MICHAEL WILLIAM O'GORMAN, M.B.A., J.D.
                                 21 The Terrace
                          Rutherford, New Jersey 07010
                Telephone: 862-266-2845 * Facsimile: 201-438-9565

                                 March 29, 2005

The  purpose  of  this  Memorandum  of  Agreement  and  Acceptance  is to  ful1y
acknowledge  the  receipt of an offer of  Probationary  Employment  (90 days) by
BioSolutions  (hereinafter  referred to as "BSLM") to Michael William  O'Gorman,
(hereinafter referred to as "O'Gorman") and dated 29 March 2005, attached hereto
and made a part hereof.

The term of this  Probationary  Employment  shall  commence  on 1 April 2005 and
extend for a period of ninety (90) days henceforth.

During  this  Probationary  Employment  O'Gorman  shall  hold  the  position  of
President and CEO of BSLM..

Further,  during this period of  Probationary  Employment,  O'Gorman  shall have
certain duties and obligations to BSLM, to wit;

     1.   Interfacing with brokerage communities

     2.   Work  with  attorney  and  C.P.A.  in  regards  to  security   aspects
          (including, but not limited to; SEC. 10K and lOQ filings

     3.   Write a formal business plan.

     4.   Maintain normal business hours

     5.   Travel to Mississippi as required.

Further during this Probationary Employment,  BSLM shall have certain duties and
obligations to O'Gorman to wit;

     1.   BSLM shall pay to O'Gorman the sum of Four Thousand  Dollars ( $4,0(0)
          per month,  payable on the 1st ($2.000) and 15th  ($2,000) of each and
          every month.

     2.   BSLM will provide  $400.00 per month for the rental of BSLM offices at
          21 The Terrace, Rutherford, New Jersey.

     3.   BSLM will provide and pay for the  instillation  of two (2)  telephone
          lines and pay for the monthly billings for each.

     4.   BSLM will  reimburse  O'Gorman  for  pre-approved  travel and business
          related expenses  incurred in the execution of his duties as President
          and Director of BSLM.

Furthermore,  at  the  end  of  the  successfully  and  mutually  satisfactorily
completed 90 day Probationary  Employment,  O'Gorman will be vested in permanent
employment with BSLM.

At the end of the ninety (90) days,  both BSLM and  O'Gorman  will  negotiate in
good faith efforts to reduce O'Gorman's now, on-going permanent  employment to a
written Employment  Contract to include,  among other provisions,  stock options
and other benefits consistent with BSLM's company policy(s).

This Employment  Contract shall include but not be limited to O'Gorman's monthly
salary being increased to Five Thousand Dollars  ($5,000) per month,  payable on
the 1st ($2,500) and on the 15th ($2,500) of each and every month.


  /s/ Michael William O'Gorman              /s/ Patricia Spreitzer
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Michael William O'Gorman, M.B.A., J.D.    BY: