

DATE: February 1, 2001



ARTICLE 1    RECITALS.........................................................1

ARTICLE 2    DEFINITIONS......................................................1

     PG&E Energy Services is not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric
Company,  the utility.  PG&E Energy  Services is not regulated by the California
Public  Utilities  Commission;  and you do not have to buy PG&E Energy Services'
products in order to continue to receive quality regulated services from Pacific
Gas and Electric Company, the utility.


ARTICLE 3    PARTIES' INTENT..................................................1

ARTICLE 4    THE WORK.........................................................2

ARTICLE 5    CONTRACTOR'S  DUTIES.............................................2

ARTICLE 6    FINAL COMPLETION.................................................7

ARTICLE 7    CONTRACT TIME AND SCHEDULE.......................................9

ARTICLE 8    CHANGES IN SCOPE OF WORK AND CLAIMS..............................10

ARTICLE 9    SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY...................................12


ARTICLE 11  APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT..........................................15

ARTICLE 12  PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR............................................15

ARTICLE 13  INSURANCE & BONDS.................................................16

ARTICLE 14  TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION.........................................18

ARTICLE 15  INDEMNIFICATION...................................................20

ARTICLE 16  DISPUTE RESOLUTION................................................20

ARTICLE 17  MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS..........................................20


[Chevron Logo Appears Here[ CHEVRON
                            Energy Solutions

effective [ADD DATE] ("Effective Date"), is made and entered into by and between
principal office is located at [ADD STREET ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER]
(hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), and CHEVRON ENERGY SOLUTIONS, L.P. ,
a Delaware limited partnership whose principal office is located at 345
California Street, Suite 3200, San Francisco, California 94104 (hereinafter
referred to as "CES"), (together hereinafter referred to as the "Parties").

1.1  CES provides, among other things, energy management services on behalf of
     its  Customers.  To provide  these  services,  CES has  occasion  to retain
     qualified    engineers    and    contractors    to   furnish    consulting,
     engineering,design  and  construction  services  for its energy  management
     Projects; and

1.2  Contractor  represents that it has the capabilities to provide construction
     and design  services for the type of work required for CES' Projects,  that
     it possesses valid contractor's license(s),  as appropriate,  issued by the
     State  Contractors'  State License Boards and that it employs  professional
     engineers  properly  licensed by the states the Work will be  performed  to
     practice  applicable  engineering,  or if  permitted  by  state  law,  will
     subcontract such engineering services to properly licensed engineers; and

1.3  This  Master  Agreement  sets forth the  general  terms and  conditions for
     Contractor to design,  provide,  install and/or  construct  specific energy
     management  Projects  as  requested  by CES on a work  order  basis  ("Work
     Order").  Individual Work Orders will be issued under this Master Agreement
     which shall  constitute  Amendments  to this Master  Agreement  and will be
     fully incorporated  herein. Each Work Order issued by CES shall be executed
     by both Parties and will serve as authorization  for Contractor to commence
     work as  described  in the Work Order.  Each Work Order shall be subject to
     all the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement, but shall constitute
     a  separate  and  independent   performance   obligation  of  the  part  of
     SUBCONTRACTOR  and  payment  obligation  of CES. A sample  form of the Work
     Order is attached as EXHIBIT A to this Master Agreement.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual
     covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

For purposes of this Master Agreement, including all Exhibits attached to this
Master Agreement, and all Work Orders and Change Orders to be issued under this
Master Agreement, the defined terms shall have the meanings set forth in Exhibit
B, "Definitions", attached hereto and incorporated herein.

3.1  The Parties' intent is to provide for all items necessary for the
     proper  execution and completion of the Work.  Without limiting the duty of
     Contractor  to fully  review  the  Contract  Documents,  in the  event of a
     conflict or discrepancy among the various Contract Documents, the documents
     shall be given  precedence in the following  order (in descending  order of
              i)  The Work Order;
             ii)  This Master Agreement (including any amendments thereto);
            iii)  Specifications; and
              v)  Drawings - (large-scale Drawings over small-scale)

     In the case of any  discrepancy  or conflict  within a  document,  the more
     stringent requirement shall govern.

3.2  If any errors, discrepancies, ambiguities or omissions are found at any
     time in the  Contract  Documents,  Contractor  shall  notify CES in writing
     before beginning the Work involved.

3.3  All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished or prepared
     pursuant to the Work Order  shall  remain the  property of CES.  Contractor
     shall not use said  documents for any other project,  unless  authorized by

3.4  Contractor  shall  maintain  the  Contract  Documents  and  their  terms in
     confidence  and shall not publish or disclose  the same  without CES' prior
     written consent. Contractor shall not use the names or trademarks of CES in
     any of Contractor's  advertising,  publicity or other marketing  materials,
     without CES' prior written consent.

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Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.5                   [Date]

3.5  No amendments or modifications of the Contract Documents shall be valid
     unless evidenced in writing and signed by a duly authorized
     representative of each party.

4.1  Contractor shall furnish and provide all supervision, labor,
     transportation, equipment, materials, resources, and other services
     necessary to complete the Work for the Project. As indicated in the
     Work Order executed by both parties, the Work may include Contractor's
     preparation of the Plans and Specifications for the Project.

4.2  Each Work Order for the Project will set forth the scope of work for
     each individual Project ("Scope of Work"). In addition, the Work Order
     will identify any special provisions contained in a Customer Agreement
     between CES and Customer regarding the project schedule, compensation,
     , regarding potential liability to Customer for consequential damages,
     and other material provisions that affect Contractor's Work. Contractor
     shall comply with all terms of the Work Order, along with all other
     components of the Contract Documents.

4.3  Contractor shall not perform any Work with respect to any Project until
     the parties have first executed a Work Order for the Work. Any work
     done by Contractor prior to the execution of a Work Order shall be done
     at Contractor's expense.

4.4  Contractor shall take direction only from CES, or as otherwise
     designated in writing by CES, and not from Customer or others, unless
     directed because of immediate safety concerns. All requests for
     additional Work, changes to Work, and/or direction from the Customer or
     others shall be forwarded to CES' Project Manager for prior written
     approval or denial prior to acting on such requests. If Contractor
     performs such work requested without CES' prior written approval,
     Contractor shall not receive any additional compensation or time for
     such unauthorized work.


     5.1.1   Contractor represents and warrants to CES that Contractor is
             skilled and  experienced in the type of project that is the subject
             of the Work Order and shall  diligently  perform the Work set forth
             in all Work Orders.  All work  performed by Contractor  will comply
             with   standards  for   comparable   work  performed  by  reputable
             contractors  working in the same  geographical  area where the Work
             will be performed.  Contractor further represents and warrants that
             it has  satisfied  itself  as to the  conditions  under  which  the
             improvements are to be constructed,  including, but not limited to,
             climatic  conditions,  available labor supply and costs,  local and
             other  governmental  requirements,  available  equipment supply and
             costs, as well as all other items which, in Contractor's  judgment,
             could in any manner  affect the timely  performance  or cost of the

     5.1.2   Contractor and CES recognize the business relationship established
             between them by the Contract  Documents.  In  performing  the Work,
             Contractor shall, as an independent  contractor to CES, furnish its
             best reasonable skill, attention and judgment throughout the course
             of the Project.  Contractor shall also provide  efficient  business
             administration  and  supervision,  keep at all  times  an  adequate
             supply of labor  and  materials  on hand,  and  prosecute  the Work
             toward  completion  in the  best and  soundest  way and in the most
             expeditious  and economic  manner  consistent  with the  reasonable
             interests of CES.

     5.1.3   Contractor shall incorporate in the Work only materials that are
             new and of the grades  specified  in the Plans and  Specifications.
             Contractor's  workmanship  shall meet or exceed industry  standards
             recognized  by the  various  applicable  trades.  All Work shall be
             executed in a neat, skillful and workmanlike manner.

     5.1.4   Contractor shall observe and at all times fully comply with all
             Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

     5.1.5   Contractor  shall pay applicable  prevailing  wages if the Customer
             is a public or Federal  agency,  or if such  payments are otherwise
             required by law.

     5.1.6   Contractor shall hold, and shall ensure that all subcontractors
             doing  any  portion  of the  Work  hold,  all  applicable  licenses
             required to perform the Work  covered by the Work Order,  and shall
             keep all such licenses  current and valid during the performance of
             the Work.

[Add Contractor Name]                                                         2
Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.5                   [Date]


     5.2.1   Prior to commencement of the Work, Contractor shall designate a
             project manager and/or a project  superintendent in writing to CES,
             and shall  provide CES with the written  resume of such  person(s).
             Thereafter,  Contractor shall not change such designations  without
             CES' written consent that will not be unreasonably withheld, unless
             the designated person ceases to be employed by Contractor (in which
             case  Contractor  shall provide CES with the written resume of such
             person's replacement).  CES may, by providing written notice to any
             of  Contractor's   corporate   officers,   object  to  any  persons
             designated by Contractor,  originally or  subsequently,  as project
             manager or  project  superintendent,  whom CES deems  objectionable
             within its  reasonable  discretion.  Upon such notice of objection,
             Contractor  and CES  shall  meet  and  confer,  and,  based on said
             discussions, Contractor shall, if requested by CES, promptly submit
             an   alternative   designation   reasonably   acceptable   to  CES.
             Contractor's   project   superintendent   shall  devote  full  time
             attention to the Project and shall  maintain an office at the Site,
             as appropriate.  Such superintendent  shall direct,  coordinate and
             supervise  all Work  required by the Contract  Documents  and shall
             inspect all materials delivered to the Site.

     5.2.2   Contractor's designated representative shall be empowered by
             Contractor   to  have  full   authority  to  execute  any  and  all
             instruments  that  require  the  signature  of  Contractor  and  to
             otherwise act on behalf of  Contractor  with respect to all matters
             arising out of the Contract Documents.

     5.2.3   Contractor shall only employ for the Project competent and skilled
             workers who satisfactorily  perform their duties. When requested by
             CES in writing,  Contractor shall discharge and shall not re-employ
             for the  Project  any  person  who is  reasonably  deemed by CES as
             unfit,    unskilled,    disorderly,    dangerous,    insubordinate,
             incompetent, or otherwise objectionable.

     5.2.4   Contractor shall acknowledge receipt of materials and equipment
             purchased for the Project and shall provide  storage and protection
             for such materials and equipment upon  delivery.  Contractor  shall
             promptly  ascertain  whether  or not the  materials  and  equipment
             comply with the Contract Documents and shall immediately remove any
             nonconforming  materials and equipment from the Site. All materials
             and equipment  delivered to the Site,  whether  furnished by CES or
             Contractor, shall be stored and handled in such a manner to prevent
             damage thereto and to preclude  inclusion of any foreign substances
             or discoloration.

     5.2.5   Prior to the commencement of the Work, and before  executing any
             subcontracts  or purchase  agreements  for the Project,  Contractor
             shall  provide CES with a list of its intended  subcontractors  and
             suppliers for the Work.  Within five (5) working days of receipt of
             the list,  CES shall  have the  right to  reasonably  object to any
             subcontractors  or suppliers listed by Contractor,  and the parties
             will  thereafter meet and confer with respect to any CES objection.
             If CES demands that a subcontractor or supplier not be used for the
             Project,  the Contract  Amount and Contract Time stated in the Work
             Order shall be equitably  adjusted to reflect the changes caused by
             Contractor retaining a new subcontractor or supplier.

     5.2.6   Contractor shall not be discharged from any obligations to CES
             hereunder  as a result of any  subcontract  or purchase  agreement.
             Contractor  shall  be as  responsible  to  CES  for  the  acts  and
             omissions of its subcontractors and suppliers as it is for the acts
             and  omissions  of persons  directly  employed by  Contractor.  The
             responsibility of Contractor for its  subcontractors  and suppliers
             shall  not  be  diminished  by the  right  of  CES  to  approve  of
             Contractor's subcontractors and suppliers. Nothing contained herein
             shall create any contractual  relation between any subcontractor or
             supplier and CES.

