CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION



1. Name. The name of the corporation is "Anteon International Corporation."

2.  Address;  Registered  Office and  Agent.  The  address of the  Corporation's
registered  office is 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400,  Wilmington,  New Castle
County, Delaware, 19808, and the name of its registered agent at such address is
Corporation Service Company.

3.  Purposes.  The purpose of the  Corporation is to engage in any lawful act or
activity for which  corporations may be organized under the General  Corporation

4.  Number of Shares.  The total  number of
shares of stock  that the  Corporation  shall  have  authority  to issue is: One
Hundred and Ninety Million  (190,000,000)  divided as follows:  Fifteen  Million
(15,000,000) shares of Preferred Stock, of the par value of $0.01 per share (the
"Preferred Stock"), and One Hundred Seventy Five Million (175,000,000) shares of
Common Stock, of the par value of $0.01 per share (the "Common Stock").

     4.1 The designation,  relative  rights,  preferences and limitations of the
shares of each class are as follows:

     4.1.1 The shares of Preferred  Stock may be issued from time to time in one
or more series of any number of shares,  provided that the  aggregate  number of
shares  issued and not retired of any and all such  series  shall not exceed the
total number of shares of Preferred Stock hereinabove authorized,  and with such
powers,  including voting powers, if any, and the designations,  preferences and
relative,  participating,  optional or other  special  rights,  if any,  and any
qualifications,  limitations or restrictions  thereof, all as shall hereafter be
stated  and  expressed  in the  resolution  or  resolutions  providing  for  the
designation  and  issue of such  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  from time to time
adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation  (the "Board")  pursuant to
authority so to do which is hereby  expressly  vested in the Board.  The powers,
including  voting  powers,  if any,  preferences  and  relative,  participating,
optional and other  special  rights of each series of Preferred  Stock,  and the
qualifications,  limitations or  restrictions  thereof,  if any, may differ from
those of any and all other series at any time outstanding. Each series of shares
of Preferred Stock: (a) may have such voting rights or powers,  full or limited,
if any;  (b) may be  subject  to  redemption  at such  time or times and at such
prices,  if  any;  (c)  may be  entitled  to  receive  dividends  (which  may be
cumulative or  non-cumulative)  at such rate or rates, on such conditions and at
such times,  and payable in preference to, or in such relation to, the dividends
payable on any other class or classes or series of stock,  if any;  (d) may have
such  rights  upon the  voluntary  or  involuntary  liquidation,  winding  up or
dissolution  of, upon any  distribution of the assets of, or in the event of any
merger,  sale or  consolidation  of, the  Corporation,  if any;  (e) may be made
convertible into or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or classes or of
any  other  series  of the same or any other  class or  classes  of stock of the
Corporation (or any other  securities of the Corporation or any other person) at
such price or prices or at such rates of exchange and with such adjustments,  if
any;  (f) may be entitled to the benefit of a sinking  fund to be applied to the
purchase or  redemption  of shares of such series in such amount or amounts,  if
any; (g) may be entitled to the benefit of conditions and restrictions  upon the
creation of indebtedness of the Corporation or any subsidiary, upon the issue of
any  additional  shares  (including  additional  shares of such series or of any
other  series)  and  upon  the  payment  of  dividends  or the  making  of other
distributions  on, and the  purchase,  redemption  or other  acquisition  by the
Corporation or any subsidiary of, any outstanding shares of the Corporation,  if
any; (h) may be subject to restrictions on transfer or registration of transfer,
or on the amount of shares  that may be owned by any person or group of persons;
and (i) may have such other relative,  participating,  optional or other special
rights,  qualifications,  limitations or  restrictions  thereof,  if any; all as
shall be stated in said resolution or resolutions of the Board providing for the
designation and issue of such shares of Preferred Stock.

     4.1.2  Except  as  otherwise  provided  by law or by  this  Certificate  of
Incorporation  and  subject  to the  express  terms of any  series  of shares of
Preferred  Stock,  the  holders  of  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  shall
exclusively possess voting power for the election of Directors and for all other
purposes,  each holder of record of shares of Common Stock being entitled to one
vote for each share of Common Stock  standing in his or her name on the books of
the Corporation.  Except as otherwise  provided by law or by this Certificate of
Incorporation  and  subject  to the  express  terms of any  series  of shares of
Preferred Stock, the holders of shares of Common Stock shall be entitled, to the
exclusion of the holders of shares of Preferred Stock of any and all series,  to
receive such dividends as from time to time may be declared by the Board. In the
event of any liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, whether
voluntary or involuntary,  subject to the rights,  if any, of the holders of any
outstanding  series of  Preferred  Stock,  the holders of shares of Common Stock
shall be entitled to share  ratably  according to the number of shares of Common
Stock held by them in all  remaining  assets of the  Corporation  available  for
distribution to its stockholders.

     4.1.3  Subject  to the rights of the  holders of any one or more  series of
Preferred Stock then  outstanding,  the number of authorized shares of any class
or classes of stock may be increased  or decreased  (but not below the number of
shares thereof then  outstanding)  by the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a
majority of the stock of the Corporation  entitled to vote,  irrespective of the
provisions  of  Section  242(b)(2)  of  the  General   Corporation  Law  or  any
corresponding provision hereinafter enacted.

5. Board of  Directors.  The  business and affairs of the  Corporation  shall be
managed  by, or under the  direction  of,  the  Board.  Unless and except to the
extent that the By-laws of the Corporation (the "By-laws") shall so require, the
election of the Directors of the Corporation need not be by written ballot.

     5.1 The Board  (other  than those  Directors  elected by the holders of any
series of Preferred  Stock  provided for or fixed  pursuant to the provisions of
this Certificate of Incorporation  (the "Preferred Stock  Directors"))  shall be
divided into three  classes,  as nearly equal in number as possible,  designated
Class I, Class II and Class III. Class I Directors  shall  initially serve until
the first annual meeting of stockholders held following March 15, 2002; Class II
Directors  shall initially serve until the second annual meeting of stockholders
held following  March 15, 2002; and Class III Directors  shall  initially  serve
until the third annual meeting of  stockholders  held following  March 15, 2002.
Commencing  with the first annual meeting of  stockholders  held following March
15,  2002,  Directors of each class the term of which shall then expire shall be
elected  to hold  office  for a term  expiring  at the third  succeeding  annual
meeting  of  stockholders  and until the  election  and  qualification  of their
respective successors in office. In case of any increase or decrease,  from time
to time, in the number of Directors (other than Preferred Stock Directors),  the
number of  Directors  in each  class  shall be  apportioned  as nearly  equal as

     5.2  Subject  to the  rights of the  holders  of any one or more  series of
Preferred Stock then outstanding, newly created directorships resulting from any
increase in the  authorized  number of Directors  or any  vacancies on the Board
resulting from death, resignation,  retirement,  disqualification,  removal from
office or other  cause  shall be  filled  solely  by the  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of the  remaining  Directors  then in office,  even though less than a
quorum of the Board.  Any  Director so chosen  shall hold office  until the next
election of the class for which such  Director  shall have been chosen and until
his or her successor  shall be elected and qualified.  No decrease in the number
of Directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent Director.

     5.3 The  nomination  for the  election of  Directors on behalf of the Board
shall be subject to the following provisions:

     5.3.1 At any time that the  Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  (as defined below)
Beneficially  Own (as  defined  below) at least a  majority  of the  outstanding
Common  Stock  (as of the  record  date  for  determining  stockholders  who are
entitled  to vote for the  election  of  Directors  (the  "Record  Date")),  the
Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  shall  exclusively  have and exercise all power and
authority of the Board in respect of  nominating,  by delivery of written notice
to the Corporation  executed on behalf of the Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders by the
Caxton-Iseman Stockholders then Beneficially Owning Common Stock constituting at
least a majority of the Common Stock then Beneficially Owned in the aggregate by
all  Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  setting  forth the  nominees  selected  by the
Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  (a "Nomination  Notice"),  a number of nominees for
election as Directors,  at any meeting of  stockholders  of the  Corporation  at
which one or more Directors are to be elected,  which, if elected, when added to
the number of continuing  Directors who are not then subject to election and who
are Caxton-Iseman  Directors (as defined below), would equal the smallest number
that  constitutes a majority of the total number of Directors of the Corporation
immediately following such election.

