Exhibit 99.2

                               Summary Geological

                            Geochemical Report On The

                               CADE Mineral Claim

                               Northing 5566000 m
                                Easting 538000 m

                    Longitude 123(0)05' W Latitude 50(0)29' N

                                   UTM Zone 10

                              Map Sheets M092J0 6E
                            Lillooet Mining Division
                            Northern Exploration Ltd.
                         Suite 1120-470 Granville Street
                             Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1V5

                            George Nicholson, P.Geo.
                              Date: February, 2005



List Of Figures.............................................................. 3

1.  Summary.................................................................. 4

2.  INTRODUCTION............................................................. 5
        2.1  Disclaimer...................................................... 5

3.  Property Description And Location........................................ 6

4.  Access, Climate, and Physiography, Local Resources and Infrastructure.... 7

5.  Property History......................................................... 8

6.  Geochemical and Geological Setting....................................... 9
        6.1  Geology of Claim................................................ 9

7.  Regional Geophysics......................................................10
        7.1  Geophysics of Claim.............................................10

8.  Recent Exploration Work..................................................10

10. Conclusions..............................................................11

11. Recommendations for Exploration..........................................12

12. BUDGET...................................................................13
        Budget - Phase I.....................................................13
        Budget - Phase II....................................................13
        Phase III............................................................14
        Budget - Phase III...................................................14

13. Statement Of Qualifications..............................................15

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                                                                  Following Page

Figure 1. Location Map................................................ -6-

Figure 2. Claim Map Location, Regional Geology & Geochemistry......... -9-

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     In 2004, Cade claim was staked and sold to Northern Exploration Ltd.
     Geological prospecting in the area identified mineralised boulders was
     reviewed to establish and evaluate the trend of these sulphide rich
     volcanic rocks as they relate to the claim and geophysical and satellite
     data was acquired and analyzed.

     The Property is located south of Lillooet River approximately 25 kilometres
     west northwest of Pemberton in south-western British Columbia consists of
     one unpatented four post mineral claim representing 20 units. The
     vegetation is typical rain forest found on the coastal-interior ranges of
     British Columbia and the elevation runs from Lillooet River at about 850
     feet, to the ridge tops and peaks near the north side of the property in
     excess of 7000 feet.

     The geological mapping review and satellite interpretation has confirmed
     the potential of the property. Further work is required to fully evaluate
     the claims.

     It is recommended that a Phase I program of geological mapping, sampling
     and prospecting be undertaken to further define areas of potential
     interest. This will cost some $5,000. An additional $5,000 of further
     geological investigation will follow a successful Part I. Continuing work
     will involve a detailed airborne EM geophysics programme and follow-up,
     costing approximately $40,000 for the claim.

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     In 2004, the Cade claim was staked and sold to Northern Exploration Ltd.
     The company acquired the property in order to evaluate the local potential
     for base and precious metal deposits, associated with belt of Gambier
     rocks, host rock of the Britannia Mine extending northwest, from Whistler,
     BC. This claim forms the basis for this report.


     This report was initiated by the President of Northern Exploration Ltd. to
     evaluate the area of the claim and to recommend an exploration program to
     develop its mineral prospects and to be filed with the appropriate
     regulatory bodies.

     In order to write the report, the area geology and past exploration was
     researched to gain a better understanding of the potential. The report
     includes the initial prospecting and preliminary geological work completed
     by the author in the surrounding region.

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     The Property is located south of Lillooet River approximately 25 kilometres
     west northwest of Pemberton in south-western British Columbia (Figure 1,
     UTM Zone 10, Map Sheet M092J0 6E,). Logging roads are found on the south
     and north of the claim group but only open less than 10% of it to vehicle
     supported exploration. Permitting for initial exploration work has already
     been obtained.

     The Property consists of one unpatented four post mineral claim
     representing 20 units that have been staked and recorded and occur in the
     Lillooet mining division. The claim of Northern Exploration Ltd. parameters
     is delineating below and is displayed on Figure 2.

                        TABLE 1. LILLOOET LAKE CADE CLAIM

Claim Name      Units       Record #        Expiry Date          Map Sheet          Locator         Agent for *
- ----------      -----       --------        -----------          ---------          -------         -----------
  Cade           20          414553       August 18, 2005        M092J06E        L. Stephenson     Gillian Wells

  TOTAL          20    UNITS

In British Columbia, each unit equals 25 hectares.

     All claims staked in British Columbia require $100 worth of assessment work
     to be undertaken in Years 1 and 2, followed by $200 per claim per year
     thereafter. There are no known environmental concerns or parks designated
     for any area contained within the claim. Lillooet River has limited
     recreational uses and it has no official designation. The region is
     principally logged.

     The property has no encumbrances. As advanced exploration proceeds there
     may be bonding requirements for reclamation.