5.3  DESIGN PREPARATION BY CONTRACTOR: As specified by the Work Order,
     Contractor's Work may include the preparation of Plans and Specifications
     in accordance with the description of the Project set forth in the Work
     Order. In that event, Contractor shall comply with each of the following

     5.3.1   Contractor shall employ a qualified engineer licensed to practice
             professional  engineering  in the state and/or  locality  where the
             Project is located,  or if permitted by State law, may  subcontract
             such  engineering   services  to  a  properly  licensed   engineer.
             Contractor's Plans and  Specifications  shall be prepared under the
             direct  supervision  of a licensed  professional  engineer and said
             engineer  shall stamp the design upon  completion  of the Plans and

     5.3.2   Contractor shall prepare the Plans and Specifications in accordance
             with the terms of this Master Agreement and with industry standards
             established  by other  reputable  engineers  practicing in the same
             locale as where the Project is located.  Contractor's  design shall
             also comply with all Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

[Add Contractor Name]                                                         3
Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.5                   [Date]

     5.3.3   Contractor shall be solely responsible for the adequacy, safety,
             suitability  and   completeness   of  its  design.   Contractor  is
             responsible  for taking all field  dimensions  and noting all field
             conditions  which may impact  engineering and design.  Contractor's
             Plans and  Specifications  shall be sufficiently  complete to allow
             for the construction of the Project.  Contractor shall use its best
             reasonable  efforts  to prepare  the design so as to avoid  errors,
             ambiguities,  conflicts and  omissions  and shall take  appropriate
             quality  assurance  measures  to  eliminate  any  and  all  errors,
             ambiguities,   conflicts  and   omissions   within  the  Plans  and

     5.3.4   Throughout the preparation of the Plans and Specifications,
             Contractor  shall  periodically  supply copies of the design to CES
             and, as  appropriate,  to Customer for their  review and  approval.
             Contractor shall also periodically meet with representatives of CES
             and Customer to discuss the design as specified in the Work Order.

     5.3.5   Contractor's Plans and Specifications shall be in strict accordance
             with the  description  of the  Project set forth in the Work Order.
             Contractor's  Plans and  Specifications are subject to the approval
             of CES. Contractor expressly  understands that any approvals of the
             design  by  CES  and  Customer  are  for  the  limited  purpose  of
             determining  whether  the  design  conforms  to  the  scope  of the
             Project. Notwithstanding any reviews and approvals of the design by
             CES and Customer,  until final  acceptance  Contractor shall remain
             solely  responsible  for  the  adequacy,  safety,  suitability  and
             completeness  of the  design.  After final  acceptance,  Contractor
             shall remain responsible for warranty  provisions,  latent defects,
             and outstanding claims and/or liens.

     5.3.6   Contractor shall submit the final Plans and Specifications to the
             appropriate  governmental  agencies  having  jurisdiction  over the
             Project.  Contractor  shall work with said  agencies  to secure all
             Applicable Permits.

5.4  DESIGN BY OTHER  ENGINEER:  If the Plans and  Specifications  are being
     prepared by a CES Engineer, other CES engineering contractor, or Customer's
     engineer, Contractor shall, without limitation:

     5.4.1   Review Plans and Specifications: Carefully study and compare the
             Engineer's Plans and Specifications and shall at once report to CES
             any  error,   ambiguity,  or  omission  discovered  by  Contractor,
             including any  requirement  which may be contrary to any Applicable
             Law or  Applicable  Permit.  Contractor  shall not proceed with any
             portion  of the Work  affected  by any such  error,  ambiguity,  or
             omission  until receipt of further  direction or instruction by CES
             or  Engineer.  5.4.2  Construction  Consulting  Services:   Provide
             recommendations  on  construction   feasibility,   availability  of
             materials  and  labor,   time  requirements  for  installation  and
             construction,   factors   related  to  cost,   including  costs  of
             alternative designs or materials,  and possible  economies;  attend
             and provide  input at  meetings  with CES and  Engineer  during the
             development of the design. 5.4.3 Coordination of Design: Review the
             Plans and  Specifications  as they are being  prepared by Engineer,
             recommending   alternate   solutions   whenever   design   details,
             materials, or systems affect the construction budget,  construction
             feasibility or construction schedule.

5.5  CONSTRUCTION: In connection with the construction of the Work, Contractor
     shall, without limitation:  5.5.1 Project Control: Manage and direct the
     Work in all particulars,  including its own activities and those of its
     Subcontractors, and  coordinate  the Work with the  activities  and
     responsibilities  of CES to complete the Project in accordance with the
     Contract Documents. Contractor shall be  solely  responsible  for  its
     means,  methods,  techniques,  sequences  and procedures  employed for the
     construction.  Contractor shall also coordinate all portions of the Work
     required by the  Contract  Documents.  5.5.2  Supervision: Supervise,
     coordinate  and  direct  Contractor's  own  forces  and those of its
     Subcontractors,   regularly   monitor  as   appropriate   to  achieve
     adequate performance,  and provide  inspection to assure high  workmanship
     for the Work. Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and
     good order among its employees  and  Subcontractors  and shall require its
     Subcontractors  to do the same.

     5.5.3   Physical Construction: Furnish and pay for all supervision, labor,
             materials,  fabrications,  assemblies,  construction  equipment and
             machinery,  tools, water, heat,  utilities,  transportation and all
             other  facilities  and services  that are  necessary for the proper
             execution  and  completion  of  the  Work,   whether  temporary  or
             permanent and whether or not  incorporated or to be incorporated in
             the Work, excluding only those items specifically  identified to be
             provided by CES or by others.

     5.5.4   Licensing: Any and all activities requiring licensing to perform,
             must be performed by Licensed Engineers,  Licensed Contractors,  or
             Licensed  Specialty  Contractors  (such as required when performing
             electrical,  plumbing,  or disturbing  asbestos or other  Hazardous
             Materials), as required by Applicable Law. If Work includes certain
             design work that requires engineering plans, specifications, and/or
             drawings,  such  documents  must  be  signed  by  an  appropriately
             licensed engineer, and/or architect, as required by Applicable Law.

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     5.5.5   Meetings:  Attend  and  participate  in  meetings  with  CES to be
             held periodically at the job site as defined in the Work Order.

     5.5.5   Schedule: Provide regular monitoring of the Project Schedule as the
             construction  progresses.   Identify  potential  variances  between
             scheduled and probable actual completion dates. Review schedule for
             work not started or  incomplete  and implement  adjustments  in the
             Project Schedule to meet the required  completion date.  Contractor
             shall  determine  the  adequacy  of the  personnel  working  on the
             Project  and  also   determine   whether  the   equipment  and  the
             availability  of materials and supplies are  sufficient to meet the
             Project  Schedule.  Contractor shall implement  appropriate  action
             when the obligations of Contractor and Subcontractors are not being

     5.5.6   Permits and Approvals: In consultation with CES, secure and pay for
             the building  permit,  and all other permits,  approvals,  charges,
             governmental  fees and licenses  necessary for the construction and
             the proper execution and completion of the Work.

     5.5.7   Cutting, fitting and patching: Be responsible for all cutting,
             fitting or patching that may be required to complete the Work or to
             make its  several  parts fit  together  properly.  Patching  of all
             finishes  shall  match any  existing  work to meet CES'  reasonable

     5.5.8   Clean-up: Keep the Project and Site free from accumulation of
             waste materials or rubbish caused by its operations. As the Work is
             performed,  Contractor  shall remove all of its waste materials and
             rubbish from the Site in accordance  with Applicable Laws and shall
             be  responsible  for the  payment  of any waste  disposal  or waste
             transportation   fees.   With  respect  to  Hazardous   Substances,
             attention  is directed to Section 5.8 of this  Agreement.  Upon the
             completion of the Work,  Contractor  shall remove all of its tools,
             construction  equipment,  machinery and surplus  materials.  To the
             extent  caused by its Work,  Contractor  shall  replace  any broken
             glass,  remove  stains,  spots,  marks  and dirt  from  painted  or
             decorated work, clean hardware,  remove paint spots and smears from
             all surfaces, clean fixtures and wash all concrete masonry and tile
             and clean all glass.

     5.5.9   Royalties and Patents: Pay all royalties and license fees.
             Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any
             patent  rights  and shall  save CES  harmless  from loss on account
             thereof. However, Contractor shall not be responsible for such loss
             when a particular design,  process,  or the product of a particular
             manufacturer is specified by CES; provided, that if Contractor knew
             or  reasonably  should  have known  that the  design,  process,  or
             product  specification  is an  infringement  of a patent,  it shall
             promptly  notify CES in writing of such  knowledge;  otherwise,  it
             shall be  responsible  for such loss as may result from its failure
             to give prompt notice.

     5.5.10  Project lines and levels: Be responsible for the accuracy of the
             Project lines and levels.  Contractor  shall carefully  compare the
             levels shown on the Drawings with existing levels and shall call to
             CES' attention any  discrepancies  before proceeding with the Work.
             In accordance  with industry  standards of  contractors  performing
             similar work on the types of projects that will be performed by the
             Contractor, the Work shall be erected square, plumb, level, true in
             line and grade,  in the exact  plane and to the  correct  elevation
             and/or slope as indicated  in the  Contract  Documents.  Contractor
             shall  visit the Site and  visually  inspect  the general and local
             conditions   that  could  affect  the  Work.  Any  failure  of  the
             Contractor to reasonably  ascertain from a visual inspection of the
             Site the general and local  conditions  which could affect the Work
             will not relieve the Contractor from its responsibility to properly
             complete the Work without any additional expense to CES. Contractor
             shall lay out and be strictly  responsible  for the accuracy of the
             Work and for any loss or  damage to CES and  Customer  or others by
             reason of the  Contractor's  failure to set out or perform its work
             correctly.  Contractor  shall exercise  prudence so that the actual
             final  conditions and details of its Work shall result in alignment
             of finish surfaces.

     5.5.11  Tests: Conduct tests, inspections and approvals as required. If the
             Contract  Documents or  Applicable  Laws require any portion of the
             Work to be inspected, tested or approved, Contractor shall give CES
             at least 48 hours  notice  of its  readiness  for such  inspecting,
             testing or  approval.  The  Contractor  shall give  proper  written
             notice  to all  required  parties  of  such  tests,  approvals  and
             inspections. Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Contract
             Documents,  Contractor  shall  bear all costs of such  inspections,
             tests or  approvals.  Contractor  shall also  secure  all  required
             certificates  of  inspection,  testing  or  approval  and  promptly
             deliver  them to CES.  If CES  determines  that any  Work  requires
             special  inspection,  testing,  or approval not already required by
             the Contract Documents or

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             Applicable Laws, CES may instruct  Contractor to order such special
             inspection,  testing or  approval.  If such special  inspection  or
             testing   reveals  a  failure  of  the  Work  to  comply  with  the
             requirements  of the Contract  Documents  (including any Applicable
             Laws),   Contractor   shall  bear  all  costs  thereof,   including
             compensation  for any  additional  services  of the  Engineer  made
             necessary by such  failure;  otherwise,  CES shall bear such costs,
             and an appropriate Work Order will be issued.  Contractor shall not
             be relieved of its  obligations  to perform the Work in  accordance
             with the Contract Documents, notwithstanding any inspections, tests
             or approvals provided by CES. 5.5.12 Start-up: Start-up all systems
             and equipment included in the Work.  Contractor has included in the
             Contract Amount sufficient  allowances to cover  contingencies that
             may arise in connection  with the start-up of  individual  systems,
             equipment  and the total  facility.  Contractor  shall fully comply
             with each manufacturer's specifications and instructions. Equipment
             that  has  been  specified  to  be  furnished  with  manufacturer's
             supervision of start-up shall be placed in operation only under the
             supervision of manufacturer's representative.

     5.5.13  Documents  And  Samples  At The Site:  Contractor  shall  maintain
             at the  site  in  good  order  the  following  documents  for  CES'
             inspection and copying:

             1.   Drawings,  Specifications,  approved  Shop  Drawings,  Product
                  Data and  Samples,  Work Orders and other Modifications.

             2.   All documents which arise out of the Contract Documents or the
                  construction of the Project, including, without limitation,
                  the following: Subcontracts; Work Orders; Project
                  correspondence; job meeting minutes, memoranda and notes; and
                  any other related documents pertaining to transactions related
                  to the Contract Documents and work performed in relation

             3.   A current marked set of Plans and Specifications showing
                  record, or "as-built", conditions, configurations and
                  locations to facilitate the preparation of record, or
                  "as-built", drawings.

     5.5.14  Reports And Project Site Documents: Contractor shall record the
             progress  and activity of the Project on a weekly  basis,  maintain
             such  records for a period of three (3) years after Final  Payment,
             and upon request of CES,  submit copies thereof to CES.  Contractor
             shall submit  written  progress  reports on a weekly basis,  unless
             otherwise   specified  in  the  Work  Order,   to  CES,   including
             information  on the status of the Work,  any problems that threaten
             the timely  completion  of the Work,  any pending  claims,  and the
             percentage of completion of the Work.

5.6  TAXES
     5.6.1   Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, Contractor
             shall pay all sales tax and any other tax charged on the  material,
             equipment,  and labor  provided by  Contractor  under the  Contract
             Documents for the Work, which are enacted by any municipal, county,
             federal  or state  authority.  Upon Final  Completion  of its Work,
             Contractor  shall  not be  responsible  for  payment  of any tax or
             assessment based on the completed Work,  unless otherwise  provided
             in the Contract Documents.


