MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made the 28 day of October, 2003.

CARIBGOLD MINERALS INC., a corporation incorporated under the laws of the
Province of Ontario

(hereinafter called the "Optionor")


- -and-

XTRA/GOLD-RESOURCES INC., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Florida

(hereinafter called the "Optionee")


WHEREAS the Optionor is the owner of the mining property described in Schedule A
annexed hereto (hereinafter called the "Property");

AND WHEREAS the Optionor is desirous of granting an option to the Optionee to
acquire an interest in the Property, and the Optionee is desirous of acquiring
the option on the terms and conditions the details of which are more
particularly hereinafter set forth;

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that for valuable consideration the
parties hereto have mutually agreed and by these presents do mutually covenant
and agree each with the other as follows:


1.       The Optionor warrants, represents and covenants to the Optionee, upon
         which warranties, representations and covenants the Optionee relies, as

         (a)      that the Property has been properly acquired in accordance
                  with the applicable mining laws and regulations of

         (b)      that the Property is in good standing under the provisions of
                  the applicable mining laws and regulations of Switzerland;

         (c)      that the Optionor is the legal and beneficial owner of the
                  Property, and the Optionor has the sole and absolute right to
                  deal with the Property, all as may be permitted in accordance
                  with applicable law;

         (d)      that the Property is free and clear of all liens,
                  encumbrances, and charges except as set out in Schedule AA@
                  hereto and to the best of the Optionor's knowledge and belief
                  there are not now any lawsuits or legal proceedings affecting
                  the Property and the

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                  Property is not subject to any other competing interest or
                  claim or liable to forfeiture, suspension or cancellation or
                  encumbered in any way; and

         (e)      that it is duly organized under the laws of its jurisdiction
                  of incorporation with power to enter into this agreement and
                  exercise its rights and perform its obligations hereunder.

                  The Optionor undertakes and covenants not to do any act or
                  thing which will in any way encumber the Property during the
                  currency of this agreement.

2.       The Optionee warrants, represents and covenants to the Optionor, upon
         which warranties, representations and covenants the Optionor relies,
         that it is duly organized under the laws of its jurisdiction of
         incorporation with power to enter into this agreement and exercise its
         rights and perform its obligations hereunder.


3.       The Optionor hereby gives, grants and assigns unto the Optionee the
         sole and irrevocable right and option to acquire a 90% interest in the
         Property, provided that the Optionee expends on exploration work on the
         Property the aggregate sum ofC$200,000 (the "Option Expenditures") .
         For greater certainty, the parties confirm that, in the event that the
         Optionee completes the Option Expenditures, the interest of the parties
         in the Property shall be as follows:

                  the Optionor - 10%

                  the Optionee - 90%

         The Optionor will receive a non-refundable payment of 20,000 common
         shares of Xtra-Gold Resources Inc. for granting this option. If the
         Optionee completes no work on the property 12 months fom the date of
         signing this contract than the option will terminate. If the option
         terminates than 90% interest will revert back to the Optionor.


4.       Upon execution of this agreement, registered title to the Property
         shall be held in trust by the Optionor, pursuant to the terms hereof.
         Should the Optionee be vested with a 90% interest in the Property, the
         Optionor shall forthwith execute and deliver, upon request by the
         Optionee, any reasonable documentation necessary to transfer to the
         Optionee registered title to a 90% interest in the Property, subject to
         applicable governmental regulations and procedures.


5.       After the Optionee has completed the Option Expenditures, the parties
         shall conclude a joint venture agreement on terms and conditions common
         in the mining industry in North

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         America under which the Optionee shall be the operator; a party who
         fails to contribute its pro rata share of the expenditures of the joint
         venture shall have its interest diluted provided that it will be
         converted to a 10% net profits interest if its interest would otherwise
         be diluted below 10%; and the Optionor shall have a right of first
         refusal on any sale of the Optionee's interest.


6.       The Optionee warrants and represents that it shall carry out all work
         on the Property, including the Option Expenditures, with good
         engineering and mining practices and shall do all work on the Property
         in a careful and miner-like manner and shall conform in all respects to
         the applicable mining laws and regulations of Switzerland and, in
         particular, but without in any way limiting the generality of the
         foregoing, shall perform within the time required by law that work
         required to maintain the Property in good standing and pay all taxes in
         connection therewith.


