(Rule 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant   [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

  Check the appropriate box:

       [ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement              [ ] Confidential, For Use of
       [ ] Definitive Proxy Statement                   the  Commission Only (as
       [X] Definitive Additional Materials permitted
           by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
       [ ] Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                               PACIFIC GOLD CORP.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]    No fee required.

[ ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)    Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)    Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)    Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
       pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
       filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)    Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)    Total fee paid:

[ ]    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

[ ]    Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
       Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
       was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
       statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)    Amount previously paid:

(2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)    Filing Party:

(4)    Date Filed:

                               PACIFIC GOLD CORP.
                       157 Adelaide Street West, Suite 600
                            Toronto, Ontario M5H 4E7
                                 (416) 214-1483

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                           to be held on May 11, 2005

To the Shareholders of Pacific Gold Corp:

         You are cordially  invited to attend the annual meeting of shareholders
of Pacific Gold Corp.. to be held at Caesar's Palace Hotel and Casino,  3570 Las
Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas,  Nevada, on Wednesday,  May 11, 2005, at 10:00
a.m., to consider and act upon the following matters:

         o      To elect two directors to serve for the ensuing  one-year period
                or until their successors are elected and qualified;

         o      To authorize an  amendment to our articles of  incorporation  to
                increase  the  number of shares of  authorized  common  stock to
                200,000,000; and

         o      To transact such other  business as may properly come before the
                meeting and any and all postponements or adjournments thereof.

         Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on April 13, 2005
will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting and any postponements
or adjournments thereof.

         You are urged to read the  attached  proxy  statement,  which  contains
information  relevant to the actions to be taken at the meeting.  Whether or not
you expect to attend the meeting,  you are earnestly requested to date, sign and
return the accompanying form of proxy in the enclosed addressed, postage-prepaid
envelope.  Returning a proxy will not affect your right to vote in person if you
attend  the  meeting.  You may  revoke  your  proxy if you so desire at any time
before it is voted. We would greatly  appreciate the prompt return of your proxy
as this will assist us in preparing for the meeting.

                                      By Order of the Board of Directors

                                      Mitchell Geisler, Chief Operating Officer
Toronto, Ontario
April 28, 2005

                               PACIFIC GOLD CORP.

                                 Proxy Statement

                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                           to be held on May 11, 2005

         This proxy statement and the accompanying form of proxy is furnished to
shareholders  of Pacific  Gold Corp.  in  connection  with the  solicitation  of
proxies by our board of  directors  for use in voting at our  annual  meeting of
shareholders  to be held at  Caesar's  Palace  Hotel &  Casino,  3570 Las  Vegas
Boulevard  South, Las Vegas,  Nevada on Wednesday,  May 11, 2005, at 10:00 a.m.,
and at any and all postponements or adjournments.

         This  proxy   statement,   the   accompanying   notice  of  meeting  of
shareholders, the proxy and the annual report to shareholders on Form 10-KSB for
the year ended  December 31, 2004 are being mailed on or about April 28, 2005 to
shareholders  of record  on April 13,  2005.  We are  bearing  all costs of this

What matters am I voting on?

         You are being asked to vote on the following matters:

         o      to elect two directors to serve for the ensuing  one-year period
                or until their successors are elected and qualified;

         o      to  authorize  an  amendment  to  articles of  incorporation  to
                increase  the  number of  authorized  shares of common  stock to
                200,000,000; and

         o      any other business that may properly come before the meeting and
                any and all postponements or adjournments.

Who is entitled to vote?

         Holders of our common  stock as of the close of  business  on April 13,
2005, the record date, are entitled to vote at the meeting.  As of that date, we
had issued and outstanding  21,925,667 shares of common stock, our only class of
voting  securities  outstanding.  Each holder of our common stock is entitled to
one vote for each share held on the record date.

What is the effect of giving a proxy?

