plans"),  as well as fringe benefits  commensurate
with the Executive's  position,  including,  at Employer's  expense,  reasonable
availability  of private  air  transportation,  as  determined  appropriate  for
business travel by Executive in his reasonable,  good faith discretion and, when
reasonably necessary for security reasons,  personal travel of Executive and his
family, unless otherwise expressly waived by Executive in writing.

                  (ii)  Deferred  Compensation  Benefit.  So  long  as Executive
remains employed by Employer  hereunder,  Executive shall be entitled to receive
an annual deferred  compensation credit of $800,000 (the "Deferred  Compensation
Benefit") under the Deferred  Compensation  Plan in respect of the Contract Year
beginning on October 15, 2003 and each full (or partial) Contract Year occurring
thereafter.  Each such  Deferred  Compensation  Benefit  shall be credited to an
account  established  for Executive  under the Deferred  Compensation  Plan (the
"Deferral  Account") in four equal  installments of $200,000 each,  beginning on
January 14, April 14, July 14 and October 14 of each Contract Year in respect of
which such  Deferred  Compensation  Benefit is being  credited.  Notwithstanding
anything set forth in this Agreement,  or the Deferral  Account to the contrary,
(A) Executive has received an additional Deferred Compensation Benefit credit in
respect of the Contract  Year ending on October 14, 2003,  of which one half was
credited on each of July 14, 2003 and October 14, 2003 and (B) on each date that
any Deferred Compensation Benefit is credited to the Deferral Account, Executive
shall be vested in, but not then entitled to payment of, such  credited  amount.
Subject to the foregoing,  all Deferred Compensation Benefits shall otherwise be
treated  under the  Deferred  Compensation  Plan in the same manner  (including,
without  limitation  but  subject to  Section  3(a)(ii)  below) as any  elective
deferrals  of Base Salary and annual bonus  amounts made by Executive  under the
Deferred Compensation Plan as provided in Section 1(b)(iii) above.

     (d) U.K.  Corporate  Housing.  The  Company  shall  continue to provide the
Executive with hotel housing when in London,  England on Company business at the
same level as provided in 2007.

     (e) Other Expenses.  All expenses of Executive  incurred in connection with
the  performance  of his  services  hereunder or prior  hereto,  other than with
respect  to the  commutation  by  Executive  from his home in New  Jersey to his
office in New York City,  shall be payable or reimbursed by Employer  (including
but not limited to those fringe benefits set forth in Sections 1(c)(i) and 1(d),
above) and, to the extent,  if any, such expenses would be taxable to Executive,
shall be grossed up by Employer such that  Executive  has no after-tax  cost for
such expenses or additional  gross-up  amount.  Expenses  shall be reimbursed as
soon  as   practicable   after   Executive   incurs  such  expense  and  submits
documentation  thereof (which shall be submitted  within ninety (90) days of the
incurrence of the expense).  All taxable payments and reimbursements,  including
any gross-up  payment  related to expenses  paid  pursuant to this Section 1(e),
shall be paid in accordance with Section 7(l)(iii) hereof.

     (f)  Indemnification.  Employer shall provide  Executive with Directors and
Officers and Errors and Omissions insurance in amounts reasonably  acceptable to
Executive.  Willis  Holdings  and Willis US each  agrees,  and shall cause their
respective  subsidiaries  to agree,  to indemnify and defend  Executive,  to the
fullest extent permitted by applicable law and by their  respective  Articles of
Incorporation and by-laws (or the applicable  equivalent  governing  documents),
with  respect to any and all claims  which  arise from or relate to  Executive's
duties as an officer,  member of the Board (and any other board of directors (or
equivalent   governing  entity)  of  Willis  UK,  Willis  US  or  any  of  their
affiliates),  employee of Willis US, and duties performed in connection with the


offices of Willis UK and Willis Holdings held by Executive, or as a fiduciary of
any employee  benefit plan or a similar capacity with any other entity for which
Executive  is  performing  services at  Employer's  request,  whether  performed
heretofore or hereafter.

     (g) Equity Participation.

                  (i) General. The provisions of the Third Amendment as to prior
equity grants shall continue to apply.

                  (ii) Registration  Rights.  Executive  shall  be  entitled  to
registration rights in accordance with the 2004 Registration Rights Agreement.

                  (iii) Change of Control. The  definition  of Change of Control
applicable  to any  equity  grant  made to the  Executive  or in any  equity  or
employee  benefit  plan as it  applies  to  Executive  shall  be the same as the
definition of Change of Control set forth herein,  provided that this subsection
(ii) shall not apply to any already  outstanding equity grant as of May 25, 2004
to the extent  application of it would result in an adverse accounting charge to
the Employer because of a change in the definition of Change in Control.

                  (iv) 2008 Equity  Grant. Executive  shall be entitled to stock
option grants as provided in Exhibit B hereto.

                  (v) Future Grants. Executive shall be eligible for such future
equity awards as determined by the Compensation Committee of the Board.

     (h)  Executive  shall be  entitled  to  vacation  time and  holidays as are
provided in general to executive employees of Willis US but shall, in any event,
be entitled to no less than four (4) weeks of vacation per year. Any unused days
accrued in a particular year may not be carried over to a subsequent year.

     2. Term and Termination.

     (a) Term.  This  Agreement  shall become  effective as of the  Commencement
Date.  Unless terminated  earlier pursuant to Section 2(b),  below,  Executive's
employment  hereunder  shall  remain in effect  until the annual  meeting of the
Employer occurring in 2011. For purposes of this Agreement,  the employment term
(which  began on the  Commencement  Date) shall be deemed to be the "Term",  and
each  twelve-month  period  commencing  on the  Commencement  Date  and on  each
anniversary  thereof occurring during the Term shall be deemed to be a "Contract

     (b)  Termination.  The Term shall  terminate on the earlier to occur of (i)
the expiration of the Term and (ii) the date upon which  Executive's  employment
is terminated by Employer or Executive. Subject to the conditions and procedures
of Section  3(d)(iii) and (iv),  below,  either party may terminate the Term and
Executive's employment at any time by providing 90 days' prior written notice to
the other party of the termination of Executive's  employment.  A termination by
either  Employer  shall be deemed a  termination  by the  Employer and all other
members of the Willis Group and their respective subsidiaries.