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     Northern Exploration Ltd. has acquired outright for a total cost of $2,500
     U.S., a 100% interest in the property subject to a 2.5% Net Smelter


     The Cade property lies just off a paved highway immediately south of the
     Pemberton Meadows on Lillooet River, in British Columbia's southern Coast
     Mountains. The property is approximately 25 km west northwest of the town
     of Pemberton, and approximately 115 km N of Vancouver. It can be accessed
     by two wheel drive vehicle in about 3 hours from Vancouver via the
     Sea-to-Sky Highway 99: north along Howe Sound from Vancouver's North Shore
     to Squamish, and then through the winter resort town of Whistler to
     Pemberton. Pemberton is a fully-serviced community of some 3,000 people and
     through which the BC Rail mainline runs as does major power transmission.

     Local access to the property is only practical via helicopter, but a
     year-round helicopter base in nearby Pemberton is only 15 minutes
     flight-time away. Lillooet River is at an elevation of about 850 feet, and
     the ridge tops and peaks near the east side of the property are in excess
     of 7000 feet, so the intervening slopes are commonly steep. Lower slopes
     heavily forested and mantled by thick glacial drift and colluvium, although
     local cliffs and creek canyons afford good rock exposure. On the higher
     slopes, tree line varies in elevation from about 5000 to 6000 feet, and
     bedrock exposure is generally excellent. Park infrastructure in the area is
     long established and unlikely to change. No parks or recreational sites are
     within 10 km of the property. All the major drainages flow year round as do
     many subsidiary creeks. As well the area is set aside for industrial
     (logging, mining) purposes.

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     The vegetation is typical rain forest found on the coastal-interior ranges
     of British Columbia. There is a mix of cedar, hemlock, spruce trees with
     alder, willow and cottonwood on old roads and poorly drained areas.
     Undergrowth brush is typical with salal, devil's club and assorted berry
     bushes. Climate is subtly changed from the lower mainland area with longer,
     colder winters and warmer summers. The most snow observed on the tops of
     the hills was 4 metres in late January.

     Lillooet River Valley is an active logging and farming region with plenty
     of heavy equipment and operators available for hire. Most live in
     Pemberton, Lillooet, Whistler or Squamish. All these population centres
     totalling almost 30,000 people are within a one to two hour drive of the
     project and provide all amenities including police, hospitals, groceries,
     fuel, helicopter services, hardware and other necessary items. Drilling
     companies are present in communities nearby while assay facilities are
     located in Vancouver.


     The Cade claim were staked following initial field investigations that
     discovered mineralized boulders down slope from the property. Several
     unexplained regional geochemical survey (RGS) stream sediment anomalies are
     also present throughout the drainages drain the area of the claim.
     Extensive research uncovered no previous property-scale work that had been
     done in the immediate area of the claim. As well there are no recorded
     mineral occurrences or reports of assessment work in the watersheds from
     which the anomalous samples were collected (C.F., B.C. Minfile).

     Several showings in volcanogenic rocks are reported to contain disseminated
     to massive sulphides approximately 12 kilometres to the north east. As well

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     the area to the south where most recent staking activity is ongoing has a
     showing of copper and molybdenum approximately 7 kilometres to the south


     Anomalous RGS samples south of the Cade property were first noted during
     research into the exploration potential of the area in the vicinity of the
     discovered boulders. The anomalous RGS samples are multi-element and they
     have a well-developed geochemical signature (Cu Pb Zn Ag) that is
     indicative of a source which includes volcanic rocks and sulphides. All of
     the samples draining the immediate area to the south of the claim are
     anomalous in Cu Pb and Zn while Ag is present in the one drainage off the
     claim and Pb and Zn values are found in one drainage to the north of the

     N.B. Elemental abbreviations - as found on periodic tables - are used
     throughout Pb=lead, Cu=copper, Zn=zinc, Ag=silver, As=arsenic, Ni=nickel

     In spite of the fact that mainly plutonic rocks are shown on regional
     geologic maps of the area (Figure 2), the noted presence of volcanics in
     the vicinity of the claim suggests that more extensive favourable rock
     types exist in the area directly related to the anomalous samples and
     volcanogenic massive sulphide zones could exist in the area.


     The area of the claim is mapped as being underlain by Cretaceous - Jurassic
     Age plutonic rocks of the Coastal Crystalline Complex. A later volcanic
     unit of Miocene age overlies this intrusive to the west of the claim.

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     Volcanic boulders containing sulphides were located in drainages south of
     the claim and probably represent rock types on the claim.

     A fault bounded slice of Gambier volcanic rocks extends just south east of
     the claim and is projected towards the claim.


     The area of the claim does not have a published Geological Survey of Canada
     airborne magnetometer survey. Data from the B.C Government files suggest
     that the property appears to be on the flank of a high magnetic response
     associated with the volcanics to the north. A similar response associated
     with the Gambier rocks to the south warrants further investigation.


     No ground geophysical surveying has been reported for the Property.


     A small claims group north of the property has been held for several years
     but no report of work has been done on it. Recent staking south of the
     claim has occurred but no reported work has been completed to date.

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     Satellite images that were posted on the B.C. Government website were
     reviewed. The area of the claim has some structural clues that could be of
     assistance in the search for mineral deposits. The data collected for the
     property areas originated from satellite photos taken circa 1990.

