[LocatePLUS Letterhead]

August  6,  2003

Via  Edgar

Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
Division  of  Corporation  Finance
450  Fifth  Street,  N.W.
Washington,  D.C.  20549
     Attention:     Barbara  Jacobs,  Assistant  Director

     SEC  FILE  NO  333-105944

Dear  Ms.  Jacobs:

     Pursuant  to  Rule  477(a) promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended  (the  "Securities  Act"),  LocatePLUS  Holdings  Corporation  (the
"Registrant")  hereby  respectfully  requests  that  the Securities and Exchange
Commission  consent to the withdrawal of its Registration Statement on Form SB-2
(File  No.  333-105944)  originally  filed  on  June  9, 2003, together with all
amendments  and  exhibits  thereto (collectively, the "Registration Statement").

     The  Registration  Statement  covered  the  resale of certain shares of the
Registrant's  Class A Voting Common Stock and Class B Non-voting Common Stock by
the  Registrant's stockholders. The Registration Statement has not been declared
effective and no shares of either class Common Stock of the Registrant have been
or  will  be  resold  pursuant  to  the  Registration  Statement.

     The  Registrant  further  requests  that, pursuant to Rule 477(c), an order
with  the date of the granting of the withdrawal be included in the file for the
aforementioned  Registration  Statement in the following manner: "Withdrawn upon
the  request  of  the  Registrant,  the  Commission  consenting  thereto."

     Please  forward  copies  of  the  order consenting to the withdrawal of the
Registration  Statement  to  the  undersigned  at 100 Cummings Center Ste. 235M,
Beverly,  MA 01915, and Jeffrey P. Donohue, Esq. at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, LLP,
75  State  Street,  Boston,  MA  02109. If you have any questions regarding this
request,  please  call  Mr.  Donohue  at  (617)  951-9122.

     Thank  you  for  your  assistance.

                    Very  truly  yours,


 /S/Jon  R.  Latorella
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Jon  R.  Latorella
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer