THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 1st
day of May, 2003 ("Effective Date"), by and between DYNECO CORPORATION, a
Minnesota corporation with an address at 564 International Place, Rockledge
Florida 32955 ("DynEco"); and PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION, an Ohio corporation
located at 6035 Parkland Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44124-4141 (together with
its subsidiaries "Parker").

                                R E C I T A L S:

Whereas, DynEco has developed air compressors and hydrogen circulators currently
referred to as "UniVane", for fuel cell air management systems, and is the owner
of certain intellectual property therein.

Whereas Parker desires to manufacture and sell such compressors and circulators,
under license from DynEco, pursuant to the terms and conditions specified

Now therefore, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

As used in this agreement, the following terms when written with initial capital
letters shall have the meanings set forth below:

1.1      Licensed Products: Shall mean air compressors and hydrogen circulators,
         including but not limited to the products identified on Exhibit A
         hereto. The products covered by the term "Licensed Products" may be
         updated or modified by mutual written agreement between the parties.


1.2      Licensed Technology: Shall mean all DynEco knowledge and information
         (including but not limited to trade secrets and know-how) pertaining to
         the Licensed Products, including all designs, specifications, drawings,
         test procedures, prototypes, test results, manufacturing processes and
         techniques, manufacturing equipment, sources of supply, packaging,
         uses, applications, market studies, marketing data and customer
         requirements of the Licensed Products.

1.3      Licensed Patent(s): Shall mean all patents now or later owned or
         controlled by DynEco during the term of this Agreement which contain
         claims that would be infringed by the manufacture, use and/or sale of
         the Licensed Products, including without limitation, the patents listed
         on Exhibit B hereto. Exhibit B shall be updated as appropriate during
         the Term of this Agreement if any further patents are acquired by or
         issued to DynEco.

1.4      Territory:  Shall mean the World.

1.5      Net Selling Price shall mean:

         a.       the price at which a Licensed Product is invoiced in an arm's
                  length transaction less any discounts, commissions, refunds,
                  returns, sales taxes, shipping charges which are included and
                  listed on the applicable invoice, or

         b.       if no separate price is invoiced for a Licensed Product, the
                  Net Selling Price of such Licensed Product shall be deemed to

                  (1)      the lowest Net Selling Price of a similar Licensed
                           Product when sold or leased by Parker in a similar
                           transaction, or

                  (2)      if such lowest Net Selling Price cannot be reasonably
                           be determined by Parker (for example, where a
                           Licensed Product is sold or leased as part of a
                           larger apparatus or system) the Net Selling Price


                           shall be deemed to be that portion of the net
                           proceeds of the arm's length sale or lease of the
                           relevant larger apparatus or system which includes
                           said Licensed Product which bears the same relation
                           to such net proceeds as the production cost or the
                           Licensed Product bears to the production cost of the
                           relevant larger apparatus or system.

                  The term "Net Selling Price" shall i) only encompass the sale
                  of the Licensed Products actually shipped and invoiced by
                  Parker to an unrelated entity; ii) exclude the production cost
                  of the motor and motor controller designed by Parker for the
                  Licensed Products, as well as the cost of any peripheral
                  components, such as solenoid valves, air filters, etc.
                  incorporated into the Licensed Products by Parker . For
                  purpose of this Agreement, the phrase "unrelated entity" means
                  an entity which is not a subsidiary or affiliate of the
                  Parker-Hannifin Corporation. Any transfers between related
                  entities, that is, subsidiaries or affiliates of the
                  Parker-Hannifin Corporation, will not be considered a sale of
                  the Licensed Products, provided, however, that a sale or lease
                  of such Licensed Products by such subsidiary or affiliate
                  shall be subject to sublicense agreement under Article 2.3

1.6      Parker Market: Shall mean all fields of use including, without
         limitation, the fuel cell market.

1.7      Term: Shall mean the longer of: i) the last to expire Licensed Patent,
         or ii) the final use by Parker or its customers of the Licensed
         Technology, subject to Article 9.1 herein.

