PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT


                               XTRA OIL & GAS LTD.

                                     - AND -

                          TRISTAR OIL & GAS PARTNERSHIP

                            Dated: September 22, 2006

                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT made as of September 22, 2006


            XTRA OIL & GAS LTD., a corporation, having an office in Toronto,
            Ontario (hereinafter referred to as "VENDOR")

                                     - and -

            TRISTAR OIL & GAS PARTNERSHIP, a general partnership, having an
            office in Calgary, Alberta, by its managing partner TRISTAR OIL &
            GAS LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "PURCHASER")

         WHEREAS Vendor wishes to sell and Purchaser wishes to purchase the
Assets subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof;

         NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the
premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the
Parties have agreed as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1


         In this Agreement, including the recitals and the Schedules, unless the
         context otherwise requires:

                  obligations to abandon the Wells and restore and reclaim the
                  surface sites thereof, to decommission and remove all
                  facilities and equipment comprising the Tangibles and restore
                  and reclaim the surface sites thereof and to reclaim and
                  restore the lands to which the Surface Rights relate;

         (b)      "AFES" means authorities for expenditure, cash calls or mail
                  ballots issued under operating agreements relating to any of
                  the Assets authorizing expenditures and similar items;

         (c)      "THIS AGREEMENT", "HEREIN", "HERETO", "HEREOF" and similar
                  expressions refer to this Purchase and Sale Agreement;

                                     - 2 -

         (d)      "AGREEMENT DEFAULT" means a misrepresentation or breach of
                  warranty or covenant made by a Party or the failure of a party
                  to perform or observe any of the covenants or agreements to be
                  performed by such Party under this Agreement or any
                  certificate or instrument delivered in connection herewith;

         (e)      "APPLICABLE LAW" means any law, statute, regulation, rule,
                  ordinance, order or directive enacted or issued by any
                  Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over Vendor,
                  Purchaser or the Assets, and includes, without limitation, the
                  provisions and conditions of any permit, license or other
                  governmental or regulatory authorization in respect of the
                  Assets or any of them;

         (f)      "ASSETS" means the Vendor's entire right, title, estate and
                  interest (whether contingent, legal or beneficial) in and to
                  the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights, the Tangibles and the
                  Miscellaneous Interests;

         (g)      "BASE PRICE" has the meaning specified in section 2.2;

         (h)      "BUSINESS DAY" means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or
                  statutory holiday in the Province of Alberta;

         (i)      "CLOSING" means the transfer of beneficial ownership of the
                  Assets from Vendor to Purchaser and the completion of other
                  matters incidental thereto as provided for herein;

         (j)      "CLOSING DATE" means October 13, 2006, or such other date as
                  may be agreed upon in writing by Vendor and Purchaser;

         (k)      "CLOSING TIME" means 2:00 p.m., Calgary time on the Closing
                  Date, or such other time as may be agreed upon in writing by
                  Vendor and Purchaser;

         (l)      "DATA" means all records, data and information directly
                  related to the Assets, including well files, lease files,
                  agreement files and production records, including but not
                  limited to, all geological, geophysical and geochemical data,
                  including the Seismic related to the assets, and all
                  interpretations related thereto;

         (m)      "ENCANA FARMOUT AGREEMENT" means the SE Saskatchewan Joint
                  Venture dated December 13, 2004 among Caribgold Minerals Ltd.,
                  EnCana Corporation & EnCana Oil & Gas Partnership, as amended;

         (n)      "EFFECTIVE TIME" means 8:00 a.m., Calgary time, on the 1st day
                  of September, 2006;

                                     - 3 -

         (o)      "ENVIRONMENTAL LAW" means any Applicable Law relating to:

                  (i)      protection of the environment, persons or the public
                           welfare from actual or potential exposure (or the
                           effects of exposure) to any actual or potential
                           release, discharge, spill or emission (whether past
                           or present); or

                  (ii)     the manufacture, processing, production, gathering,
                           transportation, use, treatment, storage or disposal
                           of any chemical, raw material, pollutant, contaminant
                           or toxic, corrosive or hazardous substance,
                           by-product or waste;

         (p)      "ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES" means all liabilities pertaining
                  to the Assets in respect of the environment, whether or not
                  caused by a breach of any Environmental Law and whether or not
                  resulting from operations conducted with respect to the
                  Assets, including, without limitation, liabilities related to:

                  (i)      the transportation, storage, use or disposal of toxic
                           or hazardous substances or hazardous, dangerous or
                           non-dangerous oilfield substances or waste;

                  (ii)     the release, spill, escape or emission of toxic or
                           hazardous substances;

                  (iii)    any other pollution or contamination of the surface,
                           substrate, soil, air, ground water, surface water or
                           marine environments;

                  (iv)     damages and losses suffered by Third Parties as a
                           result of the occurrences in paragraphs (i) to (iii)
                           of this section; and

                  (v)      any obligations imposed by an Environmental Law to
                           protect the environment or to rectify environmental

         (q)      "FACILITIES" means the facilities described in Schedule "C";

         (r)      "GST" means the goods and services tax payable pursuant to the
                  GST Legislation;

         (s)      "GST LEGISLATION" means the Excise Tax Act, 1985 R.S.C., c.
                  E-15, as amended, and the regulations thereunder;

         (t)      "GENERAL CONVEYANCE" means the general conveyance in the form
                  of Schedule "F";

         (u)      "GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY" means any federal, provincial or
                  local government or governmental regulatory body and any of
                  their respective boards, subdivisions, agencies,
                  instrumentalities, authorities or tribunals;

         (v)      "INTERIM PERIOD" means the period from and including the
                  Effective Time up to but not including the Closing Date;

                                     - 4 -

         (w)      "LANDS" means the Vendor's entire interest in and to those
                  lands within the areas outlined in red on the land plat
                  attached hereto as Schedule "A-1" including, without
                  limitation, the lands set forth and described in Schedule "A"
                  and any lands pooled or unitized therewith, including the
                  Petroleum Substances within, upon or under such lands, subject
                  to the restrictions and exclusions set forth in the Leases as
                  to Petroleum Substances and geological formations;

         (x)      "LAND SCHEDULE" means Schedule "A";

         (y)      "LEASES" means the leases, options to lease, licenses, permits
                  and similar documents of title described in the Land Schedule
                  under the heading "Leases" by virtue of which the holder
                  thereof is entitled to drill for, win, take, own or remove
                  Petroleum Substances within, upon or under the Lands or by
                  virtue of which the holder thereof is deemed to be entitled to
                  a share of Petroleum Substances removed from the Lands or any
                  lands with which the Lands are pooled or unitized and
                  includes, if applicable, all renewals and extensions of such
                  documents and documents issued in substitution therefor;

         (z)      "LOSSES" means, in respect of a Party and in relation to a
                  matter, all losses, costs, claims, expenses, liabilities and
                  damages which such Party suffers, sustains, pays or incurs in
                  connection with such matter and includes taxes (other than
                  refundable taxes), reasonable costs of legal counsel (on a
                  full indemnity basis) and other consultants and reasonable
                  costs of investigating and defending claims arising from such
                  matter, regardless of whether such claims are sustained but
                  does not include consequential or indirect losses or loss of

         (aa)     "MISCELLANEOUS INTERESTS" means, subject to any and all
                  limitations and exclusions provided for in this definition,
                  Vendor's interests in all property, assets, interests and
                  rights (other than the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights and
                  the Tangibles) directly related to the Petroleum and Natural
                  Gas Rights or the Tangibles, including, without limitation,
                  any and all of the following:

                  (i)      contracts and agreements directly related to the
                           Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights or the Tangibles
                           including, without limitation, the Title and
                           Operating Documents;

                  (ii)     the Surface Rights;

                  (iii)    the Data;

                  (iv)     the Wells, including well bores and casing; and

                  (v)      proceeds of property damage insurance in respect of
                           events occurring between the Effective Time and the
                           Closing Date;

                  but not including Petroleum Substances in tanks or in storage
                  at the Effective Time;

                                     - 5 -

         (bb)     "PARTIES" means the parties to this Agreement and "PARTY"
                  means any one of them;

         (cc)     "PERMITTED ENCUMBRANCES" means:

                  (i)      liens for taxes, assessments and governmental charges
                           which are not due;

                  (ii)     liens incurred or created in the ordinary course of
                           business as security in favour of the person who is
                           conducting the development or operation of the
                           property to which such liens relate for Vendor's
                           proportionate share of costs and expenses of such
                           development or operation which are not due at the
                           Closing Date;

                  (iii)    builders' liens, warehousemen's liens, materialmen's
                           liens, processor's liens and similar liens in respect
                           of costs related to the Assets incurred in the
                           ordinary course of the oil and gas business which are
                           not due at the Closing Date;

                  (iv)     easements, rights of way, servitudes and other
                           similar rights in land (including, without
                           limitation, rights of way and servitudes for roads,
                           railways, sewers, drains, gas and oil pipelines, gas
                           and water mains and electric light, power, telephone,
                           telegraph and cable television conduits, poles, wires
                           and cables);

