U.S.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
100  F  Street  N.E.
Washington,  D.C.  20549
Mail  Room,  4561
Att:  Ms.  Maryse  Mills-Apenteng

                                        January  4,  2007

Re:     LocatePLUS  Holdings  Corporation
     Amendement  No.  1  to  Registration  Statement  on  Form  SB-2
     File  No.  333-138311

     Forms  10-QSB  for  the  quarterly  periods  ended
     March  31,  June  30  and  September  30,  2006
     File  No.  0-49957

Dear  Ms.  Mills-Apentung:

     This  is  in  response  to the Staff comment letter dated November 28, 2006
addressed  to  Mr.  John  Latorella, relative to the above - referenced filings.
This  letter accompanies Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement. Enclosed
is  a  copy  of  Amendment  No  1,  marked  to  refer  to  the  responses.

     We  have  updated  the  filing  to  reflect  results  of operations through
September  30,  2006. We have also keyed our responses to the paragraphs of your
letter  quoted  below,  as  follows:

     1.   You  indicate  on  the cover page and elsewhere in the prospectus that
the  registration  statement  relates  to  shares  of  common  stock  underlying
convertible debentures, which will be acquired by Dutchess pursuant to the terms
of  the Debentures. However, your statement on Page 1 that this offering relates
to  shares  of common stock "held by certain selling stockholders" suggests that
the  shares are currently outstanding and is inconsistent with the disclosure on
page  9, which refers to shares that will be issued upon conversion of notes and
warrants. Please revise to clarify whether the shares of common stock covered by
the  registration  statement  are  currently  outstanding.

     RESPONSE:  The language has been modified as you suggested. See Pages 1 and

2.     Please  tell  us the total number of shares that were outstanding as well
as the total number of shares that were held by non-affiliates of the company as
of  a date immediately prior to the closing of the transaction being registered.

     RESPONSE:  See  Page  36  for  this  information,

Selling  Security  Holders,  page  9
- ------------------------------------

3.     Please  ensure  that you have provided all of the information required by
Item  507 of Regulation S-B. Specifically, provide a detailed description of the
transactions by which the Dutchess entities acquired the securities or provide a
cross-reference  to  the  detailed  discussion  of the terms of the transactions
outlined  in  the  plan  of  distribution.  In  this regard, please clarify your
reference  to  an  August  15,  2005  private  offering  on  page  9.

     RESPONSE:  The  language  on  Page  10  has  been  modified to reflect this
comment.  There  was  no  private  offering involving the Dutchess debentures on
April  15,  2005.

4.     Consistent  with  the  requirements of Item 507 of Regulation S-B, please
identify  by  name  Dutchess  Private  Equities  Fund  L.P. and Dutchess Private
Equities  Fund  L.P. II as the selling security holders and identify the natural
person  or  persons  who have voting and/or investment control over each entity.
See interpretation 4S of the Regulation S-K portion of the March 1999 supplement
to  the  publicly available Corporation Finance Telephone Interpretation Manual,
as  well  as  interpretation  I.60  of  the  July  1997 version of the telephone
interpretation  manual.

     RESPONSE:  The  language  on  Page  10  has  been  modified to reflect this

5.     Also  include  a  materially  complete  description  of  any  material
relationship the selling security holders have or had with LocatePLUS within the
past  three  years.  Note  that  the  offering  and  the  securities held by the
investors  as  a  result of the offering should be described in the Form SB-2 as
part  of  the  "material  relationships"  contemplated  by the form requirement.

     RESPONSE:  Other  than  their  investment in the registrant as described in
the  filing, the selling security holders have had no material relationship with
the  registrant  in  the  last  three  years

6.     Revise the table to provide all of the information specified by Item 507.
For  instance,  disclose  the  amount  of  securities  of the class owned by the
selling  security  holders  before the offering, the amount to be offered by the
security  holder  covered  by  this  registration  statement  and the amount and
percentage  (if  the  percentage is greater than one percent) of the class to be
owned  after  the  offering  is  complete.

     RESPONSE:  The  language  on  Page  10  has  been  modified to reflect this

7.     Please  clarify  your  statement  preceding the table on page 10 that the
"prospectus  relates  to  the  resale  of up to 2,546,000 shares" of your common
stock  and  reconcile  this  statement with your disclosure in the table and the
cover  page  of the prospectus, which indicate that the number of shares covered
by  the  registration  statement  is  1,472,808  shares.

     RESPONSE:  The language on Page 10 has been corrected.

Plan of Distribution, page 10
- -----------------------------

8.     Provide  a  table  that  discloses  the  aggregate  amount  of securities
issuable  under  the
Debenture  agreement,  assuming that the purchase price is 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%
discounted  from  the trading price of LocatePLUS's common shares as of the most
recent  practicable  date.

     RESPONSE:  Please  see  the  table  on  Page  10.

9.     Please  include  a  risk factor regarding the relationship of Dutchess to
LocatePlus,  including  the  total  amount  that  Dutchess  holds,  and  the
market-sensitive  feature  of  these  securities.

     RESPONSE:  Please  see  the  new  language  on  Page  7.

Principal  Stockholders,  page  36
- ----------------------------------

10.     We  reissue  prior  comment  8  from our letter dated August 16, 2006 in
part.  Your  beneficial  ownership  table  should be dated as of the most recent
practicable  date.  We  note  that the table still has the dated of December 31,
2005  and  does  not  name  Dutchess  as  a  greater  than  5% beneficial owner.

