SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
             Proxy State Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant[ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[X] Preliminary Proxy Statement            [ ] Confidential, For Use of the Com-
                                               mission Only (as permitted by
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                           INTERNATIONAL ISOTOPES INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy  Statement,  if Other Than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

      [ ] No Fee Required.
      [ ] Fee  computed on table below per Exchange  Act Rules  14a-6(i)(1)  and
      (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      (3) Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      (5) Total fee paid:

      [ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

      [ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1) Amount previously paid:

      (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      (3) Filing Party:

      (4) Date Filed:

                           INTERNATIONAL ISOTOPES INC.

                              4137 Commerce Circle
                            Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401
                                 (208) 524-5300


                           TO BE HELD ON JUNE 26, 2002


To the Shareholders of

         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of
International Isotopes Inc. (the "Company"),  a Texas corporation,  will be held
at the  Embassy  Suites  Outdoor  World at DFW  Airport,  2401  Bass Pro  Drive,
Grapevine,  Texas, on Wednesday,  June 26, 2002, at 2:00 p.m., Grapevine,  Texas
time, for the following purposes:

         1.     To elect  five  directors  to serve  until  the next  succeeding
annual meeting and until their respective successors are elected and qualified;

         2.     To ratify the  appointment  by the Board of Directors of Hansen,
Barnett & Maxwell LLP as independent certified public accountants of the Company
for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2001 and December 31, 2002;

         3.     To approve the  Company's  2002 Amended and  Restated  Long Term
Incentive Plan;

         4.     To transact such other  business as properly may come before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The close of  business  on May 10,  2002 has been fixed by the Board of
Directors as the record date for the Annual Meeting. Only shareholders of record
on that date will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting or
any adjournment thereof,  notwithstanding  transfer of any stock on the books of
the Company after such record date. The stock transfer books will not be closed.

         A Proxy Statement, form of Proxy, and copy of the Annual Report on Form
10-K as filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  with respect to the
Company's  operations during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001,  accompany
this notice.


                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                  STEVE LAFLIN
                                President and CEO
May 25, 2002


                           INTERNATIONAL ISOTOPES INC.

                              4137 Commerce Circle
                            Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401
                                 (208) 524-5300


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                     For the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                           To be Held on June 26, 2002

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

         This Proxy  Statement  is furnished to  shareholders  of  International
Isotopes  Inc., a Texas  corporation  (the  "Company"),  in connection  with the
solicitation  of  proxies  by the Board of  Directors  to be voted at the Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders of the Company to be held at the Embassy Suites Outdoor
World at DFW Airport, 2401 Bass Pro Drive, Grapevine,  Texas on Wednesday,  June
26, 2002, at 2:00 p.m.,  Grapevine,  Texas time, or at any adjournment  thereof,
for the  purposes  set forth in the  accompanying  Notice of Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders.  References herein to the "Company" include its subsidiary, unless
the context otherwise requires.

         This Proxy Statement and form of Proxy are being mailed to shareholders
on or  about  May 25,  2002.  If the  enclosed  form of Proxy  is  executed  and
returned,  it may  nevertheless  be  revoked by the  shareholder  at any time by
filing with the Secretary of the Company a written revocation or a duly executed
proxy bearing a later date. A shareholder  who attends the meeting in person may
revoke  his or her  proxy at that time and vote in  person  if so  desired.  All
proxies duly signed, dated, and returned will be voted as specified therein, but
unless otherwise specified, will be deemed to grant authority to vote:

         (1)    FOR the election of the five nominees  listed under "Election of
Directors" as nominees of the Company for election as directors;

         (2)    FOR  the  ratification  of  the  appointment  by  the  Board  of
Directors  of Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell  LLP as  independent  certified  public
accountants  of the Company for the fiscal  years  ending  December 31, 2001 and

         (3)    FOR approval of the  Company's  2002  Amended and Restated  Long
Term Incentive Plan; and

         The  enclosed  Proxy is  solicited  by and on  behalf  of the  Board of
Directors of the Company.  The Company is unaware of any additional  matters not
set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders that will be presented
for  consideration  at the Annual  Meeting.  If any other  matters are  properly
brought before the Annual Meeting and presented for a vote of the  shareholders,
the persons named in the Proxy will vote in accordance  with their best judgment
upon such matters, unless otherwise restricted by law.

