(Rule 14c-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14C INFORMATION
             Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

 Check the appropriate box:

 |X|  Preliminary information statement       | |  Confidential, for use of the
                                                   Commission only (as permitted
 | |  Definitive information statement             by Rule 14c-5(d)(2))

                        Bio-American Capital Corporation.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

 Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

 |X|    No fee required.

 | |    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.

 (1)    Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


 (2)    Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:


 (3)    Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


 (4)    Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


 (5)    Total fee paid:


 | |    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

 | |    Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by Exchange  Act
        Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
        paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
        number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

 (1)    Amount previously paid:


 (2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


 (3)    Filing Party:


 (4)    Date Filed:


                           498 Ellis Street, 2nd Floor
                   Penticton, British Columbia, Canada V2A 4M2

To the Holders of Common Stock of
Bio-American Capital Corporation

         Bio-American Capital Corporation, a Nevada corporation ("Company"), has
obtained a written consent from the majority stockholder as of January 19, 2004,
approving  a change in the  capitalization  of the  Company  to effect a reverse
split  of the  common  stock at the  rate of one  share  for  every  200  shares
outstanding and thereafter to re-establish  the authorized  common stock,  $.001
par value  ("Common  Stock"),  at  50,000,000  shares and adopting a performance
equity plan for 10,000,000  shares (on a post-stock split basis) of Common Stock
("2004 Performance Equity Plan"). Details of the capitalization changes and 2004
Performance  Equity Plan and other  important  information  are set forth in the
accompanying  Information  Statement.  The Board of Directors of the Company has
unanimously  approved the  capitalization  changes and 2004  Performance  Equity
Plan.  Under Section 78.320 of the Nevada  General  Corporation  Law,  action by
stockholders  may be taken without a meeting,  without prior notice,  by written
consent of the  holders of  outstanding  stock  having not less than the minimum
number of votes that would be necessary to authorize  the action at a meeting at
which all shares entitled to vote thereon were present and voted. On that basis,
the  majority   stockholder   approved  the  capitalization   changes  and  2004
Performance  Equity Plan. No other vote or stockholder  action is required.  You
are hereby  being  provided  with notice of the  approval of the  capitalization
changes and 2004 Performance  Equity Plan by less than unanimous written consent
of the stockholders of the Company.


                                            By Order of the Board of Directors

                                            Ted Kozub,

Penticton, British Columbia, Canada
January 30, 2004



                              INFORMATION STATEMENT




                      WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY AND


         This  Information  Statement is being furnished to the  stockholders of
Bio-American Capital Corporation,  a Nevada corporation  ("Company"),  to advise
them of the corporate  action described  herein,  which has been authorized by a
written  consent of a stockholder  owning a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Company  entitled to vote thereon.  This action is being taken
in accordance with the requirements of the general  corporation law of the State
of Nevada ("NGCL").

         The  Company's  Board of Directors  ("Board") has  determined  that the
close of business on January  19, 2004 was the record date  ("Record  Date") for
the stockholders  entitled to notice about the proposal  authorizing  changes in
the  capitalization of the Company to effect a reverse split of the common stock
at the rate of one share of every 200 shares then  outstanding  (rounding up for
fractional shares) and thereafter to increase the number of authorized shares of
common stock, $.001 par value, to 50,000,000 ("Capital Change") and the adoption
of the 2004  Performance  Equity  Plan  which  provides  for the  award of up to
10,000,000 shares of common stock on a post-stock split basis ("2004 Plan").

         On January 19, 2004,  the Board  approved  the Capital  Change and 2004
Plan and authorized the Company's  officers to obtain written  consents from the
holders of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the Company to
approve the Capital Change and 2004 Plan.  Under Section 78.320 of the NGCL, any
action  required  or  permitted  by the NGCL to be taken at an annual or special
meeting of stockholders of a Nevada  corporation may be taken without a meeting,
without prior notice and without a vote, if a consent in writing,  setting forth
the action so taken,  is signed by the holders of  outstanding  stock having not
less than the minimum  number of votes that would be  necessary  to authorize or
take such action at a meeting at which all shares  entitled to vote thereon were
present and voted.  Prompt notice of the approval of the Capital Change and 2004
Plan must be given to those  stockholders  who have not  consented in writing to
the action and who, if the action had been taken at a meeting,  would  otherwise
have been entitled to notice of the meeting.

         On  January  19,  2004,  stockholders  who are the  owners of record of
2,100,000 shares of the Company's common stock,  representing  approximately 53%
of the outstanding  voting securities of the Company,  executed and delivered to
the Company  written  consents  authorizing and approving the Capital Change and
2004 Plan.  Accordingly,  no vote or further action of the  stockholders  of the
Company is required to approve the Capital  Change and 2004 Plan. You are hereby
being  provided with notice of the approval of the Capital  Change and 2004 Plan
by less than unanimous written consent of the stockholders of the Company.

         The  executive  offices of the Company are located at 498 Ellis Street,
2nd Floor, Penticton, British, Canada V2A 4M2, and its telephone number is (250)


         This information  statement is first being mailed to stockholders on or
about January 30, 2004 and is being furnished for informational purposes only.

         The share  amounts  set  forth in this  Information  Statement  are not
adjusted for the one-for-200 reverse stock split.

                                VOTING SECURITIES

         The Company  only has common stock  issued and  outstanding.  As of the
Record Date, there were 3,930,250 shares of common stock issued and outstanding.
Each share of common  stock is entitled to one vote on all matters  submitted to
the holders of common stock for their approval.  The consent of the holders of a
majority of all of the  Company's  outstanding  common  stock was  necessary  to
authorize the Capital Change and the 2004 Plan.


         The  following  table and  accompanying  footnotes  set  forth  certain
information as of the Record Date with respect to the stock  ownership  prior to
the  reverse  stock  split  of  (i)  those  persons  known  to  the  Company  to
beneficially own more than 5% of the Company's common stock,  (ii) each director
of the  Company,  (iii)  each  executive  officer  of the  Company  and (iv) all
directors and executive officers of the Company as a group.

                                         Amount and Nature of         Percent of
 Name and Address of Beneficial Owner    Beneficial Ownership*    Outstanding Shares
 ------------------------------------    ---------------------    ------------------
 Ted Kozub**                                   2,100,000                 53.0%
 All executive officers and
 Directors as a group (one person)             2,100,000                 53.0%


 *       Beneficial  ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the
         Securities  and Exchange  Commission and generally  includes  voting or
         investment  power with  respect to  securities.  Shares of common stock
         issuable upon the exercise of options or warrants currently exercisable
         or convertible within 60 days, are deemed outstanding for computing the
         percentage ownership of the person holding such options or warrants but
         are not deemed  outstanding  for computing the percentage  ownership of
         any other person.

 **      Ted Kozub is the  Company's  sole  director,  president,  treasurer and

         As of the Record Date, there were no outstanding options or warrants to
 purchase shares of common stock.


         The following table sets forth information concerning the directors and
 executive  officers of the Company and their ages and positions.  Each director
 holds office until the next annual  stockholders'  meeting and thereafter until
 the  individual's  successor is elected and  qualified.  Officers  serve at the
 pleasure of the board of directors.


    Name                     Age                          Position
  ---------                  ---                   -------------------------
  Ted Kozub                   65                   Sole Director, President,
                                                   Treasurer and Secretary

         Ted Kozub is the president,  treasurer,  secretary and sole director of
the company. Mr. Kozub was a tax partner with KPMG, in Canada for more than five
years ending in 2003 upon his retirement.  Mr. Kozub also held senior  positions
with Revenue  Canada  Taxation,  and Mr. Kozub was appointed to the special task
force for reform of Canadian tax law.  Mr.  Kozub was the  president of Canadian
Petroleum  Tax Society,  Tax Manager with  Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas,  located in
Calgary, Alberta, and a subsidiary of Conoco

Board of Directors' Meetings and Committees

         During the fiscal years ending December 31, 2002 and 2003, our board of
directors  acted by  unanimous  consent on several  occasions.  Our entire board
participated  in each  action.  We do not  have  standing  nominating,  audit or
compensation committees.

Director Compensation

         Persons  who are  directors  and  employees  will  not be  additionally
compensated  for their  services  as a  director.  There is no plan in place for
compensation  of persons  who are  directors  who are not  employees,  but it is
expected  that in the future we will  create a  remuneration  and  reimbursement

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  the
Company's  directors and executive officers and persons who own more then 10% of
the common  sock of the Company to file with the SEC  reports of  ownership  and
reports of changes in ownership of common stock and other equity  securities  of
the  Company.  Based on its  review of the  reports  that it has  received,  all
reports of their  ownership  of shares of common  stock in the Company have been
filed,  however,  the report of Mr. Kozub filed  January 5, 2004,  which was due
December 26,  2003,  was late  because he was  traveling  out of the country and
there was a delay in obtaining an EDGAR filing number for Mr. Kozub.

Executive Compensation

         We have  not  paid  any cash  compensation  or  other  benefits  to our
executive  officers  since our  inception.  Cash  compensation  amounts  will be
determined  in the future  based on the services to be rendered and time devoted
to our business and the  availability of funds.  Other elements of compensation,
if any, will be determined at that time or at other times in the future.

         Until we have  sufficient  capital or  revenues,  Mr. Kozub will not be
provided  cash  remuneration.  At such time as we are able to  provide a regular
salary,  it is our intention that our officers will become employed  pursuant to
executive employment  agreements,  at an annual salary to be determined based on
their  then  levels  of time  devoted  to the  Company  and the  scope  of their
responsibilities. Until we enter into an employment agreement, we may use shares
of common stock to compensate our officers. In addition, we may use common stock
to compensate others for services to the company.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         In the past two fiscal years, there have not been any transactions that
have to be reported.


                                 CAPITAL CHANGE

         On January 19, 2004, the Board authorized a reverse split of the common
stock at the rate of one  share  for  every  200  shares  then  outstanding  and
thereafter  an  amendment  to  Article  FOURTH  of  the  Company's  Articles  of
Incorporation  to re-establish  the authorized  capital at 50,000,000  shares of
common stock,  $.001 par value per share.  A form of certificate of amendment to
the  articles of  incorporation  of the Company is attached to this  Information
Statement as Exhibit A.

         In  the   judgment   of  the  Board,   the  change  of  the   Company's
capitalization  is desirable to consolidate the outstanding float to enhance its
desirability as an investment and to make available  sufficient shares of common
stock to be able to raise  additional  funds in the  future,  provide  for stock
awards  outside  the  2004  Plan,  if at  all,  and  to  conduct  other  capital
transactions.  The  Company  does not have any plans to issue any of these newly
authorized  shares of common stock at this time.  At the current  time,  all its
commitments  to issue shares of common stock are covered by the number of shares
of common stock authorized by the articles of incorporation as it was before the
Capital Change. The common stock does not have any pre-emptive  rights.  None of
the rights of the  common  stock are being  changed  as a result of the  Capital
Change and  therefore  the rights of the  stockholders  will  remain  unchanged.
Stockholders will not be required to exchange outstanding stock certificates for
new certificates in connection with the Capital Change. If any fractional shares
result from the reverse  split,  on the basis of the aggregate  number of shares
held by a stockholder, the fractional share will be rounded up to the next whole

         On January 19,  2004, a  stockholder  holding an aggregate of 2,100,000
shares of common stock, representing approximately 53% of the outstanding voting
securities  of the  Company,  executed  and  delivered  to the Company a written
consent authorizing and approving the Capital Change.