     3. Effect of Certain Terminations.

     (a) Termination  without Cause by Employer or Resignation  with Good Reason
by  Executive.  If at any time during the Term,  Employer  terminates  Executive
without Cause (as defined below) or the Executive terminates his employment with
the Willis Group for Good Reason (as defined below), Executive shall be entitled
to the following:

                  (i) Subject to Section  7(l) hereof,  within  thirty (30) days
after such termination,  Employer shall pay to Executive as severance the lesser
of (x) Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) and (y) Two Million Dollars (2,000,000)
multiplied  by a  fraction,  the  numerator  of which is the  number  of  months
remaining in the Term (without regard to the Termination) and the denominator of
which is twelve (12); provided, however, if (I) after the occurrence of a Change
in Control (or prior thereto,  at the direction of an  anticipated  successor or
otherwise in connection therewith), Executive's employment is terminated for any
reason by Employer (or their respective successors) or (II) after the occurrence
of a Change in Control,  Executive's  employment is terminated by Executive with
or without Good Reason, then, in lieu of Executive's  entitlements for severance
as set forth above,  Employer (or its applicable successor) shall be required to
pay Executive as severance,  subject to Section 7(l) hereof,  within thirty (30)
days  after  such   termination,   an  amount  equal  to  Six  Million   Dollars
($6,000,000); and

                  (ii) Employer  shall  provide,  or shall cause to be provided,
Executive  with his (x) Accrued  Amounts (as defined  below) and (y) his Accrued
Rights (as defined below);  provided,  however,  that any Deferred  Compensation
Benefit that would otherwise have been credited to Executive's  Deferral Account
pursuant  to Section  1(c)(ii)  above if  Executive  had  remained  employed  by
Employer hereunder for the balance of the Term shall instead be credited in full
to the Deferral Account  effective as of the date of such  termination,  and all
Deferred  Compensation  Benefits  then  credited to the Deferral  Account  shall
otherwise be paid to Executive pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions
of the Deferred  Compensation  Plan and in  accordance  with the  provisions  of
Section 409A, as applicable.

     (b) Other Terminations. In the case of any other termination not covered by
Section 3(a) alone,  Executive shall only be entitled to his Accrued Amounts and
Accrued  Rights;  provided,  however,  that after the  occurrence of a Change in
Control, if Executive terminates his employment without Good Reason, Executive's
Deferred  Compensation Benefits shall be credited and payable in the same manner
and pursuant to the same terms as set forth in Section 3(a)(ii) above.

     (c) No Mitigation;  No Offset.  The amounts due under Section 3(a) shall be
paid without any obligation of mitigation or offset for future earnings or other
amounts, and shall be paid without setoff,  counterclaims or defense.  Executive
shall not be eligible for any amounts of a similar  nature that would be payable
to Executive pursuant to other severance plans of the Willis Group.

     (d) Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, the capitalized terms used
above shall have the following meanings:

                  (i) "Accrued  Amounts" shall mean (x) all accrued  but  unpaid
Base Salary and vacation pay, to be paid  promptly  after  termination;  (y) any
bonus due as a result of actual  performance but unpaid for any completed fiscal
year, to be paid in the calendar year of such  termination when bonuses are paid


to its  senior  level  executives  in respect to such  fiscal  year;  and (z) in
respect  of the  Fiscal  Year in which the  termination  occurs,  payment  of an
amount, (the "Prorated Bonus") equal to a pro rated portion of the actual annual
bonus  earned  based  on  performance  during  the  Fiscal  Year  in  which  the
termination  occurs  based  on  actual  results,  which  bonus  shall be paid to
Executive in the calendar year next  following the calendar year of  termination
and at the same  time as said  payment  would  be made if  Executive  was  still
employed  by  the  Employer;  provided,  however,  that  upon a  termination  of
Executive's employment for Cause or by Executive without Good Reason (other than
as a result of death, Disability,  Mutual Retirement (as defined below) prior to
the end of the  Term or at or  after  the  annual  meeting  in  2011),  "Accrued
Amounts"  shall not  include a Prorated  Bonus in respect of the Fiscal  Year in
which the termination occurs.

                  (ii) "Accrued  Rights" shall  mean any amounts or benefits due
to Executive under any benefit or equity plan or program (other than a severance
plan),  and Executive's  rights under Sections 1(c), 1(e), 1(f), 4 and 7 hereof,
payable in accordance with the terms of such plan or program.

                  (iii) "Cause"  shall  mean (A)  Executive's  conviction of, or
pleading nolo contendere to, a misdemeanor  involving sexual  misconduct or to a
felony (other than a traffic infraction not involving actual imprisonment),  (B)
Executive's willful and continuous misconduct with regard to his material duties
and  responsibilities  which causes  demonstrable  harm of a material nature (C)
Executive's  serious or persistent  breach of Executive's  material  obligations
under this  Agreement  (including  any  repeated  failure to abide by the legal,
written  directives  presented to him by the Board,  which directives are not in
violation of Section 1(a)(ii)  hereof) or (D) gross negligence  (other then as a
result of physical or mental  impairment)  with regard to his duties;  provided,
that,  in the case of (B),  (C) and  (D),  above,  such  misconduct,  breach  or
negligence  was not resolved or cured within  fifteen  (15) days  following  the
applicable Employer's written notice to Executive of the Employer's intention to
terminate  Executive's  employment for Cause as a result of such  circumstances,
which notice  (pursuant  to Section  2(b))  describes  such  circumstances  with
sufficient  particularity to give Executive a reasonable  opportunity to resolve
or cure  any  such  misconduct,  breach  or  negligence.  For  purposes  of this
definition,  an act (or omission) shall not be deemed "willful", if, in the good
faith belief of Executive,  such act (or omission) was in the best  interests of
the Willis Group (or any of their respective subsidiaries),  and such belief was

