Exhibit 99.2

                              CANTOP VENTURES INC.

                                EVALUATION REPORT

                                     on the

                         COPPER ROAD I-IV MINERAL CLAIM

Nanaimo Mining Division                                           NTS 092K014/24

Vancouver, B.C.                                      Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
June 13, 2005                                        Laurence Sookochoff, PEng

             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
Introduction                                                                  3.
Summary                                                                       3.
Property Description, Location & Access                                       4.
Climate                                                                       4.
Physiography and Vegetation                                                   4.
Infrastructure                                                                4.
Water and Power                                                               5.
History                                                                       5.
Production History                                                            6.
Regional Geology                                                              7.
Property Geology                                                              8.
Aeromagnetics                                                                 8.
Landsat Imagery                                                               8.
Mineralization                                                                8.
Conclusions                                                                   9.
Recommended Exploration Program & Estimated Cost                              9.
Selected References                                                          11.
Certificate                                                                  12.

Figure 1. Location Map-Glove                 following page 3.
Figure 2. Claim Map                          following page 4.
Figure 3. Topographic Map                    following page 5.
Figure 4. Geology                            following page 6.
Figure 5. Aeromag Map                        following page 7.
Figure 6. Landsat Image                      following page 8.

Appendix I   Table of Formations of Vancouver Island

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 2 of l3

             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005

At the request of officials of Cantop  Ventures  Inc. the writer  prepared  this
evaluation  report on the Copper Road I-VI mineral claim ground,  the results of
the  exploration,  and to  recommend  an  exploration  program to  continue  the
exploration  and  development of the ground with a view to establish  sufficient
copper-gold-silver  bearing  reserves  on  which to base a  productive  economic

Information  for this report was obtained  from sources as cited under  Selected
References  and from  personal  reports the writer has  written on the  specific

The Copper Road I-VT  mineral  claim is comprised of a six cell claim block with
an area of approximately 150 hectares.  The property is located on Quadra Island
within 200 kilometres of Vancouver,  the largest city within  British  Columbia,

The property includes a mineralized shear zone from which historic production of
some  4,736  tonnes of  mineralized  material  was  reportedly  mined from which
approximately  87,181 grams  silver,  716 grams gold,  and 182,729  kilograms of
copper were  recovered  (MINDEP).  The  production  was  obtained  from two main
mineralized  "shoots"  hosted by a shear zone indicated to have a width of up to
nine  metres  and to  extend  for 1,400  metres  along  strike.  Mineralization,
although  sparse in drill hole  intersections  testing an IP anomaly  1,000 feet
distant, has been defined to a depth of 200 feet. Mineralization is comprised of
quartz,  calcite,  bornite,   chalcocite,   chalcopyrite,   native  copper,  and

Previous  exploration  included  diamond  drilling and geophysical  surveys from
which estimates of mineral  reserves were 115,000 tons copper and silver grading
2.8% Cu and 0.5 oz Ag per ton by  Anaconda  (Wahl,  1983) and 60,000 tons of +2%
copper subject to  confirmation  by drilling and  underground  exploration by H.
Wall,  P.Eng.,  (1983).  Metallurgical  tests completed in 1998 indicated that a
recovery  of 91% of the copper  could be  achieved.  It was stated that the good
copper recovery by flotation  suggests that an all-flotation  procedure may be a
viable process for recovery.

A continuing program of data compilation, geochemical and geophysical surveys is
recommended to delineate  potentially economic mineral zones hosted by the shear

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 3 of l3

             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005

The property  consists of one-six cell claim  covering an area of  approximately
150 hectares. Particulars are as follows:

Claim Name               Cells       Tenure No.          Expiry Date
- ----------               -----       ----------          -----------
CopperRoad I-VI            6             504801       January, 25, 2006

The property is located on Quadra Island,  which is between Vancouver Island and
the British  Columbia  mainland,  within three  kilometres off the east coast of
Vancouver  Island.  The  coordinates of the property are  125(degree)  18' 05" W
Longitude  and  50(degree)  11' 05" N Latitude in the Nanaimo  Mining  Division,
within Map Sheet NTS 082K03W.