                          2004 PERFORMANCE EQUITY PLAN

         The 2004 Plan  provides  for  10,000,000  shares of common  stock (on a
post-reverse  stock split  basis) which may be granted to  employees,  officers,
directors,  consultants and agents of the Company. The 2004 Plan is administered
by the board of  directors,  but the board may appoint a committee to administer
the 2004 Plan.  The  benefits  which may be granted  under the 2004 Plan include
stock options,  stock  appreciation  rights,  restricted stock awards,  deferred
stock awards, and recharge options. The specific terms of each award will be set
forth  in  an  agreement   subject  to  the  2004  Plan  as  determined  by  the
administrators.  The terms of each  award  will  include  the  number of shares,
vesting periods,  exercise prices,  and exercise periods,  among other things. A
full copy of the 2004 Plan is attached to this information  statement as Exhibit

         The  board of  directors  of the  Company  believes  the 2004 Plan will
provide  flexibility in  structuring  compensation  arrangements  and provide an
equity  incentive for employees and others who are awarded shares under the 2004
Plan. The issuance of common stock under an award may have a financial  dilutive
effect  depending  on the price paid for such  shares and an  absolute  dilutive
effect because of the increase in issued and outstanding shares.

         The Company  currently  has no commitment to issue any awards under the
2004 Plan.

         On  January  19,  2004,  a  stockholder  who is the  owner of record of
2,100,000 shares of the Company's common stock,  representing  approximately 53%
of the outstanding  voting  securities of the Company,  executed and delivered a
written consent approving the 2004 Plan.


                                CHANGE OF BY-LAWS

         On  January  19,  2004,  the board of  directors  approved a new set of
by-laws  after  review of the bylaws then in  existence.  The new  by-laws  were
approved by the holder of a majority of the common stock by written consent. The
board  determined  that  there were many  inadequacies  in the  previous  set of
bylaws, and it was best to address the many issues that face the management of a
corporation with a complete  overhaul.  Stockholders are referred to the by-laws
attached to this Information Statement as Exhibit C. One of the changes provided
for in the new by-laws of the company is that the board of  directors  may be as
few as one and as many as nine  persons.  The actual  number may be set by board
resolution. Currently, there is only one member of the board of directors. It is
possible that additional persons may be appointed to the board of directors, but
at this time,  there are no plans to increase the number of  directors  and fill
the vacancies  created  thereby.  In the event that the board is to be expanded,
the NGCL provides that the current  director may create a vacancy and fill it by
an action of the board of which he is the sole member.

                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

         Please read all the sections of the  Information  Statement  carefully.
The  Company is  subject to the  informational  requirements  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  ("Exchange Act") and in accordance  therewith,
files reports,  proxy  statements and other  information with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  ("SEC").   These  reports,   proxy  statements  and  other
information filed by the Company with the SEC may be inspected without charge at
the public  reference  section of the SEC at Judiciary  Plaza, 450 Fifth Street,
N.W.,  Washington,  DC 20549.  Copies of this material also may be obtained from
the SEC at  prescribed  rates.  The SEC also  maintains a website that  contains
reports, proxy and information statements and other information regarding public
companies  that file  reports  with the SEC.  Copies of these  materials  may be
obtained from the SEC's website at



         The  following  documents,  which  are  on  file  with  the  Commission
(Exchange Act File No. 000-32517) are incorporated in this Information Statement
by  reference  and made a part  hereof:

                (i)    Annual Report on Form 10-KSB, as amended,  for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2002.

                (ii)   Quarterly Reports on Form 10-QSB for the fiscal  quarters
ended March 31, 2003, June 30, 2003 and September 30, 2003.

                (iii)  Current  Report  on  Form  8-K  filed  January  5,  2004,
reporting a change of control.

                (iv)   Schedule 14(f) filed January 5, 2004.

         The Company's  Registration Statement on Form 10-SB/A, file date August
8, 2000 (File No.  000-26907),  which  contains  descriptions  of the  Company's
Common Stock  commencing on page 30, is also  incorporated  in this  Information
Statement by reference and made a part hereof.  The financial  statements of the
Company,  and management's  discussion and analysis  sections of the Form 10-KSB
noted above are  incorporated by reference and may be found at pages F-1 to F-10
and Item 6, respectively.

         All  documents  filed by the Company  with the  Commission  pursuant to
Section  13(a),  13(c),  14 or 15(d) of the  Exchange Act after the date of this
Information  Statement  and prior to the  Effective  Date  shall be deemed to be
incorporated  by reference  in this  Information  Statement  and shall be a part
hereof from the date of filing of such documents.  Any statement  contained in a
document  incorporated by reference in this Information Statement and filed with
the Commission prior to the date of this  Information  Statement shall be deemed
to be modified or superseded for purposes of this  Information  Statement to the
extent that a statement  contained  herein, or in any other  subsequently  filed
document which is deemed to be  incorporated  by reference  herein,  modifies or
supersedes  such statement.  Any such statement so modified or superseded  shall
not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this
Information Statement.

         The Company  will  provide  without  charge to each person to whom this
Information Statement is delivered, upon written or oral request of such person,
a copy of any or all of the foregoing documents incorporated herein by reference
(other than exhibits to such  documents,  unless such exhibits are  specifically
incorporated by reference into such  documents).  Written or telephone  requests
should be  directed to the Company at 498 Ellis  Street,  2nd Floor,  Penticton,
British  Columbia,  Canada V2A 4M2,  Attention:  Investor  Relations  (telephone
number: (250-) 497-6072).


Penticton, British Columbia, Canada
January 30, 2004


                                                                       Exhibit A

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT


                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION




                        Pursuant to Section 78.390 of the
                        General Corporation Law of Nevada


         The   undersigned   President  of  Bio-American   Capital   Corporation
("Corporation") DOES HEREBY CERTIFY:

         FIRST: The name of the Corporation is Bio-American Capital Corporation.

         SECOND:  The  stockholders of the Corporation  approved a reverse stock
split of the  outstanding  common  stock at the rate of one  share for every 200
shares of common  stock,  and then  approved  an  amendment  to the  Articles of
Incorporation of the Corporation to establish the capitalization after a reverse
split of the common stock,  by deleting the first paragraph of Article FOURTH in
its entirety and by substituting the following in lieu thereof:

                                 ARTICLE FOURTH

         The total  number of shares of capital  stock of all classes  which the
Corporation shall have authority to issue is 50,000,000  shares,  all the shares
of which shall be Common Stock, par value $.001 per share.

         1.     The  holders  of  Common  Stock  shall  receive,  to the  extent
                permitted by law and to the extent the Board of Directors  shall
                determine,  such  dividends as may be declared from time to time
                by the Board of Directors.

         2.     Upon  dissolution,  the  holders  of the Common  Stock  shall be
                entitled  to  receive  such  of  the  remaining  assets  of  the
                Corporation of whatever kind available for  distribution  to the
                holders  of  the  Common  Stock,  to the  extent  the  Board  of
                Directors shall determine.

         3.     Except as may be otherwise  required by law or by this  Articles
                of  Incorporation,  each  holder of Common  Stock shall have one
                vote in  respect  of each share of such stock held by him on all
                matters voted upon by the stockholders.  There are no cumulative
                voting rights for the Common Stock on any matter.

         4.     No holder of any capital shares of the Corporation of any class,
                now or  hereafter  authorized,  shall have any  preferential  or
                preemptive  right to  subscribe  for,  purchase,  or receive any
                shares  of  stock  of  the  Corporation  of  any  class,  now or
                hereafter  authorized,  or any  options  or  warrants  for  such
                shares,  or any rights to subscribe to or purchase  such shares,
                or any  securities  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for such
                shares,  which may at any time or from  time to time be  issued,
                sold, or offered for sale by the Corporation.

         THIRD:  The foregoing  Amendment of the Articles of  Incorporation  was
duly approved by the  Corporation's  Board of Directors and  thereafter was duly
adopted by the  consent of the holder of a majority  of the  outstanding  voting
stock of the Corporation.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  I have executed this Certificate of Amendment this
___th day of February ___, 2004.

                                       Ted Kozub,


                                                                       Exhibit B

                                                       Adopted: January 19, 2004




                                    ARTICLE I


         1.1    Offices:  The corporation may have other offices,  either within
or  without  the  State of  Nevada,  at such  place or  places  as the  Board of
Directors may from time to time appoint or the business of the  corporation  may

                                   ARTICLE II


         2.1    Place  of   Stockholders'   Meetings.   All   meetings   of  the
stockholders of the corporation shall be held at such place or places, within or
outside the State of Nevada as may be fixed by the Board of Directors  from time
to time or as shall be specified in the respective notices thereof.

         2.2    Date and Hour of  Annual  Meetings  of  Stockholders.  An annual
meeting of stockholders shall be held each year at such place,  either within or
without  the  State  of  Nevada,  and at such  time  and  date as the  Board  of
Directors, by resolution,  shall determine and as set forth in the notice of the
meeting.  In the event the Board of Directors  fails to so  determine  the time,
date and place of meeting,  the annual meeting of stockholders  shall be held at
the main  headquarters  of the corporation on a day in the month of May as shall
be determined by the Board of Directors. If the date of the annual meeting shall
fall upon a legal  holiday,  the  meeting  shall be held on the next  succeeding
business day.

         2.3    Purposes  of  Annual  Meetings.  At  each  annual  meeting,  the
stockholders  shall  elect  the  members  of the  Board  of  Directors  for  the
succeeding  year. At any such annual meeting any further proper  business may be

         2.4    Special  Meetings  of  Stockholders.  Special  meetings  of  the
stockholders or of any class or series thereof entitled to vote may be called by
the  President  or by the Board of  Directors,  or at the  request in writing by
stockholders of record owning a majority of the issued and outstanding shares of
Common Stock of the  corporation,  which  request shall state the purpose of the
proposed meeting,  and may be held at such time and place, within or without the
State of Nevada, as shall be stated in the notice of meeting.

         2.5    Notice  of  Meetings  of   Stockholders.   Except  as  otherwise
expressly  required or  permitted  by law,  not less than ten days nor more than
sixty days before the date of every  stockholders'  meeting the Secretary  shall
give to each  stockholder  of record  entitled to vote at such meeting,  written
notice, served personally,  by mail or by telegram,  stating the place, date and
hour of the  meeting  and,  in the case of a special  meeting,  the  purpose  or
purposes  for which the  meeting is called.  Such  notice,  if mailed,  shall be
deemed to be given when  deposited in the United States mail,  postage  prepaid,
directed to the stockholder at his address for notices to such stockholder as it
appears on the records of the corporation.

         2.6    Quorum of Stockholders.

                (a)   Unless otherwise provided by the Articles of Incorporation
or by law,  at any  meeting of the  stockholders,  the  presence in person or by
proxy of  stockholders  entitled to cast a majority of the votes  thereat  shall
constitute a quorum.

