WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [ ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [X]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement           [ ]  Confidential, For Use of the
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement                 Commission Only (as permitted
[X]  Definitive Additional Materials            by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
     Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                              JOSEPH P. SALINE JR.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5)   Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
    Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
    paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
    number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

    1)   Amount previously paid:
    2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
    3)   Filing Party:
    4)   Date Filed:

Fellow shareholders,

Most of you have  recently  received a 4 page  foldout  supplemental  proxy from

It's  truly  unfortunate  that I have to bother you again and resort to this new
communication but I must defensively refute those FALSE accusations.  The entire
document was a smear campaign against me personally.

Although it was defamatory  and libelous to me, more  importantly to you, it was
grossly  misleading in order to get your vote. The Federal  Securities  Exchange
Commission (SEC) is very concerned about misleading shareholders.

Notice  that Mr.  Carter did not provide  one bit of  information  to refute the
facts and  figures  in my proxy  against  the  current  CEC  leadership  and the
egregious squandering of your shareholder funds. That's because the SEC required
me to  provide  documentary  proof to them  before  they  allowed me to file the

I  provided  truthful  information  to  you  based  on  thousands  of  hours  of
investigation over the last three years as your "shareholder's director". I have
had to fight tooth and nail to get relevant  documents  which Mr. Carter refused
to disclose and which the courts have ordered him to provide to Directors. He is
still hiding  information from you and the directors.  I will be disclosing some
to you in this Email.

Following  is the  letter I provided  to the SEC about the false and  misleading
information Mr. Carter sent you:

Dear Mr. Panos,

Commonwealth Energy (File #000-33069) filed a DEFA14A on 5/6/04.

Just about  everything  in that proxy  supplement is totally  false.  The entire
document is nothing more than a personal smear campaign against me.

There is no attempt to provide  truthful and objective  information  to help the
shareholders judge the issues.

Although it was clearly defamatory and libelous to me, more importantly,  to the
SEC and  shareholders,  it was grossly false and  misleading in order to solicit
votes. I have received many calls from confused  shareholders in the past 2 days
asking for clarification.

At a minimum, the following statements made in Commonwealth Energy Corporation's
("CEC")  May 6,  2004  definitive  additional  proxy  materials  are  false  and
misleading in violation of SEC Rule 14a-9:

     *    Page 1 - "The  misleading  statements and false claims in Mr. Saline's
          proxy  material  are so  numerous  that it would  take too  lengthy  a
          rebuttal letter to respond to each one.">

Mr. Saline's proxy solicitation materials do not contain any false or misleading
statements. By claiming otherwise,  this statement is false and misleading.  Mr.
Saline's proxy  solicitation  materials  went through a rigorous  review process
with the SEC who  checked  for  misleading  statements  and  required  extensive
documentation  be provided to  substantiate  Mr.  Saline's  claims.  Mr.  Saline
provided the SEC with written  documentary  evidence  substantiating his claims.
Notably,  CEC's definitive  additional materials do not identify even one single
statement in Mr.  Saline's  definitive  proxy  solicitation  materials  that CEC
contends is false and misleading.


Mr. Saline's  definitive proxy  solicitation  materials state quite clearly,  "I
FAVORED the pro-shareholder listing of CEC on the AMEX." (Emphasis added.) CEC's
definitive  additional  materials  suggest that Mr. Saline  opposes  listing CEC
shares (i.e.,  "YOUR STOCK") on AMEX. CEC's suggestion is false, as shown in Mr.
Saline's proxy  materials.  Also, as demonstrated in CEC's own proxy  materials,
reorganizing  into a Delaware  corporation is not necessary to provide liquidity
to CEC shareholders - i.e., to list "YOUR STOCK" on AMEX. CEC admits,  "We could
have  attempted  to list  the  common  stock  of  Commonwealth  on the AMEX as a
California corporation, however, we have elected not to do so.">

     *    Page 1, first bullet point - "Mr. Saline has amassed a voting position
          of 702,000 shares of Commonwealth at the average cost of approximately
          $0.17 per share."

First, Mr. Saline owns 352,000 preferred shares with voting rights equivalent to
704,000 common shares,  not 702,000.  This is shown in Judge Brooks'>  September
24, 2003 order Mr. Saline  provided the Commission in his April 21, 2004 letter.
Second,  the "cost"to Mr. Saline to establish his voting rights and the validity
of his  stock  includes  not  only the  purchase  price  of the  stock,  but the
attorneys'fees  and costs Mr.  Saline has expended to establish the validity and
voting   rights  of  those   shares.   (CEC   does  not  say  that  Mr.   Saline
"paid"approximately  $0.17 per share as a purchase  price,  but that Mr.  Saline
"amassed a voting position of 702,000 shares of Commonwealth at the average cost
of  approximately  $0.17 per share.")  Such  additional  "> costs"to Mr.  Saline
amount to well in excess of $300,000 which, added to Mr. Saline's total purchase
price of $120,000,  amounts to well in excess of $0.60 per share,  which is more
than what other  shareholders  paid at the time. (In CEC's initial mass sales of
shares,  both  common and  preferred,  in the fall of 1997,  shares were sold at
$1.00 per share, and later split 2 for 1, meaning those  shareholders today paid
$0.50 per share for their stock.)

