September 1, 2010

Securities and Exchange Commission
Mail Stop 4561
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Attention: H. Christopher Owings, Assistant Director Chris Chase, Staff Attorney

     FILED JUNE 8, 2010
     FILE NO. 333-167386

Mr. H. Christopher Owings & Mr. Chris Chase:

         This letter responds to comments of the Staff (the "Staff") of the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") contained in the letter
from the Staff to BCS Solutions, Inc. (the "Company") dated August 25, 2010
regarding the above-referenced Registration Statement on Form S-1 (as amended)
(the "Registration Statement").

         For your convenience, we have included each of the Staff's comments
before each of the Company's responses. References in this letter to "we," "our"
or "us" mean the Company as the context may require.


We note your response to comment one of our July 29, 2010 letter, and we
continue to believe that you are a blank check company subject to Rule 419 under
the Securities Act of 1933. You state in your response that you have a "specific
business plan in process" but you also state that you are conducting this
offering to "complete [your] business and marketing plan." Considering that you
have not completed your business plan and you have not planned, designed or
developed any products or services, we cannot agree with your conclusion that
you have a specific business plan. Please review your registration statement to
disclose your status as a blank check company and the meaning of that
designation, as well as comply with Rule 419. For additional guidance, please
refer to Section II. A of the Securities Act Release No. 33-6932.


Again, we don't concur that we are a blank check company. We have made
significant progress on our business plan. We have completed the planning and
high level design of our product suite. This consists of seven (7) product
offerings (point solutions). There are two items outstanding to complete the
business plan, (i) develop the detailed financial projections to cover the next
twenty four (24) months of operations, and (ii) seek additional candidates to
join the board to help us grow the Company. The Company estimates these efforts
will take two (2) months to complete after the offering is completed and cost

As a result of the Company advancing its business, we have expanded the use of
proceeds to include creating the first product prototype, pre-authorized
checking. This milestone is expected to be completed in four (4) months and we
estimate the prototype to cost $12,000 to $15,000. Mr. Vorhies has selected Mr.
Scott Spriggs, a consultant with 20 years experience with ADP, Inc., to develop
the prototype.

Our business operations are moving forward. We have no plan or intentions to be
acquired or to merge with another operating company, companies or other entity
or person. In light of the foregoing, we are not a blank check company and
therefore, Rule 419 is not applicable.


Please revise the second paragraph to make clear that you will not have
sufficient funds to commence operations even if all of the shares are sold and
that substantial additional funds are necessary. In addition, revise the last
sentence of this paragraph to make clear that you will continue to lack a public
trading market even if all of the shares are sold.


We concur with the Staff and updated the disclosure to indicate that we will not
have sufficient funds to commence full operations of the business. However, if
we do sell all the shares, we will be able to finish our business plan and
create our first product prototype for pre-authorized checking. Lastly, we
updated the disclosure to reflect that we will lack a public trading market.


Revise this section to clearly indicate that all outstanding shares are held by
your sole officer and director, Mr. Vorhies, and that following this offering he
will continue to control the company.


We concur with the Staff and have added the disclosure about Mr. Vorhies shares
and his control of the company after the offering.


Revise your market information on page three to also indicate, as you do on page
15, that in order to be quoted on the OTCBB a market maker must file an
application on your behalf and that you are not aware of any market maker with
any such intentions.


We concur with the Staff and have updated the market information to reflect an
application must be filed and that the Company has no intentions, discussions,
or the like with any market maker.


In the last paragraph of this section on page four, you state that the proceeds
from this offering will not be sufficient to complete your business and
marketing plans. This is inconsistent with your disclosure on page 14 that these
proceeds will be used to complete your business and marketing plan and that you
expect to need $20,000 to complete the business plan. Please revise and ensure
that any revisions are also consistent with your Use of Proceeds disclosure on
page three.


We concur with the Staff and have revised the disclosures and Use of Proceeds
section to be consistent.


In the last paragraph of this section on page four, as well as the Summary
Financial Data on page four, please indicate that the cash on hand is the result
of the stock sale to Mr. Vorhies.



We concur with the Staff and have added a disclosure that the cash on hand was
due to a stock sale to Mr. Vorhies.


Please expand your discussion in the last paragraph on page 18 to more clearly
define your references to point service solutions and point solutions.


We concur with the Staff and have expanded the disclosure to clearly explain
what are point service solutions and point solutions.


Please expand your discussion to state the specific steps necessary to complete
your business plan, the persons or entities completing the plan as well as the
specific use(s) of the $20,000 necessary to complete the plan.


We concur with the Staff and have added the specific steps to necessary to
complete the business plan, create the first product prototype (pre-authorized
checking), people who will become involved, and the specific uses of the capital
to complete the plan.


We note your revisions to the last paragraph on page 22 in response to comment
13 of our July 29, 2010 letter. Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act does not
provide a definition of "audit committee financial expert." Please revise this
disclosure to refer to the definition provided in Regulation S-K. See Item
407(d)(5)(ii) of Regulation S-K.


We concur with the Staff and have revised the reference to an audit committee
financial expert to correspond with Regulation S-K.

         We trust that you will find the foregoing responsive to the comments of
the Staff Comments. Please direct any comments or questions regarding this
letter or the Registration Statement to the undersigned at 916-289-0434.


/s/ Tyler Vorhies

Tyler Vorhies
Chief Executive Officer

