WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                 SCHEDULE 14A

          Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                    Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )

[X]  Filed by the Registrant
[_]  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:
[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[_]  Definitive Additional Materials
[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to (S) 240.14a-11(c) or (S) 240.14a-12

                         American Spectrum Realty, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5) Total fee paid:


[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:

     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3) Filing Party:

     (4) Date Filed:


                         AMERICAN SPECTRUM REALTY, INC.
                       7700 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 555
                            Irvine, California 92618

Dear Stockholder:

On behalf  of the Board of  Directors  of  American  Spectrum  Realty,  Inc.,  a
Maryland  corporation  (the  "Company"),  I  cordially  invite you to attend the
Company's  2002 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders,  which will be held on Friday,
November 15, 2002, at 9:00 a.m.,  local time, at Sheraton Suites  Houston,  2400
West Loop South, Houston, Texas.

The attached Proxy Statement  describes in detail the following matters expected
to be acted  upon at the Annual  Meeting:  the  election  of five  nominees  for
director,  each  of  whom  is  presently  a  director  of the  Company;  and the
ratification of the selection of BDO Seidman,  LLP, as the Company's independent
auditors.  At the Annual Meeting,  we will also report on the Company's progress
and respond to any questions that you may have about the Company's business.

We  sincerely  hope  that  you will be able to  attend  and  participate  in the
Company's first Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  Whether or not you plan to come
to the Annual Meeting,  however, it is important that your shares be represented
and  voted  at  the  meeting.  You  may  vote  your  shares  by  completing  the
accompanying proxy card, by a telephone proxy authorization, or by authorizing a
proxy  electronically  via the  Internet.  Please  see the  instructions  on the
accompanying proxy card for details on telephone and electronic proxy voting.



                                                    /s/ William J. Carden
                                                        William J. Carden
                                                        Chairman of the Board

Irvine, California
October 15, 2002

                         AMERICAN SPECTRUM REALTY, INC.
                       7700 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 555
                            Irvine, California 92618

                     TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2002


NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  (the  "Annual
Meeting")  of  American  Spectrum  Realty,  Inc.,  a Maryland  corporation  (the
"Company"), will be held on Friday, November 15, 2002, at 9:00 a.m., local time,
at Sheraton Suites Houston, 2400 West Loop South, Houston, Texas 77057.

At the Annual Meeting, stockholders will be asked:

1.   To elect five  directors to serve until the Company's nex Annual Meeting of
     Stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualify.

2.   To ratify the selection of BDO Seidman,  LLP, as the Company's  independent
     auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002.

3.   To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the Annual
     Meeting or any  adjournment  or  postponement  thereof and may  properly be
     voted upon.

The Board of  Directors  of the  Company  has fixed  the  close of  business  on
September 20, 2002, as the record date (the "Record Date") for the determination
of  stockholders  of record  entitled  to notice  of, and to vote at, the Annual
Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.

All stockholders  are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting in person.
Stockholders  of record as of the  Record  Date will be  admitted  to the Annual
Meeting upon  presentation  of  identification.  Stockholders  who own shares of
Common  Stock  beneficially  through  a bank,  broker or other  nominee  will be
admitted to the Annual Meeting upon presentation of identification  and proof of
ownership  or a valid  proxy  signed by the record  holder.  A recent  brokerage
statement or letters  from a bank or broker are examples of proof of  ownership.
If you own shares of the Company's Common Stock beneficially, you should contact
your  broker or  applicable  agent in whose name the shares  are  registered  to
obtain a broker's proxy and bring it to the Annual Meeting in order to vote.



                                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                           Harry A. Mizrahi, Secretary
Irvine, California
October 15, 2002

                         AMERICAN SPECTRUM REALTY, INC.
                       7700 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 555
                            Irvine, California 92618

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                November 15, 2002


This Proxy  Statement  is provided  to the  stockholders  of  American  Spectrum
Realty,  Inc.,  a  Maryland  corporation  (the  "Company"),  in order to solicit
proxies, in the form enclosed,  for use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of
the Company to be held on Friday,  November 15, 2002, at 9:00 a.m.,  local time,
at Sheraton  Suites  Houston,  2400 West Loop  South,  Houston,  Texas,  and any
adjournments  or  postponements  thereof  (the "Annual  Meeting").  The Board of
Directors  (the "Board")  knows of no matters to come before the Annual  Meeting
other than those referred to in this Proxy  Statement.  This Proxy Statement and
the enclosed form of proxy are being mailed to  stockholders on or about October
15, 2002.


This  solicitation  is made by mail on behalf of the Board of  Directors  of the
Company.  Costs  of the  solicitation  will be  borne  by the  Company.  Further
solicitation  of proxies may be made by  telephone,  telegraph,  fax or personal
interview by the directors,  officers and employees of the Company, who will not
receive additional compensation for the solicitation. The Company will reimburse
banks,  brokerage  firms and other  custodians,  nominees  and  fiduciaries  for
reasonable  expenses  incurred  by them in  sending  proxy  materials  to  their
customers or principals  who are the  beneficial  owners of shares of the Common
Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Common Stock"), of the Company.


Only those  holders  of Common  Stock of record as of the close of  business  on
September  20,  2002 (the  "Record  Date") will be entitled to notice of, and to
vote at, the Annual  Meeting.  Each share of Common Stock entitles its holder to
one vote. Cumulative voting of shares of Common Stock is not permitted.  A total
of 5,536,990 shares of Common Stock were issued and outstanding as of the Record

The presence of the holders of shares representing a majority of the outstanding
shares of Common  Stock  entitled  to vote,  whether  in person or by proxy,  is
necessary  to  constitute a quorum to transact  business at the Annual  Meeting.
Abstentions  and broker  non-votes  (that is,  proxies  from brokers or nominees
indicating that such persons have not received  instructions from the beneficial
owners or other persons entitled to vote on a matter on which the brokers or


nominees  do not have  discretionary  power to vote) are  treated as present for
purposes of  determining  the existence of a quorum.  Directors are elected by a
plurality of the votes cast. The  ratification  of the selection of BDO Seidman,
LLP, as the Company's  independent  auditors for fiscal year ending December 31,
2002, requires a majority of the votes cast at the Annual Meeting.  For purposes
of the election of  directors  and  ratification  of the  independent  auditors,
abstentions  will have no effect on the result of the vote.  It is expected that
brokers will have discretionary power to vote on each of the proposals.

Shares  represented by properly  executed  proxies in the form enclosed that are
timely received by Mellon Investor  Services,  as the Tabulator for the Company,
and not revoked will be voted as instructed on the proxy.  If  instructions  are
not given on a properly  executed and  returned  proxy,  the shares  represented
thereby  will be voted (i) FOR the  election  of each of the five  nominees  for
director; and (ii) FOR the ratification of the selection of BDO Seidman, LLP, to
serve as independent auditors of the Company. If any other matters properly come
before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment or postponement  thereof, it is the
intention of the persons named in the accompanying proxy to vote such proxies in
accordance with their discretion. In order to be voted, each proxy must be filed
with the Secretary of the Company prior to voting.


Stockholders may revoke a proxy at any time before the proxy is voted.  This may
be done by filing a notice of  revocation of the proxy with the Secretary of the
Company, by filing a later-dated proxy with the Secretary of the Company, or by
voting in person at the Annual Meeting.


Substantially  all of  the  Company's  assets  are  held  through  an  operating
partnership  (the  "Operating  Partnership")  in which  the  Company  holds a 1%
general  partner  interest and an 87.4%  limited  partner  interest.  Holders of
limited  partnership  units in the Operating  Partnership  ("OP Units") have the
same rights to  distributions  as holders of the Common Stock and have the right
to have their OP Units redeemed by the Operating  Partnership and to receive, at
the Company's  option,  in exchange for each OP Unit, either one share of Common
Stock or cash equal to the fair market value of one share of Common Stock at the
date of exchange.

In October  2001,  the  Company  issued  shares of Common  Stock and OP Units to
various  individuals  and  entities in exchange  for certain  real  property and
operating assets (the "Consolidation").