     5.7.1   Contractor shall confine its operations at the Site to areas
             permitted by Applicable Laws,  Applicable  Permits and the Contract
             Documents. Contractor shall not unreasonably encumber the Site with
             any  materials or  equipment,  and it shall  maintain the Site in a
             neat,  orderly  manner.  Contractor  shall  confine its ingress and
             egress to the Site to areas  approved  in  advance by CES and shall
             not use any other ingress or egress to or from the Site. Contractor
             shall assume full  responsibility for any property damage resulting
             from the performance of its Work,  except to the extent such damage
             was the result of CES' or Customer's negligence.

     5.7.2   Contractor shall take measures to control the blowing or spreading
             of  dust,  smoke,  dirt,  mud and  refuse  from  the  Work to avoid
             nuisance and  inconvenience  to others  whether on or off the Site.
             These measures shall be in compliance  with,  without being limited
             to, all Applicable  Laws,  and shall be subject to CES'  reasonable

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     5.7.3   Contractor shall perform its Work (and to have its Subcontractors
             and  other  parties  so  perform  their  work) so as to not  unduly
             interfere with or disrupt the business operations of Customer.  CES
             will  coordinate  with  Customer to  minimize  the  possibility  of
             Customer caused delays to the  construction.  CES  acknowledges and
             agrees that Contractor  needs  reasonable  access to the Site and a
             reasonable amount of time per working day to perform the Work in an
             efficient manner,  and CES will coordinate with Customer  regarding

     5.7.4   Contractor acknowledges that CES intends to minimize damage and
             disturbance to the  environment at the Site.  Contractor  shall use
             its best efforts to limit its Work to the areas  designated  by CES
             and to protect and prevent  damage or  disturbance  to any trees or
             other  vegetation  outside  of the  clearing  limits  shown  on the
             Contract Documents.


     5.8.1   Contractor  shall be responsible for complying  with all Applicable
             Laws  with  respect  to the  removal  and  proper  disposal  of all
             Hazardous  Substances brought onto or generated by Contractor or by
             any of its  Subcontractors  in the course of  performing  the Work.
             Contractor  shall  defend,  indemnify  and  hold  CES and  Customer
             harmless  from and against any and all losses,  damages,  expenses,
             fees, claims, costs and liabilities (including, but not limited to,
             attorneys'  fees and costs of litigation)  arising out of or in any
             manner  related  to  the  release  or  threatened  released  of any
             Hazardous Substances brought onto or generated by Contractor during
             the course of performing the Work. It is expressly  understood that
             this  responsibility  includes protecting CES and Customer from any
             clean-up responsibility imposed on CES or Customer under Applicable

     5.8.2   Contractor shall not be responsible for any pre-existing  Hazardous
             Substances at the Site.  Contractor shall provide written notice to
             CES immediately  upon the discovery of any  pre-existing  Hazardous
             Substances. Except in case of emergency,  Contractor, or any of its
             subcontractors, shall not disturb, disrupt, remove, alter, dislodge
             or otherwise  handle any pre-existing  Hazardous  Substances at the
             Site without the prior written consent of CES. As appropriate,  CES
             will  issue a Work  Order  to  Contractor  for the  removal  of any
             pre-existing  Hazardous Substances from the Site.  Contractor shall
             defend,  indemnify  and hold  CES and  Customer  harmless  from and
             against any and all losses, damages,  expenses, fees, claims, costs
             and liabilities (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and
             costs of litigation) arising directly out of Contractor  disturbing
             or causing a release of any  pre-existing  Hazardous  Substances at
             the Site.


5.9  Contractor's duties as set forth in this Article 5 of the Master Agreement
     are not intended to be exhaustive, and they shall not limit other duties
     imposed by the Contract Documents or by Applicable Laws and/or otherwise
     necessary for the successful completion of the Work as an integrated whole.


     6.1.1   As necessary for the completion of the Work, Contractor shall
             assemble   and   submit  to  CES  the   following   materials   and
             documentation ("Closeout Documentation"):

             1.   All permit sign-offs or other approvals of any  governmental
                  agency with authority over the Project.

             2.   One record set of all the  following  project  documentation:
                  (a) Specifications,  (b) Project Drawings,  (c) Modifications,
                  (d) CES field orders or written instructions,  sketches, etc.,
                  (e) Approved Shop Drawings,  Product Data and Samples, (f) All
                  test data and testing laboratory  reports,  (g) Record, or "As
                  Built",   specifications   legibly   marked  to  indicate  the
                  manufacturer, trade name, catalog number, and supplier of each
                  product  and item of  equipment  actually  installed,  (h) One
                  reproducible  Mylar  record  set and two  sets  of  prints  of
                  Record, or "As Built",  drawings,  legibly marked concurrently
                  with the construction  process, and (i) one electronic AutoCAD
                  copy of the Record, or "As Built", drawings.

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             3.   Three  duplicate sets,  each  separately  bound and indexed in
                  vinyl covered three ring  binders,  of operating  instructions
                  and maintenance  recommendations for all equipment and systems
                  installed   as  a  part  of  the  Work,   including,   without
                  limitation,  a printed parts list for all items which might be
                  subject to replacement.  The instructions  shall set forth all
                  of the  information  necessary  for  Customer to maintain  and
                  operate and make full and  efficient  use of all equipment and
                  systems  comprising  the Work.  They shall  provide  the name,
                  address and telephone number of the firm or organization  that
                  is authorized by the  manufacturer of the installed  equipment
                  to service the equipment as the need may arise.

             4.   All spare parts, maintenance materials and any other materials
                  or equipment for which  Contractor had been paid but which was
                  not actually incorporated into Work.

             5.   The originals of all warranties, guaranties, bonds, or
                  certificates of compliance  required by the Contract Documents
                  relative  to the  Work.  These  shall be  compiled  in a vinyl
                  covered  three  ring  binder  and  indexed  in order of and in
                  accordance with corresponding  specification sections or other
                  requirements of the Contract Documents.

             6.   Final  affidavit and  unconditional  lien waivers and releases
                  from Contractor and all its subcontractors.


     6.2.1   When Contractor considers the Work to be fully complete and ready
             for final inspection, Contractor shall certify in writing to CES

             1.   The Contractor has reviewed the Contract Documents.

             2.   The Contractor has inspected all Work for compliance with the
                  Contract Documents.

             3.   The Contractor has determined that all Work has been completed
                  in accordance  with the Contract Documents.

             4.   The Contractor has cleared, tested and started-up all
                  equipment  and  systems  in   accordance   with  the  Contract
                  Documents and said equipment and systems are fully operational
                  per the manufacturers' manuals.

             5.   The  Contractor  has  submitted  all Close-out  Documentation
                  required by  Subparagraph 6.1.1 of this Master Agreement.

             6.   The Work is fully completed and ready for final inspection.

     6.2.2   CES will inspect the Work to verify the status of completion
             within  a  reasonable   time  after  its  receipt  of  Contractor's
             certification   required  by  Subparagraph  6.2.1  of  this  Master

     6.2.3   If CES determines that any of the Work is incomplete or defective,
             CES will promptly  notify  Contractor in writing of such incomplete
             or defective  Work,  itemizing and describing  such remaining items
             with  reasonable   particularity.   Contractor  shall   immediately
             complete all items and remedy all stated deficiencies,  after which
             Contractor shall send another written certification to CES that the
             Work is fully complete. CES will thereafter promptly re-inspect the

     6.2.4   When CES determines that the entire Work has been fully and
             properly completed in accordance with the Contract  Documents,  and
             Customer  has accepted  the Work,  CES will give written  notice to
             Contractor of acceptance and Final Completion.

     6.3.1   Subject to Subparagraph 10.3 of this Master Agreement, CES'
             inspection,  notice of Final  Completion,  its Final  Payment,  its
             acceptance of the Work,  and  Customer's  possession of the Project
             shall not  operate  as a waiver of any  warranty  provision  of the
             Contract Documents. Any waiver by either party of any breach of the
             Contract Documents shall not be held to be a waiver of any other or
             subsequent  breach,  and any waiver by either party of any right to
             terminate  the Work  Order  shall not be held to be a waiver of any
             breach of the Contract Documents.

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     6.3.2   Contractor's acceptance of Final Payment shall constitute a
             waiver of all claims of Contractor  except those previously made in
             writing  and  expressly  identified  as  unsettled  at the  time of
             submission of Contractor's final Application For Payment.


     7.1.1   The time period set forth in the Work Order for Final Completion of
             the Work  ("Project  Schedule") may be extended only for causes and
             events expressly authorized under this Master Agreement. Contractor
             shall  begin  Work  on  the  Date  of  Commencement  of  the  Work.
             Contractor  shall not  commence  work  prior to the  issuance  of a
             written  notice to  proceed  by CES.  Contractor  shall  thereafter
             prosecute the Work  continuously,  expeditiously  and diligently at
             such a rate to maintain  sufficient progress in accordance with the
             Project  Schedule to achieve Final  Completion  within the Contract
             Time,  unless an extension of time is justified  under Article 7 of
             this Master Agreement. Should it appear at any time that Contractor
             is in danger of failing to meet any of the critical path  milestone
             dates contained in the Project Schedule, Contractor shall cause its
             employees and its  Subcontractors to increase  personnel or perform
             overtime  work as is necessary  to return to the  original  Project
             Schedule. Contractor shall not be compensated or reimbursed for any
             additional   costs  resulting  from  such  overtime  work,  and  no
             adjustment  shall  be  made  to  the  Contract  Amount,  unless  an
             extension of time would have been justified under Article 7 of this
             Master Agreement and Contractor had supplied CES with notice of its
             intent to accelerate prior to providing such overtime work.


     7.2.1   Time is of the essence in the performance of the Work. In the event
             that Final  Completion  of the Work is not  achieved in  accordance
             with the  Project  Schedule  (or as such  date may be  extended  as
             provided  in this  Article 7 of the Master  Agreement),  Contractor
             recognizes that CES may suffer  substantial  damages as a result of
             the delay.

     7.2.2   Contractor  shall pay CES all costs and damages  which CES incurs
             and as necessary to hold CES harmless  from any monetary loss which
             is caused by Contractor's failure to achieve Substantial Completion
             within  the  Contract  Time  set  forth in the  Work  Order  (or as
             extended by a  subsequently  issued Change Order.) CES will seek in
             its  agreement  with  its  Customer  limit  the  recoverability  of
             consequential  damages against both CES and Contractor for any late
             completion of the Work;  however,  CES makes no representation that
             it will be able to obtain such  consent.  Other than  consequential
             damages  of  Customer,  Contractor  shall  not be liable to CES for
             consequential  damages.  CES shall provide  notice to Contractor of
             any special provisions  contained in the Customer Agreement between
             CES and Customer,  at such time Contractor can agree, or not agree,
             to execute such Work Order.

     7.2.3   Contractor may be entitled to an extension of the Contract Time for
             excusable  delays arising from only the following  events which are
             unforeseeable  and beyond the control of  Contractor  and which are
             neither  caused nor  contributed  to by the fault or  negligence of
             Contractor or its Subcontractors:

             1.   Acts of God, such as tornado,  fire,  hurricane,  blizzard,
                  earthquake,  typhoon,  flood or other similar unavoidable

             2.   Labor disruption by a third party; unanticipated action or
                  failure to act by a governmental entity having jurisdiction
                  over the Project; or litigation commenced by any person or
                  entity not a party to the Contract Documents.

             3.   Abnormal,  adverse weather not reasonably  foreseeable.  The
                  Contract Time will not be extended due to normal seasonal
                  weather variations.

             4.   Delays  caused by acts or  failure  to act by CES,  other CES
                  consultants  and contractors, or CES'  Customer.

     7.2.4   In the event that Contractor requests an extension of the Contract
             Time,   Contractor  shall  furnish   justification  and  supporting
             documentation,  as described in Section  7.2.5 below,  to determine
             whether  Contractor  is entitled to an  extension of time under the
             Contract Documents. If CES finds that Contractor is entitled to any
             extension  of time,  CES'  determination  as to the total number of
             days' extension shall be based upon the justified number of days of
             delay claimed by  Contractor  and the  currently  approved  Project
             Schedule.  Contractor acknowledges and agrees that actual delays in
             activities  which,  according to the most current Project Schedule,
             that do not affect  activities  critical to the  completion  of the
             Work  within  the  Contract  Time  will not be a valid  basis for a
             change to the

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             Contract Time. If CES determines  that Contractor is entitled to an
             extension of the Contract Time, an appropriate Change Order will be

     7.2.5 Any claim for an extension of time shall be made in writing to CES
             within twenty-one (21) days of Contractor's reasonable discovery of
             actual  delay to the Work,  and the  circumstances  and  activities
             leading  to  such  claim  shall  be  indicated  or   referenced  on
             Contractor's daily report for the day(s) affected;  otherwise,  all
             such  claims  are  waived by  Contractor.  In making a claim for an
             extension of time,  Contractor shall provide the following specific
             information  and  CES  may  request  additional   documentation  if
             necessary to evaluate Contractor's claim for additional time:

             1.   Nature of the delay;
             2.   Date (or anticipated date) of commencement of delay;
             3.   Activities  on  the  Project  Schedule  affected  by  the
                  delay, and/or new activities created by the delay, and their
                  relationship with existing activities;
             4.   Reason for delay; identification of person(s), or
                  organization(s),  or event(s) responsible for the delay;
             5.   Anticipated extent of delay;
             6.   Amount of additional extension of Contract time requested by
                  Contractor; and
             7.   Any recommended action to avoid or minimize additional delays.

