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                             Washington, D.C. 20549

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                                    FORM 6-K

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                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER

 Pursuant to Section 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934

                         For the month of December 2008

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                                   JACADA LTD.
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

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                           11 Galgalei Haplada Street
                             Herzliya, 46722 Israel
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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This Report on Form 6-K of Jacada consists of the following documents, which are
attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein:

Exhibit 1. Minutes of Annual General Meeting dated December 29, 2008.

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      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report on Form 6-K to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                  JACADA LTD.

                                  By:    /S/ TZVIA BROIDA
                                  Name:  Tzvia Broida
                                  Title: Chief Financial Officer

 Dated: December 30, 2008

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                             OF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF
                                   JACADA LTD.

                                 (THE "COMPANY")

                            HELD ON DECEMBER 29, 2008

Mr. Gideon Hollander called the Annual General Meeting (the "Meeting") to order
at 09:00 AM (Israeli Time) at the offices of the Company, 11 Galgalei Haplada
Street, Herzliya 46722, Israel, after an advanced written notice was given in
accordance with the Company's Articles of Association (the "Articles") to all
the Company's shareholders of record as of November 19, 2008. Mr. Hollander
called the roll and announced the presence of the shareholders present at the
Meeting in person or by proxy. Present in person or by proxy were shareholders
holding, in the aggregate, 10,531,881 Ordinary Shares, par value NIS 0.01 per
share of the Company, constituting 63.98% of the voting power of the Company.

Mr. Hollander declared that the Meeting could be lawfully held and that a
quorum, pursuant to Article 26(b) of the Articles, is present.

Mr. Hollander was appointed as Chairman of the Meeting in accordance with
Article 27 of the Articles.


1.       To re-elect Mr. Gideon Hollander and Mr. Yossie Hollander to the Board
         of directors of the Company (the "Board") to serve as Class III
         Directors for a term of three years;

2.       To re-elect Mr. Dan Falk to the Board to serve for an additional term
         of one year;

3.       To approve compensation plans for certain of the Company's director;

4.       To re-appoint Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer, a member of Ernst & Young
         Global, as the independent auditors of the Company for the year ending
         December 31, 2008 and for such additional period until the next Annual
         Shareholders' Meeting, and to authorize the Board to fix the
         remuneration of the independent auditors based on the volume and nature
         of their services in accordance with Israeli law, such remuneration and
         the volume and nature of such services having been previously approved
         by the Audit Committee of the Board;

5.       To receive and consider the Consolidated Financial Statements of the
         Company for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007.


The Chairman then presented for consideration of the shareholders the following
resolutions, all of which were duly adopted as indicated below:

1      RESOLVED, that Mr. Gideon Hollander be, and he hereby is, re-elected to
       serve as a Class III Director of the Company for an additional term of
       three years, until the third Annual General Meeting following this

       For: 10,506,897 shares constituting 99.77% of the shares voting on this
       Against: 17,125 shares constituting 0.16% of the shares voting on this

       Abstain: 7,859 shares constituting 0.07% of the shares voting on this

2      RESOLVED, that Mr. Yossie Hollander be, and he hereby is, re-elected to
       serve as a Class III Director of the Company for an additional term of
       three years, until the third Annual General Meeting following this

       For: 10,503,547 shares constituting 99.74% of the shares voting on this
       Against: 20,475 shares constituting 0.19% of the shares voting on this
       Abstain: 7,859 shares constituting 0.07% of the shares voting on this

3      RESOLVED, that Mr. Dan Falk be, and he hereby is, re-elected to serve as
       an Unclassified Director of the Company for an additional term of one
       year, until the Annual General Meeting following this Meeting.

       For: 10,497,337 shares constituting 99.68% of the shares voting on this
       Against: 26,675 shares constituting 0.25% of the shares voting on this
       Abstain: 7,869 shares constituting 0.07% of the shares voting on this

4      RESOLVED to ratify and approve the resolutions of the Audit Committee and
       the Board of Directors, changing the remuneration payable to Mr. Yossie
       Hollander and Mr. Dan Falk, the Company's Directors, effective as of
       August 11, 2008, so as to equal the remuneration paid to the Company's
       External Directors.

       For: 10,487,917 shares constituting 99.58% of the shares voting on this
       Against: 37,790 shares constituting 0.36% of the shares voting on this
       Abstain: 6,174 shares constituting 0.06% of the shares voting on this

5      RESOLVED to ratify and approve the resolutions of the Audit Committee and
       the Board of Directors changing the remuneration payable to Mr. Gideon
       Hollander, effective as of January 1, 2008, so that as long as Mr. Gideon
       Hollander provides professional services to the Company in connection
       with the Company's investor relations activities, he shall be entitled to
       a quarterly fee of $12,000 as total consideration for his services as a
       consultant, director and the chairman of the Company's Board, and that
       upon the termination of the engagement of Mr. Hollander's services in
       connection with the Company's investor relations activities and for as
       long as the Mr. Hollander serves as the chairman on the Company's Board,
       Mr. Hollander shall be entitled to a quarterly fee of $6,000 per calendar
       quarter in addition to his compensation as a director which shall be
       equal to the other non-External Directors' compensation.

       For: 10,488,125 shares constituting 99.58% of the shares voting on this
       Against: 37,591 shares constituting 0.36% of the shares voting on this
       Abstain: 6,165 shares constituting 0.06% of the shares voting on this

6      RESOLVED, that the Company's independent auditors, Kost Forer Gabbay &
       Kasierer, be, and they hereby are, re-appointed as the independent
       auditors of the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008 and
       for such additional period until the next Annual Shareholders' Meeting,
       such re-appointment having been previously approved by the Audit
       Committee. The Board be, and it hereby is, authorized to fix the
       remuneration of the independent auditors in accordance with the volume
       and nature of their services, such remuneration and the volume and nature
       of such services having been previously approved by the Audit Committee.

       For: 10,524,297 shares constituting 99.93% of the shares voting on this
       Against: 975 shares constituting 0.01% of the shares voting on this

       Abstain: 6,609 shares constituting 0.06% of the shares voting on this

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, all the aforementioned resolutions were duly adopted in
accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company and all requirements
prescribed by applicable law.

     There being no further business the Meeting was adjourned.

                                                /s/ Gideon Hollander
                                                  Chairman - Gideon