         Proxies  in the form  enclosed  are  solicited  by and on behalf of our
board.  The persons  named in the proxy have been  designated  as proxies by our
board.  If you sign and return the proxy in accordance  with the  procedures set
forth in this proxy  statement,  the persons  designated as proxies by the board
will vote your shares at the meeting as specified in your proxy.

         If you sign and return your proxy in accordance with the procedures set
forth in this proxy statement but you do not provide any  instructions as to how
your shares  should be voted,  your  shares will be voted as follows:

         o      FOR the election of the two director nominees listed below under
                Proposal 1; and

         o      FOR  the   approval  of  the   amendment   to  our  articles  of
                incorporation as described below under Proposal 2.

         If you  give  your  proxy,  your  shares  also  will  be  voted  in the
discretion  of the  proxies  named on the proxy  card with  respect to any other
matters   properly   brought  before  the  meeting  and  any   postponements  or
adjournments.  If any other matters are properly brought before the meeting, the
persons  named in the  proxy  will vote the  proxy in  accordance  with his best

May I change my vote after I return my proxy card?

         You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is exercised by:

         o      delivering  written  notification  of  your  revocation  to  our

         o      voting in person at the meeting; or

         o      delivering another proxy bearing a later date.

         Please note that your attendance at the meeting will not alone serve to
revoke your proxy.

What is a quorum?

         A quorum is the minimum number of shares  required to be present at the
meeting for the meeting to be properly held under our bylaws and Nevada law. The
presence,  in person or by proxy, of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast
at the meeting will  constitute a quorum at the meeting.  A proxy submitted by a
shareholder may indicate that all or a portion of the shares  represented by the
proxy  are  not  being  voted  ("shareholder  withholding")  with  respect  to a
particular  matter.  Similarly,  a broker  may not be  permitted  to vote  stock
("broker non-vote") held in street name on a particular matter in the absence of
instructions  from the  beneficial  owner of the stock.  The shares subject to a
proxy  which  are not  being  voted on a  particular  matter  because  of either
shareholder withholding or broker non-vote will not be considered shares present
and entitled to vote on that matter.  These shares,  however,  may be considered
present  and  entitled to vote on other  matters and will count for  purposes of
determining  the presence of a quorum if the shares are being voted with respect
to any matter at the  meeting.  If the proxy  indicates  that the shares are not
being  voted on any matter at the  meeting,  the shares  will not be counted for
purposes of determining the presence of a quorum.  Abstentions are voted neither
"for" nor "against" a matter, but are counted in the determination of a quorum.


How many votes are needed for approval of each matter?

         The election of directors  requires a plurality  vote of the votes cast
at the meeting.  "Plurality"  means that the individuals who receive the largest
number of votes cast "FOR" are elected as  directors.  Consequently,  any shares
not voted "FOR" a particular nominee,  whether as a result of a direction of the
shareholder to withhold authority, abstentions or a broker non-vote, will not be
counted in the nominee's favor.  There is no cumulative  voting for directors of
our company.

         The amendment to our articles of  incorporation  to increase the number
of  authorized  shares of common  stock must be  approved  by a majority  of the
outstanding  shares of common stock.  Abstentions  and broker  non-votes will be
counted in  determining  the number of votes  required  for a majority  and will
therefore have a negative effect on the outcome.

How do I vote?

         You may vote your shares in one of three ways: by mail, facsimile or in
person at the meeting.  The prompt return of the completed  proxy card vote will
assist us in preparing for the meeting.  Date, sign and return the  accompanying
proxy in the postage-prepaid envelope enclosed for that purpose. You can specify
your choices by marking the  appropriate  boxes on the proxy card. If you attend
the meeting, you may deliver your completed proxy card in person or fill out and
return a ballot  that will be  supplied  to you.  If you wish to fax your proxy,
please  copy both the front  and back of the  signed  proxy and fax same to Olde
Monmouth Stock Transfer Company at (732) 872-2728; telephone: (732) 872-2727.

How does the majority stockholder plan to vote?