     7.2.6   An extension of Contract Time shall not be granted if,
             in the exercise of reasonable prudence,  Contractor,  or anyone for
             whom Contractor is responsible, could have avoided the delay in the
             progress of the Work.  Delays otherwise  allowable shall be reduced
             by the amount of time that Contractor or anyone for whom Contractor
             is responsible,  in the exercise of reasonable prudence, could have
             avoided or reduced such delays in the course of the  performance of
             subsequent portions of the Work, provided that Contractor shall not
             be  obligated  to incur  additional  cost to make up any  excusable

     7.2.7   Except as  otherwise  specifically  provided in this Master
             Agreement,  Contractor shall not be entitled to any increase in the
             Contract  Amount or payment of additional  compensation of any kind
             from CES based on any delays  unless (1)  Contractor  gives  timely
             notice;  and (2) Contractor  substantiates its claim for additional
             compensation by providing CES written documentation supporting that
             the delay is  excusable  and  documenting  all claimed  extra costs
             associated  with such excusable delay in accordance with Articles 7
             and 8 herein., hall provide timely notice under Section 8.4 of this
             Master Agreement and shall  substantiate all extra costs claimed by
             Contractor based on such delay.


     7.3.1   Parties will attach to the Work Order an agreed upon Project
             Schedule   which   describes   Contractor's   intended   method  of
             accomplishing  the Work.  Such Project  Schedule shall be in a form
             acceptable to CES and shall demonstrate an expeditious, practicable
             and reasonable plan for  accomplishing  Final Completion within the
             Contract Time

     7.3.2   Project Schedule shall take into account accomplishment of such
             interim  milestones  or  requirements  of  CES  for  completion  of
             portions of the Work at times earlier than the full Contract  Time,
             and  Contractor  may use such "float" time elsewhere in the Project
             Schedule if it does not impact the project critical path.

     7.3.3   With CES' prior written approval, the Project Schedule may be
             revised to reflect any  adjustments  extending  the Contract  Time,
             including    revision    to   the    durations,    sequences    and
             interrelationships   of  activities  affected  by  the  occurrences
             permitting  such  adjustment.  CES shall be entitled to rely on the
             Project  Schedule  (and as  revised)  in  planning  and  scheduling
             performance of its obligations  under the Contract  Documents or of
             interrelated work by its own forces or separate contractors.

     7.3.4   Contractor shall coordinate its Work with CES and all other
             contractors,  subcontractors  and suppliers so as not  unreasonably
             delay or disrupt their  performance or impact the project  critical
             path.  Oral extensions of the Contract Time shall not be binding on

8.1  REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL WORK. Contractor shall perform the Work as
     specified in each Work Order and any subsequently issued Change Orders.
     Contractor is under no obligation to perform additional work which
     exceeds the Scope of Work described in the Work Order and written
     Change Orders. During the performance of Work

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     on  a  particular  Work  Order,  CES  may  request  Contractor  to  perform
     additional  work,  outside  the Scope of Work,  and such new work  shall be
     authorized by a written  Change Order.  If, during the  performance  of the
     Work, Contractor is requested to perform work under the existing Work Order
     that  Contractor  believes is outside the Scope of Work  identified  in the
     Work Order, or a subsequently issued Change Order, Contractor shall provide
     written  notice  of same to CES  within  twenty-one  (21)  working  days of
     Contractor receipt of notice of such request.  If the Work is deemed by CES
     to be outside the original Scope of Work, a Change Order for the additional
     work  shall be  issued.  If CES deems said work to be within the Work Order
     Scope of work, or another subsequently approved Change Order Scope of Work,
     Contractor  shall  perform  such work,  but shall do so under  protest  for
     additional compensation and/or time and such protests shall be submitted to
     CES as a Claim for  additional  compensation  and/or time.  Such claims for
     additional  compensation  and/or time shall be resolved in accordance  with
     terms of Articles 7 and 8.


     8.2.1   If, during the performance of the Work, Contractor believes that a
             Material  Changed  Condition  is  impacting or will impact the Work
             requiring  additional time and/or  compensation,  Contractor  shall
             provide  written notice of same to CES within  twenty-one (21) days
             of Contractor's  notice of such Changed Condition,  the anticipated
             time of delay and/or the estimated additional costs associated with
             the  Material  Changed  Condition.  Contractor  shall  continuously
             update CES as to the impact of the Material Changed  Condition.  If
             CES agrees  that there is a Material  Changed  Condition,  a new or
             amended  Work  Order  shall  be  issued  to  increase  time  and/or
             compensation.  A "Material  Changed  Condition" shall be defined as
             one or more of the  following  conditions  that  impact the Project
             Schedule  ("Time")  and/or Cost: 1) parties  outside the control of
             Contractor  caused  delays in Project  Schedule;  2)  discovery  of
             differing and unexpected site conditions  which were not previously
             disclosed by Customer and could not have been readily  discoverable
             by  Contractor  prior to start of Work;  3)  discovery of hazardous
             wastes or material which was not previously disclosed;  (4) adverse
             weather  conditions not reasonably  anticipated;  and (5) any other
             condition  that could not have been  reasonably  anticipated by the
             Parties  and  is  outside  Contractor's  control.  If  there  is  a
             disagreement  between CES and Contractor as to whether or not there
             is a Material Change Condition, those disputes shall be resolved in
             accordance with the provisions of this Master Agreement.

     8.2.2   If there is any change to the scope of work resulting in a change
             in the Contract Amount,  the change to the Contract Amount shall be
             determined in one or more of the following ways:

             l.   By mutual  acceptance  of a lump sum  properly  itemized  and
                  supported  by  sufficient substantiating data to permit

             2.   By unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or
                  subsequently agreed upon; or

             3.   By the method provided in Subparagraph 8.2.3 of this Master

             Except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the cost or
             credit to CES resulting  from a Change in the Work,  not covered by
             unit prices,  shall be based on the following  percentages added to
             the  extra  material  and  labor  costs:  Percentage  allowance  to
             Contractor  for  overhead  and profit for extra work  performed  by
             Contractor with its own forces shall be Fifteen Percent (15%);  the
             percentage  allowance  to  Contractor  for  overhead and profit for
             extra work performed by Contractor's  Subcontractor  and supervised
             by  Contractor  shall be Ten Percent  (10%);  and plus a reasonable
             allowance for costs of delay that shall be documented  and verified
             at CES' request.

     8.2.3   If  Contractor  does not respond  promptly or  disagrees  with the
             method of  adjustment  in the Contract  Amount,  the method and the
             adjustment  to  shall  be  determined  by CES on the  basis  of the
             reasonable  expenditures  and savings of those  performing the Work
             attributable to the Change,  including,  in the case of an increase
             in the Contract Amount, a reasonable amount for overhead and profit
             as defined in Section 8.2.2 above. In such case,  Contractor  shall
             keep and present,  in such form as CES may  prescribe,  an itemized
             accounting  together  with  appropriate  supporting  data  such  as
             invoices,  Subcontractor  quotes and other documents and records as
             CES may  require to verify  Contractor's  costs.  Unless  otherwise
             provided for in the Contract  Documents,  costs for the purposes of
             this Section shall be limited to the following:

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             l.   costs of labor, including social security, old age, and
                  unemployment  insurance, fringe benefits required by agreement
                  or customer, and worker's compensation insurance;

             2.   costs of materials,  supplies,  and equipment,  including cost
                  of transportation,  whether incorporated or consumed;

             3.   rental costs of machinery and  equipment,  exclusive of hand
                  tools,  whether rented from the Contractor or others;

             4.   costs of premiums for all bonds and  insurance,  permit fees,
                  and sales,  use or similar taxes related to the Work;

             5.   additional costs of  supervision  and field  office  personnel
                  and other field office costs directly attributable to the

     8.2.4   Notwithstanding any dispute regarding any requested adjustment in
             the  Contract  Amount or Contract  Time with respect to a change in
             the Work,  Contractor shall promptly proceed with the Work required
             by any Work  Order  issued  by CES and CES shall  continue  to make
             payments to Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents.

     8.3.1   Other than changes initiated by CES, Contractor shall not be
             entitled  to any  adjustment  of Contract  Amount or Contract  Time
             except in strict  compliance  with the procedures  hereinafter  set
             forth.  The failure of  Contractor  to assert any claim  within the
             time limits prescribed herein or in the form or manner precisely as
             required  hereby  shall  be  deemed  a  material  prejudice  to the
             interests  of CES and shall  constitute  an absolute  waiver of the
             claim and the right to file or thereafter prosecute same.

     8.3.2   In the event that Contractor contends that any order (which
             shall   include   direction,    instruction,    interpretation   or
             determination)  from CES or  other  event  or  occurrence  causes a
             Change in the Work entitling  Contractor to an adjustment of either
             the Contract Amount or Contract Time or both, Contractor shall:

             1.   Provide a written Notice of Claim to CES within twenty-one
                  (21)  days  after  the   occurrence  of  the  event  or  first
                  recognized  the  condition  giving  rise to such  claim.  Such
                  Notice of Claim must  clearly  identify the event or condition
                  that is relied  upon and contain a clear  statement  of why it
                  constitutes a basis for adjustment.

             2.   The Notice of Claim shall include a clear, concise recital of
                  the  basis  upon  which  the claim is  asserted,  including  a
                  designation of the  provision(s) in the Contract  Documents on
                  which  the  claim  is  based  and  the   amount  of  time  and
                  compensation  claimed.  All costs,  expenses  or  damages  and
                  extensions  of time claimed as a result of the alleged  change
                  shall be described in reasonable detail and shall be supported
                  with reasonable documentation.

             3.   To the extent that any adjustment to the Contract Time is
                  sought,   Contractor   shall  also  fully   comply   with  the
                  requirements of Article 7.

     8.3.3   CES shall review any claim that was timely submitted by Contractor.
             In  conducting  this  review,  CES shall  have the right to require
             Contractor  to submit  such  additional  documents,  data and other
             information  as CES may reasonably  require.  The failure to submit
             such additional documents, data or other information within fifteen
             (15) working days  following  Contractor's  receipt of CES' written
             request shall be deemed a waiver of the claim.  If, upon completion
             of such review,  CES  determines  that a Change is  justified,  CES
             shall  issue a new or amended  Work  Order  amending  the  Contract
             Amount  or  Contract  Time or both as  appropriate.  If  Contractor
             disputes the determination made by CES, as a condition precedent of
             any further action to resolve such dispute,  Contractor must notify
             CES in writing  within five (5) working days  following  receipt of
             the decision of such dispute and permit CES fifteen (15) additional
             working days to reconsider and, if it deems it appropriate,  modify
             its decision.

9.1  Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of, and
     shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss

     9.1.1   All employees and its Subcontractors and their employees on the
             Project or  performing  the Work and all other  persons  who may be
             affected thereby;

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     9.1.2   All Work and all materials and equipment to be incorporated
             therein,  whether  in  storage  on or off the Site  under the care,
             custody or control of Contractor or any of its Subcontractors;  and
             9.1.3 Other  property at the Site or  adjacent  thereto,  including
             trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, utilities, pavements, etc.

9.2  Contractor shall give all notices and shall comply with all Applicable Laws
     bearing  on the  safety of persons or  property  or their  protection  from
     damage, injury or loss. Specifically but without limitation, Contractor and
     its  Subcontractors  shall  thoroughly   familiarize  themselves  with  all
     requirements  of Public Law 91-956 enacted by Congress,  December 29, 1970,
     cited  as the  "Occupational  Safety  and  Health  Act of  1970",  and  all
     amendments thereto, commonly referred to as OSHA, and Contractor shall have
     the  responsibility to fully enforce and comply with all provisions of this

9.3  Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and
     the  progress  of the  Work,  all  reasonable  safeguards  for  safety  and
     protection of the Work,  including  posting danger signs and other warnings
     against  hazards,  promulgating  safety  regulations  and notifying CES and
     Customer of adjacent utilities.