Stockholders  will be asked at the Annual Meeting to elect five  directors,  who
will  constitute  the full Board of Directors.  Each elected  director will hold
office until the next Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  and until the director's
successor is duly elected and qualifies.  If any nominee becomes  unavailable to
serve  for any  reason,  an event the  Company  does not  anticipate,  solicited
proxies will be voted for the election of the person, if any,  designated by the
Board to replace that nominee.

Stockholders  may withhold  authority to vote for either (i) the entire slate of
nominated  directors by checking the box marked  WITHHOLD AS TO ALL on the proxy
card,  or (ii) for any one or more  individual  nominees,  by  checking  the box
marked  FOR ALL  EXCEPT on the proxy  card and  writing  the name of  individual
nominees  in  the  space  provided  on  the  proxy  card.  Instructions  on  the
accompanying  proxy card that withhold  authority to vote for one or more of the
nominees will cause any such nominee to receive fewer votes.

The  following  five  persons  have been  selected by the Board as nominees  for
election to the Board of Directors:

                              Timothy R. Brown
                              William J. Carden
                              Lawrence E. Fiedler
                              William W. Geary, Jr.
                              Harry A. Mizrahi

All of the nominees are  incumbent  directors.  The Board knows of no reason why
any of these nominees would be unable to serve,  but in the event any nominee is
unable  to  serve  or for  good  cause  will not  serve,  the  proxies  received
indicating  a vote in  favor of such  nominee  will be  voted  for a  substitute
nominee as the Board may recommend.


The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the votes cast at the Annual Meeting is
required to elect a director.





The following  table sets forth certain  information  concerning  the directors,
executive officers and senior management of the Company as of August 31, 2002:

                                                                                            APPROXIMATE TIME
           NAME                                POSITION                          AGE             IN OFFICE
- --------------------------     -----------------------------------------      ---------    -------------------
William J. Carden              Chairman of the Board,                            58
                                 Chief Executive Officer and President,                       Since 2000
                                 Acting Chief Financial Officer                               Since 2002
Timothy R. Brown               Director                                          56           Since 2000
Lawrence E. Fiedler            Director                                          63           Since 2000
William W. Geary, Jr.          Director                                          59           Since 2000
Harry A. Mizrahi               Director, Chief Operating Officer,                44
                                 Senior Vice President                                        Since 2000
                                 Secretary                                                    Since 2002
Thomas N. Thurber              Senior Vice President                             52           Since 2000
Paul E. Perkins                Senior Vice President                             36           Since 2000
Patricia A. Nooney             Senior Vice President                             45           Since 2000
                                 Treasurer                                                    Since 2002

William  J.  Carden - Mr.  Carden is  Chairman  of the  Board,  Chief  Executive
Officer,  President  (positions  held since the  formation  of the  Company) and
Acting Chief  Financial  Officer (since August 2002) of the Company.  Mr. Carden
serves as an officer and director of CGS Real Estate Company,  Inc.  ("CGS") and
related companies,  positions he has held since 1989. He received his accounting
degree from Long Beach State.

Timothy R. Brown - Mr. Brown serves as a director,  as chairman of the Company's
Audit Committee and as a member of the Company's Compensation  Committee.  Since
1999,  Mr.  Brown has been a partner in the law firm of  Thompson & Knight  LLP.
Prior to 1999,  Mr.  Brown was a partner  of Brown  Parker & Leahy,  L.L.P.  for
twenty-one  years.  Mr.  Brown also  serves as a director of  Southwest  Bank of
Texas,  a subsidiary of Southwest Bank of Texas  Bancshares.  He received his BA
from Stanford University and his JD from the University of Texas School of Law.

Lawrence  E.  Fiedler - Mr.  Fiedler  serves as a  director,  as a member of the
Company's  Audit  Committee  and  as a  member  of  the  Company's  Compensation
Committee.  Since 1987,  Mr.  Fiedler has been the President of JRM  Development
Enterprises,  Inc. and its affiliated companies. These companies have developed,
acquired,  managed and leased  retail,  residential  and  commercial  properties
throughout the United States. Since 1979, Mr. Fiedler has been an


Adjunct Professor at the New York University Real Estate Institute.  Mr. Fiedler
received his BS from Syracuse University, an LLB from New York University School
of Law and an LLM  from New  York  University  School  of Law in  Taxation.  Mr.
Fiedler is the President and sole director of a corporation  which serves as the
general   partner  of  a  limited   partnership   that  filed  a  petition   for
reorganization under Chapter XI of the Federal Bankruptcy Act in November 2000.

William W.  Geary,  Jr. - Mr.  Geary  serves as a  director,  as a member of the
Company's  Audit  Committee  and  as a  member  of  the  Company's  Compensation
Committee.  Since  February  1986, Mr. Geary has been the President of Carlsberg
Management Company, a real estate development and management company.  Mr. Geary
received  his BS and MBA from  Northwestern  University.  Mr.  Geary  holds  the
designations of Charter Financial  Analyst,  Certified Property Manager ("CPM"),
Specialist in Real Estate Securities ("SRS") and Certified Commercial-Investment
Member ("CCIM"). He is a Member of the Los Angeles Society of Security Analysts.

Harry A. Mizrahi - Mr. Mizrahi serves as a director,  and is the Chief Operating
Officer,  Senior  Vice  President  (positions  held since the  formation  of the
Company) and Secretary (since August 2002) of the Company. During 1999 and 2000,
Mr. Mizrahi headed the New York office of International Property Corporation, an
affiliate  of the  Reichmann  Group of  Companies.  Mr.  Mizrahi  is an  Adjunct
Assistant Professor at New York University's Real Estate Institute. From 1994 to
1998,  Mr.  Mizrahi was a Vice  President and Director of Salomon  Brothers' and
Salomon Smith Barney's Real Estate Investment Banking Groups. From 1981 to 1991,
Mr.  Mizrahi was  employed by Eastdil  Realty and became an officer and partner.
Mr.  Mizrahi  received  his BA  from  Northwestern  University  and an MBA  from
Columbia  University  Graduate  School  of  Business  and has  attended  Harvard
University Kennedy School of Government.

Thomas N. Thurber - Mr. Thurber is a Senior Vice President of the Company.  From
August 2000 to August  2002,  Mr.  Thurber  was the  Company's  Chief  Financial
Officer and  Secretary.  From 1995 to October  2001,  Mr.  Thurber was the Chief
Financial  Officer of CGS and an officer and director of  affiliates  of CGS and
related companies. Mr. Thurber received his accounting degree from Florida State
University. Mr. Thurber is a Certified Public Accountant.

Paul E. Perkins - Mr.  Perkins is a Senior Vice  President of the Company.  From
1994 to October 2001, Mr. Perkins was an officer of CGS and held various officer
positions in CGS-affiliated  companies.  From 1988 to 1992, he was an investment
broker  with the Seeley  Company,  a Los  Angeles-based  commercial  real estate
brokerage firm. Mr. Perkins  received his  undergraduate  degree in Business and
Finance from the University of Southern California and a Master's Degree in Real
Estate from New York University.

Patricia A. Nooney - Ms. Nooney is a Senior Vice President  (position held since
the  formation  of the  Company)  and  Treasurer  (since  February  2002) of the
Company.  From October 1997 to October 2001, Ms. Nooney was the President of the
St.  Louis  office of a CGS  affiliate,  which did  business as Coldwell  Banker
Commercial  American  Spectrum.  From 1981 to September  1997, Ms. Nooney was an
officer of Brooklyn Street Properties, Inc. From 1978 to 1981, Ms.


Nooney was an auditor  with  Deloitte & Touche.  Ms.  Nooney  received her BA in
Business  Administration  from the  University  of Miami.  Ms.  Nooney holds the
designations  of CPM and CCIM. As of November 2002, Ms. Nooney will serve as the
2003 President of the Institute of Real Estate Management ("IREM").


The Board has  established  and  maintained  an Audit  Committee and in May 2002
designated  a  Compensation  Committee.  At  present,  there  is  no  nominating
committee of the Board. From the date of the Consolidation (October 15, 2001) to
December 31, 2001 (the "2001 Fiscal Year"), the Board held two regular meetings,
at which all members  were  present.  The Audit  Committee  convened one meeting
during the 2001 Fiscal Year, at which all members were present.