     *    Page 2, first bullet point, first paragraph,  last sentence - "He [Mr.
          Saline]  failed to advise the  company's  board of  directors  of this
          conflict of interest  [vis a vis Mr.  Saline's  ownership of New World
          Power stock].">

Mr.  Saline did inform CEC's board of  directors  of his  ownership of New World
Power stock at the very first  opportunity  - the very first  Board  meeting Mr.
Saline was  allowed to attend  after being  elected and seated via court  order.
Moreover,  Mr.  Saline  informed  CEC's  Chairman  and CEO,  Ian Carter,  of Mr.
Saline's  ownership  of New World  Power  stock in their very first  meeting and
immediately  after Mr.  Carter told Mr.  Saline  that CEC had  received a merger
offer from New World Power.

     *    Page 2, first bullet point,  second paragraph,  first sentence - "Your
          Board rejected Mr. Saline's merger proposal . . .">

The New World Power merger proposal was not "Mr.  Saline's merger  proposal." It
did not  originate  from Mr. Saline and Mr.  Saline did not  participate  in any
fashion in making the offer,  and indeed did not even know about the offer until
it had already been made and received by CEC's Chairman and CEO, Ian Carter. Mr.
Saline has never  participated  in the management of New World Power,  has never
been an employee or agent of New World  Power.  By  suggesting  that Mr.  Saline
initiated the merger  proposal or was responsible for making the proposal or its
terms, this statement is false and misleading.

     *    Page 2, first bullet  point,  second  paragraph,  last sentence - "You
          should know that it has been Commonwealth's plan to list as a Delaware
          corporation since at least 1999.">

This  statement  is false.  When Mr.  Saline was first  seated on CEC's board in
early 2001 via court order, he asked for a copy of CEC's strategic plan, and was
told  that no such plan  existed.  In all the time Mr.  Saline  has been a board
member, CEC has never had a plan to reorganize into a Delaware corporation until
October  2003,  shortly  after Mr.  Saline  prevailed  in Phase One of Saline v.
Carter  et  al.,  Orange  County  Superior  Court  Case  No.  01CC13887,   which
established the validity of Mr. Saline's 352,000  preferred  shares.  Mr. Saline
contends,  and has filed a lawsuit in which he will  prove,  that  CEC's  entire
reorganization proposal is simply a ruse to "end run"Judge  Brooks'September 24,
2003 order establishing the validity of Mr. Saline'> s preferred shares.  Query,
why does CEC's plan  completely  eliminate  preferred  stock in the new Delaware
corporation?  Mr. Saline asked CEC to offer a legitimate business reason why the
capital  structure of the proposed  Delaware  corporation  eliminated  preferred
stock.  CEC would not (i.e.,  could  not)  answer.  At a minimum,  CEC should be
required to submit  documentation to the SEC to substantiate  this claim or else
retract  it.  Mr.  Saline  is  confident  CEC  cannot   provide  any  supporting

     *    Page 2, second bullet point,  first two sentences - "Mr.  Saline,  and
          persons we believe to be aligned with Mr. Saline, have been parties to
          NINE  lawsuits  with  Commonwealth  over the past  four  years.  Their
          actions have cost Commonwealth millions of dollars.">

Obviously,  when Commonwealth's  current management  authorizes  Commonwealth to
sue, and  Commonwealth  loses,  the litigation is caused by current  management.
Equally obvious is that when  Commonwealth  is sued and loses,  the cause of the
litigation is similarly that of current management. Should those individuals who
legitimately  purchased  stock,  or  legitimately  earned stock options or other
compensation  that  Commonwealth's  current  management  unlawfully  refused  to
recognize,  simply have slept on their rights?  Commonwealth's  management is to
blame for not  giving  these  individuals  what they  were  rightfully  owed and
causing  them to sue  Commonwealth  to vindicate  their  rights.  Mr.  Saline is
unaware of any lawsuit  instituted during the tenure of current  management that
Commonwealth  has won.  Every such lawsuit that has thus far been decided on the
merits  Commonwealth  has  lost,  as  shown  in Mr.  Saline's  definitive  proxy
solicitation  materials and the supporting  documentation Mr. Saline provided to
the Commission in his April 21, 2004 letter.