         The cost of  solicitation  of proxies will be borne by the Company.  In
addition  to the use of the mails,  proxies  may also be  solicited  by personal
interview,   facsimile  transmission,  and  telephone  by  directors,  officers,
employees,  and agents of the  Company.  The Company  will also supply  brokers,
nominees, or other custodians with the numbers of Proxy forms, Proxy Statements,
and Annual Reports they may require for forwarding to beneficial owners, and the
Company will reimburse such persons for their expense in so doing.


                           AND PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

         The record date for the  determination of the shareholders  entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting has been established by the Board of
Directors  as the close of business on May 10, 2002.  As of April 30, 2002,  the
Company had issued and  outstanding  and entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting
95,081,135  shares of Common Stock,  par value $.01 per share ("Common  Stock").
(For a description  of the voting  rights of the Common  Stock,  see "Quorum and
Voting" herein.)

         The  following  table  sets  forth  information  as of April 30,  2002,
regarding the beneficial  ownership of the Company's Common Stock by each person
or group known by management of the Company to own more than five percent of the
outstanding  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company,  by each of the  Company's
executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table below, by each of the
Company's  directors  (and director  nominees) and by all of its directors  (and
nominees) and executive officers as a group.

                                                      Shares of Common Stock Beneficially
                                                      Owned and Percentage of  Outstanding
                                                                  Shares as of
                                                                 April 30, 2002
          Name                                             Number(1)           Percent
          ----                                             ----------          -------
John M. McCormack (2)............................          25,017,522           26.3%
Marie C. Keane and James J. Keane (3)............          11,933,389           12.6%
Walter O'Hearn (3)...............................          11,840,390           12.5%
William Nicholson ...............................          13,540,411           14.2%
Dr. Ralph M. Richart (4) ........................          10,544,999           11.1%
Steve T. Laflin (5) .............................           3,250,000            3.4%
Christopher Grosso  .............................           1,805,000            1.9%
Randall O'Kane ..................................                   0               0
Keith Allberg  ..................................                   0               0

Directors and executive officers as a
group (5 persons) (5)............................          15,599,999           16.4%

(1)      Unless otherwise indicated, to the knowledge of the Company, all shares
         are owned directly and the owner has sole voting and investment power.
(2)      Includes an aggregate  of  11,413,668  shares owned by Mr.  McCormack's
         children's trusts. Mr. McCormack disclaims beneficial ownership of such
(3)      Includes 1,347,822 shares owned by Keane Securities Partners,  of which
         Mr. Keane and Mr. O'Hearn are partners.
(4)      Includes 679,998 shares owned by Dr. Richart's children's trusts.
(5)      Includes options to purchase  3,250,000 shares of common stock that are
         exercisable  by Mr. Laflin  within 60 days of April 30, 2002.  Does not
         include options to purchase 7,750,000 shares of common stock granted to
         Mr.  Laflin but not  exercisable  by Mr. Laflin within 60 days of April
         30, 2002.

         Section 16(a)     Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance.

         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  the
Company's  directors  and executive  officers to file reports  relating to their
ownership  and  change in  ownership  of the  Company's  Common  Stock  with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission and the NASD. The Company is unaware of any
officers and directors of the Company who failed to timely file a Form 4 or Form
5 in connection with their purchase or sale of Common Stock.


                                QUORUM AND VOTING

         The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the holders of a majority of
the  voting  power of the  outstanding  shares  of Common  Stock of the  Company
entitled  to vote is  necessary  to  constitute  a quorum  at the  meeting.  The
affirmative  vote of a majority of the voting power  represented at the meeting,
present in person or represented by proxy,  and entitled to vote is required for
the election of  directors.  A holder of shares of Common Stock will be entitled
to one vote per share of Common Stock as to each matter properly  brought before
the meeting.  Cumulative  voting is not  permitted in the election of directors.
Abstentions and votes "withheld" are included in the determination of the number
of shares  present at the meeting for purposes of  determining a quorum.  Broker
non-votes are counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present on
any particular  matter only if authority to vote on the matter is granted by the
respective  proxy.  Abstentions and broker non-votes have the effect of negative
votes on matters requiring approval of a specified percentage of the outstanding
shares. For matters requiring approval by the holders of a specified  percentage
of the voting power represented at the meeting and entitled to vote, abstentions
will have the effect of negative votes but broker non-votes will have no effect.