7.       The Optionee hereby covenants and agrees to protect, indemnify and hold
         harmless the Optionor and each and every of its directors, officers,
         employees, sub-agents, solicitors and shareholders (the "Indemnified
         Parties") from and against any and all expenses, losses (other than
         loss of profit), claims, actions, damages or liabilities, whether joint
         or several (including the aggregate amount paid in reasonable
         settlement of any actions, suits, proceedings or claims), and the
         reasonable fees and expenses of its counsel that may be incurred in
         advising with respect to and/or defending any claim that may be made
         against the Indemnified Parties or to which the Indemnified Parties may
         become subject or otherwise involved in any capacity under any statute
         or common law or otherwise insofar as such expenses, losses, claims,
         damages, liabilities or actions arise out of or are based, directly or
         indirectly, the conduct of work on the Property contemplated by this
         agreement by the Optionee or any of its employees or agents.


8.       If the Optionee at any time gives notice of termination or its
         intention to surrender or abandon the Property or fails to satisfy its
         obligations pursuant to Article 2 hereof, this agreement shall
         forthwith terminate without further obligation on the part of the
         Optionor or Optionee other than the Optionee's obligations under
         Article 7 which shall continue indefinitely.

9.       It is agreed and understood by the Optionee that, should this agreement
         be cancelled or terminated, all monies expended by it in, on or under
         the Property under the terms of this agreement shall be uncollectible
         advances spent in the due performance of the terms and conditions of
         this agreement and the Optionee shall have earned no interest in the

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10.      Any notice or communication required or permitted to be given to any
         party under this agreement shall be in writing and may be given by hand
         delivery to the party or sent by facsimile or by mailing the same by
         prepaid registered mail, addressed as follows:

         to the Optionor:     Suite 1200, 67 Yonge Street
                              Toronto, Ontario
                              M5E 118

                              Tel: (905) 339-1932
                              Fax: (416) 955-9538

         to the Optionee:     Suite 108
                              2499 Glades Road
                              Boca Raton, Florida 33431

                              Tel: (561) 362-9595

         Any notice or communication sent by registered mail shall be deemed to
         have been given and received five (5) days after the date of
         registration. Any notice or communication sent by facsimile shall be
         deemed to have been given one (1) day after such notice or
         communication was sent by the notifying party. Any notice or
         communication hand delivered shall be deemed to have been given and
         received on the date of delivery. Any party may change its address for
         service at any time by notice in writing given as aforesaid to the


11.      Time shall be of the essence of this agreement.


12.      The representations and warranties contained in this agreement will not
         merge and shall survive the execution and delivery of this agreement
         and the performance of the\ obligations hereunder and shall continue in
         full force and effect.


13.      The parties hereto agree that the terms and conditions of this
         agreement constitute the entire agreement between them with respect to
         the subject matter hereof and there is no warranty, representation,
         collateral agreement or condition affecting this agreement other than
         those herein set forth.

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14.      The parties hereto shall execute and deliver such further assurances as
         may be necessary or desirable in order to give full effect to this


15.      This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
         the laws of the Province of Florida.


16.      This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
         parties hereto and their respective successors, assigns and other legal
         representatives, provided that this agreement shall not be assignable
         by any party without the prior written consent of the other party.


17.      This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, all of
         which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument and
         any of the parties hereto may execute this agreement by signing any of
         such counterpart and delivering same by telecopier or otherwise in


18.      Nothing contained in this agreement shall be deemed to constitute
         either party, the partner of the other, nor, except as otherwise herein
         expressly provided, to constitute either party the agent or legal
         representative of the other, nor to create any fiduciary relationship
         between them. It is not the intention of the parties to create, nor
         shall this agreement be construed to create, any mining, commercial or
         other partnership. Neither of the parties shall have any authority to
         act for or to assume any obligation or responsibility on behalf of the
         other, except as otherwise expressly provided herein. The rights,
         duties, obligations and liabilities of the parties shall be several and
         not joint or collective. Each party shall be responsible only for its
         obligations as herein set out and shall be liable only for its share of
         the costs and expenses as provided herein.


19.      With the consent of the other party, which consent shall not be
         unreasonably withheld, each party has the right to assign all or any
         part of its interest in this agreement and in the Property, subject to
         the terms and conditions of this agreement. It shall be a condition
         precedent to any such assignment that the assignee of the interest
         being transferred agrees to be bound by the terms of this agreement,
         insofar as they are applicable.

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         IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement as
of the day and year first above written.

                                        CARIBGOLD MINERALS INC.

                                        By: /s/ Paul Zyla
                                                Paul Zyla

                                        XTRA-GOLD RESOURCES INC.

                                        By: /s/ William Edward McKechnie
                                                William Edward McKechnie

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                                  SCHEDULE "A"

Val Plattas Mineralization in the Micham Exploraation Inc, Medel Property near
Disentis Graubunden Canton, Switzerland

The property comprises most of the area of the commune of Medel/Lucmagn in the
Medel Valley (some 120 square kilometres)

GC. mine is owned 80% subject to a 2% NSR.

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