                  (v)      the right reserved to or vested in any municipality
                           or government or other public authority by the terms
                           of any lease, license, franchise, grant or permit or
                           by any statutory provision, to terminate any such
                           lease, license, franchise, grant or permit or to
                           require annual or other periodic payments as a
                           condition of the continuance thereof;

                  (vi)     rights of general application reserved to or vested
                           in any Governmental Authority to levy taxes on
                           Petroleum Substances or any of them or the income
                           therefrom, and governmental requirements and
                           limitations of general application as to production
                           rates or operations;

                  (vii)    royalties, liens, adverse claims, penalties,
                           reductions in interests and other encumbrances
                           disclosed in the Land Schedule;

                  (viii)   the reservations, limitations, provisos and
                           conditions in any grants or transfers from the Crown
                           of any of the Lands or interests therein and
                           statutory exceptions to title;

                  (ix)     the Sale, Processing and Transportation Agreements
                           and agreements respecting the operation of wells by
                           contract field operators which are either terminable
                           on not greater than thirty (30) day's notice (without
                           an early termination penalty or other cost) or
                           identified in Schedule "D";

                                     - 6 -

                  (x)      provisions for penalties and forfeitures under
                           agreements as a consequence of non-participation in
                           operations, provided that any such penalties or
                           forfeitures which apply to the Assets as a result of
                           Vendor's election or deemed election not to
                           participate in a particular operation prior to date
                           hereof shall be identified in Schedule "A";

                  (xi)     the terms and conditions of the Title and Operating
                           Documents provided that the following items must be
                           identified in a Schedule hereto to qualify as a
                           Permitted Encumbrance: (A) any overriding royalties,
                           net profits interests or other encumbrances
                           applicable to the Assets; (B) any potential reduction
                           of Vendor's interest in the Assets because of a
                           payout conversion; (C) any Rights of First Refusal;
                           and (D) any penalty or forfeiture that applies to the
                           Assets because of Vendor's election not to
                           participate in a particular operation; and

                  (xii)    liens granted in the ordinary course of business to a
                           public utility, municipality, or Governmental
                           Authority with respect to operations pertaining to
                           any of the Assets;

                  RIGHTS" means the interests of Vendor in respect of the Leases
                  to the extent they apply to the Lands, including, without
                  limitation, any existing contractual right of the Vendor to
                  earn an interest in the Lands under a farmin, or other similar
                  arrangements, any net carried interest and any overriding
                  royalty, net profits interest or other encumbrance accruing to
                  the Vendor on the Lands including, without limitation, those
                  described in Schedule "A";

         (ee)     "PETROLEUM SUBSTANCES" means crude oil, petroleum, natural
                  gas, natural gas liquids, natural gas derived from coal, and
                  other related hydrocarbons (except coal) and any and all other
                  substances (including sulphur), whether liquid, solid or
                  gaseous and whether hydrocarbons or not, produced in
                  association therewith;

         (ff)     "PRIME RATE" means the rate of interest, expressed as a rate
                  per annum, designated by the main branch in Calgary of the
                  Bank of Montreal as the reference rate used by it to determine
                  rates of interest charged by it on Canadian dollar commercial
                  loans made in Canada and which is announced by such bank, from
                  time to time, as its prime rate, provided that whenever such
                  bank announces a change in such reference rate, the "Prime
                  Rate" shall correspondingly change effective on the date the
                  change in such reference rate is effective;

         (gg)     "PURCHASE PRICE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in section

         (hh)     "PURCHASER" means TriStar Oil & Gas Partnership;

         (ii)     "RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL" or "ROFR" means a right of first
                  refusal, preemptive right of purchase or similar right whereby
                  a Third Party has the right to acquire or

                                     - 7 -

                  purchase an interest in or portion of the Assets as a
                  consequence of Vendor having agreed to sell the Assets to
                  Purchaser in accordance with this Agreement;

                  agreements for the sale of Petroleum Substances produced from
                  the Lands or lands pooled or unitized therewith and agreements
                  providing for the gathering, transportation, compression,
                  processing, treatment or storage of Petroleum Substances
                  produced from the Lands or lands pooled or unitized therewith;

         (kk)     "SEISMIC" means all records, books, documents, licences,
                  reports and data and all sale, trading and reproduction rights
                  associated with the Lands and the seismic programs, line or
                  lines set out in Schedule "G" hereto, including without

                  (i)      all permanent records of basic field data including,
                           but not limited to, any and all microfilm or paper
                           copies of seismic driller's reports, monitor records,
                           observer's reports and survey notes and any and all
                           copies of magnetic field tapes or conversions

                  (ii)     all permanent records of the processed field data
                           including, but not limited to, any and all microfilm
                           or paper copies of shot point maps, pre- and
                           post-stacked record sections including amplitude,
                           phase and structural displays, post-stack data
                           manipulations including filters, migrations and
                           wavelet enhancements, and any and all copies of final
                           stacked tapes and any manipulations and conversions

                  (iii)    in the case of 3D seismic, in addition to the
                           foregoing, all permanent records or bin locations,
                           bin fold, static corrections, surface elevations and
                           any other relevant information;

                  (iv)     including, without limitation, access to view any
                           trade seismic data in possession of Vendor within the
                           area outlined in red on Schedule "A-1"; and

                  (v)      any and all interpretations of the foregoing;

         (ll)     "SPECIFIC CONVEYANCES" means all conveyances, assignments,
                  transfers, novations and other documents or instruments that
                  are reasonably required or desirable, in accordance with
                  normal oil and gas industry practices, to convey, assign and
                  transfer the Assets to Purchaser and to novate Purchaser into
                  the Title and Operating Documents in the place and stead of
                  Vendor with respect to the Assets;

         (mm)     "SURFACE RIGHTS" means all rights to enter upon, use or occupy
                  the surface of lands (including, but not limited to, the
                  Lands) which are used or held for use in connection with the
                  Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights or the Tangibles, including
                  rights to enter upon and occupy the surface of lands on which
                  the Tangibles and the Wells are located and rights to use the
                  surface of lands to gain access thereto;

                                     - 8 -

         (nn)     "TAKE OR PAY OBLIGATIONS" means take or pay and similar
                  obligations related to the Assets arising after the Effective
                  Time as a result of payments made prior to the Effective Time
                  by or on behalf of buyers of Petroleum Substances in lieu of
                  or in satisfaction of their obligations to buy Petroleum
                  Substances or as prepayment of the price to be paid for
                  Petroleum Substances;

         (oo)     "TANGIBLES" means: (i) the interest of Vendor in the
                  Facilities listed in Schedule "C" (subject to the noted
                  exceptions set forth therein); and (ii) the interests of
                  Vendor which are directly related to the Petroleum and Natural
                  Gas Rights in all other tangible depreciable property and
                  assets used or intended to be used in producing, processing,
                  gathering, treating, measuring or injecting Petroleum
                  Substances or any of them from the Lands or lands pooled or
                  unitized therewith or in connection with water injection or
                  removal operations that pertain to the Petroleum and Natural
                  Gas Rights, including, without limitation, gas plants, oil
                  batteries, production equipment, pipelines, pipeline
                  connections, meters, dehydrators, motors, compressors,
                  treaters, dehydrators, scrubbers, separators, pumps, tanks,
                  boilers and communication equipment;

         (pp)     "THIRD PARTY" means any partnership, corporation, trust,
                  unincorporated organization, union, government, governmental
                  department or agency, individual or any heir, executor,
                  administrator or other legal representative of an individual
                  other than a Party;

         (qq)     "TITLE AND OPERATING DOCUMENTS" means (i) the Leases (ii) all
                  agreements relating to the ownership or operation of the
                  Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights or the Tangibles or the
                  Surface Rights entered into in the normal course of business,
                  including, without limitation: the EnCana Farmout Agreement,
                  operating procedures; unit agreements and unit operating
                  agreements; agreements for the construction, ownership and
                  operation of gas plants, pipelines, gas gathering systems and
                  similar facilities; pooling agreements, royalty agreements,
                  farmin agreements, farmout agreements and participation
                  agreements; agreements respecting the gathering, measurement,
                  processing, compression or transportation of Petroleum
                  Substances; well operating contracts; and surface leases,
                  pipeline easements, road use agreements and other contracts
                  granting the right to use the surface of lands; and (iii) all
                  permits, licenses and approvals issued or granted by
                  Governmental Authorities pertaining to the ownership or
                  operation of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights or the
                  Tangibles or the gathering, processing, treatment, storage,
                  measurement, transportation or sale of the production of
                  Petroleum Substances from the Lands or lands pooled or
                  unitized therewith; and

         (rr)     "WELLS" means all producing, shut-in, abandoned, suspended,
                  capped, injection and disposal wells, located on the Lands or
                  lands pooled or unitized therewith, in which Vendor has an
                  interest, including, without limitation those set forth in
                  Schedule "B".

                                     - 9 -


         Except as otherwise expressly provided, a reference in this Agreement
         to an "Article", "section", "subsection", "paragraph" or "Schedule" is
         a reference to an article, section, subsection, paragraph or schedule
         to this Agreement.