                                  PROPOSAL ONE

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Five directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting for terms expiring
at the next Annual  Meeting.  The  directors  will continue to serve until their
respective successors are duly elected and qualified.

         Shares  represented  by proxies  returned  duly executed will be voted,
unless  otherwise  specified,  in favor of the five  nominees  for the  Board of
Directors named below.  The proxies cannot be voted for more than five nominees.
The  nominees  have  indicated  that  they  are  able  and  willing  to serve as
directors.  If any (or all) such persons should be unable to serve,  the persons
named in the  enclosed  proxy  will vote the  shares  covered  thereby  for such
substitute  nominee  (or  nominees)  as  the  Board  of  Directors  may  select.
Shareholders  may withhold  authority to vote for any nominee by striking a line
through the name of such  nominee in the space  provided for such purpose on the
form of Proxy.

Nominees for Directors

         Ralph M. Richart,  M.D.,  age 68, was elected by the Board of Directors
on January  22,  2002 to fill the seat  vacated  by Mr.  Mark  Young.  The other
directors  elected him to serve as Chairman on April 24, 2002.  Dr. Richart is a
professor  and  Vice  Chairman  of  the  Department  of  Pathology  at  Columbia
University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Richart has previously served
on the Board of  Directors  of several  publicly  held  companies  and  multiple
corporate medical advisory boards as well as serving as CEO in several privately
held companies in the fields of medicine and  electronics,  and currently serves
on the Board of Directors of BEI Medical Systems Company Inc.  Additionally  his
extensive  experience also includes  leading  clinical  trials  resulting in FDA
product  approval  and he  has  served  as an  advisor  to  medical  device  and
pharmaceutical companies as well as the FDA.

         Steve T. Laflin, age 45, was elected to fill a vacant seat on the Board
in June 2001. In August 2001 Mr. Laflin was promoted from  President and General
Manager  of the  Company's  wholly  owned  subsidiary  to  President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer of the  Company.  Mr.  Laflin has a BS degree in Physics from
Idaho State  University and has been employed in various senior  engineering and
management positions in the nuclear industry since 1992.

         Randall  O'Kane,  age 42, was first  elected as a director  at the 2001
Annual Meeting.  He is a founding  member of RadQual,  LLC, which was founded to
develop a wide range of  radioactive  sources for the nuclear  medicine  and PET
markets.  From 1991 to the present he has been  President  and CEO of Technology
Imaging  Services,  which sells  accessories and sources to the nuclear medicine
market.  Mr.  O'Kane is a 1980  graduate of  Dartmouth  College with a degree in

         Keith  Allberg,  age 49, was first  elected  as a director  at the 2001
Annual  Meeting.  From  December 2000 to the present he has been a principal and
partner  in  RadQual,  LLC,  which  was  founded  to  develop  a wide  range  of
radioactive  sources for the nuclear  medicine and PET markets.  From January 1,
1990 to December  2000 he was director of the  radioactive  source  business for
DuPont Merk/DuPont  Corporations.  Mr. Allberg received his B.S. in chemistry in
1976  from  Lowell  Technical  Institute.   He  also  has  a  B.S.  in  business
administration from the University of New Hampshire.


         Christopher  Grosso,  age 34, was  elected  as a director  on April 24,
2002, to fill the seat vacated by Mr. David Camp. He is currently a principal of
Kennerman  Associates,  Inc., a New York based money  management  and investment
banking firm. During his 13 years at Kennerman  Associates,  Mr. Grosso has been
its  Senior  Research  Analyst  and  Portfolio  Manager,  and has led the firm's
investment banking and venture capital  activities.  Prior to joining Kennerman,
he was with Howe and Rusling Investment Management and Chase Manhattan Bank. Mr.
Grosso received his B.S. in business administration from Skidmore College.

         The Board of Directors  met seven (7) times  during  2001.  No director
attended  fewer  than 75  percent of the  aggregate  of (1) the total  number of
meetings of the Board of Directors  and (2) the total number of meetings held by
all committees of the Board on which he served.

