PROCEEDS  ESCROW  AGREEMENT ("Agreement") dated as of ___________, 2001, by
and  between  Alaska Freightways, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the "Company") and
Escrow  Specialists  of  Ogden,  Utah  (the  "Escrow  Agent")

                               W I T N E S S E T H
                               - - - - - - - - - -

     WHEREAS,  the  Company intends to engage in a public offering of certain of
its  securities  (the "Offering"), which Offering contemplates minimum aggregate
offering  proceeds  of  $75,000  and  maximum  aggregate  offering  proceeds  of

     WHEREAS,  there  will be deposited into an escrow account with Escrow Agent
from  time  to  time  funds from prospective investors who wish to subscribe for
securities  offered in connection with the Offering ("Subscribers"), which funds
will  be held in escrow and distributed in accordance with the terms hereof; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Escrow Agent is willing to act as an escrow agent in respect
of  the  Escrow Funds (as hereinafter defined) upon the terms and conditions set
forth  herein;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  good  and  valuable  considerations, the receipt and
adequacy  of  which  are  hereby acknowledged by each of the parties hereto, the
parties  hereto  hereby  agree  as  follows:

     1.     Appointment of Escrow Agent.  The Company hereby appoints the Escrow
Agent  as  escrow  agent  in  accordance with the terms and conditions set forth
herein,  and  the  Escrow  Agent  hereby  accepts  such  appointment.

     2.     Delivery  of  Escrow  Funds.

          (a)     The  Company  shall deliver to the Escrow Agent checks or wire
transfers  made payable to the order of "Escrow Specialists, Alaska Freightways,
Inc.,  Escrow Account" together with the Subscribers mailing address.  The funds
delivered  to  the  Escrow  Agent  shall be deposited by the Escrow Agent into a
non-interest-bearing  account  designated "Escrow Specialists, DML, Inc., Escrow
Account"  (the "Escrow Account") and shall be held and distributed by the Escrow
Agent  in  accordance with the terms hereof.  The collected funds deposited into
the  Escrow  Account  are  referred to herein as the "Escrow Funds."  The Escrow
Agent  shall acknowledge receipt of all Escrow Funds by notifying the Company of
deposits into the Escrow Account in the Escrow Agent's customary manner no later
than  the next business day following the business day on which the Escrow Funds
are  deposited  into  the  Escrow  Account.

          (b)     The  Escrow  Agent  shall  have  no  duty or responsibility to
enforce  the collection or demand payment of any funds deposited into the Escrow
Account.  If,  for any reason, any check deposited into the Escrow Account shall
be  returned unpaid to the Escrow Agent, the sole duty of the Escrow Agent shall
be  to  return  the  check  to  the  Company.

     3.     Investment  of  the Escrow Funds.  The Escrow Account shall not bear
interest and no other investment of the Escrow Funds shall be made while held by
the  Escrow  Agent.

     4.     Release  of  Escrow  Funds.  The  Escrow  Funds shall be paid by the
Escrow  Agent  in  accordance  with  the  following:

          (a)     Provided  that  the  Escrow Funds total at least $75,000 at or
before  4:00  p.m.,  _____________________  time,  on  _________,  2001,  (or
___________,  2001  if  extended  by the Company by written notice to the Escrow
Agent  given  on  or  before _________, 2001), or on any date prior thereto, the
Escrow  Funds  (or  any  portion  thereof)  shall  be  paid to the Company or as
otherwise  instructed  by  the  Company,  within  one (1) business day after the
Escrow  Agent  receives  a  written  release notice in substantially the form of
Exhibit A attached hereto (a "Release Notice") signed by an authorized person of
- ---------
the  Company and thereafter, the Escrow Account will remain open for the purpose
of  depositing  therein the subscription price for additional securities sold by
the  Company in the Offering, which additional Escrow Funds shall be paid to the
Company  or  as  otherwise  instructed by the Company upon receipt by the Escrow
Agent  of  a  Release  Notice  as  described  above;  and

          (b)     if the Escrow Agent has not received a Release Notice from the
Company  at  or before 4:00 p.m. ________________ time, on __________, 2001, (or
____________,  2001  if  extended by the Company by written notice to the Escrow
Agent  given on or before _________________ , 2001), and the Escrow Funds do not
total  at  least  $75,000  at such time and date, then the Escrow Funds shall be
returned  to  Subscribers.

In  the  event  that at any time the Escrow Agent shall receive from the Company
written  instructions  signed  by  an  individual who is identified on Exhibit B
attached  hereon  as  a  person  authorized  to  act  on  behalf of the Company,
requesting  the Escrow Agent to refund to a Subscriber the amount of a collected
check  or  other funds received by the Escrow Agent, the Escrow Agent shall make
such  refund  to the Subscriber within one (1) business day after receiving such

     5.     Limitation of Responsibility and Liability of the Escrow Agent.  The
Escrow  Agent:

          (a)     shall  not  be liable for any error of judgment or for any act
done or step taken or omitted by it in good faith, or for any mistake of fact or
law,  or  for  anything  which  it  may  do  or refrain from doing in connection
herewith,  except  its  own  gross  negligence  and  willful  misconduct;

          (b)     shall  be  authorized  to  rely  upon all written instructions
and/or  communications  of  the non-bank Party which appear to be valid on their

          (c)     shall  have  no  implied  obligations  or  responsibilities
hereunder,  nor  shall it have any obligation or responsibility to collect funds
or  seek  the  deposit  of  money  or  property;