9.4  Contractor shall promptly remedy all damage or loss to any property caused
     in whole or in part by Contractor or its Subcontractors, except such damage
     or loss  attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of CES,  Customer,
     or others for whom they are responsible.

9.5  In any emergency affecting the safety of persons or property, Contractor
     shall reasonably act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss.

9.6  Contractor shall exercise appropriate, reasonable care in carrying out
     any Work involving  explosive or other dangerous methods of construction or
     hazardous procedures, materials or equipment. Contractor shall use properly
     qualified  individuals  to  carry  out such  Work in a safe and  reasonable
     manner so as to reduce the risk of damage, injury or loss.

9.7  Contractor shall designate an employee at the Site who shall act as
     Contractor's  designated  safety  representative  with  a duty  to  prevent
     accidents.  Unless otherwise  identified in writing,  the designated safety
     representative shall be the Contractor's project superintendent.

9.8  Contractor shall not overload the structures or conditions at the Site
     and shall take  reasonable  steps not to load any part of the structures or
     Site so as to give rise to an unsafe  condition  or create an  unreasonable
     risk of damage,  injury or loss. Contractor may submit a written request to
     CES or Customer for loading  information  concerning  the structures at the

9.9  Contractor shall give prompt written notice to CES of any accident
     involving personal injury requiring a physician's care, any property damage
     exceeding  five  hundred  dollars  ($500.00)  in value,  or any accident or
     failure that could have resulted in serious personal injury, whether or not
     such an injury was sustained.

9.10 Contractor shall establish its own written safety program implementing
     safety  measures,  policies and standards  conforming to those  required or
     recommended  by  governmental  and  quasi-governmental  authorities  having
     jurisdiction,  and by CES and  Customer,  including,  but not  limited  to,
     requirements  imposed by the Contract Documents and the Customer Agreement.
     Contractor  shall comply with the reasonable  recommendations  of insurance
     companies having an interest in the Project, and shall stop any part of the
     Work which CES deems unsafe until corrective  measures  satisfactory to CES
     shall have been taken. CES' failure to stop  Contractor's  unsafe practices
     shall not relieve  Contractor of the  responsibility  therefor.  Contractor
     shall  notify CES  immediately  following  an accident  and shall  promptly
     confirm the notice in writing. A detailed written report shall be furnished
     if requested by CES.  Contractor shall indemnify CES and Customer for fines
     or penalties  imposed on CES or Customer as a result of a safety  violation
     by Contractor.

9.11 Material Safety Data (MSD) sheets as required by law and pertaining to
     materials or  substances  used or consumed in the  performance  of the Work
     shall be submitted to CES by  Contractor.  MSD sheets  obtained by CES from
     other contractors or sources shall be made available to Contractor.

9.12 Use and handling of Hazardous Substances by Contractor shall be in
     compliance with all Applicable Laws.

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     10.1.1  CES shall inspect the Work at times chosen to avoid delay to
             Contractor's  Work. If any portion of the Work is covered  contrary
             to the  requirements  of the  Contract  Documents or to the express
             request of CES during  construction,  Contractor shall, if required
             in  writing by CES,  uncover  such work for CES'  observation.  Any
             defective  Work  shall be  removed  and  replaced  at  Contractor's

     10.1.2  If any portion of the Work has been covered which CES has not
             specifically  requested to observe  prior to being covered or which
             the  Contract  Documents  did not state  should be  observed by CES
             prior to covering, CES may request to see such Work and it shall be
             uncovered by Contractor.  If such Work is found to be in accordance
             with  the  Contract  Documents,  the cost  and  additional  time of
             uncovering and  replacement  shall,  by appropriate  Work Order, be
             paid by CES. If such Work is found to be not in accordance with the
             Contract  Documents,  Contractor  shall pay such  costs  unless the
             condition  was caused by CES,  or a separate  contractor,  in which
             event CES shall be  responsible  for the payment to  Contractor  of
             such costs.


     10.2.1  Contractor  warrants to CES that all materials and equipment
             furnished  under  the  Work  Order  will  be new  unless  otherwise
             specified,  and that all Work  (without  limitation,  including all
             materials,  equipment  and  workmanship)  will be of the  specified
             quality,  free  from  defects  and in strict  conformance  with the
             Contract Documents and Equipment Manufacturers warranty provisions.
             All  Work  not   conforming   to  these   requirements,   including
             substitutions  not  properly   approved  and  authorized,   may  be
             considered  defective.  Contractor  further  agrees to correct  all
             deficient Work discovered by CES and/or Customer during a period of
             one (1) year after the Date of  Substantial  Completion of the Work
             or  for  such  longer  period  of  time  as  provided  by  specific
             warranties  contained  elsewhere  in  the  Contract  Documents.  In
             addition to making such corrections,  repairs and/or  replacements,
             Contractor shall correct,  repair and/or replace any other property
             damage to Customer caused as a result of such defective  materials,
             equipment and/or workmanship.  Such corrective work shall be at the
             sole  expense  of  Contractor  and shall be  performed  in a timely
             manner at the reasonable  convenience  of Customer.  The warranties
             set forth in this Paragraph and elsewhere in the Contract Documents
             shall survive  Substantial  Completion and final  acceptance of the

     10.2.2  Without limiting the responsibility or liability of Contractor
             under the Contract  Documents,  all warranties and attendant rights
             given by  manufacturers  on materials or equipment  incorporated in
             the Work are hereby assigned by Contractor to CES and Customer.  If
             requested,  Contractor  shall execute  formal  assignments  of said
             manufacturers' warranties to CES and/or Customer.

     10.2.3  Contractor  shall  promptly  correct  all Work  rejected  by CES
             that  does  not  comply  with  the  requirements  of  the  Contract
             Documents  whether  observed before Final Completion of the Work or
             thereafter  observed  within the  warranty  period,  whether or not
             fabricated, installed or completed. Contractor shall bear all costs
             of correcting  and/or  replacing all such rejected Work incurred by
             CES including the expense of repairing  and/or  replacing all other
             property damage caused by such  replacement and  re-execution.  The
             one (1) year period for correction of Work shall be extended by the
             corrective  Work  performed by Contractor  pursuant to this section
             10.2, unless otherwise specified in the Work Order.

     10.2.4  Contractor shall remove from the Site all portions of the Work
             which  are  defective  or  nonconforming  and  which  have not been
             corrected unless removal is waived by CES.

     10.2.5  If Contractor fails to correct defective or nonconforming Work
             within  the  time  period  set  forth  in CES'  written  notice  to
             Contractor,  CES may,  but shall not be required  to,  correct such
             defective  or  nonconforming  Work.  All  costs of such  corrective
             action   incurred   by  CES   (including   engineering   and  other
             consultant's  fees and  expenses)  plus a fee equal to ten  percent
             (10%) of the repair  costs  incurred by CES shall be deducted  from
             the  balance  of any  amounts  due to  Contractor,  or if  that  is
             insufficient,  Contractor  shall  pay the  difference  to CES  upon

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     If CES prefers to accept  defective or  nonconforming  Work,  CES may do so
     instead of requiring its removal and correction, in which case a Work Order
     will be  issued  to  reflect  a  reduction  in the  Contract  Amount  in an
     appropriate  amount.  Such  adjustment  shall be  effective  regardless  of
     whether Final Payment has been made.


     The warranties set forth in this Article 10, and those contained  elsewhere
     in the Contract Documents or implied by law, shall be deemed cumulative and
     not alternative or exclusive. No warranty shall be deemed to alter or limit
     any  other  warranty  or any  other  remedy  or right  under  the  Contract
     Documents or provided by law. Nothing contained in this Article 10 shall be
     construed  to  establish a period of  limitation  with respect to any other
     obligation which  Contractor has under the Contract  Documents or under any
     separate  warranty  or  guaranty  required  thereby.  The  warranty  period
     established  by  the  Contract  Documents  relates  only  to  the  specific
     obligation of Contractor to correct the Work, and it has no relationship to
     the Project Schedule,  nor any statute of limitations regarding time within
     which  proceedings  may  be  commenced  against   Contractor  to  establish
     Contractor's   liability  with  respect  to  its  obligations   other  than
     specifically to correct the Work.

11.1 Contractor shall submit an Application For Payment, or alternatively
     referred  to as the  Invoice,  to CES in  accordance  with the  Schedule of
     Values as described below.

11.2 Within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of execution of the
     Work  Order,  Contractor  shall  prepare  and submit a  Schedule  of Values
     apportioned to the various  divisions or phases of the Work. Each line item
     contained in the Schedule of Values shall be assigned a monetary price such
     that the total of all such  items  shall  equal the  Contract  Amount.  The
     Schedule  of  Values  shall be  subject  to  approval  by CES and  shall be
     prepared  in such  detail as may be  required  by CES or  Customer  and, in
     addition thereto,  CES and Contractor may agree on the extent of the detail
     which must be supported by such documents and proof as CES may require.

11.3 Contractor's Applications For Payment (or invoice) shall be itemized
     and supported by the Schedule of Values and any other  substantiating  data
     (including  notarization) as CES may require.  Applications For Payment may
     include payment requests on account of properly authorized Work Orders.

11.4 Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work covered by
     any  Application For Payment,  whether  incorporated in the Project or not,
     will pass to CES free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests or
     encumbrances upon the date Contractor receives payment for such Work.

11.5 Waivers and Releases. As a prerequisite for all progress or final
     payments to Contractor, Contractor shall provide, in a form satisfactory to
     CES  and  Owner,  partial  lien  or  claim  waivers  in the  amount  of the
     application  for  payment  and  affidavits   covering  its  subcontractors,
     materialmen,  truckers,  and suppliers for completed subcontract work. Such
     waivers  may be  conditional  upon  payment.tain  Waivers  and  Releases as
     described herein. First, a Conditional Waiver and Release shall be provided
     to PG&E ES at time of  invoicing,  in a form  acceptable  to PG&E ES,  that
     states  that upon  receipt of payment  from PG&E ES for Work under the Work
     Order,  Contractor  shall  waive  and  release  any  and  all  rights  to a
     mechanic's  lien,  stop  notice,  or any  right  against  any bond for Work
     completed to date,  except for any disputed amount identified in the waiver
     and  release.  Also as a  prerequisite  for  progress  and final  payments,
     Contractor  shall  provide  Unconditional  Waivers and  Releases at time of
     invoicing,  in a form  acceptable  to  PG&E  ES,  from  any  and all of its
     subcontractors,  materialmen,  truckers and suppliers that states that they
     have  been  paid in full to date  for all  labor,  services,  equipment  or
     materials  furnished to the Project at  Contractor's  request,  and thereby
     waive and release any right to a mechanic's lien, stop notice, or any right
     against any bond, except for any disputed amount identified in the release.

11.6 For each payment period, Contractor shall submit its Application for
     Payment  (Invoice) for Work performed no later than seven (7) calendar days
     prior to the date that CES payment  application is required to be submitted
     to  Customer  under  the  Customer  Agreement,   unless  otherwise  agreed.
     Contractor  may  include in its  Applications  for  Payment  materials  and
     equipment  purchased  by  Contractor  and  suitably  stored  at the Site or
     elsewhere for use in performance of the Work.

12.1 The Work Order will set forth the Contract Amount for the Contractor's
     Work and the Progress  Payment  Schedule.  The total Contract  Amount shall
     constitute the complete  compensation for Contractor's Work with respect to
     the Project. CES shall be under no obligation to compensate  Contractor any
     additional  amounts beyond the Contract  Amount,  unless there is a written
     Work Order that increases the Contract Amount.

12.2 CES shall require a ten percent (10%) retainage to be withheld from
     payments  made by CES to  Contractor.  CES may provide  for a reduction  of
     retainage based upon a percentage of completion of the Work.

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12.3 CES may decline to pay Contractor, in whole or in part, to such extent
     as may be  necessary  in CES' good faith  opinion to protect  CES from loss
     because of:

     1.   Defective or nonconforming Work not remedied;
     2.   Third party  claims or liens filed or  reasonable  evidence indicating
          probable  filing of such claims or liens;
     3.   Failure of Contractor to make payments properly to its subcontractors;
     4.   Reasonable  evidence  that the Work cannot be  completed  for the
          unpaid  balance of the Contract Amount;
     5.   Damage to CES or to  Customer,  for  which  Contractor  is  liable  as
          set forth in the  Contract Documents;
     6.   Reasonable  evidence  that the Work will not be completed  within the
          Contract  Time, as properly amended; or
     7.   Failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract
          Documents. When these grounds are corrected by Contractor, CES
          shall promptly make payment without interest for amounts
          withheld based on the deficiencies.