                  (iv)  "Change   of   Control"  means  (a) the  acquisition  of
ownership,  directly or indirectly,  beneficially or of record, by any Person or
group (within the meaning of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules
of the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  thereunder as in effect on the date
hereof),  of  equity  interests  representing  more  than  30% of the  aggregate
ordinary voting power represented by the issued and outstanding equity interests
of Willis Holdings; (b) occupation of a majority of the seats (other than vacant
seats) on the board of directors of Willis  Holdings by Persons who were neither
(i) nominated by the board of directors of Willis Holdings nor (ii) appointed by
directors  so  nominated;  provided a Person shall not be deemed so nominated or
appointed if such  nomination or appointment is the result of a proxy contest or
a threatened proxy contest;  (c) the failure of Willis Holdings to own, directly
or indirectly,  at least 50% of the aggregate  ordinary voting power represented
by the issued and  outstanding  equity  interests of Willis US (or the successor
entity owing all or substantially  all of the assets  previously owned by Willis
US if such  assets  are  transferred);  (d) a  merger,  consolidation  or  other
corporate  transaction  of  Willis  Holdings  (a  "Transaction")  such  that the


shareholders of Willis Holdings immediately prior to such Transaction do not own
more than 50 percent of the  aggregate  ordinary  voting power of the  surviving
entity (or its parent)  immediately  after such Transaction in approximately the
same proportion to each other as immediately  prior to the Transaction;  (e) the
sale  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets  of  Willis  Holdings  or (f)
approval by the  shareholders  of Willis  Holdings of a plan of  liquidation  or
dissolution of Willis Holdings.

                  (v)   "Good  Reason"  shall   mean  Executive  terminates  his
employment  as a result of (A) any  diminution by any member of the Willis Group
of his titles,  positions or status within the Willis Group, without Executive's
written   consent   thereof,   (B)  any  material   diminution  of  his  duties,
responsibilities or authority, or the assignment to him of any duties materially
inconsistent  with his positions  within the Willis Group,  without  Executive's
written  consent  thereof,  (C) any relocation of his principal  office from New
York, New York, without  Executive's  written consent thereof,  (D) any material
breach of this Agreement by Employer,  (E) the occurrence of a Change in Control
or (F) the Board  repeatedly  overrides,  supersedes  or  disregards  reasonable
decisions by Executive or  recommendations  made by Executive to the Board, such
that the Board  materially  interferes with  Executive's  ability to effectively
function as the Executive  Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer,  or the Board
otherwise  takes actions that  constructively  represent a lack of confidence in
Executive's ability to perform his duties and responsibilities;  provided,  that
in all cases  (other than (E) above),  such action or breach is not  resolved or
cured within fifteen (15) days following Executive's written notice (pursuant to
Section  2(b)) to  Employer  of the event  that he asserts is the basis for Good
Reason,  and which  event or behavior  Employer  does not resolve or cure during
such 15-day period.

                  (vi) "Mutual  Retirement"   shall  mean a Retirement  with the
mutual agreement of the Executive and the Board with a successor chief executive
officer approved by both in writing in place.

                  (vii)  "Retirement"   shall  mean  Executive's  termination of
employment  with the Willis Group after  Executive  has been  employed  with the
Willis Group for at least five years following the Commencement Date.

                  (viii)  "Section   409A"  shall   mean  Section  409A  of  the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as it may be amended from time to time.

     (e) Disability  Termination.  Employer may terminate Executive's employment
as a result of a  "Disability"  if Executive,  as a result of mental or physical
incapacity,  has  been  unable  to  perform  his  material  duties  for  six (6)
consecutive  months (or 180 days in any 360-day period).  Such termination shall
be only permitted while Executive is still so disabled and shall be effective on
thirty (30) days written  notice to Executive,  provided  that such  termination
shall not be  effective  if Executive  returns to full time  performance  of his
material  duties  within such thirty (30) day period and  continues in such full
time  capacity  (which full time status shall be deemed to continue  even in the
event that vacation or intermittent  and de minimis sick leave is taken) for six
(6) consecutive months thereafter. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that
Executive  does return to full time  performance  but does not  continue in such
full time capacity for six (6)) consecutive months  thereafter,  the termination
shall be deemed  effective on thirty (30) days written notice following the most
recent  date that  Executive  fails to  continue  in such  full  time  capacity.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event that as a result of absence because
of mental or physical  incapacity  Executive  incurs a "separation from service"


within the meaning of such term under Section 409A, Executive shall on such date
automatically be terminated from employment as a Disability Termination.

     4. Excise Tax.

     (a) In the  event it shall be  determined  that  any  payment,  benefit  or
distribution (or combination thereof) by Employer, any of Employer's affiliates,
one or more trusts established by Employer for the benefit of its employees,  or
any other person or entity, to or for the benefit of Executive  (whether paid or
payable or distributed or distributable pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,
or  otherwise  pursuant to or by reason of any other  agreement,  policy,  plan,
program or arrangement,  including  without  limitation any stock option,  stock
appreciation  right,  phantom  equity awards or similar  right,  or the lapse or
termination of any  restriction on the vesting or  exercisability  of any of the
foregoing) (a  "Payment")  would be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section
4999 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") by reason of
being  "contingent  on a change in  ownership or control" of Willis US or Willis
Holdings,  within Section 280G of the Code (or any successor  provision thereto)
or any  interest or penalties  are  incurred by  Executive  with respect to such
excise tax (such excise tax,  together  with any such  interest  and  penalties,
hereinafter  collectively referred to as the "Excise Tax"), then Executive shall
be entitled to receive an additional payment or payments (a "Gross-Up  Payment")
in an amount such that after  payment by Executive of all taxes  (including  any
interest or penalties  imposed with respect to such taxes),  including,  without
limitation,  any income  taxes (and any  interest  and  penalties  imposed  with
respect thereto) and the Excise Tax imposed upon the Gross-Up Payment, Executive
retains an amount of the Gross-Up  Payment  equal to the Excise Tax imposed upon
the Payments.