         The majority stockholder, ZDG Holdings Inc., holds approximately 76% of
the issued and outstanding  shares of common stock. Mr. Landau,  the person with
voting  control over these  shares,  and an officer and director of the company,
has indicated his intention to vote all of these and any other shares over which
he has voting  authority in favor of the nominees for director,  Mr. Geisler and
himself, and for the increase in authorized capital.  Therefore,  your vote will
not change the outcome of these proposals.



         The table and accompanying  footnotes set forth certain  information as
of April 13, 2005 with respect to the ownership of our common shares by:

         o      each person or group who  beneficially  owns more than 5% of our
                common shares;

         o      each of our directors;

         o      our chief  executive  officer and our other  executive  officers
                whose total compensation exceeded $100,000 during the year ended
                December 31, 2004; and

         o      all of our directors and executive officers as a group.

         A person is deemed to be the beneficial owner of securities that can be
acquired by the person  within 60 days from the record date upon the exercise of
warrants  or options or  conversions  of  convertible  securities.  Accordingly,
common shares  issuable upon exercise of options and warrants that are currently
exercisable or  exercisable  within 60 days of April 13, 2005 have been included
in the table with respect to the  beneficial  ownership of the person owning the
options or warrants, but not with respect to any other persons.

    Name and Address                            Shares
    of Beneficial Owner                  Beneficially Owned(1)     Percent of Class(2)
    ___________________                  _____________________     ___________________
    Robert Landau(3)                          16,700,000                  76.2%

    Mitchell Geisler(4)                        1,000,000                   4.6%

    ZDG Holdings Inc.(5)                      16,680,000                  76.1%

    All directors and executive               17,700,000                  80.7%
    officers as a group (two persons)


*        Less than 1%.

(1)      Unless  otherwise noted, we believe that all persons named in the table
         have sole voting and investment power with respect to all common shares
         beneficially  owned by them,  subject to community property laws, where

(2)      There are  21,925,667  shares  of common  stock  currently  issued  and
         outstanding.   Each  person  beneficially  owns  a  percentage  of  our
         outstanding  common  shares  which such person has the right to vote or
         dispose  and can  acquire  within  60 days of April  13,  2005 upon the
         exercise or conversion of options, warrants or convertible securities.

(3)      Includes  16,680,000  shares of common stock held by ZDG Holdings  Inc.
         and 5,000 shares of common stock held by ZDG Investments over which Mr.
         Landau  has voting  and  dispositive  control,  although  he  disclaims
         pecuniary  interest in a portion of the shares held by those  entities.
         Mr.  Robert  Landau's  address is c/o Pacific Gold Corp.,  157 Adelaide
         Street West, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


(4)      The  business  address of Mr.  Geisler is c/o Pacific  Gold Corp.,  157
         Adelaide Street West, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 4E7.

(5)      The  business  address  of ZDG  Holdings  Inc.  is 23  Sandfield  Road,
         Toronto,  Ontario,  M3B 2B6. Mr.  Robert  Landau,  the Chief  Executive
         Officer of the company is also the  President of ZDG Holdings  Inc. and
         has voting and dispositive control over their shares of common stock.

                                   PROPOSAL 1:
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Our  by-laws  currently  provide for two  directors,  each of whom will
serve a term of one year. At this annual meeting you are being requested to vote
on two  directors to serve a term  expiring at the next annual  meeting or until
their successors are elected and qualified.

         Unless  authority  is withheld,  the proxies  solicited by our board of
directors will be voted "FOR" the election of Mr.  Geisler and Mr.  Landau.  Our
management  has no reason to believe that Mr. Geisler and Mr. Landau will not be
a candidate or will be unable to serve.  However, if either should become unable
or unwilling to serve as a director, your proxies will be voted for the election
of another person as shall be designated by the board of directors.