The Audit  Committee is composed of the  non-employee  directors of the Company:
Mr. Brown, Mr. Fiedler and Mr. Geary. Each of the members of the Audit Committee
is independent within the meaning of the listing standards of the American Stock
Exchange  ("AMEX").  In 2002,  the Audit  Committee  held  special  and  regular
quarterly meetings  throughout the year pursuant to its charter, a copy of which
is attached as Appendix A to this Proxy  Statement.  The Audit Committee has the
authority  to make  recommendations  to the  Board of an  accounting  firm to be
appointed as the Company's independent  auditors,  discuss the scope and results
of the audit with the  independent  auditors,  review  with  management  and the
independent  auditors  the  Company's  interim and year-end  operating  results,
consider the adequacy of the Company's  internal  accounting  controls and audit
procedures  and review  non-audit  services to be performed  by the  independent


The Audit  Committee  is  composed  of three  directors,  acts under the written
charter  adopted  and  approved  by the Board,  and is  independent,  within the
meaning of the listing  standards of AMEX.  The Audit  Committee  members do not
serve as  professional  accountants  or  auditors  and their  functions  are not
intended  to  duplicate  or to certify  the  activities  of  management  and the
independent  auditors.  The Committee  assists the Board in its oversight of the
Company's  financial reporting process and recommends to the Board the selection
of independent auditors. The Committee receives information from, consults with,
and provides its views and direction to, management and the independent auditors
on the basis of the information it receives and the experience of its members in
business, financial and accounting matters.

Management has the primary  responsibility for the financial  statements and the
reporting  process.  The independent  auditors are responsible for expressing an
opinion on the  conformity  of the  Company's  audited  financial  statements to
generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  The Audit  Committee  reviews  the
Company's financial reporting process on behalf of the Board.


In this  context,  the Audit  Committee  (i) approved the decision to change the
independent  auditors  (see  Proposal  Number  Two-Ratification  of Selection of
Independent  Auditors) and (ii) reviewed and discussed  with  management and BDO
Seidman,  the  newly  appointed  independent  auditors,  the  Company's  audited
financial  statements  for the 2001 Fiscal Year.  The Audit  Committee  has also
discussed with the independent  auditors the matters required to be discussed by
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communication with Audit Committees) and
has  received  from the  independent  auditors the written  disclosures  and the
letter  required by  Independence  Standards  Board Standard No. 1 (Independence
Discussion  with Audit  Committees)  and discussed with them their  independence
from the Company and its management. Further, the Audit Committee has considered
whether the  independent  auditors'  provision  of certain  non-audit  services,
namely tax return  preparation,  to the Company is compatible with the auditor's

In  reliance  on the  reviews  and  discussions  referred  to  above,  the Audit
Committee  recommended  to the Board that the audited  financial  statements  be
included in the Company's  Annual Report filed with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission on Form 10-K for the 2001 Fiscal Year.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy R. Brown
Lawrence E. Fiedler
William W. Geary, Jr.


A compensation  committee was not  established or maintained by the Board in the
2001 Fiscal Year. All matters related to compensation, employment agreements and
stock  options were  administered  by the entire Board.  In May 2002,  the Board
established a compensation committee,  composed of the non-employee directors of
the Company: Mr. Brown, Mr. Fiedler and Mr. Geary. No member of the Compensation
Committee  has served as an officer of the  Company or any of its  subsidiaries.
The  Compensation  Committee  has the  authority  to renew  and  approve  salary
arrangements,  including  grants of annual  incentive  awards for the  Company's
directors,  officers and other employees,  adopt and amend employment agreements
for its officers and other employees, and administer the Company's stock plans.


All compensation  matters,  review of employment  agreements and the awarding of
shares and options were  considered by the full Board.  The Board  believes that
the  compensation  program  for the  Company's  executive  officers  ("Executive
Officers")  should reflect the Company's  performance  and the value created for
the Company's stockholders. The Company


commissioned an independent  compensation  study, looked to surveys and to other
publicly   available   information  to  ensure  that  the  Company's   executive
compensation is comparable to that of similarly  situated  companies  within and
outside of the real estate industry.

The  compensation  opportunities  for the  Executive  Officers  are  intended to
attract,  motivate and retain talented  executives and to ensure  continuity and
stability of management.  As presently in place, the annual compensation program
for Executive  Officers  includes:  1) an annual base salary that is competitive
with the market and reflects  individual  performance,  2) a cash bonus based on
the individual's achievement of performance goals and criteria to be established
in the discretion of the Compensation  Committee,  and 3) long-term  stock-based
incentive  awards,  such as the  restricted  stock and options to purchase stock
which were  granted in the 2001 Fiscal  Year.  The Company  will  consider  such
factors as the specific  performance of the Company,  the  respective  Executive
Officer and the overall compensation of all of its executives.

Prior  to the  Consolidation,  the  management  of the  Company  commissioned  a
comprehensive study related to board and officer compensation, which was used as
a basis  to  negotiate  the  terms  and  provisions  of the  initial  employment
agreements  for the  Executive  Officers.  The  salaries,  bonuses and long-term
stock-based  incentives  of the  Executive  Officers,  as  set  forth  in  their
respective  employment  agreements (and paid pro rata for the 2001 Fiscal Year),
were  intended to  recognize  the  contributions  of each  Executive  Officer in
connection with the  Consolidation  transaction,  the Company's  commencement of
operations  as a public  company and the ongoing  obligations  of the  Executive
Officers. During 2001 and 2002, the Company finalized employment agreements with
each of Mr. Carden, Mr. Mizrahi, Mr. Thurber, Mr. Perkins and Ms. Nooney.

Respectfully submitted,

William J. Carden, Chairman
Timothy R. Brown
Lawrence E. Fiedler
William W. Geary, Jr.
Harry A. Mizrahi


Each  non-employee  director receives $12,000 annually for serving on the Board,
$1,000 per meeting  attended and $500 for each  telephonic  meeting in which the
director participates, including any committee meetings. A director may elect to
receive the fee in cash or in Common Stock valued at its then fair market value.
The director is also  reimbursed for travel expenses for attending all meetings.
Pursuant to the  Company's  Omnibus  Stock  Incentive  Plan (the  "Plan"),  each
non-employee director was granted an option to purchase 10,000 shares of


Common  Stock.  The  option  to  purchase  5,000  shares  was  granted  upon the
completion  of the  Consolidation  in October  2001,  with an exercise  price of
$15.00 per  share,  which was the  amount at which  shares of Common  Stock were
valued for purposes of the Consolidation (the "Exchange  Value").  The option to
purchase  the   remaining   5,000  shares  was  granted  six  months  after  the
Consolidation  at an exercise price of $6.79 per share, the fair market value on
the date of such grant. As an incentive for continued service, each non-employee
director  elected at the Annual  Meeting of the  Stockholders  is entitled to an
annual  option to  acquire  an  additional  5,000  shares of Common  Stock.  The
exercise  price  will be at the fair  market  value  on the  date of the  Annual


The following  table sets forth, in summary form, the  compensation  paid by the
Company  to  its  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  the  four  other  most  highly
compensated officers of the Company (the "Named Executive Officers") whose total
annual  salary and bonus equaled or exceeded  $100,000 for services  rendered to
the Company in all capacities for the 2001 Fiscal Year.