         The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not
         affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.


         When the context reasonably permits, words suggesting the singular
         shall be construed as suggesting the plural and vice versa, and words
         suggesting one gender shall be construed as suggesting other genders.

1.5      SCHEDULES

         The following Schedules are attached to and form a part of this

         Schedule "A"   - Land Schedule
         Schedule "A-1" - Land Plat
         Schedule "B"   - Wells
         Schedule "C"   - Facilities
         Schedule "D"   - Sale, Processing and Transportation Agreements
         Schedule "E"   - AFEs
         Schedule "F"   - General Conveyance
         Schedule "G"   - Seismic
         Schedule "H"   - Disclosure Schedule

         Wherever any term or condition, express or implied, of such Schedules
         conflicts or is at variance, with any term or condition in the body of
         this Agreement, such term or condition in the body of this Agreement
         shall prevail.

1.6      CURRENCY

         All references to "$" or "Dollars" herein are references to Canadian


         Where in this Agreement a representation or warranty is limited to the
         knowledge or awareness of Vendor, such knowledge or awareness consists
         of the actual knowledge or awareness, as the case may be, of the
         current employees of Vendor at or above the supervisory level, after
         reasonable inquiry. For the avoidance of doubt, knowledge or awareness
         does not include the knowledge of any Third Party or constructive

                                     - 10 -

                                    ARTICLE 2
                                PURCHASE AND SALE


         Vendor hereby agrees to sell the Assets to Purchaser and Purchaser
         hereby agrees to purchase the Assets from Vendor, subject to and in
         accordance with this Agreement.


         The purchase price to be paid by Purchaser to Vendor for the Assets
         will be Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000.00) (the "BASE
         PRICE") plus or minus (as applicable) the net amount of the adjustments
         made pursuant to Article 4 (collectively, the "PURCHASE PRICE").


         The Base Price shall be allocated among the Assets as follows:

                  To Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights:  $ 280,000.00
                  To Tangibles: ......................  $  69,990.00
                  To Miscellaneous Interests: ........  $      10.00
                  TOTAL ..............................  $ 350,000.00


         The Purchase Price shall be paid by Purchaser to Vendor as follows:

         (a)      at Closing, Purchaser shall pay to Vendor by certified cheque,
                  bank draft or wire transfer the Base Price plus or minus (as
                  applicable) the adjustments to be made at Closing pursuant to
                  Article 4; and

         (b)      the adjustments made pursuant to Article 4 after Closing shall
                  be paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.

2.5      GST

         The Purchase Price does not include GST. At Closing, Purchaser shall
         pay to Vendor by certified cheque or bank draft an amount equal to the
         statutory rate of GST of the portion of the Purchase Price allocated to
         Tangibles pursuant to section 2.3 on account of the GST payable by
         Purchaser in respect of its purchase of the Assets pursuant hereto.
         Vendor shall remit such amount to the appropriate taxation authorities
         in accordance with the GST Legislation. Purchaser shall be responsible
         for the payment of any additional GST payable in respect of its
         purchase of the Assets pursuant hereto and any interest and penalties
         payable in respect of such additional GST and shall indemnify and save
         harmless Vendor in respect thereof. Each Party represents that its
         registration number for GST purposes is:

                                     - 11 -

                  Vendor           -        o
                  Purchaser        -        806608949 RT0001

                                    ARTICLE 3


         Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Parties, Closing shall
         take place at the Closing Time at the offices of Heenan Blaikie LLP
         located at 1200, 425 - 1st Street SW, Calgary, Alberta.


         The transfer and assignment of the Assets from Vendor to Purchaser
         shall be effective as of the Effective Time; however, possession and
         title to the Assets shall not pass to Purchaser until Closing, provided
         Closing occurs.


         (a)      At Closing, Vendor shall table the following:

                  (i)      the General Conveyance fully executed by Vendor;

                  (ii)     as many Specific Conveyances as may be reasonably
                           prepared prior to Closing fully executed by Vendor
                           (and in any particular case where this may not be
                           possible due to timing constraints an undertaking by
                           Vendor to provide the remaining Specific Conveyances
                           at the earliest possible date);

                  (iii)    the releases and registerable discharges or no
                           interest letters referred to in subsection 5.1(i)

                  (iv)     the certificates described in section 5.1; and

                  (v)      such other items as may be specifically required
                           hereunder or as may be reasonably requested by

         (b)      At Closing, Purchaser shall table the following:

                  (i)      the amounts payable at Closing on account of the
                           Purchase Price and GST in accordance with sections
                           2.4(a) and 2.5;

                  (ii)     the certificates described in section 5.2; and

                                     - 12 -

                  (iii)    such other items as may be specifically required
                           hereunder or as may be reasonably requested by

                  In addition, Purchaser will execute the General Conveyance and
                  the Specific Conveyances tabled by Vendor.


         Vendor shall also deliver at Closing, or within a reasonable time
         thereafter, to Purchaser original copies of the Data including the


         Vendor shall use reasonable efforts to prepare at its cost and as
         required in accordance with Applicable Law the Specific Conveyances
         prior to Closing to convey the Assets to the Purchaser or its nominee.
         None of the Specific Conveyances shall confer or impose upon a Party
         any greater right or obligation than contemplated in this Agreement.
         All Specific Conveyances that are prepared and circulated to Purchaser
         in a reasonable time prior to the Closing Time shall be executed and
         delivered by the Parties at Closing. Purchaser shall bear all costs to
         register the Specific Conveyances and post all security as may be
         required to cause the transfer of all licenses associated therewith to
         be approved by all Governmental Authorities. Vendor shall circulate and
         register all such Specific Conveyances that by their nature require
         circulation or registration promptly after Closing.

                                    ARTICLE 4


         (a)      Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all costs and
                  expenses relating to the Assets (including, without
                  limitation, maintenance, development, capital and operating
                  costs) and all revenues relating to the Assets (including,
                  without limitation, proceeds from the sale of production and
                  fees from processing, treating or transporting Petroleum
                  Substances on behalf of Third Parties) shall be apportioned as
                  of the Effective Time between Vendor and Purchaser on an
                  accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting
                  principles, provided that:

                  (i)      deposits made by Vendor relative to operations on the
                           Lands shall be returned to Vendor;

                  (ii)     costs and expenses of work done, services provided
                           and goods supplied shall be deemed to accrue for the
                           purposes of this Article when the work is done or the
                           goods (other than inventory) or services are
                           provided, regardless of when such costs and expenses
                           become payable;

                                     - 13 -

                  (iii)    no adjustment shall be made in respect of Alberta
                           Royalty Tax Credits or, except as otherwise provided
                           herein, Vendor's overhead;

                  (iv)     where Vendor is the operator of any particular Asset,
                           Vendor will be entitled to all overhead recoveries
                           and operator's fees for the period up to the
                           Effective Time;

                  (v)      revenues from the sale of Petroleum Substances will
                           be adjusted on the basis of the date the Petroleum
                           Substances are produced;

                  (vi)     all rentals and similar payments in respect of the
                           Leases or Surface Rights comprised in the Assets and
                           all taxes (other than income taxes) levied with
                           respect to the Assets or operations in respect
                           thereof shall be apportioned between Vendor and
                           Purchaser on a per diem basis as of the Effective
                           Time; and

                  (vii)    Petroleum Substances attributable to the Assets which
                           were produced, but not sold, as of the Effective Time
                           shall be retained by Vendor and Vendor shall be
                           responsible for all royalties or other encumbrances
                           thereon. Petroleum Substances will be deemed to be
                           sold on a first in, first out basis.

         (b)      Subject to the foregoing provisions of this section 4.1, for
                  the purposes of the Interim Period, all benefits and
                  obligations relating to the Assets, including revenue,
                  expenses, operating costs and expenses, capital costs, lease
                  rentals, royalty obligations and the proceeds from the sale of
                  production from the Lands, are to be received by or paid by
                  the Vendor and adjusted for on the interim statement of
                  adjustments or the final statement of adjustments and as
                  provided in subsection 4.2(c), in an amount equal to:

                  (i)      the proceeds from the sale of production from the
                           Lands for the Interim Period, minus

                  (ii)     all royalties and operating expenses for the Interim
                           Period, minus

                  (iii)    those capital expenses for which Purchaser is
                           responsible for the Interim Period.

                  Vendor shall report all net revenue and pay all income tax on
                  the net revenue for the Interim Period.