          (d)     may  consult  with  legal counsel of its choice with regard to
any  legal  question  arising in connection with this duties or responsibilities


hereunder, and shall have no liability or responsibility by reason of any action
it  may  take  or  fail to take in accordance with the opinions of such counsel;

          (e)     acts hereunder as a depository only, and is not responsible or
liable  in  any manner whatsoever for the sufficiency, correctness, genuineness,
or  validity of any instrument deposited with it, or with respect to the form or
execution  of  the  same,  or  the  identity, authority, or rights of any person
executing  or  depositing  the  same;  and

          (f)     shall  be entitled to comply with any final order, judgment or
decree  of a court of competent jurisdiction, and/or with the consistent written
instructions  from  the  non-bank  Party.

     6.     Costs and Expenses.  The fee of the Escrow Agent is $100, receipt of
which  is hereby acknowledged.  In addition, if the Escrow Funds are returned to
subscribers  under 4(b), above, the Escrow Agent shall receive a fee of $_______
per  check  for such service.  The fee agreed on for services rendered hereunder
is intended as full compensation for the Escrow Agent's services as contemplated
by  this  Agreement; however, in the event that the conditions of this Agreement
are  not  fulfilled,  the  Escrow  Agent  renders  any  material  service  not
contemplated  by  this  Agreement,  there  is  any assignment of interest in the
subject matter of this Agreement, there is any material modification hereof, any
material controversy arises hereunder, or the Escrow Agent is made a party to or
justifiably  intervenes  in  any  litigation pertaining to this Agreement or the
subject matter hereof, the Escrow Agent shall be reasonably compensated for such
extraordinary  expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, occasioned by any
delay,  controversy,  litigation,  or event and the same may be recoverable only
from  the  Company.

     7.     Notices.  All  notices  and  communications  shall be deemed to have
been  duly  given:  at the time delivered by hand, if personally delivered; when
received,  if  deposited  in  the  mail,  postage prepaid, addressed as provided
below;  when  transmission  is verified, if telecopied; and on the next business
day,  if  timely  delivered  to  an air courier guaranteeing overnight delivery;

To  the  Company:                         Alaska  Freightways,  Inc.

                                          300  East  54th  Ave.,  Suite  200
                                          Anchorage,  AK  99518
                                          Attn:  Donald  E.  Nelson,  President

To  Escrow  Agent:                        ESCROW  SPECIALISTS
                                          P.  O.  Box  3287
                                          Ogden,  UT  84409
                                          Attn:  Dennis  Simpson

Any  party  may change its address by providing written notice of such change to
the  other  parties  hereto.


     8.     Resignation  by Escrow Agent.  Upon thirty (30) calendar days' prior
written  notice  to  the non-bank Party delivered or sent as required above, the
Escrow  Agent  shall  have  the right to resign as escrow agent hereunder and to
thereby terminate its duties and responsibilities hereunder, and shall thereupon
be  released from these instructions.  Upon resignation by the Escrow Agent, the
Escrow  Agent  shall  provide  the  non-bank  Party  with sufficient information
concerning  the  status  of  the  Escrow  Fund to enable the non-bank parties to
provide  the  same  to  a  successor  escrow  agent.

     9.     Termination  of  Escrow  Agreement.  The  Escrow  Agent's
responsibilities  thereunder  shall  terminate  at  such time as the Escrow Fund
shall  have  been  fully disbursed pursuant to the terms hereof, or upon earlier
termination of this escrow arrangement pursuant to written instructions executed
by the non-bank Party.  Such written notice of earlier termination shall include
instruction  to  the  Escrow  Agent  for  the  distribution  of the Escrow Fund.

     10.     Entire Agreement.  This Agreement contains the entire understanding
by  and  among  the  parties  hereto;  there  are  no  promises,  agreements,
understandings,  representations  or warranties, other than as herein set forth.
No  change  or modification of this Agreement shall be valid or effective unless
the  same  is  in  writing  and  is  signed  by  all  of  the  parties  hereto.

     11.     Applicable  Law,  Successors  and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be
governed  in all respects by the laws of the state of Utah, and shall be binding
upon  and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective
heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their respective hands
to  be set hereto with the intention of being bound effective in all respects as
of  the  date  and  year  first  hereinabove  written.

                         Alaska  Freightways,  Inc.

                              By:  Donald  E.  Nelson
                              Its:  President

                         ESCROW  SPECIALISTS

                              By:  Dennis  Simpson
                              Its:  President


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 Release Notice



     The  undersigned  hereby  authorize and instruct ESCROW SPECIALISTS, escrow
agent,  to release [$______________] of Escrow Funds from the Escrow Account and
to  deliver  such  funds  as  follows:

                         [Insert Delivery Instructions]

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  release has been executed on ________________,

                         Alaska  Freightways,  Inc.

                              By:  Donald  E.  Nelson
                              Its:  President


                                    EXHIBIT B

                              Authorized Personnel

The  Escrow  Agent  is  authorized  to accept instructions and notices signed or
believed  by  the  Escrow Agent to be signed by any one of the following each of
whom  is  authorized  to  act  on  behalf  of  the  Company:

On  Behalf  of  Alaska  Freightways,  Inc.

Name                    Title                    Signature
- ----                    -----                    ---------

Donald E. Nelson        President                ______________________________
