STATE OF FLORIDA

                             TRDA FUNDING AGREEMENT

         This Agreement, dated November 20, 2002, ("Effective Date"), is made
between the Technological Research and Development Authority of the State of
Florida, having its principal place of business at 5195 South US Highway 1,
Titusville, Florida 32780 ("TRDA") and DynEco Corporation, having its principal
place of business at 564 International Place, Rockledge, FL 32955 ("DynEco").


         WHEREAS under a special agreement with the Florida Department of
Community Affairs ("Department"), TRDA operates a program titled "Investment
Initiative for Energy Technologies" pursuant to which TRDA may provide funding
to Florida for-profit companies;

         WHEREAS the purposes of the program are to benefit Florida's economy
and promote energy conservation and efficiency by assisting Florida companies
with the commercialization of energy-related technologies and related new or
advanced products and services, the creation of new jobs, and the replenishment
of program funds;

         WHEREAS DynEco has applied for funding by TRDA to develop and
commercialize the UniVane compressor, and;

         WHEREAS DynEco has obtained the required matching funds as indicated in
their proposal.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and mutual
promises set forth herein, the parties agree as follows:

A. INCORPORATION OF RECITALS. The parties represent and warrant that the above
recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated in the body of this
Agreement by this reference.

B. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the partial funding
for the development and commercialization of UniVane compressors and hydrogen
circulators developed by DynEco for fuel cell applications. Upon the completion
of development, DynEco will develop the market for and engage in the
commercialization of new technology. In consideration of the funding to be
supplied by TRDA, DynEco will make royalty payments to TRDA from Gross Sales.
Funding DynEco aims to bring about significant energy savings, create high tech
jobs and attract new capital investment, promote the State of Florida as a
recognized fuel cell industry center, and replenish the program's funds. This
Agreement is intended to govern the performance of the parties, including the
use of TRDA funds, commercialization goals and compliance with the requirements
of the Investment Initiative for Energy Technologies.

C. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, the following words and terms
shall have the meaning set forth below:


         1. "Gross Sales" means all revenues recognized in accordance with
         generally accepted accounting principles from the sale, distribution,
         lease or other disposal of the Product by DynEco or any subsidiary,
         affiliate or sublicensee of DynEco in the Territory, less returns,
         allowances, prompt payment and volume discounts that are customarily
         provided in the industry. Freight, packing, insurance, and sales and
         other taxes based on a sale of the Product may be deducted from Gross
         Sales when included in the gross sales price, but not taxes assessed on
         income derived from such sales. Gross Sales shall also include revenues
         generated from the licensing, sale or other disposition, of Inventions.

         2. "Inventions" means all inventions, discoveries, concepts, research,
         ideas and improvements conceived or developed, individually or jointly,
         prior to or during the term of this Agreement, that relate directly or
         indirectly to the Services regardless of whether a patent, copyright or
         another type of legal protection covers that subject matter, and
         regardless of the tangible form in which the subject matter is

         3. "Services" means the development, engineering, management, financial
         controls and production of UniVane compressors and hydrogen
         circulators. For purposes of calculating royalties due TRDA hereunder,
         Services shall also include all fees, sums and credits received from
         the sale, license, rental or other temporary or permanent disposition
         of products, devices, software, technologies or Inventions relating to
         the Services.

         4. "Product" means the manufacture or sale of UniVane compressors and
         hydrogen circulators. For purposes of calculating royalties due TRDA,
         Product shall also include all other products, devices and technologies
         that (a) result directly or indirectly from the development of the
         Product, and (b) as of the Effective Date are not in or ready for
         production at DynEco or any facility under contract with DynEco, its
         subsidiaries or affiliates.

         5. "Project" means all acts expressly contemplated by this Agreement,
         or which are otherwise necessary for the performance of DynEco

         6. "Related Entities" means entities that are directly or indirectly
         involved with the development, technology, licensing or manufacturing
         of the Product and which are under common control or ownership with

         7. "Territory" means all the countries of the world.

D. REPRESENTATIONS. DynEco represents and warrants that:

         1. It is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good
         standing under the laws of the State of Florida, with its principal
         office located at 564 International Place, Rockledge, FL 32955, and,
         together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is in good standing
         under the laws of the jurisdictions in which it conducts its business.

         2. It intends to maintain its principal location in the State of
         Florida for at least as long as any sums are due to TRDA hereunder.

         3. It lawfully possesses, whether through ownership, agreement or
         license, any and all rights to the technology required for the
         completion of the Project and the provision of Services and, with the
         funding provided herein, it can both complete the project development
         and provide Services.


         4. The information supplied in the proposal and all other documents
         delivered to TRDA are true, accurate and complete to the extent
         presented in the proposal.

         5. There are no actions, suits or proceedings pending against DynEco,
         or to the knowledge of DynEco, threatened against it, or orders,
         judgments, injunctions or decrees that would materially affect the
         Project or the Services, including the ability of DynEco to make all
         payments required hereunder. DynEco's Notes to Financials are
         incorporated here by Reference.

         6. It is not in default with respect to any order of any court or
         governmental authority, or in violation of any ordinances, governmental
         rules or regulations to which it is a party or to which it is subject.

         7. Neither it, any member of its staff, or any subcontractor is
         debarred or suspended or is otherwise excluded from or ineligible to
         participate on government funded programs.

E. CONDITIONS OF TRDA FUNDING. It is understood that DynEco shall:

         1. Diligently perform the work in a manner that is consistent with its
         proposal to TRDA for the development and commercialization of UniVane
         compressors and hydrogen circulators, set forth as Exhibit A, and the
         Work/Payment Schedule and Statement of Work set forth as Exhibit B.

         2. Provide the necessary personnel, material, services, technology,
         equipment and facilities to meet the milestones and other critical
         dates required to complete the Project.

         3. Assist TRDA and the Department in complying with the Stripper Well
         Settlement Agreement and guidance issued by the US Department of
         Energy, the Financial Assistance Rules described in Title 10, Part 600,
         as well as those regulations concerning the use of oil overcharge
         recovery funds.

         4. Upon reasonable notice, allow representatives of TRDA, the
         Department, or other interested groups or parties, reasonable
         visitation to the facilities and sites associated with the Project.

         5. Make no future expenditures or take any action material to the
         Project that has not been approved by TRDA, and immediately notify TRDA
         in the event of any changes relating to the scope or direction of the
         Project. No funds provided hereunder, whether by TRDA or matching
         funds, shall be used to fund work performed, or activities not directly
         related to the performance of this Agreement, such as basic research,
         seminars, training programs, business plan development, market
         research, interest expense, claims or litigation. Funds provided
         hereunder by TRDA shall be used to match funds obtained by DynEco.

         6. Conduct a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the work
         represented by this Agreement, including the work funded by TRDA, the
         matching funds and by DynEco, within the State of Florida.

         7. Require that all subcontractors agree to be bound by terms and
         conditions no less restrictive than those contained herein, including
         such terms as they relate to the indemnification of TRDA. All
         subcontracts shall require a prior notification to and approval by TRDA
         and copies of the executed agreements shall be provided to TRDA within
         ten (10) days after their execution.


         8. Complete the Project within twenty four (24) months of the Effective


         1. The funds to be disbursed by TRDA pursuant to this Agreement shall
         not exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00). Funding
         shall be subject to the receipt by TRDA of sufficient funds from the
         Department. TRDA will notify DynEco within ten (10) days of any
         reduction in funds provided hereunder.

         2. TRDA payments shall be made to reimburse DynEco for 50% of its
         allowable costs pursuant to Paragraph E. 5. and in accordance with
         Exhibit B, the Work/Payment Schedule and Statement of Work. It is
         understood that DynEco submit no more than one request for
         reimbursement within each calendar month and that any payment with
         respect thereto is conditioned on (a) the completion of applicable
         tasks and subtasks and the receipt and approval by TRDA of the
         deliverables contemplated by the Work/Payment Schedule and Statement of
         Work (as described in Section H.), (b) receipt of allowable costs with
         including paid invoice(s) as required, (c) receipt of monthly reports,
         and (d) such other documents, information and certifications required
         by this Agreement.

         3. Payments will be issued within thirty (30) days from the receipt and
         approval of a DynEco reimbursement claim containing an original
         signature of an authorized DynEco representative, specifying the
         payment requested (not exceeding 50% of invoices as noted in Paragraph
         F. 2. above paid by DynEco on approved expenses), the tasks and
         subtasks completed, the time period covered and the following

                  "This is to certify that this invoice is for requesting
                  payment only on those tasks that have been completed in
                  accordance with this Agreement. It is further certified that
                  no portion of the funds received or to be received have or
                  will be used for lobbying in violation of Section 216.347 of
                  the Florida Statutes."

         4. To the extent that any tasks and/or subtasks have not been completed
         to the satisfaction of TRDA, TRDA shall both notify DynEco of such
         event and withhold an amount equal to the amount requested for such
         tasks and subtasks. Unless DynEco can complete the tasks and/or
         subtasks, which are the subject of the notification, to the
         satisfaction of TRDA before the closing of TRDA's regular payment
         cycle, payment for such tasks and/or subtasks shall occur upon receipt
         of the invoice in the following month.

         5. Requests for revisions in the Work/Payment Schedule and the
         Statement of Work shall be submitted in writing and promptly reviewed
         by the parties. Determinations on such requests will be rendered by the
         TRDA Board within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt. Unapproved
         revisions will not be reimbursed by TRDA.


         1. DynEco shall pay, or cause to be paid, to TRDA royalty payments
         equal to five percent (5%) of the Gross Sales in any calendar year.
         Such payments shall be made quarterly beginning with the calendar
         quarter after the quarter during which Gross Receipts are first
         received by DynEco.


         Unless this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section O, below, in
         which case any amounts owed shall be immediately due and payable,
         royalty payments shall continue until an amount equal to three (3)
         times the total amount of the TRDA funding has been received by TRDA
         from DynEco. At its sole option, DynEco may make advance payments or
         payments in excess of those required hereunder, and such payments shall
         be credited against the total amount due.

         2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, DynEco may, in its
         sole discretion, and at any time during the term of this Agreement, pay
         an amount to TRDA equal to three (3) times the total amount of the TRDA
         funding received by DynEco as of that date (less any unexpended funds
         returned to TRDA), and in doing so, DynEco is thereafter relieved of
         any further obligations under this Agreement.

H. EVALUATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. The following reports, documents and
demonstrations are required for presentation and delivery to TRDA:

         1. Bi-Monthly Reports. DynEco shall submit a copy of a written report
         on the status of the activities that are being conducted pursuant to
         this Agreement. The reports will be submitted through the end of the
         agreement and will address, but not be limited to the following:

         (a)      accomplishments relative to milestones and schedules
         (b)      financial status
                  (i)      budget summary for the project period covered by the
                  (ii)     budget summary for the project overall to date
                  (iii)    explanation for any requested budgetary changes
                  (iv)     job cost detail report reflecting costs incurred for
                           which all funds with respect to the Project were used
         (c)      activities of each contractor, subcontractor or other
         (d)      detail of any slippage or any difficulties encountered
         (e)      measures by DynEco to address items in (d) above
         (f)      explanation for any requested change in focus or timeline for
                  the Project
         (g)      material changes in project personnel
         (h)      any other material changes that could affect the outcome or
                  commercial potential of the Project
         (i)      anticipated date for first use or sale of the Services
         (j)      savings as a result of incorporation of the Product into
                  DynEco production processes, if applicable
         (k)      results of any demonstrations and testing
         (l)      the intellectual property rights maintained by DynEco in the
         (m)      patent and copyright indemnities provided by DynEco to any
                  person or entity in connection with the Project

         2. Tasks/Deliverables Report. DynEco shall submit a Tasks/Deliverables
         Report, consistent with Exhibit B, the Work/Payment Schedule and
         Statement of Work, with each reimbursement request. The
         Tasks/Deliverables Report shall include all the designated designs,
         plans, results, etc., and provide specific detail describing and
         verifying the achievement of the respective project tasks. The invoice
         accompanying the Tasks/Deliverables Report shall be for an amount no
         greater than specified on the Work/Payment Plan.

         3. Final Reports. Ten (10) copies of a final Project report must be
         submitted to TRDA not later than thirty (30) calendar days after
         completion of the work specified in Exhibit B. A final


         invoice/fiscal report must be submitted not later than sixty (60)
         calendar days after completion of the work specified hereunder. The
         final project report will include a narrative that details and
         evaluates the accomplishments and impacts of the Project, and the final
         Fiscal report will address each of the items referenced in (a) through
         (k) above.

         4. Demonstrations. Upon request, DynEco shall demonstrate the
         capabilities of its UniVane compressor to TRDA and the Department.