     (b) Subject to the  provisions of Section 4(a) hereof,  all  determinations
required to be made under this Section 4, including  whether and when a Gross-Up
Payment is required and the amount of such Gross-Up  Payment and the assumptions
to be utilized in arriving at such determination,  shall be made by a nationally
recognized  certified  public  accounting firm as may be designated by Employer,
and reasonably  satisfactory to Executive (the "Accounting  Firm"),  which shall
provide detailed  supporting  calculations both to Employer and Executive within
fifteen  (15)  business  days of  Termination  Date,  or such earlier time as is
requested by Employer;  provided that for purposes of determining  the amount of
any Gross-Up  Payment,  it is recognized  that Executive will pay federal income
tax at the highest marginal rates applicable to individuals in the calendar year
in which any such  Gross-Up  Payment is to be made to pay state and local income
taxes at the highest  effective rates  applicable to individuals in the state or
locality of Executive's residence or place of employment in the calendar year in
which any such Gross-Up  Payment is to be made, net of the maximum  reduction in
federal income taxes that can be obtained from deduction of such state and local
taxes,  taking into account  limitations  applicable to  individuals  subject to
federal income tax at the highest  marginal rates.  All fees and expenses of the
Accounting  Firm shall be borne solely by Employer.  Any  Gross-Up  Payment,  as
determined  pursuant to this  Section 4, shall be paid by Employer to  Executive
(or  to the  appropriate  taxing  authority  on  Executive's  behalf)  when  due
immediately  prior to the date  Executive  is  required  to make  payment of any
Excise Tax or other taxes.  If the Accounting Firm determines that no Excise Tax
is payable by Executive,  it shall so indicate to Executive in writing,  with an
opinion that Executive has substantial authority not to report any Excise Tax on
his/her federal state,  local income or other tax return.  Any  determination by
the  Accounting  Firm shall be binding upon Employer and the Executive  absent a
contrary  determination  by the Internal Revenue Service or a court of competent
jurisdiction;  provided,  however, that no such determination shall eliminate or


reduce  Employer's  obligation to provide any Gross-Up Payment that shall be due
as a result of such contrary  determination.  As a result of the  uncertainty in
the application of Section 4999 of the Code (or any successor provision thereto)
and the possibility of similar  uncertainty  regarding state or local tax law at
the time of any  determination by the Accounting Firm hereunder,  it is possible
that the amount of the Gross-Up Payment  determined by the Accounting Firm to be
due to (or on behalf  of)  Executive  was lower  than the  amount  actually  due
("Underpayment").  In the event that Employer  exhausts its remedies pursuant to
Section  4(c) and  Executive  thereafter  is  required  to make a payment of any
Excise Tax, the Accounting Firm shall  determine the amount of the  Underpayment
that has occurred as promptly as possible and notify  Employer and  Executive of
such calculations,  and any such Underpayment (including the Gross-Up Payment to
Executive) shall be promptly paid by Employer to or for the benefit of Executive
within  five  (5)  business  days  after  receipt  of  such   determination  and

     (c) Executive shall notify Employer in writing of any claim by the Internal
Revenue  Service that, if  successful,  would require the payment by Employer of
any Gross-Up Payment.  Such  notification  shall be given as soon as practicable
but no later than ten (10) business days after  Executive is informed in writing
of such  claim and shall  apprise  Employer  of the nature of such claim and the
date on which such claim is requested to be paid.  The  Executive  shall not pay
such claim prior to the  expiration of the thirty (30) day period  following the
date on which he gives such notice to Employer (or such shorter period ending on
the date that any  payment  of taxes  with  respect  to such  claim is due).  If
Employer  notifies  Executive in writing prior to the  expiration of such period
that it desires to contest  such claim,  Executive  shall (i) give  Employer any
information which is in Executive's  possession reasonably requested by Employer
relating to such claim, (ii) take such action in connection with contesting such
claim as  Employer  shall  reasonably  request  in  writing  from  time to time,
including,  without limitation,  accepting legal  representation with respect to
such claim by an attorney reasonably selected by Employer,  (iii) cooperate with
Employer in good faith in order to  effectively  contest  such  claim,  and (iv)
permit  Employer  to  participate  in any  proceedings  relating  to such claim;
provided,  however,  that  Employer  shall bear and pay  directly  all costs and
expenses  (including  additional  interest and penalties) incurred in connection
with such  contest  and  shall  indemnify  and hold  Executive  harmless,  on an
after-tax  basis,  for any  Excise  Tax or income tax  (including  interest  and
penalties with respect thereto) imposed as a result of such  representation  and
payment of costs and expenses. Without limitation on the foregoing provisions of
this Section 4(c),  Employer shall control all  proceedings  taken in connection
with such  contest  and,  at its sole  option,  may pursue or forego any and all
administrative  appeals,  proceedings,  hearings and conferences with the taxing
authority  in respect of such claim and may, at its sole option,  either  direct
Executive  to pay the tax  claimed  and sue for a refund or contest the claim in
any  permissible  manner,  and Executive  agrees to prosecute  such contest to a
determination  before  any  administrative  tribunal,  in  a  court  of  initial
jurisdiction and in one or more appellate  courts,  as Employer shall determine;
provided,  further, that if Employer directs Executive to pay such claim and sue
for a refund,  Employer  shall pay the  amount of such claim to  Executive,  and
shall indemnify and hold Executive  harmless,  on an after-tax  basis,  from any
Excise Tax or income tax (including  interest or penalties with respect thereto)
imposed with respect to such payment or with respect to any imputed  income with
respect to such payment (including the applicable  Gross-Up Payment);  provided,
further,  that if Executive is required to extend the statute of  limitations to
enable Employer to contest such claim, Executive may limit this extension solely
to such contested amount.  Employer's control of the contest shall be limited to
issues with respect to which a Gross-Up  Payment would be payable  hereunder and


Executive shall be entitled to settle or contest,  as the case may be, any other
issue raised by the Internal Revenue Service or any other taxing authority.  The
reimbursement  of  expenses  incurred  by  Executive  due  to a tax  contest  or
litigation  addressing the existence or amount of an Excise Tax liability  shall
be  reimbursed  promptly,  but in no  event  be made  later  than the end of the
calendar  year next  following  the  calendar  year in which the taxes  that are
subject of the contest or litigation are remitted to the taxing authority (or if
no taxes are  remitted as a result of such audit or  litigation,  the end of the
calendar  year next  following the calendar year in which the audit is completed
or there is a final and  nonappealable  settlement  or other  resolution  of the
litigation).  In addition,  without extending the time of any obligation in this
Section 4, any tax Gross-Up  Payment  shall be made no later than the end of the
calendar year next following the calendar year in which the Executive remits the
related tax.