         Audit  Committee.  The Audit  Committee,  established  in January 1997,
currently consists of Dr. Ralph Richart,  Christopher Grosso, Randall O'Kane and
Keith Allberg, each of which is an "independent  director" under NASD rules. The
Board of Directors  has not adopted a written  charter for the Audit  Committee.
The Audit Committee meets with the Company's  independent auditors to review the
scope and timing of their audit  services,  any other services they are asked to
perform,  the  report of  independent  auditors  on the  Company's  consolidated
financial  statements  following  completion  of their  audit and the  Company's
policies  and  procedures  with  respect to internal  accounting  and  financial
controls. In addition, the Audit Committee makes an annual recommendation to the
Board of Directors  concerning the  appointment of independent  auditors for the
ensuing year. The Audit Committee met two (2) times during fiscal 2001.

         Compensation  Committee.  The  Compensation  Committee,  established in
January 1997,  currently  consists of Dr. Ralph Richart,  Randall O'Kane,  Keith
Allberg  and  Christopher   Grosso.  The  Compensation   Committee  reviews  the
compensation and benefits of all officers of the Company,  makes recommendations
to the Board of  Directors  and  reviews  general  policy  matters  relating  to
compensation and benefits of employees of the Company,  including administration
of the  Company's  2002  Amended and  Restated  Long Term  Incentive  Plan.  The
Compensation Committee met one (1) time during fiscal 2001.

                                  PROPOSAL TWO


         The Board of Directors  has selected  Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell LLP as
independent  certified public  accountants to audit the  consolidated  financial
statements  of the Company for the fiscal  years  ending  December  31, 2001 and
December 31, 2002, and has determined that it would be desirable to request that
the  shareholders  ratify such selection.  The affirmative vote of a majority of
the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock present at the Annual Meeting in person
or by proxy is necessary for the ratification of the appointment by the Board of
Directors  of Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell  LLP as  independent  certified  public
accountants. Representatives of Hansen, Barnett & Maxwell LLP are expected to be
present at the Annual Meeting,  will have the opportunity to make a statement if
they desire to do so and will be available to respond to  appropriate  questions
from shareholders.

         Although shareholder  ratification is not required for the selection of
Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell LLP as the Board of Directors has the  responsibility
for  selecting the  Company's  independent  certified  public  accountants,  the
selection is being submitted for  ratification at the Annual Meeting with a view
towards soliciting the shareholders' opinions, which the Board of Directors will
take into consideration in future deliberations.

         The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a vote FOR the  ratification  of
Hansen, Barnett & Maxwell LLP as independent certified public accountants of the
Company for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2001 and December 31, 2002.


                                 PROPOSAL THREE

                               TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

         The Board of Directors has  determined  that it is in the best interest
of the Company to amend and restate its 2000 Long Term Incentive Plan (the "2000
Plan") by increasing the stock option pool available  thereunder  from 1,000,000
shares to 20,000,000 and making certain other  adjustments.  The new amended and
restated  plan will be  referred  to as the 2002 Long Term  Incentive  Plan (the
"2002 Plan") and will replace in its entirety the 2000 Plan.

         The 2002 Plan  authorizes  the granting of incentive  stock options and
non-qualified stock options to purchase common stock, stock appreciation rights,
restricted stock and performance  units to key executive and other key employees
of the Company,  including officers of the Company and its subsidiaries,  and to
directors  and  consultants  of the Company.  The purpose of the 2002 Plan is to
attract and retain key employees,  directors and  consultants,  to motivate such
persons to achieve  long-range  goals and to align their  interest with those of
the Company.  The 2002 Plan  authorizes the award of up to 20,000,000  shares of
common  stock  to be used  for  stock  options,  stock  appreciation  rights  or
restricted stock.  There was previously issued pursuant to the 2000 Plan options
to purchase 1,000,000 shares, which will now be included under the 2002 Plan. If
an award made under the 2002 Plan expires, terminates or is forfeited,  canceled
or settled in cash,  without  issuance of shares of common stock  covered by the
award, those shares will be available for future awards under the 2002 Plan.

