Washington, D.C.  20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                       Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934


                Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):
                                November 25, 2008

                         United States Steel Corporation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       Delaware                1-16811               25-1897152
   ---------------     ----------------------    -------------------
   (State or other        (Commission File          (IRS Employer
   jurisdiction of             Number)           Identification No.)

       600 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA              15219-2800
      ----------------------------------             ----------
       (Address of principal executive               (Zip Code)

                                 (412) 433-1121
                         (Registrant's telephone number,
                              including area code)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))


Item 5.03 Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal

On  November 25, 2008, the Board of Directors of United States Steel Corporation
(the  "Corporation") approved the following amendments to  the  By-Laws  of  the

     1.    Article I, Section 2 - The language of this section has been modified
to  make  it  clear that notice of a stockholder meeting may be given  by  means
other than mail.

     2.    Article I, Section 3 - This section sets forth the requirements  that
are applicable in the event that a stockholder wishes to nominate a director for
election  at  the  annual meeting of stockholders.  The  amendments  provide  as

          a.    In  addition  to  disclosing  the  number  of  shares  of  stock
     beneficially  owned,  the  stockholder  making  the  nomination  must  also
     disclose  any  derivative position, hedging transaction  or  other  similar
     arrangement that has been entered into by the stockholder.

          b.   In addition to providing this information as of the date on which
     it  first  provides its notice, the stockholder is also required to  update
     its  beneficial ownership and derivative and hedging positions  as  of  the
     record date for the annual meeting.

          c.    The  deadline  for  providing notice of a  nomination  has  been
     changed  to not less than 90 days and not more than 120 days prior  to  the
     first  anniversary  of the date of the preceding year's annual  meeting  of
     stockholders.  However, if the date of the annual  meeting  is  delayed  or
     advanced  by more than 25 days, notice must be given by the stockholder  no
     later  than the 10th day following the day on which the public announcement
     of the date of the meeting is first made.

          d.    The  notice  provided by the stockholder  must  include  certain
     information about any relationship between the nominee and the stockholder,
     or any affiliate or associate of the stockholder.  Definitions of the terms
     "affiliate", "associate" and "beneficially owned" have been added.

     3.    Article I, Section 4 - This section sets forth the requirements  that
are  applicable  in  the  event that a stockholder wishes  to  bring  any  other
business  before the annual meeting of stockholders.  The amendments provide  as

          a.    In  addition  to  disclosing  the  number  of  shares  of  stock
     beneficially  owned,  the  stockholder  proposing the business  must  also
     disclose  any  derivative position, hedging transaction  or  other  similar
     arrangement that has been entered into by the stockholder.

          b.   In addition to providing this information as of the date on which
     it  first  provides its notice, the stockholder is also required to  update
     its  beneficial ownership and derivative and hedging positions  as  of  the
     record date for the annual meeting.

          c.    The  deadline  for providing notice of other business  has  been
     changed  to not less than 90 days and not more than 120 days prior  to  the
     first  anniversary  of the date of the preceding year's annual  meeting  of
     stockholders.   However, if the date of the annual meeting  is  delayed  or
     advanced  by more than 25 days, notice must be given by the stockholder  no
     later  than the 10th day following the day on which the public announcement
     of the date of the meeting is first made.

     4.    Article II, Section 7 - The references to notice of special  meetings
of  the Board of Directors by telegraph and telex have been deleted and replaced
with a reference to notice by any form of electronic transmission.


     5.   Article V, Section 1 - In this Section, the requirement that agents of
the Corporation be indemnified has been eliminated.

     6.   Article V, Section 2 - This Section has been modified to make it clear
that  a non-officer employee must also agree to reimburse any expenses that  are
advanced  in  connection with an indemnification obligation if it is  ultimately
determined  that  the  non-officer employee is not entitled  to  indemnification
under the By-Laws. In addition, the references in this Section to agents of  the
Corporation have been deleted.

     7.    Article V, Section 5 - This Section has been added to provide that  a
repeal  or modification of the By-Law indemnification provisions does not affect
any acts or omissions occurring prior to the date of the repeal or modification.

The  foregoing summary of the amendments does not purport to be complete and  is
qualified  in  its  entirety by reference to the full text of  the  amended  and
restated  By-Laws  which  are  filed  as  Exhibit  3.1  to  this  Form  8-K  and
incorporated by reference herein.

The requirements of Article I, Section 3 and Article I, Section 4 of the Amended
and Restated By-laws will be applicable to the Corporation's 2009 annual meeting
of stockholders.  Therefore, if a stockholder wishes to nominate a candidate for
election  to the Board of Directors or propose any other business to be  brought
before  the  2009  annual  meeting of stockholders, the  stockholder  must  give
written notice in accordance with the foregoing requirements to the Secretary of
the  Corporation not later than January 29, 2009, nor earlier than December  30,
2008.  If  the  date of the 2009 annual meeting of stockholders is  advanced  or
delayed by more than 25 days from the anniversary of the 2008 annual meeting  of
stockholders,  the  stockholder's notice must be delivered not  later  than  the
tenth  day  following  the  day  on  which the Corporation  first  makes  public
announcement of the rescheduled meeting.

Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.

      (d) Exhibits

          3.1 Amended and Restated By-Laws of United States Steel Corporation
              dated as of November 25, 2008.


     Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has  duly  caused this report to be signed  on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


By   /s/ Larry G. Schultz
     Larry G. Schultz
     Senior Vice President & Controller

Dated:  November 26, 2008