     The most prevalent feature is the primarily northwest-southeast lineaments
     intersecting with the more east-west lineaments that are represented by the
     major drainages. This is of particular interest on the Cade claim block,
     where one of these lineaments which has been mapped as a fault crosses onto
     the property intersecting geological contacts, or some other form of break.
     They all signify areas to focus in on, particularly at intersections.


     It is possible that a volcanogenic massive sulphide host rocks as
     represented by the discovered boulders could be found as a screen cover
     overlaying or within much younger plutonic rocks mapped on the property on
     a very cursory regional scale. Such a target on the Cade claim is
     considered very attractive, not only because of the geochemistry and
     inferred geological continuity, but also because of the apparent lack of
     previous exploration. Few mineral claims in good standing exist on the
     south side of river, and no Minfile occurrences have been recorded.
     Prospecting of boulders on the road system has shown that mineralized
     volcanic rocks could exist on the property and possibly contain Cu Pb, and
     Zn sulphides.

     The property has significant merit as a potential host of economic mineral
     zones. Further work is required to fully evaluate the claim.

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     The Cade property is at an early stage of exploration. Access is formidable
     but the lower parts of the property can be worked for much of the year.
     Initially, the property still requires reconnaissance geology, geochemistry
     and prospecting to better establish the presence and position of the rocks
     of exploration interest.

     A two stage program is recommended with the first stage to consist of
     geological mapping and prospecting and geochemical sampling. Helicopter
     support to establish the crew in the more inaccessible areas is

     If the geochemistry is correct, and a belt of potential host rocks is
     identified strong consideration should be given to staking more claims
     early in the initial program.

     Flying an airborne geophysical survey, with (magnetics, EM, and perhaps
     radiometrics), to help determine and guide any recommended follow-up work.

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     The initial phase of exploration for the claim will consist of detailed
     geological mapping of all roads within and buttressing the claim and silt
     sampling of every drainage or draw (soil sampling if necessary). This work
     is important in establishing the base and anomalous geochemical values and
     the structural implication of the drainages as faults or contacts.

     The Phase I budget will cover initial geological mapping; silt (soil if
     necessary) geochemical sampling of defined drainages; and prospecting. It
     is estimated to cost $3,200 as described below. All figures in US dollars.


         Geologist              3 day @ $400/day                        $ 1,200
         Geotechnician          3 days @ $350/day                       $ 1,050
         Equipment rental       1 x 4 wheeldrive vehicle                $   300
                                Fuel, Food, Field Supplies              $   400
                                Assays 20 @ $20 each                    $   400
                                Helicopter 1 hour @ $1,000              $ 1,000
                                Report                                  $   500
                                Filing Fees                             $   150
         TOTAL                                                          $ 5,000


         Follow-up Geochem and Detailed Geology                         $ 5,000

     [Will include Geologist, Geotechnician, Fuel, Food, Field Supplies, Assays
     and Helicopter support]

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     Following successful geological mapping, sampling and prospecting of Phase
     I and II, it is recommended that a Phase III exploration program be
     undertaken utilizing a helicopter equipped, deep penetrating airborne EM
     system (such as AeroTem) to conduct a detailed geophysical survey of the
     target areas to further refine the targets. Detailed grid establishment
     followed by geological mapping and geochemical surveying would be conducted
     prior to diamond drilling (Phase III).


     1.  Airborne EM Survey 100 line km @ $150/km                      $ 15,000

     2.  Follow-up geological surveys                                  $ 25,000

                                            TOTAL                      $ 40,000

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     I, George E. Nicholson, of 21910 - 61st Avenue, Langley, British Columbia
     hereby certify that:

     1.   I am a graduate of the University of British Columbia with a degree in
          Geology (B.Sc., 1986);

     2.   I have practiced my profession as a Geologist continuously since

     3.   I am a director of Garex International Exploration Corp.;

     4.   I am a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and
          Geoscientists of the Province of British Columbia (No. 19796);

     5.   I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society (No. 423161);

     6.   There are no material facts or material changes in the subject matter
          of this report that would mislead the reader;

     7.   I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the properties or common
          shares of Northern Exploration Ltd., nor do I expect to receive any;

     8.   I have been involved in exploration of Harrison Lake and surrounding
          ground since claim acquisition commenced;

     9.   I have read National Policy Instrument 43-101 and Form 43-101 F1 and
          this technical report has been prepared in accordance with this policy
          and form; and,

     10.  I hereby grant my permission for Northern Exploration Ltd. to use this
          Report for any corporate use normal to their business.

          DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia this _____ day of February, 2005.

          George E. Nicholson, P.Geo., FRGS

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     Ash, C. 2002. Geology of the East Harrison Lake Belt, southwestern British
     Columbia; British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Geological
     Fieldwork 2001, Paper 2002-1, pp. 197-209.

     Geological Survey of Canada, 1972, Airborne Magnetic Survey as compiled by
     the British Columbia Geological Survey

     Journeay, J.M., and Monger, J.W.H. 1994. Guide to the geology and tectonic
     evolution of the southern Coast Mountains; Geological Survey of Canada,
     Open File 2490, 77 p.

     MinFile # 092JSW018; 092JNE170.

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