     5.3.2 At any time that the Caxton-Iseman Stockholders Beneficially Own more
than 10% of the outstanding  Common Stock and less than a majority of the Common
Stock (as of the relevant Record Date),  the  Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  shall
exclusively have and exercise all power and authority of the Board in respect of
nominating,  by  delivery  of a  Nomination  Notice,  a number of  nominees  for
election as Directors,  at any meeting of  stockholders  of the  Corporation  at
which one or more Directors are to be elected,  which, if elected, when added to
the number of continuing  Directors who are not then subject to election and who
are Caxton-Iseman Directors, would equal the number obtained by dividing (i) the
product of (a) the number of  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  Beneficially
Owned by the Caxton-Iseman Stockholders (as of the relevant Record Date) and (b)
the number of Directors  expected to constitute the Board immediately  following
such election,  by (ii) the number of shares of outstanding  Common Stock (as of
the relevant Record Date); provided, however, that if such number is not a whole
number, such number shall be deemed to equal the next highest whole number.

     5.3.3 At any time that the Caxton-Iseman Stockholders Beneficially Own more
than 10% of the outstanding  Common Stock (as of the relevant Record Date),  the
Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  shall  exclusively  have and exercise all power and
authority of the Board in respect of filling, by delivery of a written notice to
the corporation, (i) any vacancy occurring in a directorship which was held by a
Caxton-Iseman  Director or (ii) any newly created directorships that result from
increasing  the size of the Board (but only to the extent that the number of any
such  newly  created  directorships,  when  added to the  number  of  continuing
Directors who are Caxton-Iseman  Directors,  is equal to or less than the number
of Directors that the Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  would be entitled to nominate
pursuant  to the  provisions  of  Sections  5.3.1 or 5.3.2  above had such newly
created  directorships existed at any meeting of stockholders of the Corporation
at which one or more Directors were to be elected).

     5.3.4 In the event that the Board solicits proxies from the stockholders of
the Corporation for the election of any Directors at any meeting of stockholders
and fails to solicit  proxies for the  election  at such  meeting of the persons
nominated  by the  Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  pursuant  to the  provisions  of
Sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 (the "Caxton-Iseman Nominees"),  then the Caxton-Iseman
Stockholders  may,  at the  expense  of the  Company,  solicit  proxies  for the
election as Directors at such meeting of the Caxton-Iseman Nominees.

     5.3.5 At any time that the Caxton-Iseman Stockholders Beneficially Own less
than a majority and more than one-third of the outstanding Common Stock, Section
5.3 of this Certificate of Incorporation may not be amended, altered or repealed
(including by merger, consolidation or otherwise),  without the affirmative vote
of the holders of at least two-thirds of the then  outstanding  Common Stock. At
any  time  that  the  Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  Beneficially  Own  less  than
one-third of the outstanding  Common Stock, this Section 5.3 of this Certificate
of Incorporation may not be amended,  altered or repealed (including by means of
a merger,  consolidation  or  otherwise),  without the  affirmative  vote of the
holders of at least three-fourths of the then outstanding Common Stock.

     5.3.6 For purposes of this Certificate of Incorporation, (i) "Caxton-Iseman
Stockholders"  shall mean  Frederick  J.  Iseman,  Azimuth  Technologies,  L.P.,
Azimuth Tech. II LLC or any of their  respective  Affiliates (as defined in Rule
12b-2 of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended (the "Rules")) and  Associates (as defined in the Rules),  (ii)
"Caxton-Iseman  Directors"  shall mean any  Director  who was  nominated  by the
Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  pursuant  to this  Section  5.3 and  elected by the
stockholders  of the  Corporation,  and,  at any time  prior to the end of their
respective initial terms following the date hereof,  Frederick J. Iseman, Steven
M. Lefkowitz, Robert A. Ferris and Thomas J. Tisch and (iii) "Beneficially Own,"
"Beneficially Owned" or "Beneficial  Ownership" shall have the meaning set forth
in Rule 13d-3 of the Rules.