12.4 Any overpayments to Contractor shall, unless otherwise credited or
     adjusted, be repaid to CES.

12.5 If CES does not pay Contractor within thirty (30) days after payment is
     due, or such time as payment is required by applicable state law, whichever
     is earlier,  interest at one percent (1%) per month shall accrue commencing
     on the date payment was due.

12.6 If Contractor is in any way indebted to CES under this Master Agreement,
     moneys due  Contractor  hereunder may be withheld as an offset against such
     other indebtedness.

12.7 Final payment of the balance owed to Contractor shall be due thirty
     (30) days after receipt by CES of final payment from Customer for the Work,
     or such time as required by  applicable  state law,  whichever  is earlier.
     However,  Contractor  shall not be  entitled to final  payment  until Final
     Completion of the Work.  Contractor agrees to furnish, if and when required
     by CES,  payroll  affidavits,  receipts,  vouchers,  releases of claims for
     labor and material and releases from its subcontractors  and vendors,  in a
     form satisfactory to CES, prior to receipt of any payment.  In the event of
     a payment a payment not made timely by Contractor,  CES may, at its option,
     make any payment or portion  thereof by joint check  payable to  Contractor
     and any of its subcontractors, suppliers, truckers, and/or materialmen.

12.8 Contractor agrees, upon payment by CES to Contractor for Work pursuant
     to this  Master  Agreement,  to waive and  release all lien rights that may
     exist or which may arise  regarding the Work for such Work; and to furnish,
     if  requested,  waivers and  releases of liens from every person or company
     furnishing  labor or material for the Work in a form acceptable to CES; and
     to protect CES, the Work,  and  Customer  from all expenses  arising out of
     Contractor's failure of performance under the Contract Documents.

12.9 Contractor Payment of its Subcontractors and Suppliers. Upon payment by
     CES to Contractor,  Contractor  shall promptly pay its  subcontractors  and
     suppliers  the  amounts  to which they are  entitled.  In the event CES has
     reason to believe that labor,  material,  or other obligations  incurred in
     the performance of the Work are not being paid, CES may give written notice
     of a  potential  claim or lien to the  Contractor  and may  take any  steps
     deemed necessary to assure that progress  payments are utilized to pay such
     obligations,  including but not limited to the issuance of joint checks. If
     upon receipt of notice,  the Contractor does not (a) supply evidence to the
     satisfaction  of CES that the moneys  due and owing have been paid;  or (b)
     post a bond  indemnifying the Owner,  CES, and CES' surety, if any, and the
     premises  from a claim or lien,  CES shall have the right to withhold  from
     any payments due or to become due to the Contractor a reasonable  amount to
     protect CES from any and all loss, damage or expense  including  attorney's
     fees that may arise out of or related to any such claim or lien. If CES has
     reason to believe that the  Contractor  is not  complying  with the payment
     terms of this  Master  Agreement,  CES shall have the right to contact  the
     Contractors  subcontractors  and  suppliers to  ascertain  whether they are
     being paid by the Contractor in accordance with this Master Agreement.

13.1 Contractor shall maintain the following insurance coverage. Contractor
     is also responsible for its  Subcontractors  maintaining the same insurance
     coverage as noted below, unless otherwise specified in the Work Order.

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             1. Workers' Compensation insurance or self-insurance indicating
                compliance  with  any  applicable  labor  codes,  acts,  laws or
                statutes,  state or  federal,  where  Contractor  performs  Work
                pursuant to each Work Order.

             2. Employers' Liability insurance shall not be less than $1,000,000
                for injury or death for each accident.


             1. Coverage shall be at least as broad as the Insurance Services
                Office (ISO) Commercial General Liability Coverage  "occurrence"
                form, with no coverage deletions. 2. The limit shall not be less
                than  $2,000,000  with  respect  to each  occurrence  for bodily
                injury, property damage and personal injury. Such coverage shall
                at  least be as broad as the  Insurance  Services  Office  (ISO)
                Commercial   Liability  Coverage   "occurrence"  form,  with  no
                coverage deletions.

             3. Coverage shall: a) by "Additional Insured" endorsement add as
                insureds CES, Customer, and all directors,  officers, agents and
                employees of CES and Customer, with respect to liability arising
                out of Work performed under this Master Agreement by Contractor;
                b) be  endorsed  to  provide  cross-liability  coverage,  and c)
                specify  that  Contractor's  insurance  is primary  and that any
                insurance  or   self-insurance   maintained  by  CES  shall  not
                contribute with it.

     13.1.3  BUSINESS AUTO

             1. Coverage shall be at least as broad as the Insurance Services
                Office (ISO)  Business Auto  Coverage  form covering  Automobile
                Liability, code 1 "any auto."

             2. The limit shall not be less than $1,000,000 for each accident
                for bodily injury and property damage.


             1. Professional  Liability  (Errors  and  Omissions  Liability)
                insurance  appropriate for the design and engineering work to be
                furnished under this Master  Agreement.  Coverage shall be for a
                professional  error, act or omission arising out of the scope of
                work provided hereunder.

             2. The limit  shall not be less than  $1,000,000  for each claim.
                If coverage is subject to an  aggregate,  this  aggregate  limit
                shall be twice the claim limit.

             3. With respect to any professional liability insurance provided on
                a claims-made  basis,  Contractor  shall  maintain such coverage
                continuously  throughout its  performance of its Work under this
                Master  Agreement,  and, without lapse, for a period of four (4)
                years thereafter.


             1. Contractor shall furnish builder's risk insurance on an
                "all-risk"  basis  subject to  standard  terms,  conditions  and
                exclusions,  and with  deductibles,  limits and additional peril
                coverage to cover the Work provided pursuant to each Work Order.


             1. Before commencing performance of Work, Contractor shall furnish
                CES with  certificates  of  insurance  and  endorsements  of all
                required insurance for Contractor.

             2. The documentation shall state that coverage shall not be
                modified or canceled except after thirty (30) days prior written
                notice has been given to CES.

             3. The  documentation  must be signed by a person  authorized  by
                that  insurer  to bind  coverage  on its  behalf  and  shall  be
                submitted to CES.

             4. CES may inspect the original policies or require complete
                certified  copies,  at any time and the policies must be carried
                by companies reasonably acceptable to CES.

             5. Upon request,  Contractor shall furnish CES the same evidence of
                insurance for its Subcontractors as CES requires of Contractor.


     13.2.1  Upon the request of CES for any Project, Contractor shall
             furnish a performance  and/or payment bond with respect to its Work
             performed  pursuant to a Work  Order.  The  performance  bond shall
             guarantee  Contractor's  faithful  performance  of  all  terms  and
             conditions  of  the  Contract  Documents.  The  performance  and/or
             payment  bond shall  provide  CES with  security  for  Contractor's
             payment  of all  claims  of  laborers,  mechanics,  subcontractors,
             suppliers  and the like for the  costs of  improvements  made  with
             respect to the Project at issue.

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     13.2.2  If a performance or payment bond, or both, are required of
             Contractor under the Contract  Documents,  then said bonds shall be
             in  the  full  amount  of  the  Contract  Price,  unless  otherwise
             specified in the Contract Documents,  and shall be in a form and by
             a surety mutually agreeable to CES and Contractor.

     13.2.3  In the event Contractor shall fail to provide any required
             bonds prior to  starting  the Work or  entering  the Site,  CES may
             terminate  the Work Order and enter into a contract for the balance
             of the Work with  another  contractor.  All CES costs and  expenses
             incurred  as  a  result  of  said  termination  shall  be  paid  by


     14.1.1  Grounds for Termination. CES may terminate this Master
             Agreement or an individual  Work Order for material  breach of this
             Master Agreement if the Contractor:

             1.   Persistently  or  repeatedly  refuses  or fails to  supply
                  enough properly skilled workers or proper materials; or

             2.   fails to make payment to  subcontractors of undisputed amounts
                  for  materials  or labor  in  accordance  with the  respective
                  agreements between Contractor and the subcontractors; or

             3.   persistently  disregards laws,  ordinances,  or rules,
                  regulations   or   orders   of  a  public   authority   having
                  jurisdiction; or

             4.   otherwise is guilty of substantial breach of a provision of
                  the contract Documents; or

             5.   Makes  any  material   misrepresentations  to  CES  (including
                  but not limited to  misrepresentations  in connection with any
                  Application For Payment); or

             6.   Is adjudicated as bankrupt; or

             7.   Makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors.

     14.1.2  Notice to Cure: If any of the above reasons exist, CES shall
             notify  Contractor in writing that Contractor is in default of this
             Master  Agreement  and/or  individual Work Order.  Contractor shall
             have five (5) days after receipt of this notification to either (1)
             commence and continue  correction of the default with diligence and
             promptness  to CES'  satisfaction,  or (2) present to CES a plan to
             correct the default in a timely manner that is satisfactory to CES.

     14.1.3  Termination: If Contractor fails to cure the default within
             five (5) days, or within the time agreed to by the Parties pursuant
             to section  14.1.2  above,  CES may without  prejudice to any other
             rights or  remedies of CES,  and after  giving  Contractor  and the
             Contractor's  surety,  if any,  seven  (7) days  written  notice of
             termination  of the  Master  Agreement  and/or an  individual  Work
             Order,  terminate  employment of contractor and may, subject to any
             prior rights of the surety:

             1.   take  possession of the site and of all  materials, equipment,
                  tools, and construction  equipment and machinery thereon owned
                  by Contractor;

             2.   accept assignment of subcontract;

             3.   finish the Work by whatever reasonable method CES deems
                  expedient, and

             4.   shall give Contractor written notice thereof. Contractor
                  thereafter shall cure the default, or take specific corrective
                  action,  as soon as possible  and in any event within five (5)
                  working days from receipt of the written notice of default.

     14.1.4  If CES terminates the Master Agreement and/or an individual
             Work Order for one of the  reasons  stated in Section  14.1.1,  the
             Contractor  shall not be entitled to receive  further payment until
             the Work is finished.

     14.1.5  If the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount exceeds the costs
             of finishing the Work, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor.
             If such costs exceed the unpaid balance,  the Contractor  shall pay
             the  difference to CES. This  obligation  for payment shall survive
             the termination of this Master Agreement or individual Work Order.

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     14.1.6  CES' failure to exercise any particular rights or remedies
             set forth in this  Article 14 shall not  operate as a waiver of any
             other  rights or  remedies;  or prevent  CES from  exercising  such
             rights or remedies.


     14.2.1  Notwithstanding any other terms contained in the Contract
             Documents, in the event CES' contract or individual Work Order with
             Customer is  terminated  by  Customer,  CES shall have the right to
             terminate  the  respective  Work  Order  with  Contractor  for CES'
             convenience by giving Contractor written notice that the Work Order
             is terminated.

     14.2.2  Payment for Work - Contractor's Termination Statement.
             Contractor  shall, as soon as practical after receiving a notice of
             termination for convenience under  Subparagraph  14.2.1,  submit to
             CES,  Contractor's  statement  showing all of the costs incurred by
             Contractor in the  performance of the Work  terminated  pursuant to
             this Article.  CES shall,  within thirty (30) days after receipt of
             such  statement,  pay to Contractor all amounts  properly  included
             thereon.   The  phrase   "costs   incurred  by  Contractor  in  the
             performance of the Work  terminated" as used herein shall be deemed
             to include:

             1.  Subcontract termination costs;

             2.  Cancellation fees in regard to equipment and materials ordered;

             3.  Cost of all  materials  and  equipment  ordered  which  cannot
                 be  canceled  less actual proceeds received upon the
                 disposition thereof;

             4.  Restocking fees in regard to materials ordered;

             5.  Loss of profit for work completed as of the date of

             7.  Field work accomplished;

             8.  Permit, engineering bond and inspection fees;

             9.  All other direct costs  actually  incurred by Contractor  which
                 can be  demonstrated  by invoice, canceled check or other
                 appropriate documentation, and

             10. Upon payment by CES of the sums set forth in Subparagraph
                 14.2.3, Contractor shall transfer to CES title to all
                 materials, equipment and other property included or ordered for
                 the terminated Work, the cost of which was included in
                 Contractor's termination statement.

     14.2.3  Acceptance of such payment by Contractor as being in
             accordance  with this  Article 14 shall  constitute a waiver of all
             further claims by Contractor against CES under the Work Order.


     14.3.1  CES may order in writing Contractor to suspend, delay or
             interrupt  all or any part of the Work for such  period  of time as
             CES may determine to be appropriate for the convenience of CES.