     RESPONSE:  Please  see  the  revised  table  on  Page  36

Additional  Information,  page  42
- ----------------------------------

11.     Please  be  advised  that  the Commission has moved its offices to 100 F
Street  NE,  Washington,  D.C.  20549.

Part  II  Undertakings
- --------  ------------

12.     Because  you do not appear to be relying on Rule 430A, please remove the
undertaking  that  relates  to  Item  512(f)  of  Regulation  S-B.

     RESPONSE:  The  undertaking  has  been  removed.

13.     Please  update  the  disclosure  to  include  the  currently  required
undertaking  outlined  in  paragraph  512(g)(1)  or  (2),  as  applicable.

     RESPONSE:  Please  see  updated  Undertakings

Legality  Opinion
- -----------------

14.     We  note  that  the  opinion  refers  in  the  third paragraph to shares
underlying  warrants; however, the registration does not include warrant shares.
Please  advise.

     RESPONSE:  The  opinion has been revised to delete reference to the warrant

15.     Please  remove  from  the  first  sentence  of the last paragraph of the
opinion the word "solely" and any implication that investors may not rely on the
opinion.  In  this  regard, the following sentence requiring written consent for
reliance  upon  the  opinion  should  also  be  eliminated.

     RESPONSE:  Please  see  revised  opinion.

16.     We  also  note  in the last paragraph that the opinion is limited to the
laws  of  New York and Massachusetts and that "no opinion is expressed as to the
laws  of  any  other  state  jurisdiction."  Because  counsel  must opine on the
legality  of  the securities under the laws of the state in which the registrant
is  incorporated,  which  in  this  case  is  Delaware  law,  this limitation is
inappropriate  and  should  be  removed.  Please revise the opinion accordingly.

     RESPONSE:  Please  see  revised  opinion.

Form  10-QSB for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2006 Disclosure Controls
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
and  Procedures
- ---------------

17.     We note that your disclosure does not provide a conclusion of management
as  to  the  effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures. We further
note  that the same is true of all of your quarterly reports filed in 2006. Item
307  of  Regulation  S-B  requires  that  you  disclose  the  conclusions of the
principal  executive  and  financial  officers,  or  persons  performing similar
functions,  regarding the effectiveness of the company's disclosure controls and
procedures,  as  defined  in Rule 13a-15(e) or Rule 15d-15(e) under the Exchange
                             --------------    --------------
Act,  as  of  the  end  of the period covered by the report. While you provide a
definition  of  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  and  discuss the existing
material  weakness,  you  do  not  provide  a  conclusion of management that the
disclosure  controls  were  or  were  not  effective as of the end of the period
covered by each report. Please amend each of the quarterly reports filed in 2006
to  provide  the  required  disclosure.

     RESPONSE:  Quarterly  Report  to be amended to reflect language included in
this  filing.

Please  also  provide  risk  factor disclosures in your Form SB-2 regarding your
material  weakness.  Consider  whether  management's  discussion  and  analysis
disclosure is needed with respect to any material capital requirements needed to
address  this  weakness.

     RESPONSE:  Please see Page 9 re: revised risk factor - material weaknesses.

18.     We  refer you to our prior letter dated August 23, 2005, relating to the
disclosure required by Item 308(c) of Regulation S-B and your failure to conform
your  reports  to  the disclosure requirements. The above-cited quarterly report
continues  to state that there were no "significant" changes in internal control
over  financial  reporting  that  occurred  during the "current" quarter. Please
therefore  amend the September 30, 2006 quarterly report as well as the March 31
and  June  30,  2006  quarterly  reports  to  state, if true, that there were no
changes  in  your internal control over financial reporting that occurred during
the  last  fiscal quarter that materially affected, or were reasonably likely to
materially affect, your internal control over financial reporting. To the extent
that  changes  were  made  during any of the relevant periods, please revise the
disclosure  accordingly.

     RESPONSE:  Quarterly  Quarterly  Report  to  be amended to reflect language
included  in  this  filing.

19.     Finally,  confirm  your understanding of this disclosure requirement and
provide  us  with  a  representation  that  you will conform your future filings

     RESPONSE: We have reviewed Item 308 (c) of regulation SB. Our understanding
is  that  the  reports  should  conform  in language as well as substance to the
requirements  of  the  Rule. We represent to you that we will conform our future
filings  accordingly.

Acceleration  Request
- ---------------------

     We  hereby  request  acceleration  of the effectiveness of the Registration
Statement  to  a  date  not  later than January 11, 2007.  In this connection we
acknowledge  to  you  as  follows:

- -     Should  the  Commission  or  the  Staff,  acting  pursuant  to  delegated
authority,  in  declaring  the  filing  effective,  it  does  not  foreclose the
Commission  from  taking  any  action  relating  to  the  filing.
- -     The action of the Commission or the Staff, in declaring the filing
effective, does not relieve the registrant from its full responsibility for the
adequacy and accuracy of the disclosures in the filing; and
- -     The registrant may not assert this action as a defense in any proceeding
initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of
the United States.

     If  there  is  anything further you need, please do not hesitate to contact
James  Fields  at  (978)  921-2727  or  myself  at  (617)  523-1960.


                                        Geoffrey  T.  Chalmers

Cc:  James  Fields