Information About Directors, Nominees and Executive Officers

         Our directors and executive officers are as follows:

Name                      Age     Position

Robert Landau             33      Chief Executive Officer and Chairman

Mitchell Geisler          34      Chief Operating Officer, Treasurer, Secretary

         Mr. Robert Landau has been the chief  executive  officer of the company
since April 2005.  He has been the  president  and  director of ZDG  Investments
Limited  since May 1999.  Mr.  Landau's  experience  includes  the  founding and
financing  of  development  stage  businesses.  Previously,  he was an Actuarial
Consultant  with a large  multi-national  consulting  firm. He has a Bachelor of
Commerce - Actuarial  Science and Finance  degree from the University of Toronto
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

         Mr.  Mitchell  Geisler has been the president and chairman of the board
from January 2001 to April 2005 when he became the chief operating  officer upon
the appointment of Mr. Landau as chief executive  officer.  Mr. Geisler has been
the treasurer and secretary of the company since October 2002.  Mr.  Geisler has
more than 15 years of experience in the hospitality and services industry.  From
1998 to 2001,  Mr.  Geisler was president and operator of the  Toronto-based  52
Restaurants  Inc. Mr.  Geisler is a graduate of  Toronto's  York  University  in
Toronto, and also studied at the University of Tel Aviv. Mr. Geisler, until June
2003,  was a director and president and treasurer of GL Energy and  Exploration,
Inc., a development stage Company engaged in the mineral  exploration  business.
Mr.  Geisler  was also a director  of Uranium  Strategies,  Inc.,  both  mineral
exploratory stage companies.


Independence of Directors

         Our  common  stock is traded on the  over-the-counter  bulletin  board.
Therefore,  the company is not required to have independent members of the board
of directors.  Mr. Landau and Mr. Geisler are not independent directors, as they
are employees of the company.

Audit Committee and Financial Expert

         We are not required to have and we do not have an Audit Committee.  The
company's  directors  perform some of the same functions of an Audit  Committee,
such as:  recommending a firm of  independent  certified  public  accountants to
audit the  financial  statements;  reviewing  the  auditors'  independence,  the
financial  statements  and  their  audit  report;  and  reviewing   management's
administration  of  the  system  of  internal  accounting  controls.  We do  not
currently have a written audit committee charter or similar document.

         We have  no  audit  committee  financial  expert.  Our  directors  have
accounting  backgrounds and financial  statement  preparation and interpretation
ability  obtained over the years from his past business  experience.  We believe
the cost  related to retaining a financial  expert at this time is  prohibitive.
Further,  because of nature of our current  limited  operations,  we believe the
services of a financial expert are not warranted.

Code of Ethics

         A code of ethics  relates  to  written  standards  that are  reasonably
designed to deter wrongdoing and to promote:

         1)     Honest and ethical  conduct,  including the ethical  handling of
actual or apparent  conflicts  of interest  between  personal  and  professional

         2)     Full, fair,  accurate,  timely and understandable  disclosure in
reports and documents  that are filed with, or submitted to the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission and in other public communications made by the company.

         3)     Compliance   with   applicable   government   laws,   rules  and

         4)     The prompt  internal  reporting of  violations of the code to an
appropriate person or persons identified in the code; and

         5)     Accountability for adherence to the code.

         We have not  adopted a formal  code of ethics  statement.  The board of
directors  evaluated the business of the company and the number of employees and
determined  that since the business is operated by a small number of persons two
of whom are  officer and  directors  and the other  persons are  employed by the
company as independent contractors,  general rules of fiduciary duty and federal
and state criminal,  business  conduct and securities laws are adequate  ethical


Shareholder - Director Communication

         We have  neither a nominating  committee  for persons to be proposed as
directors  for  election  to the  board  of  directors  nor a formal  method  of
communicating  nominees from  shareholders.  We do not have any  restrictions on
shareholder nominations under our articles of incorporation or by-laws. The only
restrictions are those  applicable  generally under Nevada Corporate Law and the
federal proxy rules.  Currently the board of directors  decides on nominees,  on
the  recommendation  of one or more members of the board. None of the members of
the board of directors are  "independent."  The board of directors will consider
suggestions from individual shareholders,  subject to evaluation of the person's
merits.  Stockholders may communicate nominee suggestions directly to any of the
board members,  accompanied by  biographical  details and a statement of support
for the nominees. The suggested nominee must also provide a statement of consent
to being  considered for  nomination.  Although there are no formal criteria for
nominees,  the board of  directors  believes  that  persons  should be  actively
engaged in business endeavors, have a financial background, and be familiar with
acquisition strategies and money management.