     (d) If,  after the  receipt  by  Executive  of an amount  paid by  Employer
pursuant to this  Section 4,  Executive  becomes  entitled to receive any refund
with  respect to a Gross-Up  Payment,  Executive  shall  (subject to  Employer's
complying  with the  requirements  of Section 4(c)) promptly pay to Employer the
amount of such refund  received  (together  with any  interest  paid or credited
thereon after taxes applicable thereto).  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the
event  that the  obligation  to refund any amount  shall be a  violation  of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, such obligation to refund shall be null and void.

     (e) To the extent that the applicable  regulations  under Code Section 280G
permits  a  later   recalculation   by  the   Employer,   or  requires  a  later
recalculation,  of whether  the  Payments  are  subject to the Excise  Tax,  the
provisions   of  this  Section  4  shall  again  be  applied   based  upon  such

     5.  Ownership  of  Business.  All  business  activity  participated  in  by
Executive as an employee of Employer,  and  Executive's  execution of his duties
and responsibilities to the Willis Group and their related entities as set forth
in Section 1(a),  above (the "Business  Activity")  shall be conducted solely on
behalf of Employer and their related entities.  Executive shall have no right to
share in any commission or fee resulting from such Business Activity, other than
the compensation  referred to in Section 1(b),  above, and any monies due to any
member of the Willis  Group or their  related  entities  as a result of Business
Activity  which may be  collected  by Executive on behalf of the Willis Group or
their  related  entities  shall be promptly  paid over to of the Willis Group or
their related entities, as applicable.

     6.  Confidential  Information;   Noncompetition  and  Nonsolicitation.   In
consideration of Employer entering into this Agreement with Executive, Executive
hereby agrees effective as of the Effective Date that,  without Employer's prior
written  consent,  Executive  shall not while employed by the Employer and for a
period of one year following termination of Employee's employment with Employer:

     (a) On behalf of an  entity,  which,  aggregated  with its  affiliates,  is
primarily in the insurance brokerage  business,  directly or indirectly solicit,
accept,  or  perform,  other than on  Employer's  behalf,  insurance  brokerage,
insurance agency, risk management,  claims  administration,  consulting or other
business  performed  by the  Employer  from or with  respect  to (i)  clients of
Employer with whom Employee had business contact or provided services to, either
alone or with others,  while employed by Employer and,  further  provided,  such
clients were clients of Employer either on the date of termination of Employee's
employment with Employer or within twelve (12) months prior to such  termination
(the "Restricted  Clients") and (ii) active prospective clients of Employer with


whom  Employee  had  business  contacts  regarding  the business of the Employer
within  six (6)  months  prior to  termination  of  Employee's  employment  with
Employer (the "Restricted Prospects").

     (b)  Directly  or  indirectly,  other  than in  performing  his  duties for
Employer,  (i) solicit any employee of Employer ("Protected  Employees") to work
for Employee or any third party, including any competitor (whether an individual
or a competing company) of Employer or (ii) induce any such employee of Employer
to leave the  employ of  Employer,  provided  the  foregoing  shall not apply to
Executive's  personal assistants and personal  non-executive staff, shall not be
violated by general  advertising  not  specifically  targeted at the  Employer's
employees  and shall not prevent  Executive  from serving as a reference for any
given individual.

     (c)  Provide  services  to  Aon  Corporation  or  Marsh,   Inc.  (or  their
subsidiaries)  as  an  employee,  consultant  or  director,  provided  that  the
foregoing  shall  not  prevent  Executive  from  providing  such  services  to a
conglomerate that hereafter  acquires such entities that is not primarily in the
insurance  brokerage  business and services to such entities by Executive is not
the primary focus of Executive's position.

For purposes of this  paragraph 6,  "Territories"  shall refer to those counties
where the Restricted Clients,  Restricted  Prospects,  or Protected Employees of
Employer are present and available for solicitation.

     7. Miscellaneous

     (a) Integrated  Agreement.  Except as otherwise provided in this Section 6,
this document,  together with the letter  agreement  dated as of March 26, 2001,
which shall remain in full force and effect, embodies the complete understanding
and  agreement  of  the  parties  hereto  relating  to  Executive's  employment;
provided,  however,  that, except as otherwise  provided in Section 1(g), above,
this  Agreement  shall  be in  addition  to and not in  lieu  of the  agreements
relating to Executive's  subscription  to,  purchase of, and option to purchase,
Holdings Stock, as referenced in Section 1(g),  above. This Agreement may not be
amended or  terminated  orally,  but only by a writing  executed  by the parties

     (b) Severability; Effect of Certain Securities Laws and Other Restrictions.
If any term of this  Agreement  is  rendered,  declared or held to be invalid or
unenforceable  by  any  judicial,  legislative  or  administrative  action,  the
remaining  provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect,  shall in no
way be  affected,  impaired  or  invalidated,  and shall be enforced to the full
extent permitted by law and equity.  In addition,  notwithstanding  anything set
forth in this Agreement to the contrary, in the event and to the extent that any
term of this Agreement (or benefit provided  hereunder) is or becomes prohibited
by  applicable  securities  laws  (and  any  rules  or  regulations  promulgated
thereunder)  or rules or  regulations of any exchange on which Holdings Stock is
traded,  such term or benefit  shall be suspended  unless and until such term or
benefit  ceases  to be  prohibited  by such  laws,  rules  or  regulations,  and
Executive  hereby  acknowledges  and agrees  that any such  suspension  will not
constitute a breach of this Agreement by Employer.

     (c) Notices.  Any notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent by
certified  mail or a  nationally  recognized  courier  service,  with  proof  of
delivery,  to the  addresses  set forth  below  (or,  in the event of an address


change by either party, to the  then-current  address of the party, as specified
in any written  change-of-address  notice properly  furnished under this Section

         If to Employer, then to:

                               Willis North America, Inc.
                               26 Century Boulevard
                               Nashville, Tennessee 37214
                               Attention:  Mary Caizzo, Esq.

                               Willis Group Holdings Limited
                               c/o Willis of New York, Inc.
                               One World Financial Center
                               200 Liberty Street
                               New York, New York 10281
                               Attention:  Adam Ciongoli, Esq.

