Exhibit 10.2


Dated:     23  March  2009

Between:   Indian  Farmers  Fertilizer  Cooperative  Limited  ("IFFCO")


           We  Sell  For  U  Corp  ("WSFU")


           Joseph  Isaac  Gutnick  ("JIG")


a.   IFFCO is  India's  largest  farmers  co-operative  having  around  40,000
     cooperatives  as its shareholders in India, primarily engaged in production
     and marketing of fertilizers in India. IFFCO has the requisite distribution
     network  and  assets  to  support  these  activities.

b.   IFFCO's  distribution  network  is associated with, and in some cases IFFCO
     has  agreed  to  associate  its  network with, reaching products other than
     fertilisers, including some alternate energy products (the "Existing Energy
     Products"  or  "EEP"),  to  the  Indian  rural  markets.

c.   WSFU is a listed US company, having its Principal Office at Level 8, 580 St
     Kilda  Road,  Melbourne,  Victoria  3004  Australia,  developing commercial
     projects  in  the  energy  and  mining  sectors.

d.   JIG is  the  President,  CEO  and  major  shareholder  of  WSFU.  JIG  owns
     82,800,000 shares, which were acquired at a cost of USD311,458. JIGs shares
     represent  82,800,000  out  of  the  total issued and outstanding shares of
     86,400,000  of  WSFU.

e.   WSFU is  looking  to  develop  and  commercialize alternate energy sources,
     distribution  methods  and  other  commercial  projects,  other  than those
     relating  to  EEP,  to  cater  for  the  needs  of  the  India  market

f.   IFFCO and  WSFU  have  agreed  to  work  together to explore the commercial
     viability  of  generating  and/or  distributing  alternate energy to Indian

Terms  of  Agreement

     1.   WSFU undertakes  to  fund  any  and  all  investigations  and/or
          developmental  activities,  pertaining  to  a  pilot  study  for  the
          assessment  and  procurement  of  energy  generating  sources  and/or
          distribution  methods  other  than  those relating to EEP, that may be
          applicable for the Indian market (the "Pilot"). IFFCO shall disclose a
          list  of  EEPs  before  the  start  of  the  Pilot.

     2.   IFFCO undertakes  to  facilitate  WSFU  during  its  investigation
          and/or  developmental  phase,  including  introductions  to  relevant
          Government  and  Licensing  Authorities;  access  to  IFFCO's internal
          resources  and/or  the  like,  use  of  land  and/or  other  resources
          associated  with a the Pilot study, at mutually agreed terms, so as to
          enable  WSFU  the  ability  to assess the economic viability of WSFU's
          energy  project.  WSFU  undertakes  to share with IFFCO the outcome of
          this  Pilot  study.

     3.   In the  event  that  IFFCO  and  WSFU  elect  to  proceed  to  the
          commercialization  of  WSFU's  energy  generating  and/or distributing
          activities,  other  than  those  relating  to  EEP,  based  on  the
          Pre-feasibilty  Report  to be prepared after the Pilot study, WSFU and
          IFFCO shall be exclusive energy partners for such activities and shall
          enter  into  a  detailed  partnership  agreement  (the  "Partnership

     4.   In consideration  for  the  access,  facilitation  and  rights granted
          by  IFFCO  to  WSFU,  JIG  grants  to  IFFCO  either
          a.   an option  to  purchase  up  to  50%  of  his  shares  in  WSFU
               (41,400,000  shares),  for  a  consideration  of  USD155,729 (USD
               0.00376  per  share).  The  option shall have a life of two years
               from  the date of the Partnership Agreement. IFFCO shall exercise
               this  option  after  a  detailed  due  diligence  on  WSFU;  or
          b.   In case  after  the  due  diligence  IFFCO  does  not  find  the
               options to be attractive, the right to set up a new joint venture
               company  between  IFFCO  and JIG/WSFU, to pursue the Project with
               equal  shareholding.

     5.   The parties  may  by  mutual  agreement  extend  the  terms covered by
          this  agreement  to  include  those  relating  to  other  commercial
          opportunities  developed  and  to  be  pursued  between  them.

     6.   The parties  intend  to  be  bound  by the terms of this Agreement for
          a  period  of 24 months or till the date of the Partnership Agreement,
          whichever  is  earlier.  The  parties may by mutual consent extend the
          period  of  this  Agreement.


SIGNED for and on behalf of
Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited




SIGNED for and on behalf of
We Sell For U Corp.


J I Gutnick

President and CEO

SIGNED for and on behalf of
Joseph I. Gutnick

J I Gutnick