Accordingly,  it is Commonwealth's management, and not the actions of Mr. Saline
and those who side with him, who have cost Commonwealth shareholders millions of
dollars.  Commonwealth's  statement  to the  contrary  is false  and  misleading
because  it  improperly  assesses  the  blame for the  losses on the  prevailing
parties  in the vast  majority  of the  litigation,  and not the  losing  party,
Commonwealth and its current management.

     *    Page 2, third bullet point - "As a director Mr.  Saline tape  recorded
          board  meetings  without  the  permission  or  knowledge  of the other
          directors. Such taping is not permitted under California law.">

Mr. Saline has admitted to tape recording  board meetings  without the knowledge
of CEC's other Board members.  However, this tape recording was done pursuant to
an express section of California law, Penal Code section 633.5, which states:

     "Nothing in Section 631, 632, 632.5, 632.6, or 632.7 prohibits one party to
a confidential communication from recording the communication for the purpose of
obtaining  evidence  reasonably  believed to relate to the commission by another
party to the communication of the crime of extortion . . ."

CEC has sued Mr.  Saline for tape  recording  these Board  meetings  and filed a
motion for summary  judgment.  CEC's  motion was denied  because the trial court
ruled that Mr. Saline had produced  substantial evidence that his recordings fit
within the express  exception of Penal Code section  633.5 and thus were legally
permitted under California law. Because this issue has yet to be resolved by the
Court, and in fact, CEC has lost in its initial attempt to obtain a court ruling
against Mr. Saline,  CEC should not be allowed to say that Mr. Saline's " taping
is not permitted  under  California  law" absent a final  judgment in its favor,
which obviously it does not have.

     *    Page 2, last bullet  point - "Mr.  Saline  provided  individual  suing
          Commonwealth  with financial and tactical advice using  information he
          received as a member of the board of directors."

In its form as a statement of fact, this is blatantly  false. If this was worded
as an allegation,  CEC's likely evidentiary  support for this statement would be
the lone  declaration of David James, an ex-employee  whom CEC recently  settled
major  litigation  with by paying Mr.  James in excess of $200,000.  Mr.  Saline
denies nearly everything in Mr.  James'declaration and denies ever assisting Mr.
James in his lawsuit  against CEC. CEC brought two motions in court based on Mr.
James'declaration.  The first was denied in part because of the judge's concerns
as to the veracity of Mr. James given the recent  settlement with Mr. James. The
second has not yet been  resolved.  At a  minimum,  CEC  should be  required  to
explain their  evidentiary basis for this statement and disclose to shareholders
that Mr.  Saline denies the  allegations  and no court has found that Mr. Saline
did disclose information he received as a Board member to Mr. James.

Mr. Panos, I would respectfully request that you require CEC to immediately send
a letter to  shareholders  retracting  those  "additional  proxy  materials" and
offering the shareholders an apology for disseminating unfounded accusations and
provide them with a new proxy card.

Thank you for your immediate consideration of this request.

Following is a letter I sent to two of your  "independent"  CEC  directors,  Mr.
Craig  Goodman  and Mr.  Mark  Juergensen  with some  minor  changes  to protect
confidentiality where required.

Craig, Mark,

I just read  CEC's  latest  mailing as signed by each of you.  Just about  every
statement in the letter is absolutely false. You have been led astray by Carter.

It's similar to the attachment B Carter got Perkins and Gates to sign during the
CSG proxy fight 2+ years ago. That was ultimately retracted and removed from the
final proxy.

I want you to know that not only is the letter  defamatory and misleading to the
shareholders but outright libelous. I will be contacting the SEC.

I would have expected  something  like that from Carter and Perkins but not from
the two of you.

I'm asking you now to  investigate  those  statements  immediately  and publicly
retract your signature no later than Thursday, May 13, 2004.

Also,  I recently  received  written  documentation  about the  formal  internal
opposition  by high  level  CEC  management  in  opposition  to  Summit  and the
reorganization. I also have documentation about Bill Popejoy's disagreement with
Carter on Dividends and Summit.  Other than Perkins, I don't believe any of this
was  shared  with  the  Directors.  Remember,  officers  are  appointed  by  and
responsible to the Board. It is our fiduciary  responsibility  to listen to them
and know what's going on but their  opinions have been hidden from us by Carter.
Carter's attempts to bring critical issues to "committees" for resolution rather
than the entire board has been  succesful  for him but grossly  unethical to the
shareholders;  please remember, we work for the shareholders,  not Carter and we
are failing them miserably.