Limitation  of  Liability.  No Director of the  Corporation  shall be personally
liable to the Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of
fiduciary duty as a Director,  provided that this provision  shall not eliminate
or limit the liability of a Director (a) for any breach of the  Director's  duty
of loyalty to the Corporation or its stockholders, (b) for acts or omissions not
in good faith or which involve intentional  misconduct or a knowing violation of
law,  (c)  under  section  174 of the  General  Corporation  Law or (d)  for any
transaction from which the Director derived any improper personal  benefits.  If
the General  Corporation Law is hereafter amended to authorize  corporate action
further  eliminating or limiting the personal  liability of Directors,  then the
liability of a Director of the Corporation shall be eliminated or limited to the
fullest  extent  permitted by the General  Corporation  Law, as so amended.  Any
repeal or modification of the foregoing provision shall not adversely affect any
right or  protection of a Director of the  Corporation  in respect of any act or
omission  occurring  prior  to the  time of such  repeal  or  modification.  All
references in this Section 6 to a Director or Directors of the Corporation shall
also be deemed to refer to the  Caxton-Iseman  Stockholders  to the extent  that
they exercise the power and authority of the Board pursuant to the provisions of
Section 5.3 above.

7.  Indemnification.

     7.1 To the extent not prohibited by applicable law, the  Corporation  shall
indemnify  any person (a "Covered  Person") who is or was made, or threatened to
be  made,  a party to any  threatened,  pending  or  completed  action,  suit or
proceeding  (a  "Proceeding"),   whether  civil,  criminal,   administrative  or
investigative,  including,  without limitation,  an action by or in the right of
the  Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor,  by reason of the fact that
such person, or a person of whom such person is the legal representative,  is or
was a Director or officer of the Corporation, or, while a Director or officer of
the  Corporation,  is or was  serving  at the  request of the  Corporation  as a
director or officer of any other  corporation  or in a capacity with  comparable
authority  or  responsibilities  for  any  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust,
employee benefit plan or other enterprise (an "Other Entity"),  against expenses
(including  attorneys' fees) in the event of an action by or in the right of the
Corporation  and against  judgments,  fines,  and amounts paid in settlement and
expenses (including  attorneys' fees), in the event of any other proceeding,  if
the person acted in good faith and in a manner the person reasonably believed to
be in or not opposed to the best interest of the Corporation,  and, with respect
to any criminal  proceeding,  had no reason to believe the person's  conduct was
unlawful.  Persons who are not Directors or officers of the  Corporation  may be
similarly  indemnified  in respect of service to the  Corporation or to an Other
Entity at the  request  of the  Corporation  to the extent the Board at any time
specifies  that such  persons are  entitled to the  benefits of this  Section 7.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  except as otherwise provided in Section 7.9, the
Corporation shall be required to indemnify a Covered Person in connection with a
Proceeding  (or part  thereof)  commenced  by such  Covered  Person  only if the
commencement  of such  Proceeding  (or part  thereof) by the Covered  Person was
authorized by the Board.

     7.2 The Corporation  shall, from time to time,  reimburse or advance to any
Covered Person the funds necessary for payment of expenses, including attorneys'
fees and disbursements, incurred in defense of any Proceeding, in advance of the
final disposition of such Proceeding;  provided,  however,  that, if required by
the General  Corporation  Law,  such payment of expenses in advance of the final
disposition of a Proceeding  shall be made only upon receipt by the  Corporation
of an undertaking,  by the Covered Person,  to repay any such amount so advanced
if it shall ultimately be determined that such Covered Person is not entitled to
be indemnified for such expenses.

     7.3 The rights to  indemnification  or advancement of expenses provided by,
or granted  pursuant  to, this  Section 7 shall not be deemed  exclusive  of any
other  rights to which a person  seeking  indemnification  or  reimbursement  or
advancement of expenses may have or hereafter be entitled under  applicable law,
this  Certificate of  Incorporation,  the By-laws,  any  agreement,  any vote of
stockholders or disinterested Directors or otherwise.

     7.4 The rights to  indemnification  or advancement of expenses provided by,
or granted  pursuant  to, this  Section 7 shall  continue as to a person who has
ceased to be a  Director  or  officer  and  shall  inure to the  benefit  of the
executors, administrators, legatees and distributees of such person.

     7.5 The Corporation shall have power to purchase and maintain  insurance on
behalf of any person who is or was a Director, officer, employee or agent of the
Corporation,  or is or was  serving  at the  request  of  the  Corporation  as a
director,  officer,  employee or agent of an Other Entity, against any liability
asserted  against such person and incurred by such person in any such  capacity,
or arising out of such person's  status as such,  whether or not the Corporation
would have the power to indemnify such person  against such liability  under the
provisions  of this  Section 7, the By-laws or under  Section 145 of the General
Corporation Law or any other provision of law.