                                   ARTICLE II
                              DYNECO LICENSE GRANTS

2.1      The grants by DynEco of this Article II shall become effective upon
         execution of this Agreement by both parties.


2.2      Subject to the provisions of Article 2.3 hereof, DynEco grants to

         a.       an exclusive, worldwide royalty bearing license under Licensed
                  Patents to make, have made, use, have used, lease, sell and
                  have sold Licensed Products, including any subsystems and
                  components therefore, for the Parker Market, and

         b.       an exclusive, worldwide royalty bearing right to use Licensed
                  Technology in connection with the utilization by Parker of the
                  license granted in subparagraph 2.2 a of this Article II.

2.3      Subject to the requirements of this Agreement, DynEco agrees that
         Parker shall have the right to grant sublicenses within the scope of
         this Agreement to its subsidiaries and affiliates under the grants of
         this Article II and to transmit Licensed Technology obtained by Parker
         hereunder to such sublicensees. Parker shall require each of such
         sublicensees to enter into an agreement with DynEco prior to such
         transmittal of Licensed Technology so that such sublicensees are
         directly liable and accountable to DynEco for acts and omissions in
         violation of their sublicenses under this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE III

DynEco will not directly or indirectly i) make, have made, use, import into, or
sell into the Territory and into the Parker Market any Licensed Products; or ii)
work with, license or otherwise develop Licensed Technology with third parties
for use in the Parker Market, unless prior authorization is received from
                                   ARTICLE IV
                                 PARKER EFFORTS

Parker will use reasonable commercial efforts to promote the sale of the
Licensed Products in the Territory into the Parker Market, however the nature
and extent of Parker's efforts will be entirely within its discretion.


                                    ARTICLE V

For Licensed Products manufactured by Parker under Article II above, Parker will
pay a royalty fee according to the following:

5.1      Royalty Fee. For the first three (3) years after the Effective Date,
         the Royalty Fee will be calculated by multiplying the Royalty Rate
         specified in Article 5.2 by the Net Selling Price of Licensed Products
         sold or leased by Parker that include Licensed Technology. After the
         first three (3) years, the Royalty Fee will be calculated by
         multiplying the Royalty Rate specified in Article 5.2 by the Net
         Selling Price of Licensed Products sold or leased by Parker that are
         covered by at least one valid and enforceable claim of a Licensed
         Patent in the relevant country of sale or which include Licensed
         Technology incorporating Information of DynEco protected under the
         Confidential Disclosure Agreement between DynEco and Parker dated
         January 17 and 18, 2003.

5.2      Royalty Rate. The Royalty Rate will be: o Fifteen percent (15%) of Net
         Selling Price for the first 50 Licensed Products in a calendar year o
         Ten Percent (10%) of Net Selling Price for the next 51 to 250 Licensed
         Products in a calendar year o Eight Percent (8%) of Net Selling Price
         for the next 251-10000 Licensed Products in a calendar year o Six
         Percent (6%) of Net Selling Price for 10001 or more Licensed Products
         in a calendar year.

5.3      Minimum Royalty Fee. Beginning with the calendar year starting January
         1, 2007, in the event the Royalty Fee payable by Parker under Article
         5.1 above is less than $100,000 (the "Minimum Royalty Fee") per
         calendar year, then Parker may, at Parker's sole discretion, remit to


         DynEco the difference between the actual Royalty Fee paid for the
         calendar year and the Minimum Royalty Fee for that particular calendar
         year, or the license granted to Parker under Article II of this
         Agreement will convert to a non-exclusive license and DynEco's
         restrictions under Article III will terminate. The remainder of this
         Agreement will be unchanged. The Minimum Royalty Fee will be due no
         later than the December 31st quarterly Royalty Fee payment for the
         particular calendar year as described in Article 5.5 below.

5.4      Reduction of Royalty Fee. In the event Parker becomes obligated to pay
         intellectual property-based royalties to others in connection with the
         manufacture, use or sale of the Licensed Products, Parker may deduct
         from the Royalty Fee payments due to DynEco under this Agreement an
         amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the royalties paid by Parker to
         such others.