                (b)   At any meeting of the stockholders at which a quorum shall
be present,  a majority  of those  present in person or by proxy may adjourn the
meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement at the meeting.
In the absence of a quorum,  the officer  presiding  thereat shall have power to
adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum shall be present. Notice of
any adjourned  meeting,  other than  announcement  at the meeting,  shall not be
required to be given, except as provided in paragraph (d) below and except where
expressly required by law.

                (c)   At any  adjourned  session  at  which a  quorum  shall  be
present,  any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the
meeting  originally called but only those  stockholders  entitled to vote at the
meeting as originally  noticed shall be entitled to vote at any  adjournment  or
adjournments  thereof,  unless  a new  record  date is  fixed  by the  Board  of

                (d)   If an adjournment is for more than sixty days, or if after
the adjournment a new record date is fixed for the adjourned  meeting,  a notice
of the adjourned  meeting shall be given to each  stockholder of record entitled
to vote at the meeting.

         2.7    Chairman and  Secretary of Meeting.  The  President,  or, in his
absence,  a Vice President,  shall preside at meetings of the stockholders.  The
Secretary or, in his absence, an Assistant Secretary,  shall act as secretary of
the meeting, or if neither is present,  then the presiding officer may appoint a
person to act as secretary of the meeting.

         2.8    Voting by Stockholders.  Except as may be otherwise  provided by
the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or  these  by-laws,  at every  meeting  of the
stockholders  each  stockholder  shall be entitled to one vote for each share of
stock  standing in his name on the books of the  corporation  on the record date
for the meeting.  All elections and questions  shall be decided by the vote of a
majority in interest of the  stockholders  present in person or  represented  by
proxy and entitled to vote at the meeting.

         2.9    Proxies.  Any  stockholder  entitled  to vote at any  meeting of
stockholders  may vote  either in person or by proxy.  Every  proxy  shall be in
writing, subscribed by the stockholder or his duly authorized  attorney-in-fact,
but need not be dated, sealed, witnessed or acknowledged.

         2.10   Inspectors.  The  election  of  directors  and any other vote by
ballot at any meeting of the  stockholders  shall be  supervised by at least one
inspector.  Such  inspectors  shall be  appointed  by the Board of  Directors in
advance of the meeting.  If the inspector so appointed  shall refuse to serve or
shall not be present, such appointment shall be made by the officer presiding at
the meeting.


         2.11   List of Stockholders.

                (a)   For every meeting of  stockholders'  the  Secretary  shall
prepare  and make a complete  list of the  stockholders  entitled to vote at the
meeting,  arranged  in  alphabetical  order,  and  showing  the  address of each
stockholder and the number of shares registered in the name of each stockholder.
The list shall also be  produced  and kept at the time and place of the  meeting
during the whole time of the meeting, and it may be inspected by any stockholder
who is present.

                (b)   The stock ledger shall be the only  evidence as to who are
the stockholders entitled to examine the stock ledger, the list required by this
Section 2.11 or the books of the  corporation,  or to vote in person or by proxy
at any meeting of stockholders.

         2.12   Procedure  at  Stockholders'   Meetings.   Except  as  otherwise
provided by these  by-laws or any  resolutions  adopted by the  stockholders  or
Board of Directors,  the order of business and all other matters of procedure at
every meeting of stockholders shall be determined by the presiding officer.  Not
less than 15 minutes following the presentation of any resolution to any meeting
of stockholders,  the presiding officer may announce that further  discussion on
such  resolution  shall be limited to not more than three  persons who favor and
not more than three  persons who oppose such  resolution,  each of whom shall be
designated  by the  presiding  officer and shall  thereupon be entitled to speak
thereon for not more than five  minutes.  After such  persons,  or such a lesser
number  thereof as shall  advise  the  presiding  officer of their  desire so to
speak, shall have spoken on such resolution,  the presiding officer may direct a
vote on such resolution without further discussion thereon at the meeting.

         2.13   Action By Consent Without Meeting.  Unless otherwise provided by
the Articles of Incorporation,  any action required to be taken at any annual or
special meeting of stockholders,  or any action which may be taken at any annual
or special  meeting,  may be taken  without a meeting,  without prior notice and
without a vote,  if a consent  in  writing,  setting  forth the action so taken,
shall be signed by the  holders of  outstanding  stock  having not less than the
minimum number of votes that would be necessary to authorize or take such action
at a meeting at which all shares  entitled  to vote  thereon  were  present  and
voted.  Prompt notice of the taking of the corporate action without a meeting by
less than unanimous  written  consent shall be given to those  stockholders  who
have not consented in writing.

                                   ARTICLE III


         3.1    Powers of Directors.  The property,  business and affairs of the
corporation  shall be managed by its Board of  Directors  which may exercise all
the  powers  of the  corporation  except  such as are by the law of the State of
Nevada  or the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or  these  by-laws  required  to be
exercised or done by the stockholders.

         3.2    Number,  Method of Election,  Terms of Office of Directors.  The
number of  directors  shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors
but shall not be less than one or more  than  nine,  such  number to be fixed by
resolution of the Board of Directors.  Each Director shall hold office until the
next  annual  meeting of  stockholders  and until his  successor  is elected and
qualified,  provided, however, that a director may resign at any time. Directors
need not be stockholders.


         3.3    Vacancies on Board of Directors; Removal.

                (a)   Any  director  may  resign  his  office  at  any  time  by
delivering his resignation in writing to the President or the Secretary. It will
take effect at the time specified  therein or, if no time is specified,  it will
be effective at the time of its receipt by the corporation.  The acceptance of a
resignation  shall not be necessary to make it  effective,  unless  expressly so
provided in the resignation.

                (b)   Any vacancy, or newly created directorship  resulting from
any increase in the authorized number of directors,  may be filled by a majority
of the  directors  then in  office,  though  less  than a  quorum,  or by a sole
remaining director,  and any director so chosen shall hold office until the next
annual election of directors by the stockholders and until his successor is duly
elected and qualified or until his earlier resignation or removal.

                (c)   Removal. Any director may be removed with or without cause
at any time by the  affirmative  vote of  stockholders  holding of record in the
aggregate  at  least  two-thirds  of the  outstanding  shares  of  stock  of the
corporation,  given at a special  meeting  of the  stockholders  called for that

         3.4    Meetings of the Board of Directors.

                (a)   The  Board of  Directors  may hold  their  meetings,  both
regular and special, either within or outside the State of Nevada.

                (b)   Regular  meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at
such time and place as shall from time to time be  determined  by  resolution of
the Board of Directors. No notice of such regular meetings shall be required. If
the date designated for any regular meeting be a legal holiday, then the meeting
shall be held on the next day which is not a legal holiday.

                (c)   The first meeting of each newly elected Board of Directors
shall be held  immediately  following the annual meeting of the stockholders for
the election of officers and the  transaction of such other business as may come
before it. If such meeting is held at the place of the stockholders' meeting, no
notice thereof shall be required.

                (d)   Special  meetings of the Board of Directors  shall be held
whenever  called by direction of the President or at the written  request of any
one director.

                (e)   The  Secretary  shall give notice to each  director of any
special  meeting of the Board of Directors by mailing the same at least two days
before the meeting or by  telegraphing,  telexing,  or  delivering  the same not
later than the day before the meeting.  Unless required by law, such notice need
not include a statement of the business to be transacted  at, or the purpose of,
any such  meeting.  Any and all business may be transacted at any meeting of the
Board of Directors.  No notice of any adjourned meeting need be given. No notice
to or waiver by any  director  shall be required  with respect to any meeting at
which the director is present.


         3.5    Quorum  and  Action.  Unless  provided  otherwise  by law or the
Articles of  Incorporation,  a majority of the whole  board shall  constitute  a
quorum for the transaction of business; but if there shall be less than a quorum
at any meeting of the Board, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting
from  time to time.  The vote of a  majority  of the  directors  present  at any
meeting at which a quorum is present shall be necessary to constitute the act of
the Board of Directors.

         3.6    Presiding Officer and Secretary of Meeting.  The President,  or,
in his absence,  any Vice President,  or, in their absence a member of the Board
of Directors  selected by the members present,  shall preside at meetings of the
Board.  The Secretary shall act as secretary of the meeting,  but in his absence
the presiding officer may appoint a secretary of the meeting.

         3.7    Action by  Consent  Without  Meeting.  Any  action  required  or
permitted  to be taken  at any  meeting  of the  Board  of  Directors  or of any
committee  thereof may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board or
committee,  as the case may be, consent  thereto in writing,  and the writing or
writings are filed with the minutes or proceedings of the Board or committee.

         3.8    Action  by  Telephonic  Conference.  Members  of  the  Board  of
Directors,  or any committee  designated  by such board,  may  participate  in a
meeting of such board or committee by means of  conference  telephone or similar
communications  equipment  by means of which all  persons  participating  in the
meeting  can  hear  each  other,  and  participation  in  such a  meeting  shall
constitute presence in person at such meeting.

         3.9    Committees.

                (a)   The Board of Directors  may, by resolution or  resolutions
passed by a majority of the whole board, designate one or more committees,  each
committee  to consist of one or more of the  directors of the  corporation.  The
Board may designate one or more directors as alternate members of any committee,
who may  replace  any  absent  or  disqualified  member  at any  meeting  of the
committee. In the absence or disqualification of any member of such committee or
committees,  the member or members  thereof  present at any such meeting and not
disqualified  from voting,  whether or not he or they  constitute a quorum,  may
unanimously  appoint  another  member  of the Board of  Directors  to act at the
meeting in the place of any such absent or disqualified member.

                (b)   Any  such  committee,   to  the  extent  provided  in  the
resolution or resolution of the Board of Directors,  or in these by-laws,  shall
have and may exercise all the powers and  authority of the Board of Directors in
the management of the business and affairs of the corporation, and may authorize
the seal of the  corporation  to be affixed to all papers  which may require it;
but no such committee shall have the power of authority in reference to amending
the Articles of Incorporation, adopting an agreement of merger or consolidation,
recommending  to  the  stockholders  the  sale,  lease  or  exchange  of  all or
substantially all of the corporation's property and assets,  recommending to the
stockholders a dissolution of the  corporation or a revocation of a dissolution,
or amending the by-laws of the  corporation;  and unless the  resolution,  these
by-laws,  or the  Articles  of  Incorporation  expressly  so  provide,  no  such
committee  shall  have the  power or  authority  to  declare  a  dividend  or to
authorize the issuance of stock.


         3.10   Compensation   of  Directors.   Directors   shall  receive  such
reasonable  compensation  for their  service  on the Board of  Directors  or any
committees thereof,  whether in the form of salary or a fixed fee for attendance
at meetings,  or both, with expenses, if any, as the Board of Directors may from
time to time determine.  Nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude
any Director from serving the  corporation  in any other  capacity and receiving
compensation therefor.

         3.11   Contracts.

                (a)   No contract or other transaction  between this corporation
and any other corporation shall be impaired, affected or invalidated,  nor shall
any  director be liable in any way by reason of the fact that any one or more of
the directors of this  corporation  is or are interested in, or is a director or
officer,  or are directors or officers of such other corporation,  provided that
such facts are disclosed or made known to the Board of Directors.

                (b)   Any director, personally and individually,  may be a party
to or may be interested in any contract or transaction of this corporation,  and
no director shall be liable in any way by reason of such interest, provided that
the fact of such  interest be disclosed or made known to the Board of Directors,
and provided that the Board of Directors shall authorize, approve or ratify such
contract or transaction by the vote (not counting the vote of any such director)
of a majority of a quorum,  notwithstanding the presence of any such director at
the meeting at which such action is taken.  Such  director or  directors  may be
counted in  determining  the presence of a quorum at such meeting.  This Section
shall not be construed to impair or invalidate or in any way affect any contract
or other  transaction  which would  otherwise  be valid  under the law  (common,
statutory or otherwise) applicable thereto.


                                   ARTICLE IV


         4.1    Officers, Title, Elections, Terms.

                (a)   The  elected  officers  of  the  corporation  shall  be  a
President,  one or more Vice Presidents,  a Treasurer and a Secretary, who shall
be elected by the Board of Directors at its annual meeting  following the annual
meeting of the stockholders,  to serve at the pleasure of the Board or otherwise
as shall be specified by the Board at the time of such  election and until their
successors  are elected and  qualify.  The Board of  Directors  may also elect a
Chairman of the Board.

                (b)   The Board of  Directors  may elect or appoint at any time,
and from time to time,  additional officers or agents with such duties as it may
deem  necessary  or  desirable.  Such  additional  officers  shall  serve at the
pleasure of the Board or  otherwise  as shall be  specified  by the Board at the
time of such  election or  appointment.  Two or more  offices may be held by the
same person.

                (c)   Any vacancy in any office may be filled for the  unexpired
portion of the term by the Board of Directors.

                (d)   Any  officer  may  resign  his  office at any  time.  Such
resignation shall be made in writing and shall take effect at the time specified
therein  or,  if no  time  be  specified,  at the  time  of its  receipt  by the
corporation.  The acceptance of a resignation  shall not be necessary to make it
effective, unless expressly so provided in the resignation.

                (e)   The salaries of all officers of the  corporation  shall be
fixed by the Board of Directors.

         4.2    Removal of Elected Officers.  Any elected officer may be removed
at any time, either with or without cause, by resolution  adopted at any regular
or special meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority of the directors then
in office.

         4.3    Duties.

                (a)   President.  The President shall be the principal executive
officer  of the  Corporation  and,  subject  to the  control  of  the  Board  of
Directors,  shall  supervise  and  control all the  business  and affairs of the
Corporation. He shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the stockholders
and of the Board of Directors.  He shall see that all orders and  resolutions of
the Board of  Directors  are  carried  into  effect  (unless  any such  order or
resolution  shall  provide  otherwise),  and in general shall perform all duties
incident to the office of president  and such other duties as may be  prescribed
by the Board of Directors from time to time.

                (b)   Vice President.  Each Vice  President,  if any, shall have
such powers and perform such duties as the Board of Directors  may  determine or
as may be assigned to him by the  President.  In the absence of the President or
in the event of his death,  or inability  or refusal to act, the Vice  President
(or in the event there be more than one Vice  President,  the Vice Presidents in
the order  designated  at the time of their  election,  or in the absence of any
designation,  then in the order of their  election)  shall perform the duties of
the  President  and when so acting,  shall have all the powers and be subject to
all the restrictions upon the President.


                (c)   Treasurer. The Treasurer shall (1) have charge and custody
of and be  responsible  for all funds and  securities  of the  Corporation;  (2)
receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the Corporation from any
source whatsoever; (3) deposit all such moneys in the name of the Corporation in
such  banks,  trust  companies,  or other  depositaries  as shall be selected by
resolution  of the Board of  Directors;  and (4) in general  perform  all duties
incident to the office of  treasurer  and such other duties as from time to time
may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board of Directors.  He shall,
if required by the Board of Directors, give a bond for the faithful discharge of
his  duties  in such  sum and with  such  surety  or  sureties  as the  Board of
Directors shall determine.

                (d)   Secretary. The Secretary shall (1) keep the minutes of the
meetings of the stockholders,  the Board of Directors,  the Executive  Committee
(if designated),  and all other  committees,  if any, of which a secretary shall
not have been appointed, in one or more books provided for that purpose; (2) see
that all  notices  are duly given in  accordance  with the  provisions  of these
by-laws and as required by law; (3) be custodian of the corporate records and of
the seal of the  Corporation and see that the seal of the Corporation is affixed
to all documents,  the execution of which on behalf of the Corporation under its
seal, is duly authorized; (4) keep a register of the post office address of each
stockholder which shall be furnished to the Secretary by such  stockholder;  (5)
have  general  charge of stock  transfer  books of the  Corporation;  and (6) in
general  perform all duties  incident to the office of secretary  and such other
duties as from time to time may be  assigned to him by the  President  or by the
Board of Directors.

                (e)   Assistant  Secretaries  and Assistant  Treasurers.  At the
request of the Secretary or in his absence or disability,  one or more Assistant
Secretaries  designated  by him or by the Board of Directors  shall have all the
powers of the Secretary for such period as he or it may designate or until he or
it revokes such  designation.  At the request of the Treasurer or in his absence
or  disability,  one or more  Assistant  Treasurers  designated by him or by the
Board of Directors shall have all the powers of the Treasurer for such period as
he or it may designate or until he or it revokes such designation. The Assistant
Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers,  in general,  shall perform such duties as
shall be assigned to them by the Secretary or the Treasurer, respectively, or by
the President or the Board of Directors.

                                    ARTICLE V

                                  CAPITAL STOCK

         5.1    Stock Certificates.

                (a)   Every holder of stock in the corporation shall be entitled
to have a  certificate  signed  by, or in the name of,  the  corporation  by the
Chairman  or the  President  or a Vice  President,  and by the  Treasurer  or an
Assistant Treasurer or the Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary,  certifying the
number of shares owned by him.

                (b)   If such  certificate is  countersigned by a transfer agent
other than the  corporation  or its employee,  or by a registrar  other than the
corporation or its employee,  the signatures of the officers of the  corporation
may be  facsimiles,  and, if  permitted  by law,  any other  signature  may be a


                (c)   In case any  officer  who has  signed  or whose  facsimile
signature  has been  placed  upon a  certificate  shall  have  ceased to be such
officer before such  certificate is issued,  it may be issued by the corporation
with the same effect as if he were such officer at the date of issue.

                (d)   Certificates  of stock  shall be  issued  in such form not
inconsistent  with the  Articles  of  Incorporation  as shall be approved by the
Board of Directors.  They shall be numbered and registered in the order in which
they are issued.

                (e)   All certificates  surrendered to the corporation  shall be
canceled with the date of cancellation,  and shall be retained by the Secretary,
together  with the powers of  attorney to transfer  and the  assignments  of the
shares  represented  by such  certificates,  for such period of time as shall be
prescribed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.

         5.2    Record Ownership. A record of the name and address of the holder
of each certificate,  the number of shares  represented  thereby and the date of
issue thereof shall be made on the corporation's books. The corporation shall be
entitled  to treat  the  holder  of any  share of  stock as the  holder  in fact
thereof,  and accordingly shall not be bound to recognize any equitable or other
claim to or  interest in any share on the part of any other  person,  whether or
not it shall have express or other notice thereof, except as required by law.

         5.3    Transfer of Record  Ownership.  Transfers of stock shall be made
on the books of the  corporation  only by  direction  of the person named in the
certificate or his attorney,  lawfully constituted in writing, and only upon the
surrender of the  certificate  therefor and a written  assignment  of the shares
evidenced  thereby.  Whenever any transfer of stock shall be made for collateral
security,  and not  absolutely,  it shall be so  expressed  in the  entry of the
transfer  if,  when  the  certificates  are  presented  to the  corporation  for
transfer, both the transferor and transferee request the corporation to do so.

         5.4    Lost,   Stolen   or   Destroyed    Certificates.    Certificates
representing  shares of the stock of the corporation shall be issued in place of
any  certificate  alleged to have been lost,  stolen or destroyed in such manner
and on such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors from time to time may

         5.5    Transfer Agent; Registrar;  Rules Respecting  Certificates.  The
corporation may maintain one or more transfer offices or agencies where stock of
the corporation shall be transferable.  The corporation may also maintain one or
more  registry  offices  where  such  stock  shall be  registered.  The Board of
Directors  may  make  such  rules  and  regulations  as it  may  deem  expedient
concerning the issue, transfer and registration of stock certificates.

         5.6    Fixing Record Date for  Determination of Stockholders of Record.
The Board of  Directors  may fix, in advance,  a date as the record date for the
purpose of  determining  stockholders  entitled to notice of, or to vote at, any
meeting of the  stockholders or any  adjournment  thereof,  or the  stockholders
entitled  to  receive  payment  of any  dividend  or other  distribution  or the
allotment  of any rights,  or entitled to exercise  any rights in respect of any
change,  conversion  or exchange of stock,  or to express  consent to  corporate
action in writing without a meeting,  or in order to make a determination of the
stockholders for the purpose of any other lawful action. Such record date in any
case shall be not more than sixty days nor less than ten days before the date of
a meeting  of the  stockholders,  nor more than  sixty  days  prior to any other
action  requiring such  determination  of the  stockholders.  A determination of
stockholders  of  record  entitled  to  notice  or  to  vote  at  a  meeting  of
stockholders shall apply to any adjournment of the meeting;  provided,  however,
that the Board of Directors may fix a new record date for the adjourned meeting.


         5.7    Dividends.   Subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  Articles  of
Incorporation  and the Nevada  General  Corporation  Law, the Board of Directors
may, out of funds legally available  therefor at any regular or special meeting,
declare  dividends  upon the capital stock of the  corporation  as and when they
deem expedient.  Before declaring any dividend there may be set apart out of any
funds of the corporation available for dividends,  such sum or sums as the Board
of  Directors  from time to time in their  discretion  deem  proper for  working
capital or as a reserve fund to meet  contingencies or for equalizing  dividends
or for such other purposes as the Board of Directors shall deem conducive to the
interests of the corporation.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         6.1    Voting. Unless the Board of Directors shall otherwise order, the
President,  any Vice  President,  the Secretary or the Treasurer shall have full
power and authority,  on behalf of the corporation,  to attend,  act and vote at
any meeting of the  stockholders of any corporation in which the corporation may
hold  stock,  and at such  meeting  to  exercise  any or all  rights  and powers
incident  to the  ownership  of such  stock,  and to  execute  on  behalf of the
corporation a proxy or proxies empowering another or others to act as aforesaid.
The Board of  Directors  from time to time may confer like powers upon any other
person or persons.

         6.2    General   Authorization  to  Transfer  Securities  Held  by  the

                (a)   Any of the following officers, to wit: the President,  any
Vice President and the Treasurer  shall be, and they hereby are,  authorized and
empowered to transfer,  convert, endorse, sell, assign, set over and deliver any
and all shares of stock, bonds, debentures,  notes, subscription warrants, stock
purchase  warrants,  evidence  of  indebtedness,  or  other  securities  now  or
hereafter  standing  in the name of or owned  by the  corporation,  and to make,
execute  and  deliver,  under the seal of the  corporation,  any and all written
instruments  of assignment  and transfer  necessary or proper to effectuate  the
authority hereby conferred.