         Because  the  management  and  directors  of the  company  are the same
persons, the board of directors has determined not to adopt a formal methodology
for communications  from shareholders on the belief that any communication would
be brought to the boards' attention by virtue of the co-extensive employment.

Board of Directors Meetings and Committees

         Our  board of  directors  held six  meetings  in 2004.  We  expect  our
directors to attend all board and committee  meetings,  if any, and to spend the
time needed and meet as  frequently  as  necessary to properly  discharge  their
responsibilities.  The  board of  directors  does not  have a formal  policy  of
attendance  of  directors  at  the  annual  meeting.   It  does  encourage  such
attendance. The company did not have an annual meeting in 2004.

Independent Auditor's Fees

                                      2004        2003
                                     ------      ------
         Audit Fees(1)               $5,490      $4,315
         Audit-Related Fees             -0-         -0-
         Tax Fees                       -0-         -0-
         All Other Fees                 -0-         -0-
                                     ------      ------
                  Total              $5,490      $4,315


- --------------------------

(1)      Represents the aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered
         by our principal accountant,  Malone & Bailey, PC, for the audit of our
         annual financial  statements for the years ended December 31, 2004, and
         December  31, 2003 and review of financial  statements  included in our
         quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB or services that are normally provided
         by the accountant in connection  with statutory and regulatory  filings
         or engagements for those periods.  There were no additional fees billed
         by our principal  accountant  during the years ended  December 31, 2004
         and 2003.

Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

         In accordance  with Section  10A(i) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  before we engage our independent  accountant to render audit or non-audit
services, the engagement will be approved by our board of directors, or if there
is one, the audit  committee.  Our board of  directors  approved all of the fees
referred to in "Independent Auditor's Fees" above for 20003 and 2004.

Board of Directors Compensation

         Persons  who are  directors  and  employees  will  not be  additionally
compensated  for their  services  as a  director.  There is no plan in place for
compensation  of persons  who are  directors  who are not  employees,  but it is
expected  that  in  the  future  we  will  create  a  remuneration  and  expense
reimbursement  plan. It is anticipated that such a plan would be primarily based
on stock options.

                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

         The following table sets forth all compensation  awarded to, earned by,
or paid for all services  rendered to us during the fiscal years ended  December
31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, by our chief executive  officer and our other executive
officers  whose  total  compensation  exceeded  $100,000  during  the year ended
December 31, 2004 ("Named Executive Officers").

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                 LONG TERM COMPENSATION
                                                                ------------------------     PAYOUTS
                                      ANNUAL COMPENSATION       RESTRICTED    SECURITIES    ---------
                                   -------------------------      STOCK       UNDERLYING      LTIP         ALL OTHER
 NAME AND                          SALARY     BONUS    OTHER      AWARD        OPTIONS       PAYOUTS     COMPENSATION
 PRINCIPAL POSITION     YEAR (1)     ($)       ($)      ($)        ($)         SARS(#)         ($)            ($)
 Mitchell Geisler,        2004    $36,000      $0       $0         $0            $0            $0             $0
 & Director               2003       $0        $0       $0         $0            $0            $0           $6,000

                          2002       $0        $0       $0         $0            $0            $0             $0

(1)      For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004.  There was no compensation
         for this officer for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003.