         5. Annual Impact Surveys. DynEco will complete and return to TRDA
         Economic Impact Surveys on an annual basis for ten (10) years after the
         First Use, or until such later date as DynEco has made full payment as
         defined in paragraph G, ROYALTY PAYMENTS.

         6. Financial Statements. DynEco shall provide to TRDA a project
         financial report on its UniVane compressor operations, including
         balance sheet and income (P&L) statement. This report shall be
         submitted within ninety (90) days from the end of each fiscal year, or
         portions thereof, on an annual basis for up to ten (10) years, or until
         such time as DynEco has made full payment as defined in paragraph G,
         ROYALTY PAYMENTS. Project Financial Report is subject to third party
         audit as defined hereafter in paragraph J, ROYALTY REPORTS/AUDIT.


         1. DynEco shall retain all financial records, supporting documents,
         statistical records and any other documents relating to this Agreement
         for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of
         expiration of this Agreement, or final payment to TRDA hereunder,
         whichever is later. In the event of any litigation, claim, or audit
         involving such records and documents, this period shall be extended
         until such matters have been resolved.

         2. DynEco understands and agrees that except for reports containing
         trade secrets as defined by Chapter 812.081 of the Florida Statutes,
         any records relating to this Agreement, whether in the possession of
         TRDA, the Department or DynEco, may be a "public record" as defined in
         Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and that such records may have to be
         available for public inspection and copying at reasonable times and
         under reasonable circumstances. Any requests for disclosure will be
         evaluated by legal counsel prior to such disclosure to insure that TRDA
         is in full compliance with applicable state law.


         1. Beginning as of the second calendar quarter of 2005, DynEco shall
         make written quarterly reports to TRDA within thirty (30) days after
         the first day of each of the months of January, April, July and October
         during the life of this Agreement. Such reports shall state in
         sufficient detail the usage and other components of Gross Revenues
         during the preceding three (3) calendar months and upon which royalties
         are payable as well as the detail requested in Section H.1 (d), (g),
         (h), and (j).

         2. Concurrent with the making of each such report, DynEco shall pay
         TRDA royalties at the rates specified.

         3. DynEco shall keep full, clear and accurate books and records with
         respect to the Sales of Products subject to royalties hereunder. Such
         books and records shall be kept at DynEco's Principal Florida Office
         and made in a manner such that the royalty reports made pursuant to
         this section can be verified. TRDA, or authorized representatives of
         TRDA, shall have the right to both examine and audit such records upon
         reasonable notice during normal business hours, but not more than twice


         per year. In case of any dispute as to the sufficiency or accuracy of
         such records, TRDA may have an independent auditor examine and certify
         such records. Such inspections shall be at the expense of TRDA, unless
         a variation or error to the prejudice of TRDA exceeding three percent
         (3%) is discovered. In such event, DynEco shall be responsible for all
         costs relating to such audit. DynEco will promptly pay to TRDA the full
         amount of any underpayment together with interest thereon at the
         current prime interest rate as reported in the Wall Street Journal the
         week underpayments are reported.

K. INSURANCE. DynEco shall procure and thereafter maintain the following types
of insurance in not less than the stated minimum coverage with respect to its
performance under this Agreement:

         1. Worker's Compensation Insurance in accordance with statutory
         requirements for all States in which the Project is performed.

         2. Employer Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than $ 500,000
         in the aggregate.

         3. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance providing Operations
         Liability, Owners and Contractual Protective Liability and Contractual
         Liability (specifically, but not by way of limitation, covering
         liability assumed under the section below titled Indemnification).
         Coverage is to include the hazards of explosion, collapse and
         underground damage. The policy shall provide a combined single limit of
         liability for personal injury (including death) and property damage for
         not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence.

L. INDEMNIFICATION. DynEco, at its sole expense, shall indemnify and hold the
State of Florida, TRDA, the Department, associated agencies of the State of
Florida, and their directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, designees
and assignees, harmless from any loss, damage or liability or expense arising as
the result of the performance of this Agreement by DynEco or its subcontractors,
or in the course of the development, testing and use of the UniVane compressor,
or with respect to its compliance with all laws and regulations, including those
specifically included herein. DynEco, at its sole expense, shall defend any suit
or dispose of any claim or other proceedings brought against said indemnities on
account of such loss, damage, liability, or expense and shall pay all costs and
expenses, including attorneys' fees, and satisfy all judgments which may be
incurred by or rendered against said indemnities.

M. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
Agreement, or any other communications between the parties, DynEco shall be
deemed an independent contractor and not an agent, employee, joint venturer or
partner of TRDA, the Department or the State of Florida. DynEco is not
authorized to represent itself as an agent or employee of TRDA, the Department,
or the State of Florida before any person or entity and TRDA shall not be bound
by any acts or conduct of DynEco.

N. EXCUSABLE DELAY. Acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Government
in its sovereign capacity, fires, floods, strikes, epidemics, quarantine
restrictions, or freight which cause failure to perform hereunder and, in every
case, are beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of
DynEco, shall constitute an excusable delay, if written notice thereof is given
to TRDA within ten (10) days after such event shall have occurred. In the event
of delay resulting from any of the above causes, only the applicable delivery
requirements will be extended accordingly.



         1. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date first specified
         above and shall remain in force for a period of ten (10) years, unless
         otherwise terminated as provided herein or renegotiated, or agreed upon
         by the mutual consent of TRDA and DynEco or its successor company.

         2. This Agreement may be terminated as follows:

                  (a) By TRDA for cause immediately upon written notice to
                  DynEco. Cause shall include, without limitation, misuse of
                  funds, fraud, DynEco's abandonment of the Project, a material
                  change in the scope or focus of the Project, refusal by DynEco
                  to permit public access to any document or other material
                  subject to disclosure under Chapter 119 of the Florida
                  Statutes, as amended, or the transfer or attempted transfer by
                  DynEco to a third party of its rights and obligations in
                  connection with the Project.

                  (b) By TRDA immediately upon written notice in the event
                  DynEco becomes insolvent or is the subject of proceedings
                  under any law relating to bankruptcy or the relief of debtors
                  or admits its inability to pay its debts as they become due.

                  (c) By TRDA or DynEco upon ten (10) days written notice in the
                  event of any suspension or termination of funds by the
                  Department or any state or federal agency providing financial
                  assistance to the Project. Should TRDA disburse to DynEco an
                  amount less than $150,000 as a result of receiving
                  insufficient funds from the Department, this agreement shall
                  immediately terminate and the DynEco obligation to TRDA shall
                  be limited to the return of all unexpended funds.

                  (d) By TRDA upon thirty (30) days written notice in the event
                  a default by DynEco of any of the provisions of this
                  Agreement, provided that DynEco shall have thirty (30) days in
                  which to cure any such default.

                  (e) By mutual written consent of the parties.

         3. If terminated by TRDA under (a), (b), or (d) above, notwithstanding
         any provisions herein to the contrary, TRDA shall be entitled to
         recover in royalty payments three (3) times the amount of funding
         received by DynEco from TRDA which shall become due and payable
         immediately upon receipt of written notice of termination.

         4. If terminated by TRDA under (c) or by the parties pursuant to (e)
         above, DynEco shall pay to TRDA only that amount of the funds actually
         provided by TRDA hereunder, payable pursuant to Section G, Royalty
         Payments, above.

         5. In the event of any termination of this Agreement, all unexpended
         funds of TRDA shall be returned to TRDA and all property costing in
         excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) and purchased exclusively with
         TRDA funds shall become the property of TRDA.

P. CONTINGENT FEES PROHIBITED. DynEco represents and warrants that no person,
selling agency, or other organization has been employed or retained to solicit
or secure this Agreement upon a contract or understanding for a commission,
percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. In the event of a violation of this
section, TRDA may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Agreement pursuant to


the Termination provision, below, or deduct the full amount of any such
commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee from the funds it provides


         1. DynEco represents and agrees that no federal, State of Florida, or
         TRDA funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of DynEco to
         any person for influencing or attempting to influence any officer or
         employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or
         employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in
         connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any
         federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any
         cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal,
         amendment or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan or
         cooperative agreement.

         2. If any funds other than federally appropriated funds have been paid
         by DynEco to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an
         officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an
         officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress
         in connection with this Agreement, DynEco shall complete and submit
         Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance
         with its instructions. DynEco shall require that the language of this
         section be included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all
         tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants,
         loans and cooperative agreements) and that all recipients shall certify
         and disclose accordingly.

         3. No funds received pursuant to this Agreement may be expended for
         lobbying the legislature or any state agency.

R. COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. DynEco shall comply with all applicable federal,
state and local laws and regulations, including all United States export laws
and regulations and the following:

         1. Discrimination in Employment. DynEco shall comply with all federal
         and state employment laws and regulations and, with respect to the
         operation of this Agreement, shall assure TRDA that no person shall be
         excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
         otherwise subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color,
         national origin, sex, or handicap, under any program or activity in
         which TRDA, or the Department, provides funds received from the federal
         or state government.

         2. Clean Air and Water Act. DynEco shall comply with all applicable
         standards, orders, or requirements issued pursuant to the following:
         Section 306 of the Clean Air Act, Section 508 of the Clean Water Act,
         and Environmental Protection Agency Regulations.

S. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY PROHIBITED. DynEco shall use its best efforts to prohibit
religious activity, including religious instruction, missionizing or
proselytizing at the project site or sites during the performance of this

T. PUBLICATIONS AND PUBLICITY. Any publications which result from the Project,
including without limitation, follow-up studies, research papers, articles,
patent applications, or student theses or dissertations, shall be properly
acknowledged and reported to TRDA in a timely manner. DynEco shall obtain the
prior written approval of TRDA concerning the content and timing of news
releases, articles, brochures, advertisements, speeches and other information
releases concerning the performance of the Agreement. Notwithstanding the above,
all information that is disseminated as a result of this Agreement shall contain
the following statement which acknowledges support from the Department and TRDA:


"Funding for this project was provided in part by the Department of Community
Affairs/Florida Energy Office and the Technological Research and Developmental

U. NOTICES. Any notice(s) required or permitted to be given or made in this
Agreement shall be in writing. Such notice(s) shall be deemed to be duly given
or made when it shall have been delivered by hand or registered mail to the
party to which it is required to be given or made at such party's address
specified below:

         If for DynEco:    DynEco Corporation.
                           564 International Place
                           Rockledge, FL 32955

                           Attn: Dr. Thomas C. Edwards

         If for TRDA:      TRDA
                           5195 South Washington Ave
                           Titusville, Florida 32780

                           Attn: Ms. Bobbie Sirmons

V. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. In no event shall TRDA be liable to DynEco for any
damages whatever resulting from (a) death or bodily injury, or (b) any special,
exemplary, consequential, or incidental damages, including but not limited to
lost profits, whether arising out of contract, tort, strict liability, or
otherwise, resulting from or relating to this Agreement. This section will apply
notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement.


         1. Governing Law/Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and
         construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The
         courts of Brevard County, Florida, shall be the venue in the event of
         any action or proceeding with respect to the operation or construction
         of this Agreement.

         2. Attorney's Fees and Costs. In any dispute arising out of or related
         to this Agreement, the prevailing party in such dispute shall be
         entitled, as part of the final award, to recover its reasonable
         attorney's fees and costs, including costs of experts.

         3. Conformance with Standards. Where any code, ordinance, or
         governmental regulation requires a material or item to conform to a
         particular standard, DynEco shall, at the request of TRDA, deliver to
         TRDA a certificate stating that the material or item furnished conforms
         to the standard prescribed.

         4. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the
         parties hereto, and their respective subsidiaries, successors and
         assigns. DynEco may not delegate any of its duties or assign any of its
         rights without the prior written consent of TRDA, which consent shall
         not unreasonably be withheld.

         5. No Modification. This Agreement may not be modified or amended
         except in a written document signed by authorized representatives of
         both parties.


         6. Entire Agreement. The terms and conditions of this Agreement,
         including all referenced exhibits, constitute the final and entire
         agreement between the parties, and no prior or contemporaneous
         representations, expressions or agreements, either written or oral,
         shall vary or supplement the terms hereof. The terms of this Agreement
         shall not be supplemented or contradicted by any course of dealing,
         usage of trade or course of performance under this or other contracts
         or agreements.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the date first written above.


By:                                          By:
   ------------------------------------          -------------------------------
   Mr. Frank Kinney, Executive Director          Dr. Thomas C. Edwards, CEO

   ------------------------------------          -------------------------------
                  NAME                                      NAME

   ------------------------------------          -------------------------------
                  DATE                                      DATE