     14.3.2  If CES orders a suspension,  delay,  or  interruption  of the Work,
             an adjustment of the Contract Amount shall be made for any increase
             in  Contractor's  costs of  performance,  including  a mark-up  for
             overhead and profit as provided in Article 8 of this Agreement, and
             of the  Contract  Time for any  increase in the time  required  for
             performance  of the Work  necessarily  caused  by such  suspension,
             delay or interruption.  However,  no equitable  adjustment shall be
             made to the extent that  performance  would have been so suspended,
             delayed  or  interrupted  by any other  cause  that  would not have
             entitled  Contractor  compensation  under  Article 8 of this Master
             Agreement , including the fault or negligence of Contractor.


     If Contractor fails to correct defective Work as required elsewhere in
     the Contract Documents, or persistently fails to carry out the Work or
     supply labor or materials in accordance with the Contract Documents,
     CES may order in writing Contractor to stop the Work or the affected
     Work Order, or any portion thereof, until the cause

[Add Contractor Name]                                                         19
Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.5                   [Date]

     for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of CES to stop the
     Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of CES to exercise this
     right for the benefit of Contractor or any other person or entity.


     14.5.1  Both CES and Contractor  have the right to terminate a Work Order
             under Master  Agreement,  upon seven (7) days written notice to the
             other Party, if the Work under a Work Order is delayed or suspended
             for a period that exceeds one hundred and twenty (120) days through
             no act or fault of CES, the  Contractor or any of the  Contractor's
             subcontractors, its sub-subcontractor, or their agents or any other
             persons  performing  portions of the Work under  contract  with the
             Contractor,  because of acts or  failures to act by others that are
             beyond   the   control   of   CES,   Contractor,   or   Contractor'
             subcontractor(s) and/or if CES fails to pay Contractor any Progress
             Payments  due and owing for more than one hundred and twenty  (120)
             days. If a Work Order is so terminated, Contractor may recover from
             CES payment for Work  executed  and for proven loss with respect to
             materials,  equipment, equipment, tools, and construction equipment
             and machinery, including reasonable overhead, profit and damages.

     14.5.2  Either Party may terminate this Master Agreement without cause
             upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other Party, if all Work
             Orders then in effect have achieved Final Completion and no further
             Work  Orders  have been  issued.  Contractor  shall be  entitled to
             payment  for all Work  performed  in  accordance  with this  Master


15.1 Contractor shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify and
     hold harmless Customer, CES, CES' consultants, and their agents,
     officers, directors, employees, successors, and assigns of any of them
     from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses and costs of
     any kind or description, including, but not limited to attorney's fees
     and other related costs and expenses, losses and damages, arising out
     of or resulting from performance of the Work. These indemnification
     obligations shall be limited to claims, damages, losses or expenses (1)
     that are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or
     to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work
     itself) including loss of use resulting therefrom, and (2) to the
     extent such claims, damages, losses or expenses are caused in whole or
     in part by negligent acts or omissions or willful misconduct of
     Contractor, its Subcontractors, anyone directly or indirectly employed
     by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable part by a party
     indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to
     negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity
     which would otherwise exist as to a party or person described in this

15.2 In claims against CES, or its Customer, consultants and other
     subcontractors, agents, employees by an employee of Contractor, its
     subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or
     anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the indemnification
     obligation under Article 15 shall not be limited by a limitation on the
     amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for
     Contractor, or its subcontractors, under workers' compensation acts,
     disability benefits acts, or other benefit acts.

In the event of a dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to
this Master Agreement, the Parties shall confer and attempt to resolve such
matter informally. If such dispute or claim can not be resolved in this manner,
then the dispute or claim shall be referred first to the Parties' executive
officers for their review and resolution. If the dispute or claim still can not
be resolved by such officers, then the Parties may agree to submit to
non-binding mediation or either Party may file a written demand for arbitration
with the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") and shall send a copy of such
demand to the other Party. The arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the
Commercial Arbitration Rules of the AAA in effect at the time the arbitration is
commenced. The award rendered by the arbitrator shall be final and binding on
the Parties and shall be enforceable in any court having jurisdiction thereof
and of the Parties. The arbitration shall be heard by one mutually agreeable
arbitrator, who shall have experience in the general subject matter to which the
dispute relates. The arbitration shall take place in the state where the project
under dispute is located, unless both Parties mutually agree to a different
venue for arbitration.

[Add Contractor Name]                                                         20
Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.5                   [Date]


17.1 Cross references, captions, headings, the index and citations of sections
     and  subsections  in this  Master  Agreement  are for  the  convenience  of
     Contractor  and CES, and they are not intended to be plenary or  exhaustive
     nor  are  they  intended  to be  considered  in  interpreting  this  Master
     Agreement or any other part of the Contract Documents.

17.2 There are incorporated in this Master Agreement the provisions of Executive
     Order 11246 (as  amended) of the  President  of the United  States on Equal
     Employment  Opportunities  and the rules and  regulations  issued  pursuant
     thereto  with  which  Contractor  represents  that  it will  comply  unless

17.3 If any clause of the Contract Documents is held as a matter of law to be
     unenforceable or  unconscionable,  the remainder of the Contract  Documents
     shall be enforceable without such clause.

17.4 No provisions of the Contract Documents shall in any way inure to the
     benefit  of any  third  party  (including  the  public  at  large) so as to
     constitute  such  person  as a  third  party  beneficiary  of the  Contract
     Documents,  except  as  specifically  provided  elsewhere  in the  Contract

17.5 Contractor shall subordinate, and shall have its Subcontractors
     subordinate, any lien or claim or right of lien against the Project and its
     real property which Contractor and his  Subcontractors may now or hereafter
     have on account of construction labor, services or materials provided under
     the Contract  Documents in  connection  with the Work or otherwise  for the
     Project, to any promissory note, loan agreement,  mortgage,  deed to secure
     debt, or other instrument executed by CES or Customer.

17.5 NOTICES. Any notices hereunder, except as specifically provided elsewhere
     in the Contract Documents, shall be given in writing and shall be delivered
     by hand or by first class certified U. S. Mail, return receipt requested to
     the addresses set forth below, or to such other address as either Party may
     substitute  by  written  notice  to the  other in the  matter  contemplated
     herein,  and will be deemed  given when  delivered,  or, if delivery is not
     accomplished by some fault of the addressee, when tendered.

     TO CES:                      WITH COPY TO:                         TO CONTRACTOR:

     Chevron Energy Solutions     Chevron Energy Solutions              Contractor Name
     Street Address               345 California Street, Suite 3200     Street Address
     City, State, Zip Code        San Francisco, CA  94104              City, State, Zip Code
     Attn: Name, Title            Attn:  Legal Department               Attn:  Name, Title
     Phone Number:                                                      Phone Number :
     Fax Number:                                                        Fax Number:

17.6 SIGNS.  No signs  shall be  placed on the  Project  site by  Contractor  or
     any Contractor subcontractor without the prior written approval of CES.

17.7 GOVERNING  LAW.  The  Contract  Documents  shall be  governed  by the laws
     of the SState of California  of  California  excluding any conflicts of law

17.8 FINANCIAL BOOKS AND RECORDS. Contractor shall maintain financial books,
     documents,  and cost accounting records with respect to the Contract Amount
     on  a  cash  basis  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted   accounting
     principles.  These records shall be made available to CES, upon request for
     audit, inspection or copying to the extent that they relate to any issue of
     entitlement to payment or adjustment of the Contract Amount.

17.9 THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Master Agreement shall not create any third
     party beneficiary rights or obligations with respect to any third party.

17.10SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Each Party shall have the right to assign its
     rights and interests in this Master Agreement and individual Work Orders to
     an affiliate,  subsidiary,  or successor  company who shall be bound to the
     terms and conditions of this Master Agreement.

17.11CONFIDENTIAL AGREEMENT. The terms and conditions of this Master Agreement
     shall be subject to that certain Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement between CES
     and Contractor dated [ADD DATE OF MNDA].

17.12DUPLICATE ORIGINALS. Two (2) duplicate originals of this Master Agreement
     shall be  executed;  each of which shall be deemed an original  but both of
     which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

17.13ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Master Agreement contains the entire agreement
     between  the  Parties  and  there are no oral or  written  representations,
     understandings,  or agreements  between the Parties  respecting the subject
     matter of this Master Agreement, which are not fully expressed herein.

[Add Contractor Name]                                                         21
Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.5                   [Date]

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties  hereto have  executed  this Master  Agreement
as of the day and year first above written.


By: /S/ Victor M. DeMarco                        By: /S/ Lee J. Hanson
   -----------------------------------              ----------------------------
   (Signature)                                      (Signature)

Name:  Victor M. DeMarco                         Name:  Lee J. Hanson
     ---------------------------------                --------------------------

Title:  President                                Title:  SR VP Operations
      --------------------------------                 -------------------------

[Add Contractor Name]                                                         22
Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.5                   [Date]


[Chevron Logo Appears Here]     CHEVRON
                                Energy Solutions

WORK ORDER # ______

entered into on [MONTH DAY, YEAR] by and between CHEVRON ENERGY SOLUTIONS, L.
P., a Delaware limited partnership with principal offices at 345 California
Street, Suite 3200, San Francisco, California 94104 ("CES") and [ADD
principal offices located at[ADD ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER], or its applicable
wholly owned subsidiary identified below in Section 2, ("Contractor") is hereby
amended on this date [ADD DATE OF WORK ORDER EFFECTIVE DATE] ("Work Order
Effective Date")by this Work Order which is fully incorporated into the MASTER
AGREEMENT as follows:

CUSTOMER.  The  Customer for whom the Work will be  performed  is  _____________
_______________. The address and phone number of the Customer is ______________.


3.  SCOPE OF WORK/  SITE  LOCATIONS.  The Scope of Work at each  Site  Location,
including  the  description  of the  Scope  of  Work,  including  equipment  and
materials  to be  provided  and  installed  and any other Work to be  performed;
Warranty provisions;  and the Operations and Maintenance provisions,  if any; to
be provided  under this Work Order is  identified  on  ATTACHMENT  1 - "SCOPE OF
WORK/SITE LOCATIONS" attached hereto and incorporated  herein.  Unless otherwise
described  herein or in Attachment 1,  Contractor  shall be responsible  for the
removal,  transport,  and proper disposal of Hazardous Substances  identified in
the Scope of Work attached hereto and to provide to CES certification  that such
equipment  was  properly  transported  from the site  location(s)  and  properly
disposed of.

4. PROJECT  SCHEDULE.  The Project  Schedule for each Site  Location  where Work
shall  be  performed  by  Contractor  pursuant  to this  Work  Order,  including
Commencement  Date,  Substantial  Completion  Date,  and  Operational  Date,  is
identified on "ATTACHMENT 2 - PROJECT SCHEDULE" attached hereto and incorporated

5. CONTRACT AMOUNT FOR WORK ORDER.  The total Contract Amount for performance of
this Work  Order,  schedule of payment,  and payment  terms is as follows:  [ADD

6.  CONTRACTOR/ENGINEERING   LICENSE(S).   Contractor  possesses  the  following
Engineering and/or Contractor  license(s) and/or  certificates,  with the number
indicated,  expiration  date,  and in what state the  licensed  was  issued,  as
required  by law to perform  the work as  described  in the Scope of Work at the
Site  Locations  identified on Attachment 1. If any work is to be performed by a
subcontractor to the Contractor,  please also indicate your subcontractor's name
along with the same following information required to perform such work.