                                            SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                   LONG TERM COMPENSATION
                                                          ANNUAL          -----------------------------------------
                                                      COMPENSATION                           AWARDS
                   NAME AND                                                 Restricted            Securities
               PRINCIPAL POSITION                                              Stock              Underlying
               HELD DURING 2001                    Year      Salary        Awards $ (1)         Options # (2)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

William J. Carden, Chief Executive Officer         2001       (3)             $ 262,500             12,500
Harry A. Mizrahi, Chief Operating Officer          2001       (4)             $ 525,000             25,000
Thomas N. Thurber, Chief Financial Officer         2001       (5)             $ 525,000             25,000
Paul E. Perkins, Senior Vice President             2001       (6)             $ 150,000              7,500
Patricia A. Nooney, Senior Vice President          2001       (7)             $  30,000              2,250

- ----------
(1) Represents the following numbers of restricted shares granted on October 15,
2001 (the "Grant Date"):  Mr. Carden 17,500;  Mr.  Mizrahi  35,000;  Mr. Thurber
35,000;  Mr. Perkins 10,000;  and Ms. Nooney 2,000. The dollar value is based on
$15.00 per share,  the  Exchange  Value.  The  restricted  shares are subject to
repurchase by the Company upon termination of the individual's  employment for a
price of $.01 per  share.  For Mr.  Carden,  Mr.  Perkins  and Ms.  Nooney,  the
repurchase option lapses in four equal installments on the first,  second, third
and fourth anniversary of the Grant Date. For Mr. Mizrahi, the repurchase option
lapses on October 14, 2002. For Mr.  Thurber,  the repurchase  option for 25% of
the shares  lapsed on September 1, 2002,  and the remaining  repurchase  options
will lapse on the first and/or second year anniversary


of that date based on a  performance-based  formula.  Recipients  of  restricted
stock paid no consideration  to the Company for their shares,  have the right to
vote their  shares,  to receive  and  retain all cash  dividends  payable to the
Company's  stockholders and to exercise all other rights,  powers and privileges
of a  stockholder,  with the exception  that the recipients may not transfer the
Common Stock during the restricted period.

(2) The Named Executive Officers were granted options to purchase shares with an
exercise price of $15.00 per share,  the Exchange  Value.  For Mr.  Carden,  Mr.
Perkins and Ms.  Nooney,  25% of the  options  vested on the Grant Date and will
vest annually  thereafter in equal  installments.  For Mr.  Mizrahi,  the option
fully vested on the Grant Date.  For Mr.  Thurber,  25% of the options vested on
the  Grant  Date  and  the  remainder  will  vest  on the  first  and/or  second
anniversary of September 1, 2002, based on a performance-based formula.

(3) Prior to the Consolidation,  Mr. Carden earned $372,083 in compensation paid
by CGS and its affiliates.  After the Consolidation,  Mr. Carden earned $100,417
in compensation and a cash bonus of $100,000 for the 2001 Fiscal Year, which was
paid by the Company to Mr. Carden or his affiliated companies.

(4) Prior to the Consolidation, Mr. Mizrahi earned $158,334 in compensation paid
by CGS and its affiliates.  After the Consolidation,  Mr. Mizrahi earned $41,666
in compensation for the 2001 Fiscal Year, which was paid by the Company.

(5) Prior to the Consolidation, Mr. Thurber earned $169,708 in compensation paid
by CGS and its affiliates.  After the Consolidation,  Mr. Thurber earned $57,292
in compensation for the 2001 Fiscal Year, which was paid by the Company.

(6) Prior to the Consolidation,  Mr. Perkins earned $67,291 in compensation paid
by CGS and its affiliates.  After the Consolidation,  Mr. Perkins earned $24,375
in  compensation  for the 2001 Fiscal Year,  which was paid by the  Company.  In
addition, the Company paid Mr. Perkins a cash bonus of $100,000.

(7) Prior to the Consolidation,  Ms. Nooney earned $114,791 in compensation paid
by CGS and its affiliates. After the Consolidation, Ms. Nooney earned $26,875 in
compensation for the 2001 Fiscal Year, which was paid by the Company.

                     STOCK OPTION GRANTS IN 2001 FISCAL YEAR

The following  table sets forth  information  regarding stock options granted to
the Named Executive Officers.  No SARs (stock appreciation  rights) were granted
by the Company. See Compensation Table above for details of the restricted stock


                                                                                              REALIZED VALUE AT
                                                                                                ASSUMED ANNUAL
                                                                                             RATES OF STOCK PRICE
                                       INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                                       FOR OPTION TERM
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    -----------------------
                          NUMBER OF      % OF
                          SECURITIES     TOTAL
                          UNDERLYING     OPTIONS/              EXERCISE
                          OPTIONS/       SARS                  OR BASE
                          SARS           GRANTED IN            PRICE        EXPIRATION
NAME                      GRANTED        FISCAL YEAR (1)       ($/Sh) (2)    DATE  (3)      5% (4)       10% (4)
- ----------------------    -------------  -----------------     ------------  ----------   ---------    ---------
William J. Carden           12,500         14.3%                 $15.00     10/15/2011     $104,554    $264,960
Harry A. Mizrahi            25,000         28.7%                 $15.00     10/15/2011     $209,107    $529,919
Thomas N. Thurber           25,000         28.7%                 $15.00     10/15/2011     $209,107    $529,919
Paul E. Perkins              7,500         8.6%                  $15.00     10/15/2011     $ 62,732    $158,976
Patricia A. Nooney           2,250         2.6%                  $15.00     10/15/2011     $ 18,820    $ 47,693

- ------------------------------

(1) Aggregate for all 2001 Fiscal Year option grants.

(2) The exercise price is $15.00, the Exchange Value.

(3) For Mr. Carden, Mr. Perkins and Ms. Nooney, 25% of the options vested on the
Grant Date and will vest  annually  thereafter  in equal  installments.  For Mr.
Mizrahi,  the option fully vested on the Grant Date. For Mr. Thurber, 25% of the
options vested on the Grant Date and the remainder will vest on the first and/or
second anniversary of September 1, 2002, based on the performance-based formula.

(4) The amounts  disclosed in these columns,  which reflect  appreciation of the
Company's  Common  Stock  price at assumed 5% and 10% rates,  as required by the
SEC, are not intended to be a forecast of the Company's Common Stock price and
are not  necessarily  indicative  of actual  values which may be realized by the
Named Executive Officers.  These assumed rates of 5% and 10% would result in the
Company's Common Stock price increasing from $13.30, the closing market price on
the first day of trading of the Common Stock, to approximately  $21.66 per share
and $34.50 per share, respectively.


                        AND FISCAL YEAR END OPTION VALUES

The  following  table sets forth  information  regarding  each exercise of stock
options  during the 2001 Fiscal  Year by the Named  Executive  Officers  and the
fiscal year-end value of unexercised options held by such persons.

                                                                     NUMBER OF
                                                                     SECURITIES              VALUE OF
                                                                     UNDERLYING              UNEXERCISED
                                                                     UNEXERCISED             IN-THE-MONEY
                                                                     OPTIONS/SARS AT         OPTIONS/SARS AT
                                                                      FY-END (#)             FY-END ($)

                        SHARES ACQUIRED                              EXERCISABLE/            EXERCISABLE/
NAME                    ON EXERCISE (#)       VALUE REALIZED ($)     UNEXERCISABLE           UNEXERCISABLE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William J. Carden            -----                 -----              3,125/9,375             ---/---
Harry A. Mizrahi             -----                 -----                25,000/0              ---/---
Thomas N. Thurber            -----                 -----              6,250/18,750            ---/---
Paul E. Perkins              -----                 -----              1,875/5,625             ---/---
Patricia A. Nooney           -----                 -----               562/1,688              ---/---


The Company has entered into employment  agreements with each of Mr. Carden, Mr.
Mizrahi, Mr. Thurber, Mr. Perkins and Ms. Nooney. The employment  agreements for
the Named Executive  Officers provide for an annual base salary as follows:  Mr.
Carden - $482,000,  Mr.  Mizrahi - $204,500,  subject to increase up to $504,500
upon achievement of targets relating to the Company's total assets;  Mr. Thurber
- - $300,000,  Mr. Perkins - $125,000;  and Ms. Nooney - $125,000  through January
28,  2002,  and  increased  to $175,000  upon her  election as  Treasurer of the
Company.  In addition,  all of the employment  agreements  provide for an annual
incentive  bonus,  payable  within 120 days of the fiscal year end, in an amount
determined in the sole discretion of the Board.