         The 2002 Plan is administered by the Board of Directors or, if directed
by the Board of Directors,  the  Compensation  Committee (the Board of Directors
or, if  applicable,  the  Compensation  Committee  is  referred to herein as the
"Committee").  Executives  and other  full time  employees  of the  Company  and
subsidiaries  may be selected by the  Company to receive  awards  under the 2002
Plan. The 2002 Plan provides that no more than 10,000,000 shares of common stock
may be subject to awards granted per year to any one employee  participating  in
the 2002 Plan (the 2000 Plan placed a maximum of 1,000,000  shares per year). In
the  discretion of the Committee,  an eligible  employee may receive an award in
the form of a stock option, stock appreciation right,  restricted stock award or
performance  unit or any  combination  thereof,  and more  than one award may be
granted to an eligible employee.

         The 2002 Plan  authorizes  the award of both  incentive  stock  options
("ISOs")  and  non-qualified  options.  Under the 2002  Plan,  an option  may be
exercised at any time during the exercise  period  established by the Committee,
except that: (i) no option may be exercised  more than 90 days after  employment
with the Company and its  subsidiaries  terminates  by reason  other than death,
disability  or authorized  leave of absence for military or government  service;
and (ii) no option may be exercised  more than 12 months after  employment  with
the Company and its  subsidiaries  terminates by reason of death or  disability.
The aggregate fair market value  (determined at the time of award) of the common
stock  with  respect  to which  ISOs are  exercisable  for the first time by any
employee  during any  calendar  year may not exceed  $100,000.  The term of each
option is  determined  by the  Committee,  but in no event may such term  exceed
three years from the date of grant.  The exercise price of options is determined
by the  Committee,  but the  exercise  price of ISOs  can be less  than the fair
market  value of the common stock on the date of grant.  The  exercise  price of
non-qualified  stock  options  cannot be less than the fair market  value of the
common stock on the date of grant.  The exercise price of options may be paid in
cash or in shares of common stock. Grants of options do not entitle any optionee
to any rights as a  stockholder  and such  rights  will accrue only as to shares
actually purchased through the exercise of an option.

         As of  April  30,  2002,  the  Company  had  granted,  or the  Board of
Directors  had approved for grant options to purchase an aggregate of 14,000,000
shares  of  common  stock  under  the 2002  Plan  (including  1,000,000  options
originally granted under the 2000 plan),  11,000,000 of which were issued to the
Company's  President and CEO, Steve Laflin, and the remaining 3,000,000 to other

         Internal  Revenue  Service  rules  applicable  to the 2002 Plan require
shareholder approval of such Plan in order to issue incentive stock options.


         The Board of Directors  recommends a vote for approval of the Company's
2002 Amended and Restated Long Term Incentive Plan.


         The executive officers of the Company are as follows:

         Name                      Age        Position with Company
         ----                      ---        ---------------------

         Dr. Ralph M. Richart       68        Chairman of the Board

         Steve T. Laflin            45        President, Chief Executive Officer
                                              and Director

         Information  concerning the business  experience of Dr. Richart and Mr.
Laflin is provided under the caption "Election of Directors" above.

         All executive  officers are elected  annually by the Board of Directors
to serve until the next annual meeting of the Board of Directors and until their
respective successors are chosen and qualified.


         The following information  summarizes annual and long-term compensation
for  services  in all  capacities  to the  Company  for the fiscal  years  ended
December 31, 1999,  2000 and 2001 of the Chief  Executive  Officer  during those
respective years and the other four most highly  compensated  executive officers
of the Company with annual income of $100,000 or more (collectively,  the "Named
Executive Officers"):

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                      Long-Term Compensation Awards
                                        Annual Compensation    Securities
                                        --------------------   Underlying                        All Other
        Name and                                      Bonus     Options         Stock          Compensation
   Principal Position          Year     Salary($)      ($)        (#)       Grants ($) (1)        ($)(2)
 --------------------------    ----     --------     -------   ----------   --------------     ------------
Steve T. Laflin (3)            1999     $ 95,000       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -
President and CEO              2000     $ 95,000       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -
                               2001     $106,885       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -

David M. Camp (4)              1999     $ 20,731(3)    -0-      35,000            -0-                 -
President, Chief Executive     2000     $137,321       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -
Officer and Director           2001     $ 75,833       -0-         -0-            -0-           140,000(5)

Tommy L. Thompson (4)          1999     $169,950       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -
(Former) Executive Vice        2000     $157,402       -0-         -0-        $43,750                 -
President and Chief            2001            -       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -
Operating Officer

George Butterworth (4)         2000     $111,316       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -
Vice President                 2001            -       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -

Bryce Drake (4)                2000     $106,327       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -
Vice President                 2001            -       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -

Paul Landers (4)               2000     $140,000       -0-         -0-            -0-                 -
Chief Financial Officer        2001     $ 99,567       -0-         -0-            -0-            67,500(5)

(1)      Represents the difference between the price paid by the named executive
         officer  and the  fair  market  value of such  security  on the date of
(2)      None of the named executive  officers received any perquisites or other
         personal benefits in 1999, 2000 or 2001 that in the aggregate  exceeded
         $50,000 or 10% of such named executive  officer's  salary and bonus for
         such year. See Note (1) above.
(3)      Mr.  Laflin was elected by the Board of Directors to serve as President
         and Chief Executive Officer of I3 in August 2001.
(4)      Mr. Camp  resigned as President and Chief  Executive  Officer in August
         2001,  and as  Chairman  of the Board  effective  April 24,  2002.  Mr.
         Thompson resigned as Executive Vice-President,  Chief Operating Officer
         and  Director  in  November  2000.  Mr.  Butterworth  resigned  as Vice
         President  in January  2001.  Mr. Drake  resigned as Vice  President in
         January 2001. Mr. Landers resigned as Chief Financial Officer in August
(5)      Severance compensation.


                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

         The following table provides information  regarding options to purchase
Common Stock of the Company  granted  during the fiscal year ended  December 31,
2001 to the Named Executive Officers.

                                                         Percent of
                                No. of Securities       Total Options
                                Underlying Options   Granted to Employees     Exercise Price     Expiration
       Name                        Granted (#)        in Fiscal Years (1)       Per Share           Date
 -----------------                 -----------       --------------------       ---------           ----
Steve T. Laflin (1)                 1,000,000                 100%               $.076           June 2004

David M. Camp                          -0-                      -                   -                 -

Tommy L. Thompson                      -0-                      -                   -                 -

George Butterworth                     -0-                      -                   -                 -

Bryce Drake                            -0-                      -                   -                 -

Paul Landers                           -0-                      -                   -                 -

(1) Mr. Laflin was also granted options to purchase  10,000,000 shares of Common
Stock in March 2002 at $.02 per share.

                         AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES IN

         None of the Named  Executive  Officers  exercised  options to  purchase
Common Stock in 2001. The following  table sets forth certain  information  with
regard to the outstanding  options to purchase Common Stock as of the end of the
year ended  December 31, 2001 for the persons named in the Summary  Compensation
Table above.

                              Acquired on     Value
 Name                         Exercise (#)  Realized($)   Exercisable   Unexercisable   Exercisable   Unexercisable
 ----                         ------------  -----------   -----------   -------------   -----------   -------------

                                                             Number of Securities
                                                            Underlying Unexercised        Value of Unexercised
                                                              Options at Fiscal           In-the-Money Options
                                                                 Year-End(#)            At Fiscal Year-End($)(1)
                                                                 -----------            ------------------------
David M. Camp.............       -0-           -0-            -0-           -0-            -0-            -0-

Tommy L. Thompson.........       -0-           -0-            -0-           -0-            -0-            -0-

George Butterworth........       -0-           -0-            -0-           -0-            -0-            -0-

Bryce Drake...............       -0-           -0-            -0-           -0-            -0-            -0-

Steve T. Laflin...........       -0-           -0-          750,000       250,000          -0-            -0-

Paul Landers..............       -0-           -0-            -0-           -0-            -0-            -0-

(1)  Based  on the last  sale  price of $.02 of the  Company's  Common  Stock as
reported in the pink sheets on December  31,  2001.  The  exercise  price of the
options in this table is $4.94, $5.88, $6.00 and $.076 per share.


Employment Agreements

         In April 2001,  the Company  entered into an Employment  Agreement with
Steve Laflin to serve as the Company's new President and Chief Executive Officer
upon Mr. Camp's  resignation and Mr. Laflin's  election to the President and CEO
position by the Board of Directors.  Mr. Laflin was elected  President and Chief
Executive  Officer  by the Board of  Directors  in  August  2001.  Mr.  Laflin's
agreement provides for a four-year term at a base salary of $120,000. Mr. Laflin
is entitled to bonus  compensation  at the  discretion of the Board of Directors
and the Compensation Committee. In connection with his Employment Agreement, Mr.
Laflin was granted stock options to purchase  1,000,000  shares of the Company's
Common Stock at an exercise  price of $.076 per share,  the fair market value of
the Company's Common Stock on the date of grant. Of this amount, 500,000 options
vested  immediately  with the  remainder  vesting in two equal  installments  of
250,000 in April 2002 and April 2003, respectively. Additionally, in March 2002,
Mr. Laflin was granted 10,000,000 new options at $.02 per share.