     7.6 Any repeal or  modification  of the  provisions of this Section 7 shall
not adversely affect any right or protection  hereunder of any Covered Person in
respect of any act or  omission  occurring  prior to the time of such  repeal or

     7.7 The rights to  indemnification  or advancement of expenses provided by,
or granted  pursuant  to,  this  Section 7 shall be  enforceable  by any Covered
Person in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware.  The burden of proving
that such indemnification or advancement of expenses is not appropriate shall be
on the Corporation. Neither the failure of the Corporation (including its Board,
its independent legal counsel and its stockholders) to have made a determination
prior  to  the  commencement  of  such  action  that  such   indemnification  or
reimbursement or advancement of expenses is proper in the  circumstances  nor an
actual  determination  by the Corporation  (including its Board, its independent
legal  counsel and its  stockholders)  that such person is not  entitled to such
indemnification  or  reimbursement or advancement of expenses shall constitute a
defense  to the  action  or  create a  presumption  that  such  person is not so
entitled.  Such a person shall also be indemnified for any expenses  incurred in
connection   with   successfully   establishing   his  or  her   right  to  such
indemnification  or  advancement  of expenses,  in whole or in part, in any such

     7.8 The  Corporation's  obligation,  if any,  to  indemnify  or to  advance
expenses  to any  Covered  Person  who was or is  serving  at the  Corporation's
request as a director,  officer,  employee or agent of any Other Entity shall be
reduced by any amount  such  Covered  Person may collect as  indemnification  or
advancement of expenses from such Other Entity.

     7.9 If a claim for  indemnification  or  advancement  or  reimbursement  of
expenses under this Article 7 is not paid in full within 30 days after a written
claim therefor by the Covered Person has been received by the  Corporation,  the
Covered  Person may file suit to recover the unpaid amount of such claim and, if
successful  in whole or in part,  shall be  entitled  to be paid the  expense of
prosecuting such claim. In any such action the Corporation shall have the burden
of  proving  that  the  Covered   Person  is  not  entitled  to  the   requested
indemnification  or advancement or  reimbursement  of expenses under  applicable

     7.10 This  Section 7 shall not limit the right of the  Corporation,  to the
extent and in the manner  permitted by applicable  law, to indemnify and advance
or  reimburse  expenses  to  persons  other  than  Covered  Persons  when and as
authorized by appropriate corporate action.

8. Section 203. The Corporation  hereby  expressly  elects not to be governed by
the provisions of Section 203 of the General  Corporation  Law (or any successor
provision thereof), and the restrictions and limitations set forth therein.

9. Action by Written Consent. Except as otherwise provided for or fixed pursuant
to the provisions of this Certificate of Incorporation relating to the rights of
holders of any series of Preferred Stock to vote as a class on certain  matters,
no action that is required or permitted to be taken by the  stockholders  of the
Corporation at any annual or special meeting of stockholders  may be effected by
written consent of stockholders in lieu of a meeting of stockholders.

10.   Qualification   of  Directors.   There  shall  be  no  limitation  on  the
qualification  of any person to be a Director or on the ability of any  Director
to vote on any matter  brought before the Board or any Board  committee,  except
(i) as required by  applicable  law,  (ii) as set forth in this  Certificate  of
Incorporation  or (iii) as set forth in any  By-laws  adopted  by the Board with
respect to the  eligibility of a person for election as a Director upon reaching
a  specified  age or, in the case of  employee  Directors,  with  respect to the
qualification for continuing  service of Directors upon ceasing  employment from
the Corporation.

11.  Adoption,  Amendment  and/or Repeal of By-Laws.  The Board may from time to
time adopt,  amend or repeal the By-laws;  provided,  however,  that any By-laws
adopted or amended by the Board may be amended or repealed,  and any By-laws may
be adopted,  by the stockholders of the Corporation by, (i) at any time that the
Caxton-Iseman Stockholders Beneficially Own a majority of the outstanding Common
Stock,  the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority in voting power of the
outstanding stock of the Corporation and (ii) at any time that the Caxton-Iseman
Stockholders  Beneficially  Own less than a majority of the  outstanding  Common
Stock, the affirmative  vote of the holders of at least  three-fourths in voting
power of the outstanding stock of the Corporation.