Shares of  restricted  stock and stock option  grants were awarded to each Named
Executive  Officer  as of the  date of the  Consolidation:  Mr.  Carden - 17,500
shares of restricted stock and an option to purchase 12,500 shares;  Mr. Mizrahi
- -35,000 shares of restricted stock and an option to purchase 25,000 shares;  Mr.
Thurber - 35,000  shares of  restricted  stock and an option to purchase  25,000
shares;  Mr.  Perkins  - 10,000  shares  of  restricted  stock  and an option to
purchase 7,500 shares; and for Ms. Nooney - 2,000 shares of restricted stock and
an option to purchase 2,250 shares.  The exercise price is $15.00,  the Exchange
Value. In addition, when Ms.


Nooney accepted the position of Treasurer in 2002, she was awarded an additional
10,000 shares of restricted stock.

Options  were awarded to each of the Named  Executive  Officers on the six month
anniversary  of the  Consolidation  (the "April  Grant") at an exercise price of
$6.77 per share,  the fair market value on that date. For Mr. Carden - an option
to  purchase  12,500  shares;  for Mr.  Mizrahi - an option to  purchase  25,000
shares; for Mr. Thurber - an option to purchase 25,000 shares; for Mr. Perkins -
an option to purchase  7,500 shares;  and for Ms. Nooney - an option to purchase

All restricted  shares are subject to repurchase by the Company upon termination
of the individual's employment for a price of $.01 per share. For Mr. Carden and
Mr.  Perkins,  the repurchase  option lapses in four equal  installments  on the
first,  second, third and fourth anniversary of the Grant Date. For Mr. Mizrahi,
the  repurchase  option  lapses  on  October  14,  2002.  For Mr.  Thurber,  the
repurchase  option for 25% of the shares  lapsed on September  1, 2002,  and the
remaining  repurchase  options  will  lapse  on the  first  and/or  second  year
anniversary  of  that  date  based  on  a  performance-based  formula.  For  the
restricted shares granted to Ms. Nooney on the Grant Date, the repurchase option
lapses in four  equal  installments  on the  first,  second,  third  and  fourth
anniversary of that date. For the restricted  shares granted to Ms. Nooney as of
the April Grant, the repurchase option lapses as follows: 50% on the April Grant
date and 50% on the sixth month  anniversary  of that date.  For the  restricted
shares granted to each Named Executive Officer on the Grant Date, the recipients
paid no consideration to the Company for their shares. For the shares granted to
Ms. Nooney on the April Grant date,  Ms. Nooney paid $.01 per share.  Recipients
of restricted  stock have the right to vote their shares,  to receive and retain
all cash  dividends  payable to the Company's  stockholders  and to exercise all
other rights,  powers and privileges of a  stockholder,  with the exception that
the recipients may not transfer the Common Stock during the restricted period.

In regard to the stock options for Mr. Carden,  Mr. Perkins and Ms. Nooney,  25%
of the options  vested on the Grant Date and will vest  annually  thereafter  in
equal installments. For Mr. Mizrahi, the options fully vested on the Grant Date.
For Mr.  Thurber,  25% of the options vested on the Grant Date and the remainder
will vest on the first and/or second  anniversary of September 1, 2002, based on
the performance-based formula.


The Board  adopted the Omnibus  Stock  Incentive  Plan in July 2001 and believes
that the Plan is in the best  interests  of the  Company  and will  enable it to
attract and retain highly qualified executive officers, directors and employees.
All of the options described above were granted under the Plan.


The Plan has been  administered  by the Board of Directors  and provides for the
granting of options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock and performance
units and shares,  as may be  determined by the Board.  Under the Plan,  720,000
shares of the  Company's  Common Stock are  available  for issuance to executive
officers,  directors or other key  employees of the Company.  Options to acquire
Common Stock are expected to be in the form of incentive and non-qualified stock
options and are exercisable for up to ten years following the date of the grant.
The Board will set the exercise price of each option, but the Plan requires that
the  exercise  price per  share  equal or exceed  the fair  market  value of the
Company's Common Stock on the grant date. Hereafter,  the Compensation Committee
will administer the Plan.

                               PERFORMANCE GRAPH

The following graph compares the annual cumulative total  stockholder  return on
the Common  Stock from  November  20,  2001,  the first day the Common Stock was
traded on the American Stock Exchange  ("AMEX"),  through  December 31, 2001, to
the cumulative  total return on the NAREIT Property Index and the Morgan Stanley
REIT Index. The graph assumes an investment of $100 in the Common Stock and each
of the indices at the close of business on November 20, 2001,  the first trading
day for the Common Stock,  and that all dividends  were  reinvested.  The return
shown on the graph is not necessarily indicative of future performance:


                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                           AMONG AMERICAN SPECTRUM REALTY,
                     NOVEMBER 20, 2001 - DECEMBER 31, 2001

                          11/20/01       11/30/01       12/31/01
AMERICAN SPECTRUM REALTY      100.00       50.83      53.38
MORGAN STANLEY REIT INDEX     100.00      101.67     103.69
NAREIT PROPERTY INDEX         100.00      100.53     104.49

                     ASSUMES $100 INVESTED ON NOVEMBER 20, 2001
                           ASSUMES DIVIDEND REINVESTED
                      FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2001


                           AND PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS

The following table provides  information  regarding the beneficial ownership of
Common Stock as of August 31, 2002, by (i) each of the Company's directors, (ii)
each of the Executive Officers,  (iii) all directors and Executive Officers as a
group and (iv) each person  known by the Company to be the  beneficial  owner of
more than 5% of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock.  This table is based on
information  provided  to the  Company  or filed  with the SEC by the  Company's
directors,  Executive Officers and principal  stockholders.  Except as otherwise
indicated,  the Company believes that the beneficial  owners of the Common Stock
listed  below,  based  on  information  furnished  by  such  owners,  have  sole
investment  and voting power with  respect to such shares,  subject to community
property laws where applicable.

                                                    NUMBER OF SHARES          PERCENTAGE OF
                                                           OF                  OUTSTANDING
            NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER (1)            COMMON STOCK (2)         COMMON STOCK (3)
           ----------------------------             ----------------         ----------------
Directors and Executive Officers
- --------------------------------
William J. Carden (4)                                  1,203,617                 20.0%
Harry A. Mizrahi (5)                                      85,000                  1.5%
Thomas N. Thurber (6)                                     47,500                  *
Paul E. Perkins (7)                                       15,625                  *
Patricia A. Nooney (8)                                    14,313                  *
Timothy R. Brown (9)                                       8,750                  *
Lawrence E. Fiedler (10)                                   8,750                  *
William W. Geary, Jr. (11)                                 3,750                  *
All Directors and Executive Officers as a Group        1,387,305                 22.8%
   (8 persons) (12)

- -------
John N. Galardi (13)                                     924,210                 16.2%
Ira J. Gaines (14)                                       312,640                  5.7%

- ----------------
*Less than 1%

(1) Except as specifically  noted in the footnotes below, the address of each of
the named beneficial owners is c/o American  Spectrum Realty,  Inc., 7700 Irvine
Center Drive, Suite 555, Irvine, California 92618.

(2) For each  beneficial  owner,  includes  Common  Stock  subject to options or
conversion rights  exercisable,  respectively within 60 days of August 31, 2002.
Includes as to Mr. Carden, Mr. Galardi and Ms. Nooney,  Common Stock issuable in
exchange for OP Units.


(3) The percentage ownership is based on 5,536,990  outstanding shares of Common
Stock and shares  deemed  outstanding  pursuant  to Rule  13d-3(d)(1)  under the
Exchange Act.

(4) Includes 17,500 shares of restricted  stock,  which is subject to repurchase
by the Company on termination of Mr. Carden's employment for a price of $.01 per
share.  The repurchase  option lapses in four equal  installments  on the first,
second,  third and fourth anniversary of the Grant Date. Includes 729,423 shares
of Common Stock and 464,819  shares of Common  Stock  issuable on exchange of OP
Units owned by Mr. Carden and the persons or entities listed as follows: (i) the
17,500  restricted  shares  referred to above,  (ii) 2,600 OP Units owned by Mr.
Carden,  (iii)  78,406 OP Units owned by trusts for the benefit of Mr.  Carden's
children,  as to which  Michael L. Matkins is trustee,  (iv)  257,253  shares of
Common Stock and 160,266 OP Units owned by Mr.  Carden's  spouse,  (v) 45,529 OP
Units owned by a limited  partnership  controlled by Mr. Carden and (vi) 454,670
shares of Common Stock and 178,018 OP Units owned by companies controlled by Mr.
Carden.  Certain shares may be deemed to be beneficially owned by Mr. Carden and
may also be deemed to be beneficially owned by Mr. Galardi. Mr. Carden disclaims
beneficial  ownership  of the  shares and OP Units held by his spouse and trusts
for his children.  Includes  9,375 shares of Common Stock,  which Mr. Carden has
the right to acquire  upon the  exercise of stock  options  within sixty days of
August 31, 2002.

(5) Includes 35,000 shares of restricted  stock,  which is subject to repurchase
by the Company on  termination of Mr.  Mizrahi's  employment for a price of $.01
per share.  The  repurchase  option  lapses on October 14, 2002.  Also  includes
50,000 shares of Common Stock,  which Mr.  Mizrahi has the right to acquire upon
the exercise of stock options at any time.

(6) Includes 35,000 shares of restricted  stock,  which is subject to repurchase
by the Company on  termination of Mr.  Thurber's  employment for a price of $.01
per share.  The  repurchase  option for 25% of the shares lapsed on September 1,
2002, and the remaining repurchase options will lapse on the first and/or second
anniversary  of that date based on a  performance-based  formula.  Also includes
12,500 shares of Common Stock,  which Mr.  Thurber has the right to acquire upon
the exercise of stock options within sixty days of August 31, 2002.

(7) Includes 10,000 shares of restricted  stock,  which is subject to repurchase
by the Company on termination of Mr. Perkins' employment for a price of $.01 per
share.  The repurchase  option lapses in four equal  installments  on the first,
second,  third and fourth  anniversary  of the Grant Date.  Also includes  5,625
shares of Common  Stock,  which Mr.  Perkins  has the right to acquire  upon the
exercise of stock options within sixty days of August 31, 2002.

(8) Includes 12,000 shares of restricted  stock,  which is subject to repurchase
by the Company on termination of Ms. Nooney's employment for a price of $.01 per
share. For 2,000 of the restricted shares granted,  the repurchase option lapses
in four equal installments on the first, second, third and fourth anniversary of
the Grant Date.  For 10,000 of the  restricted  shares  granted,  the repurchase
option lapses as follows: 50% on the April Grant date and 50% on the sixth month
anniversary of that date. Includes 626 OP Units owned by Ms. Nooney's spouse.


Ms. Nooney disclaims  beneficial  ownership of the OP Units owned by her spouse.
Also includes  1,687 shares of Common  Stock,  which Ms. Nooney has the right to
acquire upon the exercise of stock options within sixty days of August 31, 2002.

(9) Mr. Brown's address is 333 Clay Street,  Suite 3300,  Houston,  Texas 77002.
Includes  5,000  shares of Common Stock held in an IRA,  reported as  indirectly
beneficially  owned by Mr. Brown,  and 3,750 shares of Common  Stock,  which Mr.
Brown has the right to acquire upon the exercise of stock  options  within sixty
days of August 31, 2002.

(10) Mr.  Fiedler's  address is 156 West 56th Street,  Suite 1101, New York, New
York 10019.  Includes  5,000 shares of Common Stock held in trust,  of which Mr.
Fiedler is the trustee,  and 3,750 shares of Common Stock, which Mr. Fiedler has
the right to acquire  upon the  exercise of stock  options  within sixty days of
August 31, 2002.

(11) Mr. Geary's address is 6171 West Century Boulevard, Suite 100, Los Angeles,
California 90045. Includes 3,750 shares of Common Stock, which Mr. Geary has the
right to acquire upon the exercise of stock options  within sixty days of August
31, 2002.

(12) Includes 109,500 restricted shares,  which are subject to repurchase by the
Company on  termination  of employment of the Executive  Officers for a price of
$.01 per share.  The  expiration of the  repurchase  options is described in the
individual  footnotes.  Includes  (i) 2,600 OP Units owned by Mr.  Carden,  (ii)
78,406 OP Units owned by trusts for the benefit of Mr. Carden's children,  as to
which  Michael  Matkins is trustee,  (iii)  257,253  shares of Common  Stock and
160,266 OP Units owned by Mr. Carden's  spouse,  (iv) 45,529 OP Units owned by a
limited partnership controlled by Mr. Carden, (v) 454,670 shares of Common Stock
and 178,018 OP Units owned by companies  controlled by Mr.  Carden,  (vi) 626 OP
Units owned by Ms. Nooney's  spouse,  (vii) 5,000 shares held in trust, of which
Mr.  Fiedler is the trustee and (viii) 5,000  shares held in an IRA,  indirectly
beneficially  owned by Mr. Brown.  Includes 90,437 shares of Common Stock, which
certain  Executive  Officers  and  directors  have the right to acquire upon the
exercise of stock options within sixty days of August 31, 2002.

(13) Mr.  Galardi's  address is 39590  Highway  82,  Aspen,  CO 81611.  Includes
286,986  shares of Common  Stock and 4,536 OP Units owned by Mr.  Galardi.  Also
includes  454,670 shares of Common Stock and 178,018 OP Units owned by companies
in which Mr. Galardi owns a significant  interest.  Certain shares may be deemed
to  be  beneficially  owned  by  Mr.  Galardi  and  may  also  be  deemed  to be
beneficially owned by Mr. Carden.

(14) Based solely on the Schedule 13D filed  November 29, 2001,  by Mr.  Gaines,
his  address  is 1717 East  Morten,  Phoenix,  AZ 85020,  and  together  with IG
Holdings,  Inc., Hintzin Capital Group,  Paradise Wire Pension Plan and Sunshine
Wire Pension Plan  (entities  controlled  solely by Mr. Gaines) he holds 193,671
shares of Common Stock.  In addition,  Mr. Gaines shares voting and  dispositive
power over  119,069  shares of Common  Stock  owned by  Baseline  Investment,  a
general partnership, Deuce Investment, a general partnership, and Summit


Venture,  a  limited  partnership.  Mr.  Gaines  is a 50%  owner  of each of the
partnerships referred to.


Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  requires the
Company's directors, executive officers and persons who own more than 10% of the
Company's  Common Stock, to file reports of ownership of, and  transactions  in,
the Company's securities with the SEC, the AMEX and the Company. Based solely on
the review of copies of such  filings  received  by the  Company or any  written
representations  from certain reporting  persons,  the Company believes that its
directors,  officers  and 10% or more  stockholders  timely  filed  all  reports
required of them during 2001 under Section 16(a).


As part of the Consolidation,  Mr. Carden, members of his family, trusts for the
benefit of family  members and  entities  in which Mr.  Carden or members of his
family had sole or shared  control  acquired  686,923 shares of Common Stock and
464,819 OP Units.

As part of the Consolidation Mr. Galardi,  members of his family, trusts for the
benefit of family  members and  entities in which Mr.  Galardi or members of his
family had sole or shared  control  acquired  713,556 shares of Common Stock and
182,554 OP Units.

In connection  with the  Consolidation,  the Company entered into a registration
rights  agreement  with  persons  issued  Common  Stock and OP Units in  private
transactions,  including  certain of the persons  referred  to above.  Under the
registration  rights  agreement,  the Company has agreed to register  for resale
under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended,  Common  Stock  issued to such
persons,  or issuable in exchange for OP Units  issued to them,  after the first
anniversary of the Consolidation.

Certain obligations of CGS and the majority-owned  affiliates became liabilities
of the Company as a result of the  Consolidation.  These  obligations  include a
distribution  payable of  approximately  $7,883,000  due to the  former  limited
partners of Sierra Pacific  Development  Fund II in connection  with  litigation
against a subsidiary of CGS relating to secured and unsecured loans, among other
matters. This obligation, including additional accrued interest of approximately
$186,000,  is reflected  in accrued and other  liabilities  in the  consolidated
financial  statements of the Company as of December 31, 2001, and $558,000 as of
June 30, 2002.