                (b)   Whenever  there  shall be  annexed  to any  instrument  of
assignment  and  transfer  executed  pursuant  to and  in  accordance  with  the
foregoing  paragraph (a), a certificate  of the Secretary of the  corporation in
office at the date of such  certificate  setting  forth the  provisions  of this
Section 6.2 and stating that they are in full force and effect and setting forth
the names of persons who are then officers of the corporation,  then all persons
to whom such instrument and annexed  certificate shall thereafter come, shall be
entitled, without further inquiry or investigation and regardless of the date of
such certificate,  to assume and to act in reliance upon the assumption that the
shares of stock or other  securities  named in such instrument were  theretofore
duly and properly transferred,  endorsed, sold, assigned, set over and delivered
by the  corporation,  and that with respect to such  securities the authority of
these  provisions of the by-laws and of such officers is still in full force and

                                   ARTICLE VII


         7.1    Signatories.  All checks, drafts or other orders for the payment
of money,  notes or other  evidences of  indebtedness  issued in the name of the
corporation  shall be signed by such officer or officers or such other person or
persons as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate.

         7.2    Seal.  The seal of the  corporation  shall  be in such  form and
shall  have such  content  as the  Board of  Directors  shall  from time to time

         7.3    Notice and Waiver of  Notice.  Whenever  any notice of the time,
place or purpose of any meeting of the stockholders, directors or a committee is
required  to be given  under the law of the State of  Nevada,  the  Articles  of
Incorporation  or these  by-laws,  a waiver  thereof in  writing,  signed by the
person or persons  entitled to such notice,  whether before or after the holding
thereof,  or actual  attendance  at the meeting in person or, in the case of any
stockholder,  by his attorney-in-fact,  shall be deemed equivalent to the giving
of such notice to such persons.

         7.4    Amendment of By-Laws.

                (a)   By Board of Directors.  The by-laws of the corporation may
be  altered,  amended or  repealed  or new by-laws may be made or adopted by the
Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting of the Board; provided that
paragraph (c) of Section 3.3 and Section 7.4(b) of these By-Laws may be altered,
amended  or  repealed  only by action of the  stockholders  acting  pursuant  to
Section 7.4(b) hereof.

                (b)   By  Stockholders.  The by-laws of the corporation may also
be  altered,  amended or  repealed  or new by-laws may be made or adopted by the
vote of a majority in interest of the  stockholders  represented and entitled to
vote  upon the  election  of  directors,  at any  meeting  at which a quorum  is

         7.5    Indemnity.   The  corporation  shall  indemnify  its  directors,
officers, employees or agents to the fullest extent allowed by law.

         7.6    Fiscal Year. Except as from time to time otherwise determined by
the Board of Directors, the fiscal year of the corporation shall end on December


                                                                       Exhibit C

                              Approved by Board of Directors on January 19, 2004
                                    Approved by Stockholders on January 19, 2004
              Share Numbers are Adjusted for Reverse Stock Split to be Effective


                          2004 Performance Equity Plan

Section 1.      Purpose; Definitions.

        1.1.    Purpose.  The  purpose  of  the  2004  Performance  Equity  Plan
("Plan") is to enable the Company to offer to its employees, officers, directors
and  consultants  whose past,  present  and/or  potential  contributions  to the
Company and its Subsidiaries  have been, are or will be important to the success
of the Company, an opportunity to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company.
The various types of long-term  incentive  awards that may be provided under the
Plan will  enable the Company to respond to changes in  compensation  practices,
tax laws, accounting regulations and the size and diversity of its businesses.

        1.2.    Definitions. For purposes of the Plan, the following terms shall
be defined as set forth below:

                (a)   "Agreement"  means the  agreement  between the Company and
the  Holder,  or such other  document  as may be  determined  by the  Committee,
setting forth the terms and conditions of an award under the Plan.

                (b)   "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

                (c)   "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
from time to time.

                (d)   "Committee"  means the Stock Option Committee of the Board
or any other  committee of the Board that the Board may  designate to administer
the Plan or any portion  thereof.  If no  Committee is so  designated,  then all
references in this Plan to "Committee" shall mean the Board.

                (e)   "Common  Stock" means the Common Stock of the Company,  no
par value.

                (f)   "Company"  means  Bio-American  Capital   Corporation,   a
corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nevada.

                (g)   "Deferred  Stock" means Common Stock to be received  under
an award made pursuant to Section 8, below,  at the end of a specified  deferral

                (h)   "Disability"   means  physical  or  mental  impairment  as
determined  under  procedures  established  by the Committee for purposes of the

                (i)   "Effective Date" means the date set forth in Section 12.1,

                (j)   "Fair  Market  Value",  unless  otherwise  required by any
applicable provision of the Code or any regulations issued thereunder, means, as
of any given date:  (i) if the Common  Stock is listed on a national  securities
exchange or quoted on the Nasdaq National Market or Nasdaq SmallCap Market,  the
last sale  price of the Common  Stock in the  principal  trading  market for the
Common Stock on such date,  as reported by the  exchange or Nasdaq,  as the case
may be; (ii) if the Common Stock is not listed on a national securities exchange
or quoted on the Nasdaq National Market or Nasdaq SmallCap Market, but is traded
in the  over-the-counter  market,  the closing bid price for the Common Stock on
such date,  as  reported by the OTC  Bulletin  Board or the  National  Quotation
Bureau,  Incorporated or similar publisher of such quotations;  and (iii) if the
fair market value of the Common Stock  cannot be  determined  pursuant to clause
(i) or (ii) above, such price as the Committee shall determine, in good faith.

                (k)   "Holder"  means a person who has  received  an award under
the Plan.

                (l)   "Incentive  Stock Option" means any Stock Option  intended
to be and  designated  as an  "incentive  stock  option"  within the  meaning of
Section 422 of the Code.

                (m)   "Nonqualified Stock Option" means any Stock Option that is
not an Incentive Stock Option.

                (n)   "Normal   Retirement"   means   retirement   from   active
employment  with the Company or any Subsidiary on or after such age which may be
designated by the Committee as "retirement age" for any particular Holder. If no
age is designated, it shall be 65.

                (o)   "Other  Stock-Based Award" means an award under Section 9,
below, that is valued in whole or in part by reference to, or is otherwise based
upon, Common Stock.

                (p)   "Parent" means any present or future "parent  corporation"
of the Company, as such term is defined in Section 424(e) of the Code.

                (q)   "Plan" means the  Bio-American  Capital  Corporation  2004
Performance Equity Plan, as hereinafter amended from time to time.

                (r)   "Repurchase Value" shall mean the Fair Market Value in the
event the award to be settled under Section 2.2(h) or repurchased  under Section
10.2 is  comprised  of shares of Common  Stock and the  difference  between Fair
Market  Value and the  Exercise  Price (if lower than Fair Market  Value) in the
event the award is a Stock  Option or Stock  Appreciation  Right;  in each case,
multiplied by the number of shares subject to the award.

                (s)   "Restricted  Stock" means Common Stock  received  under an
award made pursuant to Section 7, below,  that is subject to restrictions  under
said Section 7.


                (t)   "SAR Value"  means the excess of the Fair Market Value (on
the  exercise  date) over the  exercise  price that the  participant  would have
otherwise  had to pay to exercise the related  Stock  Option,  multiplied by the
number of shares for which the Stock Appreciation Right is exercised.

                (u)   "Stock Appreciation Right" means the right to receive from
the Company, on surrender of all or part of the related Stock Option,  without a
cash payment to the Company, a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the SAR
Value divided by the Fair Market Value (on the exercise date).

                (v)   "Stock  Option" or  "Option"  means any option to purchase
shares of Common Stock which is granted pursuant to the Plan.

                (w)   "Stock  Reload  Option"  means any  option  granted  under
Section 5.3 of the Plan.

                (x)   "Subsidiary"  means  any  present  or  future  "subsidiary
corporation"  of the Company,  as such term is defined in Section  424(f) of the

                (y)   "Vest" means to become  exercisable or to otherwise obtain
ownership rights in an award.

Section 2.      Administration.

        2.1.    Committee  Membership.  The Plan  shall be  administered  by the
Board or a Committee.  Committee  members shall serve for such term as the Board
may in each case  determine,  and shall be subject to removal at any time by the
Board.  The  Committee  members,  to  the  extent  possible  and  deemed  to  be
appropriate by the Board,  shall be "non-employee  directors" as defined in Rule
16b-3  promulgated  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as  amended
("Exchange  Act"), and "outside  directors" within the meaning of Section 162(m)
of the Code.

        2.2.    Powers of Committee.  The Committee shall have full authority to
award,  pursuant  to the  terms of the  Plan:  (i)  Stock  Options,  (ii)  Stock
Appreciation  Rights,  (iii)  Restricted  Stock,  (iv) Deferred Stock, (v) Stock
Reload  Options  and/or  (vi)  Other   Stock-Based   Awards.   For  purposes  of
illustration  and not of  limitation,  the  Committee  shall have the  authority
(subject to the express provisions of this Plan):

                (a)   to  select  the   officers,   employees,   directors   and
consultants  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  to whom Stock  Options,  Stock
Appreciation  Rights,  Restricted  Stock,  Deferred Stock,  Reload Stock Options
and/or Other Stock-Based Awards may from time to time be awarded hereunder.

                (b)   to determine the terms and  conditions,  not  inconsistent
with the terms of the Plan, of any award granted hereunder  (including,  but not
limited to, number of shares,  share  exercise  price or types of  consideration
paid upon exercise of such options,  such as other  securities of the Company or
other property,  any  restrictions or  limitations,  and any vesting,  exchange,
surrender,  cancellation,  acceleration,  termination,  exercise  or  forfeiture
provisions, as the Committee shall determine);


                (c)   to determine any specified performance goals or such other
factors  or  criteria  which  need to be  attained  for the  vesting of an award
granted hereunder;

                (d)   to determine the terms and  conditions  under which awards
granted hereunder are to operate on a tandem basis and/or in conjunction with or
apart from other equity  awarded  under this Plan and cash and  non-cash  awards
made by the Company or any Subsidiary outside of this Plan;

                (e)   to permit a Holder  to elect to defer a payment  under the
Plan under such rules and procedures as the Committee may  establish,  including
the payment or crediting of interest on deferred amounts denominated in cash and
of dividend equivalents on deferred amounts denominated in Common Stock;

                (f)   to  determine  the extent and  circumstances  under  which
Common Stock and other amounts  payable with respect to an award hereunder shall
be deferred that may be either automatic or at the election of the Holder;

                (g)   to substitute (i) new Stock Options for previously granted
Stock  Options,  which  previously  granted  Stock  Options  have higher  option
exercise prices and/or contain other less favorable  terms,  and (ii) new awards
of any  other  type  for  previously  granted  awards  of the same  type,  which
previously granted awards are upon less favorable terms; and

                (h)   to make payments and distributions  with respect to awards
(i.e.,  to "settle"  awards)  through  cash  payments in an amount  equal to the
Repurchase Value.

                Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary,  the Committee  shall
not  grant to any one  Holder  in any one  calendar  year  awards  for more than
2,000,000 shares in the aggregate.

        2.3.    Interpretation of Plan.

                (a)   Committee  Authority.  Subject to Section 11,  below,  the
Committee   shall  have  the   authority   to  adopt,   alter  and  repeal  such
administrative  rules,  guidelines and practices  governing the Plan as it shall
from time to time deem  advisable to interpret  the terms and  provisions of the
Plan  and any  award  issued  under  the  Plan  (and to  determine  the form and
substance of all agreements  relating thereto),  and to otherwise  supervise the
administration of the Plan.  Subject to Section 11, below, all decisions made by
the  Committee  pursuant  to the  provisions  of the  Plan  shall be made in the
Committee's  sole  discretion  and shall be final and binding  upon all persons,
including the Company, its Subsidiaries and Holders.

                (b)   Incentive  Stock  Options.  Anything  in the  Plan  to the
contrary notwithstanding, no term or provision of the Plan relating to Incentive
Stock  Options  (including  but not  limited  to Stock  Reload  Options or Stock
Appreciation  rights granted in conjunction  with an Incentive  Stock Option) or
any  Agreement  providing for  Incentive  Stock  Options  shall be  interpreted,
amended or altered, nor shall any discretion or authority granted under the Plan
be so exercised,  so as to disqualify the Plan under Section 422 of the Code or,
without the consent of the Holder(s) affected, to disqualify any Incentive Stock
Option under such Section 422.


Section 3.      Stock Subject to Plan.

        3.1.    Number of  Shares.  The total  number of shares of Common  Stock
reserved and available for issuance  under the Plan shall be 10,000,000  shares.
Shares of Common Stock under the Plan  ("Shares")  may  consist,  in whole or in
part, of authorized  and unissued  shares or treasury  shares.  If any shares of
Common  Stock that have been  granted  pursuant  to a Stock  Option  cease to be
subject to a Stock Option,  or if any shares of Common Stock that are subject to
any Stock  Appreciation  Right,  Restricted  Stock award,  Deferred Stock award,
Reload Stock Option or Other  Stock-Based  Award granted hereunder are forfeited
or any such  award  otherwise  terminates  without a payment  being  made to the
Holder in the form of Common  Stock,  such shares shall again be  available  for
distribution  in  connection  with future grants and awards under the Plan. If a
Holder pays the exercise price of a Stock Option by surrendering  any previously
owned shares and/or arranges to have the appropriate  number of shares otherwise
issuable  upon  exercise   withheld  to  cover  the  withholding  tax  liability
associated with the Stock Option  exercise,  then the number of shares available
under  the Plan  shall be  increased  by the  lesser  of (i) the  number of such
surrendered  shares and shares used to pay taxes;  and (ii) the number of shares
purchased under such Stock Option.

        3.2.    Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization,  Etc. In the event of
any merger,  reorganization,  consolidation,  common stock  dividend  payable on
shares of Common  Stock,  Common Stock split or reverse  split,  combination  or
exchange of shares of Common  Stock,  or other  extraordinary  or unusual  event
which  results  in a change in the  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company as a
whole,  the Committee  shall  determine,  in its sole  discretion,  whether such
change  equitably  requires an adjustment  in the terms of any award  (including
number of shares  subject to the award and the exercise  price) or the aggregate
number of shares reserved for issuance under the Plan. Any such adjustments will
be  made by the  Committee,  whose  determination  will be  final,  binding  and

Section 4.      Eligibility.

        Awards may be made or  granted to  employees,  officers,  directors  and
consultants who are deemed to have rendered or to be able to render  significant
services  to the  Company  or its  Subsidiaries  and  who  are  deemed  to  have
contributed  or to have  the  potential  to  contribute  to the  success  of the
Company.  No Incentive Stock Option shall be granted to any person who is not an
employee of the Company or a  Subsidiary  at the time of grant.  Notwithstanding
the  foregoing,  an award may be made or granted to a person in connection  with
his  hiring  or  retention,  or at any time on or after the date he  reaches  an
agreement  (oral or  written)  with the Company  with  respect to such hiring or
retention,  even  though it may be prior to the date the person  first  performs
services for the Company or its Subsidiaries; provided, however, that no portion
of any such award shall vest prior to the date the person  first  performs  such


Section 5.      Stock Options.

        5.1.    Grant and Exercise.  Stock Options granted under the Plan may be
of two types: (i) Incentive Stock Options and (ii)  Nonqualified  Stock Options.
Any  Stock  Option  granted  under  the  Plan  shall  contain  such  terms,  not
inconsistent  with this Plan, or with respect to Incentive  Stock  Options,  not
inconsistent  with the Plan and the Code, as the Committee may from time to time
approve. The Committee shall have the authority to grant Incentive Stock Options
or  Non-Qualified  Stock  Options,  or both types of Stock  Options which may be
granted  alone or in addition to other  awards  granted  under the Plan.  To the
extent that any Stock Option  intended to qualify as an  Incentive  Stock Option
does not so qualify, it shall constitute a separate Nonqualified Stock Option.

        5.2.    Terms and Conditions. Stock Options granted under the Plan shall
be subject to the following terms and conditions:

                (a)   Option Term.  The term of each Stock Option shall be fixed
by the  Committee;  provided,  however,  that an  Incentive  Stock Option may be
granted only within the ten-year  period  commencing from the Effective Date and
may only be  exercised  within  ten years of the date of grant (or five years in
the case of an Incentive Stock Option granted to an optionee who, at the time of
grant,  owns Common Stock  possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting
power of all classes of voting stock of the Company ("10% Stockholder").

                (b)   Exercise  Price.  The  exercise  price per share of Common
Stock  purchasable  under a Stock Option shall be determined by the Committee at
the time of grant,  provided,  however,  that in no event may the exercise price
per share be less than $.02 under any Stock Option.

                (c)   Exercisability. Stock Options shall be exercisable at such
time or times and subject to such terms and conditions as shall be determined by
the Committee and as set forth in Section 10, below. If the Committee  provides,
in its discretion,  that any Stock Option is exercisable  only in  installments,
i.e., that it vests over time, the Committee may waive such installment exercise
provisions at any time at or after the time of grant in whole or in part,  based
upon such factors as the Committee shall determine.

                (d)   Method  of  Exercise.  Subject  to  whatever  installment,
exercise and waiting  period  provisions  are  applicable in a particular  case,
Stock  Options may be  exercised in whole or in part at any time during the term
of the Option by giving written notice of exercise to the Company specifying the
number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  to be  purchased.  Such  notice  shall be
accompanied by payment in full of the purchase price, which shall be in cash or,
if  provided  in the  Agreement,  either in shares  of Common  Stock  (including
Restricted Stock and other contingent  awards under this Plan) or partly in cash
and  partly in such  Common  Stock,  or such  other  means  which the  Committee
determines  are  consistent  with the Plan's  purpose and  applicable  law. Cash
payments  shall be made by wire  transfer,  certified  or bank check or personal
check, in each case payable to the order of the Company; provided, however, that
the Company shall not be required to deliver  certificates  for shares of Common
Stock  with  respect  to which an Option is  exercised  until  the  Company  has
confirmed  the receipt of good and  available  funds in payment of the  purchase
price thereof (except that, in the case of an exercise  arrangement  approved by
the Committee and described in the last sentence of this paragraph,  payment may
be made as soon as  practicable  after the  exercise).


Payments in the form of Common Stock shall be valued at the Fair Market Value on
the date prior to the date of exercise.  Such payments shall be made by delivery
of stock certificates in negotiable form that are effective to transfer good and
valid title thereto to the Company,  free of any liens or encumbrances.  Subject
to the terms of the Agreement, the Committee may, in its sole discretion, at the
request of the Holder,  deliver upon the exercise of a Nonqualified Stock Option
a combination of shares of Deferred Stock and Common Stock;  provided,  however,
that,  notwithstanding  the  provisions of Section 8 of the Plan,  such Deferred
Stock shall be fully vested and not subject to  forfeiture.  A Holder shall have
none of the rights of a  Stockholder  with respect to the shares  subject to the
Option until such shares shall be transferred to the Holder upon the exercise of
the Option. The Committee may permit a Holder to elect to pay the Exercise Price
upon the exercise of a Stock Option by irrevocably  authorizing a third party to
sell shares of Common  Stock (or a  sufficient  portion of the shares)  acquired
upon exercise of the Stock Option and remit to the Company a sufficient  portion
of the sale proceeds to pay the entire  Exercise  Price and any tax  withholding
resulting from such exercise.

                (e)   Transferability.  Except  as may be set  forth in the next
sentence  of  this  Section  or in the  Agreement,  no  Stock  Option  shall  be
transferable  by the Holder  other  than by will or by the laws of  descent  and
distribution,  and all Stock Options shall be  exercisable,  during the Holder's
lifetime,  only  by the  Holder  (or,  to the  extent  of  legal  incapacity  or
incompetency,  the Holder's guardian or legal  representative).  Notwithstanding
the  foregoing,  a Holder,  with the approval of the  Committee,  may transfer a
Stock  Option  (i) (A) by  gift,  for no  consideration,  or (B)  pursuant  to a
domestic  relations order, in either case, to or for the benefit of the Holder's
"Immediate  Family" (as defined below), or (ii) to an entity in which the Holder
and/or members of Holder's  Immediate  Family own more than fifty percent of the
voting  interest,  in exchange for an interest in that  entity,  subject to such
limits as the Committee may establish and the execution of such documents as the
Committee may require,  and the transferee shall remain subject to all the terms
and conditions  applicable to the Stock Option prior to such transfer.  The term
"Immediate  Family"  shall  mean  any  child,  stepchild,   grandchild,  parent,
stepparent,   grandparent,   spouse,  former  spouse,  sibling,  niece,  nephew,
mother-in-law,  father-in-law,  son-in-law,  daughter-in-law,  brother-in-law or
sister-in-law, including adoptive relationships, any person sharing the Holder's
household (other than a tenant or employee), a trust in which these persons have
more than fifty  percent  beneficial  interest,  and a foundation in which these
persons (or the Holder) control the management of the assets.

                (f)   Termination by Reason of Death.  If a Holder's  employment
by the Company or a Subsidiary  terminates by reason of death,  any Stock Option
held by such Holder,  unless otherwise determined by the Committee and set forth
in the  Agreement,  shall  thereupon  automatically  terminate,  except that the
portion of such Stock Option that has vested on the date of death may thereafter
be exercised by the legal  representative of the estate or by the legatee of the
Holder  under the will of the  Holder,  for a period of one year (or such  other
greater or lesser period as the Committee may specify in the Agreement) from the
date of such  death or until the  expiration  of the  stated  term of such Stock
Option, whichever period is shorter.


                (g)   Termination  by  Reason  of  Disability.   If  a  Holder's
employment by the Company or any Subsidiary  terminates by reason of Disability,
any  Stock  Option  held by such  Holder,  unless  otherwise  determined  by the
Committee  and  set  forth  in  the  Agreement,  shall  thereupon  automatically
terminate,  except that the portion of such Stock  Option that has vested on the
date of  termination  may  thereafter be exercised by the Holder for a period of
one year (or such other greater or lesser period as the Committee may specify in
the  Agreement)  from the date of such  termination  of  employment or until the
expiration of the stated term of such Stock Option, whichever period is shorter.