Access from Vancouver  Island is by a fifteen minute ferry trip from the city of
Campbell River to Quathiaski  Cove on Quadra Island thence for 18 kilometres via
the Heriot Bay road,  the North Island road, and the Gowland B. road to the head
of Granite Bay. From that point there are several  four-wheel drive access roads
to the north, northwest, and west of the property. The property is approximately
three kilometres east of Deepwater Bay.. The road distance from Vancouver to the
property is approximately 200 kilometres.

The claims  are owned as to 100% by Cantop  Ventures  Inc.  which  entitles  the
company  to the  sub-surface  mineral  rights.  The  company  does  not have any
interest in the surface  rights.  To maintain the  ownership of the claims,  the
company is obligated to either complete  exploration work of one hundred dollars
per cell per year for three years thence two hundred dollars per cell thereafter
or the payment of the equivalent of cash in lieu prior to the Expiry Date

The property is not known to be subject to any environmental liabilities.

The general  climate is typically of the west coast  temperate zone with mild to
cool temperatures and periodic heavy rainfall from November to March with a warm
summer season of temperatures  averaging 60 degrees F. Snowfall may occur during
the rainy season.

The property  covers ground of moderate to steep forested  mountain  slopes with
elevations ranging from 150 metres to 450 metres above sea level.  Vegetation is
dominated by stands of forest  growth  comprised  of pine,  hemlock and fir with
moderate undergrowth of salal and brush.

Campbell River, in addition to many smaller centres on Vancouver  Island,  could
be a source of  experienced  and  reliable  exploration  and  mining  personnel.
Vancouver,  some 75 kilometres  distant,  plus a one and one-half ferry trip, is
the centre for experienced  exploration and mining  contractors and a supply for
most mining related equipment.

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 4 of l3

            Figure 2. Claim Map. Tenure 504801. Cantop Ventures, Inc.

             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005

Sufficient  water for all phases of the  exploration  program could be available
from numerous water courses within the confines of the property.

Diesel-electrical  power  would be required in the  development  and  production

The history of the Copper Road property is reported as follows:

1919:   The Copper Road mineral showings were discovered

1961:   Golden Contract Mines drilled eight shallow diamond drill holes totaling
        948 feet. The holes were centred on the shaft area.

1963:   Anaconda  optioned the property and diamond  drilled 11,740 feet thereby
        establishing a mineral reserve of 115,000 tons copper and silver grading
        2.8% Cu and 0.5 oz Ag per ton (Wahl, 1983).

1962-1969: Lease mined by Robert J. Bennet who sank a 100 foot shaft and shipped
        5,000 DST to the  Brittania  concentrator  located  on the west coast of
        British Columbia some 40 kilometres north of Vancouver.

1953-1968: Total  production of 5,220 imperial tons resulting in the recovery of
        23 ounces of gold, 2,802 ounces of silver, and 402,848 pounds of copper.

1962:   Geo-Recon, Inc. conducted a geophysical investigation on the Copper Road
        Property.  It was concluded that there are several ore bodies other than
        those presently exposed at the Copper Road Property and that it would be
        worthwhile to investigate further the areas detected by this survey.

1970:   Optioned by Western Mines who  conducted  geological,  geochemical,  and
        geophysical surveys and drilled eight core holes for 4,737 feet.

1981:   H. Wall,  P.Eng.,  estimated  a mineral  resource  of 60,000 tons of +2%
        copper subject to confirmation by drilling and underground  exploration.
        Wahl also reported that a higher grade extension could be included.

1997:   A bench scale  jig-column test was conducted by Ortech on copper samples
        from the Copper Road mineral zone.  Robert de Laat reported  (1997) that
        50% of  extractable  copper  was  leached  in 48  hours on minus 10 mesh
        material and 65% of  extractable  copper was leached in 4 hours on minus
        65 mesh material. As only 25% extraction was achieved by this method, it
        was  recommended  that  flotation  test work  should be  undertaken  for
        sulfide mineral collection.