                         DATE STATE  ISSUED

[Add Contractor Name]
Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.3

7. GENERAL TERMS AND  CONDITIONS.  Except for terms and  conditions  provided in
this Work Order, all Work performed pursuant to this Work Order shall be subject
to the terms and  conditions  of the  Master  Agreement.  If this Work  Order is
executed by a wholly owned  Subsidiary  Company of Contractor,  such  Subsidiary
Company agrees to perform such work and be bound by the above referenced  Master
Agreement,  a copy of which shall be provided by CES to the  Subsidiary  Company
upon request.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties hereto have executed this Work Order as of the
day and  year  first  above  written.  CONTRACTOR  (OR  CONTRACTOR'S  SUBSIDIARY

BY:                                               BY:
     -----------------------------------------    ------------------------------
            (Signature)                                      (Signature)

NAME:                                              NAME:
     -----------------------------------------          ------------------------

TITLE:                                             TITLE:
     -----------------------------------------          ------------------------

[Add Contractor Name]
Master Agreement for Design and Construction v.5

CES Contract No. ___________
         For the purposes of this Master Agreement, including all Work Orders
and Change Orders, the defined terms herein shall have the meaning set forth as

1.       APPLICABLE LAWS:  "Applicable Laws" shall mean all laws,  building
         codes,  rules,  regulations,  or orders of any federal,  state, county,
         local, or other governmental body, agency, or other authority having
         jurisdiction over the performance of the Work, as may be in effect at
         the time the Work is undertaken.
2.       APPLICABLE PERMITS:  "Applicable  Permits" shall mean all permits,
         waivers, authorizations, or licenses issued or required to be issued by
         any federal,  state, county, local, or other governmental body, agency,
         or other  authority  having  jurisdiction  over the  performance of the
         Work, as may be in effect at the time the Work is undertaken.
3.       APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT:  "Application  for Payment" shall mean the
         Contractor's  application  requesting and verifying its  entitlement to
         payment for Work performed,  including all supporting  documentation as
         set forth herein in Articles 11 and 12 hereof.
4.       CES:  "CES" refers to Chevron  Energy  Solutions,  L. P., a wholly
         owned entity of the Chevron Products Company. The term CES means CES or
         its authorized representative.
5.       CHANGE: "Change" shall mean any addition to, deletion from, suspension
         of or other modification to the quality, schedule, function or intent
         of the Work, including without limitation any such addition, deletion,
         suspension or other modification that effects a change in the Scope of
         Work, Contract Amount, or Contract Time as provided for in Article 8 of
         the Master Agreement.
6.       CHANGE ORDER: "Change Order" shall mean a written document signed by
         both Contractor and CES that describes the changes to the terms of an
         individual Work Order and that formally amends an individual Work
         Order. A Change Order may add to, delete, modify, and/or change and
         amend the Work Order's scope of work, compensation, and/or the schedule
         for completion of the Work identified in the Work Order.
7.       CLAIMS:  "Claims"  shall mean any and all actions,  claims,  losses,
         damages,  expenses or  liabilities  of either  party  arising from or a
         result of this Master Agreement, Work Order, and/or Change Orders.
8.       CONSTRUCTION: "Construction" shall mean any Work to be performed that
         involves any and all construction, alteration, repair, addition to,
         subtraction from, improving, moving, wrecking or demolishing any
         building, highway, road, parking facility, excavation, or other
         structure or improvement, or to do any part thereof, including the
         erection of scaffolding or other structures or works in connection
         therewith, and the cleaning of grounds or structures in connection with
         any of the above activities.
9.       CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: "Construction Documents" shall mean the Final
         Construction Documents, and any and all Change Orders affecting those
         documents, that provide the final plans and specifications that
         describe the technical requirements for the installation of all the
         materials and equipment pursuant to this Master Agreement and
         individual Work Order.
10.      CONTRACT  AMOUNT:  "Contract  Amount"  shall mean the amount of
         compensation  due to Contractor for the  successful,  proper and timely
         completion  of work.  The Work order shall state the  Contract  Amount.
         Unless modified by a Work Order,  or Change Order,  the Contract Amount
         is the maximum amount of compensation  payable by CES to Contractor for
         the Work.
11.      CONTRACT  DOCUMENTS:  "Contract  Documents"  shall  mean  collectively
         this Master Agreement,  any Work Order(s), the Plans and Specifications
         prepared or to be  prepared by the  Engineer  (or  Contractor)  for the
         particular Project and any other Construction Documents.
12.      CONTRACT  TIME:  "Contract  Time"  means the  period of time  after the
         Date of  Commencement  of the Work  allotted in the Work Order in which
         Contractor  must  achieve  Final  Completion  of  the  Work,  as may be
         adjusted by Work Order.
13.      CONTRACTOR:  "Contractor"  means the person or entity  identified as
         such in this Master Agreement,  Work Order(s), and Change Order(s). The
         term Contractor means Contractor,  Contractor's  Subsidiary  Company as
         defined herein, or its authorized representative.
14.      CUSTOMER:  "Customer"  means the  person or entity  identified  as such
         in the Work  Order.  The  Customer  will have  entered  into a Customer
         Agreement directly with CES.
15.      CUSTOMER  AGREEMENT:  "Customer  Agreement" means the agreement entered
         into by CES and its Customer  under which CES will,  for  consideration
         received, furnish specified improvements at the Customer's facility.
16.      DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK: "Date of Commencement of the Work"
         means the date established as such in a written notice to proceed to be
         issued by CES to Contractor. Contractor shall not commence work prior
         to the issuance of a written notice to proceed by CES.
17.      DAY:  "Day" means a calendar day unless otherwise specifically
18.      DRAWINGS OR PLANS:  "Drawings"  or "Plans"  means all  drawings, plans,
         depictions,  and  designs  either  provided  by  CES,  or  prepared  by
         Contractor, and required for the construction,  erection,  installation
         and completion of the Work.


19.      ENGINEER:  "Engineer"  means the person or entity lawfully  licensed to
         practice engineering, identified as such in the Work Order. For certain
         projects,  Engineer may also be the same entity as Contractor. The term
         Engineer means the Engineer or its authorized representative.
20.      FINAL  COMPLETION:  "Final  Completion"  means the acceptance of the
         completed  Project by CES and Customer  from  Contractor  in accordance
         with the provisions of Article 6 of this Master Agreement.
21.      HAZARDOUS  SUBSTANCES:  "Hazardous  Substances"  shall  mean any
         hazardous,   toxic  or   dangerous   wastes,   substances,   chemicals,
         constituents,  contaminants,  pollutants,  and  materials and any other
         carcinogenic,  corrosive,  ignitable,  radioactive,  reactive, toxic or
         otherwise  hazardous  substances or mixtures (whether solids,  liquids,
         gases) now or at any time subject to regulation,  control,  remediation
         or otherwise  addressed  under  Applicable  Laws;  (ii) any  "hazardous
         substance" as defined by the Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act of
         1976 (42 United  States  Code  ("U.S.C."),  Section  6901 et seq.),  as
         amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder;  (iii) any "hazardous,
         toxic or dangerous waste,  substance or material"  specifically defined
         as such in (or for the  purposes  of) the  Comprehensive  Environmental
         Responses,  Compensation  and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C.  Section
         9601 et seq.), as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder;  and
         (iv) any hazardous, toxic or dangerous waste, substance, or material as
         defined in any so-called "superfund" or "superlien" law..
22.      INSTALLATION:  "Installation"  shall mean the setting up and  placement
         of any  equipment or  materials  in the manner it will be operated,  in
         accordance  with the Work Order and in accordance  with all  Applicable
         Laws.  Installation  will not be deemed  complete until the Operational
23.      INSTALLATION  LOCATION:  "Installation  Location"  shall  mean  that
         area or areas where the Project  materials  and equipment and any other
         energy  related  equipment  as  described  in the Work  Order  shall be
24.      INTEREST:  "Interest"  shall mean  interest  calculated  at the  lesser
         of the  per  annum  rate of  interest  announced  from  time to time by
         Citibank,  at its "prime"  rate for  commercial  loans plus two percent
         (2%) or the maximum rate permitted by Applicable Laws.
25.      LOSSES.  "Losses"  shall mean claims,  actions,  damages,  losses,
         liabilities,  costs,  and/or expenses including  reasonable  attorney's
26.      MASTER  AGREEMENT:  "Master  Agreement"  shall mean this Master
         Agreement for Design and Construction and all Exhibits  attached hereto
         which are  incorporated  herein,  as it may be amended or modified from
         time to time in accordance with the provisions hereof.
27.      MASTER  AGREEMENT  EFFECTIVE  DATE:  "Master  Agreement  Effective
         Date" shall mean the date this Master  Agreement  is fully  executed as
         noted above and is the date the Master  Agreement  is in full force and
28.      MATERIAL  CHANGED  CONDITION:  "Material  Changed  Condition"  shall
         mean one or more of the  following  conditions  that impact the Project
         Schedule  and/or Cost: 1) parties or conditions  outside the control of
         the  parties  caused  delays  in  Project  Schedule;  2)  discovery  of
         differing and unexpected  site  conditions not previously  disclosed by
         CUSTOMER and could not have been readily discoverable prior to start of
         Work; 3) discovery of hazardous  wastes or material not been previously
         disclosed;  (4) adverse weather conditions not reasonably  anticipated;
         (5) delay in  equipment  and material  deliveries  outside the Parties'
         control; and 6) any other condition that could not have been reasonably
         anticipated by the Parties and is outside the Parties" control.
29.      NOTICE OF CLAIM: "Notice of Claim" means a written notice from
         Contractor to CES provided in accordance with Article 8 of this Master
         Agreement, identifying an order, event or occurrence that Contractor
         contends should cause a Change in the Work entitling Contractor to an
         adjustment of either the Contract Amount or Contract Time or both.
30.      OPERATIONAL  DATE:  "Operational  Date"  shall  mean the date  when the
         installed  Work  is  substantially  complete  in  accordance  with  the
         Contract  Documents so that the Work is functional and can be generally
         used for the purpose for which the Work is intended.
31.      OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES OR O&M: Operations and Maintenance
         Services or O&M shall mean the provision of operations and maintenance
         services for the equipment, and any and all other material, hardware,
         or software provided and installed by CES, or its subcontractors, in
         accordance with the Work Order.
32.      PARTY OR PARTIES:  "Party" or "Parties"  shall mean CES,  CUSTOMER,
         each or both of them, as the context may require  pursuant to the terms
         and conditions of this Master Agreement.
33.      PROJECT: "Project" shall mean the entirety of Work to be performed by
         Contractor per the terms and conditions of each Work Order, and any
         Change Orders to a Work Order, as well as all efforts of CES and other
         entities regarding the Work, Site, facilities and other matters
         referred to in the Contract Documents, all as an integrated whole.
34.      PROJECT SCHEDULE: "Project Schedule" means the CES-approved schedule of
         Work identified in the Work Order, prepared pursuant to Paragraph 7.3
         of this Master Agreement, showing the sequences, duration, and
         interrelationships and establishing Contractor's plan for accomplishing
         Final Completion within the Contract Time.
35.      SCOPE OF WORK: Scope of Work" shall mean the amount and extent of Work
         that is contemplated to be performed by Contractor per the terms of
         this Master Agreement and as specifically described in each Work Order,
         as amended by Change Orders. Should there be any conflict between the
         Work Order plus its Change Orders and the terms of this Master
         Agreement, the Work Order together with the agreed upon Change Orders
         shall take precedence and shall establish the Scope of Work for the
         each Project.


36.      SITE:  "Site"  means  the  real  property  upon  which  the  Project
         is situated. The Site shall be particularly described in Work Order.
37.      SPECIFICATIONS:  "Specifications"  means all  specifications;
         equipment,  materials and supplies  lists;  schedules and other written
         information  either  provided  by  CES  or  prepared  by  Engineer  (or
         Contractor) and required for the construction,  erection,  installation
         and completion of the Work.
38.      SUBSIDIARY COMPANY: "Subsidiary Company" means a company that is wholly
         owned by Contractor and to whom Contractor may assign individual Work
         Orders under this Master Agreement and such Subsidiary Company shall be
         bound to the terms and conditions of both the Work Order and this
         Master Agreement in performance of such Work.
39.      SUBSTANTIAL  COMPLETION:  "Substantial  Completion".  means the stage
         in the progress of the Work when the Work is  sufficiently  complete in
         accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Customer can utilize
         and take beneficial use of the Work for its intended use.
40.      TIME:  "Time" shall mean the time period  within which  Contractor
         shall  complete  the Work in  accordance  with the Work  Order  Project
41.      WORDS:  "Words" and  abbreviations  which have  well-known  technical
         or trade meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with
         such recognized meanings.
42.      WORK: "Work" shall mean the design, procurement, installation and/or
         construction required for the Project and includes all labor necessary
         to produce such services, all materials, fabrications, assemblies, and
         equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction
         necessary to achieve Final Completion of the Project, including such
         materials and equipment which may be consumed or used but not actually
         incorporated in such construction. Depending upon the terms of each
         Work order, the Work may include design, supplying, installing,
         maintaining, operating, and warranting certain materials and equipment,
         and providing any other energy-related services specified in the Work
43.      WORK  ORDER:  "Work  Order"  means a document  executed  by both
         Contractor and CES that describes,  at minimum, the scope of work to be
         performed, the compensation Contractor shall be paid for such Work, and
         the schedule for  completion of the Work  described  therein,  and such
         Work Order shall  constitute an amendment to this Master  Agreement.  A
         sample  Work Order  Form is  attached  hereto as Exhibit A.  Contractor
         shall  not  perform  any Work with  respect  to any  Project  until the
         parties have first executed a Work Order for the Work. Any work done by
         Contractor  prior to the  execution  of a Work  Order  shall be done at
         Contractor's expense. A Work Order may be executed by Contractor,  or a
         wholly owned  Subsidiary  Company.  If a Subsidiary  Company executes a
         Work Order, the Contractor and Subsidiary Company shall be bound to the
         terms and conditions of such Work Order.
44.      WORK ORDER  EFFECTIVE  DATE:  "Work Order  Effective Date" shall mean
         the date an  individual  Work order is fully  executed and the date the
         Work Order is in full force and effect.