(2)      On December 8, 2003,  Pacific Gold issued an aggregate of 60,000 shares
         of common stock to Mr. Geisler as compensation  and  reimbursement  for
         services  and expenses in  connection  with the  abandoned  acquisition
         program of certain  prospects and other assets in Oregon,  various site
         visits and due diligence activities on behalf of the Company,  incurred
         during 2003.  These shares have been valued at $6,000.  The shares were
         issued  under the  equity  performance  plan,  the shares of which were
         registered for issuance by Pacific Gold.

(3)      There was no compensation of any kind paid in 2002.

Compensation Arrangements for Executive Officers

         Commencing May 1, 2005,  the company will  compensate Mr. Robert Landau
by accruing $8,000 per month to be paid in shares of common stock  calculated at
the then market price, in arrears,  to be issued at a mutually  determined time,
from time to time,  and will  compensate  Mr.  Mitchell  Geisler  with a $60,000
annual salary and accruing $2,000 per month to be paid in shares of common stock
calculated at the market price, in arrears,  to be issued, from time to time, at
a mutually  determined  time, from time to time. The shares will be issued under
the 2002 Performance Equity Plan.

         In  addition,  the  company  will grant  options to Messrs.  Landau and
Geisler  under the 2002  Performance  Equity  Plan in the amount of 300,000  and
250,000 shares, respectively,  vesting over two years at six month intervals, at
the market price on the date of grant.

Employee Benefit Plans

         On October 3, 2002,  a  stockholder  owning more than a majority of the
Company's  common stock executed and delivered a written  consent  approving the
2002 Performance  Equity Plan authorizing up to 3,000,000 shares of common stock
for structuring compensation arrangements and to provide an equity incentive for
employees  and others who are awarded  shares  under the 2002 Plan.  None of the
awards as provided under the 2002 Plan are allocated to any particular person or
class of persons  among those  eligible  to receive  awards.  We issued  160,000
shares under this plan during 2003 and an aggregate of 100,000  shares and share
options during 2004.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         As of December 31, 2004,  the company  received  various loans totaling
$1,683,993  including  accrued  interest from ZDG Investments  Ltd.,  which owns
5,000  shares and is related to ZDG  Holdings  Inc.,  in order fund the business
operations.  These unsecured  promissory  notes bear 10% simple interest and are
due June 30, 2005.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the company's  directors and
executive officers,  and persons who own more than 10% of the outstanding shares
of the company's  common stock, to file initial reports of beneficial  ownership
and reports of changes in  beneficial  ownership  of shares of common stock with
the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  Such  persons  are  required by SEC
regulations  to furnish the company with copies of all Section  16(a) forms they


         Based  solely  upon a review  of Forms 3 and 4 and  amendments  thereto
furnished to the company  during the year ended  December  31, 2004,  and upon a
review of Forms 5 and amendments  thereto  furnished to the company with respect
to the year ended December 31, 2004, or upon written representations received by
the company from  certain  reporting  persons that no Forms 5 were  required for
those persons, there were no forms that were late or not filed.

                                   PROPOSAL 2

         The company is currently authorized by its articles of incorporation to
issue  100,000,000  shares of common  stock and  5,000,000  shares of  preferred
stock. As of the record date, 21,888,167 shares of common stock were outstanding
and no shares of preferred  stock were issued,  outstanding  or  designated.  In
addition,  the company has  reserved  approximately  2,840,000  shares of common
stock for  issuance  under the 2002  Performance  Equity Plan and  approximately
16,666,667  shares of common stock for issuance under the $4,000,000 face amount
of convertible  debentures  issued April 7, 2005 and the 2005 warrants issued in
connection with the convertible debentures.

         Based on the  number of shares of common  stock  outstanding  as of the
record date,  the need to reserve  shares of common stock as set forth above and
the current  articles of  incorporation  limit of  100,000,000  shares of common
stock,  the board of directors  does not believe there is an adequate  number of
authorized  shares of common  stock  under the  articles  of  incorporation  for
management to be able to plan for the long-term future growth and development of
the company and properly  capitalize its operations.  Accordingly,  the board of
directors  proposes to amend the  articles  of  incorporation  to  increase  the
authorized number of shares of common stock by an additional  100,000,000 shares
of common stock to 200,000,000 shares of common stock.