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 5 of l3

    Figure 3. Topographic Map showing Tenure 504801 of Cantop Ventures, Inc.

             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005

1998:      Process Research  Associates Ltd. conducted a copper recovery test on
           a  composite  sub-sample  from the  Copper  Road  mineral  zone.  The
           reported  results were that 91.3% of the copper could be recovered by
           a sulphuric acid leach followed by flotation of the leach residue. It
           was stated that the good copper  recovery by flotation  suggests that
           an all-flotation procedure may be a viable process for recovery.

According  to the BC  Government  MINFILE  production  records,  the  history of
production from the Copper Road property is as follows:

Production        Tonnes                           Grams          Kilograms
  Year            Mined        Commodity         Recovered        Recovered
  ----            -----        ---------         ---------        ---------

  1968           1,846          Silver            36,391
                                Gold                 156
                                Copper                             68,542

  1967             511          Silver             9,455
                                Gold                 156
                                Copper                             16,533

  1966           1,586          Silver            20,683
                                Gold                 342
                                Copper                             53,717

  1965             502          Silver             8,118
                                Gold                  62
                                Copper                             18,312

  1962              40          Silver             1,151
                                Copper                              2,128

  1961              79          Silver             2,706
                                Copper                              6,093

  1956              11          Silver               995
                                Copper                              2,182

  1953             161          Silver             7,682
                                Copper                             15,222

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 6 of 13

             Figure 4. Geology. Tenure 504801. Cantop Ventures, Inc.

             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005


The  Copper  Road  property  area  is  within  the  Insular  Belt  which  is the
westernmost major tectonic subdivision of the Canadian Cordillera.  According to
Muller (1979), the Insular Belt (Island  Mountains)  contains a middle Paleozoic
and  a  Jurassic   volcanic-plutonic   complex,  both  apparently  underlain  by
gneiss-migmatite  terranes and overlain respectively by  PermoPennsylvanian  and
Cretaceous  elastic   sediments.   A  thick  shield  of  Upper  Triassic  basalt
((Karmutsen  Formation) overlain by carbonate-elastic  sediments separates these
two in space and time.

The  area  is  dominated  by the  Karmutsen  Formation  of the  Vancouver  Group
(muTrVsv) which is intruded by the Island Intrusions (LJKgd). The Karmutsen,  as
described by Muller (1977) is

     ...composed  of  theolitic  volcanic  rocks,  up to 6,000  metres thick and
underlying a large part of the Island. In Carlisle's (1974) standard section the
formation is  composed'of  a lower member,  about 2,600 metres thick,  of pillow
lava; a middle  member about 800 metres  thick,  of pillow  breccia and aquagene
tuff; and an upper member about 2,900 metres thick,  of massive flows with minor
interbedded  pillow lava,  breccia,  and sedimentary  layers.  Except in contact
zones with granitic  intrusions the volcanics exhibit low-grade  metamorphism up
to prehnite-pumpellyite grade..."

The Island  Intrusions as batholiths and stocks of granitoid  rocks ranging from
quartz diorite (potash  feldspar less than 10% of total feldspar;  quartz 5-20%)
to granite (potash  feldspar more than 1/3 of total  feldspar;  quartz more than
20%). The  Intrusions  underlie  about  one-quarter of the Island's  surface and
intrude  Sicker,   Vancouver,  and  Bonanza  Group  rocks  (Muller,  1977).  The
southeastern limit of the Bedwell Batholith,  part of the Island Intrusives,  is
covered in part by the property and extends northeasterly for 70 kilometres.

The structure of the Island is almost entirely  dominated by steep faults.  Only
the  flysch-type  Pennsylvanian  and  Jura-Cretaceous  sediments and  associated
thin-bedded  tuffs show isoclinal shear folding.  Faulting and rifting  probably
occurred   during  the  outflow  of  Karmutsen  lavas  in  Late  Triassic  time,
establishing the northerly and westerly  directed fault systems affecting Sicker
and Vancouver Group rocks (Muller, 1977).

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 7 of 13

           Figure 5. Aeromag Map. Tenure 504801. Cantop Ventrues, Inc.

             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005

According to the British  Columbia  MINFILE  Report on the Copper Road (92K 060)
the claims are  underlain  by dark green to green  andesitic  lavas of the Upper
Triassic  Karmutsen  Formation,  Vancouver  Group.  Amygdaloidal  areas  contain
zeolite  and  epidote,  and  in  one  place  hematite  and  chalcopyrite  filled

Wahl (1983) reports that in the east the volcanics are in fault contact with the
younger Triassic Quatsino Formation;  a white crystallized bluish limestone with
occasional white recrystallized zones.

A shear zone up to nine metres wide and 1,400 metres long hosts quartz, calcite,
bornite,  chalcocite,  chalcopyrite,  native copper,  and  malachite.  The shear
strikes at 100(degree) and dips at 80(degree) to the north.

The aeromagnetic map indicates that the property is predominantly located within
a  magnetic  high,  reflecting  the  granodioritic  intrusives  as  shown by the
regional   geologic   map~.   The  contact   between  the   intrusives  and  the
sedimentary/volcanic  rocks to the east is reflected by a diminishing  high. The
differentiation  between  the  intrusives  (LJKgd)  and the  sediments/volcanics
(muTrVsv) magnetically is minimal as the volcanics to the east (Wahl, 1983), are
the Karmutsen,  containing the strongly  magnetic basaltic lava. The Copper Road
showings  (Figure  4) are  reportedly  hosted  by  volcanics,  so  would  not be
reflected in the general aeromag map.

The Landsat  Imagery shows the Copper Road I-VI property  located in a partially
mild temperate area (light green) indicating potential areas of sulfides.

The  mineralization  is  described  in the  1963  Minister  of Mines  Report  as
comprised of quartz and copper sulfides occurring in variable amounts within the
shear.  Sulfide  bearing  quartz  exposed at the shaft was not  encountered in a
drill hole that tested the shear at the 200 foot level. The shear was determined
to be strong, however, the mineralization intersected was of only sparse amounts
of bornite, chalcopyrite and native copper. At a location of an IP anomaly 1,000
feet distant,  stronger mineralization  reportedly occurs in the shear at depths
of up to 300 feet.

The Minister of Mines Report also states that native  copper and less  commonly,
chalcopyrite occurs also as isolated grains in massive andesite. Chalcopyrite is
veined by, and included in bornite and  chalcocite.  Bomite  commonly  occurs as
islands in chalcocite and as intergrowths.

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 8 of 13

          Figure 6. Landsat Image. Tenrue 504801. Cantop Ventures, Inc.
                      Showing access roads to the property.

             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005

Wall (1983)  reports that the  potential of the shear to a depth of 500 feet has
been fairly well defined and that two "ore"  shoots  referred to as the East and
the West have  been  indicated  but the  down-dip  potential  of what may be the
"feeder  zone" has not been  defined.  Wahl further  stated that this zone could
represent a former  flat-lying  channel  within flow tops which  controlled  the
initial  mineralization  and is now  tipped  on end,  or it may mark the zone of
ingress  for  hydrothermal  quartz-sulfide  entering or  traversing  the already
vertical shear.

The Copper Road 1-VI property covers a copper-gold-silver mineralized shear zone
that has shown to host significant potential economic  mineralization.  Historic
production  has been  achieved  from two localized  mineral  zones;  several ore
bodies other than those presently  exposed at the Copper Road Property have been
indicated  by  geophysical  surveys and  reportedly  it would be  worthwhile  to
investigate areas detected by this survey.

Metallurgical tests have shown that up to 91% of the copper could be recovered.


Phase I
         Compilation of previous  exploration  data;  analysis of
         the data,  compilation map and investigate the anomalous
         areas along the shear zone that are indicated to contain
         mineralization                                               $ 7,500.00

Phase II
         Localized general magnetometer and soil surveys over the
         prime indicated anomalous zones                                7,500.00

Phase III
          Detailed magnetometer and soil surveys                       15,000.00

Phase IV
          Test diamond drilling of the targets delineated within the
          potential exploration sites                                  35,000.00

                 Total Estimated Cost                                $ 65,000.00

Phase I of the recommended  exploration program is estimated to take three weeks
to complete.