Remember my question at the December  board  meeting when I asked  whether CEC's
managers  were  supportive  of the  reorganization  and Carter  said he's had no

Quote from our COO dated Dec.  11th.:  "Because I do not believe this  expensive
and  ill-advised  reorganization  plan  (primarily  aimed at silencing one Board
member)  is  needed  to  accomplish  our  stock  listing  goal or our  strategic

Quote signed by ALL senior management:  "We believe Summit was ill conceived and
has certainly not delivered.....We continue to be troubled by the very existence
of Summit..."

Directors must ask hard, probing questions and when necessary, in their opinion,
assume difficult and unpopular positions. Management should bear in mind that it
is not personal; it's the Director's job.

I will continue my attempts to get access to many documents which Carter refuses
to provide  and will most likely  resort to contempt of court  charges to obtain
whatever  documents  I need to keep the  shareholders  informed.  Remember,  the
Appeals court ordered CEC to provide to any director any  information  they want
and allowed them to disclose appropriate information with shareholders. Carter's
attempts to hide unfavorable  information  from the board and from  shareholders
are disgaceful.

I believe Bill  Popejoy,  former  director,  resigned to protect his  reputation
after  significant  disagreements  with Ian Carter about  Summit,  Dividends and
Multiple Stock Evaluations.

I was also told directly by Judge Sullivan,  former director, at the last annual
meeting and subsequently via telecon,  that his independent  investigation  into
Summit left him troubled and he asked Carter for a complete  independent review,
to no avail. Perhaps that's why he resigned; to protect his reputation.

Regarding  multiple stock  evaluations:  I obtained a copy of the Houlihan Lokey
report,  Feb.  2004 where the  valuation was in a range between $2.86 and $3.11.
Where did the $1.92 come from???

$1.92  was the same low  projections  used for  Stepping  Stone  and  Management
Options, 50% undervalued.

If approx $3.00 is the correct  evaluation,  we overpaid  for Stepping  Stone by
more than 50%. We sold stock at the lower  valuation.  We awarded options at the
discounted price. The IRS may be interested in the options pricing. We didn't do
our fiduciary duty. We relied on Carter.

Another Quote from our COO  reflecting  what Popejoy  probably  found:...  "I am
extremely  concerned  about the  publication  and  distribution  of business and
financial  forecast  information  that does not  reflect the most  probable  and
likely  projections......In  light of the liquidity analysis and valuation which
utilized these  projections for a potential offer to acquire the company (or now
possibly its stock) ....."

Remember,  this is the same COO who was so highly  thought  of only a few months
ago that he was awarded a $50,000 annual pay raise and a $huge bonus. Of course,
all this ends when you disagree with Carter. Also, the shareholders (complements
of our Comp  Committee)  generously  gave this very  competent  COO and our very
competent CFO a $2 million + going away package to silence  them.  Are you aware
that Oliver's  employment contract is up in 6 months and we wouldn't have to pay
him  anything?  I invite both of you to ask ANY internal  manager about how good
and effective  these two gentlemen  were;  it's  unanimous,  they were great and
saved the company and tried to stop the losses Carter is still incurring because
of his paranoia and ego!

I have more and it WILL be provided to the  Shareholders and the Court. You WILL
be  embarrased  to have let  this  malfeasance  and  fraud  occur on our  watch.
Remember,  the  Coltrain  class  action suit is alive in Federal  Court;  I have
reviewed the complaint and it is clearly additional egregious FRAUD.

I'd advise you to work WITH me to expose these as well as what I already  PROVED
to the SEC in my  proxy  filing,  copy  attached.  You may not  like  some of my
statements  but I challenge  you to find any  "misleading  statements  and false
claims" as your letter indicates.

For your information,  I'll also include a copy of my recent filing which Carter
referenced in his latest epistle.


Joe Saline

In summary, please ask yourself one logical question.

Why would Joe Saline do anything to  negatively  affect  CEC's share  value?  He
would be hurting  himself  the most.  Joe Saline was the single  largest  single
shareholder  as of Jan 20,  2004 when we were  supposed  to have our CEC  annual
meeting and ELECT new directors.  Mr Carter was afraid of that prospect  because
of  his  extremely  poor   performance  and  cancelled  that  meeting.   If  the
reorganization plan passes he will probably APPOINT himself to a 3 year term.

Bottom  line:  The  reorganization  and  reincorporation  in Delaware is BAD for
shareholders;  There is absolutely no sound,  shareholder  value added reason to
approve this costly ill conceived  plan;  it will only allow  management to more
easily hide issues from you, like Enron did. Listing Commonwealth (not Commerce)
on the AMEX can be done by the  directors  when you  vote  AGAINST  the  current
reorganization plan.

If you already sent me your green card proxy, thanks!

If you  want to send a new  proxy  please  print  out,  sign  and  date  the one
attached. Then fax it to me. FAX. 818-715-6766


Joe Saline