         If to Executive:

                               To Executive's most recent address set forth in
                               the personnel records of Willis US

         With a copy to:

                               Proskauer Rose LLP
                               1585 Broadway
                               New York, New York 10036
                               Attention:  Michael S. Sirkin, Esq.

     (d) Governing Law; Remedies.  The substantive laws of New York shall govern
this Agreement,  without giving effect to its conflicts of law  principles.  Any
disputes or issues  arising out of or relating to any equity in Willis  Holdings
that  Executive  has  received or may become  entitled to receive  shall also be
governed  by the laws of the  State of New York or,  with  respect  to any stock
options   granted  on  Holdings   Stock   (except  to  the  extent  it  involves
interpretation  under the Employment  Agreement),  the laws of Bermuda,  without
regard to conflicts of law principles in any event.  Executive acknowledges that
there is no adequate remedy at law for any breach of the provisions of Section 6
of this  Agreement and that,  in addition to any other  remedies to which it may
otherwise  be  entitled  as a  matter  of law,  Employer  shall be  entitled  to
injunctive relief in the event of any such breach.

     (e) Waiver.  The waiver by any party of any breach of this Agreement  shall
not  operate  or be  construed  as a  waiver  of that  party's  rights  upon any
subsequent or different breach.

     (f) Successors and Assigns; Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall
inure to the benefit of and be binding upon and  enforceable  against the heirs,
legal  representatives and assigns of Executive and the successors and permitted
assigns of Employer.  Any amounts due Executive as of his death shall be paid to
his designated beneficiary,  or if none, his estate. Willis Holdings' direct and


indirect subsidiaries are intended third-party beneficiaries of all promises and
covenants made by Executive herein in favor of Willis US in Section 6 hereof. As
such, insofar as they are affected by any breach of this Agreement by Executive,
Willis  Holdings'  direct and  indirect  subsidiaries  may  enforce  Executive's
covenants and promises herein to the same extent that Employer has a right to do
so.  Neither  Willis  Holdings  nor Willis US may assign this  Agreement  or its
rights  hereunder  except as part of a sale of, and to the  acquirer  of, all or
substantially  all of the securities  and/or assets of Willis Holdings or Willis
US and then only if the assignee and the ultimate  parent entity of the assignee
(if  applicable)  promptly  deliver to  Executive  a written  assumption  of the
obligations  hereunder in a form reasonably  acceptable to Executive (or, to the
extent  otherwise  required to bind an entity other than an entity  incorporated
under the laws of the United States, the equivalent documentation therefor).

     (g)  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be signed in  counterparts,  each of
which shall be an original,  with the same effect as if the  signatures  thereto
and hereto were upon the same instrument.

     (h) Legal Fees.  Employer shall promptly pay Executive's  reasonable  legal
and  financial  advisory  fees  incurred in  connection  with entering into this
Agreement  and shall,  to the extent such amounts would be taxable to Executive,
fully gross up such payments so that Executive  shall have no net after-tax cost
in respect of such  payments.  Any  reimbursement  hereunder  that is treated as
taxable  income  shall be paid to  Executive  promptly  and in  accordance  with
Section 7(l)(iii) hereof.

     (i)  Arbitration.  Any dispute  hereunder or with regard to any document or
agreement  referred to herein,  other than injunctive  relief under Section 7(d)
hereof,  shall be  resolved  by  arbitration  before  the  American  Arbitration
Association  in New York City,  New York.  The  determination  of the arbitrator
shall be final and binding on the parties hereto and may be entered in any court
of competent  jurisdiction.  In the event of any  arbitration  or other disputes
with regard to this  Agreement or any other  document or  agreement  referred to
herein,  Employer shall pay Executive's  legal fees and  disbursements  promptly
upon presentation of invoices thereof,  subject to an obligation of Executive to
repay  such  amounts  if an  arbitrator  finds  Executive's  positions  in  such
arbitration or dispute to have been frivolous or made in bad faith. In the event
of any  arbitration or other disputes with regard to this Agreement or any other
document or agreement  referred to herein,  such fees and costs shall be paid by
the Employer prior to final  disposition  and promptly as such fees are incurred
and submitted to the Employer for payment on a quarterly basis which  submission
shall be made within forty-five (45) days after the end of such quarter, subject
to an  obligation  of  Executive to repay such  amounts if an  arbitrator  finds
Executive's  positions in such  arbitration or dispute to have been frivolous or
made in bad faith.

     (j) Jurisdiction. Willis US and Willis Holdings each hereby consents to the
jurisdiction  of the  federal  and  state  courts  in  the  State  of New  York,
irrevocably  waives any objection it may now or hereafter  have to laying of the
venue of any suit,  action,  or proceeding in connection  with this Agreement in
any such court,  and agrees that service upon it shall be  sufficient if made by
registered mail, and agrees not to asset the defense of forum nonconveniens.

     (k) Joint and Several  Liability.  Willis US and Willis Holdings shall each
be jointly and  severally  liable to Executive for all  obligations  of Employer
hereunder  and,  in the event of any  failure of such  obligations  to be timely


fulfilled,  Executive may seek applicable  remedies  against either Willis US or
Willis  Holdings,  or both,  without  adversely  affecting his rights under this
Agreement. Any determination by an arbitrator against either Willis US or Willis
Holdings shall be deemed a determination with regard to both such entities.

     (l) Section 409A.

                  (i) The  intent  of the parties is that  payments and benefits
under this Agreement  comply with Section 409A and the  regulations and guidance
promulgated thereunder and, accordingly,  to the maximum extent permitted,  this
Agreement  shall be  interpreted  to be in  compliance  therewith.  If Executive
notifies  the  Employer  (with  specificity  as to  the  reason  therefor)  that
Executive  believes  that any  provision of this  Agreement  (or of any award of
compensation,  including equity  compensation or benefits) would cause Executive
to incur any  additional  tax or interest  under  Section  409A and the Employer
concurs with such belief or the Employer  (without any obligation  whatsoever to
do so)  independently  makes  such  determination,  the  Employer  shall,  after
consulting  with  Executive,  reform  such  provision  to attempt to comply with
Section 409A through good faith  modifications to the minimum extent  reasonably
appropriate  to conform  with  Section  409A.  To the extent that any  provision
hereof is modified in order to comply with Section 409A, such modification shall
be made in good faith and shall,  to the  maximum  extent  reasonably  possible,
maintain the original intent and economic  benefit to Executive and the Employer
of the applicable  provision  without  violating the provisions of Section 409A.
The Employer shall  promptly  modify all plans,  programs and payroll  practices
that Executive participates in to comply with Section 409A.