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 9 of l3

           Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim 10
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005


It is the author's  opinion that the character of the Copper Road property is of
sufficient merit tojustify the recommended exploration program.

                                      Respectftilly submitted
                                      Sookochoff Consultants Inc.

                                      [ Seal of Province of British Columbia ]
                                      [ Professional Engineer                ]
                                      [ Laurence Sookochoff                  ]

                                      Laurence Sookochoff, P.Eng.

Vancouver, BC
June 13, 2005

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page l0 of 13

           Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim 10
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005


DE LAAT, R. -- Bench Scale Jig-Column Test on Network 1 Copper Ore. Ortech
               Corporation. December 4, 1997.

LIU, Q.-- Cu Recovery from a suiphide/oxide sample. Process Research Associated
          Ltd May 20, 1998.

MINFILE -- Copper Road. 092K 060.

SCHWARZ, S.D. - Reconnaissance Geophysical Investigation on the Copper Road
                Mining Property.  Geo-Recon, Inc. May, 1962.

SOOKOCHOFF, L.-- Summary Report on the Copper Road Property for Even Resources
                 Ltd. December 5, 1991.

          -    Summary  Report on the Copper Road  Property  for Beecher  Energy
               Ltd. September 15, 1994.

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 11 of 13


             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005


I, Laurence  Sookochoff,  of the City of  Vancouver,  in the Province of British
Columbia, do hereby certify:

That I am a Consulting  Geologist and principal of Sookochoff  Consultants  Inc.
with offices at 1305-1323 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5T1.

I, Laurence Sookochoff, further certify that:

1)   I am a graduate of the  University  of British  Columbia  (1966) and hold a
     B.Sc. degree in Geology.

2)   I have been practicing my profession for the past thirty-eight years.

3)   I am registered and in good standing with the  Association of  Professional
     Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia.

4)   The  information for this report is based on information as itemized in the
     Selected Reference section of this report.

5)   I do not have any  direct or  indirect  interest  in the  Copper  Road I-VI
     mineral claim nor in the securities of Cantop Ventures Inc.

                                     [ Seal of Province of British Columbia ]
                                     [ Professional Engineer                ]
                                     [ Laurence Sookochoff                  ]

                                     Laurence Sookochoff, P.Eng.

Vancouver, BC
June 13, 2005

              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 12 of 13


             Evaluation Report on the Copper Road 1-VI Mineral Claim
                          Nanaimo M.D NTS 092K 014/024
                                  June 13, 2005

                                   Appendix I


              Laurence Sookochoff PEng. Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
                                  Page 13 of 13
                          Muller (1977) Open File 463.
                    Table of Formations of Vancouver Island.

                                 FIRST AMENDMENT
                                EVALUATION REPORT

                                     on the

                        COPPER ROAD I - VI MINERAL CLAIM
                             Nanaimo Mining Division
                                 NTS 092k014/24

                                 Vancouver, B.C.
                         Originally dated June 13, 2005

                         By Sookochoff Consultants, Inc.
                           Laurence Sookochoff, P.Eng

I, Laurence Sookochoff,  President of Sookochoff Consultants,  Inc. prepared the
Evaluation  Report on the  Copper  Road I - VI  Mineral  Claim,  Nanaimo  Mining
Division,  NTS 092K014/24 dated June 13, 2005 (the "Report"). I hereby amend the
Report as follows:

         Page 4 of 13 shall be amended to reflect the new Expiry Date of January
30, 2007 with tenure number of 526652.

This  amendment is based on the agreement to extend  Purchase and Sale Agreement
Between Cantop Ventures Inc. and Larry Sostad dated March 3, 2006.

The Report shall remain unchanged in all other respects.

Dated:  March 24, 2006

                                      /s/ Laurence Sookochoff
                                      Laurence Sookochoff