                (h)   Other  Termination.  Subject to the  provisions of Section
13.3,  below, and unless otherwise  determined by the Committee and set forth in
the Agreement, if such Holder's employment or retention by, or association with,
the  Company or any  Subsidiary  terminates  for any reason  other than death or
Disability,  the Stock Option shall thereupon  automatically  terminate,  except
that if the Holder's  employment  is  terminated  by the Company or a Subsidiary
without cause or due to Normal Retirement, then the portion of such Stock Option
that has vested on the date of  termination  of employment  may be exercised for
the lesser of three months after  termination  of  employment  or the balance of
such Stock Option's term.

                (i)   Additional Incentive Stock Option Limitation.  In the case
of an Incentive  Stock Option,  the aggregate  Fair Market Value (on the date of
grant of the  Option)  with  respect to which  Incentive  Stock  Options  become
exercisable  for the first time by a Holder  during any calendar year (under all
such plans of the  Company  and its Parent  and  Subsidiaries)  shall not exceed

                (j)   Buyout and Settlement Provisions. The Committee may at any
time,  in its sole  discretion,  offer to  repurchase a Stock Option  previously
granted,  based upon such terms and conditions as the Committee  shall establish
and communicate to the Holder at the time that such offer is made.

        5.3.    Stock Reload Option.  If a Holder tenders shares of Common Stock
to pay  the  exercise  price  of a Stock  Option  ("Underlying  Option")  and/or
arranges  to have a portion  of the  shares  otherwise  issuable  upon  exercise
withheld to pay the applicable  withholding  taxes, then the Holder may receive,
at the discretion of the  Committee,  a new Stock Reload Option to purchase that
number of shares of Common  Stock equal to the number of shares  tendered to pay
the exercise price and the  withholding  taxes (but only if such tendered shares
were held by the Holder for at least six months).  Stock  Reload  Options may be
any type of option  permitted under the Code and will be granted subject to such
terms,  conditions,  restrictions  and  limitations  as may be determined by the
Committee  from time to time.  Such Stock  Reload  Option shall have an exercise
price  equal  to the  Fair  Market  Value  as of the  date  of  exercise  of the
Underlying Option.  Unless the Committee  determines  otherwise,  a Stock Reload
Option may be exercised commencing one year after it is granted and shall expire
on the date of expiration of the Underlying Option to which the Reload Option is

Section 6.      Stock Appreciation Rights.

        6.1.    Grant and Exercise.  The Committee may grant Stock  Appreciation
Rights to  participants  who have been or are being  granted Stock Options under
the Plan as a means of  allowing  such  participants  to  exercise  their  Stock
Options  without the need to pay the  exercise  price in cash.  In the case of a
Nonqualified  Stock Option, a Stock  Appreciation Right may be granted either at
or after the time of the grant of such Nonqualified Stock Option. In the case of
an Incentive Stock Option, a Stock Appreciation Right may be granted only at the
time of the grant of such Incentive Stock Option.


        6.2.    Terms and Conditions. Stock Appreciation Rights shall be subject
to the following terms and conditions:

                (a)   Exercisability.   Stock   Appreciation   Rights  shall  be
exercisable  as  shall  be  determined  by the  Committee  and set  forth in the
Agreement,  subject to the limitations, if any, imposed by the Code with respect
to related Incentive Stock Options.

                (b)   Termination.  A Stock  Appreciation  Right shall terminate
and shall no longer be  exercisable  upon the  termination  or  exercise  of the
related Stock Option.

                (c)   Method of  Exercise.  Stock  Appreciation  Rights shall be
exercisable  upon  such  terms  and  conditions  as shall be  determined  by the
Committee  and set forth in the  Agreement and by  surrendering  the  applicable
portion of the related  Stock  Option.  Upon such  exercise and  surrender,  the
Holder  shall be entitled to receive a number of shares of Common Stock equal to
the  SAR  Value  divided  by the  Fair  Market  Value  on  the  date  the  Stock
Appreciation Right is exercised.

                (d)   Shares  Affected  Upon  Plan.  The  granting  of  a  Stock
Appreciation  Right  shall not  affect  the  number  of  shares of Common  Stock
available  under for awards under the Plan.  The number of shares  available for
awards  under the Plan  will,  however,  be  reduced  by the number of shares of
Common Stock  acquirable  upon  exercise of the Stock Option to which such Stock
Appreciation Right relates.

Section 7.      Restricted Stock.

        7.1.    Grant. Shares of Restricted Stock may be awarded either alone or
in  addition  to other  awards  granted  under the  Plan.  The  Committee  shall
determine the eligible  persons to whom, and the time or times at which,  grants
of  Restricted  Stock will be awarded,  the number of shares to be awarded,  the
price (if any) to be paid by the  Holder,  the time or times  within  which such
awards may be subject to forfeiture ("Restriction Period"), the vesting schedule
and rights to  acceleration  thereof and all other terms and  conditions  of the

        7.2.    Terms and  Conditions.  Each  Restricted  Stock  award  shall be
subject to the following terms and conditions:

                (a)   Certificates.  Restricted  Stock,  when  issued,  will  be
represented by a stock certificate or certificates registered in the name of the
Holder  to whom such  Restricted  Stock  shall  have been  awarded.  During  the
Restriction  Period,  certificates  representing  the  Restricted  Stock and any
securities  constituting Retained  Distributions (as defined below) shall bear a
legend to the effect that ownership of the  Restricted  Stock (and such Retained
Distributions) and the enjoyment of all rights  appurtenant  thereto are subject
to the  restrictions,  terms  and  conditions  provided  in  the  Plan  and  the
Agreement.  Such certificates shall be deposited by the Holder with the Company,
together with stock powers or other instruments of assignment,  each endorsed in
blank,  which will  permit  transfer to the Company of all or any portion of the
Restricted Stock and any securities  constituting  Retained  Distributions  that
shall be forfeited or that shall not become vested in  accordance  with the Plan
and the Agreement.


                (b)   Rights of Holder. Restricted Stock shall constitute issued
and outstanding  shares of Common Stock for all corporate  purposes.  The Holder
will have the right to vote such  Restricted  Stock,  to receive  and retain all
regular cash dividends and other cash equivalent  distributions as the Board may
in its sole discretion designate, pay or distribute on such Restricted Stock and
to exercise all other rights,  powers and privileges of a holder of Common Stock
with respect to such Restricted  Stock,  with the exceptions that (i) the Holder
will not be  entitled  to  delivery  of the stock  certificate  or  certificates
representing  such  Restricted  Stock until the  Restriction  Period  shall have
expired and unless all other  vesting  requirements  with respect  thereto shall
have  been  fulfilled;  (ii)  the  Company  will  retain  custody  of the  stock
certificate  or  certificates  representing  the  Restricted  Stock  during  the
Restriction  Period;  (iii) other than  regular  cash  dividends  and other cash
equivalent  distributions as the Board may in its sole discretion designate, pay
or distribute,  the Company will retain custody of all distributions  ("Retained
Distributions")  made or declared with respect to the Restricted Stock (and such
Retained  Distributions  will be  subject  to the same  restrictions,  terms and
conditions as are applicable to the Restricted  Stock) until such time, if ever,
as the Restricted Stock with respect to which such Retained  Distributions shall
have been made,  paid or declared  shall have become  vested and with respect to
which the  Restriction  Period shall have  expired;  (iv) a breach of any of the
restrictions,  terms or  conditions  contained in this Plan or the  Agreement or
otherwise  established by the Committee with respect to any Restricted  Stock or
Retained  Distributions will cause a forfeiture of such Restricted Stock and any
Retained Distributions with respect thereto.

                (c)   Vesting;   Forfeiture.   Upon   the   expiration   of  the
Restriction  Period  with  respect  to each  award of  Restricted  Stock and the
satisfaction of any other applicable restrictions,  terms and conditions (i) all
or part of such  Restricted  Stock shall become  vested in  accordance  with the
terms of the  Agreement,  subject to Section 10,  below,  and (ii) any  Retained
Distributions  with respect to such Restricted  Stock shall become vested to the
extent that the  Restricted  Stock  related  thereto  shall have become  vested,
subject  to  Section  10,  below.   Any  such  Restricted   Stock  and  Retained
Distributions  that do not vest shall be forfeited to the Company and the Holder
shall not thereafter have any rights with respect to such  Restricted  Stock and
Retained Distributions that shall have been so forfeited.

Section 8.      Deferred Stock.

        8.1.    Grant.  Shares of Deferred  Stock may be awarded either alone or
in  addition  to other  awards  granted  under the  Plan.  The  Committee  shall
determine the eligible  persons to whom and the time or times at which grants of
Deferred  Stock will be awarded,  the number of shares of  Deferred  Stock to be
awarded to any person,  the duration of the period  ("Deferral  Period")  during
which, and the conditions  under which,  receipt of the shares will be deferred,
and all the other terms and conditions of the awards.


        8.2.    Terms and Conditions. Each Deferred Stock award shall be subject
to the following terms and conditions:

                (a)   Certificates. At the expiration of the Deferral Period (or
the  Additional  Deferral  Period  referred to in Section  8.2 (d) below,  where
applicable),  share certificates shall be issued and delivered to the Holder, or
his legal representative, representing the number equal to the shares covered by
the Deferred Stock award.

                (b)   Rights of Holder.  A person  entitled to receive  Deferred
Stock shall not have any rights of a  Stockholder  by virtue of such award until
the expiration of the applicable  Deferral  Period and the issuance and delivery
of the certificates  representing  such Common Stock. The shares of Common Stock
issuable upon expiration of the Deferral Period shall not be deemed  outstanding
by the Company until the expiration of such Deferral Period and the issuance and
delivery of such Common Stock to the Holder.

                (c)   Vesting;  Forfeiture.  Upon the expiration of the Deferral
Period with respect to each award of Deferred Stock and the  satisfaction of any
other applicable restrictions, terms and conditions all or part of such Deferred
Stock shall become vested in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, subject
to  Section  10,  below.  Any such  Deferred  Stock  that does not vest shall be
forfeited  to the Company and the Holder  shall not  thereafter  have any rights
with respect to such Deferred Stock.

                (d)   Additional  Deferral  Period. A Holder may request to, and
the Committee may at any time,  defer the receipt of an award (or an installment
of an award)  for an  additional  specified  period or until a  specified  event
("Additional  Deferral  Period").  Subject  to  any  exceptions  adopted  by the
Committee,  such  request  must  generally  be made at least  one year  prior to
expiration  of the  Deferral  Period  for such  Deferred  Stock  award  (or such

Section 9.      Other Stock-Based Awards.