         (a)      An interim accounting of the adjustments pursuant to section
                  4.1 shall be made at Closing, based on Vendor's good faith
                  estimate of the costs and expenses paid by Vendor prior to
                  Closing and the revenues received by Vendor prior to Closing.
                  Vendor and Purchaser shall cooperate in preparing such interim
                  accounting and Vendor shall provide a statement setting forth

                                     - 14 -

                  the adjustments to be made at Closing not later than four (4)
                  Business Days prior to Closing and shall assist Purchaser in
                  verifying the amounts set forth in such statement. A further
                  accounting of the adjustments pursuant to section 4.1 shall be
                  conducted within six (6) months following the Closing Date.
                  Additional adjustments will be made after such six (6) month
                  period as and when they are ascertained by the Parties,
                  provided that, subject to subsection (c) of this section, the
                  Parties shall not be obligated to make an adjustment more than
                  two (2) years after Closing unless such adjustment has been
                  specifically requested, by written notice, within such period.
                  All adjustments after Closing shall be settled by payment by
                  the Party required to make payment hereunder within thirty
                  (30) days of being notified of the determination of the amount

         (b)      During the two (2) year period following the Closing Date,
                  Purchaser may audit the books, records and accounts of Vendor
                  respecting the Assets, for the purpose of effecting
                  adjustments pursuant to this Article. Such audit shall be
                  conducted upon reasonable notice to Vendor at Vendor's offices
                  during Vendor's normal business hours, and shall be conducted
                  at the sole expense of Purchaser.

         (c)      Notwithstanding subsection 4.2(a), the Parties will be
                  required to make an adjustment pursuant to this Article 4 more
                  than two (2) years after Closing if:

                  (i)      the adjustment arises from a Crown royalty audit
                           commenced prior to four (4) years after the end of
                           the calendar year in which Closing occurs and a
                           written request for the adjustment is given by one
                           Party to the other Party within one hundred and
                           twenty (120) days of the requesting Party's receipt
                           of the results of the audit; or

                  (ii)     the adjustment arises from a joint venture audit
                           commenced prior to two (2) years after the end of the
                           calendar year in which Closing occurs and a written
                           request for the adjustment is given by one Party to
                           the other Party within one hundred and twenty (120)
                           days of the requesting Party's receipt of the results
                           of the audit.

         (d)      All adjustments provided for in this Article shall be
                  adjustments to the Purchase Price. An adjustment payable by a
                  Party after Closing pursuant to this section 4.2 which is not
                  paid within thirty (30) days of a written request for payment
                  from the other Party, shall bear interest at the Prime Rate
                  percent per annum payable by the paying Party to the other
                  Party from the end of such thirty (30) day period until the
                  adjustment is paid.


         Either Party may, at any time, refer to arbitration a dispute between
         the Parties respecting the requirement for or the amount of an
         adjustment pursuant to the provisions of this Article 4.

                                     - 15 -


         (a)      For a period of twenty-four (24) months after Closing, the
                  Parties shall provide reasonable assistance to each other in
                  the remittance or recoupment of any overpayment or
                  underpayment of royalties relating to the Assets.

         (b)      Vendor shall invoice all joint interest owners for all
                  billable costs attributable to the operations pertaining to
                  the Assets for which Vendor is the operator until the month
                  following the month in which Closing occurs. All subsequent
                  joint interest billings for such Assets shall be prepared and
                  distributed by Purchaser. The Parties shall provide reasonable
                  assistance to each other in the collection or recoupment of
                  any overpayment or underpayment of joint operations accounts


         The Assets do not include deposits made by Vendor which relate to the
         Assets or cash call advances, operating fund payments or similar
         advances made by Vendor to an operator of the Assets. Such amounts
         shall, at the option of Vendor, either be returned to Vendor and (if
         required) replaced by Purchaser or be transferred by Vendor to
         Purchaser, in which event Purchaser shall reimburse the amount thereof
         to Vendor.

                                    ARTICLE 5
                              CONDITIONS OF CLOSING


         The obligation of Purchaser to purchase the Assets pursuant hereto is
         subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the Closing Date of the
         following conditions, which are for the exclusive benefit of Purchaser
         and may be waived by Purchaser:

         (a)      Representations and Warranties: The representations and
                  warranties of Vendor herein contained shall be true in all
                  material respects when made and as of the Closing Date and a
                  certificate of an officer of Vendor to that effect shall have
                  been delivered by Vendor to Purchaser at Closing;

         (b)      Obligations: All obligations of Vendor contained in this
                  Agreement to be performed prior to or at Closing shall have
                  been timely performed in all material respects and a
                  certificate of an officer of Vendor to that effect shall have
                  been delivered by Vendor to Purchaser at Closing;

         (c)      Approval of Transactions: Purchaser shall have obtained any
                  necessary approvals to complete the transactions contemplated
                  herein, from its boards of directors;

         (d)      No Adverse Damage: There shall be no physical damage to any of
                  the Tangibles from the date hereof to the Closing Date,
                  ordinary wear and tear excepted therefrom;

                                     - 16 -

         (e)      Delivery of Conveyance Documents: Vendor shall have delivered
                  to Purchaser the General Conveyance and those of the Specific
                  Conveyances prepared prior to Closing executed by Vendor and
                  those other documents and materials described in section
                  3.3(a)(iv) which are to be provided to Purchaser at Closing;

         (f)      Inspection of Assets: Purchaser and/or its agent shall have
                  been given the opportunity to complete an inspection of all
                  associated wellsites and equipment and to make environmental
                  and other assessments of the Assets to the reasonable
                  satisfaction of the Purchaser which condition shall be
                  satisfied or waived by Purchaser three (3) Business Days prior
                  to the Closing Date;

         (g)      Review of Records: Purchaser shall be permitted access to
                  review Vendor's records with respect to revenues received and
                  royalties and operating costs paid regarding the operation of
                  the Assets and confirming that same are as represented by
                  Vendor and are satisfactory to Purchaser, which condition
                  shall be satisfied or waived by Purchaser three (3) Business
                  Days prior to the Closing Date;

         (h)      Title Review: Purchaser shall be permitted access to review
                  Vendor's Title and Operating Documents with respect to the
                  Vendor's title to the Assets and confirming the Vendor's title
                  to the Assets is as represented by Vendor and are satisfactory
                  to Purchaser, which condition shall be satisfied or waived by
                  Purchaser three (3) Business Days prior to the Closing Date;

         (i)      Discharges: Vendor shall have delivered to Purchaser releases
                  and registrable discharges or no-interest letters from all
                  parties holding security interests in the Assets; and

         (j)      Concurrent Closing: Concurrent with the Closing as provided
                  for herein, Purchaser shall close the acquisition to purchase
                  from Ranger Canyon Energy Inc. its interest in the Assets (as

         If any of the foregoing conditions has not been complied with, or
         waived by Purchaser at or before the Closing Date, Purchaser may,
         terminate its obligations to purchase the Assets from Vendor by written
         notice to Vendor and, in such event Purchaser and Vendor shall be
         released and discharged from all obligations hereunder except as
         provided in sections 5.3 and 5.4.


         The obligation of Vendor to sell the Assets pursuant hereto is subject
         to the satisfaction at or prior to the Closing Date of the following
         conditions, which are for the exclusive benefit of Vendor and may be
         waived by Vendor:

         (a)      Representations and Warranties: The representations and
                  warranties of Purchaser herein contained shall be true in all
                  material respects when made and as of the Closing Date and a
                  certificate of an officer of Purchaser to that effect shall
                  have been delivered by Purchaser to Vendor at Closing;

                                     - 17 -

         (b)      Obligations: All obligations of Purchaser contained in this
                  Agreement to be performed prior to or at Closing shall have
                  been timely performed in all material respects and a
                  certificate of an officer of Purchaser to that effect shall
                  have been delivered by Purchaser to Vendor at Closing;

         (c)      Payment: All amounts to be paid by Purchaser to Vendor
                  pursuant hereto shall have been paid to Vendor by Purchaser in
                  accordance with and in the form stipulated in this Agreement;

         (d)      Delivery of Conveyance Documents: Purchaser shall have
                  executed and delivered to Vendor at least one copy of the
                  General Conveyance and those of the Specific Conveyances
                  tabled by Vendor at Closing, and delivered to the Vendor the
                  other documents and materials described in section 3.3(b).

         If any of the foregoing conditions has not been complied with, or
         waived by Vendor at or before the Closing Date, Vendor may, terminate
         its obligations to sell the Assets to Purchaser by written notice to
         Purchaser and, in such event Purchaser and Vendor shall be released and
         discharged from all obligations hereunder except as provided in
         sections 5.3 and 5.4.


         Purchaser and Vendor shall proceed diligently and in good faith and use
         all reasonable efforts to fulfill and assist in the fulfillment of the
         conditions precedent. In furtherance of this intent, Vendor shall use
         all reasonable efforts to ensure Purchaser has direct contact and
         communication with and the cooperation of the operator of the Assets to
         enable Purchaser to complete its due diligence review of the Assets.


         If a condition set forth in section 5.1 or 5.2 is not satisfied as a
         result of a breach by a Party of its obligations hereunder, subject to
         section 2.5, such Party shall be liable to the other Party for the
         other Party's Losses resulting from such breach whether it elects to
         terminate its obligations to purchase or sell the Assets pursuant


         A certificate of an officer of a Party delivered pursuant hereto shall
         be made by such officer on behalf of such Party and such officer shall
         have no personal liability in respect thereof.

                                     - 18 -

                                    ARTICLE 6


         The Vendor represents and warrants to Purchaser that:

         (a)      Standing: Vendor is, and at the Closing Date shall continue to
                  be a corporation, validly existing and in good standing under
                  the laws of Alberta and the jurisdictions in which the Assets
                  are located. Vendor has all the requisite power and authority
                  to sell, assign, transfer and convey the Assets to Purchaser
                  in accordance with this Agreement;

         (b)      No Conflicts: The consummation of the transaction contemplated
                  herein will not violate, nor be in conflict with, any
                  provision of any agreement or instrument to which Vendor is a
                  party or by which Vendor is bound or any judgment, decree,
                  order, law, statute, rule or regulation applicable to Vendor;

         (c)      Execution of Documents: This Agreement has been duly executed
                  and delivered by Vendor and all other documents (including the
                  General Conveyance and the Specific Conveyances) executed and
                  delivered pursuant hereto will be duly executed and delivered,
                  and this Agreement does, and such documents will, constitute
                  legal, valid and binding obligations of Vendor enforceable in
                  accordance with their respective terms, subject to bankruptcy,
                  insolvency, preference, reorganization, moratorium and other
                  similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and the
                  discretion of courts with respect to equitable or
                  discretionary remedies and defenses;

         (d)      Finders' Fees: Vendor has not incurred any obligation or
                  liability, contingent or otherwise, for brokers' or finders'
                  fees in respect of this transaction for which Purchaser shall
                  have any obligation or liability;

         (e)      No Authorizations: No authorization or approval or other
                  action by, and no notice to or filing with, any Governmental
                  Authority or regulatory body exercising jurisdiction over the
                  Assets or Vendor is required for the due execution, delivery
                  and performance by Vendor of this Agreement;

         (f)      Title: Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, Vendor
                  does not warrant title to the Assets but Vendor does warrant
                  that Vendor has not done any act or thing whereby any of the
                  Assets may be cancelled or determined and, except for
                  Permitted Encumbrances, the title to the Assets is now and at
                  the Closing Time will be free and clear of all liens,
                  mortgages, royalties, encumbrances and adverse claims created
                  by, through or under Vendor or any affiliate of Vendor or of
                  which Vendor is aware;

         (g)      Quiet Enjoyment: Subject to the rents, covenants, conditions
                  and stipulations in the Leases and Permitted Encumbrances,
                  from and after Closing, Purchaser will be entitled to hold and
                  enjoy the interests in the Assets attributed to Vendor in the

                                     - 19 -

                  Schedules hereto for Purchaser's own use and benefit without
                  any interruption of or by Vendor or any Third Party claiming
                  by, through or under Vendor;

         (h)      No Lawsuits or Claims: There are no judgments and no claims,
                  proceedings, actions or lawsuits in existence, or, to the
                  Vendor's knowledge, threatened against or with respect to the
                  Assets or the interests of Vendor therein that would have a
                  material adverse affect on the aggregate value or operation of
                  the Assets, other than as disclosed in Schedule "H";

         (i)      No Breaches of Law: It has not received any written notice of
                  any violation of Applicable Law or any writ, injunction or
                  decree of any court or any Governmental Authority in relation
                  to the Assets which violation would have a material adverse
                  affect on the aggregate value or operation of the Assets or
                  which has not been remedied, other than as disclosed in
                  Schedule "H";

         (j)      No Defaults: It has received no written notice of the
                  occurrence of any act or omission whereby it is or would, with
                  notice or lapse of time or both, be in material default under
                  Applicable Law or the terms of any Lease, the Title and
                  Operating Documents or other agreement pertaining to its
                  Assets, where such a default would adversely impact the
                  Assets, or any of them, other than as disclosed in Schedule

         (k)      EnCana Farmout Agreement: In respect of the EnCana Farmout
                  Agreement, as of the date hereof and as of the Closing Date,
                  the Optionee shall have complied with all the terms and
                  conditions contained therein (including, without limitation,
                  all requirements and obligations to be performed by Optionee
                  during the Exploration Period) and as of the date hereof
                  Vendor has earned no less than six (6) gross sections of land
                  within one (1) of the Exploration Blocks and still retains all
                  rights and options to earn its interests in the two (2)
                  remaining Exploration Blocks, the one (1) Sub Exploration
                  Block and the ROFR Option Block. Capitalized terms used in
                  this section 6.1(k) and not otherwise defined herein, shall
                  have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the EnCana Farmout

         (l)      AFEs: Except as set forth in Schedule "E" to this Agreement,
                  there are no outstanding AFEs or other financial commitments,
                  which exceed $10,000, pursuant to which expenditures in
                  respect of the Assets other than normal operating costs are or
                  may be required after the Effective Time;

         (m)      Assessments: To Vendor's knowledge, all royalties, ad valorem,
                  property, production, severance and similar taxes and
                  assessments based on or measured by the Vendor's ownership of
                  the Assets or the production of Petroleum Substances from the
                  Lands or the receipt of proceeds therefrom payable by the
                  Vendor and that accrued prior to the Effective Time (including
                  all prior years) have been properly and fully paid and
                  discharged or will be so paid when due;

         (n)      No Reduction: The interests of the Vendor in the Assets are
                  not subject either to reduction by virtue of the conversion or
                  other alteration of the interest of any Third Party claiming

                                     - 20 -

                  by, through or under Vendor, or to reduction by the operation
                  of any penalty created by, through or under Vendor, except for
                  the Permitted Encumbrances or as disclosed in the Land

         (o)      Sale, Processing and Transportation Agreements: Except as set
                  forth in Schedule "D", Vendor is not a party to or bound by
                  any Sale, Processing or Transportation Agreements which cannot
                  be terminated without penalty on notice from Vendor of thirty
                  (30) days or less;

         (p)      Production Penalty: To the knowledge of the Vendor, none of
                  the Wells producing Petroleum Substances that are allocable to
                  the Assets are subject to any production penalty of any nature
                  including, without limitation, contractual penalties or
                  restrictions (other than those penalties imposed in the
                  ordinary course of the oil and gas industry by a governmental
                  authority), except as set forth in Schedule "A";

         (q)      Production Allowables: To the knowledge of the Vendor, none of
                  the Wells producing Petroleum Substances that are allocable to
                  the Assets have produced in excess of applicable government
                  established production allowables and the Vendor has not
                  received notice of nor is it aware of any change or proposed
                  change in the government established production allowables for
                  any of the Wells producing Petroleum Substances that are
                  allocable to the Assets that are not applicable generally in
                  the Province of Saskatchewan, except as set forth in Schedule

         (r)      Take or Pay: There are no Take or Pay Obligations related to
                  the Assets;

         (s)      Areas of Mutual Interest: Except as identified in Schedule
                  "A", there are no areas of mutual interest or areas of
                  exclusion applicable to the Assets that remains in effect as
                  of the Closing Date and the best of the Vendor's knowledge,
                  Vendor has fully complied with and has not breached any of the
                  terms of any such areas of mutual interest or areas of
                  exclusion in respect of the Assets;

         (t)      All Vendor's Assets: The Assets comprise all of the Vendor's
                  petroleum and natural gas rights in the Province of

         (u)      Rights of First Refusal: Except as set forth in Schedule "A";
                  the Assets are not subject to any other Rights of First
                  Refusal and such Rights of First Refusal are not triggered by
                  the transactions contemplated herein;

         (v)      Offset Obligations: To the knowledge of the Vendor, and except
                  as set forth in Schedule "H", it has not received any notice
                  from or on behalf of, any lessor that a Lease is subject to an
                  offset obligation, including an unsatisfied obligation to
                  drill a well or surrender rights or an obligation to pay
                  compensatory royalties, nor is the Vendor aware or any such
                  existing obligation;

         (w)      Environmental Matters: Vendor has not received:

                                     - 21 -

                  (i)      any orders or directives under any Environmental Law
                           which requires any work, repairs, construction or
                           capital expenditures with respect to the Assets which
                           have not been fully complied with in all material

                  (ii)     any notice under any Environmental Law with respect
                           to a breach thereof related to the Assets from any
                           Third Party alleging any Environmental Liabilities
                           which have not been rectified or cured in all
                           material respects; and

                  (iii)    to Vendor's knowledge, no particular circumstance
                           exists that may give rise to any of the foregoing;

         (x)      Residency: Vendor is not a non-resident of Canada within the
                  meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada);

         (y)      Interests in Tangibles: The interests of Vendor in the
                  Facilities are as set forth in Schedule "C" and the interests
                  of Vendor in the Tangibles are beneficially owned by Vendor
                  free and clear of all security interests, encumbrances and
                  other third party claims and interests of any nature
                  whatsoever, except Permitted Encumbrances;

         (z)      Competition Act: The Vendor will comply with the Competition
                  Act (Canada) to the extent applicable to the transactions
                  herein; and

         (aa)     Operations: Where the Vendor is the operator of the Assets,
                  such Assets have been maintained and operated by the Vendor in
                  accordance with generally accepted oil and gas field practices
                  and, to the Vendor's knowledge, those Assets that are not
                  operated by the Vendor have been similarly maintained and
                  operated, except, in either case, as disclosed in Schedule


         (a)      Vendor expressly negates any representations or warranties,
                  whether written or verbal, made by Vendor, its agents,
                  servants or employees except as expressly enumerated in
                  section 6.1(a) and in particular, without limiting the
                  generality of the foregoing, Vendor disclaims all liability
                  and responsibility for any such representation, warranty,
                  statement or information made or communicated (orally or in
                  writing) to Purchaser or any of its employees, agents,
                  consultants or representatives.

         (b)      The Purchaser acknowledges that the Assets will be purchased
                  on an "as is, where is" basis and, except for the
                  representations and warranties expressly enumerated in section
                  6.1, there are no collateral agreements, conditions,
                  representations or warranties of any nature whatsoever made by
                  Vendor, express or implied, arising at law, by statute or in
                  equity or otherwise with respect to the Assets and in
                  particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
                  there are no collateral agreements, conditions,
                  representations or warranties made by Vendor, express or
                  implied, arising at law, by statute or in equity or otherwise

                                     - 22 -

                  with respect to: (i) the quantity or quality of Petroleum
                  Substances in the Lands or lands pooled or unitized therewith
                  or the recoverability of Petroleum Substances from the Lands
                  or lands pooled or unitized therewith; (ii) the value of the
                  Assets or the revenues or cash flows from production from the
                  Lands; (iii) any engineering, geological or other
                  interpretations or economic evaluations of the Assets; (iv)
                  the rates of production of Petroleum Substances from the Lands
                  or lands pooled or unitized therewith; (v) the quality,
                  condition, fitness, merchantability or serviceability of the
                  Assets or (vi) the suitability of their use for any purpose.
                  Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, but
                  subject to section 6.1, Purchaser acknowledges that it has
                  made its own independent investigation, analysis, evaluation
                  and inspection of Assets and the state and condition thereof
                  and that it has relied solely on such investigation, analysis,
                  evaluation and inspection as to its assessment of the
                  condition, quantum and value of the Assets.

         (c)      Except with respect to the representations and warranties in
                  section 6.1, Purchaser forever releases and discharges Vendor
                  and its directors, officers, servants, agents and employees
                  from any claims and all liability (whether by contract, in
                  tort, by statute or otherwise howsoever) to Purchaser or
                  Purchaser's assigns and successors, as a result of the use or
                  reliance upon advice, information or materials pertaining to
                  the Assets which was delivered or made available to Purchaser
                  by Vendor or its directors, officers, servants, agents or
                  employees prior to or pursuant to this Agreement, including,
                  without limitation, any evaluations, projections, reports and
                  interpretive materials prepared by Vendor or otherwise in
                  Vendor's possession.


         Purchaser represents and warrants to the Vendor that:

         (a)      Standing: It is a partnership, duly organized and validly
                  existing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation,
                  is authorized to carry on business in all jurisdictions in
                  which the Assets are located, and shall have prior to the
                  Closing Date, the requisite power and authority to purchase
                  and pay for its portion of the Assets in accordance with this

         (b)      No Conflicts: The consummation of the transaction contemplated
                  herein will not violate, nor be in conflict with, any
                  provision of any agreement or instrument to which Purchaser is
                  a party or by which Purchaser is bound or any judgment,
                  decree, order, law, statute, rule or regulation applicable to

         (c)      Execution of Documents: Subject to Purchaser receiving
                  approval from the board of directors of its managing partner,
                  this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by
                  Purchaser and all other documents (including the General
                  Conveyance and the Specific Conveyances) executed and
                  delivered by Purchaser pursuant hereto will be duly executed
                  and delivered, and this Agreement does, and such documents
                  will, constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of
                  Purchaser enforceable in accordance with their respective

                                     - 23 -

                  terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, preference,
                  reorganization, moratorium and other similar laws affecting
                  creditors' rights generally and the discretion of the courts
                  with respect to equitable or discretionary remedies and

         (d)      Finders' Fees: Purchaser has not incurred any liability,
                  contingent or otherwise, for brokers' or finders' fees in
                  respect of this transaction for which Vendor shall have any
                  obligation or liability;

         (e)      Investment Canada and Competition Act: Purchaser will comply
                  with the Investment Canada Act (Canada) and the Competition
                  Act (Canada) to the extent applicable to the transactions

         (f)      No Authorizations: Subject to Purchaser receiving approval by
                  its board of directors, no authorization or approval or other
                  action by, and no notice to or filing with, any Governmental
                  Authority or regulatory body exercising jurisdiction over the
                  Assets or over Purchaser is required for the due execution,
                  delivery and performance by Purchaser of this Agreement; and

         (g)      Qualification: Purchaser meets all qualification requirements
                  of all Governmental Authorities and under Applicable Law to
                  purchase, accept and hold the Assets.

6.4      SURVIVAL

         Except as otherwise provided herein, all representations and warranties
         contained in this Agreement on the part of each of the Parties shall
         survive for a period of twelve (12) months from the Closing Date.

                                    ARTICLE 7


         Subject to section 7.3, Vendor shall indemnify Purchaser, from and
         against all of Purchaser's Losses relating to the Assets resulting from
         the representations and warranties contained in section 6.1 being
         breached or not being accurate.


         Subject to section 7.3, Purchaser shall indemnify Vendor from and
         against all of Vendor's Losses resulting from the representations and
         warranties contained in section 6.3 being breached or not being


         No claim under this Article 7 shall be made or be enforceable by a
         Party unless written notice of such claim, with reasonable particulars,
         is given by such Party to the Party against whom the claim is made
         within a period of twelve (12) months from the Closing Date. No claim
         shall be made by a Party in respect of the representations and

                                     - 24 -

         warranties made by the other Party in this Agreement except pursuant to
         this Article 7. The maximum cumulative liability of Vendor to Purchaser
         in respect of the indemnity in section 7.1 shall not exceed the Base

                                    ARTICLE 8


         Provided Closing has occurred, Purchaser shall:

         (a)      be liable to the Vendor for all its Losses; and in addition,

         (b)      indemnify and hold harmless Vendor and each of its directors,
                  officers, agents and employees from and against all Losses,

         as a result of any matter attributable to the Assets and occurring or
         accruing on or subsequent to the Effective Time, except any Losses of
         Vendor insofar as they are caused by a breach of the Vendors
         representations and warranties under section 6.1 or the gross
         negligence or wilful misconduct of the Vendor, or any of its directors,
         officers, agents or employees.


         Provided that Closing has occurred, Purchaser shall:

         (a)      be liable to the Vendor for all of its Losses; and, in

         (b)      indemnify and hold harmless Vendor and each of its directors,
                  officers, agents and employees from and against all Losses

         in respect of all Environmental Liabilities and all Abandonment and
         Reclamation Obligations howsoever and by whomsoever caused and whether
         they occur or arise in whole or in part prior to, on or subsequent to
         the Effective Time. Purchaser shall not be entitled to exercise and
         hereby waives any rights or remedies Purchaser may now or in the future
         have against Vendor in respect of such Environmental Liabilities or the
         Abandonment and Reclamation Obligations, whether such rights and
         remedies are pursuant to the common law or statute or otherwise,
         including without limitation, the right to name Vendor as a third party
         to any action commenced by any Third Party against Purchaser. Nothing
         in this section, however, will operate to limit any representation or
         warranty made by the Vendor under subsection 6.1(w) with respect to the
         environmental condition of the Assets or to affect the Purchaser's
         right to make a claim against the Vendor for breach thereof, pursuant
         to section 7.1, subject to section 6.4 and sections 7.3.

                                     - 25 -


         Provided Closing has occurred, Vendor shall:

         (a)      be liable to the Purchaser for all of Purchaser's Losses; and
                  shall, in addition,

         (b)      indemnify and hold harmless Purchaser and each of its
                  directors, officers, agents and employees from and against all

         as a direct result of any matter attributable to the Assets and
         occurring or accruing prior to the Effective Time, except any Losses of
         Purchaser insofar as they are caused by the gross negligence or wilful
         misconduct of the Purchaser, or any of their respective directors,
         officers, agents or employees.

                                    ARTICLE 9
                             RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL


         It is the Parties' belief that there are no ROFRs that are applicable
         to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Notwithstanding
         this, the Parties agree that if contrary to their common understanding
         and belief with respect to this issue, if any Third Party is able to
         establish its entitlement to a ROFR with respect to any of the Assets,
         or any interest therein, as a result of the completion of the
         transactions provided for in this Agreement, and is able to enforce the
         same, Purchaser shall comply with such ROFR.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                              MAINTENANCE OF ASSETS


         From the date hereof until the Closing Date, Vendor shall, to the
         extent that the nature of its interest permits, and subject to the
         Title and Operating Documents and any other agreements and documents to
         which the Assets are subject:

         (a)      operate and maintain the Assets in a proper and prudent manner
                  in accordance with good oil and gas industry practices and in
                  material compliance with all Applicable Law;

         (b)      maintain adequate insurance in accordance with good oil and
                  gas industry practices to cover the risks associated with the
                  Assets and the operations thereof;

         (c)      pay or cause to be paid all costs and expenses relating to the
                  Assets which become due from the date hereof to the Closing
                  Date; and

                                     - 26 -

         (d)      perform and comply with all covenants and conditions contained
                  in the Title and Operating Documents and any other agreements
                  and documents to which the Assets are subject,

         provided that where Vendor is not the operator, Vendor shall be
         obligated to do only that which a prudent non-operator would be
         expected to do in similar circumstances in accordance with accepted
         industry practices.


         Notwithstanding section 10.1, from the date hereof until the Closing
         Date, Vendor shall not, without the written consent of Purchaser, which
         consent shall not be unreasonably withheld by Purchaser and which, if
         provided, will be provided in a timely manner:

         (a)      make any commitment or propose, initiate or authorize any
                  capital expenditure with respect to the Assets of which
                  Vendor's share is in excess of $10,000, except in case of an
                  emergency or in respect of amounts which Vendor is committed
                  to expend or is deemed to authorize without its specific
                  authorization or approval;

         (b)      surrender or abandon any of the Assets;

         (c)      amend or terminate any Title and Operating Document or enter
                  into any new agreement or commitment relating to the Assets;

         (d)      sell, encumber or otherwise dispose of any of the Assets or
                  any part or portion thereof except sales of Petroleum
                  Substances in the normal course of business.


         (a)      Following Closing, Vendor shall hold its title to the Assets
                  in trust for Purchaser, as bare legal trustee, until all
                  necessary Specific Conveyances including notifications,
                  registrations and other steps required to transfer such title
                  to Purchaser have been completed;

         (b)      From the date hereof, Vendor shall represent Purchaser in all
                  matters arising under a Title and Operating Document until
                  Purchaser is substituted as a party thereto in the place of
                  Vendor, whether by novation, notice of assignment or otherwise
                  and, in furtherance thereof:

                  (i)      all payments relating to the Assets received by
                           Vendor following Closing pursuant to the Title and
                           Operating Document, other than those to which Vendor
                           is entitled under Article 4, shall be received and
                           held by Vendor in trust for Purchaser and Vendor
                           shall promptly remit such amounts to Purchaser;

                  (ii)     Vendor shall forward all statements, notices and
                           other information received by it pursuant to such
                           Title and Operating Document that pertain to the
                           Assets to Purchaser (including, without limitation,

                                     - 27 -

                           any independent operation notices and any potential
                           acquisitions pursuant to any active areas of mutual
                           interest in respect of the Assets) promptly following
                           their receipt by Vendor; and

                  (iii)    Vendor shall forward to other parties to the Title
                           and Operating Document such notices and elections
                           pursuant to such Title and Operating Document
                           pertaining to the Assets as Purchaser may reasonably
                           request (including, without limitation, any elections
                           made by Purchaser in respect of any independent
                           operation notices and any potential acquisitions
                           pursuant to any active areas of mutual interest in
                           respect of the Assets);

         (c)      Purchaser shall indemnify and save harmless Vendor from and
                  against all of Vendor's Losses arising as a consequence of the
                  provisions of subsection 10.3(a) and (b) hereof, except to the
                  extent caused by the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of
                  Vendor or its servants, agents or employees and except for
                  Vendor's overhead and general administrative costs. Acts or
                  omissions taken by Vendor or its servants or agents with the
                  approval of Purchaser shall not constitute gross negligence or
                  wilful misconduct for purposes of this subsection.


         Purchaser acknowledges that Vendor may not be able to transfer
         operatorship of any of the Assets to Purchaser at or after Closing.
         Vendor covenants with Purchaser that Vendor shall do such commercially
         reasonable things as Purchaser may request in order to obtain the
         appropriate consents and approvals for the assignment and transfer to
         Purchaser of operatorship of those of the Assets which Vendor currently

                                   ARTICLE 11


         Any disagreement between the Parties shall be referred to arbitration
         before a single arbitrator. Any such arbitration, including the
         selection of the arbitrator, shall be governed by the Arbitration Act
         (Alberta). The decision of any such arbitrator shall be final and
         binding on the Parties and the costs and fees relating thereto shall be
         borne and paid in the manner the arbitrator determines to be fair and

                                   ARTICLE 12


         Each Party will, from time to time and at all times after Closing,
         without further consideration, do such further acts and deliver all
         such further assurances, deeds and documents as shall be reasonably
         required in order to fully perform and carry out the terms of this

                                     - 28 -

12.2     NO MERGER

         The covenants, representations, warranties and indemnities contained in
         this Agreement shall survive Closing and shall not merge in any
         assignments, conveyances, transfers or other documents executed and
         delivered at or after Closing, notwithstanding any rule of law, equity
         or statute to the contrary and such rules are hereby waived.


         The provisions contained in any and all documents and agreements
         collateral hereto shall at all times be read subject to the provisions
         of this Agreement and, in the event of conflict, the provisions of this
         Agreement shall prevail. This Agreement supersedes all other
         agreements, documents, writings and verbal understanding among the
         Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and expresses the entire
         agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.


         This Agreement shall be subject to and interpreted, construed and
         enforced in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta and the
         laws of Canada applicable therein and shall be treated as a contract
         made in the Province of Alberta. The Parties irrevocably attorn and
         submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Alberta and
         courts of appeal therefrom in respect of all matters arising out of
         this Agreement.

12.5     ENUREMENT

         This Agreement may not be assigned by a Party without the prior written
         consent of the other Party, which consent may be unreasonably and
         arbitrarily withheld. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
         enure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective
         administrators, trustees, receivers, successors and permitted assigns.


         Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement.

12.7     NOTICES

         The addresses and fax number of each Party for notices shall be as

         Vendor:           Xtra Oil & Gas Ltd.
                           6 Kersdale Avenue
                           Toronto ON  M6M 1C8

                           Attention: Kiomi Mori, Secretary-Treasurer
                           Fax:       (416) 981-3055

                                     - 29 -

         Purchaser:        TriStar Oil & Gas Partnership
                           800, 350 - 7th Avenue SW
                           Calgary, Alberta
                           T2P 3N9

                           Attention: Vice-President, Land
                           Fax:       (403) 218-6075

         Any notice, communication or statement (a "NOTICE") required, permitted
         or contemplated hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered as

         (a)      by delivery to a Party between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on a
                  Business Day at the address of such Party for notices, in
                  which case the notice shall be deemed to have been received by
                  that Party when it is delivered;

         (b)      by fax to a Party to the fax number of such Party for notices,
                  in which case, if the notice was faxed prior to 4:00 p.m. on a
                  Business Day the notice shall be deemed to have been received
                  by that Party when it was faxed and if it is faxed on a day
                  which is not a Business Day or is faxed after 4:00 p.m. on a
                  Business Day, it shall be deemed to have been received on the
                  next following Business Day; or

         (c)      except in the event of an actual or threatened postal strike
                  or other labour disruption that may affect mail service, by
                  first class registered postage prepaid mail to a Party at the
                  address of such Party for notices, in which case the notice
                  shall be deemed to have been received by that Party on the
                  fifth (5th) Business Day following the date of mailing.

         A Party may from time to time change its address for service or its fax
         number for service by giving written notice of such change to the other


         In case any of the provisions of this Agreement should be invalid,
         illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality or
         enforceability of the remaining, provisions contained herein shall not
         in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

12.9     WAIVER

         No waiver by any Party of any breach (whether actual or anticipated) of
         any of the terms, conditions, representations or warranties contained
         herein shall take effect or be binding upon that Party unless the
         waiver is expressed in writing under the authority of that Party. Any
         waiver so given shall extend only to the particular breach so waived
         and shall not limit or affect any rights with respect to any other or
         future breach.


         No failure on the part of any Party in exercising any right or remedy
         hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or

                                     - 30 -

         partial exercise of any such right or remedy preclude any other or
         further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy
         in law or in equity or by statute or otherwise conferred.

12.11    AMENDMENT

         This Agreement shall not be varied in its terms or amended by oral
         agreement or by representations or otherwise other than by an
         instrument in writing dated subsequent to the date hereof, executed by
         a duly authorized representative of each Party.


         Notwithstanding, any other provision in this Agreement, if, pursuant to
         applicable securities legislation at any time within three (3) years
         from the date hereof, the Purchaser requires audited operating
         statements for the Assets or other documentation required under
         applicable securities legislation including without limitation,
         National Instrument 41-101 or National Instrument 41-501, as
         applicable, for a period during which the Assets were owned by Vendor,
         Vendor shall, in a timely manner (i) provide Purchaser with any
         applicable material in its possession or under its control, and, if
         necessary, (ii) provide access to its records to an independent
         auditing firm selected by the Purchaser for purposes of preparing such
         statements, at the Purchaser's sole cost and expense. The Purchaser
         shall cause the audit to be carried out so as to cause a minimum of
         inconvenience to the business and operations of Vendor. If the
         independent auditors require the assistance of Vendor's personnel to
         find, collect or interpret the necessary information from Vendor's
         records, Vendor shall use reasonable efforts to cause such assistance
         to be provided and the Purchaser shall reimburse Vendor for the
         reasonable costs associated with its personnel providing such
         assistance. Such audit access shall be requested and conducted solely
         for the purposes of complying with applicable securities legislation
         and for no other purpose. In no event will the obligations of Vendor
         hereunder be interpreted to expand or extend the representations and
         warranties given by Vendor in this Agreement.


         Prior to Closing, no Party shall release any information concerning
         this Agreement and the transactions herein provided for without the
         prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be
         unreasonably withheld. Nothing contained herein shall prevent a Party
         at any time from furnishing information (i) to any Governmental
         Authority or to the public if required by Applicable Law, provided that
         the Parties shall advise each other in advance of any public statement
         which they propose to make; or (ii) in connection with obtaining
         consents or complying with Rights of First Refusal.


         This Agreement may be executed in counterpart and by facsimile and
         other electronic means and all such executed counterparts together
         shall constitute one agreement.

                                     - 31 -


         The Parties agree and acknowledge that the Schedules attached hereto
         represent the best reflection of the Parties understanding of the
         constituent respective information for each Schedule at the date of the
         execution of this Agreement, however the Parties will work diligently
         together to finalize each such Schedule prior to the Closing Date in
         accordance with section 12.11.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement, effective
as of the day and year first above written.

XTRA OIL & GAS LTD.                     TRISTAR OIL & GAS PARTNERSHIP, by its
                                        managing PARTNER, TRISTAR OIL & GAS LTD.

     --------------------------------        --------------------------------
     President and Director

Per: /s/ REBECCA KIOMI MORI             Per:
     --------------------------------        --------------------------------
     Secretary-Treasurer and Director

                                     - 32 -


                                  LAND SCHEDULE

          This Schedule consists of _______ pages, including this page

                                     - 33 -


                                    LAND PLAT

             This Schedule consists of 2 pages, including this page

                                     - 34 -



          This Schedule consists of _______ pages, including this page

                                     - 35 -



                                     - 36 -



                                     - 37 -



                                     - 38 -


                               GENERAL CONVEYANCE

             This Schedule consists of 3 pages, including this page

                                     - 39 -

                               GENERAL CONVEYANCE

         This Agreement made this o day of o, 200o,


                  XTRA OIL & GAS LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "VENDOR")

                                     - and -

                  TRISTAR OIL & GAS PARTNERSHIP (hereinafter collectively
                  referred to as "PURCHASER")

WHEREAS Vendor has agreed to sell and convey the Assets to Purchaser and
Purchaser has agreed to purchase and receive the Assets from Vendor;

NOW THEREFORE for the consideration provided in the Purchase Agreement and in
consideration of the premises hereto and the covenants and agreements
hereinafter set forth and contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree as


         In this General Conveyance including the premises hereto, "Purchase
         Agreement" means the agreement entitled "Purchase and Sale Agreement"
         dated o, 2006 and made between Vendor and Purchaser. In addition, the
         definitions provided for in the Purchase Agreement are adopted herein
         by this reference.


         Pursuant to and for the consideration provided for in the Purchase
         Agreement, Vendor hereby sells, assigns, transfers, conveys and sets
         over to Purchaser the entire right, title, estate and interest of
         Vendor in and to the Assets, to have and to hold the same absolutely,
         together with all benefit and advantage to be derived therefrom.


         Possession and beneficial ownership of the Assets shall pass from
         Vendor to Purchaser on the Closing Date. For all other purposes this
         General Conveyance shall be effective as of the Effective Time.


         This General Conveyance is executed and delivered by the parties hereto
         pursuant to the Purchase Agreement and the provisions of the Purchase
         Agreement shall prevail in the event of a conflict between the
         provisions of the Purchase Agreement and the provisions of this General

                                     - 40 -

5.       ENUREMENT

         This General Conveyance shall be binding upon and shall enure to the
         benefit of each of the Parties hereto and their respective trustees,
         receivers, receiver-managers, successors and permitted assigns.


         Each party hereto will, from time to time and at all times hereafter,
         at the request of the other party but without further consideration, do
         all such further acts and execute and deliver all such further
         documents as shall be reasonably required in order to fully perform and
         carry out the terms hereof.


         Time shall be of the essence in this General Conveyance.


         This General Conveyance shall be construed in accordance with and
         governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta.


         This General Conveyance may be executed in counterpart and all executed
         counterparts together shall constitute one agreement.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this General
Conveyance on the date first above written.

XTRA OIL & GAS LTD.                     TRISTAR OIL & GAS PARTNERSHIP, by its
                                        managing partner, TRISTAR OIL & GAS LTD.

Per: /s/ William Edward McKechnie       Per: /s/ Jeremy Wallis
         William Edward McKechnie                Jeremy Wallis
         President                               Vice President, Land

Per: /s/ Rebecca Kiomi Mori
         Rebecca Kiomi Mori

                                     - 41 -



                                     - 42 -


                               DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE 1 INTERPRETATION.......................................................1

   1.1    DEFINITIONS..........................................................1
   1.2    ARTICLE, SECTION AND SCHEDULE REFERENCES.............................9
   1.3    INTERPRETATION NOT AFFECTED BY HEADINGS..............................9
   1.4    INCLUDED WORDS.......................................................9
   1.5    SCHEDULES............................................................9
   1.6    CURRENCY.............................................................9
   1.7    KNOWLEDGE OR AWARENESS...............................................9

ARTICLE 2 PURCHASE AND SALE...................................................10

   2.1    PURCHASE AND SALE...................................................10
   2.2    PURCHASE PRICE......................................................10
   2.3    ALLOCATION OF PURCHASE PRICE........................................10
   2.4    PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE...........................................10
   2.5    GST.................................................................10

ARTICLE 3 CLOSING.............................................................11

   3.1    PLACE OF CLOSING....................................................11
   3.2    EFFECTIVE TIME OF TRANSFER..........................................11
   3.3    DELIVERIES AT CLOSING...............................................11
   3.4    DELIVERY OF DATA....................................................12
   3.5    SPECIFIC CONVEYANCES................................................12

ARTICLE 4 ADJUSTMENTS.........................................................12

   4.1    COSTS AND REVENUES TO BE APPORTIONED................................12
   4.2    ADJUSTMENTS TO ACCOUNT..............................................13
   4.3    ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES.............................................14
   4.4    POST-CLOSING ACCOUNTING.............................................15
   4.5    DEPOSITS, CASH CALLS AND OPERATING FUNDS............................15

ARTICLE 5 CONDITIONS OF CLOSING...............................................15

   5.1    PURCHASER'S CONDITIONS..............................................15
   5.2    VENDOR'S CONDITIONS.................................................16
   5.3    EFFORTS TO FULFILL CONDITIONS PRECEDENT.............................17
   5.4    FAILURE OF A CONDITION DUE TO A BREACH..............................17
   5.5    OFFICER'S CERTIFICATES GENERALLY....................................17

ARTICLE 6 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES......................................18

   6.1    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF VENDOR............................18
   6.3    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF PURCHASER.........................22
   6.4    SURVIVAL............................................................23

                                     - ii -


   7.3    LIMITATION..........................................................23

ARTICLE 8 INDEMNITIES.........................................................24

   8.1    PURCHASER'S GENERAL INDEMNITY.......................................24
   8.3    VENDOR'S GENERAL INDEMNITY..........................................25

ARTICLE 9 RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL.............................................25

ARTICLE 10 MAINTENANCE OF ASSETS..............................................25

   10.1   MAINTENANCE OF ASSETS PRIOR TO CLOSING..............................25
   10.2   CONSENT OF PURCHASER................................................26
   10.3   FOLLOWING CLOSING...................................................26
   10.4   TRANSFER OF OPERATORSHIP............................................27

ARTICLE 11 ARBITRATION........................................................27

   11.1   GENERAL ARBITRATION PROVISIONS......................................27

ARTICLE 12 GENERAL............................................................27

   12.1   FURTHER ASSURANCES..................................................27
   12.2   NO MERGER...........................................................28
   12.3   ENTIRE AGREEMENT....................................................28
   12.4   GOVERNING LAW.......................................................28
   12.5   ENUREMENT...........................................................28
   12.6   TIME OF ESSENCE.....................................................28
   12.7   NOTICES.............................................................28
   12.8   INVALIDITY OF PROVISIONS............................................29
   12.9   WAIVER..............................................................29
   12.10  REMEDIES GENERALLY..................................................29
   12.11  AMENDMENT...........................................................30
   12.12  POST-CLOSING INFORMATION AND ACCESS.................................30
   12.13  PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS................................................30
   12.14  COUNTERPART EXECUTION...............................................30
   12.15  AMENDMENTS TO SCHEDULES.............................................31

   Schedule "A"   - Land Schedule
   Schedule "A-1" - Land Plat
   Schedule "B"   - Wells
   Schedule "C"   - Facilities
   Schedule "D"   - Sale, Processing and Transportation Agreements
   Schedule "E"   - AFEs
   Schedule "F"   - General Conveyance
   Schedule "G"   - Seismic
   Schedule "H"   - Disclosure Schedule