                  (ii) A termination of employment shall not be deemed  to  have
occurred  for  purposes of any  provision of this  Agreement  providing  for the
payment of any amounts or benefits upon or following a termination of employment
unless such  termination is also a "separation  from service" within the meaning
of Section  409A and,  for  purposes of any such  provision  of this  Agreement,
references to a  "termination,"  "termination of employment" or like terms shall
mean  "separation  from  service."  If  Executive  is  deemed  on  the  date  of
termination to be a "specified  employee"  within the meaning of that term under
Section  409A(a)(2)(B),  then with regard to any payment or the provision of any
benefit  that is  specified  herein as subject to this  Section or is  otherwise
considered  "deferred  compensation"  under  Section  409A  (whether  under this
Agreement,  any other  plan,  program,  payroll  practice  or any equity  grant)
(including but not limited to the Restricted  Stock Units granted March 14, 2007
and each grant  hereafter  made in accordance  with Exhibit A hereto) and is due
upon Executive's  separation from service,  such payment or benefit shall not be
made or provided  until the date which is the earlier of (A) the  expiration  of
the six  (6)-month  period  measured  from  the  date of such  "separation  from
service" of the  Executive,  and (B) the date of  Executive's  death (the "Delay
Period") and this  Agreement and each such plan,  program,  payroll  practice or
equity grant shall hereby be deemed amended accordingly.  Upon the expiration of
the Delay  Period,  all payments and benefits  delayed  pursuant to this Section
7(l)(ii)  (whether they would have  otherwise been payable in a single sum or in
installments  in the  absence  of such  delay)  shall be paid or  reimbursed  to
Executive in a lump sum with interest at the prime rate as published in the Wall
Street Journal on the first business day of the Delay Period  (provided that any
payment  measured by a change in value that  continues  during the Delay  Period
shall not be credited  with  interest for the Delay  Period),  and any remaining
payments  and  benefits  due under this  Agreement  shall be paid or provided in
accordance with the normal payment dates specified for them herein.


                  (iii) All  expenses  or other  reimbursements paid pursuant to
Sections 1(e) and 7(h) hereof that are taxable income to the Executive  shall in
no event be paid  later than the end of the  calendar  year next  following  the
calendar year in which  Executive  incurs such expense or pays such related tax.
With regard to any provision herein that provides for reimbursement of costs and
expenses or in-kind benefits, except as permitted by Section 409A, (i) the right
to  reimbursement  or in-kind  benefits  shall not be subject to  liquidation or
exchange  for  another  benefit,  (ii)  the  amount  of  expenses  eligible  for
reimbursement,  of in-kind benefits,  provided during any taxable year shall not
affect the  expenses  eligible  for  reimbursement,  or in-kind  benefits  to be
provided,  in any other  taxable year,  provided that the foregoing  clause (ii)
shall  not  be  violated  without  regard  to  expenses   reimbursed  under  any
arrangement  covered by Internal Revenue Code Section 105(b) solely because such
expenses  are  subject to a limit  related to the period the  arrangement  is in
effect  and  (iii)  such  payments  shall be made on or  before  the last day of
Executive's  taxable  year  following  the  taxable  year in which  the  expense
occurred.  Any tax gross-up  shall be made no later than the end of the calendar
year next following the calendar year in which the Executive  remits the related

                  (iv)  Whenever a payment  under this   Agreement  specifies  a
payment period with reference to a number of days (e.g.,  "payment shall be made
within thirty (30) days following the date of termination"),  the actual date of
payment within the specified  period shall be within the sole  discretion of the

                  (v) (x) The  Employer  acknowledges  and agrees  that  if  any
payment,  award,  benefit or distribution  (or any  acceleration of any payment,
award, benefit or distribution) made or provided to Executive or for Executive's
benefit in connection  with this Agreement,  or Executive's  employment with the
Employer or the  termination  thereof  (the  "Payments")  are  determined  to be
subject to the excise tax imposed by Section  409A, or any interest or penalties
with  respect to such excise taxes (such excise  taxes,  together  with any such
interest and penalties, are referred to collectively as the "Section 409A Tax"),
then the Executive  will be entitled to receive an  additional  payment (a "409A
Gross-Up  Payment")  from the  Company  such that the net amount  the  Executive
retains after paying any applicable  Section 409A Tax and any federal,  state or
local income or FICA taxes on such 409A Gross-Up Payment,  shall be equal to the
amount  the  Executive  would have  received  if the  Section  409A Tax were not
applicable to the Payments.

                  (y) All  determinations  of the  Section  409A  Tax  and  409A
Gross-Up  Payment,  if any,  will be made by tax  counsel or other tax  advisers
designated by Executive  and approved by the Company,  which  approval  won't be
unreasonably  withheld or delayed. For purposes of determining the amount of the
409A Gross-Up  Payment,  if any,  Executive will be deemed to pay federal income
tax at the actual  marginal rate of federal income taxation in the calendar year
in which the total  Payments  are made and state and local  income  taxes at the
actual  marginal  rate of  taxation  in the state and  locality  of  Executive's
residence on the date the total Payments are made, net of the maximum  reduction
in federal  income taxes that could be obtained from deduction of such state and
local taxes.  If the Section  409A Tax is  determined  by the  Internal  Revenue
Service,  on audit or  otherwise,  to  exceed  the  amount  taken  into  account
hereunder in calculating the 409A Gross-Up  Payment  (including by reason of any
payment the existence or amount of which cannot be determined at the time of the
409A Gross-Up Payment),  the Employer must make another 409A Gross-Up Payment in
respect of such excess (plus any  interest,  penalties  or additions  payable by
Executive  with  respect  to such  excess)  within  the ten (10)  business  days
immediately  following  the date  that the  amount  of such  excess  is  finally


determined.  The Employer and Executive shall each reasonably cooperate with the
other in connection with any administrative or judicial  proceedings  concerning
the  existence or amount of  liability  for Section 409A Tax with respect to the
total Payments.  The 409A Gross-Up  Payments provided to Executive shall be made
no later than the tenth (10th) business day following the last date the Payments
are made.