        Other  Stock-Based  Awards may be awarded,  subject to limitations under
applicable  law, that are  denominated or payable in, valued in whole or in part
by reference to, or otherwise based on or related to, shares of Common Stock, as
deemed  by the  Committee  to be  consistent  with  the  purposes  of the  Plan,
including,  without limitation,  purchase rights, shares of Common Stock awarded
which  are  not  subject  to any  restrictions  or  conditions,  convertible  or
exchangeable debentures, or other rights convertible into shares of Common Stock
and awards valued by reference to the value of securities of or the  performance
of specified Subsidiaries.  Other Stock-Based Awards may be awarded either alone
or in  addition  to or in tandem  with any other  awards  under this Plan or any
other plan of the Company. Each other Stock-Based Award shall be subject to such
terms and conditions as may be determined by the Committee.

Section 10.     Accelerated Vesting and Exercisability.

        10.1.   Non-Approved Transactions. If any "person" (as such term is used
in Sections  13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  ("Exchange
Act")),  is or becomes the  "beneficial  owner" (as referred in Rule 13d-3 under
the  Exchange  Act),  directly  or  indirectly,  of  securities  of the  Company
representing  more than 50% of the combined  voting power of the Company's  then
outstanding  securities  in one or more  transactions,  and the  Board  does not
authorize or otherwise approve such acquisition, then the vesting periods of any
and all Stock Options and other awards  granted and  outstanding  under the Plan
shall be accelerated and all such Stock Options and awards will  immediately and
entirely vest, and the respective  holders thereof will have the immediate right
to  purchase  and/or  receive  any and all  Common  Stock  subject to such Stock
Options  and  awards on the  terms  set  forth in this  Plan and the  respective
agreements respecting such Stock Options and awards.


        10.2.   Approved  Transactions.  The  Committee  may, in the event of an
acquisition of substantially  all of the Company's assets or at least 50% of the
combined  voting power of the Company's  then  outstanding  securities in one or
more transactions  (including by way of merger or reorganization) which has been
approved by the Company's Board of Directors,  (i) accelerate the vesting of any
and all Stock Options and other awards granted and  outstanding  under the Plan,
or (ii) require a Holder of any award granted under this Plan to relinquish such
award to the  Company  upon the  tender by the  Company  to Holder of cash in an
amount  equal to the  Repurchase  Value of such  award or, in the event  that an
outstanding  award  does not  have  any  Repurchase  Value,  then  the  Board of
Directors  may  terminate  the award on  payment  of $.01 per share  that may be
acquired or vest under an award.

Section 11.     Amendment and Termination.

        The Board may at any time, and from time to time,  amend alter,  suspend
or discontinue any of the provisions of the Plan, but no amendment,  alteration,
suspension  or  discontinuance  shall be made that would  impair the rights of a
Holder  under any  Agreement  theretofore  entered into  hereunder,  without the
Holder's consent, except as set forth in this Plan.

Section 12.     Term of Plan.

        12.1.   Effective  Date.  The Plan shall be  effective as of January 19,
2004, subject to the approval of the Plan by the Company's  stockholders  within
one year after the Effective Date and the effectiveness of the reverse split and
re-setting  of the capital of the  Company.  Any awards  granted  under the Plan
prior to such approval shall be effective when made (unless otherwise  specified
by the  Committee  at the time of grant),  but shall be  conditioned  upon,  and
subject  to,  such  approval of the Plan by the  Company's  stockholders  and no
awards  shall  vest or  otherwise  become  free of  restrictions  prior  to such

        12.2.   Termination  Date.  Unless  terminated  by the Board,  this Plan
shall continue to remain  effective  until such time as no further awards may be
granted  and all  awards  granted  under  the  Plan are no  longer  outstanding.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  grants of Incentive  Stock Options may be made
only during the ten-year period following the Effective Date.

Section 13.     General Provisions.

        13.1.   Written  Agreements.  Each award granted under the Plan shall be
confirmed  by, and shall be subject to the terms of, the  Agreement  executed by
the Company and the Holder,  or such other  document as may be determined by the
Committee.  The  Committee  may  terminate  any award made under the Plan if the
Agreement relating thereto is not executed and returned to the Company within 10
days  after  the  Agreement  has been  delivered  to the  Holder  for his or her


        13.2.   Unfunded  Status of Plan.  The Plan is intended to constitute an
"unfunded"  plan for  incentive and deferred  compensation.  With respect to any
payments not yet made to a Holder by the Company, nothing contained herein shall
give any such  Holder  any  rights  that are  greater  than  those of a  general
creditor of the Company.

        13.3.   Employees.

                (a)   Engaging in Competition With the Company;  Solicitation of
Customers and Employees;  Disclosure of Confidential Information.  If a Holder's
employment  with the  Company  or a  Subsidiary  is  terminated  for any  reason
whatsoever,  and within 12 months after the date thereof such Holder  either (i)
accepts  employment with any competitor of, or otherwise  engages in competition
with,  the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  (ii)  solicits any customers or
employees  of the  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  to do  business  with or
render  services  to the Holder or any  business  with which the Holder  becomes
affiliated or to which the Holder renders  services or (iii) discloses to anyone
outside  the  Company or uses any  confidential  information  or material of the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries in violation of the Company's policies or any
agreement  between  the Holder and the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  the
Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  may  require  such Holder to return to the
Company the  economic  value of any Shares that was realized or obtained by such
Holder at any time  during the period  beginning  on the date that is six months
prior to the date such Holder's  employment  with the Company is terminated.  In
such event,  Holder agrees to remit to the Company,  in cash, an amount equal to
the  difference  between  the Fair  Market  Value of the  Shares  on the date of
termination  (or the sales  price of such  Shares if the Shares were sold during
such six month  period)  and the  price the  Holder  paid the  Company  for such

                (b)   Termination  for Cause.  The Committee  may, if a Holder's
employment  with the Company or a Subsidiary is terminated for cause,  annul any
award  granted  under  this  Plan to such  employee  and,  in  such  event,  the
Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  may  require  such Holder to return to the
Company the  economic  value of any Shares that was realized or obtained by such
Holder at any time during the period  beginning  on that date that is six months
prior to the date such Holder's  employment  with the Company is terminated.  In
such event,  Holder agrees to remit to the Company,  in cash, an amount equal to
the  difference  between  the Fair  Market  Value of the  Shares  on the date of
termination  (or the sales  price of such  Shares if the Shares were sold during
such six month  period)  and the  price the  Holder  paid the  Company  for such

                (c)   No Right of Employment.  Nothing  contained in the Plan or
in any award  hereunder  shall be deemed to  confer  upon any  Holder  who is an
employee of the Company or any Subsidiary any right to continued employment with
the Company or any Subsidiary,  nor shall it interfere in any way with the right
of the Company or any  Subsidiary to terminate the  employment of any Holder who
is an employee at any time.

        13.4.   Investment  Representations;  Company Policy.  The Committee may
require each person  acquiring shares of Common Stock pursuant to a Stock Option
or other  award  under the Plan to  represent  to and agree with the  Company in
writing that the Holder is acquiring the shares for investment without a view to
distribution thereof. Each person acquiring shares of Common Stock pursuant to a
Stock  Option or other  award  under the Plan shall be  required to abide by all
policies of the Company in effect at the time of such acquisition and thereafter
with respect to the ownership and trading of the Company's securities.


        13.5.   Additional Incentive Arrangements. Nothing contained in the Plan
shall  prevent  the Board  from  adopting  such  other or  additional  incentive
arrangements  as it may deem  desirable,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the
granting of Stock  Options and the awarding of Common  Stock and cash  otherwise
than under the Plan; and such arrangements may be either generally applicable or
applicable only in specific cases.

        13.6.   Withholding Taxes. Not later than the date as of which an amount
must first be included in the gross income of the Holder for Federal  income tax
purposes  with  respect to any Stock  Option or other award under the Plan,  the
Holder  shall  pay to the  Company,  or make  arrangements  satisfactory  to the
Committee  regarding  the payment of, any Federal,  state and local taxes of any
kind  required  by law to be withheld or paid with  respect to such  amount.  If
permitted  by the  Committee,  tax  withholding  or payment  obligations  may be
settled with Common Stock, including Common Stock that is part of the award that
gives rise to the withholding requirement.  The obligations of the Company under
the Plan shall be conditioned  upon such payment or arrangements and the Company
or the Holder's  employer (if not the Company) shall, to the extent permitted by
law,  have the right to  deduct  any such  taxes  from any  payment  of any kind
otherwise due to the Holder from the Company or any Subsidiary.

        13.7.   Governing  Law.  The Plan and all awards made and actions  taken
thereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of Nevada (without regard to choice of law provisions); provided, however,
that all matters relating to or involving corporate law shall be governed by the
laws of the State of Nevada.

        13.8.   Other Benefit Plans.  Any award granted under the Plan shall not
be deemed  compensation for purposes of computing  benefits under any retirement
plan of the Company or any  Subsidiary  and shall not affect any benefits  under
any  other  benefit  plan  now  or   subsequently  in  effect  under  which  the
availability  or amount of  benefits  is  related  to the level of  compensation
(unless  required by specific  reference  in any such other plan to awards under
this Plan).

        13.9.   Non-Transferability.  Except as otherwise  expressly provided in
the Plan or the Agreement,  no right or benefit under the Plan may be alienated,
sold, assigned, hypothecated,  pledged, exchanged, transferred,  encumbranced or
charged,  and any  attempt  to  alienate,  sell,  assign,  hypothecate,  pledge,
exchange, transfer, encumber or charge the same shall be void.

        13.10.  Applicable  Laws. The obligations of the Company with respect to
all  Stock  Options  and  awards  under  the Plan  shall be  subject  to (i) all
applicable  laws,  rules and regulations and such approvals by any  governmental
agencies as may be required,  including,  without limitation, the Securities Act
of 1933 (the "Securities  Act"), as amended,  and (ii) the rules and regulations
of any securities exchange on which the Common Stock may be listed.


        13.11.  Conflicts.  If any of the terms or  provisions of the Plan or an
Agreement  conflict with the  requirements of Section 422 of the Code, then such
terms or provisions  shall be deemed  inoperative to the extent they so conflict
with such  requirements.  Additionally,  if this Plan or any Agreement  does not
contain any  provision  required to be included  herein under Section 422 of the
Code, such provision shall be deemed to be incorporated  herein and therein with
the same force and effect as if such provision had been set out at length herein
and therein.  If any of the terms or provisions  of any Agreement  conflict with
any terms or  provisions  of the Plan,  then such terms or  provisions  shall be
deemed  inoperative to the extent they so conflict with the  requirements of the
Plan. Additionally,  if any Agreement does not contain any provision required to
be  included  therein  under  the  Plan,  such  provision  shall be deemed to be
incorporated  therein  with the same force and effect as if such  provision  had
been set out at length therein.

        13.12.  Non-Registered   Stock.   The  shares  of  Common  Stock  to  be
distributed under this Plan have not been, as of the Effective Date,  registered
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any applicable state or foreign
securities  laws and the Company has no obligation to any Holder to register the
Common Stock or to assist the Holder in obtaining an exemption  from the various
registration requirements,  or to list the Common Stock on a national securities
exchange or any other trading or quotation system, including the Nasdaq National
Market and Nasdaq SmallCap Market.


                                 Plan Amendments

                   Date Approved                                     Initials of
                        by                                            Attorney
 Date Approved     Stockholders,     Sections     Description of      Effecting
   by Board        if necessary      Amended        Amendments        Amendment
 -------------     -------------     --------     --------------     -----------