         The board of directors believes approval of the amendment to the
articles of incorporation to increase the capital is in the best interest of the
company and its stockholders. The authorization of additional shares of common
stock will enable the company to meet its obligations under the various employee
benefit plans, employment arrangements, convertible debt and outstanding options
and warrants and issue options, awards and warrants in the future. In addition,
the proposed amendment will give the board of directors flexibility to authorize
the issuance of shares of common stock in the future for financing the company's
business, for acquiring other businesses, for forming strategic partnerships and
alliances and for stock dividends and stock splits.

         Approval of the  proposal  will permit the board of  directors to issue
additional  shares of  common  stock,  together  with the  currently  authorized
preferred  stock,  without further  approval of the stockholders of the company;
and the board of directors does not intend to seek stockholder approval prior to
any issuance of the  authorized  capital  stock unless  stockholder  approval is
required by applicable  law or stock market or exchange  requirements.  Although
the company from time to time reviews various  transactions that could result in
the issuance of common stock or preferred  stock,  the company is not a party to
any agreement to issue additional shares of its capital stock,  except as may be
required in  connection  with the exercise of existing  outstanding  options and
warrants or upon  conversion of outstanding  debentures,  or in connection  with
options  and  other  stock  based  awards  which  may be  issued  under the 2002
Performance  Equity  Plan or under any other  plan or  arrangement  the board of
directors  may  hereafter  approve.  Additionally,   although  the  current  and
additional  authorized capital may be used in connection with acquisitions,  the
company  does not have any plans at  present  to use any  capital  stock for any
corporate  acquisitions.  We,  therefore,  do not have any plans,  proposals  or
arrangements for the issuance or use of the additional authorized shares.


         Other than the  availability of authorized  common stock and authorized
and  undesignated  preferred  stock  and  limited  provisions  in the  company's
by-laws,  the  company  does  not  have in place  provisions  which  may have an
anti-takeover  effect. At this annual meeting,  the shareholders are being asked
to consider and approve a proposal to increase the number of  authorized  shares
of common stock. This proposal has not resulted from the company's  knowledge of
any specific effort to accumulate the company's  securities or to obtain control
of the  company  by means of a  merger,  tender  offer,  proxy  solicitation  in
opposition  to management or  otherwise.  The company is not  submitting  any of
these  proposals  to enable it to  frustrate  any  efforts by  another  party to
acquire a controlling interest or to seek board representation.

         The issuance of additional  shares of common stock and preferred  stock
may have a dilutive  effect on  earnings  per share and on the equity and voting
power of existing  security holders of the company's  capital stock. It may also
adversely  affect the market price of the common stock.  However,  if additional
shares are issued in transactions  whereby favorable business  opportunities are
provided  and allow the company to pursue its business  plans,  the market price
may increase.

         The holders of common stock of the company are entitled to one vote for
each share held of record on all matters to be voted on by the  stockholders  of
the  company.  There is no  cumulative  voting with  respect to the  election of
directors,  with the result  that the  holders of more than 50% of the shares of
common  stock of the company  voted in an election  of  directors  can elect the
directors  of the  company.  The holders of common stock are entitled to receive
dividends  when,  as, and if  declared  by the board of  directors  out of funds
legally  available  therefore.  The company never has paid cash dividends on its
shares of common stock, and does not currently intend to pay any cash dividends.
In the event of  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding up of the  company,  the
holders  of the  shares of common  stock are  entitled  to share  ratably in all
assets remaining available for distribution to them after payment of liabilities
and after  provision  has been  made for each  class of  stock,  if any,  having
preference  over the common  stock.  Holders  of shares of common  stock have no
conversion, preemptive or other subscription rights, and there are no redemption
provisions applicable to the common stock.