In addition,  related party notes payable  totaling  $2,802,094 along with other
accruals  associated with the loans were assumed by the Company. At December 31,
2001,  and June 30,  2002  (provided  in  parenthesis)  these  consisted  of the


o    $1,600,000  unsecured  note and accrued  interest  of  $126,036  ($190,036)
     payable to Mr. Galardi;

o    $1,000,000  secured note with accrued  interest and a participating  profit
     liability  of  $1,207,081  ($1,283,933)  payable  to a  California  limited
     partnership,  the general partner of which was an entity  controlled by Mr.

o    $202,094   unsecured  note  ($199,180)  and  accrued  interest  of  $36,543
     ($51,160) payable to Brown Parker & Leahy,  L.L.P., a law firm in which Mr.
     Brown, a director of the Company, was a partner.

Other related  party  liabilities  totaling  $2,024,680 in the form of loans and
advances were assumed as well.  These consisted of a $1,060,852 net indebtedness
to a limited  partnership,  in which Mr. Carden and Mr. Galardi own an aggregate
66%  interest;  $242,020  owed to CGS;  and $721,808  owed to ASJ,  Ltd, a Texas
limited partnership, which is owned by Mr. Carden, his spouse and trusts for his
children.  During the first quarter of 2002, the Company made payments  totaling
$521,808 on its obligation to ASJ, Ltd., reducing the balance due to $200,000 as
of June 30, 2002.

The law firm in which Mr.  Brown,  a director of the  Company,  is a partner was
retained by the Company to render legal services during 2001.

Effective  January 1, 2002,  the Company  acquired a receivable in the amount of
$177,000 from a related party in connection with the Company's  assumption of an
executive  suite  in an  office  building  owned  by the  Company.  The  Company
cancelled this receivable by offsetting the amount of the receivable against the
amount payable by the Company to an entity owned by the related party.


In January 2002,  the Company  advised Arthur  Andersen LLP ("Arthur  Andersen")
that it was considering changing independent  auditors. On February 8, 2002, the
Company and Arthur Andersen agreed that the client-auditor  relationship between
the  Company  and Arthur  Andersen  had been  terminated.  On that date,  Arthur
Andersen advised the Company that it was resigning as the Company's  independent
auditors.  The report of Arthur Andersen on the Company's  financial  statements
for the period from the  Company's  inception  (August 8, 2000) to December  31,
2000, did not contain an adverse  opinion,  or disclaimer of opinion and was not
qualified or modified as to uncertainty,  audit scope or accounting  principles,
except  that such  report  contained  an  explanatory  paragraph  regarding  the
substantial doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. In
addition,  Arthur Andersen's  report on the financial  statements of CGS and its
majority-owned affiliates as of December 31, 2000, contained an explanatory


paragraph  regarding the substantial  doubt about CGS's ability to continue as a
going  concern.  The Audit  Committee  of the Board  approved  the  decision  to
consider  changing  independent  auditors.  During the period from the Company's
inception through the end of its most recent fiscal year and subsequent  interim
periods,  there were no  disagreements  with  Arthur  Andersen  on any matter of
accounting  principles or practices,  financial statement disclosure or auditing
scope or procedures, which disagreements, if not resolved to the satisfaction of
Arthur  Andersen would have caused it to make reference to such  disagreement in
its reports.

BDO  Seidman,  LLP  ("BDO  Seidman")  has  served as the  Company's  independent
auditors since  February 22, 2002. BDO Seidman issued a report,  dated April 10,
2002,  on the Company's  financial  statements  for the year ended  December 31,
2001,  that did not contain an adverse  opinion or disclaimer of opinion and was
not  qualified  or  modified  as  to  uncertainty,  audit  scope  or  accounting
principles.  On the recommendation of the Audit Committee,  BDO Seidman has been
selected by the Board as the Company's  independent auditors for the year ending
December 31, 2002. BDO Seidman has advised the Company that it does not have any
direct or indirect  financial  interest in the Company.  Representatives  of BDO
Seidman  are  expected  to  attend  the  Annual  Meeting  and will be given  the
opportunity  to make a  statement  if they  choose  to do so.  They will also be
available to respond to appropriate questions.

The Board carefully  considered BDO Seidman's  qualifications and its reputation
for integrity and competence in the fields of accounting and auditing. The Audit
Committee  also  considered  whether  the  independent  auditors'  provision  of
non-audit services to the Company is compatible with the auditors' independence.

For the 2001 Fiscal Year, the Company paid BDO Seidman the following fees:

                    FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                    SYSTEMS DESIGN AND               ALL OTHER FEES
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$ 250,000               -0-                             $121,001

Stockholders  will be asked at the Annual Meeting to ratify the selection of BDO
Seidman. If the stockholders ratify the selection of BDO Seidman,  the Board may
still, in its discretion,  decide to appoint a different independent audit firm,
at any time during the year 2002, if it concludes that such a change would be in
the best interests of the Company and the stockholders. If the stockholders fail
to ratify  the  selection,  the  Board  will  reconsider  the  retention  of the
accounting firm.



A  majority  of the  votes  cast at the  Annual  Meeting,  provided  a quorum is
present,  will be required to ratify the  selection of BDO Seidman,  LLP, as the
Company's independent auditors for the year 2002.



Copies of the Company's  Annual Report to Stockholders  for the 2001 Fiscal Year
were mailed to the stockholders  previously on April 25, 2001. Additional copies
of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC will be furnished
to interested  stockholders,  without charge, upon written request.  Exhibits to
the Form 10-K will be provided  upon written  request and payment to the Company
of the cost of preparing and  distributing  those  materials.  Written  requests
should be sent to American Spectrum Realty, Inc., One Memorial Drive, Suite 675,
St. Louis, Missouri 63102, Attention: Investor Relations.


Typically,  in order to be  considered  for  inclusion  in the  Company's  proxy
materials for an annual meeting,  stockholder proposals and nominations that are
intended to be presented  at that  meeting must be received by the  Secretary of
the  Company,  in writing,  no later than 120 days before the first  anniversary
from the date that the proxy  statement for the prior year's annual  meeting was
released to the stockholders.  However,  because the Company anticipates holding
the 2003  Annual  Meeting in May,  which is more than 30 days prior to the first
anniversary of the 2002 Annual  Meeting,  stockholder  proposals and nominations
must be  delivered to the Company  within a  reasonable  time before the Company
begins to print and mail its proxy  materials for the 2003 Annual  Meeting.  The
Company  will  notify  stockholders  of the  date  by  which  proposals  must be
submitted in its Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Stockholder  proposals and nominations  also must comply with the advance notice
and other  requirements  set forth in the Company's  Bylaws to be eligible to be
presented at an annual meeting.  Typically, any such proposal or nomination must
be delivered to the  Secretary of the Company at least 90 days and not more than
120 days prior to the first anniversary of the date of mailing of the notice for
the 2002 Annual Meeting. Because the Company anticipates holding its 2003 Annual
Meeting in May, which is at least 30 days prior to the first  anniversary of the
2002  Annual  Meeting,  to present a proposal or  nomination  at the 2003 Annual
Meeting,  the proposal or  nomination  must be delivered to the Secretary of the
Company  not more than 120 days before the date of mailing of the notice for the
annual meeting and not later than the close


of  business  of the later of (1) the 90th day before the date of mailing of the
notice  of that  Meeting  or (2) the  tenth  day after the day on which a public
announcement of the date of the 2003 Annual Meeting is made by the Company.

                                OTHER INFORMATION

Proxy authorizations submitted via the Internet or by telephone must be received
by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on November 14, 2002. To authorize a proxy by
the  Internet or by  telephone,  please see the  instructions  on the proxy card
enclosed with these materials.  Costs associated with electronic access, such as
from access providers or telephone companies, will be borne by the stockholder.

                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                           Harry A. Mizrahi, Secretary

Irvine, California
OCTOBER 15, 2002


                                   APPENDIX A

                         AMERICAN SPECTRUM REALTY, INC.