5.5      Quarterly Payments and Reports. Parker will pay the Royalty Fee
         quarterly based upon calendar quarters ending March 31, June 30,
         September 30 and December 31. Within forty five (45) days after the end
         of each such calendar period, Parker will deliver to DynEco its written
         report of the Net Selling Price of the Licensed Products, the
         applicable Royalty Rate, and the amount of the Royalty Fee earned
         during the quarter being reported. Concurrently with the making of each
         such report, Parker will pay DynEco the Royalty Fee shown as due on the
         report. No more than once each calendar year, DynEco may have its
         independent certified public accountants audit Parker's records with
         respect to the Royalty Fee calculations at reasonable times upon
         reasonable advance notice, provided such accountants will maintain all
         information of Parker in strict confidence and will only disclose to
         DynEco the amount of the Net Selling Price of Licensed Products during
         the time period covered by the audit.


                                   ARTICLE VI

6.1      Transfer of Information. Within thirty (30) days following the
         Effective Date of this Agreement, DynEco shall fully disclose to
         Parker, at no cost, all DynEco-possessed Licensed Technology not
         previously disclosed to Parker, including any models and prototypes,
         and shall provide at Parker's request for a reasonable period of time
         thereafter, such assistance at no cost to Parker, that is reasonable
         and necessary to enable Parker to satisfactorily utilize the subject
         matter to be licensed hereunder.

6.2      Consulting Services. DynEco shall provide a qualified individual(s),
         acceptable to Parker, to provide consulting services to Parker for
         developing and improving the Licensed Product. Such consulting services
         shall continue for an initial period of twelve (12) months beginning
         June 1, 2003, and thereafter on a month-to-month basis unless ninety
         (90) day notice is given by one party to the other prior to the end of
         the initial period or any subsequent period of its desire to terminate
         the services. Such consulting services shall be performed pursuant to
         the Consulting Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit C.

6.3      Maintenance Fees. DynEco will timely pay any maintenance fees and other
         governmental fees due for the Licensed Patents such that the Licensed
         Patents remain enforceable. In the event DynEco desires not to pay such
         fees, DynEco will first notify Parker with sufficient time before such
         fees are due, and will give Parker the right (but not the obligation)
         to pay such fees to keep such Licensed Patents enforceable, in which
         case Parker may deduct the fees from any royalty fees due DynEco under
         Article V above.

6.4      Infringement. Parker and DynEco each shall promptly advise the other of
         all relevant facts pertaining to any known, suspected, or threatened
         infringement of the Licensed Patents. DynEco, at its sole cost and
         expense shall have the first right, but not the obligation, to


         attempt to stop any such infringement by taking such action as DynEco,
         in its sole judgment, deems appropriate, including prosecution of a
         lawsuit. In the event DynEco fails to take any action against the
         alleged infringer within six (6) months of becoming aware of such
         infringement, or otherwise upon agreement with Parker, Parker
         thereafter shall have the right but not the obligation, at its sole
         cost and expense, to attempt to stop such alleged infringement by
         taking such action as Parker, in its sole judgment, deems appropriate
         including prosecution of a lawsuit. In the event that either Party
         institutes suit against any such alleged infringer, the other Party
         hereby agrees to be named as a nominal party thereto and to provide
         reasonable assistance to the other party. The Parties hereby agree that
         all recoveries and awards that may be obtained as a result of any
         action taken by Parker or DynEco with respect to any such infringement,
         including any settlement, shall be the sole and exclusive property of
         the Party taking such action. All recoveries and awards that may be
         obtained as a result of any mutual actions undertaken by mutual written
         agreement of the Parties shall be allocated equally among the Parties
         provided that each has contributed equally to the expenses, or
         otherwise upon agreement by the parties.

                                   ARTICLE VII

Parker may use its own trademarks and tradenames with the Licensed Products,
which use will be entirely in Parker's discretion. Any such use of the Parker
marks and names will inure to the benefit of Parker.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

DynEco represents and warrants to Parker and agrees that:

         a.       DynEco is the sole and exclusive owner of the Licensed
                  Patents, and of the Licensed Technology that will be delivered
                  to Parker.


         b.       There are no liens, claims against or other encumbrances on
                  DynEco's title to, and DynEco has not previously conveyed any
                  rights to any other party with respect to, the Licensed
                  Patents and the Licensed Technology. DynEco will not encumber
                  such title or grant any rights to any other party under such
                  Licensed Patents and Licensed Technology during the term of
                  any licenses to Parker under this Agreement that would
                  interfere in any way with Parker's rights under this

         c.       DynEco does not have any knowledge as to any patent rights,
                  trade dress rights, design rights or other intellectual
                  property rights of any other party that are infringed by or
                  that have been alleged to be infringed by the Licensed
                  Products, and/or the Licensed Technology.

         d.       Except as expressly provided above, DYNECO MAKES NO EXPRESS OR

                                   ARTICLE IX

9.1      Termination.

         This Agreement may be terminated at any time:

         a.       Upon written notice to the other Party by reason of any
                  material default or material breach of this Agreement,
                  provided that the defaulting Party shall have received prior
                  written notice of the specific default or breach and shall
                  have failed to cure the default within ninety (90) days after
                  a notice has been sent by the aggrieved party to the
                  defaulting party.


         b.       By one party if the other party shall file a petition in
                  bankruptcy, shall be adjudicated as bankrupt, shall take
                  advantage of the insolvency laws of any state or country,
                  shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, shall
                  be voluntarily or involuntarily dissolved, or shall have a
                  receiver, trustee, or other court officer appointed for its

         c.       With the written consent of the other Party.

9.2      Applicable Law. This Agreement will be governed and construed in
         accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to Ohio's
         provisions regarding the conflicts of laws.

9.3      Independent Agency. Neither party to this Agreement will be deemed an
         agent, employee, partner or joint venturer with any other party to this

9.4      Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party
         except with the written consent of the other, or except with the sale
         of transfer with the portion of the business to which this Agreement

9.5      Notice. Any notification, reports or payment which is required to be
         given pursuant to this Agreement will be deemed effective upon receipt
         when delivered to the following address:

         IF TO PARKER:          Fuel Cell Business Unit
                                Fluid Control Division
                                95 Edgewood Avenue
                                New Britain, Connecticut 06051
                                Attention: Fuel Cell Business Manager

         With a Copy to:        Parker-Hannifin Corporation
                                6035 Parkland Blvd.
                                Cleveland, Ohio 44124
                                Attention: President, Climate and
                                           Industrial Controls Group

         IF TO DynEco:          DynEco Corporation
                                564 International Place
                                Rockledge, Florida  32955
                                Attention: President

         With a copy to:


9.6      Disputes. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this
         agreement, or to the Licensed Patents or to the Technical Information
         or to the enforcement, breach, termination or validity of any of the
         foregoing, will be settled by arbitration in accordance with the CPR
         Institute for Dispute Resolution Rules for Non-Administered Arbitration
         in effect on the date of this agreement by a sole arbitrator
         (www.cpradr.org). Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator
         may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. The place of
         arbitration shall be Cleveland, Ohio. The arbitrator is not empowered
         to award trebled, punitive or any other damages in excess of
         compensatory damages, and each party irrevocably waives any claim to
         recovery or to recover any such damages. The arbitrator shall make a
         reasoned award.

9.7      Entire Agreement. This Agreement states the entire agreement between
         DynEco and Parker and supersedes all proposals, communications or
         agreements, whether oral or written between DynEco and Parker
         concerning the subject matter hereof. No waiver, alteration or
         modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be
         binding unless in writing and signed by the duly authorized corporate
         officers of Parker-Hannifin Corporation and by DynEco. No written
         waiver, alteration or modification made in accordance with the
         provisions hereof shall have effect unless it expressly references this
         Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement will limit the right of either
         party to develop, acquire, make, have made, use or sell products
         outside the scope of this Agreement.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
as of the date set forth below.


By: Thomas C. Edwards                   By Stephen F. Burgess

Signature: /s/ Thomas C. Edwards        Signature: /s/ Stephen F. Burgess

Title: President                        Title: Technology Team Leader

Date: May 13, 2003                      Date: May 9, 2003