Compensation of Directors

         Employee   directors   of  the  Company  do  not   receive   additional
compensation  for their  services  as  directors.  Prior to its  initial  public
offering,  the Company did not pay director's  fees but did reimburse  directors
for their expenses. Following the Company's initial public offering, the Company
paid  each  non-employee  director  $500  per  meeting  for  their  services  as
directors.  The  Company  continues  to  reimburse  directors  for all  expenses
incurred  in  connection  with  their  activities  as  directors.   Non-employee
directors and employee  directors of the Company are entitled to receive certain
stock option  awards  under the  Company's  2002 Amended and Restated  Long Term
Incentive Plan.

Certain Transactions

         Mr. Randall O'Kane and Mr. Keith Allberg,  who were originally  elected
as directors at the Company's 2001 annual meeting,  are each founding members of
RadQual,  LLC. The Company and entered into a contract with RadQual  pursuant to
which I3 will  manufacture  flood  sources  for  RadQual.  The  contract  has an
estimated yearly value of $1,300,000 to RadQual.

         The Company believes that all prior  transactions and loans between the
Company and its officers,  directors and 5% or greater stockholders have been on
terms no less favorable than could be obtained by the Company from  unaffiliated
third  parties.  All future  transactions  and loans between the Company and its
officers,  directors  and 5% or  greater  stockholders  will be on terms no less
favorable  than can be obtained by the Company from  unaffiliated  third parties
and will be approved by a majority of the independent,  disinterested  directors
of the Company.



         The Compensation Committee currently consists of four (4) members, none
of which serve as executive officers of the Company. No executive officer of the
Company serves or served on the compensation  committee of another entity and no
executive  officer  of the  Company  serves or served as a  director  of another
entity which has or had an executive  officer  serving on the board of directors
of the Company.


         Decisions on compensation of the Company's executive officers generally
are made by the  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board,  subject  to review and
approval by the full Board of Directors.  Decisions with respect to awards under
the  Company's  Long  Term  Incentive  Plan  are also  made by the  Compensation
Committee,  subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors.  Set forth
below is a report  prepared by Messrs.  O'Kane,  Richart,  Allberg and Grosso in
their  capacity  as  the   Compensation   Committee   addressing  the  Company's
compensation  policies for the fiscal year 2001 as they  affected the  Company's
executive  officers,  including the Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Steve

         The  Compensation   Committee's  executive  compensation  policies  are
designed to provide  competitive  levels of compensation that integrate pay with
the  Company's  annual and long term  performance  goals,  review above  average
corporate  performance,  recognize  initiative and achievements,  and assist the
Company in attracting and retaining  qualified  executives.  Targeted  levels of
total executive  compensation  are generally set at levels that the Compensation
Committee  believes  to be  consistent  with others in the  Company's  industry,
although actual compensation levels in any particular year may be above or below
those of the Company's competitors, depending upon the Company's performance.

         The  Compensation  Committee is mindful of grants or awards made to the
Company's  executive  officers under the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan. The
Compensation  Committee endorses the position that stock ownership by management
and stock based performance compensation arrangements are beneficial in aligning
management's and shareholders' interest in the enhancement of shareholder value.
Thus, the Compensation  Committee takes into account the stock based elements in
designing the compensation packages of the Company's executive officers.

         In 1993, Congress amended the Internal Revenue Code to ss.162(m).  This
section provides that publicly held companies may not deduct  compensation  paid
to certain  executive  officers in excess of $1,000,000  annually,  with certain
exceptions.  The  Company  has  examined  its  compensation  policies in view of
ss.162(m)  and the  regulations  adopted  by the  Internal  Revenue  Service  to
implement this section and has determined that these  provisions will not affect
the deductibility of executive compensation for fiscal 2001. It is currently not
expected  that any part of the Company's  deduction  for executive  compensation
will be disallowed for fiscal 2002.

         The principal  components of the Company's non-stock based compensation
program  are  base  salary  and  bonus.  Bonuses  are at the  discretion  of the
Compensation  Committee  and  the  board,  based  on  performance  criteria  and
production.  No bonus or other incentive based  compensation  was paid in fiscal
year 2001.

Fiscal 2001 and Executive Officer Compensation

         Mr. Laflin's  compensation  for fiscal year 2001 as President and Chief
Executive  Officer of the Company  consisted solely of his base salary. No bonus
or other incentive based compensation was provided.  The Compensation  Committee
believes  that Mr.  Laflin's  compensation  package  was set at a level  that is
consistent with others in the Company's industry.  Mr. Laflin is not a member of
the  Compensation  Committee,  and  did  not  participate  in  the  Compensation
Committee's decision regarding his compensation.

                                 Submitted by the Compensation Committee of
                                 the Board of Directors

                                 Dr. Ralph M. Richart
                                 Randall O'Kane
                                 Keith Allberg
                                 Christopher Grosso


                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

         The following graph compares the annual  cumulative  total  shareholder
return on an  investment  of $100 on December 31, 1997 in the  Company's  common
stock,  based on the market price of the common stock, with the cumulative total
of a similar  investment  in the  Nasdaq  composite  stock  market  index  (U.S.
companies) and Nasdaq's index for pharmaceutical industry stocks.

                          [Comparative Performance Graph]

                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K


                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         Shareholder  proposals to be  presented  at the 2003 Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders,  for inclusion in the Company's  Proxy Statement and form of Proxy
relating  to that  meeting,  must be  received  by the Company at its offices in
Idaho Falls,  Idaho,  addressed to the Secretary of the Company,  not later than
December 31, 2002. Such proposals must comply with the Bylaws of the Company and
the requirements of Regulation 14A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

         At the date of this Proxy Statement,  management was not aware that any
matters not referred to in this Proxy Statement would be presented for action at
the meeting.  If any other matters  should come before the meeting,  the persons
named in the  accompanying  form of Proxy will have  discretionary  authority to
vote all  proxies  in  accordance  with their best  judgment,  unless  otherwise
restricted by law.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors

                                             /s/ Steve Laflin
                                             STEVE LAFLIN
                                             President and CEO

Dated: May 25, 2002


                         OF INTERNATIONAL ISOTOPES INC.

         The  undersigned  hereby  appoints:  Dr.  Ralph M. Richart and Steve T.
Laflin, as proxies, and hereby authorizes each of them to represent and to vote,
as  designed  on the  reverse  side,  all of  the  shares  of  Common  Stock  of
International  Isotopes Inc. held of record by the undersigned on April 30, 2002
at the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  to be held on June 26,  2002,  or any
adjournment thereof.

         The Board of  Directors  recommends  that you vote FOR the nominees and
the proposals listed hereon.  This proxy when properly executed will be voted in
the manner directed herein by the  undersigned  shareholder.  If no direction is
given, this proxy will be voted FOR the nominees and the proposals.

(Please see reverse side)

1.       To elect five Directors.

                 FOR all nominees                     AUTHORITY
                   listed below                    to vote for all
                 (except as marked                     nominees
                    to contrary)                     listed below

                        | |                              | |

INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, strike a
line through the nominee's name in the list below:

Ralph M. Richart,  Steve T. Laflin,  Randall O'Kane, Keith Allberg,  Christopher

2.       Proposal to ratify the Board of Directors selection of Hansen,  Barnett
         & Maxwell LLP as independent auditors.

              FOR                    AGAINST                  ABSTAIN

              | |                      | |                      | |

3.       Proposal to approve adoption of the Company's 2002 Amended and Restated
         Long Term Incentive Plan.

              FOR                    AGAINST                  ABSTAIN

              | |                      | |                      | |


4.       In their  direction  to vote upon such other  business as may  properly
         come before the meeting.

DATED:_____________________________, 2002.

                           (SIGNATURE OF SHAREHOLDER)

                           (SIGNATURE IF HELD JOINTLY)

Please  sign  exactly  as name  appears  hereon.  When  shares are held by joint
tenants both should sign.  when  signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,
trustee or guardian,  please give full title as such. If a  corporation,  please
sign full corporate name by president or other officer. If a partnership, please
sign in partnership name by authorized person.