     RESOLVED,  that the membership of the audit  committee  shall consist of at
least three  members of the board of  directors,  who shall be  independent  (as
defined under the rules of the American Stock  Exchange) to the extent  required
under the rules of the American  Stock  Exchange and shall serve at the pleasure
of the board of directors.

     RESOLVED,  that the charter and powers of the Audit  Committee of the Board
of Directors (the "Audit Committee") shall be:

          o    Assisting  the  Board  of  Directors  in  the  oversight  of  the
               maintenance by management of the reliability and integrity of the
               accounting   policies  and  financial  reporting  and  disclosure
               practices of the Company;

          o    Assisting  the  Board  of  Directors  in  the  oversight  of  the
               establishment  and  maintenance  by  management  of  processes to
               assure that an adequate system of internal control is functioning
               within the Company;

          o    Assisting  the  Board  of  Directors  in  the  oversight  of  the
               establishment  and  maintenance  by  management  of  processes to
               assure  compliance  by the  Company  with  all  applicable  laws,
               regulations and Company policy.

     RESOLVED, that the Audit Committee shall have the following specific powers
and duties:

          1.   Holding  such  regular  meetings  as may be  necessary  and  such
               special  meetings  as may be called by the  Chairman of the Audit
               Committee or at the request of the independent accountants;

          2.   Reviewing the  performance  of the  independent  accountants  and
               making  recommendations  to the Board of Directors  regarding the
               appointment or termination of the independent accountants;

          3.   Ensuring its receipt from the independent accountants of a formal
               written  statement  delineating  all  relationships  between  the
               independent   accountants   and  the  Company,   consistent  with
               Independence Standards Board Standard;

          4.   Actively engaging in a dialogue with the independent  accountants
               with respect to any disclosed  relationships or services that may
               impact  the  objectivity  and  independence  of  the  independent
               accountants  and for taking,  or  recommending  that the Board of
               Directors take, appropriate action to oversee the independence of
               the outside auditor;

          5.   Evaluating  and,  recommending  to the  Board  of  Directors  the
               selection  and,  where   appropriate,   the  replacement  of  the
               independent  auditors (or nominating  independent  auditors to be
               proposed for stockholder approval in any proxy statement),  which
               independent auditors shall ultimately be accountable to the Board
               of Directors and the Audit Committee;


          6.   Conferring  with the  independent  accountants  and the  internal
               auditors  concerning the scope of their examinations of the books
               and records of the Company and its  subsidiaries;  reviewing  and
               approving the independent  accountants' annual engagement letter;
               reviewing and approving the Company's internal annual audit plans
               and  procedures;  and  authorizing  the  auditors to perform such
               supplemental  reviews or audits as the Audit  Committee  may deem

          7.   Reviewing  with  management,   the  independent  accountants  and
               internal  auditors   significant   risks  and  exposures,   audit
               activities and significant audit findings;

          8.   Reviewing  the  range and cost of audit  and  non-audit  services
               performed by the independent accountants;

          9.   Reviewing the Company's  audited annual financial  statements and
               the independent accountants opinion rendered with respect to such
               financial  statements,  including reviewing the nature and extent
               of  any  significant  changes  in  accounting  principles  or the
               application thereof;

          10.  Reviewing  the  adequacy  of the  Company's  systems of  internal

          11.  Obtaining from the independent  accountants and internal auditors
               their  recommendations  regarding  internal  controls  and  other
               matters  relating to the accounting  procedures and the books and
               records of the Company and its  subsidiaries  and  reviewing  the
               correction of controls deemed to be deficient;

          12.  Providing an independent,  direct communication between the Board
               of Directors, internal auditors and independent accountants;

          13.  Reviewing  the programs  and policies of the Company  designed to
               ensure  compliance  with  applicable  laws  and  regulations  and
               monitoring the results of these compliance efforts;

          14.  Reporting   through  its  Chairman  to  the  Board  of  Directors
               following the meetings of the Audit Committee;

          15.  Reviewing the powers of the Committee  annually and reporting and
               making  recommendations  to  the  Board  of  Directors  on  these

          16.  Conducting or authorizing  investigations into any matters within
               the Audit Committee's scope of responsibilities; and

          17.  Considering  such other  matters  in  relation  to the  financial
               affairs of the Company and its  accounts,  and in relation to the
               internal and external audit of the Company as the Audit Committee
               may, in its discretion. determine to be advisable.


INDICATED, WILL BE VOTED "FOR" THE PROPOSALS.                  your votes as
                                                               indicated in  |X|
                                                               this example

1.  Election of Directors                            WITHHOLD
    Nominees:                    FOR ALL             AS TO ALL       FOR ALL EXCEPT
                            the nominees listed     the nominees      the nominees
01  Timothy R. Brown           to the left       listed to the left   listed below
02  William J. Carden
03  Lawrence E. Fiedler            |_|                  |_|                |_|
04  William W. Geary, Jr.
05  Harry A. Mizrahi

Withheld for the nominees you list below: (Write that nominee's
name in the space provided below.)
_______________________________________________________________     MARK THIS BOX IF
                                                                  YOU PLAN TO ATTEND  |_|
                                                                         THE MEETING

2.    Ratification of appointment of BDO Seidman, LLP as Independent Auditors
      for fiscal year 2002.

                      FOR         AGAINST        ABSTAIN
                      |_|           |_|            |_|

The Proxy holder may vote and otherwise represent the undersigned on any other
matter that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or
postponement thereof in the discretion of the Proxy holder.

Dated:____________________________________________________________________, 2002


                           Signature if held jointly

Please sign exactly as your name appears on this Proxy Card. If shares are
registered in more than one name, the signatures of all such persons are
required. A corporation should sign in its full corporate name by a duly
authorized officer, stating such officer's title. Trustees, guardians, executors
and administrators should sign in their official capacity giving their full
title as such. A partnership should sign in the partnership name by an
authorized person, stating such person's title and relationship to the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             ^FOLD AND DETACH HERE^

                     Vote by Internet or Telephone or Mail
                         24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

      Internet and telephone voting is available through 4PM Eastern Time
                 the business day prior to annual meeting day.

Your Internet or telephone vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares
   in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card.

- ------------------------------         -----------------------------          ---------------------
           Internet                              Telephone
  http://www.eproxy.com/aqq                    1-800-435-6710                          Mail

Use the Internet to vote your          Use any touch-tone telephone
proxy. Have your proxy card in         to vote your proxy. Have your           Mark, sign and date
hand when you access the web           proxy card in hand when you               your proxy card
site. You will be prompted to    OR    call. You will be prompted to    OR              and
enter your control number,             enter your control number,                return it in the
located in the box below, to           located in the box below, and          enclosed postage-paid
create and submit an                   then follow the directions                    envelope.
electronic ballot.                     given.
- ------------------------------         -----------------------------          ---------------------

              If you vote your proxy by Internet or by telephone,
                 you do NOT need to mail back your proxy card.

                         AMERICAN SPECTRUM REALTY, INC.

        Proxy Solicited by the Board of Directors for the Annual Meeting
                of Stockholders to be held on November 15, 2002

      The undersigned stockholder of American Spectrum Realty, Inc. ("American
Spectrum") hereby appoints William J. Carden and Harry A. Mizrahi, and each of
them individually, with full power of substitution in each of them, attorneys
and proxies for the undersigned and authorizes them to represent, with all
powers possessed by the undersigned as if personally present at the meeting, and
vote all of the shares of common stock of American Spectrum which the
undersigned may be entitled, in any capacity, to vote at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders to be held at the Sheraton Suites Houston, 2400 West Loop South,
Houston, TX, November 15, 2002, at 9:00 a.m., local time, and at any
adjournments or postponements of such meeting, on the proposals listed on the
reverse side, and with discretionary authority as to any other matters that may
properly come before the meeting, all in accordance with, and as described in,
the Notice and accompanying Proxy Statement. The undersigned acknowledges
receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders dated October 15, 2002,
and the accompanying Proxy Statement and revokes any proxy previously given with

    (Continued and to be signed on reverse side please mark, sign, date and
                return this proxy using the enclosed envelope.)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             ^FOLD AND DETACH HERE^