                            [Signatures on next page]


          IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto have  executed  this Fourth
Amended and Restated Employment Agreement as of the date first above written.



AND, signed as a Deed and delivered    )   __________________________________
By WILLIS GROUP HOLDINGS               )   Director
LIMITED                                )

Joseph J. Plumeri

                                    EXHIBIT A

                              ANNUAL BONUS SCHEDULE

         The amount of the annual  bonus  earned by  Executive  shall be paid to
Executive  fifty percent (50%) in cash and 50 percent (50%) in restricted  stock
units ("RSU's").  The form of RSU's shall be the same as the RSU bonus form used
in 2007 for  Executive  and the  conversion  from bonus value to number of RSU's
shall be the same as used for the 2007  RSU  bonus  grant.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  all RSU's shall vest no later than the annual meeting in 2011,  upon
Executive's earlier death, Disability Termination,  Termination without Cause or
Termination for Good Reason,  Mutual Retirement or upon a Change in Control, all
as  defined  in  Executive's  Employment  Agreement.  Any  distribution  of  the
underlying share with regard to the bonus RSU's shall be subject to Section 7(l)
of the Employment  Agreement.  Furthermore,  notwithstanding the foregoing,  the
parties  may agree,  to the extent  permitted  by Section  409A,  on a different
allocation  between cash and RSU's or a different timing of payment of the RSU's
at any time prior to six (6) months before the end of a performance period or at
such other time as permitted under Section 409A.

The bonus  shall be paid based on actual  EBIT for the Fiscal  Year  compared to
budgeted  EBIT for such  Fiscal  Year with a bonus at target of at least 337% of
Base Salary. If achievement is 95% of budget the bonus shall be at least 225% of
Base Salary,  and, if achievement is at least 105% of budget, the bonus shall be
at least 450% of Base  Salary.  The  Compensation  Committee  will in good faith
consider and award bonuses if  appropriate  at lower levels of  achievement  and
will also in good  faith  consider  and award  higher  bonuses in any case where

                                    EXHIBIT B

                               Stock Option Grant

         Provided that the shareholders of the Company approve a new equity plan
or increase the number of shares  available under the current equity plan at the
next  annual  meeting,  the  Executive  shall  promptly  thereafter  be  awarded
1,700,000  options  at the fair  market  value on the date of grant,  subject to
earning and vesting, as follows:

               1. Earning of 1,200,000 based on earnings per share and operating
               budgets for calendar 2008,  2009 and 2010 with a catch-up in 2010
               for nonvesting in 2008 and 2009, as follows:

                    EPS                        At least    Options Earned
                    ---                        --------    --------------

                    2008                       $2.85       200,000

                    2009                       $3.30       200,000

                    2010                       $4.00       200,000 plus any
                                                           unearned options from
                                                           2008 or 2009
                    Operating Margin           Target      Options Earned
                    ----------------           ------      --------------

                    2008                       24.0%       200,000

                    2009                       26.0%       200,000

                    2010                       28.0%       200,000 plus any
                                                           unearned options from
                                                           2008 or 2009
                    Kicker                     Target      Options Earned
                    ------                     ------      --------------

                    2010 EPS                   Exceed      250,000

                    Annual Average             At least    250,000
                    TSR from 2008-2010         S&P 500
                                               & 1.5%

               The  Compensation  Committee  will have  discretion  to treat the
               kicker  options  as earned  if  targets  are not met for  reasons
               beyond Executive's control. To be considered in good faith by the
               Compensation Committee and Board.

               2. Options shall have at least a 7-year term (or such longer term
               as provided in grants to other executives at or about the time of
               grant)  with two years  (not to go beyond the  original  term) to
               exercise  after later of (A) the end of the relevant  performance
               period,  if applicable,  and (B) death,  Disability  Termination,


               Termination  without Cause or  Termination  for Good Reason,  any
               termination  on  or  after  annual  meeting  in  2011  or  Mutual
               Retirement.  If  employed  at the time of the  annual  meeting in
               2011,  the  earned  options  will be  exercisable  from that date
               forward.  If  not so  employed  because  of any of the  foregoing
               events,  options will be  exercisable  from the dates provided in
               the prior  sentence.  If termination is for Cause or without Good
               Reason (and, in both cases,  not either after the annual  meeting
               in 2011 or as a result of Mutual  Retirement),  the options shall
               be forfeited upon such termination.

               3. In the event of termination  as a result of death,  Disability
               Termination,  Termination  without  Cause,  Termination  for Good
               Reason,  any  employment  condition  is  waived  but  performance
               criteria remain for Options not then earned.

               4. In the event of a Mutual Retirement,  the employment condition
               is waived with respect to Options theretofore earned.

               5. In the event of a Change in Control of the Company  before the
               end of 2010 (if  Executive is then employed by the Company or his
               employment  had  terminated  prior  thereto on a basis covered by
               paragraph  3  above),   all   performance   criteria  are  deemed
               satisfied,  but,  if then  employed,  the  employment  obligation
               remains   until  the  annual   meeting  in  2011  or  an  earlier
               Termination  without Cause,  Termination for Good Reason,  Mutual
               Retirement, death or incurring of a Disability Termination;  also
               fully vests and the Options become  immediately  exercisable if a
               Good Reason event occurs after a Change in Control and  Executive
               agrees to waive it.

               6. All  criteria  will be adjusted  for change in GAAP,  mergers,
               acquisitions,  dispositions,  material  change  in  actual  stock
               repurchases as compared to budgeted  repurchases  for purposes of
               calculating the projected EPS or other material  corporate event,
               as determined in good faith by the Compensation Committee.

               7.  There  will be no  forfeiture  provisions  (other  than above
               forfeiture for nonvesting) and no post-employment restrictions in

               8. Forms of grants  will be agreed by Company  and  Executive  in
               good faith.

               9. All terms  shall have the same  meaning  as in the  Employment