         The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding  common shares is
required to approve the amendment to the articles of incorporation.

         If the proposal to amend the articles of incorporation is approved, the
fourth article of the articles of  incorporation  will be amended promptly after
the  meeting to  increase  the number of shares of common  stock the  company is
authorized to issue to 200,000,000.  The officers of the  corporation,  in their
discretion may decide not if it is determined to be in the best interests of the


SHARES TO 200,000,000.

                               INDEPENDENT AUDITOR

         A  representative  of Malone & Bailey LLC,  our  auditors  for the year
ended  December  31,  2004,  is  expected  to be  present  at the  meeting.  The
representative  will  have  the  opportunity  to make a  statement  and  will be
available to respond to appropriate  questions from  shareholders.  The board of
directors has selected the independent accounting firm of Malone & Bailey as our
auditors for the year ending December 31, 2005.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

         The  solicitation  of proxies in the enclosed form is made on behalf of
our board of  directors  and we are  bearing the cost of this  solicitation.  In
addition to the use of the mails,  proxies  may be  solicited  personally  or by
telephone  using the services of  directors,  officers and regular  employees at
nominal  cost.  Banks,  brokerage  firms  and  other  custodians,  nominees  and
fiduciaries  will be  reimbursed  by us for expenses  incurred in sending  proxy
material to beneficial owners of our common stock.


         In order for any shareholder proposal or nominations to be presented at
the annual  meeting of  shareholders  to be held in 2006 or to be  eligible  for
inclusion in our proxy  statement  for such  meeting,  we must receive it at our
principal  executive  offices by December 26, 2005. Each proposal should include
the exact  language of the proposal,  a brief  description of the matter and the
reasons for the  proposal,  the name and address of the  shareholder  making the
proposal and the  disclosure  of that  shareholder's  number of shares of common
stock  owned,  length  of  ownership  of the  shares,  representation  that  the
shareholder  will continue to own the shares  through the  shareholder  meeting,
intention  to  appear  in  person  or by proxy at the  shareholder  meeting  and
material interest, if any, in the matter being proposed.

         Shareholders  who  wish  to  recommend  to the  board  of  directors  a
candidate  for election to the board of directors  should send their  letters to
Pacific Gold Corp.,  157  Adelaide  Street West,  Suite 600,  Toronto,  Ontario,
Canada M5H 4E7, Attention: Board of Directors.  Shareholders must follow certain
procedures  to recommend to the board of  directors  candidates  for election as
directors.  In general,  in order to provide sufficient time to enable the board
of directors to evaluate  candidates  recommended by  shareholders in connection
with selecting  candidates for nomination in connection  with our annual meeting
of  shareholders,   the  corporate  secretary  must  receive  the  shareholder's
recommendation no later than thirty days after the end of our fiscal year.

                         DISCRETIONARY VOTING OF PROXIES

         Pursuant  to Rule 14a-4  promulgated  by the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  shareholders  are advised that our management  will be permitted to
exercise  discretionary  voting  authority under proxies it solicits and obtains
for the 2006  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  with  respect  to any  proposal
presented  by a  shareholder  at such  meeting,  without any  discussion  of the
proposal in our proxy  statement for such meeting,  unless we receive  notice of
such proposal at our principal office, not later than March 15, 2006.


                           INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE

         This proxy  statement  incorporates  by reference  certain  information
included in our Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended  December
31, 2004,  including our audited financial  statements and  supplementary  data,
management's  discussion  and  analysis of  financial  condition  and results of
operations and our quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The board of directors  knows of no matter that will be  presented  for
consideration  at the meeting  other than the matters  referred to in this proxy
statement.  Should any other matter properly come before the meeting,  it is the
intention of the persons  named in the  accompanying  proxy to vote the proxy in
accordance with their best judgment.

                                            By Order of the Board of Directors

                                            Mitchell Geisler, President

Toronto, Ontario
April 28, 2005
